laying a strong foundation for agile transformation

Laying A Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation (Experience Report Presentation @ Agile India 2016 on March 17 2016) Dr. Gopinath Ramakrishnan Independent Consultant e-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @gpnth Website: (c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

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Page 1: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Laying A Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation (Experience Report Presentation @ Agile India 2016 on March 17 2016)

Dr. Gopinath Ramakrishnan Independent Consultant

e-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @gpnth


(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 2: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

About the Client

• Multinational Product Company

• Product Development mainly in India

• Organizational Structure – Function Based

• Waterfall Lifecycle

• Prior Exposure to Agile - NONE

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 3: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

5 Steps for Effective Agile Initiation

1. Set Sponsor Expectations Right

2. Get Leadership Buy-in

3. Assess the Current Scenario

4. Start, Train & Coach Pilot Project

5. Measure the Impact

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 4: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Why Agile ?

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 5: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Agile Journey is Not Easy!

Be Prepared for A Major Change !!

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 6: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

5 Steps for Effective Agile Initiation

1. Set Sponsor Expectations Right

2. Get Leadership Buy-in

3. Assess the Current Scenario

4. Start, Train & Coach Pilot Project

5. Measure the Impact

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 7: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

First Understand Agile


Commit to Transformation

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 8: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Agile Values & Principles Workshop for Leaders

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 9: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Agile Workshop – Outcomes

• Business Expectations Emerged

• All Agile Values and Principles found Relevant

• Leadership Team Buy-in Obtained

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 10: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

If Being Agile makes Business Sense And Leadership is Willing to Change Then Do Gemba Situation Analysis

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Gemba: Place where value is created

Page 11: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

5 Steps for Effective Agile Initiation

1. Set Sponsor Expectations Right

2. Get Leadership Buy-in

3. Assess the Current Scenario

4. Start, Train & Coach Pilot Project

5. Measure the Impact

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 12: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Assessment - Objectives

• To Compare Current Practices with Agile Practices and Baseline them

• To Surface any Critical People Issues

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

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Comparative Agility™

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 14: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Parameters Assessed

1. Teamwork

2. Requirements, Architecture and Design

3. Project Planning and Monitoring

4. Engineering Practices

5. Product Quality

6. Work Culture

7. Continuous Improvement

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 15: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Assessment - Inputs

• Release Retrospectives

• Survey Responses

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 16: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Release Retrospectives

• Most Recent Product Release

• 3 Separate Sessions

– Session 1: Team Members from Potential Pilot Project

– Session 2: Team Members from Other Projects

– Session 3: Project Managers & Line Managers

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 17: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Survey Questionnaire

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Extract from the Survey Questionnaire

Page 18: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Pre-Pilot Survey Results - Parameter Ratings

Pilot Candidate 1

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Pilot Candidate 2

Page 19: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Pre-Pilot Survey Results – Practices Needing Attention • Visibility of Progress (41 %)

• Ability to Start with Incomplete Requirements (29%)

• Visibility of Technical Debt (29%)

• Early Identification of Non-functional Requirements (26%)

• Involvement of the Testers (26%)

• Being Productive without Overworking (26%)

• Consideration of Team oriented behavior in Performance Reviews and Compensation (26%)

[Figs. in the bracket are the % of responses rated FAR or VERY FAR from the proven Agile practice]

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 20: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Assessment - Conclusions

• Practices lie in the middle of the Agility Scale

• Some Practices need attention

• No Critical Risks to Agile Transformation

– No major issues with Work Culture and Teamwork

Pilots Can Start !

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 21: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

5 Steps for Effective Agile Initiation

1. Set Sponsor Expectations Right

2. Get Leadership Buy-in

3. Assess the Current Scenario

4. Start, Train & Coach Pilot Project

5. Measure the Impact

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 22: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Pilot Project Details

• Pilot Duration – 6 Weeks ( 3 Sprints)

• Pilot A – Feature Based

– External Customer

– 7 Team Members (5 Programmers + 2 Testers)

• Pilot B – Component Based

– Internal Customers

– 3 Team Members (2 Programmers + 1 Tester)

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 23: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Pre-Pilot Workshops

• Agile Values & Principles

• Overview of Agile Methods

• Role of Managers in an Agile World

• Teamwork

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 24: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Pilot Project – Process Framework

• Scrum Derivative - NOT Scrum !

• Scrum Events & Artifacts

• Roles different from Scrum

– Project Manager Local Product Owner (LPO)

– Functional Manager Sprint Manager (SM)

• Reporting relationships among LPO, SM & Team Members

– Not an issue ; Work Culture conducive

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 25: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Pilot Project – Training & Coaching • Just-in Time; Bite-Sized Workshops

– Timed just before a sprint ceremony

– Actual Work Artifacts (vs simulated exercises )

• Focus of Coaching

– Changing the Mindset

– Improving Teamwork

– Ensuring Effective Sprint Ceremonies

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 26: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

5 Steps for Effective Agile Initiation

1. Set Sponsor Expectations Right

2. Get Leadership Buy-in

3. Assess the Current Scenario

4. Start, Train & Coach Pilot Project

5. Measure the Impact

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 27: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Extract from the Survey Questionnaire

Page 28: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

How many people said

Situation has Become BETTER?

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 29: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Impact of Agile on Parameters %






(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 30: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Impact of Agile on Parameters %






(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Parameters % of Responses Rating it “Better”

Requirements, Architecture and Design

100 %

Project Planning & Monitoring


Continuous Improvement 100 %

Teamwork 93 %

Product Quality 93 %

Work Environment 79 %

Engineering Practices 71 %

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Impact on Practices

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

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Impact on Practices

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

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Impact of Agile on the Practices which were Rated Low in Pre-Pilot Survey

% o

f R




(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 34: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Impact of Agile on the Practices which were Rated Low in Pre-Pilot Survey

% o

f R




(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Practices % of Responses Rating it “Better”

Progress Visibility 100 %

Early Tester Involvement 93%

Encouragement of Team Behavior


Ability to Start Work with Incomplete Requirements

57 %

Being Productive without Overworking

50 %

Early Identification of NFRs


Technical Debt 36 %

Page 35: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation


Another 8 Teams

earmarked for Agile Transition

in the Next Release

(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016

Page 36: Laying a Strong Foundation for Agile Transformation

Thank You !

Dr. Gopinath Ramakrishnan Independent Consultant

e-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @gpnth


(c) Gopinath Ramakrishnan, 2016