leadership in participatory economy- cch user conf 2011

Leadership in the Participatory Economy 1 Presented by: Tom Hood, CPA.CITP CEO Maryland Association of CPAs Business Learning Institute CCH Connections 2011 November 7, 2011 San Antonio, TX

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Is Leadership changing? and if so, how and why? This engaging presentation developed for the CCH User Conference explores the research and case studies that demonstrate the need for a new form of leadership - based on strengths, facilitating conversations, and tapping the energy of your workforce. We call it i2a: Insights to Action.


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Leadership in the Participatory Economy


Presented by: Tom Hood, CPA.CITP CEO Maryland Association of CPAs Business Learning Institute

CCH Connections 2011 November 7, 2011 San Antonio, TX

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Download today’s slides at …


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Is leadership changing?

If so, how?

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American Institute of CPAs

What CPAs have said abut the future:

1.  Changing demographics - Aging workforce, diversity, 4 generations in the workplace

2.  Increased globalization, economic shifts and increasing competition 3.  The technological revolution - cloud, social, big data & XBRL 4.  Issues around Information Security, Privacy & data integrity 5.  Shift to consumer and employee power (from push to pull) 6.  Changes in the way we communicate - mobile, txt, skype 7.  Work-life challenges or conflict - "do more with less", 24/7 work 8.  Information Overload - filter failure 9.  Increasing complexity of rules and standards (IFRS, GAAP, PCAOB,

SEC) 10. Economic uncertainty - deficit, debt and pressure on government

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We  can  choose  to  harness  the  winds  of  change  

The tornado of changes from CPA Vision Project circa 2000

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From  feeling  “lonely  at  the  top”  

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To  the  wisdom  of  the  crowd  

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Is this working for you?

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How  is  leadership  changing?  

“What got you here won’t get you there.” – Emmanuel Gobillot - Leadershift

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Leadership  is  DEAD  • Democra?c  • Exper?se  • AAen?on  • Diverse  

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What  hasn’t  changed  about  leadership?  

•  Engagement •  Alignment •  Commitment •  Accountability

“First I get all of my men facing the same direction.” - Napoleon

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CLO magazine shows the changing role of leaders

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Leadership  is…  

The  ability  to  gain  insights  and  the  ap?tude  to  turn  them  into  ac?on  –  

Insights  to  Ac?on    

-­‐  Tom  Hood  &  Gretchen  Pisano  

 (one  without  the  other  is  either  useless  or  destruc?ve)  

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From:  Command  &  Control      To:  Connect  &  Collaborate  

Leadership is Connect & Collaborate!

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What  do  leading  organiza?ons  look  like?  

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Leadership  =  Mul?plica?on  • 15  X  –  ROI  strategy  as  process  &  alignment  

• 8  X  –  Strengths  • 6  X  –  Trust  &  Engagement  • 3  X  -­‐  Posi?vity  

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Zappos  –  the  future  of  work  

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The  Par?cipatory  Leader  

•  Knows  his/her  strengths  and  the  strengths  of  others  

•  Sets  context  and  defines  reality  •  Asks  powerful  ques?ons  to  seek  high  leverage  opportuni?es  

•  Taps  the  collec?ve  wisdom  of  the  team  and  connects  them  to  the  organiza?on’s  purpose  &  values  

•  Inspires  ac?on!  

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Leadership  based  on  posi?vity,  that  seeks  to  build  on  individual  and  organiza?onal  strengths  and  

collaborates  to  con?nuously  learn.  It  is  constantly  considering  the  context  and  asking  powerful  ques?ons,  learning,  reflec?ng,  and  crea?ng  

pathways  to  the  future.      

First,  Know  Thyself!  Strengths-­‐Based  Leadership  

Self-­‐awareness  in  the  moment  

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Humans are fundamentally “sight” creatures

And the power of making our thinking visible to others…

We need longer sightlines during periods of rapid


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As knowledge moves from stocks to flows, how do we stop our inventory

from becoming obsolete?

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Five Qualities of Extraordinary Leaders 1.  Sight - Ability to see emerging

patterns and shift perspective when necessary

2.  Insight – Ability to think strategically and critically to gain insights

3.  Create – Seek high leverage opportunities that build on your strengths

4.  Communicate - Ability to make your thinking visible to others and the ability to collaborate inside and outside your organization

5.  Inspire – Ability to mobilize support and engage others involved in doing the work to join you in ACTION


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Effective transfer of tacit knowledge generally requires

extensive personal contact and trust. - Wikipedia

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Setting context & defining reality

The  four  most  important  words  for  organiza?ons  are,  “what  do  you  

think?”  -­‐  Tom  Peters  

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Connec?ng  them  to  the  purpose  

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The  wisdom  of  the  crowd  –  an  example  from  the  2011  AICPA  EDGE  Conference  

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MBSN!  Management  by  S?cky  Notes  Sharing  by  making  your  thinking  visible  

&  your  ideas  portable  

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How  is  leadership  changing?  

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How  is  Leadership  changing?  

•  More  democra?c  –  moving  from  push  to  pull  •  Flexible  &  adaptable  –  capable  of  responding  to  faster  rates  of  change  

•  Increased  risk  &  less  ?me  to  make  decisions  •  Con?nuous  learning  (L>C)  for  individuals  and  organiza?ons  

•  Need  for  more  younger  leaders  •  Long-­‐range  vision  +  strong  core  values    

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Leadership  Wordle  


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What  do  young  professionals  need  to  be  leaders?  

•  “Som  skills”  broader  and  more  diverse  knowledge  in  leadership,  management,  change  &  business  development  

•  Ability  to  tap  into  networks  (AICPA,  others)  to  con?nuously  learn  (including  social  media)  

•  Learn  and  teach  collabora?on,  &  leadership  •  How  to  embrace  change  and  be  flexible  &  adaptable  •  Learn  how  to  lead  teams  •  Bridge  the  gap  between  “older  leaders”  and  “younger  

leaders”  •  Learn  about  themselves  (Strengths-­‐based  leadership)  so  

they  can  be  more  purposeful,  proac?ve  &  mo?vated  

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Does  it  really  work?  CPA  Examples  

AICPA Major Firms

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Collabora?on  &  the  wisdom  of  the  crowd  

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Some closing thoughts “It is hard to plan for the long term future when you don’t know what is going to happen five minutes from now. Today, a competitive edge is thin and temporary; the edge quickly becomes the margin. The ability to define the edge, and the ultimate competitive advantage, is found in the smarts, heart and ingenuity of your people - that's your powerhouse. Tap that, train it, focus it and mobilize it; now you've engaged a network and inspired a sustainable shift. Insight to action, one without the other is either useless or destructive.”

-Tom Hood & Gretchen Pisano co-authors of the i2a: Insights to Action Strategic Thinking System


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Insights  to  Go!  

is a custom i2a application designed and developed by BLI and SBI • www.bizlearning.net © 2011 “CPA Horizons 2025.” All rights reserved.

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A leader’s job is to…

Provide hope & inspiration!

Tom Hood & Gretchen Pisano

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•  Future Forums –  http://www.bizlearning.net/live/i2afutureforums –  Leadership Development –  http://www/bizlearning.net/live/i2aleadership

•  Customized Training –  http://www.bizlearning.net/learningcenter/

•  Search our Catalog –  http://www.bizlearning.net/learningcenter/


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Tom  Hood,  CPA.CITP  CEO  

Maryland  Associa8on  of  CPAs  Business  Learning  Ins8tute  

(443)  632-­‐2301  E-­‐mail  [email protected]  

Web  hNp://www.macpa.org  Blog  hNp://www.cpasuccess.com  hNp://www,bizlearningblog.com  


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Leadership blogs:


www.bizlearningblog.com Follow me on:

  Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/tomhood

  LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tomhood

  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thoodcpa

 Plaxo: http://tomhood.myplaxo.com

 Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/thoodcpa

 Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/thoodcpa

 Second Life avatar name: Rocky Maddaloni

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