latin america mr. williamson somerville high school

Latin America Mr. Williamson Somerville High School

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Page 1: Latin America Mr. Williamson Somerville High School

Latin America

Mr. WilliamsonSomerville High School

Page 2: Latin America Mr. Williamson Somerville High School

Why did they decide to Explore? Throughout history, groups of people had

explored the seas, trading and migrating over long distances Ancient Greeks, Muslim Arabs, Vikings of


1400s – Europe’s population was growing along with its demand for trade

Driven by the Renaissance to find new lands, experience new cultures, etc.

Page 3: Latin America Mr. Williamson Somerville High School

Why did they decide to Explore? The Three G’s

1. Gold – Europeans wanted to get rich by attaining gold, spices, natural resources (think oil, minerals, etc.)

2. Glory – Europeans wanted fame/honor to their names

3. God – Europeans want to spread their religious beliefs Reformation & Counterreformation sparks renewed


Page 4: Latin America Mr. Williamson Somerville High School

Economic Changes – New Ideas New type of economic policy, MERCANTALISM

Belief that nation’s strength was based on its wealth Would lead to strong military/ability to expand borders Measured in amount of gold/silver a nation possessed

Thought was that for a nation to increase its wealth, it must take wealth/power away from another nation - “Zero-Sum Game”

Led to intense competition/conflict

Led to creation of colonies in Americas and IMPERIALISM Policy of expanding a country’s power/influence using

colonies/military force

Page 5: Latin America Mr. Williamson Somerville High School

Radio Promotion Challenge Imagine if radio existed in the early 1500s. With a

partner compose a radio promotion/advertisement encouraging citizens to move to the New World. Select one of the reasons for exploration as your main idea: increased wealth, religious freedom/expansion, honor to your family.

Remember, it is an advertisement. Your goal is to motivate, encourage and persuade the public to participate in your mission. It is entirely up to you!

Your ad should be at least 30 seconds long, be clear and concise with its message.

Good luck! We will share as a class before the end of the period.

Class Activity

Page 6: Latin America Mr. Williamson Somerville High School

Pro/Con Activity – Exploration Using the primary source & guided readings done

with your partner, create a pro/con list of positive and negative consequences of the new interactions with the New World.

Goal is to have 7-8 items in each column Brainstorm with your teammate and discuss where

these items and concepts may fall We will share as a class, good luck!

Class Activity

Page 7: Latin America Mr. Williamson Somerville High School

Mercantilism Graffiti Challenge – You will be assigned one of the 7 principles of Mercantilism. On the white board, complete a drawing the symbolizes your principle.

Do your best, have fun. Place your name underneath your image.

As a class, we will identify each principle. This will serve as good practice for your quiz.

Class Activity

Page 8: Latin America Mr. Williamson Somerville High School

Struggles in Latin America

Growing tensions in Latin American (LA) society Colonies in LA inspired by Enlightenment/American-

French Revolutions

Saint Domingue – French colony, western half of island of Hispanola Richest of France’s colonies from sugar exports/slavery

French Revolution – dramatic effect on Saint Domingue Declaration of the Rights of Man – extended right to vote

to all free men including mulattoes (mixed African/European descent)

However, French settlers refuse, revolt ensues

Page 9: Latin America Mr. Williamson Somerville High School

Struggles in Latin America

Touissant L’Ouverture, former enslaved African, leads mulattoes/slaves on a revolt against French settlers Military/political actions made Touissaint a hero

Napoleon worried, sends a French general to take control of colony

1802 – Touissant signs an armistice (agreement to end fighting) but French break agreement, send to prison & dies

1804 – revolutionaries continue fight & declare independence from France, name their nation Haiti

Page 10: Latin America Mr. Williamson Somerville High School

Struggles in Latin America

Colonies of Spain & Portugal Basic divide in society Two groups

Creoles – European descent born in the colonies Peninsulares – Colonists born in Spain

Main issue: Creoles excluded from high government/church


Independence in Mexico Spanish colony – population a mix of creoles,

peninsulares, Natives, mestizo (Native/European mix)

Page 11: Latin America Mr. Williamson Somerville High School

Struggles in Latin America

Father Miguel Hidalgo Makes first call for Mexican Independence, aligned

himself with peasants Natives and creoles

Jose Maria Morelos continues the fight Sought to have all people of Mexico, regardless of race

to have guaranteed freedoms Strong military leader that took control parts of Mexico

but was eventually captured/executed

Page 12: Latin America Mr. Williamson Somerville High School

Struggles in Latin America

Agustin de Iturbide Creole military office loyal to Spanish king Switched to side of revolutionaries after liberal

revolution Brings both the royalists (supporters of the

king)/revolutionaries together to win independence Creates his Plan

1. Mexico ruled by a monarch 2. Creoles/peninsulares have equal rights 3. Roman Catholic Church official church of Mexico

Becomes Emperor Agustin I of Mexico