la dotd bid analysis lite

LA DOTD Bid Analysis Lite Charles Nickel, P.E. LADOTD Cost Estimate and Value Engineering Director Phone: (225) 379-1078

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Post on 09-Dec-2016




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LA DOTD Bid Analysis Lite

Charles Nickel, P.E. LADOTD Cost Estimate and Value Engineering Director Phone: (225) 379-1078

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• Many of the designers who prepare estimates were interested in running their own bid analysis.

• Installing BAMS/DSS on all their machines did not seem practical at the time.

• Nearly everyone has Microsoft Excel installed and I loved the challenge.

LA DOTD Bid Analysis Lite

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• Links to wTrns•port’s Oracle Database to pull in real time bid results.

• A stand alone version pulls data from a static database file that has to be updated from time to time.

• Does not have all the functionality of BAMS/DSS.

• User friendly and readily available.

LA DOTD Bid Analysis Lite

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• Based on Wisconsin DOT Construction and Materials Manual, Section, revised 10/98, as shown in Attachment B on FHWA’s website.

LA DOTD Bid Analysis Lite

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Bid analysis is performed when:

• the Department becomes aware of an error in a quantity of an item shown in the bidding documents

• an item is found to be both significant to the contract and significantly unbalanced.

LA DOTD Bid Analysis Lite

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• Items with bid extended amounts differing from the estimated extended amounts by greater than:

– For contracts < $2,000,000;

• 0.50% of the total contract amount.

– For contracts => $2,000,000;

• 0.25% of the total contract amount.

• (Extended Amount = Unit Price X Quantity)

Items Significant to the Contract

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• Items with a bid unit price that differ from the estimated unit price by

• Greater than

• +50% of the estimated unit price

• or Less than

• -75% of the estimated unit price.

Items Significantly Unbalanced

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LA DOTD Bid Analysis Lite

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LA DOTD Item Bid History

Charles Nickel, P.E. LADOTD Cost Estimate and Value Engineering Director Phone: (225) 379-1078

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• Many of the designers who prepare estimates were interested in quick and easy access to actual bid history and other minor statistical item bid information.

• Nearly everyone has Microsoft Excel installed and I loved the challenge.

LA DOTD Item Bid History

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• Links to wTrns•port’s Oracle Database to pull in real time bid results.

• A stand alone version pulls data from a static database file that has to be updated from time to time.

• Does not have all the functionality of wTrns•port or CES.

• User friendly and readily available.

LA DOTD Item Bid History

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