lab06 worksheet

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Exercise 6.2 Extending a Basic Disk Partition

Quastion 1: How much additional space required to complete the copy? Win7Ent Folder Size is 2.92 GB and the capacity of Alice1 X: drive is only 1.94 GB 2.92 - 1.94 = 0.98 ~ 1 GB Quastion 2: What is the number of the 2 GB partition you created earlier in this exercise? Partition 2 Quastion 3: Why does the command not execute properly? FAT32 partition can not be extended. Quastion 4: What is the result? DiskPart successfully extended the volume. Quastion 5: What is the result? Win7Ent folder was successfully copied to X: drive

Quastion 6: How much available shrink space can be found in the volume? 10533 MB Quastion 7: How is the resulting volume different from the one you created in Exercise 6.1? Explain why. In this scenario we used to shrink the volume to create a second separate partition to suite Alice's needs. This partition can be used separately to store different type of files and other information. Also this partition is smaller in size. Quastion 8: Why doesn't the extended partition that you created appear in the Disk Management snap-in's volume list in the top view pane? Unallocated space. Partition has not been created, not formatted and not assigned a letter yet. Quastion 9: What would happen if you created another simple volume out of the free space left on the disk? The partition will appear in the top view pane.

Quastion 10: Why were you able to extend the Alice2 volume, but not the Alice1 volume? Alice 1 volume cannot be extended because the second volume is present. You can only extend volume that is next to Unallocated space. Quastion 11: According to Windows Explorer, what is the capacity of the X: drive? 4.95 GB Quastion 12: Does the capacity shown for the X: drive in Windows Explorer reflect the addition of the mounted volume? No. Quastion 13: Why doesn't the Properties sheet display the capacity of the Alice3 volume? Because the properties of the Alice 3 folder is simply a properties of the shortcut that is linked to Alice 3 volume. Quastion 14: What is the capacity of Alice3? 1.95 GB Quastion 15: What has happened to the primary partitions and logical drives that you created earlier in this lab? After converting disk 0 to Dynamic only one primary partition is present. Alice2 and Alice 3 are no longer primary partitions. And Graphical display for disk volumes changes colour. Quastion 16: After you converted the basic disk to a dynamic disk, how many partitions can be found on the disk? 4 Partitions and Unallocated space.