labview physics 3 - it skills miles padgett [email protected]

LabView Physics 3 - IT skills Miles Padgett [email protected] k

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Page 1: LabView Physics 3 - IT skills Miles Padgett

LabViewPhysics 3 - IT skills

Miles Padgett

[email protected]

Page 2: LabView Physics 3 - IT skills Miles Padgett

Objectives To acquire familiarity with the LabView

Programming language To be able to write LabView programmes

incorporating pre written and new VI’s To use LabView in the study of 2-D

diffraction patterns You get exercise marks for completion of

each milestone.

Page 3: LabView Physics 3 - IT skills Miles Padgett

LabView - the basics

All LabView programmes comprise of two screen types The “front panel” (grey) which acts as

the user interface The “diagram” (white) which contains

the “programme”

Page 4: LabView Physics 3 - IT skills Miles Padgett

LabView - getting going Like most programs,

LabView can be launched by double clicking on the LabView icon

Programs themselves are called “vi” (virtual instruments)

To start a new “vi”, select “new vi” from the LabView start up screen

The LabView icon

The LabView start up screen

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LabView - front Panel Controls (data input) and indicators

(data output) can be selected from the “controls” window and placed on the front panel.

To find controls select “show panel” from “window” menu select “show controls palette” from

“window” menu

The controls palette

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LabView - diagram Functions (program operations)

can be selected from the “functions” window and placed on the diagram.

To find functions select “show diagram” from

“window” menu select “show functions palette”

from “window” menu

The functions palette

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LabView - tools Tools (cursor/mouse

functions) can be selected from the “tool” window

To find tools select “show tools palette” from

“window” menu

The tools palette

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Using LabView to add two numbers Create new program

Select “new VI” from the file menu

Select a digital control from the controls palette and place it on the front panel (grey)

Do the same again Select a digital indicator

from the controls palette and place it on the front panel

Selecting a digital controlSelecting a digital control

Selecting a digital indicatorSelecting a digital indicator

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Adding two numbers - front panel

Controls and indicator placed on front panel

N.B. software automatically numbers controls of the same type in sequence

The front panel

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Adding two numbers - diagram

Data terminals automatically appear on diagram

The diagram

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Adding two numbers - placing the function

Select and drag the “addition function onto the diagram

To find addition Show function panel Click on numeric Select and drag

addition onto diagram

Selecting a numeric functionSelecting a numeric function

Dragging onto the diagramDragging onto the diagram

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Adding two numbers - wiring the function

Select “wiring tool” from tools palette Cursor now changes

function “click” on wire start point

“drag” to end point then “release”

Use wiring tool to connect Digital controls to

function inputs Function output to digital


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Adding two numbers - running the program

Select “arrow” from tools palette Cursor now changes

function Running the program

Use arrow tool to “click” single arrow on front panel to run once

Or “click” looped arrow on front panel to run continuously

Stopping the program Use arrow tool to “click” red

stop button

Run onceRun once

Run continuouslyRun continuously

Stop the programStop the program

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Adding two numbers - operating the program

Select “finger hand” or “text tool” from tools palette

Cursor now changes function

Changing the input Use “finger” on up/down

arrows of numeric controls Or use “text tool” to

highlight and edit number field (white) within numeric control

If running continuously then program is interactive

Up/down arrowsUp/down arrows

Text fieldText field

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Adding two numbers - saving the program

Select “save” from within the file menu When prompted enter filename Note in windows LabView files have a

***.vi file extension Vi - stands for virtual instrument


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Customising the program (text)

Select “text tool” from tools palette

Cursor now changes function

Changing the name of the input

Use “text tool” to highlight and edit the names (grey) numeric control

Use “text tool” to highlight and edit the name (grey) numeric indicator

Control text fieldControl text field

Indicator text fieldIndicator text field

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Customising the program (data)

Select “arrow tool” from tools palette

Cursor now changes function

Changing the allowed range and up/down increment of the controls

Right click (windows) on the numeric control to generate menu then select “Data range…”

Within data range can set upper limit/lower limit and increment

Now run the program again


Selecting data rangeSelecting data range

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Customising the program (display) -1

Select the front panel Show “controls panel from

window menu” Use “arrow tool” to select

numeric control Use “arrow tool” to select

“meter” and “drag” it onto front panel

Use “text tool” to optionally edit name of meter

Use “text tool” to optionally highlight and edit the range of the meter

Selecting a digital meterSelecting a digital meter

Range of meterRange of meter

Name of meterName of meter

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Customising the program (display) -2

Select the diagram Select “wiring tool” from tool

palette Use wiring tool to connect

meter terminal to existing output wire of the “addition” function or equivalently to the existing numeric indicator terminal

I.e. click on start, drag to end then release

Run the program again, note meter display matches indicator

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Accessing LabView’s help To get help on a function

Select the diagram Select “arrow tool” from tool

palette Use arrow tool to right click

(windows) on function Select help from pop up menu Function help appears in sub-

window More general help can be

obtained through the “help menu”

“Content and index” is good for specific questions

LabView comes with a “learn by activities package”

Also a great set of example programs

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Useful tips - indicators, controls and terminal Every indicator on the front

panel has a terminal on the diagram

Every control on the front panel has a terminal on the diagram

Right clicking(windows) on any terminal, control /indicator gives the option of highlighting the corresponding control /indicator or terminal

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Useful tips - switching between tools Rather than picking your tool from the “tools palette” pressing

the “tab” key toggles the tool between On the diagram

Arrow (allows selection and/or movement of terminals and functions around diagram

Text (allow text edit of terminal and addition of extra text comments)

Wiring (allows wiring connection of functions and terminals) Finger (allows selection of terminals)

On the panel Arrow (allows movement of controls around panel Text (allows text edit of control/indicator and addition of extra

text comments) Paint (allows colour change of control or indicator) Finger (allows adjustment of controls)

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Useful tips - showing various windows Any window or tool panel can be made

active by selecting it from the window menu

Alternatively “clicking” on a window will make it active This is a quick way of switching between the

diagram and the front panel

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Useful tips - finding errors If the current LabView

programme is non executable the “run” arrow on the front panel appears broken

Activating the arrow results in an error list contain the faults

Selecting any fault highlight the offending part of the diagram

Broken “run” arrowBroken “run” arrow

error listerror list

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Looping programs Computers become

power when you make them do something many times!

LabView loops are examples of structures and placed on the diagram Show diagram Shows functions palette Select structure

Selecting the Selecting the structure sub palette structure sub palette from the functions from the functions palettepalette

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Incorporating a “while loop” Select a “while loop”

from the structure palette

Place while loop on diagram to surround program Click top left drag to

bottom right and release While loop will run whilst

condition is true

““While loop”While loop”


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Setting the condition of a “while loop” Need Boolean (true/false)

control to set state of while loop Show front panel Show controls palette Select “boolean” Select “push button” and

drag and place (release) on front panel

Optionally use “text tool” to highlight and edit name (grey) of new control

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Wiring the condition of a “while loop” Need to wire the Boolean

terminal to the condition of the while loop Use arrow tool to move (if

necessary) the terminal of the Boolean control to the inside of the while loop

Use the wiring tool to connect the boolean terminal to the condition terminal

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Running a “while loop” Running/stopping the

program within a while loop Use finger tool to toggle

Boolean control to true (dull green arrow becomes bright green)

Use finger or arrow tool to “run” program (NB not continuously run)

Program will now run continuously

Use finger or text tool to change/edit numeric controls

Use finger tool to toggle boolean control to stop program

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Using LabView to draw a sine curve

Objective To plot a sine curve in the range 0-

10 Start a new program

Select “new VI” from the file menu Save it now

Select “save” from the file menu and when prompted provide name

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Using a “for loop” Show the diagram Select a “for loop” from

the structure palette Place the “for loop” on

the diagram “click” “drag” “release”

A “for-loop” will run N times then stop

i increments from 0 to N-1

For loopFor loop

Terminal for NTerminal for N

Terminal for iTerminal for i

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Wiring N on a “for loop” Show the front panel

Select digital control from the controls palette

Place control on front panel

Show diagram (If necessary) move

terminal of digital control to outside of loop

Wire digital control terminal to N terminal of for loop

NB one terminal is blue the other orange!

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Understanding data types

Computers store number in different forms, e.g. Integers, 8 bit, 16bit, 32 bit - BLUE in

LabView Floats single precision, double precision -

Orange in LabView

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Converting Data type Show either diagram or

front panel Right click (window) on

control or terminal and select “representation”

“click” on data type of choice to convert numeric

Do this to change numeric control to I32 integer

Edit numeric value to 100

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Drawing a sine curve - defining the range (1) To define the 0-10

range Show diagram Select and place constant

outside loop - edit to 10 Select and place

outside loop Select and place multiple

function outside loop Wire “10” and “”””””“ into

“x” function

Selecting a constantSelecting a constant

Selecting Selecting

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Drawing a sine curve - defining the range (2)

Select and place divide function inside loop

Wire “i “into quotient of divide

Wire numeric input through wall into denominator of divide

Select and place multiple function

Wire output of divide into multiply

Wire “10 x ””“ product through loop wall into multiply

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Drawing a sine curve - calculating the value To calculate the sine

value Select and place sine

function inside loop Wire output of

multiply to input of sine

Wire output of sine to loop wall

Selecting sineSelecting sine

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Drawing a sine curve - displaying the curve Show front panel

Select and place “waveform graph” on front panel

Show diagram (if necessary) move

waveform graph terminal outside loop

Wire wall of loop to waveform graph terminal

Selecting waveform graphSelecting waveform graph

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Drawing a sine curve - displaying the curve (2) Show diagram

(if necessary) move waveform graph terminal outside loop

Wire wall of loop to waveform graph terminal

NB orange wire on outside of loop is thicker than inside Indicates wire carries

an array of numbers

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Drawing a sine curve - running the program Use arrow tool to “run

continuously the program Adjust numeric control to

change number of points calculated

Use arrow tool to “stop” program when finished

Use text edit tool to rename x-axis of graph (angle), name of numeric control (number of data points) and name of waveform graph

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Drawing a sine curve - modifying the program To make 10 range variable

Select and place digital control on front panel

Show diagram Delete 10product structure

and wire from outside loop to leave unwired loop entry

Move new numeric terminal to similar position

Wire in terminal to loop entry Run continuously and

experiment with changing the range

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Drawing a sine curve - extending the program FFT (1) To obtain an FFT of the sine

wave Select and place FFT function

on diagram near existing waveform graph terminal - the route to FFT is

• Functions• Analyse• Signal processing• Frequency domain

Wire waveform graph (or neighbouring wire to Input of FFT function

Selecting FFT functionSelecting FFT function

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Drawing a sine curve - extending the program FFT (2)

Wire waveform graph (or neighbouring wire to Input of FFT function

On front panel place additional waveform graph

On diagram wire output of FFT function to terminal of waveform graph

Use text tool to edit name of waveform graph and x axis of graph on front panel

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Drawing a sine curve - seeing the FFT

Run program continuously

Update range control Examine FFT of sine

wave Note the FFT has two

peaks Note FFT peaks have

+ve and -ve values

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Drawing a sine curve - seeing the power spectrum (1) More usual to consider the

power spectrum Need to take modulus squared

of each FFT component Delete wire between FFT and

waveform graph terminal (if necessary) move terminal of

waveform graph away from FFT Select and place modulus

function after FFT Select and place multiply

function after modulus Wire FFT to modulus Wire modulus to both inputs of

multiply Wire multiply to waveform

graph terminal

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Drawing a sine curve - seeing the power spectrum (2) Power spectrum is +ve Still twin peaked Run program

Note that a higher “frequencies” of sine wave power spectrum peaks move towards centre

Double peaks can be through to represent +ve and -ve frequency

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Using LabView to draw a 2D function

Objective To plot an “egg box” type pattern

Start a new program Select “new VI” from the file menu

Save it now Select “save” from the file menu

and when prompted provide name

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Double nested “for loop” A single for

loop will create a vector of N elements

To create an array use a for loop within a for loop

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Useful tips - copying and moving items on the diagram To move a selection of functions and wires on a

diagram Use arrow tool to define rectangle of interest, i.e. click

upper left and drag to lower right Use cursor keys to move selected region

To copy a selected section of the program Use arrow tool to define rectangle of interest, I.e. click

upper left and drag to lower right Use standard copy and paste functions to replicate


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Calculating the “egg box” Assume an egg box is

generated by taking the product of two sine functions (one in the x-direction and one in the y)

Use double nested loop and repeat logic of previous program, note Both N terminals of loop wired

to control i indices of loops wired to form

x and y axis Out wired through inner loop to

form output from outer loop

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Visualising the “egg box” (1) Show front panel

Select and place intensity graph on front panel

Use text tool to rename x-axis, y-axis and name of graph

Selecting an intensity graphSelecting an intensity graph

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Visualising the “egg box” (2) Show diagram

(if necessary) move terminal of intensity graph to outside of nested loop

Wire output from outer loop to terminal of intensity graph

NB note orange wire becomes “double wire” which indicates it is an array

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Useful tips - Polymorphic In LabView, most

functions are polymorphic. e.g.. the same addition

function will add two numbers or two vectors or two arrays (vectors or arrays must have the same dimensions

Adding numbersAdding numbers

Adding vectorsAdding vectors

Adding arraysAdding arrays

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Running the “egg box” Show front panel

Use finger or text tool to set numeric controls to ≈100 loop iterations and a plot range of ≈30

Run or run continuously the program

Need to set z-axis of graph to autoscale

• “right click” (window) on graph, select z-scale and select autoscale z

Auto-scaling the z-axis of an intensity graphAuto-scaling the z-axis of an intensity graph

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Useful tips - changing the number format Previously we have seen how

to change the range over which a numeric control can be varied

To change the way it is displayed Show front panel “rick click” (windows) on

control Select “format and precision” Edit forma and precision

window as desired NB this only affects the

display NOT the precision of the calculations

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The challenge - diffraction patterns To calculate and display the far field

diffraction pattern of a circular aperture The far field diffraction pattern of a circular

aperture is the same form as the Fourier-transform (but in 2D)

In the first instance “forget” about the wavelength (which sets the scaling between the aperture and the diffraction pattern) - just concentrate on the “shape”!

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Useful functions for challenge (1) “Comparison” functions

allow logic decisions NB wire carrying logic, i.e.

Boolean (0..1) date are green

When defining the aperture, you may need “select” “less” or “greater”

Use LabView’s help to understand these functions

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Useful functions for challenge (2) “array” functions allow

manipulations of array and vectors Wire containing array data

appear a two parallel wires. These may be blue (for integer)or orange (for floats)

When doing the FFT, you may need “transpose” “rotate 1D array”

Use LabView’s help to understand these functions

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Useful functions for challenge (3) If the N terminal is left unwired,

“for loops” will self-index When a vector is wired into a

“for loop” the loop will split the array and run it on each element

When an array is wired into a “for loop” the loop will split the array and run it on each row

To switch off “self-indexing” right click (windows) on wire entry to loop and select “disable indexing” (not needed in challenge)

vector to elementvector to element array to vectorarray to vector

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Useful functions for challenge (4) Standard LabView does

not have a function for 2D FFT

Given a 2D array, a 2D FFT can be completed by doing 1D FFT’s on each row and each column

You may need this when calculating the diffraction pattern - note use of “self-indexing”

A component of a “diagram” for completing a 2D FFT

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Diffraction pattern Run your programme

Do you get a diffraction pattern centred in the four corners?

This is a issue with most FFT algorithms - where should the zero “frequency” be located? At the centre or the edges?

We need to centre our zero in the middle of the image

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2D FFT with zero at centre Can use “1D rotate

function to move zero to centre (NB need to rotate by N/2)

Note also modulus squared added to output of FT to give power spectrum (i.e. light intensity)

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Calculating a diffraction pattern

One program that works! Autoscale-z

switched off and z-scale set to reveal structure

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Calculating a diffraction pattern

One program that works