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Le Journal TOK.

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Post on 06-Mar-2018




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Le Journal TOK.

IS the TOK Journal Mandatory ?

!   1) Yes

!   3) No but highly recommended

!   2) NO

!   4) TOK what?

In the TOK Journal I have to write one page a week?

!   1) Yes !   2) NO

In the TOK Journal, I have to write a reflexion which shows to my teacher that I am able to construct links between different topics.

!   1) Yes !   2) NO

I have watched the news, and learned about the death of Nelson Mandela. His life, inspired me a reflection about the links between cultural perspectives and ethics as a way of knowing.

!   1) This is a good weekly entry

!   2) This is not a good entry because I must write about what we talk in TOK class.

May I talk about my personal life in my TOK Journal.

!   1) Yes if it’s analyzed. !   2).No.

!   3) Yes, personal knowledge is a source of knowledge..

I have watched Shoa, a documentary (Claude Lanzman). This movie is a good way to think about the following question : “How emotion improve historical knowledge?”

!   1) This is a good weekly entry because it makes a link between History (AOK), Emotion (WOK) and Art (AOK).

!   2) This is a very good entry because I would be able to construct a link between my movie course, my History class and my TOK essay.

May I draw something in my TOK Journal, or paste a photography in my TOK Journal?

!   1) Yes if it’s analyzed.

!   2).No, everything has to be written.

Mr Grolier, in class, talked about literature as a common culture and it was very interesting, all French students have read at least one theater piece of Moliere.

!   1) This is a good weekly entry because it’s the opportunity to think about what is a shared knowledge, an important word in the TOK vocabulary.

!   2) This is a very good entry because I could construct link between Art (AOK) and shared knowledge, a transversal concept in TOK.

What is the keyword for TOK Journal?



Personal knowledge

Shared knowledge

Is the TOK knowledge graded?

!   YES

!   Maybe

!   NO

What have I to do in a TOK entry?

!   1) Address an issue, questioning thinking.

!   4) Use specific, accurate concept, as we do in Philosophy.

!   2) Construct links between WOK – AOK.

!   3) Use specific and accurate example.

Why is the TOK Journal useful?

!   1) With the TOK Journal I have to think TOK in each Class.

!   3) With the TOK Journal, I am getting ready for TOK presentation.

!   2) With the TOK Journal, I have to think TOK in my personal life.

!   4) With the TOK Journal, I am getting ready for TOK Essay.