lcd monitors - history and future trends

LCD M it LCD Monitors IS 311 G P t ti IS 311 Group Presentation

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Page 1: LCD Monitors - history and future trends

LCD M itLCD Monitors

IS 311 G P t tiIS 311 Group Presentation

Page 2: LCD Monitors - history and future trends

Topics to be covered

• Beatrice - CRT & LCD Monitor History• Sici - LCDs Advantages & Disadvantages• Sici - LCDs Advantages & Disadvantages• Gil - Current LCDs• Jerry - Future Trends• Julio Buyer’s Guide• Julio - Buyer s Guide

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CRT & LCD Monitor History

How it all startedHow it all started

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Monitor Overview

• The most-used output device on a computer. • Most desktop displays use a cathode ray tube

(CRT).( )• Laptops use liquid crystal display (LCD), light-

emitting diode (LED) and gas plasma or otheremitting diode (LED), and gas plasma or other image projection technology.

• Monitors using LCD technologies are beginning to• Monitors using LCD technologies are beginning to replace CRT.

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LCD History

• Liquid crystals were first discovered in 1888 by q y yAustrian botanist Friedrich Reinitzer.

• Melt cholesterol like substance• Melt cholesterol-like substance.• When cooled, the liquid turned blue before finally

crystallizing.• RCA made the first experimental LCD in (1968)• RCA made the first experimental LCD in (1968). • Manufacturers have been developing creative

variations and improvements since on LCDs.

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What is Being Used Today?

• The most popular display today remains CRT. p p p y y• It has been available for more than 70 years.• CRTs:• CRTs:

1. Vivid colors and detailed images and text.2. Cost less than LCD monitors. 3. Continue to evolve.

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LCD Market Trend

• Market for flat screen LCDs grew rapidly during the ‘90s.

• Huge success of the laptop computer. g p p p• It has still been slow in matching the market share

of the CRTof the CRT. • Color LCDs hit the market in the early ‘90s.

H l b l h f d• Has only now become popular enough for vendors to mass-produce.

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From CRT to LCD

• CRTB lk h t b– Bulky, heavy, use vacuum tube technology.Using technology that was– Using technology that was developed in the 19th century.

• LCD• LCD– First LCD laptop monitors were

very small due to manufacturingvery small due to manufacturing costs.

– Light, sleek, energy-efficient,Light, sleek, energy efficient, have sharp picture.

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How Monitors Work• Most use a cathode-ray tube as a

display devicedisplay device. • CRT: Glass tube that is narrow at

one end and opens to a flat screen o e e d a d ope s to a at sc eeat the other end.

• Narrow end contains electron guns.– Single gun for monochrome and

three guns for color. – Display screen is covered with tiny

phosphor dots that emit light whenphosphor dots that emit light when struck by the electron gun.

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Monitor Classifications

• Monochrome: Display two colors, one for theMonochrome: Display two colors, one for the background and one for the foreground.

• Gray-Scale: A special type of monochrome monitor capable of displaying different shades of gray.capable of displaying different shades of gray.

• Color: Can display anywhere from 16 to over 1 millionColor: Can display anywhere from 16 to over 1 million different colors. Sometimes called RGB monitors.

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Monitor Quality and ResolutionQuality:

• Manufacturers describe quality by dot pitch• Manufacturers describe quality by dot pitch. • Smaller dot pitches mean pixels are closely spaced

which will yield a sharper imagewhich will yield a sharper image. • Most monitors have dot pitches that range from

0 22mm to 0 39mm0.22mm to 0.39mm.Resolution:I di h d l k d h i l• Indicates how densely packed the pixels are.

• Most modern monitors can display 1024x768 pixels.• High end models can display 1280x1024.

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LCD Technology

• Used for displays in notebooks small computers• Used for displays in notebooks, small computers, pagers, phones and other instruments.

• Uses a combination of fluorescent based backlight• Uses a combination of fluorescent-based backlight, color filters, transistors, and liquid crystal to create and illuminate imagesand illuminate images.

• Until recently, was only used on notebook computers and other portable devicesand other portable devices.

• In 1997, manufactures began to offer full size LCD monitors as alternatives to CRT monitorsmonitors as alternatives to CRT monitors.

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IBM Advances inDisplay Technology

• In 1981, IBM introduced the Color Graphics Adapter (CGA) display, able to display 4 colors and max ( ) p y, p yresolution of 320x200.

• In 1984, Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA) display, able to display 16 colors and resolution of 640x350able to display 16 colors and resolution of 640x350.

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IBM Advances in Display Technology (cont.)

• In 1987, Video Graphics Array (VGA) display.In 1987, Video Graphics Array (VGA) display.– Most computers today support the VGA standard.

• In 1990, Extended Graphics Array (XGA) display, capable of resolutions 800x600 in true color ( 16.8 million colors) and 1024x768 in 65,536 colors. ) ,

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Apple IIApple II• Released in 1977 • First true “personal computer” • Based on the Apple I design

with some additions– Plastic case– Able to display color graphics

• Able to display 6 colors atAble to display 6 colors at 280x192 resolution.

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Apple II Control PanelApple II Control Panel

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Pre-IBM (cont.)TRS 80TRS-80

• Developed in late 1970s b R di Sh kby Radio Shack.

• First product in store hi t t f t h thhistory to fetch more than $500. M it b i ll• Monitor was basically an RCA TV with the tuner removedremoved.

• Became a direct competitor to the Applecompetitor to the Apple computer.

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Heath Desktop

• One of the first computers designed as complete desktop p pmachines.

• Included monitorIncluded monitor, floppy disks and keyboardkeyboard.

• Was eventually bought by Zenithby Zenith.

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IBM PC-1981

• IBM’s 5150 modelIBM s 5150 model introduced in 1981.

• The PC featured a 5• The PC featured a 5-MHz Intel processor, 18K of memory and18K of memory and an optional color monitormonitor.

• Starting price: $1,565

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Windows Screen Shots Throughout Time:


Windows 3.1

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Windows Screen Shots Throughout Time:

Windows 98

Windows 2K

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Windows Screen Shots Throughout Time:

Windows XP

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Advantages of LCDs

• Physical Size– Compact and Lightweight– Space saving

C b d ll l– Can be mounted on a wall or panel

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Advantages of LCDs

• Display Size– Available at comparable in screen size as traditional

CRT Shown on the next slide a 12 1" LCD display (left) has– Shown on the next slide, a 12.1" LCD display (left) has only a slightly smaller viewing area than a typical 14" CRT monitor. Newer, larger LCD monitors are also appearing that have 15", 17", and even larger screen sizes that are comparable to the largest CRT monitors. (One thing to note is that LCD monitors are typically(One thing to note is that LCD monitors are typically sized by their actual viewable diagonal measurement, but CRTs typically are not.)

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Advantages of LCDs

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Advantages of LCDs

• Power Consumption and Radiation Emission– Consume less energy and more durable

• A typical CRT losses approximately 50% of its brightness f 10 000 h A LCD b lb ill i i i b i hafter 10,000 hours. An LCD bulb will maintain its brightness

anywhere from 25,000 to 50,000 hours.• LCD consumes fewer watts than a CRT. LCD will use an

average 30 watts compared to 120 watts for the CRT.• Can reduce electric bill by 40-85%.

U bi ti f fl t b d b kli ht l• Uses a combination of fluorescent-based backlight, color filters, transistors, and liquid crystal to create and illuminate images. It blocks light rather emit light

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Advantages of LCDs

• Power Consumption and Radiation Emission– Doest not emit Radiation– Not subject to Electromagnetic Interference

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Advantages of LCDs

• Viewingg– Cause less eyestrain

Does not flicker or glare– Does not flicker or glare

(Source: Dailey News – June 2 2002 TouchScreens com unicomplabs com(Source: Dailey News – June 2, 2002,,,

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Advantages of CRT

• Color– Most are capable of displaying unlimited

colors.colors.• Resolution

– Multiple video Resolutions.

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Advantages of CRT

• Response Timep– Faster response time. Critical to people who

watch videos or play games on their PC’ videos or play games on their PC s.– The fastest LCD’s offer a response time of

about 25 milliseconds as apposed to CRT’sabout 25 milliseconds as apposed to CRT s that have a response time of about 13 millisecondsmilliseconds.

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Advantages of CRT

• Viewing Angle– Look @ a very wide angle


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Disadvantages of LCDs

• Resolution• Displays Native Resolutions (Resolution that it

displays best)

• Viewing Angle• Smaller, needed to be viewed more directly from

h fthe front.• From the side the images on an LCD screen can

seem to disappear or invert colorsseem to disappear, or invert colors.• Newer displays that are coming out have a wider

viewing angle so this is not as much of an issue as it has been in the past.

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Disadvantages of LCDs

• Price– Upfront cost it is more costly but long-term

cost but will conserve energy in the long run.cost but will conserve energy in the long run.– The energy savings may not be much for an

individual use but for a corporate office whereindividual use, but for a corporate office where 50 displays or more are in use, the energy savings might be more of an issuesavings might be more of an issue.

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Disadvantages of LCDs

• Installation– Need a plug interface to connect to the– Some require a special digital plug-interface in

order to workorder to work .– Problem: is that this plug is not available on

t t th id dmost computers, so another video card or adapter must be purchased to plug these LCD

it i t th tmonitors into the computer.

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Disadvantages of LCDs

• Response Timep– It is much slower. The delay can cause a

ghosting effect on images it displays.ghosting effect on images it displays.


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Disadvantages of CRTs

• Physical sizey– Takes more desktop space.


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Disadvantages of CRTs

• Power Consumption and Radiation Emission– Consumes more energy– Emits harmful radiation. The metal shield behind the

glass of your monitor protects your body from a floodglass of your monitor protects your body from a flood of radiation.

– It holds a dangerous electrical charge even after turned g goff and can last up to several years and be hazardous and even deadly to anyone who opens a CRT monitor casingcasing.

– Know to cause fires due to electrical malfunctions and excessive heat if the ventilation holes are accidentally e cess ve eat t e ve t at o o es a e acc de ta ycovered up.


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Current Technology and Trendsgy

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Business Aspect

1. Reasons for a sensitive market:I. Price sensitive demand – As price drops

li htl l h lslightly sales go up sharply.II. Long time for production facilities to g p


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Recent History

• 1999 – Very high demand for LCDy g• 2000 – Crash of computer market causes

lsurplus.• Prices are slashed.

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Average 17” LCD Monitor Street price

Quarter Average Price

1Q 2001 $1,148

2Q 2001 $1,003

3Q 2001 $887

4Q 2001 $781

1Q 2002 $773

2Q 2002 $757

3Q 2002 $735

4Q 2002 $676

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Technology Aspect

• 1. Display addressing.p y g

2 A l VS di it l i l h dli• 2. Analog VS digital signal handling.

• 3. Display Uniformity and Viewing Angle .

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Active VS. Passive Display

Active Display Passive Display

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TFT (Thin Film Transistor)

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Analog VS Digital signal handling

• On most graphic card signal goes through DAC (digital to analog converter) to convert to Analog signal.

• LCD must convert the signal back to digital to determine which pixel to determine which pixel to light.

• If conversion has error the result is "pixel jitter" in which the image seems tojitter , in which the image seems to shimmer or move.

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Improved Signal Handling

• 1. DVI (digital video interface) standard ( g )was adopted. i DVI h dl b th l d di it l• i. DVI handles both analog and digital

signals with separate connectorsg p• 2. controlling circuitry became substantially

better in a very short timebetter in a very short time.

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Display Uniformity


• Early LCD backlight wasn’t uniform and y g“hot spots” were created.Di l f t d l d• Display manufacturers developed more sophisticated diffusing materials.

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Viewing Angles

• Improving Viewing angels can be done byImproving Viewing angels can be done by changing cell design.Th diff ll d i• Three different cell designs.1. Vertical alignment (VA).. Ve c g e (V ).2. In-plane switching (IPS).3. Multi-domain.

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LCD Future Trends

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LCD Future Trends

• Short & Long Term Prices• Short & Long Term Prices• 3 Important Ergonomic Features3 Important Ergonomic Features• LCD Monitor QualityLCD Monitor Quality• New Technologiesg

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LCD Future Trends

L LCD P i i th Sh t T• Lower LCD Prices in the Short Term–The Dock Works StrikeThe Dock Works Strike–The Slow Economy–More Factories Online

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LCD Future Trends

• Lower Prices in the Long-Term– Calculators, CRTs, VCRs and DVD Players

were all very expensive at first– They now sell at lower prices because of the

laws of supply and demandpp y– What do they have in common with LCDs?

The are all electronic devices– The are all electronic devices– So if the laws of supply and demand continue to

l LCD ill ll f l i th l tapply, LCDs will sell for less in the long-term

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LCD Future Trends

• Lower Prices in Long-Term (continued)g– Example of an LCD going down in price

IBM T220 LCD it t b t• IBMs T220 LCD monitor cost about $50,000 when it first came out

• Oct 2001 – it costs: $22,000• Dec 2001 it costs: $15 999• Dec 2001 – it costs: $15,999• May 2002 – it costs: $8,400 (T221)

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LCD Future Trends

• Three Important Ergonomic Features– Large Viewing Angles

• All LCDs approaching 170° both horizontal & verticalAll LCDs approaching 170 both horizontal & vertical

– Minimal Reflection and Glare• Sharp’s AGLR screen coating which forms a quarter• Sharp s AGLR screen coating which forms a quarter-

wavelength filter that cancels reflection rather than diffusing it as other do.g

– Thin Bezels• When working with multiple monitors your eyes don’t• When working with multiple monitors, your eyes don t

jump past wide gaps – thus less eye strain

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LCD Future Trends

A workstation where all three of these ergonomic features are usefulthese ergonomic features are useful

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LCD Future Trends

• LCD Monitor QualityQ y– Backlights

h l hi h• The only thing that can wear out• There are more LCDs with 50,000 hour life

spans– Zero-Voltage BlackZero Voltage Black

• lessens impact of non-functioning subpixals

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LCD Future Trends

• New Technologiesg– On-Glass Circuitry unveiled Oct. 22, 2002

• The new screens use Sharp’s CGS• The new screens use Sharp s CGS (continuous grain silicon)Mi i it li d di tl• Microprocessor circuitry applied directly on the glass, enabling it to function like a

tcomputer• Produces ultra fine resolutions

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LCD Future Trends

• New Technologies (continued)New Technologies (continued)

– ThinCRTs from Candescent T h l iTechnologies• quarter-inch thin form factor: a "thin CRT."q• Thousands of emitters instead of a single

large cathode tubelarge cathode tube• Has the best of both CRTs and LCDs

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LCD Future Trends

• ThinCRT from Candescent Technologiesg

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Buyer’s Guide To LCD Monitors

• What to consider when buying a LCD y gmonitor– What applications are going to be usedWhat applications are going to be used– How much room you have on your desk

h d i l d k– How much space you need on a virtual desktop– How much you want to spend

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Buyer’s Guide To LCD Monitors

• Key features or things to look for when y gdeciding what to buy and how much to spendspend– Native Resolution

LCD i f ll di l i• LCD uses a matrix of cells to display its image, causing it to have a fixed or native

l i hi h h di l l k bresolution at which the display looks best

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Buyer’s Guide To LCD Monitors

• Viewing anglesg g– indicates how you can move to the sides

or below the center of the screen beforeor below the center of the screen before image is being displayedan angle of 160 degrees is recommended– an angle of 160 degrees is recommended

• Dot Pitch– another indicator of image quality

the smaller the better; more expensive– the smaller the better; more expensive

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Buyer’s Guide To LCD Monitors

• Contrast ratio– is the difference in light intensity between the

brightest white and the darkest black that anbrightest white and the darkest black that an LCD can producehelps determine ho rich the color ill be in– helps determine how rich the color will be in on-screen images

d i f b– recommend a contrast ratio of 300:1 or better

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Buyer’s Guide To LCD Monitors

• Digital vs. Analogg g– if you have a graphics card with a digital video-

out choose LCD that has digital inputout, choose LCD that has digital input – image will be clearer because it won’t have to

con ert from analog to digital and back andconvert from analog to digital and back and forth

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Buyer’s Guide To LCD Monitors

• Prices– $200 - $500 range: panel size – 15 inches;

native resolution – 120/100 to 140/120 degrees; contrast ratio – 200:1 to 300:1

– $500 - $800: panel size – 15 to 17 inches; native resolution – 120/100 to 140/120 degrees; contrast ratio – 300:1 to 350:1

– $800 and up: panel size – 17 to 19 inches; native resolution – 150/140 to 170/170 degrees;

t t ti 300 1 t 400 1contrast ratio – 300:1 to 400:1

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Buyer’s Guide To LCD Monitors

• Buying Tipsi k i h i– Stick to 15 inch monitors

• balances screen size and price together well• Cheapest

– Look for a wide viewing angle• good for making presentations and working with

partnersi di t hi h lit l ith b tt• indicates a higher quality panel with better brightness and color effectiveness

• less tendency to leave trails on screen• less tendency to leave trails on screen

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Buyer’s Guide To LCD Monitors

• Buying Tipsy g p– Try before you buy

• actually looking at your desired monitor is• actually looking at your desired monitor is always bestd t b li b il l th ll• do not buy online or by mail unless the seller has a return policy

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Buyer’s Guide To LCD Monitors

• Comparison with CRT buying tipsp y g p– Stick with a 17 inch monitor

• is big enough and doesn’t take up too much• is big enough and doesn t take up too much spacei h• is cheaper

• if you work with allot of graphics and image editing, go with the $300-$400 19 inch CRT’s

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Buyer’s Guide To LCD Monitors

• Comparison with CRT buying tipsp y g p– Need to consider power cost

• uses more power than LCD monitorsuses more power than LCD monitors• can find low power CRT monitors that have a

TCO’99 seal

– Do not throw away CRT monitors• contain large amounts of toxins and lead that destroy• contain large amounts of toxins and lead that destroy

soil and water• RecycleRecycle

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Buyer’s Guide To LCD Monitors

• Where To Buyy– Electronic stores (reasonable prices)

• Fry’s Electronics Circuit City Compaq• Fry s Electronics, Circuit City, Compaq, Best Buy

Websites low prices but can’t see what– Websites – low prices, but can t see what you are buying

t h d bi t•••

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Buyer’s Guide To LCD Monitors

• Conclusion– Prices have been falling over the past two years

• more affordable for consumers• more affordable for consumers– Key features and buying tips mentioned should

l d i h i th i ht LCDlead consumers in purchasing the right LCD monitor for the lowest price

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