language learning strategies

Language Learning Strategies Paper No. 12: A English Language Teaching-1 Unit-4; The Nature of Language Teaching Name: Trivedi Hezal K. PG Reg. No. PG15101040 Roll No:34 M.A. – English Regular, Semester-3 Year: 2016 Submitted to: S.B. Gardi Department of English Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University (Gujarat – India)

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Page 1: Language Learning Strategies

Language Learning Strategies• Paper No. 12: A English Language Teaching-1 • Unit-4; The Nature of Language Teaching • Name: Trivedi Hezal K. • PG Reg. No. PG15101040 • Roll No:34 • M.A. – English Regular, Semester-3 Year: 2016 • Submitted to: S.B. Gardi Department of English • Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University • (Gujarat – India)

Page 2: Language Learning Strategies

LLS Definition

• “Strategies can be classified as conscious mental activity. They must contain not only an action but a goal (or an intention) and a learning situation. Whereas a mental action might be subconscious, an action with a goal / intention and related to a learning situation can only be conscious.”

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More concepts...• “Any sets of operations, steps, plans, routines,

used by the learner to facilitate the obtaining, storage, retrieval, and use of information.”

- John Rubin (1987)

• “Specific actions, behaviours, steps, or techniques that students (often intentionally) use to improve their progress in developing skills.”

- Rebecca Oxford (1990)

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Classification of LLS• Based on the various perspective about defining

learning strategies, it can be inferred that language learning strategies can be divided into different categories.

• In fact, LLS have been categorized by many researchers and experts since the 1970s.

• 1) Naiman (1978)• 2) Rubin (1981)• 3) Brown and Palinscar (1982)• 4) O’Malley and Chamot (1990)

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Oxford’s classification of LLS

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LLS Subdivision

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Cognitive strategies• Cognitive strategies include

what learners think ( such as reading for purpose, or reading for identifying rules) about their own learning.

Clarification / verification Guessing/Inductive

inference Deductive Reasoning Memorization Monitoring

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Metacognitive Strategies• Metacognitive strategies

talk about the strategies ( such as observing own mistakes and improving on that, or planning and following a good timetable) learners employ in their process.

• Arranging and planning your learning

• Evaluating your learning

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Memory strategies• Memory strategies show how

(such as using flash card, or reviewing lessons) learners remember the language.

• According to Purpura (1997) Memory strategies are frequently employed for memorizing vocabulary and structures in the early phase of language learning.

• Applying images and sounds• Reviewing well• Employing action

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Social strategies• Social strategies involve

the strategy that learners use or the interaction they do to facilitate their own learning. Such as asking for corrections from proficient speakers, or learning the native culture etc.

• Cooperating with others• Empathizing with others

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Compensation strategies• Compensation strategies

are related to what learners do (such as making guesses or finding connotative ideas etc.) to compensate their limited knowledge in the language.

• Overcoming limitations in speaking and writing

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Affective strategies• Affective strategies talk about

learner’s feelings, as well as what they do to motivate themselves and to make the learning process comfortable. Such as relaxing when they feel afraid of the new language, or rewarding themselves when they perform well etc.

• Encouraging yourself• Taking your emotional


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Researchers tend to agree that teacher preparation for strategy instruction is enhanced by using an experimental approach that enables teachers to discover their own strategies, consider the new ones, and learn how to model and teach them.

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