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    JOHN SCHOFIELD, M . A . of Groy:v Inn, Barrister




  • Contents

    Prqface lo the Fiph Edition khlr of Cases Table of Statures



    Calendar days Conventional days Running days Working days Weather working days Calculation of weathcr interruptions in weather working &ys Saturdays and other incomplete days Voylriyrules 199.3 Working days, running hours, running days, weather permitting Working hours, working days of 24 hours, weather permitting Working hours per working day Working days of 24 consecutive hours, working days of 24 running hours, weather

    permitting Weather working day of 24 consecutive hours


    Rate per working hatch (or available wotkahle hatch) Availability of holds Rdtc per hatch Rate per hook Laytime expressed as a total daily rate Laytime expressed as a total daily rate basis-a specified nurrlbcr of available workable



    vii xix


  • xii


    C O N T E N T S

    What is a reasonable time? Customary despatch ECCect of custom Commencement of the ohligation to loadldischarge Delays due to chmerers/shippcrs/receivers

    Failure to provide a berlh on arrival Failure to have a cxgo in readiness As fast as the vessel could deliver Allemative methods of discharge Provision of defective cargo

    Delays arising without the default oC either shipowners or chartcrcrs Congestion Strikes Actions of port and other authorities Delay due to other third partics Weather and other nalural phenomena

    Other terms of the charterparty Where customary laytime ia exceeded Customary quick despatch


    The rpecified destination Bcrth charlers Dock charters Port charters

    Arrival within the purl At thc immediate and effective disposition of the charterer


    Physical readiness Overslowed cargo Equipment Other physical matters

    Legal readiness Common law Customs clearance Free prirlique and quarantine Additional reqoircmcnts Contracts of sale Implied requiremcnts

    Thc Indian cases Notice of readiness

    Whcn and how to he given Express provisions

  • Notice in advance of arrival Time lapse between readiness and colnmencement of laytime Notice given hefore commcnccment date Tor laylirne Correctness of notice of readiness Notice of readiness and clause 6 of the Ashatankvoy form of charter Acccptance of notice

    Readiness and readiness Work before laytime comlnences


    Custom Obstacles created hy the charterer

    Failure to have cargo available or arrangements for dischargc Congestion due to charterer's olher commitments

    Charterer's duty to act to enable a vcsscl to become an Arrived ship Whether in berth or not Whether in port or not Time lost in waiting for berth to count as laytime How time lost should he counted Time lost in waiting for herth to count in full Norgrain chmer-waiting fur berth Reachable on arrival/always accessible

    Baltic Code 2000 Always accessible-for how long must the herth he accessible?

    So near thereto as she may safcly i e t A. Nature of the obstacle B. Lcngth of time actually spent waiting C. Length of expcctcd delay D. Degree of risk known to exist E. How close to the intended port the vessel can gct F, Proportion of cargo to be loadedldischarged at the ohsuucted port

    In regular turnlin usual turn Limits of delay Custom and practice Loss of tum Delay after henhing Dcmulnge in respect of waiting time Time to commencc on being reported at the Custom House To be loaded as per colliery guarantee

    C H A P T E R 4. I N T E R R U P T I O N S A N D E X C E P T I O N S TO L A Y T I M E 187

    The contra proferentem rule General principles Fault oI the shipowner

    To which delays does this principle apply? Fault

  • xiv CONTENTS

    Other cases resulting to fault Fur whose fault is the shipowner responsible? Bunkering Ballasting and deballasring Opening and closing of hatchcs Seal inspections Payment of port dues

    Non-production of bills of lading Crane and cargo gear breakdowns Communications with vessel The Altus Exclusion of fault "Any other cause beyond the conlrol of charterers" General exccptiuns clauses

    "Any other cause beyond the control of charterers" Cases relating to principle A Cases relating to principle B Cases relating to principle C

    Overtime ordered by port authorities to count as laytime Congestion

    A I l V F R S E W E A T H E R

    The limits of weather Particular types of weather

    Frost Ice Surf Swcll Bore tides

    Causation and weather Interruptions Exceptions Conoco weather clause

    What is a holiday'? Regulations and law Custom and practice

    Particular types of holidays "General or local holidays" "Legal holidays" "OSficial and local holidays" "Chancrparty holidays" "Legal and local holidays" "Non-working holidays"

    The BlMCO calendar Holidays and working days

  • C O N T E N T S

    Part holidays Saturdays

    Overtime Cuslom Local law Saturdays today Baltimore Form C Saturday clause Weekend clause

    Worhng in excepted periods Where provided for Whcrc not provided for

    S T R I K E S

    Meaning of "shike" Causation

    A. Provision of cargo B. Congestion and consequential delays

    Where consequential delay allowcd When consequential delay not allowed

    C. Duty to lessen effect Alternative action Alternative port Allerndtive cargo Alternative methods of loadin@discharging and/or change of berth within the port Alternative labour

    D. Length of delay Centrocon strike clausc

    First pan The specified causes Obstructions heyond the control of the chanerers in the docks or other loading

    places Obstructions heyond the conlrol of the charterers on the railways Stoppages Riots and civil commotion Strike or lock-out of any class of workmen essential to the loadingldischarging

    Second part Third part Fourth pan

    Gencon strike clause First paragraph Second paragraph Third paragraph


    Shifting From anchorage to berth

    Clauses providing fur time not to coullt

  • xvi CONTENTS

    Custom Shifting from anchorages outside the port Reachable on arrival The limits of The Laura Prima decision

    From one berth to another Enforced shifting Shifting expenses

    Warping Lightcning

    Time used i n lightening

    C H A P T E R 5. OTHER L A Y T I M E M A T T E R S


    Dry cargo Loading Discharge

    Liquid cargo

    A V E R A G I N G A N D R E V E R S I N G

    Laytimc "averaged" "Reversihle" laylime Cascs on averaging Cases on reversing Other similar clauses


    Are the charters to be read separately or together? Commcncement and running of laytime Time lost in waiting for berth OUlcr cargo operations carried out whilst waibng Demurrage Carriage of cdible vegetahle oils

    Nomination of loading and discharging herths Commcnccment of laytime and waiting time Laytime and demurrage Squeegeeing and sweeping Transhipment

    C H A P T E R 6. D E M U R R A G E

    Meaning and naturc Length of demurrage Rate and paymcnt of demurrage


    New Worldscale-Full title: New Worldwide 'Tanker Nominal Freight Scale Payment

    Damages in addition to demurrage Mitigation and proof of loss Default of charterer Default of shipowner Exceptions clauses and demurrage Shifting Half rate demurrage

    Storm Notices of readiness, periods of notice and commcncemcnt uf demurrage Tanker warranties The effect of deviation on demurragc The end of demurrag-permanent and temporary absence from the port


    General principles Incorporation of charterpatty terms into bills of lading Liability uf shippers, consignees, indorsees and receivers Liahility of charterers as hill of lading holders Nature of lien fur demurrage Cesser clauses Construction of the charter Effectiveness of the lien Waiver of cesser clause Liahilities before and after shipment Masler's rights to claim demurrage Liability of hills of lading holdcrs inter se

    One calculation or many calculations How much must each pay?

    Demurrage lime bars Time of payment Demurrage provision in contracts of sale

    C H A P T E R 7. D E S P A T C H

    Some later cases Notice provisions Keversing and double despatch The Centrocon slrike clause Delay after loading or discharging

    C H A P T E R 8 . D E T E N T I O N

    Delay before the vessel reaches its specified destination Delay after arrival at the specified destination and during the running of laytime Delay during the running of demurrage


    348 349 349 357 360 362 363 367 368 369 371 372 379 383

  • xviii CONTENTS

    Delay after h e end of laytime andlor demurrage Delay by agrecmenl Exception clauses Lien for damages for detention


    A. Destmction of ship or cargo B. Inordinate delay C. Illegality Self-induced frustration The Law Reform (Frusuated Contracts) Act 1943


    A. Laytimc definitions B. Charterparty Laytime Definitions 1980 C. Voyage Chmerparty Laytime Interpretation Rules 1993 D. Baltic Code 2003 Charterparty and Laytime Terminology and Abbreviatiuns


  • Index

    Adverse weather atmospheric precipitation, 4.149 bore tides, 4.1814.185 causation, and, 4.186 Conoco clause, 4.2094.214 exceptions, 4.1934.208 frost, 4.1574.163 high winds, 4.149 ice. 4,1644.171 intemptions, 4.1874.192 introduction, 4.1424.147 limits, 41484,156 meaning, 4.144 rain, hail, snow and sleet, 4.149 surf. 4.1724.175 swell, 4.17&4.L80

    "All time saved" despatch, and. 7.4

    "Always accessible" Baltic Code, 3.458 generally, 3.432-3.457 length of time berth to be accessible, 3.459-3.472

    Anchorage to berth, shifting fmm custom, 4.437-4.438 introduction. 4.4274.430 reachable on arrival, 4.4414.469 time not to count, 4.431A.436

    "Any other cause beyond the control of charterers" exceptions clauses, and

    introduction. 4.104-4.105 Principle A cases, 4,1064.122 Principle B cases, 4. 1234126 Principle C cases, 4,1274.133

    free-standing clause, as, 4 .87497 Arrival at specified destination

    berth charters, 3.3s3.37 dock charters, 3.38-3.47 generally, 3.2-3.29 port charters

    arrival within the pan, 3.51-3.63 immediate and effective disposition of the

    chartrrer, 3.64-3.114 introduction, 3.48-3.50

    "As fast as lhe vessel could drBvrs" customary laytime, and, 2.249

    Ashatankv~y see also Exxonvuy "any other cause beyond the control of

    charterers", 4.89

    Ashatankvoy-ont. general exception clause, 4.98 notice of readiness, and, 3.289-3.297

    Atmospheric precipitation intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and

    4.149 Averaging

    caces, 5.77-5.85 introduction, 5.69-5.76

    Ballasting intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and,

    4.584.62 Baltic Code 2OGU

    commencement of laytime always accessible, 3.458 notice of readiness, 3.216 reachable an her arrival. 3.458 whether in berth or not, 3.391

    definitions. Appendix A introduction, 1.8 pan of a day holidays, 4.254 text, Appendix D working in excepted periods, 4.202

    Baltimore Form C clause nutice of readiness, and, 6.108 Saturdays, and, 42784,283

    Berth Charterparty Laytime Definitions. 3.31 Voylaytules, 3.30

    ~ e n h charters arrival at specified destination, and. 3.3S3.37 introduction, 1.22

    Bills of lading intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and,

    4.674.73 Bills of lading holders inter sr, liability of

    amount each must p y , 6.25&6260 introduction, 6.250 number of calculations, 6.2514.255

    Bimchemvoy cancellaion of charter, and. 3.333 completion of laytime. and, 5.50 multiple charters, and, 5.101

    BIMCO calendar holidays. and. 4.242

    Bore tides interruptions and exceptions to laytime, and,



    Breach uf obligation Charterparty Laytime Definitions 198Wonr . fault of shipowner, and, 4.25 definitions. Appendix A

    Bunkering fixed laytime intermptions and exceptions tu laytime, and, rate per hatch. 2.169

    4.52-4.57 weather working days of 24 consecutive hours. 2.140

    Calendar days weather working days, 2.44 fixed laytimc, and, 2.62.13 holidays

    Cargo gear breakdowns generally, 4.217 interruptions and exceptions to laytime, and, 4.74 pans of a day, 4.254

    C q o operations carried out whilst waiting working in excepted periods. 4.292 multiplc c h a r s , and, 5.14&5.143 introduction, 1.8

    Cargo provision "on demurrage". 6.77 strikes, and, 4.3214.323 text, Apandix B

    Caniage of edible vegetable oils working in excepted periods commencement of laytime, 5.153-5.154 not provided for, 4.303 demurrage, 5.155-5.165 pruvided for, 4.292 introduction. 5.149-5151 Civil commotions laytime, 5.155-5.165 Cenmwon strike clause. and. 4.3754.377 nomination of loading and discharging berths, Closing hatches

    5.152 interruptions and exceptions to laytime, and. 4.63 squeegeeing and sweeping. 5.166 Colliery working days tranahipment, 5.168-5.172 fixed laytime, and, 2.37-2.40

    Causation Commencement of demurrage strikes. and, 4,316-4.320 gcnerrrlly. 6.1054.1 13

    Centrocan strike clause Commencement of laytime civil commotions, 43754,377 "always accessible" contents Baltic Code. 3.458

    first pan. 4.3634.380 generally, 3.432-3.457 fourth part, 4.390-4.391 length of time berth to be accessible, second pal, 4.3814.385 3.459-3.472 third part, 4.38M.389 ~ ~ arrival at specified destination

    despatch, and, 7.38-7.33 berth charters, 3.38-3.37 introduction, 4.3594.362 dock charters, 3.38-3.47 lock-out of essential workmen, 4.37U.380 generally, 3.2-3.29 obsauctions beyond control of chanerers port chaners, 3.48-3.114

    docks, in, 4.3674.369 carriage of edible vegetable oils, and, 5,153-5.154 loading places, in. 4.367-4.369 changes to railways, on. 4.370-4.371 "always accessible", 3.432-3.472

    riots. 4.3754.377 chderer's duty to act, 3.367-3.373 specitied causes, 4.366 custom, and. 3.348-3.353 stoppages, 4.372-4.374 "demurrage in respect of waiting time", strike of essential workmen, 4.3784.380 3.514-3.520

    Cesser clauses "in regular turn". 3.494-3.507 consauction of the charter, 6.22iP6.230 intmduetian, 3.345-3.347 generally, 6.2166.219 obstacles created by charterer, 3.354-3.366 introduction, 61714.175 "reachable on arrival", 3.432-3.458 liabilities before and after shipment, 6.240-6.245 'so near thereto as she may safely gel". waiver, 6.239 3.473-3.493

    Charterers as bill of lading holderr "time lost in waiting for benh to count as demurrage, and, 6.198-6.205 laytime", 3.4&3.427

    "Charterparty holidays" "time lost in waiting for benh to count in full", interruptions and exceptions to laytime, and, 3.428-3.431

    4,2374238 "time to commence on being reported at the Charterparty Laytime Definitions 1980 Custom Housc", 3.521-3.524

    commencement of laytime "to be loadcd as per colliery guarantee". berth, 3.31 3.525-3.526 port, 3.51 "whether in bcrth or not", 3,3744,397 time lost in waiting far herth to count as "whether in port or not", 3.398-3.405

    laytimc, 3.409 charterer's duty to act, 3.367-3.373 whether in berth or not, 3.391 conditions

    customary despatch, 2.219 arrivill ill specified destinatiun. 3.2-3.1 14


  • Commencement of laytir~le--cont. conditioncconr.

    inwoduction, 3.1 noticc of readiness, 3.2163.344 readiness to load and discharge, 3,115-3.215

    custom, and, 3.348-3.353 "demurrage in respect of waiting time".

    3.514-3.520 general principles, and, 1.23 "in regular turn"

    custom and practice, 3.509-3.510 delay after berthing, 3.513 generally, 3.494-3.507 limits of delay. 3.508 loss of turn, 3.511-3.512

    introduction, 3.1 legal rcadincas to load and discharge

    additional requirements, 3191-3.200 common law. 3.171-3.172 contracts of sale, 3.203-3.205 customs clearance, 3.173 free pratique and quarantine, 3,174-3.190 ecnerallv. 3.167-3.170 u , . implied requirements. 3.20tL3.208 the Indian cases, 3.209-3.215

    multiple charters, and, 5.1 11-5.1 16 notice of readiness

    acceptance, 3.298-3.328 advance of arrival, in. 3.249-3.252 Asbatankvov. and. 3.289-3.297 ,. . commencement daa for laytime, before,

    3.258-3.259 .& correctness, 3.26LL3.288 express provisions. 3.233-3.248 generally, 3.21 6-3.219 - lapse uf time between readiness and

    commencement. 3.253-3.257 mcthud of transmission, 3.22LL3.232 timing, 3.220-3.232

    obstacles created by charterer .u~og


    Cuaum+onl. Delay Saturdays, and, 4.264-4.269 customary ldytime, and shifting f m anchorage to berth, and, alternulive melhods of discharge, 2.250-2.252

    44374.438 as fast &as the vessel muid deliver. 2.249 Customdry despatch congetion, 2.259-2.261

    generally, 2.219 defective cilrgo, 2.253-2.257 introduction, 2.207 due to chartererslshipper~lre~ei~er~,

    Customary laytime 2.239-2.257 actions of port authorities, 2.268-2.272 failure to have cargo in readiness. 2.24k2.248 alternative methods of discharge. 2.25CL2.252 failure lo provide henh on arrival, 2.2&2.%3 aa fast as the vessel could deliver, 2.249 natural phenomena, 2.275-2.278 commencement of loadldischarge, 2.229-2.238 pun authorities' actiona, 2.268-2.272 congestion, 2.259-2.261 strikes. 2.262-2.267 custom, 2.220-2.227 third parties. 2.273-2.274 custumary despatch. 2.219 weather, 2,275-2.278 defective cargo, 2.253-2.257 without default of charterer~/shipowners,

    delay due to chartererslshippcrslreccivers 2.258-2.278 alternative methods of discharge. 2.250-2.232 despatch, and, 7.34 as fast as the vessel could deliver, 2.249 detention, and

    defective cargo, 2.253-2.257 after nivil l at specified destination, 8.3h8.41

    F~ilure to have cargo in readiness, 2.244-2.%8 after end of demurrage. 8.43-8.62

    failure to provide berth on arrival, 2.240-2.243 after end of laytime. 8.43-8.62

    introduction, 2.239 hefore the vessel reaches its specified

    delay due ta third parties. 2.273-2.274 destination, 8.G8.29

    delay without default of chartererslshipowners hy agmment, 8.63-8.68

    actions of port authorities, 2.268-2.212 during running of demurrage, 8.42

    congestion, 2.259-2.261 during running of laytime, 8.30-8.41

    introduction, 2.258 frustration, and, 9.18-9.40

    natural phenomena. 2.275-2.278 "in regular Nrn" generally. 3.513

    strikes, 2.262-2.261 limits, 3.508 third parties, 2.273-2.274 : "so near thereto as she may safely get", and. weather, 2.275-2.278 1.487

    exceeding, 2.283-2.284 Demurrage failure to have cargo in readiness. 2.244-2.248 bills of lading holders infer sr, and failure to provide berth on arrival, 2.24C-2.243 amount each must pay, 6.256-6.260 interruptions and exceptions la laytime, and. 4.4 introduction, 6.250 introduction, 2.207-2.208 number of calculations, 6.251-6255 nstur~l phenomena. 2.275-2.278 carriage of edible vegetable oils, and, 5.155-5165 other terms of charterpany, and, 2.27'+2.282 cesser clauses overview, 1.17 constmction of the charter, 6.22M.230 port authorities' actions, 2.268-2.272 generally, 6.2146219 quick despatch. 2.285 liabilities before and after shipment, "reasonable time", 2.209--2.218 6.24M.245 strikes, 2.262-2.267 waiver, 6.239 third parties, 2.273-2.274 charterers as bill of lading holders, and, weather 2.275-2.278 6.198-6.205

    Customs clearance commencement, 6.1056.1 13 legal readiness to load and discharge, and, 3.173 commeacernent of laytime, and, 3.5143.520

    consignees, and, 6.1834.197 Damages contracts of sale, and, 6.2776.279

    demurrage, and, 6.266.49 damages in addition detention, and, 8.1 default of charterer, 6.614.69

    Deballusling default of shipowner, 6.70-6.76 interuplions and exceptions lo laytime, and, generally. 6.266.49

    4.584.62 mitigation, 6.50-6.m Default of charterer proof of loss, 6.504.M)

    demurrage, and. 6.614.69 default of charterer, 6614.69 Default of shipuwner default of shipowner, 6.7M.76

    demurrage, and. 6.70-6.76 definition, 1.10 Defective cargo despatch, and, 7.2

    customary laytime, and, 2.253-2.257 deviation, and, 61494.161


  • Demurrage-oat. duration. 6.94.19 exception clauses, and, 6.77-6.90 general principles, and

    despatch money, 1.34-1.35 detention, 1.36 frustration, 1.37-1.38 generally, 1.29-1.33 introduction. 1.1-1.8

    half rate generally. 6.92-6.98 storm, 6.99-6.104

    incorporation of charterparty terms into bills of lading, 6.177-6.182

    indorsees, and, 6.1834.197 liabilily for

    chalterers as bill of lading holders, of, 6.198-6.205

    consignees, of, 6.183-6.197 gemral principlca, 61694.176 incorporation of charterparty terms into bills

    lading, 6.177-6182 indorsecs, of, 6.1834.197 receivers, of. 6.183-6.197 shippers, of, 6.183-6197

    lien clauses canstruction of the charter, 6.220-6.230 effectiveness, 62314,238 generally. 6.206-6.213

    Master's claim, 6.24M.249 meaning, 6.14.8 mitieation. 6.5&6.M) " ~~ . multiple charters, and, 5.144-5.148 nature. 6 .14 .8 norice of readiness, 6.105-6.113 payment

    generally, 6.25 time, 6.274-6.276

    permanent absence from port. 6.162-6.168 proof of loss, 6.50-6.60 rate

    generally, 6.2W6.23 New Worldscale, 6.24

    receivers, and, 6.1834.197 shifting, 6.91 shippers, and. 6.1834.197 tanker warranties, 6.114-6.148 temporary absence from port, 6.162-6.168 termination, 6.162-6.168 time bars, 6.2614.273 time of payment, 6.274-6.276 voyage charters, and, 1.11-1.15 Voyluyrules, 6.1

    Despatch "all time saved . 7.4 Centroeon strike clause. 7.3W7.33 delay after loading or discharging, 7.34 double despatch, 7.25-7.29 generally, 7.1-7.16 later cases. 7.17-7.20 ~ ~ - ~ - . meaning, 7.1 notice pruvisions. 7.21-7.24


    Despatch---cont. overview, 1.34-1.35 reversing, 7.25-7.29 Voylayrules, 7.2 "working time saved", 7.4

    Destruction of ship or cargo frustration, and, 9.1-9.14

    Detention delily after arrival at specified dealination.

    8.3+8.41 delay after end of demurrage, 8.43-8.62 delay after end of laytime. 8.43-8.62 delay before the vessel reaches its specified

    destination, 8.6-8.29 delay by agreement, 8.63-8.68 delay during running of demurrage. 8.42 delay during running of laytime, 8.30-8.41 exception clauses, 8.69 generally, 8.1-8.5 lien for damages, 8.70-8.72

    of overview, 1.36 Deviation

    demurrage, and. 6.14Y4.lhl Disconnection of hoses

    completion of laytime, and, 5.46-5.51 Dock charters

    wiual at spccihed destination, and, 3.38-3.47 introduction, 1.22

    Double despatch despatch, and, 7.25-7.29

    Dry cargo completion of laytime, and

    discharging, 5.34-5.42 loading, 5.2C-5.33

    Edible vegetable oils, camage of commencement of laytime. 5.153-5.154 demurrage. 5.155-5.165 introduction, 5.149-5.15 1 laytime, 5155-5.165 nomination of loading and discharging berths,

    5 IS7 squeegeeing and sweeping, 5.166 transhipment, 5.168-5.172

    Equipment for loading and discharge physical readiness, and. 3.152-3163

    Exception clauses demurrage, and, 6.77-6.90 detention, and, 8.69

    Exceptions to laytimc ste olrn Interruptions and exceptions to laytime any other cause. 4.874.97 communications with vessel, 4.754.77 congestion, 4.138-4.141 canrrrr pmfhrentum rule, 4.54.12 exclusion of fault, 4.784.86 fdult, 4.184.66 general exception clauses. 4.984.133 general principles, 4.134.17 holidays, 4.2154.303 introduction, 4.14.4 lightening. 4.5034.519


    Exceptions to laytime-con[. non-production of bills of lading, 4.674.74 ovenime ordered by pon authorities, 4.134-4.137 uvelview, 1.24 shifting, 4.426-4.498 strikes. 4.3044.425 warping, 4.4994.502 weather, 4,1424.214

    Expenses shifting, and, 4.4854.498

    Exnonvay 84 see ulso Asbtankvoy commencement of laylime, and

    cancellation of charter, 3.333 notice uf readiness, 3.233

    completion of laytime. and, 5.46 ice, and. 4. I 64 half rate demurrage, and

    generally, 6.92 storm, 6.99

    lightening, and, 4.51 1

    Failure to have cargo in readiness customary laytime, and, 2.244-2.248

    Failure to provide benh on arrival customary laytime, and, 2.2462.243

    Fault of shipowner ballasting, 4.584.62 bunkering, 4.524.57 closing hutches, 4.63 communications with vessel, 4.75 consignees. and. 4.39-4.40 crane breakdowns, 4.74 deballarting. 4.584.62 exclusion of, 4.784.86 flushing the sealine, 4.7W.77 introduction, 4.184.20 meaning of fault. 4.24-4.30 non-production of bills of idding, 4.67-4.73 opening hatches, 4.63 other cases. 4.31-4.38 payment of port dues, 4.66 relevant delays, 4 ,21423 seal inspections, 4.644.65 stevedores, and, 4.414.51 whose fault, 4.394.51

    Fixed laytime calendar days, 2.6-2.13 colliery wnrking days, 2.37-2.40 conventional days, 2.14-2.16 implied term. 2.207 intemptions and exceptions tu laytime, and, 4.3 introduction, 21-2.5 Mabon's day, 2.40 overview, 1.18 rate per hatch

    charterparty Laytime Definitions generally. 2.164-2.172 Voyicyrules. 2.171

    rate per hook. 2.173-2.176 rate per (available) working hatch

    availability of holds, 2.163

    Fixed laytime---cunr. rate per (available) working hatch-on[.

    generally, 2.145-2.162 rate per hatch. 2.161-2.172 rate per hook, 2.173-2.176 ~pecified number of avadable working hatches

    2.193-2.206 total daily rate, 2 177-2.192 Voylayrules. 2.147 ~.

    reference to rates of worhng cargo introduction. 2.144 rate per working hatch, 2.145-2.162 total daily rate, 2.177-2.206

    running days generally, 2.17-2.22 Voylayrules, 2.20 "weather permitting", 2.92-2.111

    running hours generally, 2.36 "weather permitting", 2.92-2.1 11

    running working days. 2.34-2.35 Saturdays

    calculation method A, 2.84 calculation method B, 2.85 calculation method C, 2.8&2.90 introduction, 2.80-283

    "weather permitting" generally, 2.92-2. l l l working days of 24 consecutive hours, 2.139 working days of 24 hours, 2.130 working iyurs, 2.112

    weather working days of 24 consecutive hours Charterparty Laytime Definitions. 2.140 generally, 2.140-2.143 Vaylaymles, 2.141

    weather working days calculation of weather intermptions. 2.59-2.79 Chmerparty Laytime Definitions, 2.44 generally, 2.41-2.58 incomplete days, 2 .86290 Saturdays, 2.8&2.Y0 "weather permitting", 2.1 11 Voylilyrules, 2.91

    working davs - - colliery working days, 2.37-2.40 generally, 2.23-2.33 running working days, 2.34-2.36 "weather permitting", 2.92-2.1 11

    working days of 24 consecutive hours. 2,133-2.139

    wurking days of 24 hours, 2.1 12-2.125 working hours per working day, 2.12&2.132

    Flushing the sealine intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and.

    4.76-4.77 Free pratiquc and quarantine

    legal readiness to load and discharge, and, 3.174-4.190

    Frost intemptions and exceptions to laytime. and,

    4 .1574161

  • Frustration destruction of ship or cargo, 9.15-9.18 generally, 9.1-9.14 illegality, 9.41-9.47 inordinate delay, 9.18-9.40 overview, 1.37-1.38 self-induced, 9.4G9.49 statutory provision, 9.50 types, 9.8

    Gear breakdowns intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and,

    "Ceneml or local holidays" interruptions and exceptions to laytime, and,

    4.2314.232 Cencon clause

    demurrage, and, 6.5 strikes, and, 4.3924425

    Go slow Centrocon strike clause, and, 4.402

    Hail and sleet interruptions and exceptions to laytime, and.

    4.149 Half-day holidays

    interruptions and exceptions to laytime, and. 4.253-4.257

    Half rate demurrage generally, 6.924.98 stom, 6.994.104

    High winds i intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and.

    4.149 Holidays

    BIMCO calendar, 4.242 "chanerpany holidays", 4.2374.238 Chanerpany Laytime Definitions, 4.217 custom and practice. by. 4.2254.229 fixed laytime, and, 2.1 1 "general or local holidays", 4.2314.232 half-day holidays. 4.2534.257 introduction. 4.215 Isr. hv. 4.2184.224 --. . ~ , . ~~- "legal holidays". 4.233 "legal and local holidays", 42394,240 l one shore men's davs, 4.228 meaning, 4.2LW.229 "non-worlung holidays", 4.241 "official and llocal holidays". 4.234-4.236 part-day holidays. 4.2534.257 regulations. by. 4.2184.224 religious, 4.229 Saturdays. 4.258-4.262 working days, and, 4.2434.252 working in excepted periods, 4.2894.303

    Hose disconnection completion of laytime, and, 5.465.51

    Ice interruptions and exceptions to laytime, and.



    Illrealitv -~ ~~ 2 frustration, and, 9.41-9.47

    "In regular turn" custom and practice, 3.509-3.510 delay after herthing, 3.513 generally, 3.49M.507 limita of delay. 3.508 , . loss of turn, 3.511-3.512

    Inactivity by charterer completion of laytinre, and, 5.5-5.15

    Incorporation of charterpany terms 4.74 demurrage, and, 6.177-6.182

    Indomees demurrage, and, 6.1834.197

    Inordinate delay frustration, and, 9.18-9.40

    Interruptions and exceptions to laytime "any other cause beyond the control of

    charterers" free-standing clauae, as, 4.87-4.97 linked to exceptions clause, 4.104-4.133

    atmosoheric orccidtadon. 4.149 ballasiing, 4.%4:62 hare tides. 4.18l4.185 hunkering, 4 .52457 cargo gear breakdowns, 4.74 charterer's duties, 4.154.17 closing hatcher. 4.63 communications with vessel. 4.75 congestion, 4.1 384.141 contra proferrntum rule, 4.54.12 crane breakdowns, 4.74 customary laytime. and. 4.4 deballasting. 4.584.62 exceptions

    "any other wuse beyond the control of chatterers". 4.87-4.97

    fault, 4.784.86 general clauses, 4.984.133

    fault of shipowner ballasting, 4.584.62 bunkering, 4.524.57 closing hatches, 4.63 communications with vessel, 4.75 consignees, and, 4.394.40 crane breakdowns, 4.74 dehallasting. 4.584.62 exclusion of, 4.784.86 flushing the sealine. 4.7H.77 introduction, 4.18-4.20 meaning of fault, 4.244.30 "on-production of bills of lading. 4.674.73 opening lratches, 4.03 other cases, 4.314.38 payment of port d u e , 4.66 relevant delays, 4.214.23 seal inspecdons, 4 . b M . B stevedores. and, 4 .41451 whose fault, 4.39-4.51

    fixed laytime, and, 4.3 flushing the sealine. 4.7W.77 frost, 4.1574.163

  • lntenuptions and exceptiuna to laytime--coat. gear breakdown, 4.74 general exception clauses

    "my other cause heyond the control of charterers", 4.1044.133

    Asbatankvoy, 4.98 generally, 4.984.103 Sugar Charterparty, 4,102

    general principles. 4 .13417 hail, 4.149 half-day holidays, 4.2534.257 high winds, 4.149 holidays

    B N C O calendar, 4.242 "charterpany holidays", 4.2374.238 Charterparty Laytime Definitions, 4.217 custom and practice, by, 4.2254.229 "general or local holidays", 4.231-4.232 half-day holidays. 4.2534.257 introduction, 4.215 law, by, 4.2184.224 "legal holidays", 4.233 "legal and local holidays", 4.2394.240 I.ongsharemen's days, 4.228 meaning, 4.2164.229 "nan-working holidays", 4.241 "official and local holidays". 4,2344236 part-day holiduys, 4.253-4.257 tcgulations. by. 4.2184.224 religious, 4.229 Saturdays. 4.2584.262 working days, and, 4.2434.252 working in excepted periods, 4.2894.303

    ice, 4,164-4.171 introduction, 4.14.4 lightening

    Enranvoy, 4.51 1 generally, 4.5034.513 time used, 4.514-4.519

    meaning, 4.1 non-production of bills of lading. 4 ,67473 opening hatches, 4.63 overtime

    ordered by port authorities, 4.134-4.137 Saturdays, 4.263

    overview, 1.24 payment of port dues, 4.66 rain, hail, snow and sleet, 4.149 readiness to load, and, 4,154.17 Saturdays

    Baltimore Form C clause, 4.2784.283 aenerallv. 4.2584.262 iucal cultom, 4.264-4.269 local law, 4.2704.276 non-working pan of stay, 4.277 overtime. 4.263 weekend clause. 4.284-4.288

    seal inspections, 4.64-4.65 shifting

    anchoraee to berth. from. 4.4274.469 enforced by weather or port authorities,


    Interruptions and exceptions to laytim-onr. shifting-ont.

    expenses, 4.4854.498 introduction, 4.426 one benh to another. from. 4,4704476

    sleet, 4.149 snow. 4.149 strikes

    causation, 4.31W.320 Centrocon clause, 4.3594.391 congestion, 4.3244312 consequential delay. 4,3244,332 Geocon clause, 4.3924.425 introduction, 4 .30U.305 length of delay. 4.3524.357 lessening of effect, 4.3334.351 meaning, 4.306-4.315 provision of cargo, 4.3214.323 Voylayrules. 4.311

    surf, 4.1724.175 swell, 4.1764180 warping. 4.499-4.502 weather

    atmospheric precipitation, 4.149 bore tides, 4.1814.185 causation, and, 4.186 Conaca clause. 4.2094.214 exceptions, 4.1934.208 frost, 4,1574,163 high winds, 4.149 ice. 4.164-4.171 intermptiqns, 4.1874.192 inmuduction, 4.1424.147 limits, 4.1484.156 meaning, 4.144 rain, hail, snow and sleet, 4.149 surf, 4.1724.175 swell. 4.17W.180

    weather working days. 4.2 weekend clause, 4.284-4.288 working in excepted periods

    introduction, 4.289 not provided for, 4,2964303 where provided for, 4.2904.295

    Lapse of time commencement of laytime, and, 3.253-3.257

    Laytime averaging

    cases, 5.77-5.85 introduction, 5.69-5.76

    carriage of edible vegetable oils. and. 5.155-5.165 clauses

    customary laytime. 2.207-2.285 fined laytime, 2.1-2.206

    commencement ree olro Commencement of laytime arrival at specified destination, 3.2-3.1 14 changes, 3.345-3.526 inlroduction, 3.1 notice of readiness, 3.216-3.344 readiness to load and discharge, 3.115-3.215


    Laytime--conf. "Legal holidilys" completion intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and,

    .see olro Completion of laytime 4.233 d ~ y cargo, 5.2s5.42 "Legal and local holidays" general points, 5.4-5.19 intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and. introduction, 5.1-5.3 4.2394.240 liquid cargo, 5.43-5.68 Legal readiness lo load and discharge

    customary laytime additional requirements, 3.191-3.200 see ulso Customary laytime common law, 3.171-3.172 commencement of loadldischarge, 2.229-2.238 conwcts of sale, 3.203-3.205 custom, 2.220-2.227 customs clearance. 3.173 custamav despatch, 2.219 free pratique and quarantine, 3.174-3.190 delay, 2.239-2.278 generally, 3.167-3.170 exceeding, 2.283-2.284 implied requirements, 3.2063.208 introduction, 2.207-2.208 the Indian cases, 3.209-3.215 other terms of charterparty, 2.279-2.282 Length of delay overview, 1.17 strikes, and. 4.3524.357 quick despatch, 2.285 "Liheny to complete" clause "reasonahlc time", 2.209-2.218 multiple charters, and, 5.100

    definition, 1.10 Lien definitions. Appendix A demurrage, and fixed laytime construction of the charter. 6.22CL6.230 re* a130 Fixed laytimc

    days and hours, 2.62.143 effectiveness. 6.231-6.238

    introduction, 2.1-2.5 generally, 6.206-6.213

    overview, 1.18 introduction, 6.171-6.175

    rates of working cargo, 2,144-2.206 detention, and, 8.70-8.72

    general principles. 1.16-1.28 Lightening

    intemptions and exceptions Exxonvoy, 4.51 1

    rrr also Interruptions and exceptions to laytime ge"eml'y, 4.5034.513

    any other cause, 4.874.97 time used, 451411.519

    congestion. 4.1384.141 Liner terms contra profennrum rule. 4.5-4.12 customary laytime, and. 2.207 fault, 4.184.86 Liquid cargo general exception clauses, 4 .984133 completion of laytime, and, 5.43-5.68 general principles, 4.13-4.17 Local custom holidays, 4.2154.303 Saturdays, and, 4.264-4.269 inwoduction, 4.14.4 Local law lightening, 4.5034.519 Saturdays, and. 4.270-4.276 overtime ordered by port authorities. Lock-out of essential workmen

    4,1344137 Centrocon strike clause, and, 4.3784.380 overview. 1.24 Longshoremen's days shifting, 4.426-4.498 strikes. 4.304-4.425 warping, 4.4994.502 weather, 4.1424.214

    introduction. 1.1-1.8 multiple charters

    cargo operations canied out whilst waiting, 5.14&5.143

    carriage af edible uegecable oils, 5.149-5.172 commencement of laytime, 5.111-5.1 16 demurrage. 5.14G5.148 introduction, 5.100-5.102 reading chaners separately or together,

    5.103-5.110 time lost waiting in henh, 5.1 17-5.139

    reversing cases, 5.86-5.96 introduction, 5.69-5.76

    vegetable oil^, and, 5.155-5.165 voyage chartera, and, 1.1 1-1.15

    intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and, 4.228

    Loss of turn commencement of laytime, and. 3.511-3.512

    Mabon's day colliery working days. and, 2.40

    Master's claim demurrage, and, 6.24M.249

    Mitigation demurrage, and, 6.50-6.60

    Multiple charters Bimchemvoy. 5.101 cargo operations canied out whilst waiting,

    5.14&5.143 carriage of edihle vegetable oils

    colnnlencement of laylime. 5.153-5.154 demurrage. 5.155-5.165 inuoduction, 5.149-5.151 laytime, 5.155-5.165

  • Multiple charters-mt. carriage of edible vegetable oils+onf.

    nomination of loading and discharging berths, 5 152 - ~ - -

    squeegeeing and sweeping, 5.166 wanshipment. 5.168-5.172

    commencement of laytime, 5.1 11-5.1 16 demurrage, 5.144-5.148 introduction, 5.1W5.102 "lihertv to com~lete" clause. 5.100 reading chmers separately or together,

    5.103-5.110 time lost in waiting for henh, 5.1 17-5.139

    Natural phenomena customary laytime, and, 2.275-2.278

    New Worldscale demurrage, and. 6.24

    Nan-production of hills of lading intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and,

    4.674.73 "Non-working holidays"

    intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and, 4.241

    Non-working part of day Saturdays, and, 4.277

    Norgrain charter waiting for berth, 3.430-3.431

    Notice of readiness acceptance, 3.298-3.328 advance of arrival, in, 3,249-3.252 Asbatankvoy, and, 3.289-3.297 commencement date for lilytime. before,

    3.258-3.259 comctneaa, 3.26s3.288 demurrage, and, 6.1054.1 13 express provisions, 3.233-3.248 generally, 32163,219 lapse of time between readiness and

    commencement. 3.253-3.257 method of transmission, 3.220-3.232 timing, 3.220-3.232

    Obstructions beyond control of charterers Ccntrocon strike clause, and

    docks, in, 4.367-4.369 loding places, in, 4.3674.369 railways, on. 4.37W.371

    "Official and local holidays" intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and.

    4.2344.236 Opening hatches

    intemptions and exceptiuns to lilytime, and, 4 Overstowed cargo

    physical readiness to load and discharge, and. 3.149-3.151

    Overtime ordered by port authorities. 41344.137 Saturdays, 4.263

    Pan-day holidays intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and,

    4.253-4.257 Payment of demurrage

    generally, 6.25 time, 6,2744,276

    Payment of port dues intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and,

    Permanent ahsence from pon demurrage, and. 6.162-6.168

    Physical readiness to load and discharge load and discharge equipment, 3.152-3.163 generally, 3.12C-3.148 other matten. 3164-3.166 overstowed cargo. 3.149-3.151

    Pan Charterparty Laytime Detinitions, 3.51 Voylaymles, 3.52

    Port authorities customary laytime. and, 2.268-2.272

    Port charters arrival at specified destination, and

    anival within the port, 3.51-3.63 immediate and effective disposition of the

    charterer, 3.M-3.114 introduction, 3.48-3.50

    introduction, 1.22 Proof of loss

    demurrage, and, 6.50-6.60

    Quamndne legal readinas to load and discharge, and,

    3.174-3.190 Quick despatch

    customary laytime, and, 2.285

    Rain, hail, snow and sleet intemptions and exceptions to laytime, and,

    4.149 Rate of demurrage

    generally. 6.2M.23 New Worldscale, 6.24

    Rate oer hatch Charterparty Laytime Definitions, 2.169 generally, 2.104-2.172 Voylilyrules, 2.171

    Rate per hook fixed laytime, and, 2.173-2.176

    Rate oer (available) wurkine hatch . . availability of holds, 2.163 generally. 2.145-2162 rate per hatch

    Charterparty Laytime Definitions, 2.169 generally, 2.164-2.172 Voylayrules. 2.171

    rate oer hook. 2.173-2176 specified number of available working hatches,

    2.193-2.206 total daily rate, 2.177-2.192 Voylaymle~, 2.147

    "Re~chable on arrival" Baltic Code, 3.458

  • "Reachable on arrival"--cnnr. generally, 3.432-3.457 shifting from anchorage to berth, and,

    4.4414.469 Readiness to load and discharge

    cancellation clause, and, 3.329-3.335 generally, 3.115-3.119 legal aspects

    additional rcquiremem, 3.191-3.200 common law. 3.171-3.172 contracts of sale, 3.203-3.205 customs clearance, 3.173 free pratique and quarantine. 3.174-3190 nenerallv. 3.167-3.170 " , . implied requirements, 3.206-3.208 the Indian cases, 3.209-3.215

    physical aspects load and discharge equipment, 3.152-3.163 generally, 3,120-3.148 other mauers, 31643.166 overstowed cargo, 3.149-3.151

    "Reasonable time" customary laytime. and, 2.209-2.218

    Receivers demurrage. and. 6.183-6.197

    Religious holidays intemptions and exceptions to laytime. and,

    4.229 Reversing

    cases, 5.86-5.96 despatch. and, 7.25-7.29 . a introduction, 5.69-5.76

    Riots Centrocan strike clause, and. 4.3754.377

    Running days generally, 2.17-2.22 interruptions to laytime, and, 4.1874.192 Voylayrules, 2.20 "weather permitting", 2.92-2.11 1

    Running hours generally, 2.36 internotions to lavtime. and. 4.1874.192

    Saturdays Baltimore Form C clause, 4.2784.283 eenerallv. 4.2584.262 iocal cuitom, 4.26U.269 local law, 4.2704.276 non-working part of stay, 4.277 avertimc, 4.263 weilther working days, and

    calculation method A. 2.84 calculation method R. 2.85

    Seal inspections interruptions and exceptions to laytime, and,



    Shifting anchorage to berth, froin

    cu8tom. 4.4374.438 introduction, 4.4274.430 reachable on arrival, 4.4414.469 time not to count, 4.4314.436

    anchorage outside the pon to berth, from, 4.4394.440

    demurrase. and. 6.91 " enforced by weather or port authorities,

    4.4774.484 expenses, 4.4854.498 introduction, 4.426 one berth to another, from, 4.47W4.476

    Sleet - ~ ~ - ~ interruptions and exceplions to laytime, and,

    4.149 Snow

    intemptions and exceptions to laytime. and, 4.149

    'So near thereto as she may safely get" anticipated delay, 3.487 closeness to port, 3.4%3.491 generally, 3.473-3.480 nature of the obstacle. 3.481-3.484 proponion of cargo loadedldischarged,

    3.492-3.493 time spent waiting, 3.485-3.486 text, Appendix C

    Squeegeeing carriage of edible vegetable oils, and, 5.166

    Stevedores fault of shipowner. and. 4.414.51

    Stoppages Centrocon strike clause, and, 4.3724.374

    Stom half rate demurrage. and, 6.996.104

    Strikes causation

    congestion, 4.3244332 consequential delay, 4 .32U.332 introduction, 4.31U.320 provision of cargo. 4.3214.323

    Centrocan clause civil commotions, 4.3754.377 first pan, 4.363-4.380 fourth pan, 4.3904.391 introduction, 4.3594.362 lock-out of essential workmen, 4.3784.380 obstluctions beyond control of chilrterers,

    4.3674.371 riots. 4.3754.377 second part, 4.3814.385 specified causes, 4.366 stoppages, 4.372L4.374 strike of esselltial worltmen, 4.3784.380 third part, 4.38W.389

    congestion introduction, 4.324 where delay allowed. 4.3254.327 where delay not allowed, 4.3284.332



    S t r i k e s o n t . consequential delay

    introduction, 4.324 where allowed, 4.3254.327 where not allowed. 43284,332

    customary laytime, and, 2.262-2.267 Gencon clause. 4.3924.425 introduction, 4.3044.305 length of delay, 4.352-4.357 lessening of effect

    alternative action, 4,3334,335 alternative cargo, 4.3374.340 alternative labour, 4.3494.351 alternative method of loading/discharging,

    4.3414.348 alternative port, 4.336 change of berth, 43414.348

    meaning, 4.306-4.315 provision of cargo, 4.3214.323 Voylayrules, 4.31 1

    Sugar Charterparty general exception clause, 4.102

    Sundays fixed laytime, and, 2.1 1

    Surf interruptions and exceptions to laytime. and,

    4.1724.175 Sus~ension of lavtime

    general principles, and, 1.24 Swell

    lntemptlona and exceptions to laytlme, a d , 4.17W.180

    Tanker waanties demurrage. and, 6.1 14-6148

    Temporary absence from port demurrage, and. 6.1624.168

    Third parties customary laytime, and. 2.273-2.274

    Time bars demurrage, and, 6.2614.273

    l ime lost in waiting for berth count as laytime, to

    calculation of time lost, 3.424-3.427 generally, 3.406-3.423

    count in full. to generally, 3.428-3.429 Norgrain charter, 3.430 waiting for berth, 3.43b3.431

    multiple charters, and. 5.1 17-5.139 "Time to commence on heing reported at the

    Custom House" commencement of laytime. and, 3,521-3.524

    "To be loaded as per colliery guarantee" commencement of laytime, and, 3.525-3.526

    Total daily rate rate per (available) working hatch, and,

    2.177-2192 Transhipment

    carriage of edible vegetable oils, and, 5168-5.172


    Vegetable oils, carriage of commencement of laytime, 5.153-5.154 demurrage, 5.155-5.165 introduction. 5.149-5.151 laytime, 5.155-5.165 nomination of loading and discharging berths.

    5.152 squeegeeing and sweeping, 5.166 transhipment, 5.168-5.172

    Voyage charters demurrage. and. 1.1 1-1.15 introduction, 1.1-1.8 meaning, 1.13 stages, 1.11-1.15 types, 1.16-1.22

    Voyage Charterparty Laytime Interpretation Rulea .?,A- ,773

    .Tee also Voylayrules 1993 introduction, 1 8

    Voylayrules 1993 commencement of laytime

    berth. 3.30 free pratique. 3.183 in writing, 3.234 notice of readiness, 3.216 port, 3.52 reachable on her arrival, 3.455 time lost in waiting for berth to count as

    laytime, 3.4011 unless sooner commenced, 3.344 whether in berth or not, 3.391

    definitions: Appendix A demurrage, 6.1 despatch, 7.2 fixed laytime

    rate per hatch, 2.171 rate per (available) working hatch, 2.147 running days, 2.20 weather working days of 24 consecutive hours

    2.141 weather working days, 2.91

    holidays p i o f a day, 4.254 working in excepted periods, 4.293

    introduction, 1.8 strikes, 4.311 working in excepted periods

    not provided for, 4.303 provided for. 4.293

    . " intemptions and exceptions to lnytime. and

    4.4994.502 Weather

    atmospheric precipitation. 4.149 bore tides, 41814.185 causation. and, 4.186 Canuco clause, 4.2094.214 customaly laylime, and, 2.275-2.278 exceptions, 4.1934.208 frost, 4.1574.163 high winds. 4.149


    Weather--conr. Weather working days of 24 consecutive ice, 41644.17 1 hours--rant. intempliuns, 4.1874.192 gcncrally, 2.lrn2.143 ietroduction. 4.1424.147 Voylayrulcs, 2.141 limits. 4.1484.156 Weekend clause meaning, 4.144 Saturdays. and. 4.284-4.288 rain, hail, snow and sleet, 4.149 "Whether in berth or not"

    surf, 4.17212.175 commencement of laytime, and, 3.374-3.397 "Whether in port or not"

    swell, 4.17H.180 commencement of laytime, and. 3.398-3.405

    "Weather permitting" Work to rule generally, 2.92-2.1 11 Centrocon strike clause. and, 4.402 working days of 24 consecutive hours, 2.139 Working days working days of 24 hours, 2.130 colliery working days, 2.37-2.40 working hours, 2.1 12 generally. 2.23-2.33

    Weather working days holidays, and, 4.2434.252 calculation of weather interruptions. 2.59-2.79 intemptions to laytime, and, 4.1874.192 Charterparty I..aytime Definitions, 2.44 running working days, 2.34-2.36 generally, 2.41-2.58 "weather permitting", 2.92-2.11 I incomplete d;dys. 2.80-2.90 Working days of 24 consecutive hours

    intemptions Lu laytime, and, 4.1 87-4.192 tired laytime, and. 2.133-2.139

    Saturdays Working days of 24 hours calculation method A, 2.84 tired laytime, and, 2.1 12-2.125

    calculation method B, 2.85 Working houra per working day fixed laytime, and, 2.126-2.132

    calculation method C. 2862.90 Working in excepted pcriods introduction. 2.80-2.83 introduction, 4.289

    "weather permitting", 2.111 not provided for, 4.29H.303 Voylayrules, 2.91 wherc provided for. 4.2904.295

    Weather working days of 24 consecutive houra "Working time saved" Chmerparty Laytime Definitions, 2.140 despatch, and, 7.4
