labour economics: the short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

The short and longterm career effects of gradua4ng in a recession Daniel Song Kenneth Ho Wu Shaoyi Zhong Xian

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- Labour economics presentation - Results and findings based on Oreopoulos, von Wachter and Heisz (2012) -


Page 1: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

The  short  and  long-­‐term  career  effects  of  gradua4ng  in  a  recession  

Daniel  Song  Kenneth  Ho  Wu  Shaoyi  Zhong  Xian  

Page 2: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession



Page 3: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

•  Male  college  graduates  aged  20  and  above  •  Canadian  University  students  and  graduates  from  1976-­‐1995  – Course  of  study  (  degree    type,  major,  date  of  graduaRon)  

– Career  informaRon  (annual  earnings,  province  of  residence  and  receipt  of  unemployment  benefits)  

•  Individual  tax  records  and  firms’  payroll  informaRon  from  1982-­‐1999    

Sampling  Data  

Introduc4on  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 4: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession


Introduc4on  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Difference  across  cohorts  

• Graduate  during  recession  versus  those  that  do  not  

Difference  within  cohorts  

• Advantaged  graduates  versus  less  advantage  graduates  •  College  type  •  Program  of  study    •  Length  of  study    

Page 5: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

•  Lower  returns  on  investment  into  higher  educaRon    

•  Lower  quality  firms  and  fewer  job  opportuniRes    •  Poor  wage  adjustments  within  firms  •  Poor  knowledge  about  workers’  producRvity  by  potenRal  employers    

•  Poor  iniRal  firm  placement  •  Few  opportuniRes  for  human  capital  accumulaRon  

How  does  recession  affect  earnings?  

Introduc4on  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

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Page 7: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  

•  Temporary  worsening  of  labour  condiRons  leads  to  longer  search  for  jobs  

•  Lower  skilled  workers  may  search  less  intensively  aeer  receiving  lower  quality  jobs  in  recessions  

ReducRon  of  Job  Search  Intensity  

•  Employers  gradually  learn  about  worker  quality,  increasing  recovery  Rme  

•  Faster  learning  about  higher  skilled  workers  can  explain  differenRal  speeds  of  recovery  

Rate  of  Employer  Learning  

IntroducRon  |  Alterna4ve  Explana4ons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 8: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  

• Students  graduaRng  in  a  recession  spend  more  Rme  looking  for  a  job  and  less  Rme  acquiring  job-­‐specific  skills  

Human  Capital  AccumulaRon  

•  IniRal  labour  market  condiRons  set  the  starRng  wage  • Persistence  arises  if  renegoRaRon  is  imperfect  • Permanence  arises  if  renegoRaRon  is  absent  


IntroducRon  |  Alterna4ve  Explana4ons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

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Page 10: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

•  High  and  low  ability  workers  –  Higher  ability  workers  receive  beger  and/or  more  frequent  job  offers  

•  Mobility  costs  are  posiRvely  related  to  age  and  tenure  •  Aeer  an  iniRal  one-­‐period  decline  in  wage  offer  distribuRon,  high-­‐skilled  workers  recover  more  quickly  by  moving  between  jobs  due  to  more  transferable  skills  

•  Smaller  search  intensity  of  low-­‐skilled  workers  implies  slower  mobility  to  higher-­‐wage  firms  and  more  accumulaRon  of  firm-­‐specific  capital  (lock-­‐in  effect)  

Proposed  Job  Search  Model  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

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Larger  recessions  =  more  lasRng  increases  in  inequality  and  mismatch  • The  larger  the  iniRal  shock,  the  more  likely  that  age-­‐related  slowdown  in  search  will  occur  before  the  iniRal  effect  dissipates,  especially  for  lower-­‐skilled  college  graduates  

Higher  inequality  in  pre-­‐exisRng  earnings  =  greater  persistence  in  inequality  due  to  iniRal  shocks  • Persistence  due  to  age-­‐related  costs  increases  with  the  dispersion  in  firms’  average  wages  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 12: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession


ycrt =α +βeURcr0 +φt +θr +γe + χc +ucrt

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 13: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession


ycrt =α +βeURcr0 +φt +θr +γe + χc +ucrt


IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 14: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession


ycrt =α +βeURcr0 +φt +θr +γe + χc +ucrt

Unemployment  Rate  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  


Page 15: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession


ycrt =α +βeURcr0 +φt +θr +γe + χc +ucrt

Unemployment  Rate  

First  region  of  residence  

Year  of  gradua4on  

Year  of  poten4al  labour  market  experience  

Calendar  year  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  


Page 16: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

•  Current  state  of  regional  labour  markets  conRnue  to  affect  earnings  of  more  experienced  workers  

•  Long-­‐term  effect  of  first  unemployment  rate  +  weighted  sum  of  effects  of  unemployment  rates  faced  in  career  

•  Captures  average  change  in  earnings  from  graduaRng  in  a  recession,  given  regular  evoluRon  of  regional  unemployment  rate  faced  aeerwards  

Dynamic  Effects  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 17: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

•  Need  to  isolate  effect  of  labour  market  condiRons  at  entry,  net  of  subsequent  effects  on  earnings  from  exposure  to  a  possibly  long  recession  

•  Allow  us  to  disRnguish  impact  of  labour  market  condiRons  at  entry  as  compared  to  entering  the  labour  market  at  mid-­‐career  

Dynamic  Effects  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 18: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Dynamic  Model  

logwcrt = φt +θr + χc +γe +βe,01UR01 +βe,23UR23 +...+ucrt

UR01 ≡ (URcr0 +URcr11) / 2, UR23 ≡ (URcr2 2 +URcr33) / 2

Effect  on  earnings  in  experience  year  (e)  from  the  unemployment  rate  at  experience  year  0-­‐1,  2-­‐3,  4-­‐5  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

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Page 20: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Average  Log  Earning  Profile  




IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 21: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Strong  CorrelaRon  Between  StarRng  Wages  and  IniRal  Unemployment  Rate  CondiRons  

High  Employment  


•  Persists  Into  Higher  Experience  Years  

•  Slowly  Fades  Over  Time  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 22: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Empirical  Table  

•  Strong  iniAal  effect  ~2%  •  Fade  AFer  About  Five  Years  ~0.4%  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 23: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Regressing  Log  Annual  Earnings  on  Regional  Unemployment  Rates  

Convergence  AFer  10  Years  

•  Similarity  Between  NaAonal  &  Regional  

•  Can  Exclude  Unobserved  Cohort  Effects  



IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 24: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Controlling  for  Dynamic  Effects  Imply  that  important  effect  of    iniAal  unemployment  rates  is  driven  by  the  “first  shock”  



Small  Difference  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 25: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Stronger  Effects  on  Labor  Market  Entrants  

Large  Difference  

Experienced   Entrants  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 26: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Effects  on  Employment  

Fades  Within  3  Years  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 27: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Effects  on  Employment  

•  Effects  are  numerically  small  •  Temporary  unemployment  shocks  has  no  persistent  effects  

on  employment  or  parAcipaAon      

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 28: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

•  Losses  in  employment  could  depress  wages  by  reducing  accumulaRon  of  labor  market  experience  


Effects  on  Employment  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 29: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Effects  on  Employment  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Findings:  • Loss  in  experience  due  to  recession  is  not  very  large  

• Does  not  explain  the  persistent  effect  of  iniRal  labor  market  condiRons    

Page 30: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Heterogeneity  in  the  Effect  Linear  regression  model  to  predict  log  earnings  based  on  college  aZended,  program  of  graduaAon  and  years  of  study  



IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 31: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Graduates with lower predicted wages are more adversely affected by higher unemployment rates

• Year  1:  15%  lower  from  5%  increase  in  UR  • 7.5%  aeer  10  years  Bogom  • Year  1:  7.5%  lower  from  5%  increase  in  UR  • 2%  aeer  4  years  Top  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 32: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Overcall  Cost  of  Recessions  

•  Present  Value  -­‐  5%  Interest  Rate  

       •  Actual  (Absolute)  Loss  is  

Greater  for  Most  Advantages  Workers  

Most  Advantaged  Workers  

Least  Advantaged  Workers  

4  to  5  Times  Difference  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

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Page 34: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Labour Mobility across jobs and industries

Let    PVUS  =  Firm  A  PVPR  =  Firm  B  M  =  cost  of  switching  job  

RHS  =  Gain  LHS  =  Cost  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 35: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Channels for recovery through first employers and job mobility

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 36: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

High-skilled workers close the gap faster than lower-skill workers

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 37: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Sensitivity analysis: Labour market entrants respond strongly to market conditions

Robust  specificaRon  checks  

• NaRonal  vs  Provincial  unemployment  variaRon  • High  unemployment  rates  reduce  job  mobility  amongst  experience  workers  (Shimer,  2005)  

Unemployment  increases  workers’  propensity  to  switch  industries  • Cyclical  downgrading  toward  low-­‐wage  industries  •  Job  mobility  plays  significant  role  in  recovery  process  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 38: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Magnitude of job mobility

40-­‐50%  of  recovery  aeer  iniRal  earnings  • Control  for  cohort’s  average  firm  quality  and  unemployment  rates  in  cell-­‐level  regression  

• Decomposing  the  persistent  effect  of  iniRal  unemployment  rate  • Differences  and  changes  in  firm  quality  • Persistent  unemployment  rates  • Other  factors  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 39: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

Reduction in firm quality and market conditions explain earnings losses

Blue:  Base  line  model    Red:  remaining  effect  of  iniRal  unemployment  rates  • 40-­‐50%  explained  by  reducRons  in  firm  quality  

Purple:  addiRon  of  current  unemployment  rate  • Long  term  effect  of  iniRal  unemployment  faded    IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 40: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession


• Hetrogeneous  workers  search  for  jobs  at  beger  firms  • Recovery  slowed  due  to  accumulaRon  of  specific  capital  • SecRon  1:  Adjustment  may  differ  due  to  workers’  skill  level  • Low-­‐skilled  workers  more  likely  to  be  affected  • Permanent  earnings  differences  • Consistent  with  neoclassical  model  of  gradual  sorRng  (Gibbons  2005)  

• First  job  placement  highly  correlated  to  worker’s  ability  • Findings  are  consistent  with  nature  of  catch  up  changes  once  workers  enter  high  producRvity  firm  


IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 41: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession


IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Across  cohorts  

•  IniRal  loss  :  9%    •  Aeer  10  years:  0%  

Within  cohorts    

•  Least  advantaged  graduates:  8%  loss  of  earnings  (cumulated  over  first  10  years)    

•  Middle  graduates:  4%  loss  •  Top  graduates:  2%  loss  and  below  

•           Labor  market  entrants  are  more  adversely  affected  by  the  recession  than  employed  workers  •           Mobility  to  beger  firms  main  way  to  recover    

Page 42: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

•  Excluded  female  graduates  •  Assumes  that  firm  characterisRcs  are  permanent  throughout  

•  Regression  model  does  not  have  external  validity  – Difference  in  seqng  – Difference  in  populaRon  


IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 43: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

 •  Recession  in  2008,  due  to  sRcky  wages,  effects  only  felt  in  

2009  as  shown  through  a  decline  in  employment  rate  and  fall  in  salary.    


2007 2008 2009 2010 2011p 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011p 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011p

Universities 89.8 87.3 84.7 84.8 86.4 4.7 4.0 5.8 5.9 5.0 94.5 91.3 90.6 90.7 91.4 2,750 2,850 2,700 2,900 3,000


Fresh Graduates 75.3 68.5 62.8 68.5 67.0 17.7 21.3 25.7 23.0 25.1 93.0 89.8 88.5 91.5 92.1 1,700 1,800 1,700 1,800 1,850

Post-NS Graduates 82.3 76.0 71.1 81.3 80.1 10.4 11.8 16.6 14.1 14.6 92.7 87.8 87.7 95.4 94.7 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,100Institute of TechnicalEducation (ITE)

Fresh Graduates 71.1 61.9 57.6 57.8 63.5 21.8 26.3 23.5 26.9 20.6 92.9 88.3 81.1 84.7 84.1 1,217 1,300 1,200 1,291 1,300

Post-NS Graduates 79.8 76.4 78.4 78.3 79.7 14.2 14.4 10.0 12.0 10.0 93.9 90.8 88.4 90.4 89.6 1,400 1,600 1,500 1,600 1,600

Employment Rate (%)

Full–time Permanent Part–time/Temporary Total




Median Monthly Gross Starting Salary ($) of Graduates in Full-time Permanent


2007 2008 2009 2010 2011p

Data  extracted  from  MOM  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 44: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

 •  Job  mobility  declines  with  age  


Data  extracted  (Xing  &  Yang,  2003)  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 45: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

•  Out  of  the  117  respondents  searching  for  other  employment,  60.68%  was  due  to  low  salary  expectaRons  

•  Job  mobility  is  crucial  for  helping  workers  get  beger  wages  


Data  extracted  (Xing  &  Yang,  2003)  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 46: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

•  Job  mobility  is  important  for  recovery  yet  many  remain  in  current  firm  therefore  the  effects  experience  by  Singapore  graduates  tend  to  be  greater  (more  persistent  losses  in  earnings)  


Data  extracted  (Xing  &  Yang,  2003)  

IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 47: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

•  Our  group  feels  that  since  Singapore  is  an  open  market,  we  are  extremely  suscepRble  to  recessions.  

•  Conversely,  Singapore  tend  to  be  able  to  recover  quickly  and  experience  strong  economic  growth,  therefore  wages  pick  up  quickly  as  well.  

•  We  cannot  determine  the  persistent  effects  on  earnings  losses  due  to  a  recession  as  there  is  insufficient  data.  


IntroducRon  |  AlternaRve  ExplanaRons  |  Model  |  Empirical  Findings  |  Recovery  |  Conclusion  |  Singapore  

Page 48: Labour Economics: The short and long-term career effects of graduating in a recession

The  short  and  long-­‐term  career  effects  of  gradua4ng  in  a  recession  

Daniel  Song  Kenneth  Ho  Wu  Shaoyi  Zhong  Xian