labor economics

Labor Economics Stepan Jurajda Office #2 (2 nd floor) CERGE- EI building (Politickych veznu 7) [email protected] Office Hour: Tuesdays after class

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Labor Economics. Stepan Jurajda Office #2 (2 nd floor) CERGE-EI building (Politickych veznu 7) [email protected] Office Hour: Tuesdays after class. Introduction. Consider the distribution of wages: What can explain why some people earn more than others? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Labor Economics

Labor Economics

Stepan JurajdaOffice #2 (2nd floor) CERGE-EI building

(Politickych veznu 7)[email protected]

Office Hour: Tuesdays after class

Page 2: Labor Economics


• Consider the distribution of wages:

What can explain why some people earn more than others?

(based on exposition by Alan Manning)

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Overall Distribution of Hourly Wages in the

UK – trimmed (£1 to £100 per hour)






0 1 2 3 4 5lnwages

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Models of Distribution of Wages

• Start with perfectly competitive model• Assumes labour market is frictionless so a single

market wage for a given type of labour – the ‘law of one wage’ (note: this assumes no non-pecuniary aspects to work so no compensating differentials)

• ‘law of one wage’ sustained by arbitrage – if a worker earns CZK100 per hour and an identical worker for a second firm earns CZK90 per hour, the first employer could offer the second worker CZK95 making both of them better-off

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The Employer Decision (the Demand for Labour)

• Given exogenous market wage, W, employers choose employment, N to maximize:

• Where F(N,Z) is revenue function and Z are other factors affecting revenue (possibly including other sorts of labour)

( , )F N Z WN

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• This leads to familiar first-order condition:

• i.e. MRPL=W

• From the decisions of individual employers one can derive an aggregate labour demand curve:

( , )F N ZW


( , )d dN N W Z

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The Worker Decision(the Supply of Labour)

• Assume the only decision is whether to work or not (the extensive margin) – no decision about hours of work (the intensive margin)

• Assume a fraction n(W,X) of individuals want to work given market wage W; there are L workers. X is other factors influencing labour supply.

• The labour supply curve will be given by:•

( , )sN n W X L

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• Equilibrium is at wage where demand equals supply. This also determines employment.

• What influences equilibrium wages/employment in this model:– Demand factors, Z– Supply Factors, X

• How these affect wages and employment depends on elasticity of demand and supply curves

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What determines wages?

• Exogenous variables are demand factors, Z, and supply factors, X.

• Statements like ‘wages are determined by marginal products’ are a bit loose

• True that W=MRPL but MRPL is potentially endogenous as depends on level of employment

• Can use a model to explain both absolute level of wages and relative wages. Go through a simple example:

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A Simple Two-Skill Model

• Two types of labour, denoted 0 and 1. Assume revenue function is given by:

• You should recognise this as a CES production function with CRS

(1/ )

0 1(1 )Y A N N

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• Marginal product of labour of type 0 is:

• Marginal product of labour of type 1 is:1

(1/ ) 111 0 1

1 1

(1 ) (1 ) (1 )Y Y


1(1/ ) 11

0 0 10 0

(1 )Y Y


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• As W=MPL we must have:

• Write this in logs:

• Where σ=1/(1-ρ) is the elasticity of substitution• This gives relationship between relative wages

and relative employment



0 1

(1 ) NW


1 0 1 0( )n n d w w

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A Simple Model of Relative Supply

• We will use the following form:

• Where ε is elasticity of supply curve. This might be larger in long- than short-run

• Combining demand and supply curves we have that:

• Which shows role of demand and supply factors and elasticities.

1 0 1 0( )n n s w w

1 0

d sw w

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Data from the US

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What about unemployment?

• As defined in labor market statistics (those who want a job but have not got one) does not exist in the frictionless model.

• Anyone who wants a job at the market wage can get one (so observed unemployment must be voluntary).

• Failure of this model to have a sensible concept of unemployment is one reason to prefer models with frictions.

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Before we go there, a reminder

• Unemployment has different definitions (ILO, registered)

• US-EU unemployment gap used to be different

• An unemployment rate does not mean much without an employment rate

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The Distribution of Wages in Imperfect Labour Markets

• Discuss a simple variant of a model of labour market with frictions – the Burdett-Mortensen 1998 IER model. Here, MPL=p with perfect competition but with frictions other factors are important.

• Frictions are important: people are happy (sad) when they get (lose) a job. This would not be the case in the competitive model.

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Labour Markets with frictions, cont.

• Assume that employers set wages before meeting workers (Pissarides assumes that there is bargaining after they meet. Hall & Krueger: 1/3 wage posting 1/3 bargained.)

• L identical workers, get w (if work) or b.• M identical CRS firms, profits= (p-w)n(w).

There is a firm distribution of wages F(w).• Matching: job offers drawn at random

arrive to both unemployed and employed at rate λ; exog. job destruction rate is δ.

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Labour Markets with frictions, cont.

• Unemployed use a reservation wage strategy to decide whether to accept the job offer or wait for a better one (r=b).

• 1. steady state unempl.: Inflow = Outflow: δ(1-u) = λ[1-F(r)]u + 2. In equilibrium F(r)=0 (why offer a wage below r? – you’ll make 0 profits) => equilibrium u= δ / (δ+λ).

• Employed workers quit: q(w)= λ[1-F(w)]

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Labour Markets with frictions, cont.• In steady state, a firm recruits and loses

the same number of workers: [δ+q(w)]n(w)=R(w)= λL/M[u+(1-u)N(w)] where N(w) is the fraction of employed workers who are paid w or less.

• Derive n(w): firm employment and profit. Next, get equilibrium wage distribution F(w) & average wage E(w).

• EQ: all wages offered give the same profit (π=(p-w)n(w) higher w means higher n(w).) + no other w gives higher profit.

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• Average wage is given by:

• So the important factors are– Productivity, p– Reservation wage, b– Rate of job-finding, λ and rate of job-loss, δ– i.e. a richer menu of possible explanations

• But, also equilibrium wage dispersion (even when workers are all identical; a failure of the ‘law of one wage’) so luck also important.

• Perfect competition if λ/δ=∞. Frictions disappear. Competition for workers drives w to p (MP).

p bE w

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Institutions also important

• Even in a perfectly competitive labour market institutions affect wages/emplmnt

• Possible factors are:– Trade unions– Minimum wages– Welfare state (affects incentives, inequality)

Example: higher unempl. benefit increases the wage share and reduces inequality, but it also increases the unempl. rate thus making the distribution of income more unequal.

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Stylized Facts About the Distribution of Wages

• There is a lot of dispersion in the distribution of ‘wages’

• Most commonly used measure of wages is hourly wage excluding payroll taxes and income taxes/social security contributions

• This is neither reward to an hour of work for worker nor costs of an hour of work to an employer so not clear it has economic meaning

• But it is the way wage information in US CPS, EU LFS is collected.

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Overall Distribution of Hourly Wages in the UK - Untrimmed






-2 0 2 4 6lnwages

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Overall Distribution of Hourly Wages in the

UK – trimmed (£1 to £100 per hour)






0 1 2 3 4 5lnwages

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Overall Distribution of CZ Hourly Wages1Q2006: median: 105CZK, 5th percentile: 55CZK, 95th: 253






4 6 8 10Log of hourly wage rate

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• Sizeable dispersion (there is also much dispersion in firm-level productivity)

• Distribution of log hourly wages reasonably well-approximated by a normal distribution (the blue line)

• Can reject normality with large samples

• More interested in how earnings are influenced by characteristics

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The Earnings Function

• Main tool for looking at wage inequality is the earnings function (first used by Mincer) – a regression of log hourly wages on some characteristics:

• Earnings functions contain information about both absolute and relative wages but we will focus on latter

ln w x

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Interpreting Earnings Functions

• Literature often unclear about what an earnings function meant to be:– A reduced-form?– A labour demand curve (W=MRPL)?– A labour supply curve?

• Much of the time it is not obvious – perhaps best to think of it as an estimate of the expectation of log wages conditional on x

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An example of an earnings function – UK LFS

• This earnings function includes the following variables:– Gender– Race– Education– Family characteristics (married, kids)– (potential) experience (=age –age left FT education)– Job tenure– employer characteristics (union, public sector, employer size)– Industry– Region– Occupation (column 1 only)

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An example of an earnings function – UK LFS all all men women

female -0.175 -0.202 0 0

-0.008 -0.008 0 0

black -0.04 -0.052 -0.136 -0.032

-0.032 -0.034 -0.056 -0.042

indian -0.057 -0.072 -0.046 -0.115

-0.03 -0.032 -0.043 -0.047

pakistan -0.127 -0.098 -0.086 -0.144

-0.052 -0.055 -0.073 -0.084

bengali -0.26 -0.178 -0.206 -0.104

-0.089 -0.095 -0.116 -0.172

chinese -0.093 -0.053 -0.025 -0.033

-0.091 -0.097 -0.162 -0.116

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Education variables

all all men women

degree 0.286 0.507 0.484 0.489

-0.011 -0.01 -0.015 -0.012

A' level 0.082 0.113 0.098 0.094

-0.009 -0.01 -0.014 -0.013

no quals -0.059 -0.105 -0.127 -0.087

-0.01 -0.011 -0.017 -0.014

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Family Characteristics

all all men women

married + kids 0.111 0.121 0.201 0.015

-0.011 -0.012 -0.018 -0.017

married+no kids 0.107 0.128 0.159 0.079

-0.011 -0.012 -0.018 -0.016

single+kids -0.02 -0.022 -0.103 -0.045

-0.016 -0.017 -0.029 -0.02

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Experience/Job Tenureall all men women

experience/10 0.231 0.264 0.31 0.213

-0.011 -0.012 -0.018 -0.016

experience/10 squared -0.046 -0.054 -0.058 -0.051

-0.002 -0.002 -0.003 -0.003

tenure/10 0.145 0.191 0.161 0.225

-0.011 -0.012 -0.017 -0.018

tenure/10 squared -0.02 -0.026 -0.02 -0.036

-0.004 -0.004 -0.005 -0.006

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Employer Characteristics

all all men women

union -0.014 -0.043 -0.091 0.018

-0.008 -0.008 -0.012 -0.011

whether work in public sector 0.031 0.021 -0.054 0.063

-0.012 -0.013 -0.02 -0.016

ln employer size 0.051 0.051 0.07 0.033

-0.003 -0.003 -0.005 -0.004

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Industry (selected relative to manufacturing)

all all menwome


g:wholesale, retail trade -0.158 -0.123 -0.071 -0.142

-0.014 -0.013 -0.019 -0.019

h:hotels & restaurants -0.209 -0.232 -0.21 -0.237

-0.022 -0.023 -0.04 -0.028

i:transport & communication 0.001 -0.016 -0.017 0.038

-0.014 -0.015 -0.018 -0.027

j:financial intermediation 0.192 0.271 0.342 0.217

-0.017 -0.018 -0.026 -0.024

k:real estate, renting 0.048 0.107 0.12 0.12

-0.014 -0.015 -0.02 -0.022

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Region (selected relative to Merseyside)

all all men women

inner london 0.277 0.309 0.312 0.369

-0.028 -0.03 -0.047 -0.043

outer london 0.222 0.249 0.253 0.317

-0.025 -0.027 -0.042 -0.038

rest of south east 0.149 0.175 0.234 0.185

-0.022 -0.024 -0.038 -0.035

south west 0.034 0.03 0.069 0.068

-0.024 -0.026 -0.04 -0.037

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Occupation (relative to craft workers) – only 1st column

1 managers and administrators


6 personal, protective occupations


-0.015 -0.017

2 professional occupations


7 sales occupations


-0.017 -0.019

3 associate prof & tech occupations


8 plant and machine operatives


-0.016 -0.015

4 clerical,secretarial occupations


9 other occupations


-0.015 -0.017

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Stylized facts to be deduced from this earnings function

• women earn less than men• ethnic minorities earn less than whites• education is associated with higher earnings • wages are a concave function of experience,

first increasing and then decreasing slightly• wages are a concave function of job tenure• wages are related to ‘family’ characteristics• wages are related to employer characteristics

e.g. industry, size• union workers tend to earn more (?)

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The same stylized facts for CZ(1) (2) (1) (2)

Female -0.24 -0.26 Industry relat. to Agriculture

Educ. Relat. to Primary Mining 0.26 0.32

Apprenticeship 0.08 0.07 Manufacturing 0.21 0.21

Secondary w/ GCE 0.34 0.32 Utilities 0.39 0.36

College and University 0.82 0.82 Construction 0.22 0.21

Post-graduate 1.04 1.04 Retail 0.10 0.08

Age 0.04 0.04 Hotels 0.07 0.15

Age squared -0.04 -0.04 Transport 0.25 0.25

Part-time -0.05 -0.05 Banks 0.54 0.63

Firm size (employment) 0.06 0.07 RealEstate+R&D. -0.02 -0.03

Firm size squared -0.02 0.04 Other Services 0.12 0.11

_const 3.49 3.48

Trade unions 0.004

N 1m 0.5m

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The variables included here are common but can find many others sometimes included

• Labour market conditions – e.g. unemployment rate, ‘cohort’ size

• Other employer characteristics e.g. profitability• Computer use- e.g. Krueger, QJE 1993• Pencil use – e.g. diNardo and Pischke, QJE 97• Beauty – Hamermesh and Biddle, AER 94• Height – Persico, Postlewaite, Silverman, JPE

04• Sexual orientation – Arabshebaini et al,

Economica 05

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Raises question of what should be included in an earnings function

• Depends on question you want to answer• E.g. what is effect of education on earnings –

should occupation be included or excluded?• Note that return to education lower if include

occupation• Tells us part of return of education is access to

better occupations – so perhaps should exclude occupation

• But tells us about way in which education affects earnings – there is a return within occupations

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Other things to remember

• May be interactions between variables e.g. look at separate earnings functions for men and women. Return to experience lower for women but returns to education very similar.

• R2 is not very high – rarely above 0.5 and often about 0.3. So, there is a lot of unexplained wage variation: unobserved characteristics, ‘true’ wage dispersion, measurement error.

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Problems with Interpreting Earnings Functions

• Earnings functions are regressions so potentially have all usual problems:– endogeneity e.g. correlation between job tenure and

wages– omitted variable e.g. ‘ability’– selection – not everyone works e.g. the earnings of

women with very young children

• Tell us about correlation but we are interested in causal effects and ‘correlation is not causation’