last chance · 2017-10-17 · last...

Last Chance Chat Last Chance Audubon Society promotes understanding, respect and enjoyment of birds and the natural world through education, habitat protection and environmental advocacy. Published September to May Helena MT September 2016 O s p r e y A U n i q u e R a p t o r S e p t 1 3 t h P r o g r a m 7 : 0 0 P M Snacks & Conversation 6:30p.m. Montana WILD, 2668 Broadwater Ave FREE All are Welcome Watching an Osprey dive feet first into the water, sometimes submerging completely, before rising from the surface with a struggling fish leaves a lasting impression for birder and non-birder alike. The Yellowstone Valley Audubon Society (YVAS) in Billings has monitored Osprey nests along the Yellowstone River since 2009. Starting with three volunteers, who located 22 nests, today 30 volunteers hustle along 300 miles of river during summer to monitor over 85 nests. Marco Restani, Director of Conservation for Montana Audubon, directs the research components of the YVAS Osprey project. His presentation will review population ecology, behavior, and conservation of this widespread, unique raptor. Photo by Bob Martinka Dr. Marco Restani has lived and worked throughout Montana since 1983. He received a BS from the University of Montana, MS from Montana State, and PhD from Utah State studying Bald Eagles along the Missouri River near Helena. He was a Professor for 15 years at Rocky Mountain College in Billings and St Cloud University in Minnesota. Restani spent seven summers in Greenland studying Peregrine Falcons and Common Ravens, two summers in Australia studying Tasmanian Devils, and four winters guiding ecotourists to the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, and Antarctica.

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Page 1: Last Chance · 2017-10-17 · Last Chance Chat Last Chance Audubon ... day or night, there are birds aloft in the skies

Last Chance ChatLast Chance Audubon Society promotes understanding, respect and enjoyment of birds and the

natural world through education, habitat protection and environmental advocacy.

Published September to May Helena MT September 2016


A Unique Raptor

Sept 13th – Program 7:00PM Snacks & Conversation 6:30p.m.

Montana WILD, 2668 Broadwater Ave

FREE – All are Welcome

Watching an Osprey dive feet first into the water, sometimes submerging completely, before rising from the surface with a struggling fish leaves a lasting impression for birder and non-birder alike. The Yellowstone Valley Audubon Society (YVAS) in Billings has monitored Osprey nests along the Yellowstone River since 2009. Starting with three volunteers, who located 22 nests, today 30 volunteers hustle along 300 miles of river during summer to monitor over 85 nests. Marco Restani, Director of Conservation for Montana Audubon, directs the research components of the YVAS Osprey project. His presentation will review population ecology, behavior, and conservation of this widespread, unique raptor.

Photo by Bob Martinka

Dr. Marco Restani has lived and worked throughout Montana since 1983. He received a BS from the University of Montana, MS from Montana State, and PhD from Utah State studying Bald Eagles along the Missouri River near Helena. He was a Professor for 15 years at Rocky Mountain College in Billings and St Cloud University in Minnesota. Restani spent seven summers in Greenland studying Peregrine Falcons and Common Ravens, two summers in Australia studying Tasmanian Devils, and four winters guiding ecotourists to the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, and Antarctica.

Last Chance ChatLast Chance Audubon Society promotes understanding, respect and enjoyment of birds and the

natural world through education, habitat protection and environmental advocacy.

Published September to May Helena MT September 2016


A Unique Raptor

Sept 13th – Program 7:00PM Snacks & Conversation 6:30p.m.

Montana WILD, 2668 Broadwater Ave

FREE – All are Welcome

Watching an Osprey dive feet first into the water, sometimes submerging completely, before rising from the surface with a struggling fish leaves a lasting impression for birder and non-birder alike. The Yellowstone Valley Audubon Society (YVAS) in Billings has monitored Osprey nests along the Yellowstone River since 2009. Starting with three volunteers, who located 22 nests, today 30 volunteers hustle along 300 miles of river during summer to monitor over 85 nests. Marco Restani, Director of Conservation for Montana Audubon, directs the research components of the YVAS Osprey project. His presentation will review population ecology, behavior, and conservation of this widespread, unique raptor.

Photo by Bob Martinka

Dr. Marco Restani has lived and worked throughout Montana since 1983. He received a BS from the University of Montana, MS from Montana State, and PhD from Utah State studying Bald Eagles along the Missouri River near Helena. He was a Professor for 15 years at Rocky Mountain College in Billings and St Cloud University in Minnesota. Restani spent seven summers in Greenland studying Peregrine Falcons and Common Ravens, two summers in Australia studying Tasmanian Devils, and four winters guiding ecotourists to the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, and Antarctica.

Page 2: Last Chance · 2017-10-17 · Last Chance Chat Last Chance Audubon ... day or night, there are birds aloft in the skies

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Have you noticed migration? The sun is migrating south, creating shorter daytime sunlight. The children are migrating back to school and college students to universities.

At Last Chance Audubon Society (LCAS) we, too, are migrating – we are moving west from St Paul’s UM Church, to Montana WILD (by Spring Meadow Lake) for our monthly membership meetings. The audio/visual equipment will accentuate visually the programs presented by talented photographers presenting to our members.

Along with that is our “migration” to an electronic newsletter beginning January 2017. Sign-up now and avoid the rush!

Hopefully we’ve stopped or slowed the migration (or spread) of the Velcro-like Burdock at Kmart Ponds.

An LCAS field trip is recording the migration of shorebirds on Worldwide Shorebirds Day, Sept. 3rd, at the south end of Canyon Ferry.

We are also part of a collaborative, science-based study of migrating raptors along the Big Belt Mountains, called GEMS (Golden Eagle Migration Survey), from September 1st to November 5th 2016. Working together with MT Audubon, US Forest Service, and MT Fish Wildlife & Parks, we are supporting two full-time observers just south of Duck Creek Pass.

We’re offering you the opportunity to migrate to the Big Belt observation site, along with the opportunity to take a short course on identifying raptors, by the man who started HawkWatch International – Steve Hoffman, Executive Director of MT Audubon. See this newsletter for all the details.

You won’t want to miss the November 8th LCAS program when the observers will show-and-tell tales of their experiences over the course of 66-days of counting, and camping, at 7444 feet.

Scott Weidensaul, our keynote speaker at the 2015 Bird Festival, here in Helena, has this to say about migration:

“At whatever moment you read these words, day or night, there are birds aloft in the skies of the Western Hemisphere, migrating.”

—Living on the Wind: Across the Hemisphere with Migratory Birds

Come fly with us!

—Janice Miller, President, LCAS

President’s Perch

Photo by Janice MillerMigration

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Raptor Identification Class and Field Trip CLASS - 6:30PM, Sept 30, Montana WILD, 2668 Broadwater Ave.

FIELD TRIP - Oct 1, 2016

Janice Miller photo

Photo by Ronan Dugan

Steve Hoffman, Executive Director of MT Audubon and raptor expert, will teach a raptor ID class for all skill levels from 6:30 – 8:30 pm on Friday, September 30th, at MT WILD in Helena. The Saturday, Oct 1, field trip will go to the Golden Eagle Migration Survey (GEMS) site near Duck Creek Pass in the Big Belt Mountains. Field Trip participants will practice identifying raptors all day. Species likely to be encountered: American Kestrel, Merlin, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper’s Hawk, Northern Goshawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Bald Eagle, and Golden Eagle. Dress for hiking and for the high mountain weather conditions. Bring lunch, water and snacks. Carpooling strongly recommended. High clearance and/or 4WD vehicles recommended. Home by 5 pm.

Cost of $40/person for the classroom and field trip is tax deductible. All funds

raised go to benefit the GEMS project. 25 person limit for Field Trip on Saturday. Pre-registration is required. Early reservations are advised. To reserve your place send your $40 check, payable to LCAS to: Janice Miller, 815 11th Ave, Helena, MT 59601. For those who would like the option to attend the Friday classroom session only, a donation of $25/person, all to benefit the GEMS project, is encouraged. Contact Janice Miller at [email protected] for more info.

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LCAS Board Highlights July 2016 Meeting CONSERVATION

• Lake Helena: Water level and available shoreline issues discussed; contact to be made with responsible management agency

• K-Mart Ponds: Variety of invasive weeds increasing dramatically; Tim Dwyer at MT Conservation Corps to be contacted to see if they can help with weed removal


• Monthly Meetings: Speakers /programs lined up for the year - May; selected topics include Osprey Research, Golden Eagles Survey, Australia or Scotland and Costa Rica birding trips

• Projects: Continue with the scholarships and Helena Middle School Birding Club; new initiatives could include free memberships for middle and high school students, options for financial support for school projects, finding the educational trunks that once existed (anyone know where they might be?), and partnering with Montana WILD. Other suggestions welcome!

• Big Belts Golden Eagle Survey: LCAS Committee has met with MT Audubon, the Forest Service and MT FWP; raptor workshop and field trip led by Steve Hoffman scheduled for Sept. 30-Oct.1 (cost of $40/person); other field trips possible following the workshop/field trip; and Hot Spot web connection planned for the observation site

• Field Trips: Attendance was down this past year; possible reasons and options discussed. Feedback/suggestions welcome!


• LCAS Website: Project to update the website planned to start after mid-September

• Liz thanked for her interim efforts as newsletter editor and LCAS publicity efforts


• New Board Member: Jo Lace elected to replace Nancy Ewer who has stepped down. Many thanks to Nancy for all of her efforts, especially with the newsletter

• Finances: Total of $55,000 in checking and other investment accounts; Birdathons raised about $2500; major LCAS contributions last year included Helena Middle School Birding Club, college scholarship for a high school senior, and the Golden Eagle Survey in the Big Belts;

• Birdseed Sales: Birds and Beasley’s to continue this effort which generates about $300 annually for LCAS; thanks to Sandy

• Directors and Officers Liability Insurance: Policy approved with RV Nuccio and Associates recommended by both Montana Audubon and National Audubon; annual cost is approx. $495

• Membership: LCAS has 99 Chapter-only members, with a total 389 members, including National Audubon members

• Membership Chair Opening 2017: Thanks to Sharon as she begins her last year as Chair

• Field Trips Coordinator Opening 2016: Thanks to Sara for all of her efforts

• Volunteers Needed: Existing or expected openings to replace retirees include Membership, Field Trips, Conservation and Christmas Bird Count. Contact Janice if interested in learning more about these opportunities

—Report by Sumner Sharpe

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Membership Report 2016 Spring/Summer

Please welcome to Last Chance Audubon Society new chapter members Lowell & Donna Anderson, Ronnie Eisenmenger, Denise King & L.M. Minich, George & Jude Oberst and Bob Sanders.

Many thanks to Last Chance Audubon Society renewing chapter members Jane Beasley, Howard Johnson, Sandy Shull, Tim & Irene Switajewski and Carla Wambach.

Please also welcome National Audubon Society new members Mary Chambers, Lin Deola, Lauri Ekanger, Helen Fee, Delores & Gerald Franz, Iloilo Jones, Georgina Jordon, Helen Kaczmarek, Candy Kohlstaedt, Isobelle Manley, Jay Pocius, Katherine Tomaskie, Mildred Twingley, Linda Unmack, Judy Watkins and Brad Willcockson.

And, our sincere thanks to National Audubon Society renewing members Teresa Amsbaugh, Jennifer Anders, Ann Bauchman, Lisa Bay, Ellen Bishop, Bonnie Bowler, William Bucher, Marcalee Carroll, Connie & David Cole, Mark & Dee Cress, Phyllis Dagenais, Bruce Desonia, Doug Hansen & Sharon Dewart Hansen, Luann Driessen, James Driggers, William Dunbar, Irene Erdie, Ellen & Eric

Feaver, Ron Paul & Connie Fiske, Fred Flanders, Barry Hood & Eliza Frazer, Joseph Furshong, Gary Gingery, Maribeth Goodrich, Mary Gray, Martha & Jim Haddock, Patrick Hayden, Bill Hubber, Alice Kirn, Ron Lukenbill, Gail Moser, Cherri Murphy, Tia Nelson, Sue & Bruce Newell, Margie Opitz, Denise Pennington, Becky Piske, Jeana Shchuchinov, James Shaver, Don & Tedra Skaar, Deborah Stafford, Mary Van Gilder, Dick Warner, Victoria Wolfe, Cindy Yarberry and Dennis & Sandy Zeiler.

LCAS MEMBERSHIP: For anyone interested in joining our local Audubon chapter, you can find a registration form in this newsletter or online at Membership is $15 per household and runs January 1st through December 31st of each year.

NAS Membership: If you would like membership information about National Audubon Society please direct an email to them at [email protected] or you may contact them directly by phone at 1-844-428-3826.

—Sharon Miller, Membership Chair, [email protected] or 406-513-1152 (local call)

Our thoughts are with long-time member, Bill Rainey, at the loss of his dear wife, Mary Anne,

July 23, 2016.

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Last Chance Audubon Society PO Box 924 Helena MT 59624


LCAS BOARD PRESIDENT: Janice Miller, 439-5762, [email protected] SECRETARY: Brian Shovers, 443-6640, [email protected] TREASURER: Chris Hunter, 461-7038, [email protected] WEBSITE/BOARD: Stephen Turner, 521-0000, [email protected] EDUCATION/BOARD: Sumner Sharpe, [email protected] BOARD AT LARGE: Coburn Currier, [email protected] BOARD AT LARGE: Bob Martinka, 449-3313, [email protected] BOARD AT LARGE: Jo Lace, 443-6640 BOARD AT LARGE: Don Skaar, 442-3254, [email protected]


Birdathon: Jo Lace 443-6640, [email protected] Birdseed Sale: Sue Jackson & Sandy Shull, 443-4486 or 449-0904 Christmas Bird Count: Cedron Jones, 442-1271 & Lorna Milne, 443-7162, [email protected] Conservation: Brian Shovers, 443-6640 Membership: Sharon Miller, 442-7533 Monthly Program: Sandy Shull & Liz Hiltunen, 449-0904 or 227-5492 Newsletter: Meta Downhour, [email protected] Publicity: Liz Hiltunen, 227-5492, [email protected] Silent Auction: Sandy Shull & Jo Lace, 449-0904 or 443-6640 Field Trips: open Habitat Protection: open MT Audubon State Office: 443-3949

Non-Profit Org. US Postage

PAID Helena MT 59601

Permit #29

Last Chance Audubon Society PO Box 924 Helena MT 59624


LCAS BOARD PRESIDENT: Janice Miller, 439-5762, [email protected] SECRETARY: Brian Shovers, 443-6640, [email protected] TREASURER: Chris Hunter, 461-7038, [email protected] WEBSITE/BOARD: Stephen Turner, 521-0000, [email protected] EDUCATION/BOARD: Sumner Sharpe, [email protected] BOARD AT LARGE: Coburn Currier, [email protected] BOARD AT LARGE: Bob Martinka, 449-3313, [email protected] BOARD AT LARGE: Jo Lace, 443-6640 BOARD AT LARGE: Don Skaar, 442-3254, [email protected]


Birdathon: Jo Lace 443-6640, [email protected] Birdseed Sale: Sue Jackson & Sandy Shull, 443-4486 or 449-0904 Christmas Bird Count: Cedron Jones, 442-1271 & Lorna Milne, 443-7162, [email protected] Conservation: Brian Shovers, 443-6640 Membership: Sharon Miller, 442-7533 Monthly Program: Sandy Shull & Liz Hiltunen, 449-0904 or 227-5492 Newsletter: Meta Downhour, [email protected] Publicity: Liz Hiltunen, 227-5492, [email protected] Silent Auction: Sandy Shull & Jo Lace, 449-0904 or 443-6640 Field Trips: open Habitat Protection: open MT Audubon State Office: 443-3949

Non-Profit Org. US Postage

PAID Helena MT 59601

Permit #29