latest news and gossip the day in the world...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 14 1901 LATEST NEWS AND GOSSIP Or THE DAY WORLD OE SPORTS 16 1 IN THE n = His Right Kills and Left Maim SCRAPS WITH SAILOR PUG Belligerent Baltimorean With Fearsome Fists Rushed Tom Sharkey to Corner BALTIMORE Sept UAa the result of an altercation with Thomas Sharkey the sailor pugilist who is attending the Eagles convention with the New York delegation Dr Robert Giering of l fe East Baltimore Street and a man who gave the name of F L Stephctwen and his address as the Hotel Rcnnert were arraigned before Justice Loden at the western police station yesterday Both were dismissed i The altercation occurred at the Hotel Joyce on Camden Street opposite Cam- den Station Monday night and Dr Glering made tho following statement last night in reference to the trouble I was standing on the corner of Balti more and Eutaw Streets shortly after S oclock Monday night when the New York delegation headed by a band came marching down Eutaw Street I Immediately recognized several acquaint- ances and they Invited me to fall in line and march down to their headquarters I Joined them and when he reached the Hotel Joyce a number of ns among whom was Tom Sharkey retired to the bar tc get a drink All wanted to the drink and as Iwns the only Baltimorean In the gathering I thought- it was my place to do the buying and I Insisted that I pay for the drinks Sharkey Wanted to Buy Tom Sharkey was standing close by me at the irie and he drew a large roll of notes from his pocket and laid one of them on the bar I turned around to him and said Put that money in your pocket It is counterfeit1 He did not pick up his money and after I had made the remark several times he turned around to me and without the slightest provocation he me under the DEADLY DUKES OF DR GlERING r pur- chase struck ¬ ¬ chin This aggravated me sad 1 imme- diately swung on his Jaw and rushed him into the corner Then a number of Us friends closcu In on us and they dragged me from him and pulled me out into Camden Street Both of us had been drinking heav- ily and of course we were unable to hit a terrific punch When I got into the street I told Tommay Hart who conducts a saloon on Fourteenth Street opposite Tammany Hall and who was arrested with me and gave th name cf Steohcnaon that I would give him 100 if he would get Sharkey to come out into the street and tight me then the officer came along and placed Hart and me under arrest The two men were arrested by Patrol man William Whaley Those Frightful Flippers t or pusillstf is nlrht that he would willingly take tbe fighter down the road and have a free fist flrht with him The doctor has something of a repu tation as a fighter and about one year when arraigned before Justice Gar jtJiid at the Eastern police station on a charge of assaulting and striking a man it was testified that the mast was hit by I r Giering with his right hand The dtvtor nrotested Jude he said I hit him with my left hand A blow from my right fist means sudden death and one from my left means to the hospital Amateurs end Professionals in Match Play Event on Philadelphia Links Unique Spectacle- A decided novelty in golf tournaments- Is to be tried on the link of the PWJR- dolphla Country Club at BaU on fomdr row Friday and Saturday It Is open event for local players amateurs and rrofesslftnale Another peculiar phase of this is the fact that it is to be run oft entirely at match play While the tour- nament is practically intended for pro fessionals amateurs are eligible so it is quite possible that this event will present tho unique spectacle of ama- teurs and professionals competing against each other at match play Of course in the event of amateurs money plate would be given to the former and to the latter The tournament will be watched with con- siderable Interest and sh uM it prove a f ifcfH9 It may be tried In the metro- politan district AMATEUR BASEBALL- The Shamrock A C defeated the Arl- ington A C by M to X Heavy hitting by Mann and good pitching by Madigan were the features Too lineup r Cal lan catcher Corkery first base Xarti gan pitcher Cavanaugh second ham Mann third beee Armour shortstop B MadigiMi left field The Loan Men a negro team of Georgetown which has not been de feated for the two pet seasons want I game with crack Warren Dyer team of the F Street store under any The Lean Men line up as fol ows Charles Fauntleroy captain Fred Kmt John Cater Ed Smith John Smith Joe Smith Charles Dabney Hon y Perry Albert Address Charles Fauntleroy Iii Pennsylvania Avenue northwest St Stephens Institute has accepted the challenge of the Unions and will play them tomorrow afternoon on the TTnlon grounds at North Capitol and M Streets at Clfi oclock Cure of Lame Back After 15 Years of Suffering I have been troubled with lame back for fifteen years and I found a recovery in the use of Chamberlains Pain Balm t yg John G Blsher Gil lam Ind This liniment is also without an equal for sprains and bruises It Is for saloby all druggists Just t j Dr 1 a a ag NOVEL TOURNAMENT FOR GOLF PLAYERS alike and both finishing In the I I I G4Or J field 4 s Glerf g at l eaj far edit tin tour- ney A field center condi- tions ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + << Bowlers Get Together for Season DEPARTMENTAL UNCHANGED- War Team Obtains Concessions and En Estate Will Num ber Six Clubs- A Joint meeting of the Departmental Bank Clerks tuic Real Estate Leagues was held at the Palace alleys last night and plans for the season were discussed and adopted- A schedule was submitted by the De- partmental League and was approved of and arrangements were made to have the schedules of the Bank Clerks and Real Estate Leagues formed as soon as possible The Departmental League which created most interest In local bowling circles last season will be composed of the same teams as heretofore namely the Bureau Interior Postofllce Agri culture Government Printing Offlco Navy Yard Commissioners Commerce and Labor Treasury and War It was only after lengthy discussion that the War team decided to enter the league It asked concessions which after much deliberation the other teams grunted This year the team will be allowed to select its players from the State War and Navy Departments and to take one man from the White force Is a Reorganization The Real Esto League Js a reorgani- zation of last years Title Insurance League It will number six clubs namely Columbia Lawyers District Assessors Office Surveyors Office and Fischer Co The Washington Title team of last season has been dropped The District Bowling League the old- est of the city has arranged to hold a meeting in the near future The season will not until November league will probably be composed Men Acmes Golden South Washington Business Men and ably Market House It is doubtful if the Plate Printers League will reorganize this year CONFERENCE- OF THREE LEAGUES tersReal TIll t proo- JOINT Coining ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ KID BEEBE- Got Decision in Fifteen Rounds Loser Game But Severely Punished Clinched Constantly BALTIMORE Sept H Hwghey Mo- Govrn won the dectokm over Kid Bepbe lust night in their bout before the Eureka Athletic Cluh MCGOTWM showed himself a fast and clever fighter and wad the advantage all the way Beebe was fairly but nothing to boast of and his beet point was ability to stand punishment He took a fearful beating and the wonder was that he was not put out By con- stant clinching he managed to stay the limit but was in had shape at the end Representative Tim Sullivan George Considine and many other noted fistic celebrities of the Eagles were on tho stage SIX 10NTHS IN JAIL FOR FOOTBALL STAR Harry S Batchelder Former Yale Play- er Convicted for Allowing Gamb- ling in His Store READING Sept 14 From a com manding place in the football firma ment to the Berks county Jail Such was the taU of Harry S Batchsldor a former student in the Yale School who was yesterday aiernon sentenced- to six months imprisonment for permit ting gambling In a rear room of his ci- gar store While Batchehler stood before the bar the grand Jury returned a true bill against his wife on the charge of em bezzling 2JQO by means of a duplicate bank book from Berg Bros in whose store she cashier before her mar riage She is to be called for trial to dayBatchelder had been keeping a cigar store for several months and the charge west that he allowed card playing for and in the rear room He pleaded guilty expecting to got ott with- a attorney put In a of clemency saying that accused wasnt aware that he was breaking the law as the same practice was carried on in the cigar store under proprietors This did not the judges decision r GOVERN WINNER I IllOM clever taw et ar8 nf 1 the dO f THE ROYAL 250 I NEW FALL STYLES 617 Pa Ave Save a Dollar 11 fifteen mind was moms affect Vici Patent Colt Box Calf Russia SHOES ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BUREAU BOWLING CLUB r i i I CHAMPIONS OF DEPARTMENTAL LEAGUE Defeated the Interior Quint After a Hard Finish Last Season Reading From Left to Right v Helmerichs Captain Land and Orspada II KneelingLord Hardie SeatedHess I Were Never Intended for Ocean Work COULD CARRY FUEL Widely Differing Estimates of Gasolene Required President Ketcham Thinks It Possible NEW YORK Sept Charleys offer of a 16000 prize to the owner of the first motor boat to cross the from Havre to New York aroused much Interest here The offer was widely discussed in au- tomobile and boat circles and the gen eral opinion seemed to be that a at present constructed motor boats are not sufficiently seaworthy to undertake an ocean voyage The problem ot carrying the gasolene required for so long was considered by many persons as al most insurmountable- On two points those who discussed the matter were pretty well agreed One was that a boat capable of standing the voyage and of holding the fuel re- quired would need to be specially de signed for the purpose The other was that M Charleys offer ought to have been open to craft traveling In either direction so as to give an opportunity to American ingenuity to try for the prize W H Ketcham president of he American Power Boat Association thought it quite possible to construct a boat capable of ocean Ketcham Optimistic- I dont see why a motor boat could not make an ocean trip he said If a dory can cross under sail as has been done the risk as concerns the size of the boat is eliminated The only ques tion Is whether a motor boat can carry sufficient fuel to last for so long a Jour ney I should think the trip could be made in about twelve to fourteen days Figuring on a twenty horsepower mo tor the amount of gasolene to be cur- ried would be about COO gallons This however need not be difficult as a boat to be seaworthy should have accommo dation for that amount As the tanks become emptied of gasolene they will act as air tanks I wish M made his offer for a boat in either direction I know of several Americans who might bulk craft for such a test E R Hollander winner of the racing boat F I A T on the other was of opinion that n motor boat could not be constructed with sufficient sea- worthiness or with for the fuel required He figured that a sixty horse power boat would take from 2000 to 2M0 gallons of gasolene on an ocean voyage NORFOLK DEFEATS BUREAUS AGAIN- For the second time this week th Bureau Athletic Club was defeated by the Norfolk College team by 1 to 0 at Norfolk yesterday afternoon The game was fast with good field but the stick work of both teams was light The batteries Bureaus Wahler and Clancy Walter and Jones never a needless gar ment can be worn in rain or shine as a dress garment too Priced proper 1 Every gun in the Tappan stock has been tested as to ac curacy and is a standard of its class Priced right JATAPPAWCO 1339 F St N W TRY IMPOSSIBLE FOR MOTOR BOATS I NOT 14M Atlantic bee traveling haul In RaincoatsA- re iel4U II4anfJ- L70Sl I j t strip 1 o E c rras s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Practice at Football For Georgetown Men Captain Mahoney McCarthy and Martell of Last Years Team Ready to Begin Work More Candidates for Next Week I Providing J Pluvtas gives his asent the candidates for the Georgetown team will don running suits and chase the pigskin about Georgetown Field this afternoon Today was set as the fret day for preliminary practice but as tow of the old men have returned the work f r the rest of the week will bo of the lightest sort Beginning Monday hard practice will be commenced in earnest College opens tomorrow but the pro- fessional branches will remain cloMU until the first of October so men who will practice for several foOt- ball the obIt days ¬ > ¬ will be the students in the collegiate department i Mahoney is expected to be present afternoon to begin the work with Graduate Coach but the other veterans of last taU will be McCarthy end and Martell fullback the who played on the eteven last fall for the fret Urns will be a the father of the player died in and it was feared that the son was to the Blue and Gray Word was received at the unlver- t the quarterback was endeav to make so he can put in another year at Georgetown in eml Ja a that lIc- ett1 candi- date for his om po In the SUJ1mer Phila- delphia t There aWl pan quarterback again ahty < ¬ Personal Comment and Things in the Field of Sports 1 Men on I I Duke Farrell has about decided to give up baseball He Is one of the most popular and competent catchers who ever donned a mitt In Farrell and McGuire Eerie Wagner gave Washing- ton the best catchers that ever together Jack OKeefe the Chicago pugilist has taken to writing songs There is as much money in it as Is In the fight- Ing came for Jack Turfmen are yet at sea as to which- is the best youngster ef the season Tradition Tanya Sysonby and Artful are the four which find most favor I It is getting near the close of the met- ropolitan racing season so look out for another Tommy Foster trick A fast horse Is often held back until the tall end of the season o furnish velvet for the winter Insteau of racing him and winning purses Fielder Jones does not like the job of manager of the White Sox Armour who has resigned the management of the Cleveland club may be given the posi- tion by Comlskey- Ivor Lawson the American bicyclist has won the two kilometer championship of the world winning the title In London by defeating Marcus Hurley the ama- teur champion of America Barney Dreyfuas is still strengthening his Pittsburg team and In liable to make McGraws bunch extend Itself next sea son Say what they may Barney can furnish the goods when he Is aroused and there Is no better diplomat In base- ball Coach Stagg hue begun work with the University of Chicago football The outlook is said to be good COAch Yoat of Michigan who many claim Is the best football coach In Amer- ica regards Wisconsin as Michigan moat formidable opponent on the grid iron this season Ned Hanlon has recently given out an Interesting on the neces slty for using brains In baseball The Intt candi- dates ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ fact that the Brooklyns cannot win with sttch a manager as Hanlon is a remarkable evidence of their stupidity and all around rottenness Billy Hallman signed by the St Louis is a of the old origi- nal Hallmnn He was with Chicago last year but was let out for poor This year he has been with Louisville and gives every evi dence of making good St Louis friends are strenuously deny there is any In the ranks Cardinals ana are praising Nichols in the highest terms for his handling of the team jake Schaefer the champion billiard 1st has arranged to accompany Billy Catton to France for an exhibition tour With Virgil Garvin Mike Donlin and Rube on the same team there would never be any lack of excitement GOLFERS LEASE FINE LINKS- NEW YORK 14 Regardless of the or ft ilure of his political plan Charles F Murphy the leader of Tlmmany Hall Is still going to re- main a golfer With Mr John B McDonald and sev- eral supreme court Judges air Murphy has taken for 6000 a lease from May 1 1907 of the Oakland links at Baysidc L 1 Murphy and his friends have also contributed 6500 for improvements to the present club house at links The of the Oakland Golf Club comprises thirtytwo and a half acres overlooking Little Neck Bay and ad- Joining the country estate of John H Taylor- A 10000 rustic bridge Is being built In the center of the links over the fa mous cup and saucer hole a depres- sion between two hills and a source of great inconvenience to the corpulent members of the Oakland Club hd rAM MANY Sept i ton Oftr tr success ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I r Chr Heurich Brewing Co Pure Beer Is a Tonic and an Invigorator The Purest and the Healthiest Senate 1 Lager I The sedative properties of hops combined with the healthful qualities of malt makes it n food as well tonic Phone West 34 for a Case r 4 p- t Merzen- as Milwaukee Winners Were Chicago Men CENTRAL PRESIDENT IN BAD Was a Party to Will Probably Be Gains Point ST LOUIS Sept 14Lke all great events in the history of the world the story and incidents in connection with the Olympic games will not remain on the quiet pages of history but even two weeks after this great Olympiad new complications arise such as throw upon tho a blight that can not be erased and the probable outcomo may be the awarding of tho Olympic tug of war championship to a St Louis team Bold Acknowledgment- In a Chicago paper Edwin R Baker coach and trainer of the Milwaukee A C tugofwar team openly declares that the team which represented the Milwau kee A C was composed of men whe are members of the Columbian Knights Athletic Association which latter or ganization Is a member of the Central association of tho A A U This state ment Is the boldest acknowledgment of a violation of the A A V rules ever placed on record and not only does it disqualify the Milwaukee team but places President W H Liginger of the A A U chairman of the athletic com mittee of the Milwaukee A C and president of the central association of the A A U in an unenviable light In view of the confession of Mr Baker Milwaukee A C has violated the rules of the A A U no matter what excuses may be made by any of the con- cerned and ir the governing board of the A A U lives up to tho rules of the body which controls amateur sport In America It wilt disqualify Milwaukee and award first honors to West Side St Louis T V with the second team of the same organization second and New York A C third Helps New York If the Milwaukee team is disqualified- and ordered to surrender the medals New York A C ill assume third place and gain one more point on the cham- pionship table At the time that the final heat of the tugofwar was about to be contested the writer approached President Ligin ger and asked if the men composing the team did not to one of the societies in Chicago at the same time Informing the Milwaukee man that he had received information to that President Liginger stated that the men were Chicagoans and were mem- bers of his lodge in one of the secret organizations not tatlng the name of the order and that they were members of the Milwaukee A C but of how he did not say He further stated that he had a right to form a team of any men who resided in the cen tral A A U district NEGRO BALL LEAGUE HAS BRIGHT FUTURE Friday evening last September 9 the first colored league In the city of Wash- Ing was formed The meeting was well attended and several promising ideas were laid before the club The following teams were represented- by captain or manager Eastern ters Oronoco Sluggers and Lafayette Athletic Club The election of officers was deferred until the next meeting which will be held at Obi Acker Street northeast September 30 at 9 p m About the only result of closing the poolrooms In New Orleans was that the way was opened for welching hand book men OLYMPIC SCANDAL I OVER TUGOFWAR DeceptionTeAm DisqualifiedNew- York beng Em- pires this colored champions East Washington Giants Royal Rue games even Bo- hemian ef- fect long- standing years ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ STANDING OF THE CLUBS American League New York Athletic Cleveland Detroit 8L Louie ValilngtDa National League Won Lost Jct- XawH 96 Chicago Tl 78 Ctaoinnr St LottWi ft B 51 Brooklyn 81 S62 4i SI 354 ri fl 235 Eastern League Won Lost Pet Buffalo st 41 561 Baltimore 7X 612 Newark ee K 5 o Jersey City M I Montreal K Toronto n Providence 4t Rochester 87 TODAYS American League Washington at Philadelphia New York at Boston National League Fhlladelbpia at Brooklyn PitUburg at CincInnatL Eastern League Providence at Ball irmve Buffalo at Rochester Jersey City at Newark Toronto at Montreal YESTERDAYS RESULTS American League Philadelphia 0 Boston 9 7 Innings rain ChicagoCleveland and St LouisDe games on account of ram I National League New Boston New 9 Boston 2 Brooklyn 5 Philadelphia 2 L Eastern League BaltimoreProvidence too dark Buffalo 7 Rochester 2 Jersey City Newark 0 Toronto 9 Montreal 0 Forfeited THREE BOYS COMMITTED- TO CHILDRENS GUARDIANS Arraigned in the JuveUne court today on a charge of petty larceny Charles and Theodore Burke ten and eleven year old respectively and James Haw kins about eleven years old pleaded not but Judge ONeal placed them under the probation of the Board of Childrens Guardians Police of the Fourth precinct station arrested the lads br steal- ing chickens from freight ears In tho Pennsylvania Railroad yards The thiev- ing is said to have been done and yesterday Is said to be one of the few days on which the boys not visited the yards and carried ort some form of property Benstners Good vehicles Prices right Harness too Won Boston ft 17 110 q 5iit 72 be 1 r a U 7J 4t 74 i4 73J IZ q n is iii fi I 491 488 iI s9 GAMES I L Pitt burg 4i urg 1 guilty yesterday HOt4t LA AVE N Lguj Pt 40 1 N irs bs 5no E 413 d 24i 5a Philadelphia 45 Ii 5i A4 R 225 York Cincinnati 2 I systemati- cally have = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + = < GLASGOW WOOLEN MillS TAILORSQ FALL STYLES READY All the Latest Imported Scotch Tweeds 14 14 18 18 I 22 22- No Fit We Come No Pay We Stay das GLASGOW WOOLEN MillS CO Big TaIlors 615 Pennsylvania Avenue i K 0 r v f j ntw Yaea 02- r a sea r I 4 From Mills to Man Direct TENTH SEASON IN WASHINGTON We Double Our Business Every Year The Only Tailors in Washington Who Were BusyAll Summer n- Tho

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Page 1: LATEST NEWS AND GOSSIP THE DAY IN THE WORLD · more and Eutaw Streets shortly after S ... I have been troubled






His Right Kills and LeftMaim


Belligerent Baltimorean With FearsomeFists Rushed Tom Sharkey

to Corner

BALTIMORE Sept UAa the resultof an altercation with Thomas Sharkeythe sailor pugilist who is attending theEagles convention with the New Yorkdelegation Dr Robert Giering of l fe

East Baltimore Street and a man whogave the name of F L Stephctwen andhis address as the Hotel Rcnnert werearraigned before Justice Loden at thewestern police station yesterday Bothwere dismissed i

The altercation occurred at the HotelJoyce on Camden Street opposite Cam-den Station Monday night and DrGlering made tho following statementlast night in reference to the trouble

I was standing on the corner of Baltimore and Eutaw Streets shortly after Soclock Monday night when the NewYork delegation headed by a bandcame marching down Eutaw Street IImmediately recognized several acquaint-ances and they Invited me to fall in lineand march down to their headquartersI Joined them and when he reached theHotel Joyce a number of ns amongwhom was Tom Sharkey retired to thebar tc get a drink All wanted to

the drink and as Iwns the onlyBaltimorean In the gathering I thought-it was my place to do the buying andI Insisted that I pay for the drinksSharkey Wanted to Buy

Tom Sharkey was standing close byme at the irie and he drew a large rollof notes from his pocket and laid one ofthem on the bar I turned around tohim and said Put that money in yourpocket It is counterfeit1 He did notpick up his money and after I had madethe remark several times he turnedaround to me and without the slightestprovocation he me under the








chin This aggravated me sad 1 imme-diately swung on his Jaw and rushedhim into the corner Then a number ofUs friends closcu In on us and theydragged me from him and pulled me outinto Camden Street

Both of us had been drinking heav-ily and of course we were unable tohit a terrific punch When I got intothe street I told Tommay Hart whoconducts a saloon on Fourteenth Streetopposite Tammany Hall and who wasarrested with me and gave th namecf Steohcnaon that I would give him

100 if he would get Sharkey to comeout into the street and tight methen the officer came along and placedHart and me under arrest

The two men were arrested by Patrolman William WhaleyThose Frightful Flippers


or pusillstf isnlrht that he would willingly take tbefighter down the road and have a freefist flrht with him

The doctor has something of a reputation as a fighter and about one year

when arraigned before Justice GarjtJiid at the Eastern police station on acharge of assaulting and striking a manit was testified that the mast was hit byI r Giering with his right hand Thedtvtor nrotested

Jude he said I hit him with myleft hand A blow from my right fistmeans sudden death and one from myleft means to the hospital

Amateurs end Professionals in MatchPlay Event on Philadelphia Links

Unique Spectacle-

A decided novelty in golf tournaments-Is to be tried on the link of the PWJR-dolphla Country Club at BaU on fomdrrow Friday and Saturday It Isopen event for local players amateursand rrofesslftnale

Another peculiar phase of thisis the fact that it is to be run oft

entirely at match play While the tour-nament is practically intended for professionals amateurs are eligible so itis quite possible that this event willpresent tho unique spectacle of ama-teurs and professionals competingagainst each other at match play

Of course in the event of amateursmoney plate would be given to theformer and to the latter Thetournament will be watched with con-siderable Interest and sh uM it prove afifcfH9 It may be tried In the metro-politan district


The Shamrock A C defeated the Arl-ington A C by M to X Heavy hittingby Mann and good pitching by Madiganwere the features Too lineup r Callan catcher Corkery first base Xartigan pitcher Cavanaugh second hamMann third beee Armour shortstopB MadigiMi left field

The Loan Men a negro team ofGeorgetown which has not been defeated for the two pet seasons wantI game with crack Warren Dyer teamof the F Street store under any

The Lean Men line up as folows Charles Fauntleroy captain FredKmt John Cater Ed Smith JohnSmith Joe Smith Charles Dabney Hony Perry Albert Address

Charles Fauntleroy Iii PennsylvaniaAvenue northwest

St Stephens Institute has acceptedthe challenge of the Unions and willplay them tomorrow afternoon on theTTnlon grounds at North Capitol and MStreets at Clfi oclock

Cure of Lame Back After 15 Years ofSuffering

I have been troubled with lame backfor fifteen years and I found arecovery in the use of ChamberlainsPain Balm t yg John G Blsher Gillam Ind This liniment is also withoutan equal for sprains and bruises It Isfor saloby all druggists


tjDr 1

a a





and both finishing In the



G4OrJ field


sGlerf g at l eaj





field center


















Bowlers Get Together forSeason


War Team Obtains Concessions and EnEstate Will Num

ber Six Clubs-

A Joint meeting of the DepartmentalBank Clerks tuic Real EstateLeagues was held at the Palace alleyslast night and plans for the seasonwere discussed and adopted-

A schedule was submitted by the De-partmental League and was approved ofand arrangements were made to havethe schedules of the Bank Clerks andReal Estate Leagues formed as soon aspossible

The Departmental League whichcreated most interest In local bowlingcircles last season will be composed ofthe same teams as heretofore namelythe Bureau Interior Postofllce Agriculture Government Printing OfflcoNavy Yard Commissioners Commerceand Labor Treasury and War It wasonly after lengthy discussion that theWar team decided to enter the leagueIt asked concessions which after muchdeliberation the other teams gruntedThis year the team will be allowed toselect its players from the State Warand Navy Departments and to take oneman from the White forceIs a Reorganization

The Real Esto League Js a reorgani-zation of last years Title InsuranceLeague It will number six clubs namelyColumbia Lawyers District AssessorsOffice Surveyors Office and FischerCo The Washington Title team oflast season has been dropped

The District Bowling League the old-est of the city has arranged to hold ameeting in the near future The seasonwill not until Novemberleague will probably be composed

Men AcmesGolden SouthWashington Business Men andably Market House

It is doubtful if the Plate PrintersLeague will reorganize this year
















Got Decision in Fifteen Rounds LoserGame But Severely Punished

Clinched Constantly

BALTIMORE Sept H Hwghey Mo-

Govrn won the dectokm over Kid Bepbelust night in their boutbefore the Eureka Athletic Cluh

MCGOTWM showed himself a fast andclever fighter and wad the advantage allthe way Beebe was fairly butnothing to boast of and his beet pointwas ability to stand punishment Hetook a fearful beating and the wonderwas that he was not put out By con-

stant clinching he managed to stay thelimit but was in had shape at the end

Representative Tim Sullivan GeorgeConsidine and many other noted fisticcelebrities of the Eagles were on thostage



Harry S Batchelder Former Yale Play-

er Convicted for Allowing Gamb-

ling in His Store

READING Sept 14 From a commanding place in the football firmament to the Berks county Jail Suchwas the taU of Harry S Batchsldor aformer student in the Yale Schoolwho was yesterday aiernon sentenced-to six months imprisonment for permitting gambling In a rear room of his ci-

gar storeWhile Batchehler stood before the bar

the grand Jury returned a true billagainst his wife on the charge of embezzling 2JQO by means of a duplicatebank book from Berg Bros in whosestore she cashier before her marriage She is to be called for trial todayBatchelder had been keeping a cigarstore for several months and the chargewest that he allowed card playing for

and in the rear room Hepleaded guilty expecting to got ott with-a attorney put In a ofclemency saying that accusedwasnt aware that he was breaking thelaw as the same practice was carriedon in the cigar store underproprietors This did not thejudges decision





et ar8

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dO f


250 I


617 Pa AveSave a Dollar


fifteen mind





Patent Colt

Box Calf














i iI


Defeated the Interior Quint After a Hard Finish Last Season Reading From Left to Rightv Helmerichs Captain Land and Orspada

IIKneelingLord Hardie


Were Never Intended forOcean Work


Widely Differing Estimates of GasoleneRequired President Ketcham

Thinks It Possible

NEW YORK Sept Charleysoffer of a 16000 prize to the owner ofthe first motor boat to cross thefrom Havre to New York arousedmuch Interest here

The offer was widely discussed in au-

tomobile and boat circles and the general opinion seemed to be that a atpresent constructed motor boats are notsufficiently seaworthy to undertake anocean voyage The problem ot carryingthe gasolene required for so longwas considered by many persons as almost insurmountable-

On two points those who discussed thematter were pretty well agreed Onewas that a boat capable of standingthe voyage and of holding the fuel re-

quired would need to be specially designed for the purpose The other wasthat M Charleys offer ought to havebeen open to craft traveling In eitherdirection so as to give an opportunity toAmerican ingenuity to try for the prize

W H Ketcham president of heAmerican Power Boat Associationthought it quite possible to construct aboat capable of ocean

Ketcham Optimistic-I dont see why a motor boat could

not make an ocean trip he said If adory can cross under sail as has beendone the risk as concerns the size ofthe boat is eliminated The only question Is whether a motor boat can carrysufficient fuel to last for so long a Journey I should think the trip could bemade in about twelve to fourteen days

Figuring on a twenty horsepower motor the amount of gasolene to be cur-ried would be about COO gallons Thishowever need not be difficult as a boatto be seaworthy should have accommodation for that amount As the tanksbecome emptied of gasolene they will actas air tanks I wish Mmade his offer for a boat ineither direction I know of severalAmericans who might bulk craft forsuch a test

E R Hollander winner of the racingboat F I A T on the otherwas of opinion that n motor boat couldnot be constructed with sufficient sea-worthiness or with for the fuelrequired He figured that a sixty horsepower boat would take from 2000 to 2M0gallons of gasolene on an ocean voyage


For the second time this week thBureau Athletic Club was defeated bythe Norfolk College team by 1 to 0 atNorfolk yesterday afternoon

The game was fast with good fieldbut the stick work of both teamswas light The batteries Bureaus

Wahler and Clancy Walter and Jones

never a needless garment can be worn inrain or shine as a dressgarment too Pricedproper 1

Every gun in the Tappanstock has been tested as to accuracy and is a standard of itsclass Priced right












iel4U II4anfJ-L70Sl





1 oE c rras s














Practice at FootballFor Georgetown Men

Captain Mahoney McCarthy and Martell ofLast Years Team Ready to Begin Work

More Candidates for Next Week


Providing J Pluvtas gives his asentthe candidates for the Georgetown

team will don running suits andchase the pigskin about GeorgetownField this afternoon

Today was set as the fret day forpreliminary practice but as tow of theold men have returned the work f rthe rest of the week will bo of thelightest sort Beginning Monday hardpractice will be commenced in earnest

College opens tomorrow but the pro-

fessional branches will remain cloMUuntil the first of October somen who will practice for several


the obItdays




will be the students in the collegiatedepartmenti Mahoney is expected to bepresent afternoon to begin the workwith Graduate Coach but the

other veterans of last taU will beMcCarthy end and Martell fullback

the who playedon the eteven last fall forthe fret Urns will be athe father of the player died in

and it was feared that the sonwas to the Blue and Gray Wordwas received at the unlver-

t the quarterback was endeavto make so he can

put in another year at Georgetown



Ja a that lIc-ett1

candi-date for his om po In the SUJ1mer



There aWlpan quarterback





Personal Comment andThings in the Field of Sports


Menon I


Duke Farrell has about decided togive up baseball He Is one of themost popular and competent catcherswho ever donned a mitt In Farrell andMcGuire Eerie Wagner gave Washing-ton the best catchers that ever


Jack OKeefe the Chicago pugilisthas taken to writing songs There isas much money in it as Is In the fight-Ing came for Jack

Turfmen are yet at sea as to which-is the best youngster ef the seasonTradition Tanya Sysonby and Artfulare the four which find most favor I

It is getting near the close of the met-ropolitan racing season so look out foranother Tommy Foster trick A fasthorse Is often held back until the tallend of the season o furnish velvet forthe winter Insteau of racing him andwinning purses

Fielder Jones does not like the job ofmanager of the White Sox Armourwho has resigned the management of theCleveland club may be given the posi-tion by Comlskey-

Ivor Lawson the American bicyclisthas won the two kilometer championshipof the world winning the title In Londonby defeating Marcus Hurley the ama-teur champion of America

Barney Dreyfuas is still strengtheninghis Pittsburg team and In liable to makeMcGraws bunch extend Itself next season Say what they may Barney canfurnish the goods when he Is arousedand there Is no better diplomat In base-ball

Coach Stagg hue begun work with theUniversity of Chicago football

The outlook is said to be good

COAch Yoat of Michigan who manyclaim Is the best football coach In Amer-ica regards Wisconsin as Michiganmoat formidable opponent on the gridiron this season

Ned Hanlon has recently given outan Interesting on the necesslty for using brains In baseball The












fact that the Brooklyns cannot win withsttch a manager as Hanlon is aremarkable evidence of their stupidityand all around rottenness

Billy Hallman signed by the St Louisis a of the old origi-

nal Hallmnn He was withChicago last year but was let out forpoor This year he has beenwith Louisville and gives every evidence of making good

St Louis friends are strenuously denythere is any In the ranks

Cardinals ana are praisingNichols in the highest terms for hishandling of the teamjake Schaefer the champion billiard

1st has arranged to accompany BillyCatton to France for an exhibition tour

With Virgil Garvin Mike Donlin andRube on the same team therewould never be any lack of excitement



NEW YORK 14 Regardless ofthe or ft ilure of his politicalplan Charles F Murphy the leader ofTlmmany Hall Is still going to re-main a golfer

With Mr John B McDonald and sev-eral supreme court Judges air Murphyhas taken for 6000 a leasefrom May 1 1907 of the Oakland linksat Baysidc L 1 Murphy and hisfriends have also contributed 6500 forimprovements to the present club houseat links

The of the Oakland Golf Clubcomprises thirtytwo and a half acresoverlooking Little Neck Bay and ad-Joining the country estate of John HTaylor-

A 10000 rustic bridge Is being builtIn the center of the links over the famous cup and saucer hole a depres-sion between two hills and asource of great inconvenience to thecorpulent members of the Oakland Club





ton Oftr










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Chr Heurich Brewing CoPure Beer Is a Tonic and an Invigorator

The Purest and the Healthiest

Senate1 Lager

I The sedative properties of hops combined with the healthfulqualities of malt makes it n food as well tonic

Phone West 34 for a Case


4 p-




Milwaukee Winners WereChicago Men


Was a Party to WillProbably Be

Gains Point

ST LOUIS Sept 14Lke all greatevents in the history of the world thestory and incidents in connection withthe Olympic games will not remain onthe quiet pages of history but even twoweeks after this great Olympiad newcomplications arise such as throw upontho a blight that can not beerased and the probable outcomo maybe the awarding of tho Olympic tug ofwar championship to a St Louis teamBold Acknowledgment-

In a Chicago paper Edwin R Bakercoach and trainer of the Milwaukee AC tugofwar team openly declares thatthe team which represented the Milwaukee A C was composed of men wheare members of the Columbian KnightsAthletic Association which latter organization Is a member of the Centralassociation of tho A A U This statement Is the boldest acknowledgment ofa violation of the A A V rules everplaced on record and not only does itdisqualify the Milwaukee team butplaces President W H Liginger of theA A U chairman of the athletic committee of the Milwaukee A C andpresident of the central association ofthe A A U in an unenviable light

In view of the confession of Mr BakerMilwaukee A C has violated the rulesof the A A U no matter what excusesmay be made by any of the con-cerned and ir the governing board ofthe A A U lives up to tho rules of thebody which controls amateur sportIn America It wilt disqualify Milwaukeeand award first honors to West Side StLouis T V with the second team of thesame organization second and New YorkA C thirdHelps New York

If the Milwaukee team is disqualified-and ordered to surrender the medalsNew York A C ill assume third placeand gain one more point on the cham-pionship table

At the time that the final heat of thetugofwar was about to be contestedthe writer approached President Liginger and asked if the men composing theteam did not to one of the

societies in Chicago at the sametime Informing the Milwaukee man thathe had received information to that

President Liginger stated that themen were Chicagoans and were mem-bers of his lodge in one of the secretorganizations not tatlng the name ofthe order and that they were membersof the Milwaukee A C but of how

he did not say He furtherstated that he had a right to form ateam of any men who resided in the central A A U district



Friday evening last September 9 thefirst colored league In the city of Wash-Ing was formed The meeting was wellattended and several promising ideaswere laid before the club

The following teams were represented-by captain or manager Eastern

ters Oronoco Sluggers and LafayetteAthletic Club The election of officerswas deferred until the next meetingwhich will be held at Obi Acker Streetnortheast September 30 at 9 p m

About the only result of closing thepoolrooms In New Orleans was that theway was opened for welching handbook men






Em-pires this colored championsEast Washington Giants Royal Rue




















American League

New YorkAthleticClevelandDetroit8L LouieValilngtDa

National LeagueWon Lost Jct-

XawH 96Chicago Tl

78CtaoinnrSt LottWi ft B 51Brooklyn 81 S62

4i SI 354ri fl 235

Eastern LeagueWon Lost Pet

Buffalo st 41 561Baltimore 7X 612Newark ee K 5 oJersey City M


Montreal KToronto nProvidence 4tRochester 87


American LeagueWashington at Philadelphia

New York at Boston

National LeagueFhlladelbpia at Brooklyn

PitUburg at CincInnatL

Eastern LeagueProvidence at Ball irmve

Buffalo at RochesterJersey City at Newark

Toronto at Montreal


American LeaguePhiladelphia 0 Boston 9

7 Innings rainChicagoCleveland and St LouisDe

games on accountof ram

INational League

New BostonNew 9 Boston 2Brooklyn 5 Philadelphia 2


Eastern LeagueBaltimoreProvidence too dark

Buffalo 7 Rochester 2Jersey City Newark 0

Toronto 9 Montreal 0Forfeited



Arraigned in the JuveUne court todayon a charge of petty larceny Charlesand Theodore Burke ten and elevenyear old respectively and James Hawkins about eleven years old pleaded not

but Judge ONeal placed themunder the probation of the Board ofChildrens Guardians

Police of the Fourth precinct stationarrested the lads br steal-ing chickens from freight ears In thoPennsylvania Railroad yards The thiev-ing is said to have been done

and yesterday Is said to be oneof the few days on which the boysnot visited the yards and carried ortsome form of property


Good vehiclesPrices rightHarness too

WonBoston ft 17

110q 5iit72 be

1 r aU 7J 4t


i4 73JIZ q

nis iii




iI s9




Pitt burg4i urg






Lguj Pt40


irsbs 5no

E 413d 24i




Ii 5i


R 225


Cincinnati 2













FALL STYLES READYAll the Latest Imported

Scotch Tweeds

14 14

18 18 I

22 22-

No Fit We ComeNo Pay We Stay



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