labuan air strip, a popular posting in 1959 (see pages 10 ... · pdf fileraf changi...

Download Labuan Air Strip, a popular posting in 1959 (see pages 10 ... · PDF fileRAF CHANGI ASSOCIATION including HQ. FEAF December 2014 Issue No 56 Labuan Air Strip, a popular posting in

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    December 2014 Issue No 56

    Labuan Air Strip, a popular posting in 1959(see pages 10/11 for more)

  • RAF Changi ARAF Changi ARAF Changi ARAF Changi ARAF Changi Associassociassociassociassociationtiontiontiontion(Including HQ.FEAF)(Including HQ.FEAF)(Including HQ.FEAF)(Including HQ.FEAF)(Including HQ.FEAF)

    Founded May 1996Founded May 1996Founded May 1996Founded May 1996Founded May 1996


    Our website:

    The aim of the RAF Changi Association is to bring together all those who were stationed at RAFChangi (including HQ FEAF) Singapore, so they can renew old friendships and make new ones

    COPYRIGHT WARNINGNo part of this Newsletter may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, graphic, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying without the prior permission of the Chairman, or secretary eitherby writing or telephone.

    Chairman/Archivist John Dicks 4 Langley Crescent, Kings Langley, Herts WD4 8EWTel: 01923 400221 e-mail: [email protected]

    Founder Member/ Mike James 12 Shiners Elms, Yatton, Bristol BS49 4BY Reunion Liaison Officer Tel: 01934 833170 e-mail: [email protected]

    Secretary Pat Holt 14 Burrowfields, Basingstoke, Hants RG22 4XJTel: 01256 477253 e-mail: [email protected]

    Treasurer Richard Collins Sandhurst Cottage, Corsley Heath, Warminster BA12 7PWTel: 01373 832789 e-mail: [email protected]

    Newsletter Editor Ken Dennis 1 Warwick Close, St. Merryn, Cornwall PL28 8LHTel: 01841 521038 e-mail: [email protected]

    Membership Secretary Malcolm Flack 14 Highfield Close, Amersham, Bucks HP6 6HGTel: 01494 728562 e-mail: [email protected]

    Publicity /PressOfficer Brian Lloyd 32 Redwood, Burnham, Bucks SL1 8JNTel: 01628 661005 e-mail: [email protected]

    Webmaster Tony Holt 14 Burrowfields, Basingstoke, Hants RG22 4XJTel: 01256 477253 e-mail: [email protected]

    Regalia Officer Dolores James 12 Shiners Elms, Yatton, Bristol BS49 4BYTel: 01934 833170 e-mail: [email protected]

    Almoner/Medal Adviser David Haylock 37 Pierces Hill, Tilehurst, Reading, Berks RG31 6RBTel: 01189 425753 e-mail: [email protected]

    Local Reunion Co-ordinators:Malcolm Flack (Amersham) Tel: 01494 728562John Jones (S East Area) Tel: 01403 783392Anne Moore (Romsey) Tel: 01794 322444John Paul (Yorkshire) Tel: 01751 431793Liaison Officers:Iberia Brian Morgan Tel: 0034 952 196446 e-mail: [email protected] David A Wood Tel: 0061 2 8338 9103 e-mail: [email protected] Zealand Brian Churcher Tel: 0064 7 549 4230 e-mail: [email protected]

  • Editorial Chairmans Report

    Ken Dennis John Dicks

    The AugustN e w s l e t t e r(Edition 55)showed apicture on page8 which was

    All the pictures on page 9showing various aircraft and oneof Changi Beach Club were alsowrongly attributed to Dennis, whenin fact they were all sent in by DickPage (M2069) who served as aSergeant Fireman (1968-71). Myapologies to him for the mix up.

    Finally, I shall be resigningas the Newsletter Editor after theSpring Edition in April. By that timeI will have reached my 86thbirthday, and I think we should electa younger editor while I am still fitand able to hand over the duties aseditor. My sincere thanks to all ourNewsletter contributors over theyears.

    1 Cover picture - RAF Labuan Air Strip 1959 2 The Team 3 Editorial/Chairmans Report 4 Shoreham Air Show & Hornchuch Reunion 5 Christmas menu in Airmens Mess, Changi 6 Old Postcards of Changi 7 Changi Yacht Club memoirs 8 Monkey Business at Yacht Club 8 WWII Magazine 9 Shackleton Assn Article10/11Labuan memories12/13 Searchline14/16 Your letters and Photos17 Romsey & Kings Langley Reunion reports18 Webmaster/ Membership and Obits19 New Members

    erroneously captionedDennis Skeet with 48Squadron in 1948.

    Dennis (M2290) has nowadvised me that the picture was notof him . My apologies for any upsetthis may have caused.

    Page Contents

    My thanks to Malcolm Flack andBrian Lloyd for the work that they have beenperforming in finding new members for ourAssociation. I appreciate that the numbershave fallen away somewhat over the past fewmonths, but this in no way reflects theamount of effort that they have been applying to thisonerous task.

    Socially we have had success in the number of members and friendsthat have attended the various mini-reunions, etc that have been arranged forthis year. Starting with the Billingshurst event in March, which is always wellsupported and is a credit to the work put in by John and Rea Jones. Then therewas the Romsey Mini-reunion in September, organised by Malcolm, whichhad in excess of sixty attendees.

    In October was the Kings Langley gathering, organised by Malcolmand myself. This was at a new venue and was well supported. Also in Octoberwe had a mini-reunion at Hornchurch in Essex, which was organised by LenDaniels. This is a new event and the response was quite promising. Other eventshave been the Meet & Greet event, organised by Brian Lloyd at St. Mawgan,Cornwall, which produced a good response from existing and potential newmembers. This event could be repeated especially if someone local could handlethe organisation.

    We have also been involved in several areas around the country, likeVeterans Day at the RAF Museum, Hendon in London in May, Sywell AirShow, Northamptonshire in August, and Shoreham Air Show, Sussex also inAugust. Participation at these events has created much interest but the take upof new members has been disappointing. I am convinced that we should continueat these venues as long as we can find members willing to donate their time, asit all helps keep the name of RAF Changi alive within the public domain.

    You will have noticed that these events are predominately in the South.Members are continually asking for mini-reunions in the Northern countiesand Scotland, which the committee would love to see, but there is a limit tohow much we can be involved. We do need local volunteers to find a suitablelocation and to organise refreshments. Malcolm Flack will supply a list ofmembers living with in your general area, so that is your starting point. Its not

    Why not give it a try? It could be most rewarding.While on the subject of volunteering, we desperately

    require more articles for the Changi-ite Newsletter, this isyour publication and, amongst other things, it is supposed torepresent your views and opinions. Articles on incidents thatyou were involved in during your service at Changi,comments on your experiences at a local event or even whyis it that the Chairman is always moaning? We await yourletters.

    The archives continue to grow and space is nowbecoming critical. My pleas to our treasurer for funding toextend my home so far seem to have fallen on deaf ears, butdo please continue to send me your photographs and/or yourunwanted items of memorabilia, they will all be well lookedafter

    As this is the last Newsletter for this year, I wouldlike to take the opportunity to wish you and your families

    a huge task and it usually only has to happen once a year.

    a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous NewYear.


  • 4

    RAF Changi Association at Shoreham Air Show 2014Report from Malcolm Flack

    More pictures on our website: rafchangi.comThe 50th Anniversary Shoreham Air Show organised by the local branch of the Royal Air Forces Associationattracted a large crowd. We met many ex Changi personnel and their families hearing stories of expersonnel and their days gone by at Changi. Our display boards and a selection of the archive albumswere in constant demand and always create great interest.

    We had a visit from a 90 year old former Valetta pilotwho flew with 52 Sqdn. His son had been thumbingthrough one of our photo archive albums when hesuddenly called out Thats my dad!. He hadrecognised his father in a 52 Sqdn group photo, andimmediately rushed off to find him, as he was elsewhereat the show with other family members. They all dulyturned up, and the father, former Flt/Lt John Milner,actually recognised other Squadron members from thephoto. That was the high point of the whole day, asthats what makes associations such as oursworthwhile.Pictured Centre: Flt/Lt. John Milner and ( l to r)his grandson George, sons Adrian and Geoff

    Air Show Report from Peter Mersh (M1768)For me the highlight of the show was the Euro Fighter but for those attending it would surely have beenthe Vulcan. The Shoreham Airshow has always been a must but this year, regrettably, the powers that bechose to put our pitch and others in the midst of the noise of the Funfair right next to the Dodgem cars

    Hornchurch ReunionWe held our first Local Reunion in Hornchurch, Essex on the 24th October. This was a new venture in apart of the country that we had not been to before, thanks to our local co-ordinator, Len Daniels

    The picture shows the assembledgathering of 19 members and theirguests, bringing the total attendance to31.As usual at these events, the archivealbums provided a great source ofinterest, particularly for those who hadnot seen them before.

    I did not hear a single word of the commentary evenwith my hearing aids in and on full volume! We andmany others were not happy! Shame because we hada good turn out over the two days, graced by thepresence of our Chairman, John Dicks. Maybebecause of our location I dont think we had the usualamount of interest this year but those who did stopby had a great time thumbing through the picturesand reminiscing.

    Pictured (l to r) Malcolm Flack, John Dicks, PatHolt, Terry Barnes and Tony Holt at the Air Show

  • Remember Christmas in the Airm