laporan genetika medium genetika

RATIFICATION PAGE Complete report of Genetics & Evolution with the title is “ Making Medium of Drosophilla Melanogaster ”, which made by : name : Syaiful Bakhri reg. no : 081 404 192 group : III Have been checked and consulted by Assistant and Assistant Coordinator and this report is accepted. Makassar, november th , 2010 Assistant Coordinator, Sulfiant Reg. No : 061404025 Assistant, Surahman Nur Reg. No. : Known by Lecturer of Responsibility,

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Page 1: Laporan Genetika Medium Genetika


Complete report of Genetics & Evolution with the title is “ Making Medium

of Drosophilla Melanogaster ”, which made by :

name : Syaiful Bakhri

reg. no : 081 404 192

group : III

Have been checked and consulted by Assistant and Assistant Coordinator and

this report is accepted.

Makassar, november th, 2010

Assistant Coordinator,

SulfiantReg. No : 061404025


Surahman Nur Reg. No. :

Known by

Lecturer of Responsibility,

Ir. Halifa Pagarra, M.Reg No : 131459373

Page 2: Laporan Genetika Medium Genetika


A. Background

In order to incorporate D. melanogaster in the classroom, it will be

necessary to maintain cultures of flies for manipulation in crosses and as a backup

for any mishaps which may occur. Culturing is very easy and it is recommended

to have students maintain their own cultures of flies. In that way, each student or

group would be directly responsible for the care and long-term maintenance of the

flies, including making large culture populations for their crosses.

The first step in preparing culture vials is adding food media. There are a

variety of types of food available for the flies; some require cooking and others

are bought already prepared and dehydrated. The latter can be purchased from a

biological supply company. This is, of course, much quicker and easier than

preparing cooked media, so much so that students can fill their own vials with


A model organism is a non-human species that is extensively studied to

understand particular biological phenomena, with the expectation that discoveries

made in the organism model will provide insight into the workings of other

organisms. In particular, model organisms are widely used to explore potential

causes and treatments for human disease when human experimentation would be

unfeasible or considered less ethical. This strategy is made possible by the

common descent of all living organisms, and the conservation of metabolic and

developmental pathways and genetic material over the course of evolution.

Studying model organisms can be informative, but care must be taken when

generalizing from one organism to another.

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B. Purpose

Intention of this execution practicum that is to know the way of making of

medium of fruit fly conservancy ( Drosophila Melanogaster).

C. Benefit Benefit from this execution practicum that is student can know the way of

making of medium of fruit fly conservancy ( Drosophila Melanogaster)

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According to Suryo ( 2008), since early this century, fly Drosophila of a lot of

used in research genetic, because this fly own a lot of advantage for example :

a. Easy to looked after at simple food media, at room temperature, and in

fairish milk bottle is

b. Having short life cycle ( only about two week) so that during one

obtainable year 25 generation

c. Having easy marking seks secondary differentiated. Female fly is big the

than masculine, tip of sharp-pointed abdomen and at abdomen of there are

athwart black lines. Smaller Masculine fly, tip of blunt abdomen of

blackish chromatic and at abdomen of there are a few/little athwart black

lines. Extremities ( foreleg) from masculine fly own the comb seks but

female fly do not own it

d. Only have 8 just just chromosome, so that easy to calculate.

The gene is the smallest biological unit of inheritance, and it is carried on a

chromosome. Hundreds and possibly thousand of genes are carried on each

chromosome, each in fixed or special position called a locus. The existence of a

particular gene can be determined genetically only because it exists in at least two

forms are called allelomorphs, and they usually affect a trait in contrasting manners.

Genes are so small that they cannot even be seen with the ordinary type of

microscope. Even if we could use a microscope powerful enough to enlarge the gene

image to visible size, we could not be certain what to look for. Nevertheless, scientist

have been able to learn quite a lot about the gene by using very special methods of

study, (john,1963)

In sexually reproducing species of animals and plants four important phases of

the life cycle can be identified: fertilization, mitosis, meiosis, and gamete formation.

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The sequence of the four phases, varies, however, in different species. In the red

bread mold, neurospora crassa, meiosis immediately follows fertilization, so that the

zygote is ordinarily the diploid cell in the entire life cycle. Between these extremes a

wide range of possibilities exists, and diploid generations there has been a tendency

in higher plants and animals toward a predominance of the diploid phase of the the

life cycle, and a reduction in the duration of the diploid phase.. at this point it seems

desirable to review the life cycle of corn, Zea mays, and fruit fly, Drosophila

melanogaster, two species much used in genetics research, in order to relate meiosis

and mitosis to the life cycles of these species, representative of higher plant and

higher animal, (Norton,1975).

Drosophila melanogaster was among the first organisms used for genetic

analysis, and today it is one of the most widely used and genetically best-known of all

eukaryotic organisms. All organisms use common genetic systems; therefore,

comprehending processes such as transcription and replication in fruit flies helps in

understanding these processes in other eukaryotes, including humans.[13]Charles W.

Woodworth is credited with being the first to breed Drosophila in quantity and for

suggesting to W. E. Castle that they might be used for genetic research during his

time at Harvard University. But it was not until 1910 that Thomas Hunt Morgan

began using fruit flies in experimental studies of heredity at Columbia University.

Morgan's laboratory was located on the top floor of Schermerhorn Hall, which

became known as the Fly Room. The Fly Room was cramped with eight desks, each

occupied by students and their experiments. They started off experiments using milk

bottles to rear the fruit flies and handheld lenses for observing their traits. The lenses

were later replaced by microscopes, which enhanced their observations. The Fly

Room was the source of some of the most important research in the history of

biology. Morgan and his students eventually elucidated many basic principles of

heredity, including sex-linked inheritance, epistasis, multiple alleles, and gene

mapping.[13]"Thomas Hunt Morgan and colleagues extended Mendel's work by

describing X-linked inheritance and by showing that genes located on the same

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chromosome do not show independent assortment. Studies of X-linked traits helped

confirm that genes are found on chromosomes, while studies of linked traits led to the

first maps showing the locations of genetic loci on chromosomes" (Freman 214). The

first maps of Drosophila chromosomes were completed by Alfred Sturtevant

(Anonyma, 2010)

One who first using Fruit fly as object of research Genetic is a success

Thomas Hunt Morgan find the invention of pautan sex. Fruit fly species, Drosophila

Melanogaster, of a kind habit insect which generally is not dangerous representing

mushroom eater which grow at fruit. Fruit fly is easy insect multiply. From one just

marriage can be yielded by hundreds of clan, and new generation earn the flower

breed each two week. This characteristic make the fruit fly become the compatible

organism once for the study of genetic(Anonymb,2010).

existence of Chromosome Y at Drosophila, although essential for masculine

fertilities, seems is not at all there is its bearing with the gender determination.

Factors for male which is there are in all autosom in deliberating and compared to of

factor-factor for female which is located in chromosome X. In fact, ratio of

chromosome X to setting autosom haploid determining gender of drosophila.

Thereby use the letter A for the percentage of a set of chromosome haploid, a normal

female ( 2X : 2A) owning ratio X : A of equal to 2 : 2, or 1,0, dank of balance arena

party to the female sex, if there's only one chromosome X [of] found on a normal

male ( XY : 2A ), its ratio 1:2 or 0,5. A number of normal combinations of

chromosome of have the hypothesis confirmation. They started off experiments using

milk bottles to rear the fruit flies and handheld lenses for observing their traits , (Elrod


Sex is not defined by chromosome sex, but from nature of ploidi from

individual. Masculine honeybee, happened by because parthenogenesis ( the forming

of creature of day of egg cell without in preceding impregnation ). Thereby, hence

masculine honeybee has the character of the haploid, to have16 chromosome. Egg

cell which is in fruit spermatozoon will yield the female honeybee ( Queen bee) and

Page 7: Laporan Genetika Medium Genetika

worker, each having the character of diploid and own 32 chromosome. Because

difference of place and food, hence fertile queen bee ( fertile), while barren worker

bee, (Victoria,2002).

If organism eukaryote, like khamir, hungry organism of that hara desist to

split the x'self, entering phase Go which stationer, and finally die. Some cell type of

at larva Diptera, what is at most in knowing is gland cell spit the fruit fly Drosophila,

also discontinue the bisection mitosis hereafter possibility 18 clock of larva growth,

but replicas DNA of chromosome and cell plant take place non-stopped,

( adisoemarto, 1988).

For the maintenance of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster stock can be

used a variety of mediums. Medium initially used was a mixture of green banana and

cassava tape with a ratio of 6: 1. Medium is used for more than 15 years. In 1984

started to use some medium that can be attempted for maintenance of other

Drosophila species and the last few years has used a new recipe. This is caused by the

quality of bananas and a tape that was never uniform, so it is necessary to obtain a

more dense medium and reliable. New recipes will be used is a modification of

existing recipes and adapted to conditions in Indonesia (Hartati, 2009).

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A. Time and Place

Day / Date : Friday / november 29th 2010

Time : 13.00 a.m. until 15.00 a.m.

Place : Biology Laboratory IInd floor West FMIPA UNM Makassar

B. Tool and Material

1. Tools

a. culture bottle

b. Stove.

c. Blender

d. Balance

e. Pan

f. Knife

g. Tissue

h. Plastic

i. Rubber

j. Stirring spoon

k. Measure glass

2. Materials

a. Fruit fly (Drosophila Melanogaster)

b. Tissue

c. Seaweed (Swallow) : 7 gram

d. Red Sugar : 150 gram

e. Ambon banana : 600 gram

f. Yeast (fermipang) : 20 gram

g. Aquades : 411 ml

h. Nipagin : 7 ml

i. Sorbid acid : 5 ml

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C. Work procedure

1. red sugar mixed with to aquadest and in cooking till boil

2. meanwhile, banana which ranum in blender till correct

3. mixing banana in blender into water, jelly and sugar which boiling in swirling

flatten the above small fire and hushed about 15 minute, so that banana follow

to become the ripeness

4. dough let to boil about 15 minute

5. dissolving bread yeast of mentioned in water and mix also in dough which its

temperature have started downhill about 40o

6. mixing anti mushroom which have in drawing up previously

7. pouring about 40 ml / 40 gr dough which still be hot in bottle

8. including paper filter to permeate the dilution excess in medium bottle

9. Breeding bottle have ready to in utilizing.

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A. Result

Empty bottle Note :

1. Bottle

Bottle with medium Note :

1. Rubber

2. Plastic

3. Tissue

4. Bottle

5. Medium

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B. Discussion

For the conservancy of fruit fly ( Drosophila Melanogaster) can be used by

all kinds of medium. Medium used in this practicum is medium having the character

of solid representing modification from recipe old ones and adapted for by the

medium condition. All substance used to be mingled and adapted for by a procedure

work so that substance which used as by medium of fruit fly breeder become the

readily dough used. As for benefit from substance used by for example:

1. functioning red sugar as medium sweetener

2. banana of Ambon and tape used as by a carbohydrate source as well as for

the stimulus of come this fruit fly ( Drosophila Melanogaster)

3. Jelly used for the drug of dough at the (time) of kept in medium bottle

4. Nipagin used for the substance of anti mushroom

5. Sorbic Acid which used as a preservative

6. Yeast used as a developer substance

7. Functioning Aquadest as condensation

As for benefit from appliance used for example:

1. bottle which is used as a place place to keep the medium as well as as breeder


2. Measure glass used to measure to the number of water of good to liquefying

red sugar, letting ripen dough and also dissolve the nipagin

3. Stove as fire source

4. Churn bar used to swirl the substance so that become homogeneous

5. Weighing-Machine used to measure to the number of substance wearer in

medium breeder of according to measuring determined as accurately as

6. Blender used to pulverize the banana

7. Pan used as by a basin cook medium.

Above mentioned Medium making as according to research done by all expert

concluding that fruit fly ( Drosophila Melanogaster) requiring carbohydrate, sour of

amino, mineral, and vitamin for the growth of and its growth. Where carbohydrate

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and irrigate to represent the source energy for activity live the fruit fly ( Drosophila

Melanogaster). Protein also very required by the fruit fly for sexual maturity and

produce the cell. Sucrose represent one of carbohydrate form required a female fruit

fly to yield the egg. Therefore, in course of medium making enhanced by a red sugar.

Others, also known that by the fruit fly food obtained from sweet dilution of fruits for

example banana or pregnant other fruit type feel the beloved. As for function from

banana ambon that is especial upon which mixed by a red sugar to be used as


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A. Conclusion

Pursuant to result practicum which have been done inferential that 1.

substance used for the making of medium of fruit fly conservancy that is banana

ambon, jelly, Red sugar, nipagin 2. the medium made with the certain comparison

is which have been determined with the function which can support the fruit fly

life ( Drosophila Melanogaster) later..

B. Suggestion

a. For Laboratory

1. Laboratory should prepare complete equipment and materials which will be

use in practicum, so easy for practicant to done the practicum.

2. Laboratory should complete the practicum rooms with air conditioner or

fan so make practicant glad to be in laboratory.

b. For Practicant

1. Practicant should prepare anything they need before enter into laboratory,

so they will easy to done practicum.

2. Practicant should work together with teammate, so practicum will be

faster and the result.

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Adisumarto.1988.Genetika.Jakarta: Erlangga

Anonyma.2010.Drosophila melanogaster.


Anonymb. 2010. Pembuatan medium

medium drosophila.html

Elrod, Susan. 2006. Genetika Edisi Empat. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Hartati 2009. Penuntun Praktikum Genetika. Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNM. Makassar.

John,F lasley.1963. Genetics of live stock improvement. New Jersey. Department of

animal husbandry Universty of Nissouri.

Norton.1975. An introduction to genetics. New York. The University of Minnesota


Suryo. 2008. Genetika. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Victoria henuhili,suratsih. 2002. Genetika. Makassar : Biologi UNM

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History of use in genetic analysis

Lab cultures

Drosophila melanogaster was among the first organisms used for genetic analysis, and today it is one of the most widely used and genetically best-known of all eukaryotic organisms. All organisms use common genetic systems; therefore, comprehending processes such as transcription and replication in fruit flies helps in understanding these processes in other eukaryotes, including humans.[13]

Charles W. Woodworth is credited with being the first to breed Drosophila in quantity and for suggesting to W. E. Castle that they might be used for genetic research during his time at Harvard University. But it was not until 1910 that Thomas Hunt Morgan began using fruit flies in experimental studies of heredity at Columbia University.

Morgan's laboratory was located on the top floor of Schermerhorn Hall, which became known as the Fly Room. The Fly Room was cramped with eight desks, each occupied by students and their experiments. They started off experiments using milk bottles to rear the fruit flies and handheld lenses for observing their traits. The lenses were later replaced by microscopes, which enhanced their observations. The Fly

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Room was the source of some of the most important research in the history of biology. Morgan and his students eventually elucidated many basic principles of heredity, including sex-linked inheritance, epistasis, multiple alleles, and gene mapping.[13]

"Thomas Hunt Morgan and colleagues extended Mendel's work by describing X-linked inheritance and by showing that genes located on the same chromosome do not show independent assortment. Studies of X-linked traits helped confirm that genes are found on chromosomes, while studies of linked traits led to the first maps showing the locations of genetic loci on chromosomes" (Freman 214). The first maps of Drosophila chromosomes were completed by Alfred Sturtevant.

Senin, 17 Mei 2010


Drosophila melanogaster (Lalat Buah)

Orang yang pertama yang menggunakan Lalat buah sebagai objek penelitian

Genetika adalah Thomas Hunt Morgan yang berhasil menemukan penemuan pautan

seks. Spesies lalat buah, Drosophila melanogaster, sejenis serangga biasa yang

umumnya tidak berbahaya yang merupakan pemakan jamur yang tumbuh pada buah.

Lalat buah adalah serangga yang mudah berkembang biak. Dari satu perkawinan saja

dapat dihasilkan ratusan keturunan, dan generasi yang baru dapat dikembangbiakkan

setiap dua minggu. Karakteristik ini menjadikan lalat buah menjadi  organisme yang

cocok sekali untuk kajian-kajian genetik.

Berikut merupakan klasifikasi dari Drosophila melanogaster  (Borror,1992) :

Kingdom           Animalia

Phyllum             Arthropoda

Kelas                  Insecta

Ordo                  Diptera

Famili                 Drosophilidae

Genus                Drosophila

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Spesies               Drosophila melanogaster

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