lds doctrine and covenants slideshow 14: d&c 63–69

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  • 7/29/2019 LDS Doctrine and Covenants Slideshow 14: D&C 6369



    Hurricane Utah Adult Religion Class

    Sections 6369

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    Dating the revelations

    D&C 63 30 August 1831 Kirtland, Ohio

    D&C 64 11 September 1831 Kirtland, Ohio

    D&C 65 30 October 1831 Hiram, Ohio

    D&C 66 29 October 1831 Hiram, Ohio

    D&C 67 1 November 1831 Hiram, Ohio

    D&C 68 2 November 1831 Hiram, Ohio

    D&C 69 312 November 1831 Hiram, Ohio


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    D&C 63

    63:2531. The land of Zion shall not beobtained but by purchase or by blood.

    63:6064.Let all men beware how theytake my name in their lips.1. Vain = empty, useless, pointless.

    2. Casual blasphemy.

    3. Oath-breaking.


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    God has bestowed upon us a gift most precious andwonderful. It carries with it the authority to governthe Church, to administer in its affairs, to speakwith authority in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,to act as His dedicated servants, to bless the sick, tobless our families and many others. It serves as aguide by which to live our lives. In its fulness, its authorityreaches beyond the veil of death into the eternities that lieahead.

    There is nothing else to compare with it in all this world.Safeguard it, cherish it, love it, live worthy of it.

    President Gordon B. Hinckley, April 2002


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    D&C 63

    63:2531. The land of Zion shall not beobtained but by purchase or by blood.

    63:6064.Let all men beware how theytake my name in their lips.1. Vain = empty, useless, pointless.

    2. Casual blasphemy.

    3. Oath-breaking (Exodus 20:7;Matthew 5:33 37)


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    D&C 64

    64:311. I, the Lord, will forgive whom Iwill forgive, but of you it is required toforgive all men.


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    Ever keep in exercise the principle ofmercy, and be ready to forgive our brotheron the first intimations of repentance, andasking forgiveness; and should we even

    forgive our brother, or even our enemy,before he repent or ask forgiveness, our heavenlyFather would be equally as merciful unto us.

    History of the Church 3:383



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    You cannot erase what has been done, but you canforgive. Forgiveness heals terrible, tragic wounds,for it allows the love of God to purge your heart andmind of the poison of hate. It cleanses yourconsciousness of the desire for revenge. It makes

    place for the purifying, healing, restoring love of theLord.

    The Master counseled, Loveyour enemies, bless them that curseyou, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them whodespitefully use you and persecute you.

    Bitterness and hatred are harmful. They produce much that isdestructive. They postpone the relief and healing you yearn for. LetGod be the judgeyou cannot do it as well as he can.

    Elder Richard G. Scott, April 1992



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    D&C 64

    64:2223, 3335. I, the Lord, require thehearts of the children of men. And verilyit is a day of sacrifice, and a day for the

    thing of my people. Behold, the Lordrequireth the heart and a willing mind.


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    Above all else, God wants our hearts. Imperfectperformance can be corrected, sins can be remitted,mistakes can be erasedbut God can do nothing with anunwilling and rebellious heart until it repents. Weaknesscan be saved; rebellion cannot..

    It is recorded in the Pearl of Great Price how the Holy Ghostconfirmed to Adam that as thou hast fallen thou mayest beredeemed, and all mankind, even as many as will. (Moses 5:9.)Notice that it doesnt say, Even as many as are perfect. The point isclear: Adam is not perfect; Adam is imperfect and fallen (like youand me). Thats why he needed a Savior (like you and me). The

    promise is to as many as will (using will in the older sense oftobewilling)thus, to all those who really want redemption from theirimperfection. Another of the great promises of the new covenant isthat all those who really want and work for the kingdom of God withall their strength, however great or little their strength may be, willinherit the kingdom.

    Stephen E. Robinson,Believing Christ, 5455

    God wants our hearts


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    John Hamer

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    The John Johnson home (Hiram, Ohio)

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    D&C 65

    65:2.From thence shall the gospel roll forthunto the ends of the earth, as the stone which iscut out of the mountain without hands shall roll

    forth, until it has filled the whole earth.


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    The Prophet called on all who held the Priesthood togather into the little log school house they had [inKirtland]. It was a small house, perhaps 14 feet square.But it held the whole of the Priesthood of the Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who were then in thetown of Kirtland. There were no Apostles in the Churchthen except Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. When wegot together the Prophet called upon the Elders of Israel with him tobear testimony of this work. When they got through the Prophetsaid, Brethren I have been very much edified and instructed in yourtestimonies here tonight, but I want to say to you before the Lord,

    that you know no more concerning the destinies of this Church andkingdom than a babe upon its mothers lap. You dont comprehendit. I was rather surprised. He said it is only a little handfull ofPriesthood you see here tonight, but this Church will fill North andSouth Americait will fill the world.

    President Wilford Woodruff, April 1898

    The growth of the Church

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    D&C 66

    William E. McLellan (18061883).

    Hiram, Ohio, 29 October 1831.I had expected and believed that when I sawBrother Joseph, I should receive [a revelation]:

    and I went before the Lord in secret, and on myknees asked him to reveal the answer to fivequestions through his Prophet, and that toowithout his having any knowledge of my havingmade such request. I now testify in the fear of God,

    that every question which I had thus lodged in theears of the Lord of Sabbath, were answered to my fulland entire satisfaction. I desired it for a testimony ofJoseph's inspiration. And I to this day consider it tome an evidence which I cannot refute.

    William McLellan, 1848 15

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    Conference of 13 November 1831

    Held at the John Johnson home, Hiram,Ohio.

    Ten leading elders of the Church inattendance.

    Joseph received 5 revelations:

    D&C 1 (the Lords preface to his revelations)

    D&C 67

    D&C 68

    D&C 133 (designated an appendix)

    D&C 69 16

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    D&C 67

    Oliver Cowdery previously directed tocollect revelations for publication (55:4;57:13). Now ready to return to

    Independence to publish Book ofCommandments.

    D&C 1 received first morning ofconference.

    Joseph wished the elders at the conferenceto testify to the truth of the revelations,but some were hesitant.


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    D&C 67

    67:34. Elders promised they wouldreceive a spiritual confirmation of thetruth of the revelations.

    67:58. Lord challenged them to selectthe most wise among them who couldattempt to write a revelation beyond

    [Josephs] language.


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    After the foregoing was received, William E.MLellin, as the wisest man, in his own estimation,having more learning than sense, endeavored towrite a commandment like unto one of the least ofthe Lords, but failed; it was an awful responsibilityto write in the name of the Lord. The Elders and all presentthat witnessed this vain attempt of a man to imitate thelanguage of Jesus Christ, renewed their faith in the fulness ofthe Gospel, and in the truth of the commandments and

    revelations which the Lord had given to the Church through myinstrumentality; and the Elders signified a willingness to beartestimony of their truth to all the world.

    History of the Church 1:226

    Result of the 67:58 challenge


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    D&C 68

    Received in response to a request from fourelders to know the will of the Lord.

    This revelation edited by Joseph in 1835:

    Verses 1521 added. Verses 2224 modified.

    68:15. Whatsoever they shall speak whenmoved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be

    scripture. Specifically to Orson Hyde.

    This priesthood (68:2) refers to office of high priest.

    They (68:3, 4) refers to leaders of the Church.


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    The very words of the revelation recognize that theBrethren may speak when they are notmoved upon bythe HolyGhost;yet only when they do speak as movedupon is what they say considered scripture. Noexceptions are given to this rule or principle. It is

    universal in its application.The question is, how shall we know when the things they havespoken were said as they were moved upon by the HolyGhost? Ihave given some thought to this question, and the answer thereto, sofar as I can determine, is: We can tell when the speakers are movedupon by the HolyGhost only when we, ourselves, are moved uponby the Holy Ghost. In a way, this completely shifts the responsibilityfrom them to us to determine when they so speak.

    President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., July 1954

    When moved upon by the Holy Ghost.


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    I am more afraid that this people have so muchconfidence in their leaders that they will not inquirefor themselves of God whether they are led by Him.I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the handsof their leaders with a reckless confidence that initself would thwart the purposes of God in their salvation, andweaken that influence they could give to their leaders, did theyknow for themselves, by the revelations of Jesus, that they are

    led in the right way. Let every man and woman know, by thewhispering of the Spirit of God to themselves, whether theirleaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not.

    Brigham Young, January 1862

    Ask God if our leaders are inspired

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    D&C 68

    68:15. Whatsoever they shall speakwhen moved upon by the Holy Ghost shallbe scripture.

    Canonized scripture vs. anything said/writtenunder the influence of the Holy Ghost.

    Public/collective vs. private/individual.

    To all men, or just to the Church? No scripture inerrant or infallible.


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    D&C 68

    64:2528. Commandment to teach andbaptize children.

    Parents have primary responsibility.

    Children should be taught the first principles andordinances, to pray, to walk uprightly before theLord.

    Parents who do not do this have sinned.


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    The age of accountability


    Accountability does not burst full-bloom upon achild at any given moment in his life. Childrenbecome accountable gradually, over a number ofyears. Becoming accountable is a process, not a goalto be attained when a specified number of years,days, and hours have elapsed. In our revelation theLord says, Theycannot sin, for power is not given unto Satanto tempt little children, until they begin to become accountablebefore me. (D&C 29:47.) There comes a time, however, when

    accountability is real and actual and sin is attributed in thelives of those who develop normally. It is eight years of age, theage of baptism. Elder Bruce R. McConkie, April 1977

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    D&C 69

    Received between 3 and 12 November1831.

    John Whitmer to accompany OliverCowdery to Missouri.

    They left Ohio 20 November 1831; arrivedin Independence 5 January 1832.


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    Hurricane Utah Adult Religion Class

    In two weeks:

    Sections 71, 7375,77, 86, 91, 113