lawrence/tuapeka community board - clutha … · moved councillor blackmore / ms e ritchie and...

MEETING OF THE LAWRENCE/TUAPEKA COMMUNITY BOARD WEDNESDAY, 14 DECEMBER 2016 commencing at 3.00 pm at the Lawrence Service Centre Peel Street LAWRENCE

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commencing at 3.00 pm

at the

Lawrence Service Centre

Peel Street


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Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Lawrence/Tuapeka

Community Board will be held at the Lawrence Service Centre, Peel

Street, Lawrence on Wednesday, 14 December 2016 commencing at 3.00



Board Members

G J Blackmore G I McCorkindale Q E H Currall E A Ritchie G T Davidson P J Tansley M-J A Foster

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Report Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board Minutes Meeting Date 14 December 2016

Item Number 1

Prepared By Karen Piercy– Corporate Services Administrator

File Reference A140829 REPORT SUMMARY Attached are the minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board for the 2016-2019 triennium, held on 9 November 2016. RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board confirms as a true and

correct record the minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board for the 2016-2019 triennium, held on 9 November 2016.

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board ITEM FOR CONFIRMATION

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 14 December 2016 Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board Minutes


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Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board Minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board for the 2016-2018 triennium, held at the Lawrence Service Centre, Peel Street, Lawrence on Wednesday 9 November 2016, commencing at 3.01 pm. PRESENT: G T Davidson, Councillor G J Blackmore, Q E H Currall, M-J A

Foster, G I McCorkindale, E A Ritchie, P J Tansley.


His Worship the Mayor Bryan Cadogan, S Hill (Chief Executive), K Piercy (Corporate Services Administrator) & J Gardner (Service Delivery Administrator). There were no apologies.


Clause 14 of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 requires elected members to make and sign the Declaration set out in the Act. The following community board members made the statutory declaration and signed a written version of the declaration.

Quentin Edmund Hugh Currall G T Davidson Melinda-Jane Audrey Foster, Garry Ian McCorkindale, Elizabeth Ann Ritchie Paul John Tansley 2. ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON AND DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON

The Chief Executive called for nominations for the position of Chairperson for the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board.

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 9 November 2016 Minutes


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G Davidson / E Ritchie nominated G McCorkindale for Chairperson.

There were no further nominations and the Chief Executive declared Mr Gary

McCorkindale as Chair of the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board. Mr G McCorkindale assumed the chair. The Chairman called for nominations for the position of Deputy Chairperson of the

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board. Councillor Blackmore / Mr G Davidson nominated Ms Elizabeth Ritchie. There were no further nominations. Elizabeth Ritchie was declared as Deputy

Chairperson of the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board. 3. MAYORAL ADDRESS His Worship the Mayor B A Cadogan congratulated the members on their election

to the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board. He identified opportunities and challenges in the district and welcomed community board leadership over the next three years.


The Chief Executive presented a report outlining the roles and responsibilities Council delegates to the Community Board, including an excerpt from the Delegations Manual, which is due to be adopted by the Council on 8 December 2016. He encouraged the Board to represent and advocate effectively for the community. Moved Mrs Foster / Ms Ritchie and Resolved: “That the Lawrence Tuapeka Community Board receives the Community Board Delegations report.”


The Chief Executive presented a report to provide Community Board Members with the statutory briefing required by Clause 21 (5) (c) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002. Moved Ms Ritchie/ Councillor Blackmore and Resolved: “That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the report ‘Explanation of Relevant Legislation’ and notes the information.”

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 9 November 2016 Minutes


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6. COMMUNITY BOARD APPOINTMENTS The Chief Executive submitted a report regarding the appointment of Community

Board representatives to various groups.

Moved Mr Davidson / Mr Tansley and Resolved: “That Mrs M Foster be appointed as the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community

Board representative to the Simpson Park Sports Complex Inc.

That Mr G Davidson be appointed as the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board representative to the Tuapeka Rural Water Scheme Committee.

That Mr G McCorkindale be appointed as the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board representative to the Waitahuna Hall Committee.

That Councillor Blackmore be asked to continue to be the

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board representative on the Lake Mahinerangi Weed Management Committee and The Mahinerangi Consultative Group.”

That Mr G McCorkindale be appointed as the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board representative to the Waitahuna Domain Committee.”

No appointments were made for the following two groups:

• Tuapeka Community Health Support Group:

This group is currently in recess.

• The Tuapeka Mouth School Preservation Trust. This Trust is now outside the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board area.

7. LAWRENCE/TUAPEAKA COMMUNITY BOARD MINUTES The minutes of a meeting of the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board held 28

September 2016 were presented for the Board’s confirmation. Moved Councillor Blackmore / Ms E Ritchie and Resolved: “That the minutes of the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board meeting held

on 28 September 2016 be confirmed.” 8. WORK IN PROGRESS UPDATE The Corporate Services Administrator submitted a report that updated the

Community Board on progress in relation to issues that had been raised at previous meetings.

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 9 November 2016 Minutes


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8.1 Gabriel’s Gully Walkway

Stiles and signage are still to be erected. The materials have been purchased. 8.2 Signage – Main Street

The sign has been completed but has not yet been arrived. 8.3 Extension of Cycle Trail Ian Mills is surveying and mapping out the trail. 8.4 Future of Old Lawrence Swimming Pool

The Chair read an email from Simone Budge, Lawrence Cultural and Charitable Heritage Trust supporting the concept of the Lawrence Arches project suggested by Marjorie Hay. Marjorie Hay is still to come back to the Community Board with quotes. The Chair will invite Marjorie Hay and the Lawrence Cultural and Charitable Heritage Trust to the December meeting to give an update on the project, to present ideas and a project plan. A petition has been circulating to gauge support for the skate park.

8.5 Cemetery

A formalised agreement for grazing is still to be drawn up. 8.6 Motorhome Assn – Motorhome Friendly Town

This is deferred until March next year and will tie in with the Council survey of district wide camping and the review of the freedom camping bylaw. The NZ Motorhome Association is to be invited to the first meeting in the new year.

8.7 Regional Midsize Tourism Facilities Fund for Toilets in Lawrence

The Chief Executive advised that this fund required projects to be ready to go. There are no projects at this stage in the Clutha District.

8.8 Peace Gardens Council staff are arranging to meet with an arborist and Community Board

members onsite.

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 9 November 2016 Minutes


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8.9 Proposed Mural Mrs M Foster, as member of the Tuapeka Community Company gave the Board

an update on the request for permission from Council to paint a mural on the public toilets.

Mrs Foster declared an interest and abstained from voting.

Moved Councillor Blackmore / Mr Tansley and Resolved:

“That the Lawrence Tuapeka Community Board agrees in principle that the

Lawrence public toilets be painted as a miners cottage, subject to approval by the Lawrence Tuapeka Community Board of the final design and artist.”

8.10 Steep Street Reserve – Planting of Daffodils The community Board agreed with the offer of daffodil bulbs, which will be planted

on the Steep Street Reserve.

Moved Ms Ritchie / Mr Davidson and Resolved: “That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the Work in

Progress Update report.” 9. COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE

The Community Services Co-ordinator submitted a report on Community Services to October 2016.

Mr Davidson suggested that covered areas and charging points for mobility scooters be considered in future upgrades at the council flats. It was suggested that the Board could submit this option in the Community Planning process.

Moved Councillor Blackmore / Ms Ritchie and Resolved:

“That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the Community Services Update Report.”


The Finance Manager submitted a copy of the Revenue and Expenditure Statement for the activities within the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board’s area for the period 1 July 2016 to 30 September 2016. The account from Steel and Tube Dunedin which was queried at the meeting of 28 September 2016 was clarified. The account was for parts to repair handrails on the access beams across the creek behind Ross Place.

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Moved Mr Davidson / Mrs Foster and Resolved: “That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the Revenue and Expenditure report.”



The Lawrence Tuapeka Community Board at its meeting of 24 August 2016, approved the sum of $50.00 to the Lawrence Tuapeka Community Company for the purpose of purchasing flower plants to plant around the pittosporums which are in drums on the footpaths in Lawrence. Marie Kean from the Tuapeka Lawrence Community Company has produced receipts totalling $131.91. She advised that three of the pittosporums had to be replaced; therefore she has purchased 3 new pittosporums and potting mix plus flower plants at a cost of $60.00. She has asked if the additional $81.91 could be reimbursed by the Lawrence Tuapeka Community Board. Mrs Foster declared an interest and abstained from voting. Moved Ms Ritchie / Mr Tansley and Resolved:

1. “That the Lawrence Tuapeka Community Board receives the Request

from Tuapeka Lawrence Community Company for Additional Funding report.

2. That the Lawrence Tuapeka Community Board approve the request

for additional reimbursement of $81.91 from project funds..

3. That the Lawrence Tuapeka Community Board reimburse Marie Kean the sum of $131.91.”


1. His Worship the Mayor presented a report on a request for funding from the

Lawrence Chinese Camp Charitable Trust for the purposes of an information kiosk to be funded from the Community Board’s projects fund and/or the Kate Leslie fund. The information kiosk is to house the new Chinese information panels. The Trust has enough money to move the Joss house out to the camp but is seeking funding to erect the information kiosk. The Trust would consider erecting the kiosk themselves and this would reduce the cost to approximately $1,800.00 plus installation. One information kiosk has already been erected by Council in the past.

Councillor Blackmore and Mr Davidson declared an interest and abstained from voting.

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Moved Mr Currall / Mrs Foster and Resolved:

1. “That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board approves a budget of

$1,500.00 to the Lawrence Chinese Camp Charitable Trust for the purposes of an information kiosk to be funded from the Community Board’s projects fund.”

2. That the Community Board writes a letter of reply to Jim Ng informing

him of the outcome.“ 13. TUAPEKA BURSARY REPORT

The Corporate Services Administrator presented a report on the Tuapeka Bursary asking if the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community board would like to make any recommendations as to whether changes to the bursary should be made for the 2017 funding year. The Board asked that an analysis of the sustainability of the fund to be supplied at the December meeting. Moved Ms Ritchie / Mr Currall and Resolved: “That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the Tuapeka Bursary report.”

14. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT The Corporate Services Administrator tabled a report that covered activities of the

Corporate Services Department in the past period including funding schemes. Moved Councillor Blackmore / Mr Tansley and Resolved: “That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the Corporate

Services report.” 15. BUILDING REPORT The Regulatory Administrator submitted a report on building consents for

September 2016. Moved Mr Davidson / Ms Ritchie and Resolved: “That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the Building

Consent Statistics for September 2016 report.”

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16.1 Picnic Table

Ms Ritchie advised that the picnic table at the rest area on the Lawrence/Waitahuna Highway was old and in need of replacement. This area is a popular spot and requires more than one table. Council staff will lodge this as a service request. The meeting closed at 5.19 pm.



Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 9 November 2016 Minutes


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Report Work In Progress Update Meeting Date 14 December 2016

Item Number 2

Prepared By Julie Gardner – Service Delivery Administrator

File Reference A140839 REPORT SUMMARY The report updates the Community Board on progress in relation to issues that have been raised at previous meetings. RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the Work in

Progress Update report.

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board ITEM FOR INFORMATION

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 14 December 2016

Work in Progress Update


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Issue Comments Gabriel’s Gully Walkway

. Stiles and signage are to be erected in late November. Geoff Davidson to follow up. History Council staff will have ongoing discussions with the landowner regarding the track and dogs.

Signage • Main street sign needs Perspex

removed and a general tidy up.

The sign has been completed and is ready to be hung. As at 9/11/16 the sign still hadn’t arrived. History: The sign is to be situated on the Credit Union Building next to the ATM machine. The tenant and building owner (Council), have both given approval. The sign will be downsized slightly to fit the new space better.

Extension of Cycle Trail • The Community Board have advised

that they would like to be provided with updates from the Clutha Development Trust regarding progress on the extension of the cycle trail to Milton and Waihola.

Ian Mills is surveying and mapping out the trail. History Following the two meetings below, the working group is following up with letters of intent to the land owners and surveying the provisional route to cost up the project.

Future of Old Lawrence Swimming Pool • Discussion from The Community

Board regarding the future use of the pool. The Board welcomes feedback and suggestions from the Community.

Signage Council have talked to NZTA and asked them to consider the request to erect signage for the new pool and additions to the information sign at the cnr of Whitehaven St and Lawrence-Waitahuna Hwy. Old Pool Site Marjorie Hay has submitted a photo of a pool structure being used as a recreation area. A group of parents is interested in using the site for a skate park This would require the existing structure to be demolished.

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 14 December 2016

Work in Progress Update


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Issue Comments A petition has been circulating to gauge support for a skate park. The Chairman will invite Marjorie Hay and the Lawrence Cultural and Charitable Heritage Trust to the next meeting. History: An engineering report from Carl Meyer of Meyer Engineering, Cromwell has been completed. A key issue is ongoing maintenance costs such as painting. The Community Board has met with Mrs Hay and has spoken to a local painter. There may be cheaper options available regarding ongoing maintenance, therefore this project is on hold until more information is received.

Cemetery • Area of land cleared and a fence


A formalised agreement for grazing is still to be drawn up.

Motorhome Assn – Motorhome Friendly Town

• The Motorhome Assn is waiting for a response to their letter of January re making Lawrence a Motorhome friendly Town.

This item will be looked at again in March 2017 once the new Council is elected. The bylaw would need to be amended for Clutha to be motorhome friendly. History: Central Government through Internal Affairs is doing a nationwide review of the freedom camping bylaw.

Cycle Trail Funding for Toilets • Information requested about the

availability of this fund for toilets in Lawrence alongside the cycle trail.

Council will update communities when this funding is available. History This fund is the Regional Midsize Tourism Facilities Fund for Local Government bodies. The paper went to cabinet in August.

Peace Gardens • Trees in the Peace Gardens have

become overgrown and need to be looked at by an arborist with the view to removing one or two and trimming the remainder.

Council has contacted an arborist and will arrange an onsite meeting with the Community Board. Meeting was held onsite on Friday 25/11/16. PowerNet are to do assessment of the larger trees for safety and looking at doing a crown lift to allow more light into rhodendrons. 2 trees are to be removed.

Proposed Mural • The TLCC have requested

permission from Council to paint the

Mrs M Foster gave the Board an update on the proposed mural. LTCB to approve the

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 14 December 2016

Work in Progress Update


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Issue Comments public toilets in the style of a miners cottage

final design and artist.

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 14 December 2016

Work in Progress Update


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Report Service Delivery Update Meeting Date 14 December 2016

Item Number 3

Prepared By Julie Gardner – Service Delivery Administrator

File Reference A140841 REPORT SUMMARY The report advises the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board of activities in respect to the Service Delivery Department. RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the Service Delivery

Update report. REPORT

1. Parks and Reserves Normal mowing is underway. Due to the recent warm weather and wet ground conditions the contractor is extremely frustrated with trying to keep the appearances and the grass heights to an acceptable level. This has resulted in the clumping of grass in some areas. However it is hoped that the appearance of our green space areas will improve as the weather settles. Maintenance in other areas in our Greenspace contract is ongoing.

There are no issues to report in regard to safety at Council playgrounds.

2. Council Housing Units

We have 7 occupied units and 4 vacant units in our Lawrence Community Housing Units.

3. Solid Waste

There is good utilisation of the recycling facility at the Transfer Station. The Service Centre now stocks and sells Bokashi Buckets as part of the council’s strategy to reduce green waste. A successful Love Food Hate Waste (LFHW) stand at the West Otago show, in conjunction with the library, saw positive feedback in general on Councils Waste Management. LFHW is aligned with councils Waste Management & Minimisation Plan 2012.

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board ITEM FOR INFORMATION

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 14 December 2016 Service Delivery Update


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Report Revenue & Expenditure Report Meeting Date 14 December 2016

Item Number 4

Prepared By Sharon Jenkinson – Finance Manager

File Reference A140844 REPORT SUMMARY Attached is a copy of the Revenue and Expenditure Statement for the activities within the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board’s area for the period 1 July 2016 to 31 October 2016. RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the Revenue and

Expenditure Report.

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board ITEM FOR INFORMATION

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 14 December 2016 Revenue & Expenditure Report


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Moved L Forbes I Councillor Blackmore and Resolved

"That the Lawrence/T"apeka Community Board approves, on production ofinvoices, up to $7,750.00 plus GST for design fees and $7,300.00 plus GSTfor production costs

And gives the Chairperson to authority to authorise the cost of installation.It is also noted that the design will have minor amendments that arise fromCommunity board feedback. "

Extension of Cycle Trail



This can't be cleared because there are no fire permits being issued at present.As soon as a fire permit is issued the land will be cleared.

Tuapeka Aquatic Centre

Gary MCCorkindale updated the Board on progress since the last meeting.Nothing has changed around the opening date, which will be around mid-January.Pool joints are being siliconed. Power and water is still to be connected. Thepump specialists from Christchurch will be arriving on I I January to finish theirwork.




A schedule of charges has been advertised with a 50% discount for a halfseason.

A patio area is planned and is still to be built.

Gary will follow up on the quote for the hoist.

Poplar tree Removal and replanting

Awaiting NZTA confirmation.

Entrance to Lawrence - Stone Wall



Geoff Davidson has spoken to the owner who is happy for the rubbish to be takenaway. The owner is keen to repair the wall and wanted to know who could do this.The road is on the road reserve.

Moved G Me Corkindale/ L Forbes and Resolved:

"That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the Work inProgress Update report. "

Law, ence/Tuapeka Community Board- 76 December 2075



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Report Correspondence Meeting Date 14 December 2016

Item Number 5

Prepared By Julie Gardner– Service Delivery Administrator

File Reference A140847 REPORT SUMMARY The report provides copies of correspondence since the last Community Board meeting. Inwards Correspondence

• Jeremy Packwood – letter objecting to proposed use of old swimming pool site. Outwards Correspondence

• Marie Kean – Tuapeka Lawrence Community Company Limited – letter re mural project.

• Marie Kean – Tuapeka Lawrence Community Company Limited – reimbursement for replacement plants Lawrence Main Street.

RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the


Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board ITEM FOR INFORMATION

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 14 December 2016 Correspondence


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^j^^=: CLUTHA DISTRICT COUNCILAddress all correspondence toThe Chief Executive

28 November 2016

Marie KGan

Tuapeka Lawrence Community Company Limited17 Ross Place

LAWRl!:NCE 9532

Dear Marie

Tuapeka Lawremce Community Company Mural Project

Thank you for your letter dated 27 July 2016 to the Clutha District Council seeking approval to paintthe Lawrence public toilets to look like a miner's cottage. Council staff have visited the site and haveestablished that after some minor repairs, the toilets can be painted. These repairs will be undertaken bycouncil.

Your request was presented to the Lawrence Tuapeka Coriumunity Board at its meeting on the 9November. The Board have agr'eed in principle that the Lawrence public toilets can be painted as aminer's cottage, subject to approval by the Lawrence Tuapeka Coriumunity Board of the final designand artist.

Once you have the above infonnation, at hand, please forward to council, attention June Gardner,Service Delivery Administrator. The final design will then be submitted to the Board for approval.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Our Reference

qA 13,595A142896

Yours sincerely

Karen PiercyCorporate Services Administrator

Clutha Distrlct CouncilI Rosebank TerraceP O Box 25, Baiclutha 9240, New ZealandTelephone + 6434/90200 Fax + 6434/83,85Email: help. desk@cluthadc. govt. nzWebsite: WWWCluthadc. govt. nz

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^^^^^ CLUTHA DISTRICT COUNCILAddress all correspondence toThe Chief Executive

28 November 2016

Marie KGan

Tuapeka Lawrence Community Company26 Sowerby StreetLAWRENCE 9532

Dear Marie

Reimbursement for Replacement Plants for the Lawrence Main Street

I acknowledge your request asking for consideration for reimbursement of the additional sum of $81.91for the purpose of purchasing additional plants and potting mix for the flower drums in Lawrence.

This request was considered that the Lawrence Tuapeka Community Board meeting on the 9 November2016 and I am pleased to advise that the Board has agreed to refund the full amount of $131.91, whichincludes the original $50 approved. This funding will come out of the Lawrence Tuapeka ConnnunityBoard project funds. A cheque is enclosed.

On behalf of the Lawrence Tuapeka Coriumunity Board, I would like to thank you and the TuapekaLawrence Coriumunity Company for your part in beautifying the Lawrence Township.

Yours sincerely

Our Reference


^^6^^^,Karen PiercyCorporate Services Adiimistrator.

Clutha Distrlct CouncilI Rosebank TerraceP O Box 25, Balclutha 9240, New ZealandTelephone + 6434/90200 Fax + 6434/83185Email: help. desk@cluthadc. govt. nzWebsite: WWWCluthadc. govt. nz

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Report Corporate Services Report Meeting Date 14 December 2016

Item Number 6

Prepared By Karen Piercy – Corporate Services Administrator

File Reference A140849 REPORT SUMMARY The report covers activities of the Corporate Services Department, including funding schemes. RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the Corporate

Services report.

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board ITEM FOR INFORMATION

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 14 December 2016 Corporate Services Report


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1. FUNDING SCHEMES 1.1 Creative Communities New Zealand Funding Scheme

Applications for the second funding round for the 2016/17 year closed on 25 November 2016. Five applications were received and the committee will meet the week ending 16 December to decide the applications. Nominations for the Creative Communities Assessment Committee for the new triennium closed on 18 November 2016. Council will approve the new committee at its first meeting in 2017.

1.2 Sport New Zealand Rural Travel Fund

Applications for the 2016 Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund will closed on Friday 18 November 2016. Twelve applications for funding were received and the committee will meet the week ending 16 December to decide how the fund is allocated. Nominations for the Sport New Zealand Rural Travel Fund Assessment Committee closed on 18 November 2016 and Council is to approve the new committee at its meeting on 8 December 2016.

1.3. Tuapeka Bursary Applications for the 2017 Tuapeka County Bursary will close on Friday 27 January

2017 and the Trustees will meet in March to consider the applications. Funding is available to students attending tertiary education institutions whose

homes immediately preceding the award of the bursary were in the former Tuapeka County and Roxburgh, Tapanui and Lawrence Borough areas (prior to 1989). The fund has been advertised in the Blue Mountain Express, Tuapeka Times and the Clutha Leader. Schools and tertiary institutions have been contacted. The Central Otago District Council has advertised the fund in the Roxburgh area.

A separate agenda item on the bursary is included in this agenda. 1.4 Telford Bursary

The second and final payments have been made to Matthew Day and Harriet Evans, the 2016 bursary recipients. Matthew passed the Telford Certificate of Agriculture with distinction and received $1,000.00, ($2,000.00 in total). Harriet passed the Telford Certificate in Agriculture with merit and received a further $500.00, ($1,000.00 in total). The 2017 bursary will be advertised in March 2017.

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2. GENERAL GRANT ALLOCATIONS Council provides general grants to assist organisations providing projects/activities

which benefit the residents of communities within the Clutha District. General grants are limited to the following categories:

• Reimbursement of Council fees and charges • Reimbursement of rents for properties leased from Council • Reimbursement of hire charges for community centres and community halls

2.1 Reimbursement of Fees and Charges

For the period 1 November 2016 to 2 December 2016 the following reimbursements were made for Council fees and charges: Organisation Reimbursement of Council fees and

charges for: Amount

Clinton Community Pool Committee

Hire of the Clinton Community Centre for a winter market fundraiser on 21 August 2016.


Balmoral Dance Club Hire of the Balclutha Memorial Hall for the charity dance club fundraiser for the Cancer Society.


South Otago Woodcraft Inc

Hire of the Balclutha Memorial Hall for the Clutha Arts and Crafts fair held on 8 October 2016.


Balclutha Gymnastics Club

Hire of the Balclutha Memorial Hall for the Balclutha aerobics competition held 2 July 2016.


Tapanui School Hire of the West Otago Community Centre for rehearsals and staging of the school production from 2 September -15 September 2016.


Step Sisters Leisure Marching Club

Hire of the West Otago Community Centre for practices leading up to the Southland Leisure Marching day held 9 October 2016 and afternoon tea on the day of the event.


Tuapeka Vintage Club

Reimbursement of building consent fees and accreditation levy for the extension of the vintage machinery sheds. (20 January 2016.)


The balance of the fund remaining is $5,712.50.

2.2 Reimbursement of Rent or Lease:

For the period 1 November 2016 to 2 December 2016 the following reimbursements were made for rent or lease:

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3. RATES REBATE SCHEME Listed below are details of applications received for the rates rebate scheme for the

period 1 July 2016 to 16 November 2016 with comparative figures for a similar period last year:

This Year Last Year Applications Received 496 500 Total amount of Rebates paid $263,280.13 $261,809.33 Average amount of Rebate $530.81 $523.62

Organisation Reimbursement of Rent or Lease: Amount South Otago Vintage Car Club

Reimbursement of 2015/16 lease as set by Council on 26 September 2013.


Balclutha Pottery Group

Reimbursement of 2016/17 rent at 75% of market value.


Balclutha Red Cross Reimbursement of 2015/16 lease at 75% of market value.


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Report Building Consents Statistics for October & November 2016

Meeting Date 14 December 2016

Item Number 7

Prepared By Wendy Copeland – Regulatory Administrator

File Reference A140855

October 2016 Lawrence/Tuapeka Ward Type Number Value

Accessory Buildings 0 0 Additions & Alterations 0 0 Commercial/Industrial 0 0 Farm Buildings 0 0 Heating Units 0 0 New Dwellings 0 0 Other 0 0 Plumbing & Drainage 0 0 Resited Buildings 1 15,000 Total 1 15,000 November 2016 Lawrence/Tuapeka Ward Type Number Value

Accessory Buildings 0 0 Additions & Alterations 1 62,500 Commercial/Industrial 0 0 Farm Buildings 1 16,000 Heating Units 1 5,000 New Dwellings 0 0 Other 0 0 Plumbing & Drainage 0 0 Resited Buildings 0 0 Total 3 83,500 RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the Building Consent Statistics report

for the period ended October & November 2016

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board ITEM FOR INFORMATION

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board – 14 December 2016 Building Consents Statistics for October & November 2016


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Report Tuapeka Bursary Report Meeting Date 9 November 2016

Item Number 8

Prepared By Karen Piercy – Corporate Services Administrator

File Reference A140419 REPORT SUMMARY The Tuapeka Bursary is to be reviewed for the 2017 year. The Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board is asked to make recommendations as to whether changes should be made and if so, should they be made prior to the 2017 funding being allocated in March 2017. A financial forecast was requested at the Community board meeting on 9 November 2016 and this is attached. RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board receives the Tuapeka Bursary

report. 2. That the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board makes the following

recommendations to Council:

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board ITEM FOR RECOMMENDATION

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REPORT The Tuapeka Bursary was established in 1989 by the Tuapeka County Council, which directed that the income from an initial investment $25,000 should be disbursed in the form of a bursary to assist students to attend institutes of tertiary education. The bursary is open to candidates whose homes immediately preceding the award of the bursary were in the former Tuapeka County and Roxburgh, Tapanui and Lawrence Borough areas prior to 1989. The bursary is offered annually if funds allow. Successful applicants are not precluded from applying in subsequent years. Not less than $1,000 will be available for disbursement annually by the Trustees as they see fit and is payable by the next 1 April following the granting of the bursary. The amount set aside for the 2017 bursary is $3,000.00 The trustees of the bursary fund consist of one elected representative of the Lawrence/Tuapeka Ward of the Clutha District Council, one elected representative of the West Otago Ward of the Clutha District Council, one elected representative of the Teviot Valley Community Board and the Chief Executive of the Clutha District Council. The bursary criteria may be amended from time to time upon the unanimous agreement of the trustees The 2017 Tuapeka Bursary has been advertised and closes on 27 January 2017. At the West Otago Community Board meeting, held 16 December 2016, concern was raised that there were no guidelines, constitution or criteria around selection of bursary recipients. The Chief Executive advised at that meeting, that Council (the Senior Policy Analyst) had work programmed for 2016 but this would not stop the committee setting criteria as an interim measure. The Senior Policy Analyst now requests that the Community Board consider what, if any, changes need to be considered for the Tuapeka Bursary and if these need to happen prior to the 2017 bursary Trustees meeting which will be held in March.

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Actual Fund movement for the Years 2010 – 2016 Opening

Balance Interest Allocation Closing

Balance 2010 37,725 2,568 2,658 37,635 2011 37,635 2,864 - 40,499 2012 40,499 2,875 2,514 40,860 2013 40,860 3,534 5,463 38,931 2014 38,931 1,637 3,181 37,387 2015 37,387 1,799 2,620 36,566 2016 36,566 1,717 2,728 35,555

Balance as at 30 June 2016


Assuming an interest rate of 4.00%

Projected Tuapeka Bursary Fund Options







Balances At:



34,977 34,577 34,277 33,977



34,376 33,560 32,948 32,336



33,751 32,503 31,566 30,630



33,101 31,403 30,129 28,855



32,425 30,259 28,634 27,009



31,722 29,069 27,079 25,089



30,991 27,832 25,463 23,093



30,231 26,545 23,781 21,017



29,440 25,207 22,032 18,857







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Tuapeka County Bursary Fund Information Sheet

Clutha District Council

The bursary was established in 1989 by the Tuapeka County Council, which directed that the income from an initial investment of $25,000 should be disbursed in the form of a bursary to assist students to attend institutes of tertiary education. 1. The bursary shall be known as the Tuapeka County Bursary Fund. 2. Bursaries shall be offered annually if funds allow. 3. That a total sum of no less than $1,000 will be available for disbursement annually

by the Trustees as they see fit and is payable by the next 1 April following the granting of the bursary.

4. The bursary is open to candidates whose homes immediately preceding the award

of the bursary were in the former Tuapeka County and Roxburgh, Tapanui and Lawrence Borough areas prior to 1989.

5. Successful applicants are not precluded from reapplying in subsequent years. 6. Preference will be given to applicants with at least 1 year’s tertiary education. 7. The bursary is to be awarded by the trustees of the bursary fund, or under

delegated authority. 8. The bursary shall be available to students attending tertiary education institutes. 9. The trustees of the bursary fund shall be one elected representative of the

Lawrence/Tuapeka Ward of the Clutha District Council, one elected representative of the West Otago Ward of the Clutha District Council, one elected representative of the Teviot Valley Community Board and the Chief Executive of the Clutha District Council.

(a) Where a Trustee is unavailable by absence or other reason an alternative

representative may attend from each of the respective Community Boards. 10. In the event of the work of any recipient of funds from the bursary being

unsatisfactory the trustees may withdraw the award. 11. The bursary criteria may be amended from time to time upon the unanimous

agreement of the trustees. 12. Trustees reserve the right to publicly announce the results of any bursary award. 13. The decision of the granting of any bursary by the trustees under this scheme shall

be final and no appeal or reconsideration will be entered into. 14. Applications for the bursary must be made in writing to the Clutha District Council

no later than 27 January 2017 and should be in the following format.

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Address Email address Phone number Date of Birth Qualifications to date Intended course of study Personal details and photograph Residential location (number or RAPID number, road/street

and post code)

PART B Write an essay outlining your goals and aspirations of not more than 500 words and not less than 250 words

NOTE: Applicants should provide photocopies of the previous year’s

examination results.

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14 December 2016 APOLOGIES PUBLIC FORUM Lisa & Darcy Win – old swimming pool site & proposed skate park. Item Page No. Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 10 14 15 21 25 29

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board Minutes (For the Board’s Information) Minutes of the meeting of the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board held on 9 November 2016. Work in Progress Update (For the Board’s Information) The report updates the Community Board on progress in relation to issues that have been raised at previous meeting. Service Delivery Update (For the Board’s Information) The report updates the Community Board of activities in relation to the Service Delivery Department. Revenue & Expenditure Report (For the Board’s Information) The report provides a copy of the Revenue and Expenditure Statement for the period 1 July 2016 – 31 October 2016. Correspondence (For the Board’s Information) Corporate Services Report (For the Board’s Information) The report covers activities of the Corporate Services Department in the past period. Building Consents Statistics for October & November 2016 (For the Board’s Information) The report updates the Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board on the Building Consents statistics for October and November 2016.

Lawrence/Tuapeka Community Board Meeting – 14 December 2016

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Item Page No. Title 8 30

Tuapeka Bursary Report (For the Board’s Recommendation) The report provides information to enable the Board to decide whether changes should be made to the allocation of the Bursary prior to March 2017.

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