lately we’ve been forced to sacrifice our wage increases just to keep our health care and it’s...

Download Lately we’ve been forced to sacrifice our wage increases just to keep our health care And it’s getting worse We’ve bargained hard for health coverage

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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Lately weve been forced to sacrifice our wage increases just to keep our health care And its getting worse Weve bargained hard for health coverage Slide 3 Health costs are outpacing our wage increases HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS WORKERS EARNINGS Slide 4 Cost is the problem The average annual premium for family coverage is now more than $12,000 Slide 5 47 million Americans dont have health insurance That costs us more For an average annual family policy of $12,000, $922 pays for the cost of the uninsured Slide 6 Insured, but hurting 1.1 million Minnesotans expect to pay more than 10% of their income on health care costs in 2008 Slide 7 What if Nobody had to spend more than 5% of their household income on health care? Slide 8 Do the math Fill out this worksheet to see if your health care is affordable Slide 9 5% is less expensive The average Council 5 member, earning $36,000 a year, shouldnt have to spend more than $1,800 a year for health care premiums, drug co-pays, office visits and deductibles Slide 10 Our 5% Solution First, we define whats affordable Then, we push elected officials to contain costs to make health care affordable Slide 11 Who will you trust to fix our broken health care system? Slide 12 The insurance companies? They want reform that protects their profits while denying people the care they need Slide 13 The pharmaceutical industry? They want reform that protects their profits by charging outrageous prices for the drugs we need Slide 14 They want reforms that protect the insurance and pharmaceutical companiesnot working families Right-wing politicians? Slide 15 Its our fight! Protect and improve health care for those who have it Provide health care for those who dont Slide 16 Controls costs Provides quality, affordable coverage for all Guarantees you can choose and use your own doctor Offers you the choice of a public alternative to private insurance Requires government to serve as a watchdog to control costs and ensure quality and fairness Lowers employer costs and requires them to pay their fair share Were working for a state and national solution that: Slide 17 THEY SAY WE SAY Its socialized medicine No, its government protecting patients choice and reducing costs. Its government-run medicine No, its you and your doctor, making medical decisions. Slide 18 THEY SAY WE SAY You choose. If you like your plan, you keep it. If you want a change, you get options Its one-size fits all health care Let the market do its job The so-called market means we pay more and get less. Slide 19 that builds on whats best about Americas health care system and changes what doesnt work We want reform Slide 20 Talk to people Urge candidates and elected officials to support real reform Support your union in bargaining for health care Fill out the card Join our campaign Slide 21 Questions?