lawton chiles middle school newsletter

MAY 2016 ISSUE 2 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE PANTHER PAUSE LAWTON CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL PH: 407-871-7050 FX: 407-871-7099 1240 Sanctuary Drive Oviedo, Florida 32766 Office Hours: 8:00 - 4:00 Mrs. Linda Mumey, Principal Ms. Diane Taylor, 8th Grade Admin. Dr. Victoria Hyatt, 7th Grade Admin. Dr. John Antmann, 6th Grade Admin. Mr. Frank Todd, Dean of Students We’ve made it to the end of another year! Our 8th graders are excited about moving on to high school and our 6th and 7th graders are ready to move up a level. This time just goes so fast! Schedule requests are being processed and we’re in full preparation mode for the 2016 – 2017 school year. As one school year is ending, the other is getting ready to burst into life! The teachers will continue to engage students with rigorous instruction right up until the point the final bell rings on May 26th. We all need to maintain our focus and sprint to the finish. Our final three days will be early release days and the students will be dismissed at 1:50. Final exams and culminating assignments are planned for the final days and they are a part of the student grade average, so please help ensure your student attends. Supply lists for next year will be posted on our website over the summer so you can take advantage of the multitude of sales and specials. The schedule pick up date to kick off the new school year, is Monday, August 8 from 8:30 – 11:30 and the first day of student attendance is Wednesday August 10th. If you like to plan ahead, we will be holding Open House on Thursday, September 15th. As the year concludes, there are still many events scheduled so keep an eye out on my weekly emails so you can stay current. The information is also updated on our website regularly, so that’s a great source as well. Our incoming 5th graders got to visit and tour our campus and were amazed at the differences middle school is going to bring them and soon we will bid farewell to our 8th graders as they start the next chapter of their journey called High School. The high schools can always tell which students came from Chile because they are so well prepared! I wish them all the best of luck! Thank you for continuing to make Chiles the awesome school that it is. You have demonstrated continual support for me and the school and I am blessed to be your principal. Have a fantastic summer! Linda J. Mumey Principal Student Supervision In order to ensure that all students are properly supervised while on school property, parents should be aware of the school hours and school supervision policy. The regular attendance hours are 8:45 a.m. to 3:55 p.m. with early release on Wednesday. Any person, including a student, who comes onto the campus at times other than those stated above, does so at his or her own risk. Parents are requested to help ensure everyone’s safety by not allowing students to come onto school property when there is no supervision. Students are NOT allowed on campus before 8:45 without prior permission from a faculty or staff member. Students are required to have a pass from the faculty or staff member that grants them this permission – it is the responsibility of the student to get the pass. Students WILL NOT be allowed to enter campus WITHOUT a pass.

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May 2016


Page 1: Lawton Chiles Middle School Newsletter





PH: 407-871-7050 • FX: 407-871-70991240 Sanctuary Drive • Oviedo, Florida 32766

Office Hours: 8:00 - 4:00

Mrs. Linda Mumey, PrincipalMs. Diane Taylor, 8th Grade Admin.Dr. Victoria Hyatt, 7th Grade Admin.

Dr. John Antmann, 6th Grade Admin.Mr. Frank Todd, Dean of Students

We’ve made it to the end of another year! Our 8th graders are excited about moving on to high school and our 6th and 7th graders are ready to move up a level. This time just goes so fast! Schedule requests are being processed and we’re in full preparation mode for the 2016 – 2017 school year. As one school year is ending, the other is getting ready to burst into life!

The teachers will continue to engage students with rigorous instruction right up until the point the final bell rings on May 26th. We all need to maintain our focus and sprint to the finish. Our final three days will be early release days and the students will be dismissed at 1:50. Final exams and culminating assignments are planned for the final days and they are a part of the student grade average, so please help ensure your student attends.

Supply lists for next year will be posted on our website over the summer so you can take advantage of the multitude of sales and specials. The schedule pick up date to kick off the new school year, is Monday, August 8 from 8:30 – 11:30 and the first day of student attendance is Wednesday August 10th. If you like to plan ahead, we will be holding Open House on Thursday, September 15th.

As the year concludes, there are still many events scheduled so keep an eye out on my weekly emails so you can stay current. The information is also updated on our website regularly, so that’s a great source as well. Our incoming 5th graders got to visit and tour our campus and were amazed at the differences middle school is going to bring them and soon we will bid farewell to our 8th graders as they start the next chapter of their journey called High School. The high schools can always tell which students came from Chile because they are so well prepared! I wish them all the best of luck!

Thank you for continuing to make Chiles the awesome school that it is. You have demonstrated continual support for me and the school and I am blessed to be your principal. Have a fantastic summer!

Linda J. MumeyPrincipal

Student Supervision In order to ensure that all students are properly supervised while on school property, parents should be aware of the school hours and school supervision policy. The regular attendance hours are 8:45 a.m. to 3:55 p.m. with early release on Wednesday. Any person, including a student, who comes onto the campus at times other than those stated above, does so at his or her own risk. Parents are requested to help ensure everyone’s safety by not allowing students to come onto school property when there is no supervision. Students are NOT allowed on campus before 8:45 without prior permission from a faculty or staff member. Students are required to have a pass from the faculty or staff member that grants them this permission – it is the responsibility of the student to get the pass. Students WILL NOT be allowed to enter campus WITHOUT a pass.

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PTSA News The LCMS PTSA would like to thank all of our families for their continued support. Our magazine fundraiser, the Health Fair, Literacy Week, and all our events were great successes because of your help. We are now looking ahead to next year. Congratulations to the executive board for the 2016-17 school year!! Elections were held at the last general meeting - President – Mary Barker, 1st V.P. of Programs – Myra Fuchs, 2nd V.P. of Ways and Means – Katie Champlin, Secretary – Keisa Sensabaugh, Treasurer – Denise Havercamp. We are still looking for a few interested parents to join our team and help make the next school year another fantastic year for our students and teachers. If you are interested in becoming part of our team, please contact Mary Barker at [email protected]. Remember to stop by the PTSA table on schedule pick up day and sign up for a membership for you and your student for the 2016-2017 school year! Please WAIT until next school year to RENEW your magazine subscriptions! You’re probably getting magazine subscription renewal notices in the mail, but please hold off on renewals until the LCMS magazine fundraiser starts again next school year on August 30. LCMS raised over $8,600 for our school this past year from your magazine purchases (both new subscription and renewals). If you wait until the beginning of September to buy or renew your magazine subscriptions through your child’s sales, a full 40% of the price of all new AND RENEWAL subscriptions goes directly to our school to benefit our classrooms, teachers and students! (And your child will get prizes too!)

Tardiness Teaching our students timeliness is always of great importance. Please ensure that your child comes to school on time and remind your child that LCMS allows 4 minutes for transition times between classes, students tardy to school in the morning, or to classes during the day will be marked tardy. Disciplinary consequences will be applied to students with excessive tardies as follows: Tardy #1 = friendly reminder, Tardy #2 = parent contact, Tardy #3 – morning detention, Tardy #4 – discipline referral to the Dean with additional consequences as determined appropriate.

Electronic Misuse Policy It is very important that our students AND parents respect our Electronic Misuse Policy. • Students understand that they bring their Electronic Devices on campus at their own risk.• Students are permitted to use cell phones and mobile devices before school, during lunch,

after school, during passing times, and at the teacher’s discretion in the classroom. • Absolutely no devices may be used or out in the locker rooms. • Cell phone usage may not be disruptive to others, therefore, making or receiving phone calls,

taking photos/videos/voice-recordings, and listening to loud music is not permissible. The abuse of this cell phone policy will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and Electronic Device Misuse. If tardiness or inappropriate behaviors occur because of the abuse of the cell phone policy, disciplinary action will ensue and cell phone rights may be revoked. 1. Those students found not in compliance, for the first infraction, will have the phone

confiscated and will need to return the provided letter signed by the parent to receive the confiscated item back the next school day.

2. For the second infraction a parent will have to come to school to retrieve the device between the hours of 8:30 – 4:00.

3. If a third infraction occurs, a parent will have to come to school to retrieve the electronic device between the hours of 8:30 – 4:00 and the student will receive discipline consequences. Students WILL NOT be called out of class to the telephone except in emergencies.

Dress Code Policy Please ensure that your child’s clothing meets the SCPS dress code. Some common violations include, exposed undergarments, tank tops (shirts must have a collar or sleeves), short shorts or skirts (these must be MID-THIGH, if you or your child question whether something is mid-thigh, please have them measure with a ruler), exposed midriffs, pants not secured at the waist, see-through garments, and clothing with offensive graphics. Yoga pants must be covered from the MID-THIGH up. Students found in violation of this policy will be issued a change of clothing consisting of a t-shirt and/or sweat pants along with a consequence. The dress code policy in its entirety can be found in the Student Conduct and Discipline Code and at

Page 3: Lawton Chiles Middle School Newsletter

3‘Panther Pause’

May 2016Published Five Times Per YearLawton Chiles Middle School

1240 Sanctuary DriveOviedo, Florida 32766

Issue #2

Electives –PE - Mrs. Patti O’Neill The Physical Education Department is testing students in running for cardiovascular endurance, push-ups and sit-ups for muscular strength. In all, skills and sports games, students are working to build their fitness levels. Class discussions talk about the benefits of daily physical activity. Physical fitness is a lifetime of development and students are learning to build their fitness plans for their future. Students focus on socialization skills when working on teams for sports games. Developing strategies and problem solving to ensure cooperative relationships. Working in large and small groups teach the values of patience and acceptance. May 23rd is will be “Field Day” for the eighth grade class. Relay races, 3 legged race, obstacle course and other fun events have been planned. Each 8th grade homeroom has been assigned a “Super Hero” to represent on Field Day. All clothing worn on field day must be within the dress code guidelines of LCMS and Seminole County Schools. The physical education department is committed to building sound bodies and sound minds!ESE – Ms. Barbara Wood Now that summer is approaching, it is time to help your child review academic skills he/she has learned to keep them on track for beginning the school year in August. Make learning fun and keep their skills fresh. For example: Play Scrabble but every word that you play you must be able to either state the definition or use in a sentence correctly.

Message from our School Counseling Department The counseling department works as a professional learning community. Through collaboration, they develop a program emphasizing developmental guidance, which creates a climate for enhancing student achievement. Counselors can help create a positive learning environment. Parents, teachers, counselors, administration, and the community, we can work as a team to make the effort to formally reach out to one another and support each other with a common goal of improving student learning. We will be able to make huge differences in our students’ lives and at the same time lighten our own loads a little by working collaboratively toward the same goal. As the school year comes to an end, please make sure your student(s) registration form for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year is complete, signed by parent, and returned to the grade level counselor. This information is important as the counselors assist students with their educational journey using a comprehensive developmental counseling program. Schedule pick up will take place on Monday, August 8th. During this time, parents and students will have the opportunity to pick up their schedules, find their classrooms, and meet their teachers. Also, counselors will be available to correct any schedule conflicts for academic courses and missing class periods. Please understand electives are based on availability. If you have any questions or concerns regarding scheduling for next school year, please contact your child’s 2016-2017 grade level counselor. We look forward to a successful school year and greatly appreciate your support. Have a fun and relaxing summer break!• Mrs. Jessica Ingolia – 6th grade counselor• Mrs. Amy Valentino – 7th grade counselor• Mrs. Kelly Stivers – 8th grade counselor

Speak Out Crime Line For the safety of our school community, the Crimeline/SpeakOut Hotline number is 1-800-423-TIPS (8477). The phones are answered “Crimeline/SpeakOut how can I help you?” Operators will clarify if the tipster is calling about a campus tip or something else. In addition, SpeakOut also offers text tipping and online tipping. Students are able to submit anonymous tips by texting 24 hours a day by texting ‘speakout’ plus their tip info to CRIMES (274637) or by going online to Tips are investigated by the School Resource Officer (SRO) and community law enforcement as a means of early intervention and prevention.

Positive Behavior Support Positive Behavior Support is a program supported by the Florida Department of Education and Seminole County Public Schools to promote and maximize academic achievement and behavioral competence. It is a school-wide strategy for helping all students achieve important social and learning goals. We know that when good behavior and good teaching come together, our students will excel in their learning. As part of the PBS program, we established several clear procedures for the behavior we expect in all areas of our school. We teach those expectations to the students and reward them frequently with PAWS and weekly prizes for their great behavior. The expectations for all student behavior are clear throughout our campus. You should be able to ask your student, “What are the procedures in your school?” “How do you follow those procedures?” “What happens when a teacher sees you following the procedures?” We apply consistent consequences and positive reinforcement for all kids. By detailing every expected behavior and teaching to kids in a positive way, we provide a common language for everyone in our building, including students, teachers, and staff.

THE LCMS WAY:Our students are • Respectful • Encouraging • Prepared• Responsible


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SCIENCE - Mrs. Terra Nystrom In sixth grade, students spent the final quarter studying space, beginning with the history of space exploration and the various technologies that allow us to learn about the universe. Students focused upon our own solar system initially, and then expanded to learn about galaxies and stars. Seventh grade students discussed how organisms adapt to their environments and change over time. Students also studied ecology and how matter and energy both cycle throughout nature. The Environmental Day event involved the students in various activities focusing on preservation of our precious planet. In eighth grade, students focused on chemistry content. Students learned how molecules form through bonding AND how molecules interact with one another through chemical reactions. Advanced and gifted students concentrated on various bio-science concepts at the end of the year, while standard students conducted a long-term experiment involving yeast growth under various conditions.

MATHEMATICS - Mrs. Debra Rine and Mrs. Elizabeth Viles With the FSA behind us, the students are looking forward to the sunny days of summer. The teachers, on the other hand, are still maintaining an academic focus. Students need to come prepared with their homework, their supplies, and a productive attitude. On April 30th, LCMS sent 8 teams of students to South Seminole Middle School to compete in the county Math Festival. As in years past, our Panthers SHINED! We were all exceptionally proud of them and their hard work. A special thank you to Mrs. Marini for organizing this year’s math-athletes! Thank you, parents for your support this year. We hope you all have a relaxing summer vacation.

LANGUAGE ARTS – Ms. Kat Petty8th Grade After Spring Break, while welcoming in the fourth quarter and our final stretch, the 8th grade Language Arts Department reviewed FSA ELA strategies and focus components. Our students have continued to demonstrate a strong understanding of the learning objectives. During the month of April, we completed a unit that studied the history, the challenges, and the impact of Anne Frank and WWII. In addition, many students completed their Passion Projects where they had an opportunity to research and present a topic of their choice. We also dug deeper into higher level reading and writing analysis by including independent reading of higher level lexile novels, and the introduction of Socratic Seminars. We also explored numerous dystopian/utopian literary works focusing on topics and relevant themes such as consumerism, man vs. science, conformity, and censorship. Some of the works included excerpts from Ray Bradbury’s novel The Illustrated Man. Our 8th grade team would like to collectively thank all of our students for their continued efforts and wish them the best of luck this coming high school year! 7th Grade In April, the seventh grade students took the FSA test for Language Arts. April was spent reviewing test- taking skills and the standards covered on the test. Students were eager to review and learn new test-taking skills in their classrooms. Students read Ray Bradbury’s classic short story “All Summer in a Day” to review characterization, setting, and plot structure. The story is set on the planet, Venus, in the distant future where it rains daily with the exception of one day every seven years. We had a lot of interesting discussions revolving around the science of this text as well. Students participated in the Affinity Challenge in April which was, in essence, a cut off from technology. Teachers heard through in class discussion various activities that the students did instead of being on their smart devices that included cleaning, chores, crafts, family games nights, amongst other activities. This was a successful challenge for students to see that there is life beyond their devices.6th Grade The sixth graders have been very excited and working hard on their annual Tropicana Speeches. Some of the topics this year were very unique: Judgment, United Nations, Ferraris, Being a Redhead, Military Families, and The Benefits of a Smile. It is such a pleasure to see how far they have come with not wanting to get up in front of their peers at all to speaking comfortably with great expression and good eye contact. This is an annual event that Tropicana has sponsored for many years and the winner goes on to the County Competition in Sanford on May 11th at 7:00 p.m. Another exciting activity the sixth graders get to read is a wonderful novel about friendship between two unique friends called Freak the Mighty. The students get to participate in several different reading, vocabulary, and writing activities to go along with this novel. The sequel is called Max the Mighty and many of the students want to read it over the summer. It is an excellent way to end the year on a positive note. Summer Reading All rising 7th and 8th grade students will receive a paper copy of 2016 summer reading assignment from their Language Arts teacher in the month of May. The assignments will also be posted on our school website. The local book stores have been notified, if you would like to purchase the novel. Spanish Language Learners We have a great group of Spanish language learners here at Lawton Chiles! Students in both Beginning Spanish and Spanish 1 classes have been successfully engaging in conversations in Spanish about different topics. Beginning Spanish students have been introduced to the vocabulary and expressions necessary to talk about their house and activities that they do in each room. Students have learned new adjectives and verbs and have used them in short conversations and in writing sentences in Spanish. Students are able to describe themselves and family members, and to form questions in Spanish. Spanish students have compared and contrasted how families in the Spanish-speaking world are similar to and different from their own. Students have also learned weather conditions and relate the weather conditions to months and seasons in Spanish. Students also made choices on what type of clothing would be worn in specific months based on the seasons and weather of specific Spanish=speaking countries. This last quarter, Spanish 1 students have begun learning Spanish words and expressions to be able to describe people and where they live, family relationships, and their responsibilities at home. Students have also learned about Chile’s geography, art, celebrations, food and other aspects of its culture. If your child requires extra help, I am available before school to work with students. Please contact me if needed. I would like to thank all of my students for their continued efforts and their parents for their support. Muchas gracias. Mrs. Cranston Spanish Teacher Lawton Chiles

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Chorus and Drama - Ms. Suzette Swallow Chorus News CONGRATULATIONS to our LCMS Advanced Chorus for their return to Choral Music Performance Assessment. The 62 talented musicians received ratings of Superior, Excellent, Excellent from the three stage performance judges and an Excellent rating from the sight reading judge! Even more amazing is that 54 of these students are brand new to Advanced Chorus – WOW! These students continue to demonstrate a strong commitment to music performance excellence that will inspire future LCMS choirs – BRAVO! Thank you for your extraordinary effort! More CONGRATULATIONS to our 186 Chorus students for their fine performance at the spring concert! Each student brought great joy and musical energy to the Hagerty High School auditorium by singing some of their favorite songs of all time! All of our 8th graders were recognized with special superlative medals for their years of dedication in making great music here at LCMS. Advanced Chorus 8th graders received star insignia pins added to their medal ribbons; MPA 1 yr. – Silver, MPA 2 yr. - Gold. We wish you all continued success as you enter high school and we hope that you’ll keep making music an important part of your life!Drama News Meredith Willson’s The Music Man Jr., is on stage at LCMS this month! Come meet the citizens of River City, Iowa in this classic Broadway musical. Join us May 17 & 19, 2016 in the Black Box Theatre. Choose a night and come support our extraordinary performers who are double cast in this lively show…it is sure to be a rollicking good time for ALL!!!

Admission $5 by reserved ticket. Curtain: 6:30pmBand - Mrs. Grace KupermanMay 5, 2016Spring Concert: Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, Concert Band Hagerty HS 7:00pmMay 10, 2016Spring Concert: Jazz Band, Intermediate Band, Beginning Band Hagerty HS 7:00pmJune 1-10 (Wednesday-Friday and Monday-Friday)Summer Band: Open to current 5th-7th graders Hagerty HS Oviedo Summer Band is just around the corner! This camp is open to current 5th-7th graders. At this camp, students will have the opportunity to begin learning to play an instrument before the school year even starts (for current 5th graders)! All students will meet with professional music teachers, learn the fundamentals on their instrument, explore advanced musical techniques, and perform a concert at the end of the camp. Please visit for more information. Congratulations to students to participated in solo and ensemble this spring. We had over 200 students participate at this district assessment. Students performed in front of music judges and received a rating and comments. Great job to everyone who participated! Congratulations to the LCMS Symphonic Band and Concert Band. They performed for three judges, and they performed for a sight reading judge. Both bands did a wonderful job!

READING - Mrs. Judy Dombrowski Another year of school speeds by again! Hopefully all Panthers are continuing to read fiction and nonfiction texts in their classrooms to learn more and practice all the skills taught this year. Speaking of reading, earlier this spring our LCMS Read to Lead Book club competed at the Educational Support Center in the annual Read to Lead contest. They garnered second place for their efforts! We are very proud of this group of young readers: Haley W., Chloe M., Wesley F., Alexis C., Shamiah J., Alexis A., and Camila T. What a wonderful group of students! In very late May our Sunshine State Book club at Lawton Chiles will battle with the other middle schools in Seminole county for the trophy. These students met all year during their Thursday or Friday lunch period to discuss these books—fifteen novels total. We are hoping for a win! Students continue to read all kinds of texts to learn how to read various kinds of material, ranging from high-interest, grade appropriate science magazines to novels to poetry to historical works in their Intensive and Advanced reading classes. We hope that their hard work helped them do well on their FSA ELA progress monitor and in their content area classes too. At this time of the year the reading teachers take time to emphasize the importance of choosing interesting things to read over the summer. It is VITAL that your children continue to read over their break, because real academic losses occur when students do not practice over the summer. In addition, reading for pleasure is the perfect escape from the hot, humid, long days ahead. Making sure middle schoolers have the opportunity to self-select books, at the library or online, is the best route parents can take in guiding them toward maintaining and improving reading skills. The reading department wishes you a happy, peaceful, book-filled summer vacation!

SOCIAL STUDIES – Mr. Garrett Linquist 6th Grade: They came, they saw, they conquered-- their 6th grade world history curriculum, that is. As we entered our final quarter of the year, sixth grade ancient world history students completed the last DBQ of the year: What Were the Reasons for the “Fall” of Rome? This provides a wonderful context for their introduction to the history of Christianity, integral parts of the culture of the great Roman Empire. We will finish the year studying the early civilizations in the Americas, along with some fun extension activities. Through our studies students will continue to ask questions such as: How does geography affect the development of a civilization? How do governments rise and fall? What causes conflict? What makes a good leader? And how do the contributions of these civilizations influence our lives today? We hope that they continue to ask these same questions as they continue into 7th grade and recognize the impact the study of ancient civilizations had on the formation of our very own government.7th Grade Civics: The 7th Grade has been working very hard and learning all about how the United States elects a president. They are digging deeper in their knowledge by exploring the roles of the president more in depth. Students studied U.S. Foreign Policy and the U.S. political system. They enjoyed learning about significant court cases, such as Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education. Students ended the year with a unit on Economics. In addition, students studied state and local governments and how they affect our lives. Students were fascinated to learn that local governments are much more than the police and fire departments. Gifted students completed a local government project in which they developed a budget for their own school board. Students enjoyed learning where they fit into our communities and what can be accomplished when working together. Students also worked on a number of skills including critical thinking, study skills and a new skill called close reading. These skills were beneficial for the students as they prepared for the Civics EOC.8th Grade: US History It is hard to believe that the fourth quarter is almost over and our 8th graders will soon be moving on to high school. Students analyzed the significance and legacy of the Reform Movements of the 1800s. They created presentations that showcased the evolution of Education, Women’s Rights and Social Services in the United States. They compared the economies of the North and the South and explained how the differences in the economies contributed to the start of the Civil War. This was followed by a unit on the Civil War where students examined the major battles of the war, the impact of key individuals in the war, the impact of the Emancipation Proclamation, and the terms of surrender. Finally, they studied Reconstruction by using primary sources to show how the country grew together as a nation after the Civil War. It was a busy quarter for our 8th graders as they prepare to “leave the nest”. They are a wonderful bunch of kids and will be missed.

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6FROM THE FRONT DESK….Things you should know…EARLY DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS When signing a student out early, you must be present (no prior phone calls), show a picture ID and SIGN your child out. We will then start the process of releasing your child from class. Please allow at least a 20 minute wait and plan accordingly for appointments, especially at dismissal time. Students will not be called out of class after 3:40 p.m. (2:40 p.m. on Wednesdays). Please make an effort to schedule appointments, etc. around the school day. Only those listed on the front office card will be allowed to sign your child out. Please list all possible relatives, friends, and older siblings that may pick up your child. Remember that emergency cards and front office cards are updated each school year – last year’s cards are not valid. If a different situation arises, a note signed and dated by the parent/guardian is required to release a student. If any additions or changes need to be made to your student’s card, please be sure to contact the front office.Messages Any messages to students need to be received by the office no later than 3:00 p.m. (2:00 pm on Wednesday). All messages are delivered at the beginning of each period. Please make every attempt to discuss transportation issues with your child prior to the start of the school day. Please have a contingency plan in place (example, rainy day transportation changes, father and/or mother day pick up, students picking up/or not picking up younger siblings, etc.)Homework & Money Articles and money will be delivered on an emergency basis only. It is your child’s responsibility to bring needed items to school each day.Late Arrivals If tardy, a parent must come in with their child to sign in with the time, reason, and parent signature. If parent cannot come in, the child must have a signed note from the parent with the reason. A doctor’s note is acceptable. Students arriving after 9:10 am must check in at the Administrative Center, Bldg. 1, before going to their classes. A pass will be issued to the student. The student must present this pass to enter class. Students are expected to be in class and in their seats before the tardy bell rings at 9:15am. Tardy policy will be enforced and consequences will be provided as necessary. Student Pick Up & Drop Off Procedures At Lawton Chiles, our first priority is to maintain a safe and orderly environment. Please adhere to the following procedures:1. Students can be picked up in front of the school (Sanctuary Drive entrance). Please follow the directions of

the staff on duty. 2. Car riders are to be dropped off and picked up at the Sanctuary Drive entrance car ramp ONLY. Please

do not drop students off on the bus ramp as this may delay our busses. Also, please do not drop students off at the 419 entrance to the school. Signs alerting visitors to this procedure are posted at the entrance to the bus ramp.

3. Please do not park on the pick-up ramp and exit your car. If you must exit your car for any reason, please park in a parking space.

4. To ensure the safety of our students during arrival and dismissal times please use additional caution when driving on to campus. The posted speed limit is 15 miles per hour. Please look twice for students and staff members while allowing them to cross the road when it is safe.

5. For those students riding a school bus – students may ride ONLY their assigned bus. Students will not be permitted to ride home with a friend unless an EMERGENCY situation arises. Emergency situations do not include sleepovers, the desire to play with a friend, or needing to work on a project. In order to receive an EMERGENCY bus pass, EACH student is required to have a note written and signed by parents. The note will need to be delivered to the Dean for POSSIBLE approval.

Visitors All visitors must report to the front office to sign in and get a name tag before going on to any other location on campus. Students are not allowed to bring visiting friends or guests to school to spend the day at any time. For special circumstances or questions, please contact Mrs. Emerson in the front office, 407-871-7050.Excused Absences Students are required to bring a written note from a parent or guardian and give it to their first period teacher when they return to school after being absent. Phone calls, e-mails, or faxes are not acceptable. If a child will be absent for a length of time, please contact attendance and/or teachers to let us know the situation so homework, etc. can be arranged. A note will still be required when your child returns. Please be sure your child is on time for school. A daily attendance record is kept and both tardies and absences are recorded. Planners One of the best sources of LCMS information will be found in the student planner. You will be able to find answers to most of your questions. Each student was given a planner the first week of school. Be sure to look for it in your child’s backpack. Please review it daily to keep up-to-date on assignments.

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7Thank You to all our 2015-2016 Business PartnersIf you, or a business you know, are interested in becoming a partner, please contact Mr. Todd at [email protected]. Tijuana Flats1016 Lockwood BLVDOviedo, FL 32765McDonalds2784 Wright’s Rd Ste 1032Oviedo, FL 32765Office Max1115 Vidina PlaceOviedo, FL 32765Mathnasium of Oviedo1793 E Broadway St. Oviedo, FL 32765Tropical Smoothie Café8155 Red Bug Lake RoadOviedo, FL 32765Barnes & Noble 1260 Oviedo Mall Blvd. Oviedo, FL 32765Steak n’ Shake8115 Red Bug Lake RoadOviedo, FL 32765Sweet Swirlz1815 E. Broadway StOviedo, FL 32765Health Food USA1807 E. Broadway St. Oviedo, FL 32765

HEALTH FOOD USABeef O’Brady’s1817 E. Broadway St. Oviedo, FL 32765Marco’s Pizza1977 Alafaya TrailOviedo, Fl 32765Chili’s800 Oviedo Marketplace BlvdOviedo, Fl 32765Firehouse Subs1016 Lockwood Blvd 140Oviedo, Fl 32765

Oviedo Bowl376 E. Broadway StOviedo, Fl 32765Café PanuzzosOviedo, Fl 32765Subway1767 E BroadwayOviedo, Fl 32765 The Orlando Predators

Orlando City Soccer FC

Papa Murphy’s2200 Winter Springs Blvd Suite 111Oviedo, Fl 32765TJ’s Seafood Shack197 E Mitchell Hammock RdOviedo, FL 32765Outback SteakhouseOviedoJeremiahs Ice

Kimberlee Riley (Rodan & Fields) Rodan & FieldsPublix Supermarket CharitiesP. O. Box 407Lakeland, FL 33802Destination Dance of Oviedo1942 W County Rd 419, Ste 1040Oviedo, FL 32766

Page 8: Lawton Chiles Middle School Newsletter


Seminole County Public SchoolsLawton Chiles Middle School1240 Sanctuary DriveOviedo, Florida 32766

Non-Profit Organization

US Postage PaidOrlando, FL

Permit # 2346

To Addressee or Current Resident

8Student Calendar 2015-2016May 24, 25-26 Early Dismissal for Students (Last three days of 2nd Semester) May 26 Last Day of Student Attendance – End of 4th Quarter / 3rd Trimester / 2nd Semester May 27 Teacher Workday May 30 School System Closed May 31 Teacher Workday





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Definition of Descriptions: April 21, 2015• Schools Closed = Teachers and students not in attendance; Educational Support Center open for business • Schools Closed for Students – Students not in attendance; Teachers are working and Educational

Support Center is open for business • School System Closed – Teachers, students, and employees at Educational Support Center not in attendance

LCMS is a Smoke Free CampusAs of July 2012 smoking has been prohibited on all areas of all SCPS campuses. Parents, please extinguish products prior to pulling onto LCMS campus. All areas of the campus are now smoke free – this includes the car ramp as well. Thank you for helping us maintain a healthy environment for our students.

School Advisory Council (SAC) The School Advisory Council is a volunteer group of parents and school personnel who advise the administration on all local issues. All community members are welcome; and meetings are open to the public. Meetings are monthly. Please check the website for further details

Student Conduct and Discipline Code Once again, paper copies of the Conduct and Discipline Code will no longer be given to students. Instead, parents may go to to view the Code online. Should a parent require a paper copy, a limited number of copies are being provided to each school. In order to receive a paper copy, please call Mr. Frank Todd (Dean) at 407-871-7037 and make a request. Parents can come to campus to pick up the paper copy or it can be sent home with the student.