leading into the progressive era

Leading into the Progressive Era

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Leading into the Progressive Era. Transportation needs in the cities. Trolleys and Subway companies help create suburbs New Railroad lines Elevators in tall buildings. Increased people in the cities. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Leading into the Progressive Era

Leading into the Progressive Era

Page 2: Leading into the Progressive Era

Transportation needs in the cities

• Trolleys and Subway companies help create suburbs

• New Railroad lines• Elevators in tall


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Increased people in the cities

• City and state Governments Moves to provide residents with services and safe living conditions

• Water• Sanitation• Police force• Fire fighters

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• What were some problems in the cities in the late 1800’s?

A)Poor water qualityB)Poor sanitationC)Lack of police and fire fightersD)All of the above

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Child Labor a problem

• National Child Labor Committee gathers pictures and stats. Help push for child labor laws.

• Florence Kelley helped slow Child Labor

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Farm Machines Replace labor

• McCormick Reaper and the steel plow

• More people move north

• Specifically African Americans

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• Which machine led to a migration of people, specifically blacks, from country living to the city?

A)The reaperB)More farmsC)Fires in the cityD)Poop disposal

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Unskilled jobs available in the cities

• Immigrants move to the cities. Irish especially.

• Mills and factory owners need labor

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More and more immigrants come to America

• Nativism• Federal government

creates Immigration restrictions

• Chinese Exclusion Act

• Gentlemen’s Agreement

• literacy tests

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• What is the term used to describe favoring people born in this country over those foreign born for jobs?

A)NativismB)EugenicsC)Melting potD)Plurality

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More immigrants coming to the cities

• Americanization movement to assimilate people into the “American culture

• Schools teach & Speak English and know about America

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Loss of Southern Farms and jobs for African Americans

• 200,000 African Americans move north to escape prejudice and violence.

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Lack of Jobs and increasing amounts of poor people

• Settlement HousesSocial Gospel Movement

• Hull House• Jane Addams and

others research problems in the communities

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• Which of the following people, organizations, or movements helped the urban poor?

A)Jane AddamsB)Social Gospel movementC)Settlement housesD)All of the above

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Lack of Police

• YMCA opens libraries, classes, pools and courts. Salvation Army provides food and instructs immigrants about hard work

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Poor Housing

• NYC passes laws for minimum standards for plumbing and ventilation in apartments

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Sewer lines and sanitation departments created in cities.

“When a horse died, its carcass would be left to rot until it had disintegrated enough for someone to pick up the pieces. Children would play with dead horses lying on the streets. “

Sewer lines and sanitation departments created in cities

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Political Corruption in Government

• Direct election of senators (17th amend.)

• Secret ballot elections• Initiative• Referendum• Recall• Federal, state, and local


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• Which of the following was/were designed to stop corruption in politics?

A)InitiativeB)Secret ballotC)RecallD)All of the above

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Black inequality

W.E.B. Dubois helped develop the NAACP.

Booker T. Washington helped put together the Tuskegee Institute for training and educating black people

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• President Teddy Roosevelt busted up trusts.

• President William Howard Taft busted up more.

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Middle class grows

• Less work hours, more recreation time

• Amusement parks

• Spectator Sports

• Newspapers & magazines

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• Spectator sports, bicycles, amusement parks all became a lot more popular because of the growth of …

A)The Lower classB)The Middle classC)No classD)Mr. Socha’s class

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Struggle against lynching

• Ida B. Wells wrote about the struggle against lynching and battle for Civil Rights

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• This women wrote and lectured about lynching in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

A)Ida B. WellsB)Ida B. BoredC)Ida One PassingD)Ida Tarbell

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Poor Food Preparation

• Congress passed the Pure food and drug act 1906

• Roosvelt passed the Meat Inspection Act of 1906

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Inefficiency in the workplace

• Henry Ford- Used the assembly line to speed up production

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Corrupt Business practices• “Muckrakers” wrote about

the corrupt side of business in magazines and newspapers.

• Ida Tarbell- Standard oil• Ida B. Wells- Lynching• Eugene V. Debs- Capitalism• Upton Sinclair- Treatment of

immigrants and meat industry “The Jungle”

Page 29: Leading into the Progressive Era

• What book did Muckraker Upton Sinclair write that dealt with the horrors of the meatpacking industry and immigrants?

A)The suburbsB)The JungleC)The MountainsD)The classroom

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Nationwide Child abuse and Alcohol abuse

• NCLC-National Child Labor Committee helped with pictures and investigations

• Florence Kelley-advocate for children and women in the workplace

• Cary Nation and WCTU- worked for Prohibition

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Lack of Education

• State laws require attendance

• Help teach immigrants

• Growth of High schools

• Colleges gain more students

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Lack of Women’s Rights

• Susan B. Anthony• Elizabeth Cady Stanton• Start NAWSA-National

Women Suffrage Association

• Men feared change in Society

• Women’s suffrage the goal (voting)

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• The main goal of women in the early 20th century was…

A)Cool hairB)Suffrage (voting)C)Political officeD)To be a teacher