lean manufacturing and the toyota production system

Lean Manufacturing and the Toyota Production System

Upload: grace-falcis

Post on 24-May-2015




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Lean Manufacturing and the Toyota

Production System

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What is Lean Manufacturing?

Lean is a set of tools that assist in the identification & steady elimination of waste (muda) , the improvement of quality, production time & cost reduction.

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Goals of Lean

• Using less materials

• Requiring less investments

• Using less inventory

• Consuming less space

• Using less people

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Toyota Production System - TPS

Created by Taiichi Ohno The Toyota Production System,Beyond

Large-Scale Production

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What is TPS?

“TPS is a production system which is a quantity control system, based on a foundation of quality, whose goal is cost reductions & the means to reduce cost is the absolute elimination of waste.”


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5 fold Definition of TPS

• Has a focus on quantity control to reduce cost by eliminating waste.

• Is built on strong foundation of processes & product quality.

• Is fully integrated.

• Is continually evolving.

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• Is perpetuated by a strong healthy culture that is managed consciously, continuously & consistently.

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2 Pillars of the TPS

• Just in Time (J.I.T.)


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Just in Time (J.I.T.)

The technique of supplying exactly the

right quantity at exactly the right time & exactly the right location.

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Is a series of cultural & technical issues regarding the use of machines and manpower together, utilizing people for the unique tasks they are able to perform & allow the machines to self-regulate the quality. It uses:

poka-yoke = fool proofing the process

andons = visual displays such as light to indicate process status

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“Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

-St. Francis of Assisi