lds youth survey 9-28-2015

1 2015 Youth Survey Research Information Division The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants. This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

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LDS Youth Survey on media usage. 9/28/2015.



2015 Youth Survey Research Information Division

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q1 Dear <Jane Doe>,

Thank you for participating in this survey about how you use media in your life.

You are not required to answer any question, and you may stop the survey at any time.

We expect this survey to take about 20-30 minutes to complete. Please answer as honestly as



Brian D. Harris

Research Information Division

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

[email protected]

1-800-453-3860, ext. 22727

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q2 For each of the following devices, please indicate whether you personally own one or if your

family owns one.

Select all that apply.

I have my own My family has one that I can use whenever I want


Basic cell phone (not a smartphone)

Desktop computer

Laptop computer


Portable audio player (e.g., iPod)

Gaming console

Media streaming device or Smart TV (e.g., Roku, Apple


eBook reader (e.g., Kindle, Nook)

Q3 How often do you use the following social networking sites or media?

Never or rarely

About weekly About once a day

Multiple times a day

Almost constantly








Other (please specify)

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q4 Do you have any of these online accounts?

Yes, I have my own account

No, but I use the account of a parent or other family member

No, I don't use any account











Hulu Plus

Q5 How often do you use social networking websites or apps (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, etc.)

on the following devices?

Never Less than once a week

About weekly

About once a day

Multiple times a day

Almost constantly

On a smartphone

On a tablet

On any other

device (e.g.,


This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q6 Are you male or female?



Prefer not to answer

Q7 What is your race or ethnicity?

Select all that apply.


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

American Indian or Alaska Native

Asian or Filipino

Hispanic or Latino

Some other race

Prefer not to answer

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This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q8 How often do you typically attend LDS church meetings on Sundays?


Less than once a month

About once a month

2-3 times a month

Almost every week

Q9 If it was totally up to you, how often would you attend LDS church meetings on Sunday?


Less than once a month

About once a month

2-3 times a month

Almost every week

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This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q10 How often do you typically attend LDS youth activities (e.g., mutual, Scouts) during the

week (not on Sundays)?


Less than once a month

About once a month

2-3 times a month

Almost every week

Q11 If was totally up to you, how often would you attend LDS youth activities (e.g., mutual,

Scouts) during the week (not on Sundays)?


Less than once a Month

About once a Month

2-3 times a month

Almost every week

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This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q12 How often do you typically attend LDS seminary (during the school year)?


Less than once a week

About once a week

2-3 times a week

Almost every day

Not applicable - I'm not old enough or haven't had an opportunity to attend

Q13 When you attend seminary, is it early morning or during the school day?

Early morning

During the school day

Something else (explain) ____________________

Q14 If was totally up to you, how often would you attend LDS seminary (during the school



Less than once a week

About once a week

2-3 times a week

Almost every day

Not applicable - I'm not old enough or haven't had an opportunity to attend

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

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© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q15 What is the highest level of education that your father has completed?

Less than high school diploma

High school graduate

Technical/vocational or business degree or certificate

Some college, no degree

Associate degree

College graduate

Masters, Doctorate, or other professional degree (JD, MBA, PhD, etc.)

Don't know

Q16 What is the highest level of education that your mother has completed?

Less than high school diploma

High school graduate

Technical/vocational or business degree or certificate

Some college, no degree

Associate degree

College graduate

Masters, Doctorate, or other professional degree (JD, MBA, PhD, etc.)

Don't know

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q17 Are any of the following ever problems when you are using technology?

Not a problem at all

A small problem

A major problem

Slow internet speed

Data plan usage limits (by data carrier)

Parental rules about technology use

Parental controls (e.g., built-in time limits on the device)

Q18 In the past 7 days, how much time did you spend each day watching TV, watching videos,

using the internet for entertainment, or playing video games?

None An hour or two Three to six hours

More than six hours

On a typical weekday(Monday through Friday)

On Saturday

On Sunday

Q19 How often do you read or send messages through the following media?

Never or rarely

About weekly

About once a


Several times a


Almost constantly

Text messages

Facebook Messenger (app or online)



Other messaging service (please specify)

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q20 Please rate the importance to you of the following activities.

Not at all important

Somewhat important

Very important

Messaging (texting, Snapping, Skype, email, etc.)

Listening to music

Watching videos

Using social media (e.g., browsing or sharing on Facebook,

Instagram, etc.)

Playing games

Browsing the Internet (other than social media)

Q21 In the last 2 months, how often have you personally used the internet for any of the

following activities? (Select all that apply)

Never or


About weekly

About once a day

Several times a


Almost constantly

Messaging (texting, Snapping, Skype, email, etc.)

Listening to music

Watching videos

Using social media (e.g., browsing or sharing on Facebook, Instagram,


Playing games

Browsing the Internet (other than social media)

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q22 For each LDS Church resource listed below, which format (paper or digital) do you use the


Paper Digital Both paper and digital equally

I do not use this


Church magazines (e.g.,

The New Era)

Q23 Which of the following electronic devices do you typically take with you . . . Select all that

apply, whether or not you use the device when you take it with you.

to church on Sundays?

to mutual? to seminary? to family scripture study or family home




eBook reader

MP3 player

Laptopor notebook

Other device (please specify)

None of these

Does not apply

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© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q24 If you had questions about a difficult subject (such as same-sex marriage, abuse, divorce,

etc.), to which of the following would you turn for answers?

Definitely would NOT

Probably would NOT

Might Probably would

Definitely Would

Not applicable

Mother (or step-mother)

Father (or step-father)


Other relative


Social media (e.g., Facebook, etc.)

Youth leader from church

Member of the bishopric

Seminary teacher

Church website (e.g.,,

Google or other website

Other (please specify)

Q25 Of all the friends you are connected to on social media, about how many do you think are


None or very few




All or almost all

I don't use social media

Q26 Please list up to five apps produced by the LDS Church that you use most often.

LDS App #1 ___________

LDS App #2 ___________

LDS App #3 ___________

LDS App #4 ___________

LDS App #5 ___________

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q27 Which of the following LDS Church social networking sites have you used, followed, or


Please select the answer that most closely matches your experience.

I have used it I know about it, but I haven't used it

I don't know about it

LDS Church Facebook

Mormon Channel Facebook

LDS Youth Facebook

Mormon Channel YouTube

LDS Youth YouTube

LDS Church Twitter

LDS Church Pinterest

LDS Church Instagram

LDS Youth Instagram

Q28 When do you use Church websites and apps?

Select all that apply.

Preparing for a church lesson or talk

Preparing for or participating in family home evening

Seeing what's new

Participating in seminary

Participating at church

Studying on my own

Studying with my family

Sharing the gospel with a friend or relative

Looking for something inspirational

Looking for answers to questions

When I'm bored on Sundays

Doing family history work or indexing

Looking for a phone number or email address

I don't use Church websites or apps

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This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q29 In the past 2 months, which of the following websites and applications have you used to

view or connect to LDS Church videos?

Select all that apply. Do not count videos seen at church or in seminary.

Mormon Channel App


Social networking site (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

Bible Videos App

Gospel Library App

Other, please specify ____________________

I don't watch LDS Church videos

Q30 In the past 2 months, have you used any of the following devices to access LDS Church


Select all that apply.

Laptop or desktop computer



Media streaming device or Smart TV

Game console

Television or DVD player

Other (please specify) ____________________

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q31 Which of the following topics would you

like to see more of on LDS websites and


Select all that apply.

The entire list will not be displayed; a

random subset of 15 choices will be

displayed to each respondent.


Answers to common questions

Application of principles to real life

Being a friend



Choosing good friends

Core Church beliefs

Church history

Church leaders

Coping with loss and grief

Current social issues

Dating and relationships

Dealing with doubts

Defending faith with love

Depression or anxiety

Dress and grooming

Duty to God

Family History

Gaining a personal testimony

Getting along with my family

Inspiration or motivation

Jesus Christ



Overcoming peer pressure or temptation

Patriarchal blessings

Personal Progress

Pornography or addictions

Recognizing the Spirit or revelation

Religious freedom


Same-sex attraction


Scripture study ideas



Sharing the gospel

Standards of behavior

Talking to parents about difficult or

awkward topics

The Restoration of the Gospel

Understanding the Atonement

Using technology righteously

Women in the Church


Youth activities

Other (please specify)


None of the above

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© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q32 What would you like to see on LDS Church websites and apps?

Be as specific as you can. (300 character max.)

Q33 Does anyone in your home subscribe to The New Era magazine (paper copy)?



Don't know

Q34 The New Era is issued once every month. In the past year, about how many issues of The

New Era did you read any part of?

Include print versions and any digital versions.

None of them

Fewer than half of them

About half of them

More than half of them

All of them

Q35 Think of the last time you saw The New Era. About how much of the magazine did you


Include print versions and any digital versions.

None of it

Less than half of it

About half of it

More than half of it

All of it

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q36 Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Strongly disagree

Disagree Neither agree nor disagree

Agree Strongly agree

I enjoy being alone with my thoughts.

If I had to wait somewhere, I would

rather meet new people than play on a phone.

I would rather talk to my friends in person than through technology.

I like to participate in sports or other physical


I post things on social media so that I can get feedback from others.

I like getting a lot of feedback on social

media (comments and likes, etc.)

I always know why I am getting online.

I like learning about things that are going on

in the world.

Q37 Click and drag the slider to the position that you feel best represents how well each

statement describes you.

Answer choices range from “This does not describe me at all” to “This describes me very well.”

______ When I watch a video online, I usually look for it specifically (rather than finding it by


______ When I watch a video online, I usually watch it because I'm bored.

______ When I watch a video online, it is usually because I want to learn something.

______ When I watch a video online, it is usually because someone has shared it with me.

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q38 Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Strongly disagree

Disagree Neither agree nor disagree

Agree Strongly agree

I use technology as a way to keep in touch

with people.

I use social media to get to know people


I actively choose what I watch, listen to, or read.

I get distracted when I'm using the internet.

I enjoy reading.

I read at least one magazine regularly.

I read anything that is left on the table at


This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q39 Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Strongly disagree

Disagree Neither agree nor


Agree Strongly agree

I tend to use media more when I'm stressed.

I tend to distract myself from problems I have in

my life.

I sometimes use social media (including texting)

just to kill time.

I use social media as a way to form opinions about


My opinions about things are influenced by what I

read or see online.

I use the things I read, listen to, and watch to

define who I am.

I use media to strengthen my opinions about things

that I already believe.

I like to use several different types of media

(e.g., music, social media, videos) at the same time.

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q40 Many youth in the Church have thought about whether the Church is right for them. Read

each item and indicate to what degree it reflects your own thoughts and feelings. If a statement

has more than one part, please indicate your reaction to the statement as a whole.

Strongly disagree

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree

Strongly agree

It's important to find out for myself what I believe.

I have had to think hard about what I believe in.

I leave most decisions about my religion to my parents.

When it comes to religion, I know what I believe.

I'm interested in religion right now.

I'm still making up my mind about what I believe.

It's important for me not to question my religious


I haven't found a religion that I really like.

I have never really questioned the things I


I'm not sure what religion means to me.

When it comes to religion, I mostly just believe what my

parents taught me.

I feel confident that the things I believe are true.

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q41 Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Strongly disagree

Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree

Agree Strongly Agree

Being recognized as a good member of the LDS Church is important to me.

Keeping up with current events in the

LDS Church is important to me.

Receiving positive feedback from

members of the LDS Church is important

to me.

Q42 How much do you enjoy attending each of the following?

Not at all A little Some A lot Not applicable

Sunday School class

Young Women class

Aaronic Priesthood quorum meeting (on


Mutual activities

Scouting activities

Family Home Evening


This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Note: For Q43 – Q47, only two questions will be displayed, at random.

Q43 Imagine that the Church is getting ready to produce a message for youth about the doctrine

of the Atonement. In what format would you prefer to receive a message on this topic?

Text only (e.g., an article)

Image (e.g., a picture or meme)

Music (e.g., an EFY song)

Spoken word (e.g., a podcast, talk)

A video with actors (e.g., a dramatization)

A video with real people (e.g., an interview)

An animated video (e.g., a whiteboard drawing)

Some other format (please specify) ____________________

No preference

Q44 Imagine that the Church is getting ready to produce a message for youth about being a

good friend. In what format would you prefer to receive a message on this topic?

Text only (e.g., an article)

Image (e.g., a picture or meme)

Music (e.g., an EFY song)

Spoken word (e.g., a podcast, talk)

A video with actors (e.g., a dramatization)

A video with real people (e.g., an interview)

An animated video (e.g., a whiteboard drawing)

Some other format (please specify) ____________________

No preference

Q45 Imagine that the Church is getting ready to produce a message for youth about tolerance.

In what format would you prefer to receive a message on this topic?

Text only (e.g., an article)

Image (e.g., a picture or meme)

Music (e.g., an EFY song)

Spoken word (e.g., a podcast, talk)

A video with actors (e.g., a dramatization)

A video with real people (e.g., an interview)

An animated video (e.g., a whiteboard drawing)

Some other format (please specify) ____________________

No preference

This document is intended only for review by parents of survey participants.

This document is confidential. Please do not share, copy, or distribute.

© 2015 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


Q46 Imagine that the Church is getting ready to produce a message for youth about

explaining the Church's position on same-sex marriage to your friends. In what format would

you prefer to receive a message on this topic?

Text only (e.g., an article)

Image (e.g., a picture or meme)

Music (e.g., an EFY song)

Spoken word (e.g., a podcast, talk)

A video with actors (e.g., a dramatization)

A video with real people (e.g., an interview)

An animated video (e.g., a whiteboard drawing)

Some other format (please specify) ____________________

No preference

Q47 Imagine that the Church is getting ready to produce a message for youth about coping with

loss or grief. In what format would you prefer to receive a message on this topic?

Text only (e.g., an article)

Image (e.g., a picture or meme)

Music (e.g., an EFY song)

Spoken word (e.g., a podcast, talk)

A video with actors (e.g., a dramatization)

A video with real people (e.g., an interview)

An animated video (e.g., a whiteboard drawing)

Some other format (please specify) ____________________

No preference

Q48 Do you have any other comments about things you would like to see in Church messages

for youth?

Open-ended, optional

Q49 That's it! Thanks for taking the survey. Please click "Submit" to record your responses.

Your web browser will be pointed to to indicate that your answers are saved.