lapg reviewer english

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  • 7/25/2019 Lapg Reviewer English




    LISTENING:Directions: Listen carefully to your teacher as he/ she reads the selection. Then answer the

    questions after it.

    Selection for Listening:

    One day at a meeting of all animals a hare spoke up."We hae not !een treated fairly. We should !e treated as

    equal". lion answered him."that was a fine speech. #ut it lacks sharp claws teeth."The lion snarled$ flashing

    his sharp teeth and claws at the hare. The hare forgot a!out giing speeches and ran away.

    %.What is the !est title for the story&

    . The selfish Lion

    #. The 'eeting of ll nimal

    (. The Lion nd )are

    D. The *ing of the +ungle

    ,. -rom the story$ we could say that the lion showed

    . anger for hare

    #. peace with other animals

    (.liking for hare

    D. loe for other animals

    . rrange the following eents as they happened in the story

    %. The hare ran away.

    ,. There was a meeting of all the animals

    . The hare asked that they should !e treated fairly.

    0. The lion answered !y snarling and showing his teeth.

    What is the correct order of the happening in the story&

    . , 1 1 0 2 % #. 1 , 1 0 1 % (. , 1 1 % 2 0 D. 1 , 1 % 1 0

    0. #ased on the story$ what traits did the lion show&

    . anger for other animals #. loe for other animals

    (. liking for other animals D. peace with other animals

    Reading Comre!ension

    3ead the following selection carefully. Then$ answer the questions that follow.

  • 7/25/2019 Lapg Reviewer English


  • 7/25/2019 Lapg Reviewer English


    4. What did the old woman do with her hen&

    . 5he sold it to the market.

    #. 5he e6changed it with corn and palay.

    (. 5he fed it twice a day.

    D. 5he gae it an allowance.

    7 What happened to the hen after eating so much&

    . 8t did not lay eggs anymore.

    #. 8t laid more eggs.

    (. 8t refused to eat after some time.

    D. 8t neer moed from its nest.

    9. Why did the hen stop laying eggs&

    . 8t got angry with the old woman.

    #. 8t !ecame so fat.(. 8t found another master.

    D. 8t !ecame ery old.

    . 8f you were the old woman$ what will you do so that the hen could lay eggs again&

    . 8 will gie it more itamins.

    #. 8 will not feed it anymore.

    (. 8 will consult the eterinarian.

    D. 8 will not feed it much.

    ;. Which of these sentences is a fantasy&

    . The hen laid golden eggs.#. The old woman fed her hen.

    (. The hen !ecame fat.

    D. The hen lay eggs eery morning.


  • 7/25/2019 Lapg Reviewer English


    . mountain haing sides #. at the side of the mountain

    (. part of the mountain D. sides with mountain

    %. )is am!ition is to !e a pilot.

    . to hae friends #. to stay at home (. to !e some!ody in the future D. to go somewhere

    %;. 5he wants to hae eerything. 5he is greedy.

    . kind #. playful (. selfish D. industrious


  • 7/25/2019 Lapg Reviewer English


  • 7/25/2019 Lapg Reviewer English


    ,. What are the children doing in the pictures&

    . The children are cleaning their house.

    #. The children are cleaning their classroom.

    (. The children are cleaning the Office of the ?rincipal.

    D. The children are cleaning the li!rary.

    ,0. What does the pictures tell a!out the !oy&

  • 7/25/2019 Lapg Reviewer English


  • 7/25/2019 Lapg Reviewer English


    . The !oy has self1discipline.

    #. The !oy is religious.

    (. The !oy is industrious.

    D. The !oy does his duties promptly.

    ,4. Which of these is @OT true a!out the set of pictures/

    . The !oy has a good health ha!its.

    #. The !oy wakes up late.

    (. The !oy has good manners.D. The !oy is kind.