laberinto #1


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Post on 06-Apr-2016




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1 . Untitle2 . Untitle

Alma was born in Mexico City and currently lives in Grand Rapids,

Michigan. From a very young age Alma felt her calling was in the fine arts. During her early education, Alma took courses and was involved in activities that promoted her artistic and creative skills. She began experimenting with drawing,painting and paper mâché. Which she later continued by pursuing a career in art,during her time at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. After more than a decade of absence, Alma returns to her roots,this time with a cause in mind,to advocate against domestic violence,and mental and physical abuse toward women by giving them a voice though her work


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Oscar Javier MartInez GonzAlez

Mi profesión como Arquitecto la desarrolle en la Facultad del Hábitat en San Luis

Potosi S.L.P México, tengo 30 años y desde aproximadamente 7 comencé a experimentar de manera intuitiva con el modelado en diferentes técnicas, hasta perfeccionar mi propio estilo para hacer Alebrijes y ahora Catrinas, llevándome poco a poco a dar el siguiente paso obvio que será la escultura.

La pieza la titulé “Ya llegó por quién lloraban”, 2ndo lugar en el concurso del Museo Laberinto de las Ciencias y las Artes. Esta basada en la Catrina de Diego Rivera pintada en el mural “Sueño de una tarde dominical en la Alameda Central”, vistiéndola con un traje y sombrero de Alta Costura para otorgarle un sentido más contemporáneo y frívolo, sosteniendo una esfera roja que simboliza la pasión por la vida. La dualidad vida-muerte es intrínseca en mi visión artística, algo inherente en mi educación gracias a mi ascendencia huasteca donde el culto a la muerte se transforma en fiesta, color, algarabía, música y tradición, donde el culto a la muerte, es el culto a la vida misma.


1 . “Ya llegó por quién lloraban”


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Ignacio Maya es diletante, le fascina la música,las letras, la filosofía. Jue-

ga al ajedrez y al Go. Le encanta el Cine.

Ignacio Maya is dilettante ( as he de-scribes himself ) , loves music, liter-

ature and philosophy. Ignacio Plays chess and Go. Also, he loves good Films.


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Mirar tus ojos muerteDarte forma, nombreIntentar comprenderte.Eres mentira, no existesLos hombres pretendemos explicarte.No eres nada, eres vacío, abismo, no ser, no pensar.Complicado es Parca lidiar con lo amorfo, lo absurdo, el azar, el sinsentido.Intento ponerte rostro y un saco de huesosHumanizar el horror para no sucumbir a la locura.No eres nada. Sin embargo...

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Hugo Riquelme Recabarren was born in Chile and has now lived in

Holland, Michigan for several years. Before coming to Holland, Hugo has traveled throughout Latin America and has lived in Argentina, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, and for a short period in Israel. He has also resided in Miami, New York City and Chicago. Hugo has had his work exhibited in his country of origin, and most recently, in Holland and Grand Rapids, Michigan. Hugo was able to attend La Escuela Superior de Educacion Artistica in Santiago, Chile and study under the guidance of other great Chilean artists with a scholarship granted to him by the Chile Ministry of Education. In addition, Hugo has studied both print making and photography at Hope College in Holland, Michigan.

Sombra del viento haciendo sombra de las sombras. Pisadas de mariposas en las nubes húmedas de luna florecida. Simple mover de hojas con el aliento de sus nombres. Sin estarlo, se hacen presente y están. En alas del recuerdo mueven memorias. Hasta con el calor de una canción y los simples acordes de una guitarra podemos hacer para ellos el cantar eterno del alguna vez y el hace tiempo. A ellos, les gusta se les tome en cuenta y se lo hagamos saber. El parentesco que los sujeta a nuestra existencia de cada día los ata y los compromete Repetir sus nombres queridos hace las flores con un risueño amarillo pintando cariño. Con el bullir de la vida y la sangre familiar les sabemos a nuestro lado. El todo es posible lo permite. Es cuando nuestro corazón calienta memorias con sus rostros amados. En las honduras del alma no tenemos espacio para el olvido pero si cabida para una luz que nos empuja al encuentro con los por siempre presentes con nosotros...

1 . Untitle




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Luis fonseca

Painter, Photographer, an itiner-ant Artist that experience, digs

into new forms, do not believe in styles “An artist who seeks his style, is like looking for a coffin to remain eternally in” “I seek , and what I find It’s what I show; without atavistic fears. There is no time to stop and wait for the public to ac-cept what you do “ Luis Fonseca born in México, now lives in Michigan and to survive,as an Artist, the first thing He does, is to believe in what he does.

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Muerte se levantamuerte se acuestaresonando pies/huesoscostillas, testa.

Muerte plenallana,flaca,tiesa,llorona, tonantzin;dientes aperlados,guadaña,destreza.

No conoces las Nubes MuerteEres sombra capafriavieja comeaños comemuertosTu nombre se parece al de mi Tia Hilariay ella se parece a ti aquí...bien muerta

Llévala despacio Muerte recuerda sus reumassus achaques de madrugadas friassus canelas con piquete...calientitas.

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Carla SanchezOriginating from Guanajuato,

Mexico, from early childhood, Carla held a fascination for Dia de los Muer-tos, day of the dead. Carla worked at a cultural promoter in Guanajuato in the ‘90s. Carla was on several occa-sions, the creator of several altars, as well as judge at several state-lev-el competitions featuring such altars. She became incredibly passionate about traditional Mexican art. Carla also took courses in calligraphy, em-balming, engraving, painting, draw-ing, and techniques such as paper mache. Alongside her husband, they worked in conjunction with the His-panic Center and Ferris University to create magnificent altars.

Ismael SanchezBorn in 1972 in New York, of a Puer-

to Rican father and mother, from an early age Ismael had an inquisitive-ness for art, painting, and sculpture. He arrived at West Michigan in 1990, Using his principles of art at Kendall College, it wasn’t until 2009 he dis-covered his passion for Dia de los Muertos. With this passion, he creat-ed a unique series of catrinas. Along-side his wife Carla, they worked in conjunction with the Hispanic Center and Ferris University to create mag-nificent altars.


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Abigail Bradley is a painter and mixed media artist who lives in

Grand Rapids, Michigan and works out of a downtown studio. Original-ly from South Korea, she arrived in West Michigan by age of three and was raised by her adopted fami-ly. She began formal art studies at Grand Rapids Community College and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting from Kendall Col-lege of Art and Design. Her original art has shown in several juried ex-hibitions, group and solo exhibitions in public and private spaces, as well as the Forest Hills Fine Arts Center’s Artist-In-Residence program and the VanSingel Fine Arts Center. As a four-time ArtPrize participant, her entries were seen at the award win-ning space of Wolverine Company Store, DeVos Place and Huntington Bank. Ms. Bradley has designed art for Actors’ Theatre, book covers, and other commissions. Her work re-sides in several collections through-out the Midwest, including the per-manent collection of Haworth Inc. in Holland, Michigan and Spectrum Hospital in Grand Rapids. Abigail is also a teaching artist for the Korean Culture Camp of Michigan and Art-ists Creating Together.

“Restoration.” This painting was cre-ated with oil and photographic trans-fer. It captures the Grand Rapids city-scape under construction. The follow-ing are the words that appear buried in the ground.“As we lie here, I dream of where we were, where we are now, and who we will be.”While the words are buried in the ground and the tone of the painting appears dark, my intent of this paint-ing is to suggest that our past, pres-ent, and future exist in one plane. I have submitted this piece to celebrate Dia de Los Muertos because it honors the past into the present and provides optimistic hope for the future, espe-cially in welcoming change.



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1 . “Restoration”


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A mi hija Odette,Que nunca ha dejado de creer en mí.

Luis Fonseca


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You could show your Art work ! Wait for the call of the next edition

Images sent should be high quality, 300 dpi jpgbrief artist info

next issue’s theme will be out soon

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Luis fonseca : Editor , Graphic design, Art DirectorAbraham Fonseca : website design and administrator

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