labor and delivery


Upload: kellimccabe

Post on 16-Jul-2015




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1. Slight cramps and a backache

Gets stronger and longer Regular intervals

2. Water breaks

Delivery within 24 to 48 hours to prevent infection

3. “Show” appears

Few drops of blood Also called “mucus plug”

Stage 1

Contractions open cervix Longest stage Contractions occur about 15-30 minutes apart Contractions make cervix dilate Cervix must widen to about 4” (10 cm) Cervix about ¾” thick will become paper thin Breech Birth – when baby comes feet first Breathing exercises help relax

Stage 1

Stage 2

Baby Born Contractions become 2-4 minutes apart Contractions push baby through the vagina Mother pushes Episiotomy- incision from vagina to rectum (prevents

woman from tearing) Normal opening is 1” smaller than baby’s head Forceps – help guide baby’s head during delivery

Stage 2

Stage 3

Placenta is expelled Afterbirth Stage takes about 2 minutes to ½ hour Little or no discomfort

Stage 3


Delivered through incision in wall of uterus and abdomen

Why a C-section? Not enough room in birth canal (pelvis too small) Baby abnormal position Contractions not strong enough Feet first Scheduled delivery- birth date moved up 2 weeks
