la divina commedia (1)

La Divina Commedia Creating the life and career you love in the Second Half of Life By Peter de Kuster with Falco Valkenburg You Can Lead the Life of Your Dreams: Dante’s Divina Commedia Dante was right. You can have a Heaven in the Second Half of your Life. You can lead the life you’ve always wished no matter your age or stage in life. The dream you think has become impossible with advancing age, new obligations or increased responsibility can be made real. The hope you’ve been deferring until a time when the stars in the skies above Florence are in perfect alignment can be fulfilled today. The goal you think out of reach because you traveled an alternate path is still within your grasp.

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Post on 29-Jan-2018




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La  Divina  Commedia  Creating  the  life  and  career  you  love  in  the  Second  Half  of  Life  By  Peter  de  Kuster  with  Falco  Valkenburg      

     You  Can  Lead  the  Life  of  Your  Dreams:      Dante’s  Divina  Commedia      Dante  was  right.  You  can  have  a  Heaven  in  the  Second  Half  of  your  Life.    You  can  lead  the  life  you’ve  always  wished  no  matter  your  age  or  stage  in  life.    The  dream  you  think  has  become  impossible  with  advancing  age,  new  obligations  or  increased  responsibility  can  be  made  real.    The  hope  you’ve  been  deferring  until  a  time  when  the  stars  in  the  skies  above  Florence  are  in  perfect  alignment  can  be  fulfilled  today.  The  goal  you  think  out  of  reach  because  you  traveled  an  alternate  path  is  still  within  your  grasp.    

   You  can  give  up  your  present  career  at  50  and  pursue  your  dream  of  becoming  a  writer.    You  can  leave  a  deadening  retirement  behind  and  start  a  second  career.  (and  travel  to  Florence  first  to  study  art  history).    You  can  give  up  having  a  successful  business  career  and  instead  start  a    career  with  more  meaning.      You  can  launch  a  business  now,  despite  not  having  quite  clear  how  and  what.  But  you  Take  a  Testdrive  in  Your  Dreamjob  to  provide  for  this.      You  have  an  opportunity,  as  in  the  Divina  Commedia,  not  just  to  reinvent  yourself,  but  to  create  a  true  heaven  by  becoming  your  true  self.  To  give  expression  to  your  suppressed  hopes  and  dreams;  to  take  the  dream  you’ve  kept  dormant  in  the  dark  within  you,  expose  it  to  the  warmth  and  light  of  Italy  and  let  it  burst  forth  into  life.    Almost  all  of  us  have  buried  personal  hopes  and  dreams.  In  order  to  please  our  parents,  our  friends,  our  spouses,  our  business  partners,  we’ve  molded  our  lives  into  what  the  outside  world  wants  us  to  be.    

   To  win  and  keep  love  we’ve  acted  in  certain  ways  and  followed  certain  parts.  We  lived  a  certain  lifestyle  or  lived  in  a  certain  place.  To  become  accepted,  first  by  our  friends  and  then  society  at  large,  we  have  adopted  certain  stories,  convictions,  attitudes  and  behaviors.  We’ve  allowed  the  outside  world  to  draw  up  schedules  and  checklists  for  us  against  we  judge  our  own  worth.  Not  earning  Euro  100.000  by  forty?  Loser.  Haven’t  retired  early  and  moved  to  the  south  of  france  or  spain?  Failure.      Comparing  ourselves  to  these  external  standards  often  brings  misery  and  self  hatred:  Either  we  despise  ourselves  for  not  measuring  up,  or  we  despise  ourselves  for  not  being  true  to  our  own  selves.  You  understand  now  which  wolves  chased  Dante  in  the  woods?      Good  news.  There’s  never  been  a  better  time  to  revolt  against  external  standards  and  to  be  true  to  yourself.  We’re  living  in  a  transitory  time.  Society,  culture  and  the  economy  are  all  shifting.  The  old  myths  about  work,  retirement,  old  age  have  lost  most  of  their  power.      We’re  lucky  enough  to  be  alive  in  this  moment  when  anything  is  possible,  at  the  moment  perfect  for  Creating  a  Life  and  Work  You  Love  in  the  Second  Half  of  Life.    


 It’t  doesn’t  matter  if  you’re  widowed,  seventy  years  old  an  living  on  a  fixed  income.  It  doesn’t  matter  if  you’ve  to  kids  in  a  college  and  thousands  of  euro’s  in  debt.  It  doesn’t  matter  if  you’re  a  workaholic  professional,  or  an  unemployed  manager  or  a  burned  out  salesperson.  We  have  seen  all  these  people  create  a  life  and  work  they  love.  We  can  help  you  too.  Dante  will  guide  you.      Is  entrepreneurship  part  of  your  dream?  Technology  and  improved  health  make  it  possible  for  anyone  at  any  age  to  start  a  business.  Society’s  attitude  toward  older  entrepreneurs  have  changed.  Older  individuals  more  active  today  than  in  the  past,  with  work  involving  less  physical  strength  and  stamina.    You  don’t  have  to  put  your  savings  at  risk  in  starting  a  business  right  now.      No  one  has  a  right  to  tell  your,  “No  you  can’t  do  that’  ‘You’re  to  old  to  do  that’  –  not  even  that  negative  and  domineering  little  voice  in  your  head.  

There’s  no  scorecard  or  measuring  stick  you  need  compare  yourself  against  other  than  the  one  in  your  own  story.    Ultimately  there’s  nothing  that            

                       stands  in  your  way  to  heaven  other  than  internal  inhibitions,  insecurities,  and  fears.  The  hell  of  Dante  is  inside  you.  As  is  his  heaven.    Creating  a  life  and  work  you  love  in  the  second  half  of  your  life  won’t  be  painless.  You  may  need  to  make  sacrifices  and  compromises.  You  might  need  to  learn  new  skiss.  And,  it  may  take  some  time.  But  a  new  life  of    

 substance  and  meaning  can’t  be  built  in  a  day.  This  is  one  journey  when  a  litlle  pain  (hell)  and  a  bit  of  fear  (another  hell)  are  problably  good  things.  If  your  journey  is  painless  and  you’re  not  afraid  of  it,  you’re  not  launching  the  new  life  you  truly  desire.    

   We  believe  with  Dante  that  when  you  keep  your  dreams  locked  away  in  inner  darkness,  they  begin  to  eat  away  at  your  soul.  But,    by  exposing  those  repressed  dreams  to  the  light  and  pursuing  them,    you  lift  your  soul  to  unimagined  heights.  Simply  by  telling  your  story  of  your  own  Divina  Commedia,  giving  yourself  the  possibility  of  a  new  life,  you  begin  to  feel  like  a  new  person.  Reinvent  yourself,  and  you’ll  experience  more  added  joy  and  contentment  than  you  can  imagine.    Your  Divina  Commedia  doesn’t  just  change  the  specific  aspect  of  your  life  that  you’re  reinventing;  in  invigorates  your  entire  life.    Skeptical  that  a  journey  in  the  Florence  of  Dante  can  help  you  live  the  life  of  your  dreams?  Maybe  you  think  you’re  too  old.  Perhaps  you  feel  that  your  opportunity  has  passed.  Certain  that  you  can’t  afford  it?  Or  are  you  doubtful  launching  a  Divina  Commedia  can  really  improve  your  life  in  all  the  ways  we’ve  outlined.  Don’t  worry.  We’re  not  insulted  by  your  disbelief.  Almost  everyone  is  initially  dubious  when  we  say  you  can  create  a  life  and  work      

 you  love  after  50.  It  will  tearn  your  life  from  black  and  white  into  the  multicolor  of  Florence.      

                           All  we  ask  is  give  us  a  chance  to  outline  our  story.  What  do  you  have  to  lose?  In  picking  up  this  travel  guide  we’re  safe  in  assuming  that  either  you  feel  somewhat  uneasy,  dissatisfied  or  unhappy  with  your  current  life,  or  you  dread  a  retirement,  or  you’ve  a  buried  dream  you’d  like  to  resurrect  and  pursue.  You’re  fed  up  with  being  fed  up.  Give  us  the  opportunity  to  show  

you  in  this  guide  of  Florence  how  we  reinvented  ourselves,  how  Dante  did  and  how  you  can.      

   To  raise  the  curtain  on  your  Divina  Commedia,  all  you  need  to  do  is  tell  a  story  about  your  dream.    Who  better  than  Roberto  Benigni  to  guide  you?