large acceptance and high extinction pion/muon beamline for the meco experiment at bnl

Yannis K. Semertzidis Brookhaven National Laboratory MSI-05 KEK, 1-4 March 2005 LFV: Physics Reach LFV Experimental Techniques MECO Experiment at BNL Intensity, Collection Efficiency Extinction Issues Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO Experiment at BNL

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MSI-05 KEK, 1-4 March 2005. Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO Experiment at BNL. Yannis K. Semertzidis Brookhaven National Laboratory. LFV: Physics Reach LFV Experimental Techniques MECO Experiment at BNL Intensity, Collection Efficiency - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Yannis K. SemertzidisBrookhaven National Laboratory

MSI-05 KEK, 1-4 March 2005

•LFV: Physics Reach•LFV Experimental Techniques•MECO Experiment at BNL•Intensity, Collection Efficiency•Extinction Issues

Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO

Experiment at BNL

Page 2: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Muon to Electron COnversion (MECO) Experiment

Boston University

R. Carey, V. Logashenko

J. Miller, B. L. Roberts,

Brookhaven National Laboratory

K. Brown, M. Brennan, G. GreeneL. Jia, W. Marciano, W. Morse, P. Pile, Y. Semertzidis, P. Yamin


Y. Kolomensky

University of California, Irvine

C. Chen, M. Hebert, P. Huwe,

W. Molzon, J. Popp, V. Tumakov

University of Houston

Y. Cui, N. Elkhayari, E. V. Hungerford,

N. Klantarians, K. A. Lan

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

K. Kumar

Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow

V. M. Lobashev, V. Matushko

New York University

R. M. Djilkibaev, A. Mincer, P. Nemethy, J. Sculli

Osaka University

M. Aoki, Y. Kuno, A. Sato

University of Virginia

C. Dukes, K. Nelson, A. Norman

Syracuse University

R. Holmes, P. Souder

College of William and Mary

M. Eckhause, J. Kane, R. Welsh

Page 3: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Three Generations…leptons quarks

G=1 e e u dG=2 c sG=3 t b

Lepton Number isConserved…

MECO is searching forthe COHERENTconversion of ein the field of anucleus (Al, Ti).






Neutrino Oscillations:

Y. Okada: “Large effectsare expected in wellmotivated SUSY models”

Page 4: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Supersymmetry Predictions for e Conversion

Process Current Limit

SUSY level

10-12 10-15

10-11 10-13

10-6 10-9

+ e

- -N e N

Rem (GeV) 100 200 300 100 200 300

0 0

MECO single event sensitivity

10 -11

10 -13

10 -15

10 -19

10 -17

10 -21


Rem (GeV)

Page 5: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

SUSY: EDM, MDM and Transition Moments are in Same Matrix

Page 6: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Experimental Method• Low energy muons are captured by a target

nucleus. They cascade to 1s state rapidly.

• They either decay in orbit: with a lifetime of ~0.9s for Al (in vacuum:2.2 s)

• They get captured by the nucleus:

• or …they convert to electrons: N N'(Z-1) [ p n]- -

Ee = m c2 – Ebinding – Erecoil

= 105.6 – 0.25 – 0.25 MeV



Page 7: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

We want to measure Re with Sensitivity:

• High Proton Flux, High Muon Collection Efficiency, goal: ~1011muon stops/sec

• High Background Rejection, High Extinction




Page 8: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL










1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010


History of Lepton Flavor Violation Searches

- N e-N + e+ + e+ e+ e-

K0 +e-

K+ + +e-




Page 9: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL


Expected signal

Prompt backgroun


Muon decay in orbit

Cosmic raybackgroun


Experimental signature is

105 MeV e- originating ina thin stopping target

Page 10: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

MECO Requirements• Increase the muon flux (graded solenoid, MELC

design), collect ~10-2 muons/proton

• Use pulsed beam with <10-9 extinction in between for prompt background rejection

• Detect …only promising events defines detector geometry; resolution requirements

• Use cosmic ray veto

Page 11: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Number of - per InteractionComparison with Data…


Kinetic Energy [GeV]




Prediction for MECO Beam By V. Tumakov

Page 12: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

The MECO Apparatus

Proton Beam

Straw Tracker

Crystal Calorimeter

Muon Stopping Target

Muon Production


Muon Beam Stop

Superconducting Production Solenoid

(5.0 T – 2.5 T)

Superconducting Detector Solenoid

(2.0 T – 1.0 T)

Superconducting Transport Solenoid

(2.5 T – 2.1 T)


Proton Beam

Page 13: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Charged particle’s helix conserves flux…

R2B is constant

i.e. in a graded solenoid transverse momentum is transformed into longitudinal increasing its collection efficiency.



is constant too,

Page 14: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Magnetic Field Overview

•Curved sections

Curved sections

Detector region

Curved sections

Production region




Distance along beam path [m]100 20

Magnetic field vs distance

At 3.3 Tesla: 75% of muon capture efficiency of 5 Tesla.

Page 15: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Goals:–Transport low energy -

to the detector solenoid –Minimize transport of

positive particles and high energy particles

–Minimize transport of neutral particles

–Absorb anti-protons in a thin window

–Minimize long transittime trajectories

Muon Beam Transport with Curved Solenoid




2.1T 2.0T


Page 16: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Sign and Momentum Selection in the Curved Transport Solenoid

2 2s t


1+ p2p1 sD= × × p0.3B R

Page 17: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL





Time [ns]

Momentum and Time Distributions in MECO Muon BeamR




Momentum [MeV/c]








Page 18: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Transported and stopped muons

Transported muonspectrum

Stopped muonspectrum

Page 19: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Stopping Target and Experiment in Detector Solenoid




Electron Calorimete


Tracking DetectorStopping Target:

17 layers of 0.2 mm Al

Page 20: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Magnetic Spectrometer for Conversion Electron Momentum Measurement

• Measures electron momentum with precision of about 0.3% (RMS) – essential to eliminate muon decay in orbit background

• 2800 nearly axial detectors, 2.6 m long, 5 mm diameter,0.025 mm wall thickness – minimum material to reduce scattering

• position resolution of 0.2 mm in transverse direction, 1.5 mm in axial direction

Electron starts upstream,

reflects in field gradient

Page 21: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Two Tracking Detector option are being considered

–Longitudinal geometry with ~3000 3m long straws–Transverse geometry with ~13000 1.4 m straws Both geometries appear to meet physics requirements

Longitudinal Tracker

Page 22: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Spectrometer Performance Calculations

FWHM ~900 keV




0.01 103 104 105 106

Aiming for ~200 KeV resolution

Page 23: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL


/ E 3.5% Estimated

PbWO4 crystals cooled to -23 °C coupled with large area avalanche photodiodes meet MECO requirements, with efficiency 20-30 photo e-/MeV

Page 24: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Expected Sensitivity of the MECO ExperimentMECO expects ~ 5 signal events for 107 s running for Re = 10-16

Contributions to the Signal Rate FactorRunning time (s) 107

Proton flux (Hz) (50% duty factor, 740 kHz micropulse) 41013

entering transport solenoid / incident proton 0.0043

stopping probability 0.58 capture probability 0.60Fraction of capture in detection time window 0.49Electron trigger efficiency 0.90Fitting and selection criteria efficiency 0.19Detected events for Re = 10-16 5.0

Page 25: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Expected Background in MECO ExperimentMECO expects ~0.45 background events for 107 s with

~ 5 signal events for Re = 10-16

Source Events Comments decay in orbit 0.25 Dominant background; resolution

Tracking errors < 0.006Radiative decay < 0.005Beam e- < 0.04 decay in flight < 0.03 Without scattering in stopping target

decay in flight 0.04 With scattering in stopping targetdecay in flight < 0.001Radiative capture 0.07 From out of time protons; extinctionRadiative capture 0.001 From late arriving pionsAnti-proton induced 0.007 Mostly from

Cosmic ray induced 0.004 Assuming 10-4 CR veto inefficiencyTotal Background 0.45 Assuming 10-9 inter-bunch extinction

Page 26: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Required Extinction vs Time

Page 27: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

MECO at Brookhaven National Laboratory

Page 28: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

•Extinction of 10-9

Extinction at the AGS of BNL

Use 6 buckets, only two of them filled with beam. Time between filled buckets: s

AGS Ring20TP 20TP Extinction of 10-9


Page 29: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

What is Planned for the AGS Ring

• Use a 60KHz AC Dipole Magnet (CW). Resonance at the vertical betatron frequency

• Use a pulsed Strip-line kicker to kick the full buckets into stable orbits.

• Need 1-50ms to drive particles off (driven by the strip-line kicker)

Mike Brennan (1998)


Page 30: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Removing Out-of-Bucket Protons in the AGS

Extinction measurements:•Initial test at 24 GeV with one RF bucket filled yielded <10-6 extinction between bucketsand 10-3 in unfilled buckets

•A second test at 7.4 GeV with a single filled bucket found <10-7 extinction



AC magnet

Page 31: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Buckets at AGS with h=6, W. Glenn

Buckets are connected creating unstable fixed points.

Page 32: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

One or Two filled buckets? (W.Glenn)• At Injection the proton phase space is large

(scales as 1/). While waiting for the second injection (~0.2s) protons hop into the next buckets…






-3.14 -1.57 0 1.57 3.14


d ph



max dB/dt



In :

In :

x n

y n



Page 33: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

Coasting bucket

Accelerated bucket

Preventing Bucket Contamination:

Page 34: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

We are planning

• To study the one vs two filled buckets in the AGS ring with simulation and beam.

• Measure extinction in the AGS to 10-9

• Use external monitor and use an external extinction device as “insurance”.

Page 35: Large Acceptance and High Extinction Pion/Muon Beamline for the MECO  Experiment at BNL

RSVP/MECO Milestones


Cost Baseline April `05HEPAP review 2005$15M for FY2005 for RSVP, available after baseline/HEPAP review decisionsPresident’s request for RSVP for FY2006 $42M

Start data taking 2011