lamb-davis lumber co - chronicling...

L. LAIIB. President. P. DAVIS, Vice-President. W. H. HADLEV, Cashier. TUMWATER SAVINGS BANK LEAVENWORTH, WASHINGTON. Capital - - $25,000.00 We nfTord depositors a place of safety for ttaetr money, and extend to all our patrons every accommodation within the range of prudent banking. In our Savings Department we receive deposits of one dollar and upwards, upon which we pay three per cent interest, compounded semi-anuually. No matter how small your deposit, we will take it ami safe- guard it for you. Money to Loan Upon Approved Security. I LEAVENWORTH HOSPITAL i (> In one of the most healthful lo- /> 1 « calities in Washington. Be:iu- $ it tlfUily situated on <i bluff over- <( i £< looking tlio Wonatchee river. SS | Open fortlie Kerrpllon ol' all Snniioal »n«l Medlml iapien Except I t'oiitastpoim Dlncimch \ Trained and Competent Nurses Always in Attendance [ Address all oornmunioations: DR. W. M. M'COY, Physician in Charge, i Leavraworth, Washington L. Lamt.. Pres. C. R. Lamb. V.-Pron. G. E. Lamb. Sec P. DAVIS, Treas & Mcr Clinton, la. Minneapolis, Minn. Clinton, la. Leavenwortta, Wash Lamb-Davis Lumber Co MANUFACTURERS OP WESTERN WHITE PINE LUMBER Dealers in all kinds of building material. Leavenworth, - Washington E F SPRAGUE E- F- Spra|lue c- E- araham H-A-Oranam c: c:,r,r E. F. Sprague Co. Undertakers W'lioleßalers and Itetallom ol Embalers FINE FURNITURE Undertakers' Supplies FLORA E. CHASE »,„„„ WENATCHEE WASHING TOK ] The "BRICK" Saloon OPPOSITE THE DEPOT Billiard and Pool Parlors in Connection BURKE & CO. - - Proprietors v ~ I Paint the Earth \\/ a xit Graining and Paper Hanging a Spe- WAl>< I cialty. Frescoingif desired Leave orders at Dr. Shore's Drug Store. .write em S.C WALDENBERG Leavenworth, Wash. H M 11 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER Fresh and Cured Meats FRANK * *»-*»-1 " *\u25a0• Motto: Not how cheap, but oh ! How Good. The Old Reliable LEAVENWORTH, WASH. Home Cooking, OVERLAND Just Like RESTAURANT Your Mother Front st Ad j OininS r Dr . shore's Used tO DO. JOHN BJORK, Proprietor. ARE YOU TAKING THE ECHO? If Not, Then Why Not, Right Now LEAVENWORTH ECHO. CUnrcli Services. I OonoBtOATIOWM-— Morning Mil K\e y | Sunday at IO;«; Sunday school at 19 00; younj peoples service 7:00 p. m.; evening service B:uu J. o. iiovu, i uaior. Prnyer meeting every Thursday evening. Ladles Guild meets every Thursday utter- noon. Catholic-Services at the CoihoUo church every fourth Sunday In the month; DIMS "t 7:10 \u25a0 in : Sunday school at 3p m.; vespers j 1:30 P . n,; low mm* following monday Futncr 11. Colin. Paiti r, < :>M Mull IllT* "II Air A Chicago scientist holds out. the best, if not the only li"|.e to gel the bet- ter of the bee! trust, He insists i hal be has discovered a methodof livingon air alone. All you have to do is to quit sating and learn to breathe properly. If we oaa do those two things we will bo alright. But can we? There's the rub, As proof thai he has solved the problem the Chicago genius "makes prefer" of himself, as the lawyers would say. Ho declares that he has i aten nothing for a month, and though lie has fallen off from 24."> to 118 pounds, is as strong «ts before the beginning of his fast. The diet during this trial month OOnsUted of hot water with an infusion of rose and elderberry leaves, but the main substance for solid food oame through his breathing apparatus. Thus is a possibility unfolded of {jetting around the chief problem of life, If it is no longer neccessary to work for food the rest would seem easy. When the love-sick girl protested to her sweet- heart that she was willing to live on bread and water for his sake, he replied cautiously that if she would furnish the bread he would skirmish around and try to get the water. But under the new arrangement even water appears to be a Superfluity. Only air is neces- sary to make one healthy and wealthy, if not wise. All the nutriment Deeded is in the atmosphere, and it la only nec- essary to train the nose and lungs how to extract it and there you are.—Amer- ican Farmer. In Japan one divorce takes place lor every four marriages. A New Jersey court has just decided that a girl's life is worth three thous- and dollars and that a boy's lifo is worth just twice that amount. Beware of Buffalo glrll. A Mies Dv Calm, of Buffalo, N. V., broke a man's rib by hugjing him, ami he,tho wretch, lias sued for two thousand dollars dam- ages. The true name of Korea is ''Chosen.' meaning''land of the morning calm." Ii is by this name that the country it designated in diplomatic papers at the State Department at Washington. Tho Emperor of Japan is tho direct descendant of the Emperor Jimmu, who ascended the throne 2,564 yean ago, milking the dynasty older than any other dynasty that exists or ever did exist. Japanese soldiers are fed on rice, salted flsh, dried seaweed iiiid pickled plums—a diet that is almost universal in Japan, except, in the navy, where rations of meat are served. Soldiers are allowed meat when on oampalgn, but rarely eat it. A London doctor who has examined tbe beads of a hundred thousand -Lon- don children chums to have made the discovery that heads arc growing smal- ler, especially female beads, lie claim! to have traced some peculiar relation between this fact and tall buildings. The department of agriculture has issued a report which snows that the farm surplus for l!) o.'! was worth four and a half billion dollars. The exports for tho ,year amount to nearly $880,000 0,.0. Of the export! cotton is the larg- est amount, being close to 40 per Pent. Colonel Robert J. Hamer, of New York, last week investigated the pla cer diggings on the Columbia river near Marcus, Wash. Mr. Humor is the manufacturer of a maehino for saving fine gold and magnetic iron. He said be would establish a plant on six-mile bar east of Marcns, at a cost of about $70,000; and would be back here in about 60 days from New York where be has returned. Tho New York Medioo-Legal Bociety proposes a bill in the New York Itate legislature, instituting the whipping post as a punishment for wife beating 1. Tho president of the lOolety says: The present system of punishment is wholly Inadequate. It does not deter. The great stream of wretched and despair- ing women that passes us is one of tho indescribable horrors of civilizal ion. It Is pointed out that in Delaware where the whipping post is employed Io repress this InttluOt of barbarism in men, wifo beatiny; is almost wholly unknown. <llll)kArrrnt J. A. Gullc*l(fe of Verbena, Ala., was twice in the hospital from a Mvere OMC of piles causing 24 tumors After doc- tor-ami ail remedies failed. Bucklen'i Arnica Salvo quickly nrreKted further inllamation and cured him. It con- quers aches and kills pain. 23c at the City Drug Store. Contest Notice^ First publication April i l.'. l«m. HALL & CO., UNDERTAKERS AM) Funeral Directors EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Dura Hall ) J Office Phone Linlv Assistant \ I 435 Wonatchee, Wash. Dniri/ Goto the BKICK Hobson Yard Aboui F or ii),. Best Build- •k"u'lst ing Brick. Kiln T%mr*i/ ready by Juno first JSKILKJ- P- Hobson & Co. TONGUES HARD and wnfm REACHES Two by eight six- toon foet lonp. A \\r i rrk\r lQt °f otl'f i hickory VVAUUIN and ash 2 Inches thick and from 5 to 10 inches in width. TIMBER . ,; L R HathWay Call on M. G. Thomas to see limber. Wilbur Walker , Vv'tn Bullock TheLOBBY Just across from the Depot PURE WINES and LIQUORS GOOD CIGARS and COURTEOUS TREATMENT Notice of Publication -Timber Land United Sta os I and Office Willi rville, Wash., May 4, 1904 Notice is hereby piven that in compliance witbibe provisions of the act of congress of June B, 1878 entitled An aft for /lie sale of tim- ber lands In the stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory, ms extended to ail tbo pubic lund states by act of August 4, 1898, Frederic S .rncoi)-pn. of T.r.ivcnwortli. county or Chelan, state of Washington, b « thin day Hied i.'i tills office his sworn statement number 488, for the purchase of the n % of n c cii section No 8. In township No 96 n. range No 17 c, and wll offer proof t> nhow that the land souiibt la more valuable for its timber or stine than for BBiioultural nur- poses. and to eatabU»b his claim to said land before .1 K. Snoro. II B commissioner, at his offloeln Leavenworth, Wash . on Monday, the 2Mb day of July. 1904. He names as witnesses: Barry k Uarr, Ernest 1) Gates, Petrel Mavis and William P. Hudley, of Leavenworth, Wash Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to Hie their clalmstn this office on or before saiil !»h day of July lUCIt M. 11. MAI.I.OY, It-gister First publication May 13 1904, last, July l.> Notice ofPublication \u25a0 Untied -tntes Land Office, Watervllle, Wa»h , April Bth, lIW4. Notice is hereby idveu that la compliance with the provisions of ibeaotof congress of June:) is?*, entitled 'an act fur 1 lie sale of tim- ber lands in the stales of Oalifornla.Oresfon,Ne- vada an Wiwhinutiin Terriiory," as extended to all the l>ub.ii- laud states by act of August -I. IbM Emtl Frank of Ijearenworth, chum v of rhel:>n, state of WiiHbiUHlon, has this day filed in this offlc his sworn statement No. 4iM,for tiie purchase of the .swl, of section No. 4ln township No all n, range IS c w m, and «i.l oner proof to sbow Unit the lund fought 1* more valuable for it- timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud before .1. K. Shore, O. S. Commissioner at his ofllce at t.eav enwoi iii on Wednesday, the sand day of June, 1804. He names as witnesses: Martin Christen-on. IradO, Varney. 1:. I>. Shugart and l,oui» J. Hauck, all of Leavenworih. Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above dei-crib-:d lands are requested to tile their claims in this oUlcc. on or before sa d Mod day June, IyOI M. n. MII..LOY, Register. First publication April 18, 19 4. United States Land Office. Waterville, Wash.. Apr. HO, 1904. A sufficient contest affidavit h vim: been lil^d in thin office by William A. Htt'Uun. o.intest- ant against homestead entry N \u25a0\u25a0 Bl(W. ma le July lath, 1902, for « « \u25a0 w '4. n w ', \u25a0 6 'i- and s w 4 n c Ji suction 3. township i" n range is a. by Dnarlei IS. Blom. oontestee, in which It is allowed that •all] entryman, Charles V. HlombßH never established bin resl- denoe in a house upon tract hliicb date of iii entry: that he has wholly abandoned said tract and been absent therefrom tor more than six months piece mall tif? said entry, and thai said tract is not settled upon nor cultivated as required by law. and said failures still exist, and thin said alleged absence from said land wai not due to his employment In the army, navy or marine corps of the United States. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re- spond and offer evidence touching snld allega- tion at Jfl o'clock a m on June 3, 1004, before .I. B. Shore, U. 8. Cumin Mloner, a his ofilcfl at Leavenworth, Wa«h., and that final hearinit will be heM nt 10 o'clock am. on June (I. 1004. before Inn Keirlster and Receiver ni the United States land ofllce. in VVoterville. Wash. The said contestant having. In a proper Bffl- davit, tiled Apr. 'M, 1904, set forth facts which show thai after due dlUlgenoe personal service of this notice can not li-; made, it is hereby or- dered and directed that such notice be given by duo and proper publication. Roglster> M li. MAI.LOV, P.oulster. Timber Lain! Nollee United States Land Offloe. Watervllle. Wash., April HI, 1901, Notice is her~by given ihat In compliance with the provision* of the act of c ngres<of Junes, 1878, entitled "An »pi for the Kale of timber lands In th« mates of Callfornlu.Oreeon, Kcvudn and Washington Territory" as extend- ' d to all the public land states oy act of August 8 1892 James M. Duffy, of Wenatrhen. county of Chelan, stute of Wash- ington, ban this day Ola i In this office "is »worn statement No 57 fnr the purchase of the V, of nwj and w'4 of swX »cc 8. Twp 90 n.Range No. 17 c. and will offer proof to dhow that the 1 'Hd •ought Is more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to eHtanllnh hln claim to said land before Henry Craw U. S. Commissioner, at his offloe at Wenatchee, Wait,, I'u lay the I3>b day of July. 1804. names as "witnesses: Frank Hush. James Williams K. W. Bherwoodand Henry Middle- ton, all nt Cntwaukum, Washington Anyand all persons claiming adverxely the ahove d»«Hrribed lands are requested to ft!* thflr claims in this ofilce on or before said lSth day of July. 190.. MBMALl , oYiKcgl3ter . Firs', publication April 89, I'JOI. Notice or Publication—Timber Lund United States Land Office. Wat rv Hi. Wash.. April 8. l»>4. Notice is he eby given that in compliance with ihe provisions of the act of congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the state*of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," us ex tended to nil the public land states by act of August 4. 189-2, Martin Christenson of I.eavenworth, county of Cbelun, Ptate of Wushlnuton. na» this day Hied In this office his Bfff m statement. No. 403. for the purchase of the nw> i of section No. 4 in township No. 2* n. range No. 18 \u25a0 w m. and will offer proof to show thai tti'- land sought Is n.ure valuable for its ti.ijM-r or stone than for agricultural purposes, nut to establish his claim to mild land before J. K. Shore I' S Co lnlssioner at his office at I.enieuworth. Wash., on Wednesday, the Stad day of .June, 1604 II- names la witnesses: Irnd 0. Varney.Louis J. Bauck, HansT Han-en and E. D. bhugart, all Lcnvenwi-nn. Wash. Any and nil persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 22nd day of June. I9M M. H. MALLOY, Register. First publication April 15. 1904. Notice of Publication—Timber Land U' lied States Land Office, Wittervlllu, Wash.. AprilB,IIKM. Notice is I'fvi-h.v j-lv.n that In compliance with me provision's o! tne act of Congress of Junel 18?K, entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands in the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territorry," as ex- tended toall : public land state* by act of Auguat 4. 16113, Jacob Thowe of Leavenworth county of Chelan, state of VVathlni ii. bae iMm day tiled in this office his sworn statement No 401, for the purchase of the >' . m' , \u25a0 f section No 32 In township No. 27 ti. range No 18 <\u25a0 \y in, and will offer proof to show that the land soujjht is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur- poses, and to establish hia claim to said fund before J. E Shore. U S. Commissioner at his ofllce at Leavenworth, Wash., on Wednesday, the yJnd day of June, r.Wi. Ho names as witnesses: Martin Christenson, Irad 0. Varney, Emit Frank and Louis J. Hauck, all Leavenworth, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 22d day of June 1904. M B MALLOY Reg)ster> M. B. MALLOY, Register. First publication April 15. 1804, Notice for Publication—Final Proof Notice is hereby Riven that the following' named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make ilnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Henry Crass, v R. Commissioner, at his office at We- natchee, Wash., on Muv 11. 1904, viz: William W. Thompson who made homestead entry No. O!3Q for the neit section 89, township 20 n. range 17 c w m. He names as witnesses to prove his contin- uous residence upon and cultivation of Bald land, viz: David Phillips and W. H. Griddley, of Ciilwaukum, Wash., and Charles Buttles and James M. Duffy, of Wenatcbee. M. H. MALLOY, Register. First publication April 15, 1004 Notice of Publication—Timber Land United States Land Office, ' Watervllle, Wash., March 10, 1004 Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress or Juno 8 IS7B, entitled An Act forthe sale of tim- ber land! in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory, as extended to all public land states by act of August 4, IB*!, Petrel Davis, of Lcavenworih, county of Chelan, state of Washington, has this day tiled in this, i illco his sworn statement Noßßi>.for the pur- chase of the s w % of section No 14 in township No £0 X, range No 17 K. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or Btonn than tor agricultural pur- poses, and to establish his claim to said land betore J. E Shore U S Commissioner, at bis office at i.i'avt'iiworth, Wash., ou Monday, the 4 day of June, 11)04 He names as witnesses: JohnCirstens, Har- ry X Curt, F. S. .lacohsen and Kollln Kideout, all of Leavenworth, Wash. Any aid all persons claiming adversely the above di Her bed lands are requested to file lie Ir el ims in this offlo* on or before said 6th day of June, 1901. M U. M ALLOY, Register. First publication March S5, 1904. Notice of Publication—Timber Land United States Land Office. Watervlile, Wash.. March 15. 1904 Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress or Juneß, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of tim- lands in the states of Cal fornlH, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex- tendendrd to all the public land states by act or August 4,18u2, Seth L. Morris, of Lcavenworth, county of Chelan, state of Washington, has this nay filed in this office hi» sworn statement No. 881, for the purchase of the njs ne 1 of section No. 4in township No. aft D, riin^e No. 1"E. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before .1. K. shore. U. B. Commissioner at his office at Leavenworth, Wash , on Tuesday the 7th day of June. 1804. He names as witnesses: John Davis, of We- natchee, James Il' Tyson and Louis J. Hauek of Leavenworth and Frank Hush, of Chlwaukum. Any and all persons claing adversely the uiiovo described lands are requested to lIM their claims in ibis office on or be fore said 'Li dnv of June. 1914 M II M \LLOY, Kegistß' **) First publication March X, IVU4. pv Notice tor Publication United Slates Lund Office, Watervllle, Wash., April 16. 1904. Notice is hereby fives that in compliance with the provisions of the Hct of congress of Jutu'!), 1878, entitled "An aot for the sale of llmbei land* In th« Slates of California, Ore (,'oo. Nevada and Washington Territory." as ex- tended to nil the public land status by act of August 4. 1893, Trad 0 Varney, of Leavcnworth.county of Chelan state of Wash- ington, has this day tiled In this office bin sworn statement No. 4*20, for the purchase of the BWj , Mli, mi., hv.'{ & |W swJi of sec No. 8 township No-ft n range No 18 c. and will offer proof to show that tlie land sought Is more val- uable for its timber or stone than for agricul- tural purposes, and to establish Ills claim to said land before J. K. Shore, United States commissioner ut his office at Leavenwortb, Wash., on Friday, the Ist day of July, 1804. \u25a0 Hn names as witnesses: H. D. Nortbup, Iron O. Northun, Louts J. llanck and Ami K. Dicken- son, all of Leavenwortb, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims in tills office os or before said Ist day of July, 19114. M. II Malloy,Register. First publication April 53,1904 Notice of Pub llcutlon—Timber Lund United States Land office, W'atirvllle, Wash., May 11. 1804. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the Act of congress of June 3, 1"<T8, entitled \u25a0an Act for the Sale or Tin,in r Lands in the States of California, Ore- iron, Nevada and Washington Territory."as ex- tended to all the Public Laud Slates by Act of August 4. 18th;. Jethrow W. Keller. of Lpayenworth. county of Cbelan, state of Washington, has this day tiled in tbts office hi* sworn statement No, 411. forthe purchase of the- nj.t; aw% of sec Win twp No. 2B n, Kange 17 « will off r proof to show that tne land sought Ik more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to Haiu land fore J. E. Shore, U. S. <-' Him s-loner, at bis office at Leaveuworth, Wash., on Saturday, the 80th day of July, 1. vi. Hi'names as witnesses: John R. Campbell. Charles B. Fiuiiklin. James M. Townseud all of Leavenwortb, Wash., and Charley French, of Chlwaukum, Wash. Any Hint all persons claiming adversely the above described lauds are requested to tile their clams in this omce on or before said 3J day or July, IUII. M B. MALLOY, Register First publication, May, «9, last, July luih.

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Page 1: Lamb-Davis Lumber Co - Chronicling · L. LAIIB.President. P. DAVIS,Vice-President. W. H. HADLEV, Cashier

L. LAIIB. President. P. DAVIS, Vice-President. W. H. HADLEV, Cashier.


Capital - - $25,000.00We nfTord depositors a place of safety for ttaetr money, and extend to all our patrons every

accommodation within the range of prudent banking. In our Savings Department wereceive deposits of one dollar and upwards, upon which we pay three per cent interest,

compounded semi-anuually. No matter how small your deposit, we will take it ami safe-guard it for you.

Money to Loan Upon Approved Security.

I LEAVENWORTH HOSPITALi (> In one of the most healthful lo- />1 « calities in Washington. Be:iu- $

it tlfUilysituated on <i bluff over- <(

i £< looking tlio Wonatchee river. SS

| Open fortlie Kerrpllon ol' all Snniioal »n«l Medlml iapien Except

I t'oiitastpoim Dlncimch

\ Trained and Competent Nurses Always in Attendance[ Address all oornmunioations:

DR. W. M. M'COY, Physician in Charge,i Leavraworth, Washington

L. Lamt.. Pres. C. R. Lamb. V.-Pron. G. E. Lamb. Sec P. DAVIS, Treas & McrClinton, la. Minneapolis, Minn. Clinton, la. Leavenwortta, Wash



Dealers in all kinds of building material.

Leavenworth, - Washington

E F SPRAGUE E- F- Spra|lue c- E- araham H-A-Oranam

c: c:,r,r E. F. Sprague Co.Undertakers

W'lioleßalers and Itetallom ol

Embalers FINE FURNITUREUndertakers' Supplies




Billiard and Pool Parlors in Connection

BURKE & CO. - - Proprietors

v~ I Paint the Earth\\/ a xit Graining and Paper Hanging a Spe-WAl>< I cialty. Frescoingif desired Leave

orders at Dr. Shore's Drug Store.

.write em S.C WALDENBERGLeavenworth, Wash.


Fresh and Cured Meats

FRANK* *»-*»-1 " *\u25a0• Motto: Not how cheap, but oh !How Good.


Home Cooking, OVERLANDJust Like RESTAURANTYour Mother Front st AdjOininSr Dr . shore'sUsed tO DO. JOHN BJORK, Proprietor.

ARE YOU TAKING THE ECHO?If Not, Then Why Not, Right Now


OonoBtOATIOWM-— Morning Mil K\e y |Sunday at IO;«; Sunday school at 19 00; younjpeoples service 7:00 p. m.; evening service B:uu

J. o. iiovu, iuaior.

Prnyer meeting every Thursday evening.

Ladles Guild meets every Thursday utter-noon.

Catholic-Services at the CoihoUo churchevery fourth Sunday In the month; DIMS "t7:10 \u25a0 in : Sunday school at 3 p m.; vespers j1:30 P . n,; low mm* following monday

Futncr 11. Colin. Paiti r,

< :>M Mull IllT*"II Air

A Chicago scientist holds out. thebest, if not the only li"|.e to gel the bet-ter of the bee! trust, He insists ihal behas discovered a methodof livingon airalone. Allyou have to do is to quitsating and learn to breathe properly.Ifwe oaa do those two things we willbo alright. But can we? There's therub, As proof thai he has solved theproblem the Chicago genius "makesprefer" of himself, as the lawyers wouldsay. Ho declares that he has i atennothing for a month, and though liehas fallen off from 24."> to 118 pounds, isas strong «ts before the beginning of hisfast. The diet during this trialmonthOOnsUted of hot water with an infusionof rose and elderberry leaves, but themain substance for solid food oamethrough his breathing apparatus. Thusis a possibility unfolded of {jettingaround the chief problem of life, If itis no longer neccessary to work for foodthe rest would seem easy. When thelove-sick girl protested to her sweet-heart that she was willing to live on

bread and water for his sake, he repliedcautiously that if she would furnish thebread he would skirmish around and

try to get the water. But under thenew arrangement even water appearsto be a Superfluity. Only air is neces-

sary to make one healthy and wealthy,ifnot wise. All the nutriment Deededis in the atmosphere, and it la only nec-essary to train the nose and lungs howto extract it and there you are.—Amer-ican Farmer.

In Japan one divorce takes place lorevery four marriages.

A New Jersey court has just decidedthat a girl's life is worth three thous-and dollars and that a boy's lifo isworth just twice that amount.

Beware ofBuffalo glrll. A Mies DvCalm, ofBuffalo, N. V., broke a man'srib by hugjing him, ami he,tho wretch,lias sued for two thousand dollars dam-ages.

The true name ofKorea is ''Chosen.'meaning''land of the morning calm."Ii is by this name that the country itdesignated in diplomatic papers at theState Department at Washington.

Tho Emperor of Japan is tho directdescendant of the Emperor Jimmu,who ascended the throne 2,564 yeanago, milking the dynasty older thanany other dynasty that exists or ever

did exist.Japanese soldiers are fed on rice,

salted flsh, dried seaweed iiiid pickledplums—a diet that is almost universalin Japan, except, in the navy, whererations of meat are served. Soldiersare allowed meat when on oampalgn,but rarely eat it.

A London doctor who has examinedtbe beads of a hundred thousand -Lon-don children chums to have made thediscovery that heads arc growing smal-ler, especially female beads, lie claim!to have traced some peculiar relationbetween this fact and tall buildings.

The department of agriculture hasissued a report which snows that thefarm surplus for l!)o.'! was worth fourand a half billion dollars. The exportsfor tho ,year amount to nearly $880,0000,.0. Of the export! cotton is the larg-est amount, being close to 40 per Pent.

Colonel Robert J. Hamer, of NewYork, last week investigated the placer diggings on the Columbia rivernear Marcus, Wash. Mr. Humor isthe manufacturer of a maehino forsaving fine gold and magnetic iron.He said be would establish a plant onsix-mile bar east of Marcns, at a costof about $70,000; and would be backhere in about 60 days from New Yorkwhere be has returned.

Tho New York Medioo-Legal Bocietyproposes a bill in the New York Itatelegislature, instituting the whippingpost as a punishment for wife beating 1.

Tho president of the lOolety says: Thepresent system of punishment is whollyInadequate. It does not deter. Thegreat stream of wretched and despair-ing women that passes us is one of thoindescribable horrors of civilizal ion.It Is pointed out that in Delawarewhere the whipping post is employedIo repress this InttluOt of barbarism inmen, wifo beatiny; is almost whollyunknown.

<llll)kArrrntJ. A. Gullc*l(fe of Verbena, Ala., was

twice in the hospital from a Mvere OMCof piles causing 24 tumors After doc-tor-ami ail remedies failed. Bucklen'iArnica Salvo quickly nrreKted furtherinllamation and cured him. It con-quers aches and kills pain. 23c at theCity Drug Store.

Contest Notice^

First publication Aprilil.'. l«m.




Dura Hall ) J Office PhoneLinlv Assistant \ I 435

Wonatchee, Wash.

Dniri/ Goto theBKICK Hobson YardAboui For ii),. Best Build-•k"u'lst ing Brick. KilnT%mr*i/ ready by Juno firstJSKILKJ- P- Hobson & Co.


wnfm REACHESTwo by eight six-

toon foet lonp. A\\r i rrk\r lQt °f otl'fi hickoryVVAUUIN and ash 2 Inches

thick and from 5 to10 inches in width.

TIMBER . ,;L R HathWayCall on

M. G. Thomas to seelimber.

Wilbur Walker , Vv'tn Bullock

TheLOBBYJust across from the Depot


andCOURTEOUS TREATMENTNotice ofPublication -Timber Land

United Sta os I and OfficeWillirville, Wash., May 4, 1904

Notice is hereby piven that in compliancewitbibe provisions of the act of congress ofJune B, 1878 entitled An aft for /lie sale of tim-ber lands In the stales of California, Oregon,Nevada and Washington territory, ms extendedto ail tbo pubic lund states by act ofAugust 4,1898,

Frederic S .rncoi)-pn.of T.r.ivcnwortli. county or Chelan, state of

Washington, b « thin day Hied i.'i tills office hissworn statement number 488, for the purchaseof the n % of n c }± cii section No 8. In townshipNo 96 n. range No 17 c, and wll offer proof t>nhow that the land souiibt la more valuable forits timber or stine than for BBiioultural nur-poses. and to eatabU»b his claim to said landbefore .1 K. Snoro. II B commissioner, at hisoffloeln Leavenworth, Wash . on Monday, the2Mb day of July. 1904. He names as witnesses:Barry k Uarr, Ernest 1) Gates, Petrel Mavisand William P. Hudley, of Leavenworth, Wash

Anyand all persons claiming adversely theabove described lands are requested to Hie theirclalmstn this office on or before saiil !»h dayof July lUCIt M. 11. MAI.I.OY, It-gister

First publication May 13 1904, last, July l.>

Notice ofPublication\u25a0 Untied -tntes Land Office,

Watervllle, Wa»h , AprilBth, lIW4.Notice is hereby idveu that la compliance

with the provisions of ibeaotof congress ofJune:) is?*, entitled 'an act fur 1 lie sale of tim-ber lands in the stales of Oalifornla.Oresfon,Ne-vada an Wiwhinutiin Terriiory," as extendedto all the l>ub.ii- laud states by act of August -I.IbM

Emtl Frankof Ijearenworth, chum v of rhel:>n, state ofWiiHbiUHlon, has this day filed in this offlc hissworn statement No. 4iM,for tiie purchase of the.swl, of section No. 4ln township No all n,range IS c w m, and «i.l oner proof to sbow Unitthe lund fought 1* more valuable for it- timberor stone than foragricultural purposes, and toestablish his claim to said laud before .1. K.Shore, O. S. Commissioner at his ofllce at t.eavenwoi iiion Wednesday, the sand day of June,1804.

He names as witnesses: Martin Christen-on.IradO, Varney. 1:. I>. Shugart and l,oui» J.Hauck, all of Leavenworih. Wash.

Any and all persons claiming adversely theabove dei-crib-:d lands are requested to tiletheirclaims in this oUlcc. on or before sa d Mod dayJune, IyOI

M. n. MII..LOY,Register.First publication April18, 19 4.

United States Land Office.Waterville, Wash.. Apr. HO, 1904.

A sufficient contest affidavit h vim: been lil^din thin office by William A. Htt'Uun. o.intest-ant against homestead entry N \u25a0\u25a0 Bl(W. ma leJuly lath, 1902, for « « \u25a0 w '4. n w ', \u25a0 6 'i- ands w 4 n c Ji suction 3. township i" n rangeis a. by Dnarlei IS. Blom. oontestee,in which It is allowed that •all] entryman,Charles V. HlombßH never established bin resl-denoe in a house upon tract hliicb date ofiii entry: that he has whollyabandoned saidtract and been absent therefrom tor more thansix months piece mall tif? said entry, and thaisaid tract is not settled upon nor cultivated asrequired by law. and said failures still exist,and thin said alleged absence from said landwai not due to his employment In the army,navy or marine corps of the United States.

Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re-spond and offer evidence touching snld allega-

tion at Jfl o'clock a m on June 3, 1004, before.I. B. Shore, U. 8. Cumin Mloner, a his ofilcfl atLeavenworth, Wa«h., and that final hearinitwill be heM nt 10 o'clock am. on June (I. 1004.before Inn Keirlster and Receiver ni the UnitedStates land ofllce. in VVoterville. Wash.

The said contestant having. In a proper Bffl-davit, tiled Apr. 'M, 1904, set forth facts whichshow thai after due dlUlgenoe personal serviceof this notice can not li-; made, itis hereby or-dered and directed that such notice be given byduo and proper publication.

Roglster>M li. MAI.LOV,P.oulster.

Timber Lain! NolleeUnited States Land Offloe.

Watervllle. Wash., AprilHI, 1901,Notice is her~by given ihat In compliance

with the provision* of the act of c ngres<ofJunes, 1878, entitled "An »pi for the Kale oftimber lands In th« mates of Callfornlu.Oreeon,Kcvudn and Washington Territory" as extend-

' d to all the public land states oy act of August8 1892

James M. Duffy,of Wenatrhen. county of Chelan, stute of Wash-ington, ban this day Ola i In this office "is »wornstatement No 57 fnr the purchase of the V, ofnwj and w'4 of swX »cc 8. Twp 90 n.Range No.17 c. and will offer proof to dhow that the 1 'Hd•ought Is more valuable for Its timber or atonethan for agricultural purposes, and to eHtanllnhhln claim to said land before Henry Craw U. S.Commissioner, at his offloe at Wenatchee,Wait,, I'u lay the I3>b day of July. 1804.

H« names as "witnesses: Frank Hush. James

Williams K. W. Bherwoodand Henry Middle-ton, all nt Cntwaukum, Washington

Anyand all persons claiming adverxely theahove d»«Hrribed lands are requested to ft!* thflrclaims in this ofilce on or before said lSth dayof July. 190..

MBMALl,oYiKcgl3ter.Firs', publication April 89, I'JOI.

Notice orPublication—Timber LundUnited States Land Office.

Wat rv Hi. Wash.. April8. l»>4.Notice is he eby given that in compliance

with ihe provisions of the act of congress ofJune 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale oftimber lands in the state*of California. Oregon,Nevada and Washington Territory," us extended to nil the public land states by act ofAugust 4. 189-2,

Martin Christensonof I.eavenworth, county of Cbelun, Ptate ofWushlnuton. na» this day Hied In this office his

Bfff m statement. No. 403. for the purchase ofthe nw> iof section No. 4 in township No. 2* n.range No. 18 \u25a0 w m. and willoffer proof to showthai tti'- land sought Is n.ure valuable for itsti.ijM-ror stone than for agricultural purposes,nut to establish his claim to mild land before J.K. Shore I' S Co lnlssioner at his office atI.enieuworth. Wash., on Wednesday, the Stadday of .June, 1604

II-names la witnesses: Irnd 0. Varney.LouisJ. Bauck, HansT Han-en and E. D. bhugart,all Lcnvenwi-nn. Wash.

Any and nil persons claiming adversely theabove described lands are requested to file theirclaims In this office on or before said 22nd dayof June. I9M

M. H. MALLOY, Register.First publication April 15. 1904.

Notice ofPublication—Timber Land

U' lied States Land Office,Wittervlllu, Wash.. AprilB,IIKM.

Notice is I'fvi-h.v j-lv.n that In compliancewith me provision's o! tne act of Congress of

Junel 18?K, entitled "An act for the sale oflimber lands in the states of California. Oregon,Nevada and Washington Territorry," as ex-tended toall : public land state* by act ofAuguat 4. 16113,

Jacob Thoweof Leavenworth county of Chelan, state ofVVathlni ii.bae iMm day tiled in this office hissworn statement No 401, for the purchase ofthe >'. m' , \u25a0 f section No 32 In township No. 27ti. range No 18 <\u25a0 \y in, and will offer proof toshow that the land soujjht is more valuable forits timber or stone than for agricultural pur-poses, and to establish hia claim to said fundbefore J. E Shore. U S. Commissioner at hisofllce at Leavenworth, Wash., on Wednesday,the yJnd day of June, r.Wi.

Ho names as witnesses: Martin Christenson,Irad 0. Varney, Emit Frank and Louis J.Hauck, all Leavenworth, Wash.

Any and all persons claiming adversely theabove described lands are requested to tile theirclaims in this office on or before said 22d day ofJune 1904.

M B MALLOY Reg)ster>M. B. MALLOY,Register.First publication April 15. 1804,

Notice for Publication—Final Proof

Notice is hereby Riven that the following'named settler has filed notice of his Intentionto make ilnal proof in support of his claim, andthat said proof will be made before HenryCrass, v R. Commissioner, at his office at We-natchee, Wash., on Muv 11. 1904, viz:

William W. Thompsonwho made homestead entry No. O!3Q for the neitsection 89, township 20 n. range 17 c w m.

He names as witnesses to prove his contin-uous residence upon and cultivation of Baldland, viz: David Phillips and W. H. Griddley,of Ciilwaukum, Wash., and Charles Buttles andJames M. Duffy, of Wenatcbee.

M. H. MALLOY,Register.First publication April15, 1004

Notice ofPublication—Timber Land

United States Land Office, 'Watervllle, Wash., March 10, 1004

Notice Is hereby given that in compliancewith the provisions of the act of Congress orJuno 8 IS7B, entitled An Act forthe sale of tim-ber land! in the states of California, Oregon,Nevada and Washington territory, as extendedto allpublic land states by act of August 4, IB*!,

Petrel Davis,of Lcavenworih, county of Chelan, stateof Washington, has this day tiled in this,i illco his sworn statement Noßßi>.for the pur-chase of the s w % of section No 14 in townshipNo £0 X, range No 17 K. and will offer proof toshow that the land sought is more valuable forits timber or Btonn than tor agricultural pur-poses, and to establish his claim to said landbetore J. E Shore U S Commissioner, at bisoffice at i.i'avt'iiworth, Wash., ou Monday, the 4day of June, 11)04

He names as witnesses: JohnCirstens, Har-ry X Curt, F. S. .lacohsen and Kollln Kideout,all ofLeavenworth, Wash.

Any aid all persons claiming adversely theabove di Her bed lands are requested to filelie Ir el ims in this offlo*on or before said 6thday of June, 1901. M U. MALLOY, Register.

First publication March S5, 1904.

Notice of Publication—Timber Land

United States Land Office.Watervlile, Wash.. March 15. 1904

Notice is hereby given that in compliancewith the provisions of the act of Congress orJuneß, 1878. entitled "Anact for the sale of tim-

lands in the states of Cal fornlH, Oregon,Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex-tendendrd to all the publicland states by act orAugust 4,18u2,

Seth L. Morris,of Lcavenworth, county of Chelan, state ofWashington, has this nay filed in this office hi»sworn statement No. 881, for the purchase ofthe njs ne 1 of section No. 4in township No. aftD, riin^e No. 1"E. W. M., and will offer proof toshow that the land sought is more valuable forlimber or stone than for agricultural purposes,and to establish his claim to said land before .1.K. shore. U. B. Commissioner at his office atLeavenworth, Wash , on Tuesday the 7th dayof June. 1804.

He names as witnesses: John Davis, of We-natchee, James Il' Tyson and Louis J. Hauek ofLeavenworth and Frank Hush, of Chlwaukum.

Any and all persons claing adversely theuiiovo described lands are requested to lIMtheir claims in ibis office on or be fore said 'Lidnv of June. 1914 M II M \LLOY,Kegistß' **)

First publication March X, IVU4. pv

Notice tor Publication

United Slates Lund Office,Watervllle, Wash., April 16. 1904.

Notice is hereby fives that in compliancewith the provisions of the Hct of congress ofJutu'!), 1878, entitled "An aot for the sale ofllmbei land* In th« Slates of California, Ore(,'oo. Nevada and Washington Territory." as ex-tended to nil the public land status by act ofAugust 4. 1893,

Trad 0 Varney,of Leavcnworth.county of Chelan state of Wash-ington, has this day tiled In this office binsworn statement No. 4*20, for the purchase ofthe BWj , Mli,mi., hv.'{ & |W swJi of sec No. 8township No-ft n range No 18 c. and will offerproof to show that tlie land sought Is more val-uable for its timber or stone than for agricul-tural purposes, and to establish Ills claim tosaid land before J. K. Shore, United Statescommissioner ut his office at Leavenwortb,Wash., on Friday, the Ist day of July, 1804.

\u25a0 Hn names as witnesses: H. D. Nortbup, IronO. Northun, Louts J. llanck and AmiK. Dicken-son, all of Leavenwortb, Wash. Any and allpersons claiming adversely the above describedlands are requested to tile their claims in tillsoffice os or before said Ist day of July, 19114.

M. II Malloy,Register.First publication April53,1904

Notice ofPub llcutlon—Timber LundUnited States Land office,

W'atirvllle, Wash., May 11. 1804.Notice is hereby given that In compliance

with the provisions of the Act of congress ofJune 3, 1"<T8, entitled \u25a0an Act for the Sale orTin,in r Lands in the States of California, Ore-iron, Nevada and Washington Territory."as ex-tended to all the Public Laud Slates by Act ofAugust 4. 18th;.

Jethrow W. Keller.of Lpayenworth. county of Cbelan, state ofWashington, has this day tiled in tbts office hi*sworn statement No, 411. forthe purchase of the-nj.t; aw% of sec Win twp No. 2B n,Kange 17 «willoff r proof to show that tne land sought Ikmore valuable for its timber or stone than foragricultural purposes, and to establish hisclaim to Haiu land fore J. E. Shore, U. S.<-' Him s-loner, at bis office at Leaveuworth,Wash., on Saturday, the 80th day of July,1. vi.

Hi'names as witnesses: John R. Campbell.Charles B. Fiuiiklin. James M. Townseud allof Leavenwortb, Wash., and Charley French,of Chlwaukum, Wash.

Any Hint all persons claiming adversely theabove described lauds are requested to tile theirclams in this omce on or before said 3J day orJuly, IUII.

M B. MALLOY,RegisterFirst publication, May, «9, last, July luih.