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UW Housing Dining & Culinary Services Bucky’s Bonfire Promotional Project Kelly Berg, Jackie Brown, Ashley Harrison, Jenni Li 4/23/2010

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UW Housing Dining & Culinary Services

Bucky’s Bonfire Promotional Project

Kelly Berg, Jackie Brown, Ashley Harrison, Jenni Li 4/23/2010

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Table of Contents Customer Profile ........................................................................................................................................... 4

Plan for the Atmosphere ............................................................................................................................... 4

Time and Date of the Event .......................................................................................................................... 4

Meal Tickets.................................................................................................................................................. 4

Set-up & Clean-up ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Seating Area .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Demo ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

Grilling ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

Condiments ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Utensils and Plating .................................................................................................................................. 5

Garbage ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

Campfire .................................................................................................................................................... 6

Roasting of the S’mores ............................................................................................................................ 6

Music ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

Bucky ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

Games ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

Weather Permitting Event ........................................................................................................................ 7

Promotional Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 7

Increase Patronage ................................................................................................................................... 7

Increase Public Awareness of a Facility’s Services .................................................................................... 7

Promotional Materials .................................................................................................................................. 8

Facebook and Email Invitations ................................................................................................................ 8

Promotional Flyer...................................................................................................................................... 8

Table Tent ................................................................................................................................................. 8

Promotional Handout ............................................................................................................................... 8

Directional Tag Board ................................................................................................................................ 9

Pricing Strategy ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Budget Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 9

Impact on Operations ................................................................................................................................. 10

Purchasing ............................................................................................................................................... 10

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Receiving ................................................................................................................................................. 10

Storage .................................................................................................................................................... 10

Pre-preparation ....................................................................................................................................... 10

Preparation ............................................................................................................................................. 10

Holding .................................................................................................................................................... 10

Service ..................................................................................................................................................... 11

Follow Up and Evaluation ........................................................................................................................... 11

Resources .................................................................................................................................................... 12

Appendices .................................................................................................................................................. 13

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Customer Profile

The demographics of our target customers are men and women age 18-22. They are most likely

first year Madison students and are residing in the on campus dormitories. The event will be held

at the green space next to Gordon Commons, so the target customers will reside in Witte,

Sellery, Ogg, and Smith. However, advertising for this event may reach other people on campus

who are welcome to attend. The buying pattern of our target customer includes the students with

WisCard accounts and the pricing will be based on their use of this card. If cash customers are

present, they will not be turned away, but will be asked to pay the price marked up by 60%. The

purchasing history of our customers will most likely be repeat yet relatively new since the event

will be held within the first two weeks of school.

Plan for the Atmosphere

The objective of our “camping” theme is to promote the friendliness of UW Food Service as well

to provide the incoming students staying in the residential halls with an opportunity to socialize

in a comfortable environment outside of Gordon Commons. In order to do this we have planned

a wacky themed event which will be located outside the front doors of Gordon Commons as well

as in the Gordon green space on the south side.

This event will require a few extra employees to operate the outdoor grill and serving area as

well as monitor the fire pit for safety reasons. We understand that there might be issues with this

plan that would have to be presented to risk management but with careful planning and

consideration of all safety issues, we plan on this being a safe and successful event. A complete

timeline of events can be found in Appendix A.

Time and Date of the Event

In order to promote socializing and networking within the new student body, we are hoping to

host this event on Friday, September 10th

, 2010. This will be close enough to the Freshman

Welcome week that students will still want to meet and greet other members of their dorm

community as well as provide a substance free bonfire for all to participate in. The games and

the meal will be served from 6-8 pm with the campfire and games running from 8-10 pm. The

menu was designed to showcase traditional Wisconsin food. The menu including source recipes

and nutritional analysis can be found in Appendix B and C.

Meal Tickets

Instead of bringing a cash register outside for the event we thought it would be a smarter and

easier idea to have a meal ticket system. For a Meal Deal of $5.50 a customer will receive a

ticket at the Pop‟s register for a meal consisting of one entree, two side dishes, and a s‟mores

package. The consumer will then be able to fill out their choices and go outside to the grill to

receive their meal. The meal ticket can be found in Appendix D. There will not be a beverage

included as a part of this meal but since the customers are already inside of Pop‟s Club, they will

be able to make any beverage purchase here. For those who just want to come for dessert there

will be a s‟mores package available for only $1.50.

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Set-up & Clean-up

Set up will need to be done of the grills and cooking area at least 1 hour before serving time.

This will give the team enough time to make sure the grill and the cooking area is set up. The

clean-up will be done after the last meal ticket is served at 8 pm. This should not take any longer

than 45 minutes.

Seating Area

Since the idea of the event is to provide a camping experience, there will not be any extra seating

provided for the residents. Since there are a few picnic tables in the area some residents who

chose not to eat in the grass can feel free to use the table space, otherwise, socializing in the

grass will let groups come together in all different sorts of numbers.


There will be 3 example plates to demo the food being served inside of Pop‟s Club. These plates

will show the proper portion sizes of each meal so customers are able to get a “sneak peek” of

what they are ordering. The plates will be divided as so:


In the front of Gordon Commons, where residents from Ogg and Sellery enter, there will be two

grills set up for the burgers, brats, and corn on the cob. Next to the grill there will be a warming

table with hospital pans for each of the sides (baked beans, corn on the cob, potato salad, and

chips). There will be four employees needed to work this food station. Two employees will be in

charge of the grill, and the other two employees will be in charge of serving the side dishes off of

the steam tables.


For the burgers and brats there will need to be a variety of condiments available. Therefore, on a

table next to the grill there will be a condiment station set up on the food bar where customers

can get their ketchup, mustard, onions, pickles, lettuce, butter, hot sauce, salt, and pepper. This

will need to be a chilled table with an extension cord running to an available outlet since some

condiment items will need to be kept cold. For each of the vegetables, there will need to be

proper serving ware provided such as tongs.

Utensils and Plating

Considering that this will be an outdoor event, we have chosen to use plastic and disposable

utensils. By using regular flatware we were concerned with the amount lost in the lawn, and

causing future problems for the lawn maintenance crew. For plates, we suggest using recycled

One hamburger bun with

meat patty, cheese, and

bacon. One 6oz. spoodle

of baked beans and a bag

of chips.

One brat bun with a

brat, sauerkraut, chips,

and corn on the cob.

One hamburger bun with a

veggie patty, one 4 oz.

spoodle of potato salad,

and corn on the cob.

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paper plates to cut down on work needed to transport dirty dishes from the outdoor area to the

dish room.


Extra garbage cans will be provided outside so student can dispose of their refuse without having

to walk back into Gordon Commons. There will be one garbage can next to the grilling station

and another one close to the campfire. The student workers will be responsible for returning the

garbage cans back to the commissary at the end of the night.


There will be a campfire contained in a fire pit. We have chosen to use a transportable fire pit so

that we would not kill the grass below and also to maintain the size of the fire. This fire will be

used for roasting the marshmallows and to keep customers warm. For safety reasons, we will

need to have Housing employees watch the fire responsibly over the course of the night. At no

time will this fire be unattended. For some reason the fire were to get out of control there will be

emergency equipment, consisting of a bucket of water, in range at all times.

Roasting of the S’mores

Due to the high risk of working over an open fire we would need to mention this idea to risk

management. The s‟mores will be roasted using SmorStix (

decor/smorstix.html). Since it would be economically unrealistic to purchase a stick for every

customer we have planned to purchase 16 and have the customers share. Due to food safety

precautions, the employee watching the fire will also be in charge of cleaning and sanitizing each

stick before it is handed off to the next person.


To lighten the atmosphere and help turn our dinner into a “real” camping experience we thought

about having some music in the background. We have planned to have a guitarist come and play

country and camping music to add to the atmosphere. The guitarist will come from the UW

Music Department and will be provided a chair by the bonfire to sit at.


Bucky‟s Bonfire would not be complete if it wasn‟t for Bucky himself. In order to add to the

atmosphere and provide some school spirit as well as a warm face that everyone can recognize,

Bucky will be in attendance at our event from 7 to 9 pm. During this time, he will be walking

around the yard, greeting students to the event and playing lawn games.


Ladder ball, horse shoes, and bag toss will all be set up in the Gordon green space. There will be

one or two sets of each game, so enough residents can play while the other spectators or work on

perfecting the perfect golden s‟more. These games will be borrowed from the residential halls so

they will not be a part of our expenses.

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Weather Permitting Event Due to the fact that this will be an outdoor event, we will plan on rescheduling the event for the

following day (Saturday, September 11, 2010) if there is bad weather in the forecast. If 5 days

before the event the forecast predicts rain, thunderstorms, or tornadoes, the event will

immediately be rescheduled for the next day. If the weather does not look like it will clear, we

will continue to plan for the event on the original day but move everything indoors. Instead of

the bonfire, the s'mores packages will still be served and the students can choose to cook them on

their own in the microwave or dorm oven, or just eat them "raw".

Lawn games will be limited to bag toss due to safety of use of games indoors and the number of

house fellows will be reduced to only two since there will be no fire to supervise.

Promotional Objectives

Increase Patronage

This promotional event is designed mainly to attract the residents of Witte, Sellery, Ogg, and

Smith. These are the students that UW Dining and Culinary Services provide services to through

their Gordon‟s Commons unit. One objective goal of the promotion is to increase patronage to

this unit.

The event will be held within the first two weeks of college. This will most likely not be the

student‟s first experience with UW Housing Dining and Culinary Services, however, we feel that

by introducing the quality of food we will increase the volume of business throughout the year to

all sub-units; Ed‟s Express and Pop‟s Dinner Club. By combining the food made at the

commissary, the staff and the geographical location of the event, we will be able to promote the

units and the food that is provided in them. This will be measured by the volume of business in

the three months post the event. This volume with be compared to the previous years to see if

and impact has been made.

Increase Public Awareness of a Facility’s Services

Students may not have had a chance to explore the surrounding green space of the Southeastern

Area Dorms. We would like to welcome them to this area which can be used for lying outside,

playing games, or just tossing Frisbees with friends. While UW D&CS will not directly make

money of the use of the campus owned land, just having students congregate right next to

Gordon‟s will increase the chance that they will come in and purchase. After a quick game, or a

study session outside students will have the opportunity of walking a few feet to purchase dinner,

and this will decrease the pull of State Street‟s restaurants or other competitors.

We will also increase the awareness of catering events. By taking our food outside the Gordon‟s

Commons unit, we are advertising our catering services and may spike some interest among the

customers. Students who work their way up to club leaders will remember these services and will

keep them in mind for future events. Resident Assistants present have more direct need for the

catering services and will get an idea of what is possible. Each is allocating a budget to be used

by the dormitory „house‟ for bonding events and such. Food is mostly likely always present. It

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can come from anywhere. However with this promotion event, we will show the RA‟s the

quality and ease of using the UWD&CS- Catering Services. We will measure this objective by

counting the catering service requests in the months following the event.

Promotional Materials

Facebook and Email Invitations

For initial contact with our customers we will send out an e-mail to housing residents. (Appendix

E). As a follow up, we will generate a Facebook event for Bucky‟s Campout. “Bucky‟s” profile

on Facebook will invite students living in the Southeastern dorms. This will hopefully circulate

throughout this population. However if it doesn‟t reach all of the students we will follow up with

the following promotional materials.

Promotional Flyer

Promotional materials were designed to advertise the event to our target customers. The

materials will be placed in dorms, Pop‟s bulletin boards, Pop‟s Dining Room, and Ed‟s Express

dining area. These places were chosen so that our customers will be introduced to the event a

week prior, and then repeatedly reminded of the event up to September 10th

. We feel that this

will be sufficient in educating the event to the customer, as well as attracting students to show


The first promotional material designed is a flyer to be posted on Gordon‟s Commons and

Southeastern dorms bulletin boards. This will be placed one week prior to the event. It was

designed to introduce the event to the customer. It gives a short description of activities, date,

time, and menu to be expected. Also listed is pricing information and how to obtain a ticket. The

flyer is included in (Appendix F).

Table Tent

A table tent was designed to promote this event to the regular customers that dine at Gordon‟s

Commons. The table tent can be found in (Appendix G).

Promotional Handout

These will be distributed outside the entrance to Gordon‟s Commons starting three days prior to

the event. They will be printed on 5x8 cards and are meant to serve as a reminder for students.

They have a big graphic of a s‟more and a saying to elicit thought about the event. The date, time

and location of the event can be found directly on the card. Additional information can be given

by the student worker handing out the flyer, or by addressing them to the flyer posted on the

bulletin boards inside the unit. Student workers will be needed at peak times of Gordon‟s

Common service (11-2pm) in order to reach the most customers yet with minimal staffing

power. These cards could easily be taken with the customer so that they can post it somewhere or

mark it down on their personal calendars as a reminder. The handout can be found attached in

Appendix H

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Directional Tag Board

This will be a large poster (2x3 ft) placed at the entrance of Gordon‟s Commons and over by the

grills. It is meant to direct customers to where they need to go and what they should do to

participate in the event. The poster located by the grills will redirect the customers into Pop‟s

Club to purchase their meal ticket. The one located inside Gordon‟s Commons will do the same.

A sample of the Directional Tag board can be found in Appendix I.

Pricing Strategy

The pricing strategy we choose to use for the bonfire event is the bundle. Because the meal is

served outside, it seems most efficient to have the students pay inside and receive a meal ticket.

This meal ticket would give the students a meat option, two sides, and the s‟more package for

$5.50. The bundle does not include a drink, so drinks will be offered inside Pop‟s as a la carte

items. The drinks are not included in the bundle due to the fact there is such a variety of drink

options available and they are all priced differently.

Budget Summary

Considering this event has never been done before, but we are planning on it being a huge

success, we have created our budget for an estimate of 200 meal customers and 65 dessert

customers. This brings the total revenue to $1,195.50.

Our total expenses, comes out to $1,145.98, which leaves us with a total profit of $49.52. Within

the budget as you can see in Appendix J, all of our expenses are within reason. For labor, we

have hired 4 extra student employees, who will be helping out with serving and watching the

bonfire, and 2 civil service workers who will be helping with the grill. The other labor costs,

such as the house fellows who will be helping with the lawn games and watching the fire, will be

paid for through UW Housing. These work hours will count for part of their work week hours as

a house fellow. Another area in labor costs where we saved money is in music. From the

Department of Music, we have requested for a volunteer musician to come and play his/her

guitar as they sing by the fire for 2 hours.

For supplies, we have decided to purchase biodegradable plates and silverware in order to save

money on the cost of running dishes in and out of Gordon Commons as well as to reduce the

number of plates and utensils from disappearing into other student‟s hands.

As for the campfire, this is where the majority our costs come in. With the fire pit rental, the fire

permit, and having Bucky Badger there as well, the entertainment costs will be the majority of

the expenses. We have thought that although the numbers for this are high, having Bucky at the

bonfire will draw a larger crowd, as well as having the fire, where any student with their dorm

window open will smell the fire and immediate wonder what is going on.

From this event, we are hoping to come out even, if not ahead of what we have planned and with

a successful event, we hope that this is something that we can do on a yearly or semiannual basis

in order to not only good food but good food in a good atmosphere.

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Impact on Operations

Every part of the foodservice operation will be affected by hosting the bonfire event. It is critical

to understand how to plan for every operational step along the way.


The ingredients for the meal will need to be ordered at least two weeks in advance. Most of the

ingredients including the hamburger and vegetable patties will be ordered from Sysco. Only the

brats, corn-on-the-cob and fresh Wisconsin cheddar cheese will need to be purchased from local

vendors. Because the local food comes in fresh, they should plan for delivery a couple days

before the bonfire.


There will be a separate delivery for fresh foods coming from local farmers a few days before the

bonfire. The hamburger patties and vegetable burgers should be delivered frozen from the

primary vendor, Sysco. The remaining ingredients will also be delivered from Sysco.


There should be sufficient refrigerator space to keep the brats and cheddar cheese upon delivery

and also to store the sauerkraut, potatoes cubes, diced onions, corn-on-the-cob, lettuce and sliced

tomatoes. Also, there should be adequate freezer space to store the hamburger patties and

vegetable burgers. On the day before the bonfire, the hamburger meat and vegetable patties

should be moved from the freezer and stored in the refrigerator to thaw. The remaining

ingredients are in dry storage.


Most of the ingredients are received from Sysco and are already pre-prepped. The s‟mores

should be assembled into the packages either a day before or on the day of the bonfire to ensure



The grills will need to be used to cook the hamburger meat, brats, vegetable patties and corn-on-

the-cob. These should all be cooked and handled separately for food safety purposes. The

hamburger patties need to be cooked to 155 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 seconds, the brats to 180

degree Fahrenheit for 10-13 minutes and the vegetables burgers to a minimum temperature of

160 degrees Fahrenheit. The grilling will be done on-site at the beginning of the serving line.

The bacon will be pre-cooked in the convection ovens to 155 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 seconds.

The baked beans should be heated up in a steam kettle, the sour kraut heated and the potato salad



The hot foods need to be held in steam tables at a temperature of 135 degrees Fahrenheit. A

portable food bar with sneeze guard will be moved outside to keep the condiments and the potato

salad cool. This will requires the use of extension cords.

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This is by far the most important part of the bonfire. The space by Ogg should have been left

vacant for the bonfire. Prior to the event, one house fellow from each dorm in the area, Witte,

Selery, Ogg and Smith, will volunteer to set-up, organize and supervise the outdoor games. We

will need an additional four foodservice workers and two civil service workers. Two of the

foodservice worker‟s will set up the tables prior to the bonfire and will be refilling the tables

whenever necessary throughout the event. The other two foodservice workers will be

assembling the bacon cheddar cheeseburger and distributing food on the service line. The two

civil service workers will set up and light the bonfire and will do all of the grilling. It is

important that the normal amount of foodservice staff is present to work inside Pop‟s, serving

everyday items and working the cash register and ticket distribution. Either a volunteer from the

UW-Music department or a DJ will set up to play music during the bonfire. Bucky will also

make an appearance.

Follow Up and Evaluation

Our main objective that we will use to evaluate the success of this promotional event is share- of

market. We want to influence our customers so that they increase their use of the University

Housing and Dining & Culinary Services. We will evaluate the success of the event by counting

the number of meal tickets distributed. This will be our measurable objective.

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Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, Food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate. Web. 19 Apr.

2010. <>.

Division of University Housing. “Dining and Culinary Services.” 2010. Web. 21 Apr. 2010.


"Grilled Corn on the Cob - All Recipes." All Recipes – Complete Resource for Recipes and

Cooking Tips. Web. 19 Apr. 2010. <


"Indoor or Outdoor S'Mores." Hershey's Kitchens. Web. 19 Apr. 2010.



Johnsonville Sausage. “Original Bratwurst®: Cooking Directions.” 2010. Web. 21 Apr. 2010


Kellogg NA CO., “Morning Star Farms®: Products by Type.” 2010. Web. 21 Apr.


"LAY'S®." Frito-Lay : Good Fun! Web. 19 Apr. 2010. <


Payne-Palacio, June, Theis, Monica. “Introduction to Foodservice” 11th

Ed. Upper Saddle River:

New Jersey. Pearson Prentice Hall: 2009.

"Products - HERSHEY'S." HERSHEY'S Chocolate: Home. Web. 19 Apr. 2010.


United States Department of Agriculture., Food Safety and Inspection Service. “Fact Sheets:

Ground Beef and Food Safety” 2010. Web. 21 Apr. 2010.


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Appendix A

Timeline of Events


•Pass fire, outdoor grill, and s’mores through Risk Management

•Get fire permit/license

•Reserve Bucky

•Reserve fire pit

•Reserve musician

•Reserve green space south of Gordon Commons

•Contact Residence Halls to:

•Get Housefellows to work

•Reserve lawn games (ladder ball, horseshoes, and bag toss)

•Inform staff of new work hours

•Order s’more sticks


• Order food

Week Of Event

• Set up table tents

• Promote event with UW Housing

• E-mail residents of Witte, Ogg, Sellery, and Smith.

• Hang up signs in Gordon Commons

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• Prepare potato salad

• Package s'mores


• Set up games

• Set up grills

• Set up steam table and food bar with sneeze guard

• Set up firepit

• Set up garbage cans

• Look at leftover tickets and food (after event)


• Evaluate number of meal tickets sold

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Appendix B

Bucky’s Bonfire Menu


(choose one)

Grilled Hamburger

Wisconsin Cheddar Burger with Bacon

Morningstar Garden Veggie Burger

Brat with Sauerkraut


(choose two)

All American Potato Salad

Corn on the Cob

Vegetarian Baked Beans

Assorted Lay‟s single-serving 1 oz. bag of chips

Lay‟s Classic Potato Chips

Lay‟s Barbecue Flavored Potato Chips

Baked Lay‟s Original Potato Crisps


S‟mores package

2 graham crackers

1 Hershey‟s Milk Chocolate Bar

2 Kraft Jet-Puffed Marshmallows


Heinz Ketchup

French‟s Yellow Mustard

Pickle slices

Sliced tomatoes

Romaine lettuce



Frank‟s Red Hot Original Cayenne Pepper Sauce

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Appendix C

ENTREES Grilled hamburger

Source: Housing recipe for grilled hamburger -


Serving size 7.3 oz portion

Calories 552

Carbohydrates (g) 28

Protein (g) 29

Fat (g) 36

Cholesterol (mg) 101

Sodium (mg) 460

Calcium (mg) 20

Sugars (g) 0

Vitamin C (mg) 0

Iron (mg) 4.5

Fiber (g) 1.0

Wisconsin cheddar burger with bacon

Source: Housing recipe for bacon cheeseburger - but replace American cheese

with Wisconsin sharp cheddar cheese.


Serving size 9.6 oz portion

Calories 828

Carbohydrates (g) 29

Protein (g) 37

Fat (g) 53

Cholesterol (mg) 185

Sodium (mg) 1567

Calcium (mg) 225

Sugars (g) 0

Vitamin C (mg) 0

Iron (mg) 4.9

Fiber (g) 1.0

Morningstar Garden Veggie Burger

Source: Housing recipe for Morningstar Garden Veggie Burger -


Serving size 7.3 oz portion

Calories 386

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Carbohydrates (g) 38

Protein (g) 22

Fat (g) 18

Cholesterol (mg) 30

Sodium (mg) 981

Calcium (mg) 108

Sugars (g) 2.6

Vitamin C (mg) 6

Iron (mg) 3.4

Fiber (g) 5.4

Brat with sauerkraut

Source: Housing recipe for brat on bun -


Serving size 7.2 oz portion

Calories 454

Carbohydrates (g) 33

Protein (g) 17

Fat (g) 27

Cholesterol (mg) 68

Sodium (mg) 1303

Calcium (mg) 26

Sugars (g) 1.5

Vitamin C (mg) 5

Iron (mg) 2.4

Fiber (g) 2.6

Sauerkraut source: Housing recipe for sauerkraut -


Serving size 5 oz portion

Calories 61

Carbohydrates (g) 14

Protein (g) 0

Fat (g) 0

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 735

Calcium (mg) 12

Sugars (g) 13.7

Vitamin C (mg) 13

Iron (mg) 0.1

Fiber (g) 4.3

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SIDE DISHES All American Potato Salad

Source: Housing recipe for All American Potato Salad -


Serving size 4 oz portion

Calories 160

Carbohydrates (g) 56

Protein (g) 0

Fat (g) 0

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 2940

Calcium (mg) 48

Sugars (g) 54.8

Vitamin C (mg) 52

Iron (mg) 0.4

Fiber (g) 17.2

Corn on the cob

Source recipe:


Serving size 1 ear

Calories 179

Carbohydrates (g) 17.1

Protein (g) 3

Fat (g) 12.6

Cholesterol (mg) 31

Sodium (mg) 95

Calcium (% on 2000 kcal diet) < 1

Sugars (g) 2.9

Vitamin C (% on 2000 kcal diet) 10

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 5

Fiber (g) 2.4

Vegetarian baked beans

Source recipe: Housing recipe for Vegetarian baked beans -


Serving size 6 oz

Calories 160

Carbohydrates (g) 36

Protein (g) 8

Fat (g) 1

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Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 583

Calcium (mg) 58

Sugars (g) 13.5

Vitamin C (mg) 0

Iron (mg) 2.0

Fiber (g) 7

Assorted Lay’s single-serving 1 oz. bag of chips

Lay‟s Classic Potato Chips

o Nutrition:

Serving size 1 oz

Calories 150

Carbohydrates (g) 15

Protein (g) 2

Fat (g) 10

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 180

Calcium (mg) 0

Sugars (g) 0

Vitamin C (% on 2000 kcal diet) 10

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 2

Fiber (g) 1

Lay‟s Barbecue Flavored Potato Chips

o Nutrition:

Serving size 1 oz

Calories 150

Carbohydrates (g) 15

Protein (g) 2

Fat (g) 10

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 200

Calcium (mg) 0

Sugars (g) 2

Vitamin C (% on 2000 kcal diet) 10

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 2

Fiber (g) 1

Baked Lay‟s Original Potato Crisps

o Nutrition:

Serving size 1 oz

Calories 120

Carbohydrates (g) 23

Protein (g) 2

Fat (g) 2

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Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 180

Calcium (% on 2000 kcal diet) 2

Sugars (g) 2

Vitamin C (% on 2000 kcal diet) 4

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Fiber (g) 2


Source recipe: under “How to Make

S‟Mores Over a Campfire”

o Roast one large JET-PUFFED Marshmallow slowly over a fire.

o Place ½ of a HERSHEY‟S Milk Chocolate Bar on the HONEY MAID Honey Graham

and then put the roasted marshmallow in the middle. Top with the other graham half.

o 2 graham crackers – Honey Maid Grahams Honey


Serving size 31 g

Calories 130

Carbohydrates (g) 24

Protein (g) 2

Fat (g) 3.5

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 180

Calcium (mg) 0

Sugars (g) 8

Vitamin C (mg) 0

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 6

Fiber (g) 1

o 1 Hershey‟s Milk Chocolate Bar


Serving size 43 g

Calories 210

Carbohydrates (g) 26

Protein (g) 3

Fat (g) 13

Cholesterol (mg) 10

Sodium (mg) 35

Calcium (% on 2000 kcal diet) 8

Sugars (g) 24

Vitamin C (mg) 0

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 2

Fiber (g) 1

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o 2 Kraft Jet-Puffed Marshmallows

Serving size 2 pieces (15 g)

Calories 50

Carbohydrates (g) 12

Protein (g) 0

Fat (g) 0

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 13

Calcium (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Sugars (g) 10

Vitamin C (mg) 0

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Fiber (g) 0

CONDIMENTS Heinz ketchup

o Nutrition:

Serving size 1 tbs

Calories 15

Carbohydrates (g) 4

Protein (g) 0

Fat (g) 0

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 190

Calcium (mg) 0

Sugars (g) 4

Vitamin C (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Fiber (g) 0

French‟s Yellow Mustard

o Nutrition:

Serving size 1 tsp

Calories 0

Carbohydrates (g) 0

Protein (g) 0

Fat (g) 0

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 55

Calcium (mg) 0

Sugars (g) 0

Vitamin C (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Fiber (g) 0

Heinz Sweet Relish

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o Nutrition:

Serving size 1tbsp

Calories 20

Carbohydrates (g) 5

Protein (g) 0

Fat (g) 0

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 95

Calcium (mg) 0

Sugars (g) 3

Vitamin C (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Fiber (g) 0

Chopped onions

o Nutrition:

Serving size 1 oz

Calories 10

Carbohydrates (g) 2.32

Protein (g) 0.31

Fat (g) 0

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 0.81

Calcium (mg) 0

Sugars (g) 0

Vitamin C (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Fiber (g) 0

Pickle slices

o Nutrition:

Serving size 3 slices

Calories 60

Carbohydrates (g) 14

Protein (g) 0

Fat (g) 0

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 340

Calcium (mg) 0

Sugars (g) 14

Vitamin C (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Fiber (g) 0

Tomatoes, sliced

o Nutrition:

Serving size 1 slice

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Calories 2

Carbohydrates (g) 0.5

Protein (g) 0.2

Fat (g) 0

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 0

Calcium (mg) 0

Sugars (g) 0

Vitamin C (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Fiber (g) 0.1

Romaine lettuce

o Nutrition:

Serving size 1 leaf (6 g)

Calories 1

Carbohydrates (g) 0.2

Protein (g) 0

Fat (g) 0

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 0

Calcium (mg) 0

Sugars (g) 0

Vitamin C (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Fiber (g) 0


o Nutrition:

Serving size 1/8 tsp

Calories 0

Carbohydrates (g) 0

Protein (g) 0

Fat (g) 0

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 285

Calcium (mg) 0

Sugars (g) 0

Vitamin C (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Fiber (g) 0


o Nutrition:

Serving size 1 tbsp

Calories 16

Carbohydrates (g) 4

Protein (g) 1

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Fat (g) 0

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 3

Calcium (mg) 0

Sugars (g) 0

Vitamin C (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Fiber (g) 2

Frank‟s Red Hot Original Cayenne Pepper Sauce

o Nutrition:

Serving size 1 tsp

Calories 0

Carbohydrates (g) 0

Protein (g) 0

Fat (g) 0

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 200

Calcium (mg) 0

Sugars (g) 0

Vitamin C (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Iron (% on 2000 kcal diet) 0

Fiber (g) 0

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Appendix D

Bucky’s Bonfire Meal

Sept. 17th

Select One:

Hamburger______ Veggie Burger ______

WI Cheddar Cheeseburger ______ w/ Bacon_____

Brat w/ Sauerkraut______


*Condiment Bar is located outside next to Grill

Select Two:

Baked Beans_____ Potato Salad______

Grilled Corn on the Cob_____ Doritos Nacho Cheese_____

Cheetos's_____ Baked Lays______


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Appendix E Dear [auto insert name of student],

Welcome once again to UW-Housing. We hope your stay his year in [insert name of

dorm] is a wonderful experience and we are more than happy to be a part of it. As the academic

year beins we know that your schedules are filling up and your summer activities are coming

closer to an end. But, the warm weather is still around and we want you to enjoy it while you

still can. Therefore, in the spirit of summer grab your new friends from the dorm, or ask

someone new on your floor to get together for a hamburger or brat at our Bucky Bonfire.

On September 10th

, from 6-8 we will be providing you with a backyard grill-out with

some of your grilled favorites as well as yard games to keep you entertained. To get your ticket,

just walk through Pop‟s and ask the student at the register for a $5.50 meal ticket. This will buy

you one main, two side dishes and a s‟more package. Then from 8-10 there will be a live

guitarist, Bucky Badger, and a campfire to celebrate the end of summer.

We hope you can join us in the festivities as we know after summer is over, we always

want s‟more.


Brian Burke

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Appendix J Final Budget

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