la dolce vita between cinema and history … dolce vita between cinema and history the dream...

The monthly guide for your free time November 2019 34 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT KIDS IN AIRPORT airport “Knowing how to listen means to possess, in addition to one’s own, the brain of others” Leonardo da Vinci November 2019 | ongoing events LA DOLCE VITA BETWEEN CINEMA AND HISTORY THE DREAM THAT CELEBRATED ITALY IN THE WORLD Airport Opera Live La Cantoria Airport Opera Live, the musical initiati- ve organized by Ae- roporti di Roma in collaboration with the Opera House, goes on with new performances. The next appointment is scheduled for Thursday November, 21st, in Fiumicino airport’s departures hall Terminal 3, with the Cantoria of the Scuola di Canto Corale of the Rome Opera House directed by Giuseppe Sabbatini, who will perform Antonio Vivaldi’s Gloria in D major RV 589. The Cantoria, composed of 40 young talents, was established by the Education and Training Department of Rome Opera House, to offer a path of high artistic and musical improvement to sin- gers aged between 17 and 25 years. Airport Opera Live is one of the many initiatives organi- zed by Aeroporti di Roma to entertain travelers accompanying them along their journey. The Leonardo da Vinci airport once again turns into a musical stage for passengers’ entertainment. | Between the end of the 1950s and the be- ginning of the 1960s, when the economic boom was at its peak, Italy experienced its very own miracle. Luxury and glamour were the distinctive traits of this age of gold: haute-couture clothes of the grea- test fashion houses, together with price- less jewels, were the trademarks of in- ternational jet-set divas. Rome oozed desire for life, for beauty and entertainment, becoming the “Hollywood on the Tiber”. Cinecittà studios hosted not only Italian productions, but disclo- sed their doors to overseas kolossals, while Via Veneto, with its cafes and luxury hotels, turned into an open-air international living room, where celebrities meet. A new lifestyle was born, that of the new rich, of the artists, of the directors, of the actors and, above all, of the ubiquitous photographers, the true icons of that Rome that, aſter the release of the La Dolce Vita, would be internationally known as “paparazzi”. Rino Barillari and his colleagues were real assau- lt photographers in constant search of a scoop; they were the ones to reveal the overwhelming passion between Liz Taylor and Richard Burton as well as the turbulent love between the Italian actor Walter Chiari and the wonderful American star Ava Gardner; they were those constantly trying to collect a glimpse of the world-known playboys Gigi Rizzi and Pier Luigi Torri escor- ting the most beautiful and courted divas. The stolen photographs of the famous improvised striptease by the Turkish-Armenian dancer Aïché Nana, aroused a huge scandal, and were a sour- ce of inspiration for a famous scene of Fellini’s masterpiece. The same protagonist of the film, played by Marcello Mastroianni, seeks Via Veneto clubs in search of gossip or stolen pictures of the dream-like characters animating that beautiful world. The prosperous, unforgettable Anita Ek- berg bathing in the Trevi Fountain witnesses the power of life as a disrupting force. Even the lively Roman intellectual environment did not disdain the mundane côté: parties, exhibitions, lounges, and terraces in the historic center, such as those in Piazza del Popolo, were the favorite haunts of philosophers, writers and artists such as Renato Guttuso and Mario Schifano. From the sofistica- ted Rome of the 1960s on, The expression “La Dolce Vita” entered the international vocabulary, still evoking a carefree lifestyle dedicated to wor- ldly pleasures. Roma Jazz Festival Prehistory in Piazza Navona Festival Nuova Consonanza Mary Poppins Become a Superhero Idomeneo, King of Crete Roma Jazz Festival is back in Rome with 21 concerts staged in Auditorium Parco della Musica, Casa del Jazz, Monk and Alcazar. The 43 rd edition - “No borders. Migration and integration“ - investigates the great urge of nowadays jazz music to fight against every form of discrimination. Among the protagonists of the event: A. Shepp, A. Ibrahim, D. Holland, G. Bartz, D. Reeves and C. Souza. From November 1 st to December 1 st . Teatro Costanzi stages an unusual Mozart title, directed by Michele Mariotti, and co-pro- duced by the Teatro Real of Madrid, the Canadian Opera Company and the Royal Danish Opera in Co- penhagen. The opera, taking place in Crete, is cen- tered on the conflict between King Idomeneus and his son Idamante, on the latter’s idyll with Ilia, and on Electra’s jealousy. A powerful declaration against war with a hopeful ending. From November 8 to 16. A “virtual set” where everything is possible: flying, climbing the roofs of skyscrapers, di- sappearing into the air. Three teams with competi- tors of all ages will challenge each other using the equipment of the technological-scientific toy-library to recreate the superpowers of the most famous su- perheroes. An engaging and entertaining challenge full of fantasy, teaching youngsters the importance of cooperation and sharing. From Tuesday to Sunday. On the occasion of the 56 th edition of the festi- val, concerts, musical theater, master classes and round tables will animate the city, from the center to the suburbs: ex Mattatoio, Palladium Theater, MACRO Kindergarten, Villa Torlonia and Tor Bella Monaca The- aters. The inaugural event, dedicated to war correspon- dents, brings to the stage the mezzo-soprano M. Bacelli, the pianist L. Prayer and the young violinist M. S. Jannoni Sebastianini. From November 13 to December 21. The history of the most famous nanny in the world with a cast of 32 actors and dancers, a grand orchestra, extraordinary choreographies, specta- cular scene changes, sumptuous costumes and incre- dible special effects. With unforgettable songs like “Su- percalifragilisticespiralidosous”, “Chim Chim Cheer-ee” and “A Spoonful of Sugar”, viewers will relive, suspended between dream and reality, the extraordinary adventures of Mary Poppins and the Banks family. Until January 30. In the wonderful frame of the Stadium of Do- mitian in Piazza Navona (Unesco World Heritage Site) weekends are devoted to the entertainment of the youngsters. Between culture and entertainment, children aged 5+ can try their hand at archaeological surveys, pictorial experiences and historical narrations from the evolution of dinosaurs to Homo Sapiens. On the schedule: “T-Rex Lab”, “Sea/Flying Monsters”, “Prehistoric Man”, “Archeo Lab”. Every weekend. Tel. (+39) 06 69345132 Tel. (+39) 06 0608 Tel. (+39) 06 4817003 Tel. (+39) 06 3700323 Tel. (+39) 06 68805311 Tel. (+39) 06 4200711

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The monthly guide for your free time

November 2019








“Knowing how to listen means to possess, in addition to one’s own, the brain of others”Leonardo da Vinci

November 2019 | ongoing events


Airport Opera LiveLa Cantoria

Airport Opera Live, the musical initiati-ve organized by Ae-roporti di Roma in collaboration with the Opera House, goes on with new performances. The next appointment is scheduled for Thursday November, 21st, in Fiumicino airport’s departures hall Terminal 3, with the Cantoria of the Scuola di Canto Corale of the Rome Opera House directed by Giuseppe Sabbatini, who will perform Antonio Vivaldi’s Gloria in D major RV 589. The Cantoria, composed of 40 young talents, was established

by the Education and Training Department of Rome Opera House, to offer a path of high artistic and musical improvement to sin-gers aged between 17 and 25 years. Airport

Opera Live is one of the many initiatives organi-zed by Aeroporti di Roma to entertain travelers accompanying them along their journey. The Leonardo da Vinci airport once again turns into a musical stage for passengers’ entertainment. |

Between the end of the 1950s and the be-ginning of the 1960s, when the economic boom was at its peak, Italy experienced its very own miracle. Luxury and glamour were the distinctive traits of this age of gold: haute-couture clothes of the grea-test fashion houses, together with price-less jewels, were the trademarks of in-ternational jet-set divas. Rome oozed desire for life, for beauty and entertainment, becoming the “Hollywood on the Tiber”. Cinecittà studios hosted not only Italian productions, but disclo-sed their doors to overseas kolossals, while Via Veneto, with its cafes and luxury hotels, turned into an open-air international living room, where celebrities meet. A new lifestyle was born, that of the new rich, of the artists, of the directors, of the actors and, above all, of the ubiquitous photographers, the true icons of that Rome that, after the release of the La Dolce Vita, would be internationally known as “paparazzi”.Rino Barillari and his colleagues were real assau-lt photographers in constant search of a scoop; they were the ones to reveal the overwhelming passion between Liz Taylor and Richard Burton as well as the turbulent love between the Italian

actor Walter Chiari and the wonderful American star Ava Gardner; they were those constantly trying to collect a glimpse of the world-known playboys Gigi Rizzi and Pier Luigi Torri escor-ting the most beautiful and courted divas. The stolen photographs of the famous improvised striptease by the Turkish-Armenian dancer Aïché Nana, aroused a huge scandal, and were a sour-ce of inspiration for a famous scene of Fellini’s masterpiece. The same protagonist of the film, played by Marcello Mastroianni, seeks Via Veneto clubs in search of gossip or stolen pictures of the dream-like characters animating that beautiful world. The prosperous, unforgettable Anita Ek-berg bathing in the Trevi Fountain witnesses the power of life as a disrupting force. Even the lively Roman intellectual environment did not disdain the mundane côté: parties, exhibitions, lounges, and terraces in the historic center, such as those in Piazza del Popolo, were the favorite haunts of philosophers, writers and artists such as Renato Guttuso and Mario Schifano. From the sofistica-ted Rome of the 1960s on, The expression “La Dolce Vita” entered the international vocabulary, still evoking a carefree lifestyle dedicated to wor-ldly pleasures.

Roma Jazz Festival

Prehistory in Piazza NavonaFestival Nuova Consonanza Mary Poppins

Become a Superhero Idomeneo, King of Crete

Roma Jazz Festival is back in Rome with 21 concerts staged in Auditorium Parco della Musica, Casa del Jazz, Monk and Alcazar. The 43rd

edition - “No borders. Migration and integration“ - investigates the great urge of nowadays jazz music to fight against every form of discrimination. Among the protagonists of the event: A. Shepp, A. Ibrahim, D. Holland, G. Bartz, D. Reeves and C. Souza. From November 1st to December 1st.

Teatro Costanzi stages an unusual Mozart title, directed by Michele Mariotti, and co-pro-duced by the Teatro Real of Madrid, the Canadian Opera Company and the Royal Danish Opera in Co-penhagen. The opera, taking place in Crete, is cen-tered on the conflict between King Idomeneus and his son Idamante, on the latter’s idyll with Ilia, and on Electra’s jealousy. A powerful declaration against war with a hopeful ending. From November 8 to 16.

A “virtual set” where everything is possible: flying, climbing the roofs of skyscrapers, di-sappearing into the air. Three teams with competi-tors of all ages will challenge each other using the equipment of the technological-scientific toy-library to recreate the superpowers of the most famous su-perheroes. An engaging and entertaining challenge full of fantasy, teaching youngsters the importance of cooperation and sharing. From Tuesday to Sunday.

On the occasion of the 56th edition of the festi-val, concerts, musical theater, master classes and round tables will animate the city, from the center to the suburbs: ex Mattatoio, Palladium Theater, MACRO Kindergarten, Villa Torlonia and Tor Bella Monaca The-aters. The inaugural event, dedicated to war correspon-dents, brings to the stage the mezzo-soprano M. Bacelli, the pianist L. Prayer and the young violinist M. S. Jannoni Sebastianini. From November 13 to December 21.

The history of the most famous nanny in the world with a cast of 32 actors and dancers, a grand orchestra, extraordinary choreographies, specta-cular scene changes, sumptuous costumes and incre-dible special effects. With unforgettable songs like “Su-percalifragilisticespiralidosous”, “Chim Chim Cheer-ee” and “A Spoonful of Sugar”, viewers will relive, suspended between dream and reality, the extraordinary adventures of Mary Poppins and the Banks family. Until January 30.

In the wonderful frame of the Stadium of Do-mitian in Piazza Navona (Unesco World Heritage Site) weekends are devoted to the entertainment of the youngsters. Between culture and entertainment, children aged 5+ can try their hand at archaeological surveys, pictorial experiences and historical narrations from the evolution of dinosaurs to Homo Sapiens. On the schedule: “T-Rex Lab”, “Sea/Flying Monsters”, “Prehistoric Man”, “Archeo Lab”. Every weekend.

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November 2019



Check in RomePublished by Markonet.itRome Tribunal Registration no. 56 of 23.03.17Editorial director: Francesco CasacciaDirector: Stefano ZerbiEditing: Valeria De Mitri Pugno Antonella SquillaciotiPrinting: Varigrafica Alto Lazio - RomaPrinted on FedrigoniSymbol Freelife Satinpaper

online magazine providing a daily listing of the latest and most

diverse cultural, lifestyle and food events in Italy

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Sublime Anatomies

Rome lights up with Videocittà Ima-ges in Motion - the Festival of Vision. Halfway between culture and enter-tainment, projections, meetings, inte-ractive experiences, art exhibitions and live shows explore the world of audio-

DINOSAUR SHOWWhat if the dinosaurs came back? Teatro Italia stages an adventure for the whole family, an innovative experience where comedy and science joyfully meet. 5 dinosaurs, 5 extraordinary life-size machines, prodigy of “animatronic” technology. November 9 and

LITERARY TEASTeatro Vittoria’s agenda schedules a series of events dedicated to reading and to the magic of words between suggestions, reinterpretations and reflections. November 22 and

SAINT PETER’S BELLWeighting approximately 8,950 kg, it is certainly the most famous bell in the world. A work of art and engineering, the bell was merged in 1785 by the goldsmith Luigi Valadier. Its decorations are not all dealing with religion: in addition to the Twelve Apostles, there are geometric lines, sea serpents and infants with arms stretched wide open.

THE FIRST TYPOGRAPHYIn Piazza dei Massimi, between Campo de Fiori and Piazza Navona, an epigraph recalls a MAJOR event: in this very place in 1467, for the first time a book - Cicero’s “Epistiulae ad familiares” - was printed in Rome. The deed is attributed to two German printers, A. Pannartz and K. Sweynheym, who rented some rooms owned by the “de Maximis” family.

THE MILVIAN BRIDGEIt is one of the oldest bridges in Rome, built in 109 BC by the Censor Marcus Aemilius Scaurus. It was named after the magistrate who authorized its construction, Molvius, but the Romans call it “Ponte Mollo”, because of a rickety wooden walkway here positioned following the collapse of a central arch. In 312 AD was here consumed the famous battle between the emperor Constantine and Maxentius.

Videocittà 2019

On October, 7th 1919 it was foun-ded by Albert Plesman, aviation pioneer and Dutch entrepreneur, the KLM airline. Since then, it has been a century of great historical even-ts and social changes that KLM has pur-sued while maintaining its identity, and at the same time adapting to the diffe-rent contexts and needs of the world of civil aviation.Today, the flag carrier of the Nether-lands, whose only hub is Amster-dam-Schiphol airport, serves over 130 destinations in 70 countries and con-

Aeroporti di Roma and Italian Consu-mer Association Codacons, during a press conference held at the Leonar-do da Vinci airport, presented the re-sults of the parking quality and customer satisfaction levels monitoring managed by ADR Mobility, a company of the ADR group: the service of Fiumicino airport was awarded with the “Ok Codacons” pri-ze. Fiumicino hosts 12,000 parking spa-ces, distributed among the multi-storey car parks at Terminal A-B-C-D; the Long Stay Parking, connected to the airports by comfortable shuttles, and the stalls in front of the terminal offering diversified rates, that can also be booked online. All parking solutions are provided with a 24-hour customer service, access and payment with Telepass, a partnership with Alitalia’s MilleMiglia program and a Fast Track voucher for priority access to security checks. The parking lots of the Roman airports are also “digital” - as they allow the

Fiumicino Parking awarded with “Ok Codacons” prize

100 years of KLM

nects 11 Italian airports to 160 destina-tions worldwide via Amsterdam. In Italy it has been present since October, 29th 1931, when the first flight to Italy was made to Rome. KLM has celebrated its 100th anniver-sary with the pride of being the first air-line in the world to never have changed its original name.

Celebrations occurred in many Italian airports, with gifts and surprises for travelers. Also in Fiu-micino, in front of the flight boar-ding exit of flight KL1604 - spe-cially decorated with celebratory decorations and a bicycle ador-ned with garlands of flowers - the company staff toasted with pas-sengers heading for Amsterdam.

Il Cinema dei Papi (The Cinema of the Popes) - the new book by Monsignor Dario Edoardo Viganò - traces back the relationship betwe-en cinema and the Church, up to the establishment of the Vatican Film Library, exactly 60 years ago. Tough officially estabilished by Pope John XXIII, the roots of the ‘Filmoteca’ are embedded into an intuition of Pope Pius XII, who, almost a decade ear-lier, had set up a real projection room, still called today “the Pope’s cinema”. Here, on official or private occasions, some pontiffs (above all, Paul VI and John Paul II) attended the screening of

films or documentaries. The establish-ment of the Vatican Film Library marks a sort of upgrade in the relationship between mass media and ecclesial action, the result of a new attention to the “signs of the times”, as proposed by the Johannine pontificate.Over the years, the Church has develo-ped a sort of dual approach to cinema and television: on the one hand, the


VIA DELLA CONCILIAZIONEWide and majestic, it ideally connects Rome with the Vatican State, offering a triumphal access to the marvelous St. Peter’s Basilica. It was designed in 1936 by architects Marcello Piacentini and Attilio Spaccarelli, following the Lateran Pacts of February, 11th 1929. Its name was meant to celebrate the achieved Conciliation between the Italian State and the Holy See.

visual and moving images. The Festival will joyfully trespass into the squares of Rome with monumental video installa-tions, involving the city’s huge historical and architectural heritage. Until December 31.

[email protected]

Musja, the new Capitoline space dedi-cated to the most innovative trends of contemporary art, opens to the public with the first of a trilogy of exhibitions specifically designed for the museum. The project, en-titled “The Dark Side”, deals with the most powerful and ancient human emotion: fear. The first stage, dedicated to the fear of the dark, involves some of the most important international artists with site-specific instal-lations and large-scale works. Until March 1.

Tel. (+39) 06

Palazzo Bonaparte, one of Rome’s secret and best preserved architectural jewels, opens its doors to the masterpieces of Impressionism. The wonderful frescoed rooms of the noble floor - once the home of Napoleon’s mother, Maria Letizia Ramo-lino - host over 50 works, from prestigious private collections, by artists such as Monet, Renoir, Cézanne, Pissarro, Sisley, Caillebotte, Morisot, Gonzales, Gauguin, Signac, Van Rys-selberghe and Cross. Until March 8.

Tel. (+39) 06

Who’s Afraid of the Dark?


The exhibition focuses on the critical importance of the observation of the human body, an observation involving not only the senses , such as sight and touch, but also techniques, tools and technologies. A selection of objects and documents of great historical and scientific value alterna-tes with contemporary artistic researches - in the form of design, sculptures, multi-media and performances - enhancing the material reality of the body. Until January 6.

Tel. (+39) 06

The origin of Vatican Film Library

entry and exit with only the passage of a contactless credit card - and sustainable, thanks to the photovoltaic panels of the Long Stay Parking. Codacons carried out a careful monitoring by the means of on-the-spot checks, interviews with the passengers and punctual analysis of cu-stomers’ personal declarations, always re-gistering a positive quality level of Fiumi-cino’s services. ADR and Codacons made a mutual commitment to maintain the high quality standard of services offered to passengers, in accordance with the common goal of keeping the customer at the center of their policies.

legitimacy and support for new media, conceived above all as pe-dagogical tools, on the other, the constant educa-tional and moral concern.The book is the result of an ac-curate analysis

of previously unpublished documents from the Vatican archives; a research conducted on materials not yet com-pletely ordered, and thus often diffi-cult to consult.Il cinema dei Papi is published by Marietti Editore and was presented on October, 29th in the presence of His Holiness Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin.