la solidaridad de los illustrados 1

La Solidaridad de los Illustrados | | |June 2008| Vol.1#1| La Solidaridad de los Illustrados The Official Class Magazine of 6 - Lopez-Jaena | June Ateneo de manila grade school | middle school | SY 2008-2009 41 Students of 6 - Lopez-Jaena at Schola Brevis First Day High - 4th of June S.B. According to Ms. Perez I did a roll call to check if I correctly pronounced their names or if there are corrections to the list given by the Registrar. But I was not looking at the list during the roll call. A week before classes started, I already memorized their whole names. That’s how excited I was to know them all. And when we would have a lesson that needs memorization, I’d teach them how to memorize easily. I also asked them their talents that they can contribute to the class and I am very happy with what they shared. I am looking forward to the contests where they can use their talents (will be included in the next issue of LSI). We also discussed the profile of the Ideal Middle School Graduate and I asked them to make a short play about it. And I saw that they really enjoyed both watching and acting. Then, we talked about important things in the Students’ Handbook like what every Atenean should Cherish, Code of Discipline: Merit and Demerit System, Rules and Sanctions, Honors and Awards. They also volunteered for different responsibilities in the class room. I thanked Elli for volunteering right away as our Line Beadle, Hassan as our Key-Door-Locator Beadle, Rapa as our Blackboard Beadle and Junee for volunteering in many tasks. Then, we had our first class picture taking and a tour around David Hall since it’s their first time to use the building. Their dismissal was 11:00 a.m. and I accompanied them all the way to the main gate (like what Primary School teachers always do, but we (MS teachers) only do this on the first 2 days. I’m very glad to have finally met my angelic students. 0:-) Here are some of their comments in LJLJ (Lopez-Jaena Live Journal) about the first 2 days of school (Schola Brevis): - It has been a fun experience at Grade 6 during the first day. | Cedric, Anton. - I enjoyed the first day of school because I met new people and old friends. | Matt, Cocoy - It was very interesting to know about the Merits and Demerits. | Jay, Dafort - It was nice watching and acting during the play and we got to experience our first group works. | Abot, Cocoy - I was looking forward to spending the rest of the year with classmates and teachers. - I got nervous but excited. - I’m trying to get used to the new things and places. - Making new friends and finding out about new places was fun. | Wax, Julian second day of school - June 5

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Lopez - Jaena 2008- 2009 magazine


La Solidaridad de los Illustrados |�||June 2008| Vol.1#1|


La Solidaridad de los IllustradosThe Official Class Magazine of 6 - Lopez-Jaena | June

Ateneo de manila grade school | middle school | SY 2008-2009

41 Students of 6 - Lopez-Jaena at Schola Brevis

First Day High - 4th of June

S.B. According to Ms. PerezI did a roll call to check if I correctly pronounced their names or if there are corrections to the list given by the Registrar. But I was not looking at the list during the roll call. A week before classes started, I already memorized their whole names. That’s how excited I was to know them all. And when we would have a lesson that needs memorization, I’d teach them how to memorize easily. I also asked them their talents that they can contribute to the class and I am very happy with what they shared. I am looking forward to the contests where they can use their talents (will be included in the next issue of LSI). Wealsodiscussed theprofile ofthe Ideal Middle School Graduate and I asked them to make a short play about it. And I saw that they really enjoyed both

watching and acting. Then, we talked about important things in the Students’ Handbook like what every Atenean should Cherish, Code of Discipline: Merit and Demerit System, Rules and Sanctions, Honors and Awards. They also volunteered for different responsibilities in the class room. I thanked Elli for volunteering right away as our Line Beadle, Hassan as our Key-Door-Locator Beadle, Rapa as our Blackboard Beadle and Junee for volunteering in many tasks. Then,wehadourfirstclasspicturetakingand a tour around David Hall since it’s their firsttimetousethebuilding.Theirdismissalwas 11:00 a.m. and I accompanied them all the way to the main gate (like what Primary School teachers always do, but we(MSteachers)onlydothisonthefirst2days. I’mverygladtohavefinallymetmy angelic students. 0:-)

Here are some of their comments in LJLJ (Lopez-JaenaLiveJournal)aboutthefirst2days of school (Schola Brevis):- It has been a fun experience at Grade 6 duringthefirstday.|Cedric,Anton.-IenjoyedthefirstdayofschoolbecauseImetnewpeopleandold friends.|Matt,Cocoy- It was very interesting to know about the MeritsandDemerits.|Jay,Dafort- It was nice watching and acting during theplayandwegottoexperienceourfirstgroupworks.|Abot,Cocoy- I was looking forward to spending the rest of the year with classmates and teachers.- I got nervous but excited. - I’m trying to get used to the new things and places.-Makingnewfriendsandfindingoutaboutnewplaceswasfun.|Wax,Julian

second day of school - June 5

La Solidaridad de los Illustrados|�| |June 2008| Vol.1#1|

ANGELIC STUDENTThis is the column for ANGELIC STUDENTS. For the whole summer, Ms. Perez was praying in all the churches she visited that her Lopez-Jaena students would all be angelic students.

ANGELS meanAngelicNeatGenerousErudite andLovingStudentsSo far, here are some outstanding angelic students:

Carlo Angeles- responsible teacher’s helper- very courteous and respectable young gentleman- never fails to say “po” or “opo”- the first person who apologized for the misbehavior of the class (even he did nothing wrong)- volunteered for PTC registration

Anton Escueta- very responsible cleaner, will not leave the classroom unless it’s completely spick-and-span- very generous in the Bigay Puso (donated almost a thousand pesos in the 2nd week)- concerned to the things his classmates left- listens attentively in class, very well-behaved- conscientious and hardworking student, MAGIS- 0 missed howmeworks

Julian Roxas- very studious, was absent for a very long time but still got very high grades- very talented (specially in soccer, even represented the Philippines) but still very humble- very responsible Bigay Puso Collector and Motivator, and Class Treasurer- very courteous, says “po” & “opo”

Everything starts with genetics. You get a head start in the brain’s game if you come from a family of smart people. Let me explain. Both my parents are doctors and finished from theUniversity Of The P h i l i p p i n e s ( U .P.). My mother r e c e i v e d her college degree from U.P . ,graduat ing magna cum laude, the second to the highest honors degree given by a university. My father was a consistent honor student starting from grade school in Nueva Vizcaya to university. The brothers and sisters of both my parents were all scholars too.

I graduated valedictorian from my pre-school at the age of 5. I started at the Ateneo and was consistently first honors for the

first two years. Thereafter, I havebeen at least 2nd honors. When Ireached grade 4, I was accepted to the Magis Com-Arts program which is reserved for the best students in Reading and Language. I am always nominated to represent the class during math contests. I am alsogoodinartasIhavewon2ndplace in the best bookmark making contestinGr.2.Iamalsoenrolledin Kumon math where I have been a consistent gold awardee which is reserved for the top 50 students in

the country. My math level at the present time is equivalent to math for high school.

The secrets to my success? Three simple words: hardwork, diligence and focus. In order to achieve my goals, I exert my best efforts by working hard, studying my lessons everyday, doing my projects early, reading a

lot and concentrating on the subject at hand. I also make sure that I have fun and try to enjoy whatever I am doing. This makes the work easier to complete. I take each assignment as a challenge and an adventure.

•§• Gabriel Luis A. Danguilan •§•

ecrets of a uccessful agacious tudentS

First Week as a grade 6 studentThe best I’ve had in all my years in school. - MiguelIt ruled! My best day ever! WaxMy first week in Grade 6 was fun. We had activities and started to learn new lessons. All of my teachers are kind and courteous to us. They help us everytime we have a problem. They took care of us like we were their own children. I enjoyed the first week! – CarloFun, awesome, amazing, exciting, great, fine, cool, good! – Riggs, Andrew, Miguel, Glad, Anton, Luigi, Abot, Diego, Uno, Jules, Miggy, Alfonso, Geoff, Mon, Javier It was great because I got to know my classmates more. – Rafael, Junee, Matt

Unang Pagsusulit sa Filipino

The LJ Zone!!!

Unang Pagsusulit sa Filipino

Napakaraming nakakuha ng perpektong marka sa...

This is where we usually stay...

La Solidaridad de los Illustrados|�| |June 2008| Vol.1#1|

1st Wacky Class Picture

Being A New Student in Ateneo

I expected a really hard time and I was correct it is so hard in Ateneo. In my old school the passing score of a 10-point quiz is 5 but here, it is 7. In my old school, my dismissal was 3:45 pm and although it is earlierin Ateneo, there are more things that we need to do. There are so many activities to join. I’m having a hard time with lessons because we didn’t study some of it in my old school, specially in Music. I noticed something when I change schools, exactly when I’m gonna leave that is the time they are gonna have air con in the classrooms. When it was the first day, I was so scared I didn’t know anyone. I didn’t know anything, I just knew that it is gonna be hard. The projects are the hardest because we didn’t have any of those in my old school. But after a few days of adjustment, I am now having fun in Ateneo.

•§• John Albert C. Monroy •§•

regular class schedule

My article is about our multi-awarded guest speaker, Mr. Paulo C. Reyes.

How do you think he could have gotten all those awards and scholarships? Well as our GLC Mrs Castañeda mentioned, there is no doubt that big things come from small beginnings because he had the initiative to help his class with things his teacher told them since Grade 3! And it really inspires me that as Mr. Reyes grew up, he got into a lot of activities since grade school, like joining a lot of clubs, getting a lot of awards, even becoming the AGSCOM President! And he even got those awards like the Jordan Award and lots, and lots more! Mr. Reyes is really an inspiration to us Ateneans, especially those aspiring to be future honor students, officers,awardeesandmore.Ireallythinkthat Mr. Reyes is an inspiration to all.

•§• Jeremiaz V. Estrella •§•

How in the world did I get into this situation? How did I get such high grades? How did I become a “MAGIS student”? The only answer I can come up with is I listen. Or at least, I try to listen. That’s the only answer I honestly have. Why? Because I didn’t do anything else to get it. MAGIS means more. MAGIS students have to do more. And that’s why I don’t get I’m MAGIS. I’ll be honest here… I don’t like doing more. That’s the truth. If you look at my projects, they’re not exactly the best of the bunch. They’re very simple and they only have what they need to have. My projects are minimal. If it isn’t required, it’s probably not there. Unless of course, I really like the project and I decide that I want to add more. If you want someone who likes to do more, talk to Glad. But I listen to what needs to be listened to. I listen to the lessons. And when I do that, the information being taught (or most of it at least) gets stuck in my brain. When I read my book to study, that just adds to the info stuck to my brain. And that helps me during my quizzes is which finally raises my grades up. Okay, how’d I get into MAGIS CA? Probably because the English language just comes easy to me. I’ve been speaking English all my life and basically, that’s how I did it. Well, that’s probably it. What else can I tell you? I could tell you that you need to work hard. OK, let’s try that, work hard everybody! That’s basically it. That’s how I became a “MAGIS student.” I’m going to say this one last time though, I have no idea how this happened.One last thing though, (I need to write this, it’s part of the whole inspirational thing) you can be a MAGIS student too.

•§• Joseph Anthony M. Montecillo •§•

Being a MAGIS student

1st Wacky Class Picture


regular class schedule

La Solidaridad de los Illustrados|�| |June 2008| Vol.1#1|

� ß The Eaglet

June 20 - Mass of the Holy Spirit - 1st Angelic Class Picture

Honor Students of LJ from Grade 5

--> I felt happy to get an award but I also think I need to strive harder. - Julian-->I want to go 1st honors. - Anton--> I was a little sad because I wasn’t with them receiving an award. And I was somewhat happy for them because they did their best to get an honor. My aim this school year is to get 90+ grades in all subjects, get straight A’s and be an honor. - Carlo--> “Many great things have come in small packages,” by the guest speaker - Cedric Duñgo--> I need to study more and work harder. I learned that hard work can pay off. - Diego, Ulric, Wax, Geoff,

Alfonso, Mon, Javier, Oliver, Sigfrid, Nikko--> I was happy for my friends. I imagined myself being up there again like in Prep and Grade 1. - Uno--> I learned that I could have made the honors if I had worked a bit harder. I aim to do my best this School Year. - Matt, Cocoy

-->I’m very proud of all the awardees from Lopez-Jaena! Keep it up, young gentlemen! For the others, you are right that if you strive harder this year, you’ll get better grades! I want to see all of you marching to the stage next time. ü - Ms. Perez

2nd Honor Awardees:Gabriel Luis A. DanguilanGabriel Antonio K. EscuetaJoseph Anthony M. MontecilloCarlos Roman M. OzaetaJulian Vincent A. Roxas

3rd Honor Awardees:Enrigue Miguel S. MartinezMiguel Sigfrid A. Ongtao

La Solidaridad de los Illustrados |�||June 2008| Vol.1#1|

� ß The Eaglet

(On ps3 only)

Folklore is a mix of a puzzle game and an action game. The story is about a 22 year old girl named Ellen who lost her mother when she was just young and a young man named Keats who is 27 years old and also a paranormal magazine writer . Keats story started to get a call about a woman was about to

die in a village called Doolin village where some say you can talk to the dead. Creepy! Ellen’s part of the story is when she “was called by her mother” (who is currently as you’ve been told dead) and asked a fisherman to bring her to the village . As the game goes on you are permitted to go to the netherworld where you can find out the mystery of Doolin and know what happened to Ellen’s mother and battle folks and save Doolin.

This game gets 4 stars µµµµ

•§•Geoffrey Daniel R. Tungol•§•

Game Review The weather was horribly bleak, dismal and stormy. Ideal weather, come to think about it , to kill a few people. But this was no time for jokes, there were several murders in Cardinal Boulevard. It was a strange case: the murder weapons used were sharpened p a i n t b r u s h e s . The victims were teenagers and they loved to party according to their parents. I had to do a little fieldwork at least. So I analyzed the victim’s bodies and found one conclusive piece of evidence, there was kanji writing on their necks. So I sent pictures of the kanji writing to a Japanese friend of mine and the reply was: “they all meant the same thing: ‘Vandal’”. “Finally! Some leads!” I thought to myself. But my luck didn’t last forever. When I searched for all the Japanese people living in that neighborhood I found � families of them and one old man who lived by himself. So I interviewed them all one-by one (except for the old man) but I didn’t find any leads at all. It had to be him! But one question bothered me most at that time and that was how could an old man commit five murders in one day? The answer was this: Mr. H as everyone called him was a Karate Master and he would also very often tell me his real name and tell me where he got it: his grandfather. His grandfather was Katsushika Hokusai.“If you don’t know who he is ,then let me give you a background check on him: He was a famous Japanese artist from the 1800’s. Two of his most famous works were at the city museum but were horribly vandalized so I knew immediately old man H was the killer! But when we arrived at his house and workshop, he was nowhere to be

found.When suddenly one officer heard a ticking noise and upon hearing it too, I ordered everyone to move

out. Too late. Two policemen died , one was in the hospital because of spinal injuries. I camped in the garden to get rid of my worries that a homicidal maniac was out there. When suddenly I heard the bushes shake I loaded my pistol and went out of the tent and before I knew it, I was lying on the floor

w i t h a sharpened paintbrush in my leg and old Mister Hokusai was dead. We sent his body to his sister in Japan, and from then on, murder rarely happened after that and we considered most of our murder cases solved due to the similarities from one murder to the other. But up till now one question still haunts me: why did he murder all those people but then upon hours of research I found that the paintings by the older Hokusai were vandalized countless times. Now I knew the motive. Another

reason why he killed them all was because they were either witnesses to another murder done by Mister H or they vandalized the paintings which he was very proud of. But to this day, I am still haunted by

the memories of my co-workers dying

and getting injured and I still regret killing Hokusai but he had it coming to him anyway.

•§• Joaquin Singson •§•

Murder in Cardinal Boulevard

La Solidaridad de los Illustrados|�| |June 2008| Vol.1#1|


Grade 6 Class AdvisersFrench Guys