l7 i fltetioriournai tlp icentral iitnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7ngf0mtk9h/data/0821.pdf · 2013-06-19 ·...

h f > J > iJt r 1ZJ h1 L7 ii I fltetioriournai Entered in the PortOffice al Stanford al- weondcii matter I STjBLisman TOBSDXTS AND FKIDV- Sif B AT 100 PER YEAR CASH When not 10 paid I00 will be charged L N TIME TABLE if I No SI Boutli llJl I M No SI Houth ItM PM 4tl A M NoisNortUJUTl x JossS RICE Agent NOTICE I drlnklnI deIrtniivtugo ot 111Vnler ttIN Own > o td klgl LIM lror 1 b For Sale Privately r houle and 10 acres of land tuated limits on tho Bomeriet Iaouuldeofwwn room kitchen and aer pike cellar table and at nti room good 7 la > ecellaryoutbulldlngs Water hydrant the yard one J P BAILEY A S PRICESu- rgeon Dentist STANFORD KENTUCKY Office over McRoberts Drug Store in the Owsley Building INSURANCE WInd torui Ltf and lire Lightning the BTUONOKHT nnd Lowest P01 Uompanlelltepreenlro BE8T luylng neo 1l1e nates lUnequalltJd TllIk with JIAHONY Stanford Kentucky Residence Phone No 82 Two Farms For Sale a I Wish to sell privately my farm of 170 msreiS mllea West of on the Lox pike U II well Impro and ha aSUnty of water and timber Well fenced Md In repair of 100 arm Alio an unimproved term Lei and between Lancnater Ulna midway taiton pike Good outlet each way Well- t jitrfabury KyI Boone Walls Successors to B D Carter Livery feed and Sale Stable Depot Street STANFORD KyI Special Attention Given Commercial Men Good lUgs nt ne son ble llatea Stock Pens In Connection QIVE ME YOUR ORDER I CAN PLEASE YOU Why buy readymnde clothing when there li 10 little difference In tile price of ready made ulti and a suit made to your meunure t I have a nn uxperlencvfl tailor r taken by I bandsoine line of HprlnR Hummer goods J- ean nult to I make from n lOW price business the nueetdrei Knit AIo Oerco tl Trous en nnd Fnncy Vests The company 1 rep MMnt Is second to none H 0 UUPM5Y The Tailor Htnnfoni Ky JflMES M PHILLIPS STANFORD KY DEALEB mI Building Material of nIl kinds Sash Doors Blinds Cement Nails Build dora Hardware Paints Oils Etc II anufacture concrete blocks for build- Ing purposes anti do all kinds of conI crete work Prices on application e eceAaT Undertaker Embalmer andd Dealer in HarnesaSaddleryII c I STANFORD KENTUCKY Office Phone 167 Home Phone 35I d JLBeazleyCo UndertaKers and Embalm era Alao Dealers in Fur situro MattingsRuga ThelC Win exchange Furniture for ill Kinds of Stock Give j Slum a Call Prices Right 0 t I KENTUCKY i- ITLORD 1 a J FARMERS DEPARTMENT I FOR SALnRegzstered Duroc boar R H Crow Shelby City Ky 4t I Wanted to rent some first class hemp land Robert Ford Moreland I FOR SALt Jersey cow Stood milk r nnd butter maker Rev P T Smith I MorelandC ISeven barrows will weigh 100 penn s for sale W 0 Watt MaywoodS I William Bradshaw of Mercer sol I his crop of tobacco 17000 pounds nt and IGc 111 R B Wilkinson has bought of nun parties a lot of cattle at Ic nnd I hogs at Clc FOR SALESome nlco shoats nnd WayI ward T B Hammonds FOR Rir2O acres of land to go In oats Cash rent F M Murphy old Curtis place on Danville pike ESTRAYED Two Berkshire gilts weigh about 175 pounds black am I marked James Messer Stanford FOR SALE Eleven twoyearolc mules eight of them mares and three I horse good ones J W Hughes More landS FOR SALE Several Jersey and shorthorn milk cows with young calves John B Carpenter Crab Or- chard FOR SALE Aberdeen Angus bull nnd Duroc jersey boar ready for service Both subject to register J 0 Carpenter Hustonville 4t In Mercer George Nichols has 27 e we s that dropped 53 lambs there were three sets of triplets in the bunch nnd- allaro living FOR RENT35 or 40 acres of good river bottom corn land for rent for cash or on shares S B Buchanan Crab OrchardS American Wire Fence and all kinds of farming implements lime cement plastering etc for sale Hunn Coffey Moreland KyS FOR SALEA lot of extra cultivated hemp seed absolutely free from rape J T Hackley Stanford Ky Phono 491 Danville exchangeS Mr I M Bruce who attended court at Danville yesterday tells us that an extremely small lot of cattle was on hand and that the crowd was the smallest in years There was a demand for good mules Burley tobacco growers of Fayette county will hold a monster barbecue at Lexington April 25 when it is expect- ed that fully 25000 visitors wilt be pres- ent ¬ The purpose is to strengthen tho organization of the growers The speedy stallion Tho Warflcld 224 of S M Owens Son will mako the season of 1907 at his farm near Mc- Kinney He is handsomely bred and is a fine individual in every way Tho Conquerer a splendid and well bred jack will also make the season at his farm Lookout for their pedigrees in the next issue LANCASTER Mrs Annie Goodloe Craig a sister of Mrs D M Lackey of Lancaster is dead at New Iberia La Tho Garrard County Fair Association has held a meeting and arranged for a three days stock and agricultural fair and fixed the dates for July 24 25 and 26 W B Burton was chosen presi ¬ dent J Y Young vice president and R L Elkin secretary and treasurer The official board is composed of 1C directors selected from Garrards leading citizens Hogs and poultry have been included in tho list of ex- hibits ¬ and a floral hall and other new featureb have been added to make the fair the most successful one in tho his- tory ¬ of its organization Do Not Crowd the Season The first warm days of spring bring with them a desire to get out and en- joy tho exhlllrating air and sunshine DhllJrcn that have been housed up all Winter are brought out anti you won or where they all came from The heavy Winter clothing is thrown asido nd many shed their flannels Then a old wave comes and people say that grip is epidemic Colds at this season are oven more dangerous than in mid- winter as thero is much moro danger > f pneumonia Take Chamberlains Cough Remedy hpwexer and you Wilt lave nothing to fear It always earns ind we have never known a cold to IC ¬ in pneumonia when it was used t is pleasant and safe to take Chil ran like it For salo by All Drug jlsts There has never been a cast of ty ihoid fever or appendicitis known to de- velop where Whites Diamond Brand Crab Orchard Water has been used con- stantly because it keeps the whole sys tern in perfect order Do not bo Im- posed upon There tire imitation Crab irchard Salts and Water on tho mar- ket ask your druggist for Whites Gen ulno Diamond LUand No Case on Record There is no case on record of a cough r cold resulting in pneumonia or con umption after Foloys iloneyand Tar ba8 been taken as it wilt stop your cough and break up your cold quick ly Refuse any but the genuine Fo jys Honey and Tar in a yellow pack J- ago Contains no opiates and is safe- land sure U L Penny o J AJiv r II Here and There At Georgetown burglars pried up n window in tho postoflica andstoleabou t 300 principally in stamps nnd Btam books George F Hawks general superin tendent of tho Houston Texas Cen- tral Central Houston East and Texas and the Houston Shreveport railroads has tendered his rcsiRnatioi effective April L Frightened by firo in a factory near their homes in tho flooded district o f Wheeling frenzied forelgnentfrantical ly jumped into the river and 18 los their lives so liar as is known Other bodies may bo found later Mrs Jonnie May sentenced to sorv 10 years for killing Lucien Conen o Louisville has withdrawn her appcu for a new trial and will bo sent to th 3 United States penitentiary at Mounds ville W Va this week to begin hci term The theory that one of tho clerks in the Chicago subtreasury may have a dual personality and may have removed tho missing 173000 while suffering from a temporary aberration is now being worked on by the officials in tho caseEfforts have been begun at Gallatin to force the Standard Oil Company from Tennessee the Attorney General having filed suit to oust it Tho nile ¬ gations are that the company has en ¬ tered into a conspiracy to control prices and drive out competition and the act- ion is brought under a Stato law r cently upheld by tho Supreme Court of Tennessee f 4Ji = Tho Harry Thaw trial entered upon its ninth week yesterday District At ¬ torney Jerome is expected to offer tho last of his evidence during yesterdays sessions but the defense has secured subpoenas for a number of witnesses and the tenth week may be entered upon before tho close of tho celebrated case Thaw is said to be in fine spirits and confident of a favorable outcome of his trial The jury in tho 10000 damage suit brought by Shirley Frisbio against Ashley Ward for assault and battery was unable to agree and was dis- charged Tho suit was the result of a fight on the streets of Cynthlana about a year ago in which Frisbio was shot in tho arm by Ward Both arc social leaders in Cynthiana and the fight was caused by alleged insulting remarks made by Friable to a young lady Given Up to Die B Spiegel 1201 N Virginia St Evansville Ind writes For over five years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry I lost flesh and was all rundown and a year ago had to abandon work entirely I had threo of the best physicians who did mono good and I was practically given up to die Foleys Kidney Cure was recommended and tho first bottle gave me great relief and after taking tho second bottle I was entirely cured Why not let It help you G L Penny Worked Like a Charm Mr D N Walker editor of that spicy journal tho Enterprise Louisa Va says 1 ran a nail In my foot last week and at once applied DuckI lens Arnica Salvo No inflammation followed the salvo simply healed the wound Heals every sore burn and skin disease Guaranteed at Pennys Drug Store 25c A severe cold that may develop intoI pneumonia over night can be cured quickly by taking Foloys Honey and Tar It will euro the most obstinate racking cough and strengthen your lungs Tim genuine is In a yellow package G L Penny PARKERS HAIR DALSAM t CUUIMI mil twautifln Its tilt Itontotci > taiuronl growfv OTJhair CURI XflijOciL Reduced t 1 Rates t t VIAII I I t I I on the first and third Tuesdays of each month to many points South Winter Tourist Tickets now on sale goodreturning till May 31 For par ¬ ticulars write C KING C P T A Lexington ICyS rfl DARE ALL NO 2086 Thocomlilnrtlfttnlllou will nmko a limit od aca on HOT lit I j wn Iore Htock Kariu tlp Onrpenlors Htntlnn nt IIS to Insure a llvln colt inrts trmlitl or imrtitl wltli forfeit Insiirnncd niul money licconu ilnt nt tlm inch transaction Mvii retained on rol lIof BPIISOII Is iiiiltl Mntvs grnr <Hl III SJ80 n month tlr n fill If UHlrtilnt riiiHonal rIittlt porsotml intention lull wo will not bo ru tiInlsiNlIIMIIijrlINVOflIetI 194 Imtul liltthilnrk lilly with one front stud rvnr oo whit AInr model of imnt IeitiiIy will Iort beck Iiig 1IklI eI wtIlIiIopiI- shoulder I nnd witit great wOIIIl- leXIIlcl from rending Iii petiigrte i11 fttUhIItflt III hiltnoun with tlint srari ful movcimnt thn I IIOIOIIKI to him Ii liiherltnnco fronin u Ion I llncof tlunnott fnnioui nnitstry of widill pndvceda No IBN5 Vol0 A 111 IU litf liy OIlMttT Imr i ho Mq iitrrt IIM litttiy muck Kn 1III TI fioliy King Wlllliimrtlho hy Wmh maton niniirk ftl ha liytlnlnx Ikmimrk 01 liP liy Uonninmrk II K lit ilniu Kininli Me SrTJtf liy Kill 8 i ilmil fa Ind ilniu liy Mol llodotM Is Kill Wllllnm 07 8nl dRill lij IIOIIIIrl Ulhr Th ifgnIIys tint cilim 1i AT H II li4 h XV H 1 it 11 I eIcI lie 10 lltfnl ll d I1RlllbJltonlnll- lIlldRm by AlHlnllnli MitsvnKirHnlilinn KIIIH rIllIl1- 11ItKXRI4111 olTerlnis till turvlrvs or tiI It Iretier and hniulloruf fancy nnddlit horn ci for tI yetrs nOd oJlIrllIce taught IIII to know n nil nppncliiti II hlali clna Oil Ittirv All lii tilt result of ciirvflil mlii < tnlc IIIK hr Hilln iiiul COIIIP Its nittuml result of iiiiitliiit tIe very licit iunr s with tho Ion most mnlllom tilL Mtnt tint nlTortlml Inr ryltiK about SO Ir rent of KliiR WllllAiit iilixxl 11 uriMitr iHrwiit thnn nny atnlllou In vrvlr In the Htiitc Kins Wllllnin lwln ngitriktt na pri iiiliniit fur fiinry Niiildle nnd IIl1rllll hone tiara All 1111 liy thf now romliiK fninonx IHmilty lin ho In toni hlIIIIrOIl folltiwItiR u long Hit of sire evtry one u great how boric out of innrra hint were < Mimllr CI fntnou 01 show innrtM nntl hi iall KiinnU Mo tin Itrrntent show mart W ewV ownwl linvlnii rofimil Itttl for her tIe think entItle him to tii careful conlclrrntlon of nil Iroolltc- live iittdtta W< think him She urnnUi t show hon Bow him lx furo iKMiklng your innros 00 A H K rAIUKNTKll rtione In rolilellctlIlulonlIltI lxtIiaiie DignityDareo rhOROII hint It oint > whit oiily IKhI mid till I lwttk with Ionioriiniytiip ItiijiiiilouiitdI Mm u modvl under halter ulwnya wear liluo units In intxtil rlnsa ricrpt twlro when shown iiKiilnit hla own Rtt wonderful style In hllrlllu Ihow horse sure Wtitli ono year old wore nil lionora In his clam whirwvir aliown also tile tiluu tie In WH > stake harm tarlnK < nt iItno oat When n 8yearold ho was JbOWfl II tlniii and won 13 blue strings hna nnvrr lieu detailed in fancy harness ring tine nlwnya Uon the vIctor In sinhilon IU rllllC II n hmlr when ihown with three or morn of hla mt for al <e atyli niul gencrnl conformntion nnd fornll purixiiMt n aiuldlo horn with Hvn distinct unlit toil line wctlmi niokfr Eood In two walks Hiid It nil loinr very iiottlvo In lila trot under toddle nnd In harness great nil around action nt U re quired for an < 1nt mn of utah tirlcetl wile horses for tnddle or Imriifti lie la n aun enough Imrnraa borne graceful ttylltli nnd fast cnn aliow Ilchtha In 11 oj necondt n 294 gait with hut little hnllllllllili tilt Ihll last fail onC year 1110 i tuNnel In the Irlnlt II pouetted of wonderful nerve nnd IIMMHI enough to get n trotter fur track Use or nentleinena rondntrra large hnndnonio styllit strong vnoutih togetcnrntageIionewith a kindly dllllO Itlon tot nil Puroosci of a faintly horse lie la the horse to sire parker alylUh grace hit iitiMtnncv nnd docility It hai Iwn given up hy horwmen that hx li one of the inott uniform lirwdera In Kentucky lie tyiHa liii coltS after hlmavlf hal never aired II orniI colt Tit noI Iro tin bl hone for the farmer nnd amnll breeder to produce Is tilt hone Which serves the wldeat ninili of purpowt well lilt coltanrv show colts of tho very hlahent type blue itrliiK wlnnera from the olitoot to the yoiiniieat at of his colts have been oftentl for and aold for nil nv rnueof tllMiul llie nrernga age of them Is 7 years unit ID montlnI- KtilniiKH Hlrwlhy Chenter Dare 10 N H II U hn tiy Illnrk Kijulrrel M lie by IllaclcKtiRleTI he by Kltm William 67 lit bv WnthtiiKton ivnniarknl bx by Clalno IHMininrkrtlbe In rate hone Denmark K H hn Imp lledueford lilirnltyii lust dam Iltleinont tiy WilchmmU No TK7 A T II H ho liy William Welch 811 he by Ityndlcka llnmbliloiilan ID Dignity sec ond dam It liy Abdullah Mttateiiger dam lirilU Vermont 4th ilnm Tlioroutlilirvd Velcliinonf lint dam rnulliie by Almoiit Koroat 4- 1TiIItxaIIgnity Dare will make the sen- soul I or IWff lit utty statue In lluttonrllle Ky at t 1110 Insure H llvlniz colt when fonlwl W to prow mnre in foul Marei traded or removil forfeit liutirnnf1 nnd money beoomen du > nnd mutt IM utld lit lulls or aiicb tninanctloii 31NrS Itruttt nt S2r llr month nnd huh to be wIld U fOil removal of mare Unlill sit dMlrenl nt reasonable nitea Mores ntrlisted to mo will rtielvo my iwnoiml IitteOtiiIi but I will not lie responsIble noeldonta or e a- IoiIM4 lhone in RI utmlll K y 11 fo4 tlIlHNTHIt Col Bird 40566 hors fonloIIIM1IJ nr1 by Ot O P Cecil IjllIlVllle Ky Hired by Uetllhin Ohlef J7i No StlfiliH alreofOJyearoldi with rerordi of 2U1P or Lxtter by Villlun Jiltt1 sIre of 11111111 It dam Itlrdle Kenney I full sister to low nil and Uninnio lu alre of 4 nnd 10thilk4 1 11 Hy UamlMtta Wllkea W4 alre of U with recordaof i lit or livtter hid dam Kith Imvla ilnm of lord Humrall 10MJownnl8H sire of fliimmorlui sir 4 odle Wllklt I inut FI1I lklle t SI t6 Hllrlnunlt ma Hhaw 32I 4 Hy lied Wllkea K No 1719 tlru of iTS and sirs or lie dutitil of liT ard dam Ktlle Davln l11l hull of otis pro IticInK son nnd grand dam lord Hiiinmll lay 2 ISVi Hell Ot W and Zoo din ilk t itt Hy Alexander AUInllnh I No 16 sire ofUoltisunitli Maid 211 nnd other 4th dunn by Crocketts HxlUoundu- rNoTKOeclllnnOhtefSl74 Hired Cecil lUll S lOVi Ijidy Norrettii 2 1SH tdiini af Hilly ilzzarn 2 nnd Ccollltia Chief U7 P urutI S lI ilire of Couuitei IeI- 0 Iltiwltig Title SonlIl O 5V lici WOtlllTl tnllllnlllllollto hull of I idy Norvette1- 3M itnd ItOl1 norln 2 S7H nnd full shier to- taflnUii iMi hit dnnioHmIy YnteaJillWinnd- liruill 1 31 nnd Nwctorliu tliedaiu of Sttstor- KUotrlr iti nnd Olga KUctrlo SKij nnd tzmll lllIlI of Ocilinu 1hllft 7t 11111 Izurro lI1 1 hy Uiuflbettii WlIkt llli- e greatest llvliiB sire Srd dam Nectar dntiinr nnllMln II S MVf Hid Druile 1 1 t nnd Kriinil diini of frfidy Nor itln S llti Iho tlititi of Vellliin Chief ttii ind Hilly rtiznra iliMt lndy Yate t SVctor Klectrlc S 22 Olitn Klectrlc 2 b H IIIIl lloinlorln227Hbv NulwmMl 2is i alre of ITI ttuI lie Min of iIrol uliarea Iiitl In IlnllCrulst tying or dead alre of ntHiid- 4th ural horss dnin Uiilaton t had lint I fouls nil fe ualr 0 nit nil bred grand dam of Mberty II 11321 lri of Tommy 2Od3u Ire dam of IreeUIon 2 in and Kriuul damI- IIMO of liiilllettn 43 t IlIltdllm of Lady IIII5 1 I1I1nd lininle Nectarine lam of two Oonjrto dnm of two Hy Duroc No I1G ulrn ISI antI hU Iaimhlertiliavproducodovir tl Cth dam Mecca 218 ind one other nnd raml iliitii of hurry lroft Mtisciivltu 2 lf Kliolld n ItUMhi tfli niid others Hy Volunteer Mwlru of 31 IInll1h dnURht r hove proilnceil 78 nth dam of Ivxtur 2 17U AlnmI tMi stint one other and Aldut bOll of lire of Jay Kvo co- tOO4l1l1cftioiolhnrll and lIMO Lady Doxtor clnlll li American Mar 11 sire of four and tlnniR of 13 Ttbdiim McKltitry mnro dnm of Hhnrlc T4 and grand dnnis of Dextvr Alma uiul Ol llIn duet TV Is n very young horse 4 he Iia II or his gel wIth trottlll record 1but ni p H OAHlKNTKH Hustonvlllc Ky ± x ICentral Kentucky Real Estate Exchange TITLE CO No 13SlOanrefsrrn milt of Crab Irchnnl Kjr llrlck dwelling 1 ruowi two scant houses Iit land good fencing intuit SIC PIIC iioeo an acn welllmrroyd T4 t6iacitioflanJon Jamcitown rosS south of Dunnvlll too acres In cultivation about tj arias In timber ant rest In gran A lila new lila dwell- Ing alto an oU dwelling on plics A new earn anJ wo olof ones It II will watered anof the fencing II gtxid On public roil 1tkeliooo No 154A K0 mrs Satin 1larou Dill rlrr near Crab Orchard About TO anti 4SacmlQ pitture rest In rood timber About 7i beating fruit tree on the liars a story 6 room itsalling IIntlary liable and crib slid S my rood tenant house Tb buildIngs art In very loud shipe but till frncei art not Tbt plic u watered uy 6 never falllnciprlDji Thliliajood alork farm anti ti offered at a banal a 1rlc only fJSOO W No lt3lTO tre farm near lluitontlll lood dwelllnz anti barn a rood portion of this pIau lOulolloe Mid for town 101 It li well watered lid Ihe fencing sot tullJluji are In good tUfltIIOU This li one oUbe best tlrlU In hi county TIts lOll It rich and wilt product betel etc hit 111lo story tram IIwlllne 7 room ball anti reran Ja JOlt ttrdo feoclnf and bout to food repair For ale or rent Irlct reaaonabl- No MlIou lxii hoc of land In MeKtn ney Nercoary outbuilding Keating good anti well watered Will sell Ibl put on eaij terms No 7J J acrea of rood bad ilx rooms two story dwellloj well watered rood lenclnc It It the 0 tb city 01 Stanford close to Iratlal- chooi anti churches TkIs Is a lInlnl bow rrlee reuonabl No 170 rnora frame cottag inS on aere o land In ICtugiTllle Ky lang barn awoke house ffJ1lrlrIcelOO No ieI41 i anus ol land cottage of 4 rooms good hall and t 001 barn anti other Decenary outbuilding Fencing and building In rood repair list well watered a spitoditi 1l at house etc Land U all lieu and produce will Young apple inS peach orchard Ibis farm la about 6 miles from low n hit USUi- No IIU A 320 acre farm In the Wajnebuig ercllon about 2U mIles from 2 rail road ttallona Laystetwein splendidlain li watered with neerfalling springs and a run Lug branch through the pars II till good foe Ing ant outbuilding 1it II too Termiruy rto JoJ log acre farm sItuated on tb Wanr burg and SIt Vernon roa l alxut a utile east of t ayneburg liii a aroom IOUre etc Tbl plate belong to a gentleman Jn Calltornlf and hi will sell It cheap asS on nay Urtaa- NO IlSA nice large store room and dwelling atoyi roniUUng oi erral nicely furnished nuiaa oulbultIlegsThis sirwel InSlanlord right In Ibibuilnea lloa of town this Irelnywill is told of a 1la sod li a tplradld opportunity to aiu one dralrlng to go In biulnct Kor the stir and dvelllnif I4ln combined will be a great suing in rent etc No IK WX ecru of land nest Crab Unbar cheap No 219One Tarant lot In Junction City at 111I South on Locus strset II bent hire f 100 rash No S3lltou > oaud loton Ixigan Street In rltae i fuN loot rirdra etc KtrrylMng lo good re Plr Inca llt uo 0 9 Twoturr frame dwelling of lU room two hills veranda te well at door and all otner necessary outbulldlnri Alw large Uackuulth bop 60130 and ihMt lull length of tbep and ho feet wide this property will be aold at k very low price No IIJA farm of SJ4 acres sItuated abouttT I mllea front tlilafod and s milt from CrabUrcha d- on the waUnoftMirlViek Tn placed cut In ilwal 12 OoMi and can be iubdt lded Aliout DO acres la In culllratlon timber lUOcUnt to ksep tilac ne anti onehill story frame dwelling upI iminii hills porcheaelc Two good Ire lIou barns gran > ry corn crib etc Plate Ii wen witer el two good cisterns at tb door running lUMm through firm All buildings In good Ibll eicept one barn Itnclng Mt Irlcsltllwracta Terms eur > o mtUc4 room collage and tier of land located stout I mile Irom Kbelb City Tb houM aloe cost IWO W will sell this plac lot It O U17Sswry incudlogfeoc1ogacr lion iced orchard of peachea rlumiapplti eleI IIon n First National BankCapital Stanford 50000 Thu institution was originally Mtabllihefl at the Depoilt flank of Stanford In usa then reorranlied at the National hush of- Btuford In lItS and again reorlanhed I the First National Ilaik of Stanford la 1112 having bad practically an uninter ¬ rupted existence for 13 years It It better supplied now with for transact promptly and well than ever before In Us long and honorable career Accounts of Indlylduals Fiduciaries and Cor ¬ porations Solicited No SU2M acre of land 2 dwellings of I room each Untt tobacco harn Itl lest long next to IhJy lest barn In Uocoln county 1 small ck ThIS property lays Iwtwrtn 1 good county rood and 2 leading turn lkea All tht tulMlngt anJ fenflnK areln good repair 1lact It well wattrr1 liy gxi creeks ito Splendid toUrro lint ant will raise lit barrels ofrou to Hit acrr ibisl- Iaramakraibownerfnum 26 to ro per etnl DC his ltivestiiietut on If not the rprapnt piccusoflsnti In Lincoln county If you are Ing for a bargain tblili ourebau cheap No nil 1HO acre flflll aloOut a rot1fiouti town tnjm iplenilMIr j mostlY ni ciiltlTntlon will water utI sit callage of lmriuouni Inrg uttn Iroi erly well fenced etc Pile ISO Ir urn No 4JBeTenrooui dwelling pod cellar anti 11 aCre hand 1r IIIIIDIt wuil sod sprIng Etncng anti outbulidigs la fair rendition igrip p1cc- ckm to wwa Will nit a swill lazily Noll7 > acre Satin lii I uilltol 1bll I1 story a loom dwelling itore house amok bouM well houtt crib tic All the iiullllriti and fcnfrg art In fair eundlllon lood apple orchard about Tl kerr In eultlrallon rust In < tluilr Watered by a utter falling wlllodwaln 01 South Fork Met 12700 No 91 A fnnu ol about 104 uteruS on ont of tbt beat In Ibt county A linndMmt two story frnln oIwlllnlf iuail on of the larijeti und lest borne In the raunly This plnrt U well watered anti everything It ImluJnt tene Inr It In ti ltndld reiilr In II good runmiunlty cliMtU > l lionlROlllloOut 2tJ nilnulet tint I wig Slanfbrd Ibis a very detlmblt bolts Mti tltMl No 71 ijoo y acres or Cottqn lsnti In Mlsslsstpf I Thr11 no sectIon of country which oflff ao many for rrotillbll InIIIIInlu the u Orrortunlun lilch U now lilly JtxrltvJat Iroj p rlly Valley The timber It tecoailnt mortvalu able all tht llmt for the reason tbat lumbtr from till North shill the tupplyof Umbtrlifatti 4lnlnlthlnc are contUnlly Increasing their p- gchuaoltimtrIaniIiC tht houth Whsnthetlm- tsr It rtrovtJ Hit land II unNusleti for crt < uitu ril purports U will product a bits of cotton to tht acrt or will crow allyother klnJ of crop ralt 4 in tht ttmptiait lent toll nsJ > no Ierttllsrs anti rlrts a yKU whlchcannotN ttctlled lazes art low iiis tilts Is pellet anti tb man who buys Otlu tans anj Wafer Unit at present prices It making an In II vtttntnt that ht will ne i rtjret This land it 41 tided Into tract ranglne from 40 sties to tht tract to tfoooacmtotht Irart cal tkfl rum 31 pra rt to S6 ptr cue accordIng to location tic Wt art authortitJ ty tht company who owns thtM lanJi to ititt thai at other partltt Ire ufluutisillig th- vurctius of ihtM lands that w t ollr thttt tracts sib- IcttorrlorulwtthJrawl Item maiktl or chaflft n prlct wlthont llmtttr whtn nctintJ thsy will hold any tract out of ntrktl long tnoujh fortbtpurchawr to mtkt an Invtitlcttlon boll li otacr ollhl JanJ llaa betn lOLl toy tht Cow pany slOt wt Itiitlvtd thlt option lor furthtrpar Iculars call at our oMct Also a 50 barrel mill In Mercer county ICy on Salt River Steam rawer new up todate to every particular inS good dwell of with ImproTemenU SO acrea of line and Clues to Soutliarn railroad 1llce 19 000No laVOottaM In Larrtiltr 77 feet front atil- Vufwi4drp All ntnMtry oulbulldli urtpt barn u D W In good shape Col Up contaIns 4 rooms ball ttrauda porrb and basement UUM It school ciiisrtbri tic lrlre t154sl 00 ho 70Tn acre of land two Story front tot- tags seven room ntllt tic llouaa la new a rood < trdtn and tpltnJld pnbtrd ol I > ate fencing ruoJ twO liable buggy bout tuiutt boutt tie A pool witil Ott plt thus Ia also a ooj Mill oa tbt plan a god rrutktr la nil It It run byflit oral powtr which It a rrat economy sod tbt data- ii In rtptlr Will toll Ihi prpiwny at a lo- wIIlIreotl11 NoM Kramtbotclltrttrooiat donblt Term dat hallway Lie A lantt 2 story ilortruou fronting turt3ll < l horn boul up stilt tulia bltfordwt Inf 3 eke cottages nletly furnished papered and painted 4 rooms ami venal ratub A lar on taut lot Qa a livery alibi Ooo4 rntea Vicafil lot aJoIntng 36 fl front by 250 set drip All of this rNIfl Is Iti Ltolloloo Ky anti Iii flntcbanrt for omt tnt to mat utnty toprllor his tvfuwd to rent propttly fur tM per month tn arcounl of 111 bttlth f hIs wlit taly reason JJr ITDprUlor dealitt to tickaoit far farm la Lincoln mainly lie 76A twill farm of > J acres of nod Und located nines to love hit 1260 Mo 3DO trrtt of land entrant from Soiotract Kjrul In rican Suds Korty actt In cultiva tion 40 atret la wstur balancw In limber Dwell tie oontatns liven 700105 tic I airy outbuliduliga Ktortt anTbulldiftClID spIre > Id Well watered Itift StO- ONo8ltlJlttoeof land I o Ford ill rnllM from railroad ant < 4 mUta from Albnt rlrtr tftrtaty anirsefisad It rlttr botloin U listclam land and In grass This lint Is tot tali treicktnca 35J acm In Allen cnnnty Ky on rail ¬ road and pUts about So acre cultivated about Ui In timber and trau aol about ISO In graat Timber on place Is cut to II InCh but will make barrel timber thing let ties and cord wood enough to pay for tba place twice over A large part It fld am four dwelllnut of 4 rooms each and one store of twostorlet with rooms bora lau wells and Iprlaltl of water It In I mile of county teat and rrowt tobacco corn wheat gras etc for 13790 One halt cub ot Ky Officers 1 B HOOKER Pun BT lUHiili V Pru J J UoKOnEHTS Obr W II WRAUENAtst Ctri Directors r Rid UanTlllt I T Harm Stanford J B Backer Stanford K L Tanner McKlnnay M U Elmore Stanford B II Ilauebman Stanford T P 11111 Stanford Jat RobInson Hubble J H lUURhman Stanford J M 1ettui Stanford 0 R Tale BlanfordI I Cfte Lincoln eounty national Bank or Stanford Kentucky c HAS TV A Capital 5OOOOOO Surplus Undivided Profits 2500000 Individual Deposits 24000000 Available for use of its Patrons 31500000 n Right Goods and Right Prices at t Geo D Hoppers Stanford Ky y Dealer in Hardware Stoves Tinware Gro ¬ ceries Field Seeds Etc Com ¬ plete Stock Street e STANFORD KYI I

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Post on 22-Apr-2020




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Page 1: L7 I fltetioriournai tlp ICentral Iitnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7ngf0mtk9h/data/0821.pdf · 2013-06-19 · have been included in tho list of ex-hibits ¬ and a floral hall and other new featureb

h f >J> iJt r 1ZJ


iiI fltetioriournaiEntered in the PortOffice al Stanford al-

weondcii matter





When not 10 paid I00 will be charged


No SI Boutli llJl I M

No SI Houth ItM PM4tl A M

NoisNortUJUTl x

JossS RICE Agent

NOTICE IdrlnklnI

deIrtniivtugo ot

111VnlerttIN Own > o

td klgl LIM lror1


For Sale Privatelyr houle and 10 acres of land tuated

limits on tho BomerietIaouuldeofwwnroom kitchen and aerpike cellar table and at

nti room good7 la> ecellaryoutbulldlngs Water hydrantthe yard one


A S PRICESu-rgeon Dentist


Office over McRoberts Drug Store in

the Owsley Building

INSURANCEWInd torui Ltf andlire Lightning

the BTUONOKHT nndLowest P01UompanlelltepreenlroBE8T luylng neo

1l1e nateslUnequalltJd TllIk with

JIAHONY Stanford Kentucky

Residence Phone No 82

Two Farms For Salea

I Wish to sell privately my farm of 170

msreiS mllea West of on the Loxpike U II well Impro and ha

aSUnty of water and timber Well fencedMd In repair

of 100 armAlio an unimproved term Leiandbetween LancnaterUlna midwaytaiton pike Good outlet each way Well-

t jitrfabury KyIBoone Walls

Successors to B D Carter

Livery feed and Sale StableDepot Street STANFORD KyI

Special Attention Given Commercial MenGood lUgs nt ne son ble llatea

Stock Pens In Connection



Why buy readymnde clothing when thereli 10 little difference In tile price of readymade ulti and a suit made to your meunure

t I have ann uxperlencvfl tailorr taken byI bandsoine line of HprlnR Hummer goods J-

ean nult to Imake from n lOW price business

the nueetdrei Knit AIo Oerco tl Trousen nnd Fnncy Vests The company 1 repMMnt Is second to none

H 0 UUPM5Y The TailorHtnnfoni Ky


STANFORD KYDEALEB mIBuilding Material of nIl kinds Sash

Doors Blinds Cement Nails Build

dora Hardware Paints Oils Etc IIanufacture concrete blocks for build-

Ing purposes anti do all kinds of conIcrete work Prices on application

e eceAaT

Undertaker Embalmer anddDealer in HarnesaSaddleryII



Office Phone 167 Home Phone 35Id


UndertaKers and Embalmera Alao Dealers in Fursituro MattingsRuga ThelCWin exchange Furniture for

ill Kinds of Stock Give

j Slum a Call Prices Right0 t I






FOR SALnRegzstered Duroc boarR H Crow Shelby City Ky 4t

I Wanted to rent some first class hempland Robert Ford Moreland

I FOR SALt Jersey cow Stood milk rnnd butter maker Rev P T Smith

I MorelandCISeven barrows will weigh 100 penn s

for sale W 0 WattMaywoodSI William Bradshaw of Mercer sol I

his crop of tobacco 17000 pounds ntand IGc

111 R B Wilkinson has bought of nun

parties a lot of cattle at Ic nndI hogs at Clc

FOR SALESome nlco shoats nndWayIward T B Hammonds

FOR Rir2O acres of land to go In

oats Cash rent F M Murphy old

Curtis place on Danville pikeESTRAYED Two Berkshire gilts

weigh about 175 pounds black am I

marked James Messer StanfordFOR SALE Eleven twoyearolc

mules eight of them mares and three I

horse good ones J W Hughes MorelandSFOR SALE Several Jersey andshorthorn milk cows with youngcalves John B Carpenter Crab Or-

chardFOR SALE Aberdeen Angus bull nnd

Duroc jersey boar ready for service Bothsubject to register J 0 CarpenterHustonville 4t

In Mercer George Nichols has 27 ewe sthat dropped 53 lambs there werethree sets of triplets in the bunch nnd-

allaro livingFOR RENT35 or 40 acres of good

river bottom corn land for rent forcash or on shares S B BuchananCrab OrchardSAmerican Wire Fence and all kindsof farming implements lime cementplastering etc for sale HunnCoffey Moreland KySFOR SALEA lot of extra cultivatedhemp seed absolutely free from rapeJ T Hackley Stanford Ky Phono491 Danville exchangeS

Mr I M Bruce who attendedcourt at Danville yesterday tells usthat an extremely small lot of cattlewas on hand and that the crowd wasthe smallest in years There was ademand for good mules

Burley tobacco growers of Fayettecounty will hold a monster barbecue atLexington April 25 when it is expect-ed that fully 25000 visitors wilt be pres-


The purpose is to strengthen thoorganization of the growers

The speedy stallion Tho Warflcld224 of S M Owens Son will makothe season of 1907 at his farm near Mc-

Kinney He is handsomely bred and isa fine individual in every way ThoConquerer a splendid and well bredjack will also make the season at hisfarm Lookout for their pedigrees inthe next issue


Mrs Annie Goodloe Craig a sister ofMrs D M Lackey of Lancaster is

dead at New Iberia LaTho Garrard County Fair Association

has held a meeting and arranged for athree days stock and agricultural fairand fixed the dates for July 24 25 and26 W B Burton was chosen presi ¬

dent J Y Young vice president andR L Elkin secretary and treasurerThe official board is composed of 1C

directors selected from Garrardsleading citizens Hogs and poultryhave been included in tho list of ex-hibits


and a floral hall and other newfeatureb have been added to make thefair the most successful one in tho his-tory


of its organization

Do Not Crowd the SeasonThe first warm days of spring bring

with them a desire to get out and en-

joy tho exhlllrating air and sunshineDhllJrcn that have been housed up allWinter are brought out anti you won

or where they all came from Theheavy Winter clothing is thrown asido

nd many shed their flannels Then a

old wave comes and people say thatgrip is epidemic Colds at this seasonare oven more dangerous than in mid-

winter as thero is much moro danger> f pneumonia Take Chamberlains

Cough Remedy hpwexer and you Wilt

lave nothing to fear It always earnsind we have never known a cold to IC ¬

in pneumonia when it was usedt is pleasant and safe to take Chilran like it For salo by All Drug


There has never been a cast of tyihoid fever or appendicitis known to de-

velop where Whites Diamond BrandCrab Orchard Water has been used con-

stantly because it keeps the whole systern in perfect order Do not bo Im-

posed upon There tire imitation Crabirchard Salts and Water on tho mar-ket ask your druggist for Whites Genulno Diamond LUand

No Case on RecordThere is no case on record of a coughr cold resulting in pneumonia or con

umption after Foloys iloneyand Tarba8 been taken as it wilt stop yourcough and break up your cold quickly Refuse any but the genuine Fojys Honey and Tar in a yellow pack J-

ago Contains no opiates and is safe-

land sure U L Penny


JAJiv r


Here and There

At Georgetown burglars pried up nwindow in tho postoflica andstoleabou t300 principally in stamps nnd Btam

booksGeorge F Hawks general superin

tendent of tho Houston Texas Cen-

tral Central Houston East andTexas and the Houston Shreveportrailroads has tendered his rcsiRnatioieffective April L

Frightened by firo in a factory neartheir homes in tho flooded district o fWheeling frenzied forelgnentfrantically jumped into the river and 18 los

their lives so liar as is known Otherbodies may bo found later

Mrs Jonnie May sentenced to sorv10 years for killing Lucien Conen o

Louisville has withdrawn her appcufor a new trial and will bo sent to th 3

United States penitentiary at Moundsville W Va this week to begin hciterm

The theory that one of tho clerks inthe Chicago subtreasury may have a

dual personality and may have removedtho missing 173000 while sufferingfrom a temporary aberration is nowbeing worked on by the officials in tho

caseEfforts have been begun at Gallatinto force the Standard Oil Companyfrom Tennessee the Attorney Generalhaving filed suit to oust it Tho nile¬

gations are that the company has en ¬

tered into a conspiracy to control pricesand drive out competition and the act-

ion is brought under a Stato lawrcently upheld by tho Supreme Court ofTennessee f 4Ji=

Tho Harry Thaw trial entered uponits ninth week yesterday District At ¬

torney Jerome is expected to offer tholast of his evidence during yesterdayssessions but the defense has securedsubpoenas for a number of witnessesand the tenth week may be enteredupon before tho close of tho celebratedcase Thaw is said to be in fine spiritsand confident of a favorable outcomeof his trial

The jury in tho 10000 damage suitbrought by Shirley Frisbio againstAshley Ward for assault and batterywas unable to agree and was dis-

charged Tho suit was the result of afight on the streets of Cynthlana abouta year ago in which Frisbio was shotin tho arm by Ward Both arc socialleaders in Cynthiana and the fight wascaused by alleged insulting remarksmade by Friable to a young lady

Given Up to Die

B Spiegel 1201 N Virginia StEvansville Ind writes For overfive years I was troubled with kidneyand bladder affections which causedme much pain and worry I lost fleshand was all rundown and a year agohad to abandon work entirely I hadthreo of the best physicians who didmono good and I was practically givenup to die Foleys Kidney Cure was

recommended and tho first bottle gaveme great relief and after taking thosecond bottle I was entirely curedWhy not let It help you G L Penny

Worked Like a CharmMr D N Walker editor of that

spicy journal tho Enterprise LouisaVa says 1 ran a nail In my footlast week and at once applied DuckIlens Arnica Salvo No inflammationfollowed the salvo simply healed thewound Heals every sore burn andskin disease Guaranteed at PennysDrug Store 25c

A severe cold that may develop intoIpneumonia over night can be curedquickly by taking Foloys Honey andTar It will euro the most obstinateracking cough and strengthen yourlungs Tim genuine is In a yellowpackage G L Penny


CUUIMI mil twautifln Its tiltItontotci > taiuronl growfvOTJhairCURI XflijOciL

Reduced t1

Rates t







on the first and third Tuesdays of

each month to many points SouthWinter Tourist Tickets now on sale

goodreturning till May 31 For par ¬

ticulars write

C KING C P T ALexington ICyS


DARE ALL NO 2086Thocomlilnrtlfttnlllou will nmko a limit

od aca on HOT lit I j wn Iore Htock KariutlpOnrpenlors Htntlnn nt IIS to Insure a llvlncolt inrts trmlitl or imrtitl wltli forfeitInsiirnncd niul money licconu ilnt nt tlm

inch transaction Mvii retained on rollIof BPIISOII Is iiiiltl Mntvs grnr <Hl III SJ80 nmonth tlr n fill If UHlrtilnt riiiHonalrIittltporsotml intention lull wo will not bo ru

tiInlsiNlIIMIIijrlINVOflIetI 194 Imtulliltthilnrk lilly with one front stud rvnr oowhit AInr model of imnt IeitiiIy willIort beck Iiig 1IklIeI wtIlIiIopiI-shoulder

Innd witit great wOIIIl-

leXIIlcl from rending Iii petiigrte i11fttUhIItflt IIIhiltnoun with tlint srari ful movcimnt thn IIIOIOIIKI to him Ii liiherltnnco fronin u Ion I

llncof tlunnott fnnioui nnitstry of widillpndvceda NoIBN5 Vol0 A 111 IU litf liy OIlMttT Imr i

ho Mq iitrrt IIM litttiy muck Kn1III TI fioliy King Wlllliimrtlho hy Wmhmaton niniirk ftl ha liytlnlnx Ikmimrk01 liP liy Uonninmrk II K lit ilniu KininliMe SrTJtf liy Kill 8 i ilmil fa Ind ilniu liy MolllodotM Is Kill Wllllnm 07 8nl dRill lij

IIOIIIIrl Ulhr Th ifgnIIys tint cilim1i AT H II li4 h XV H

1 it 11 I eIcI lie 10 lltfnl ll d I1RlllbJltonlnll-lIlldRm by AlHlnllnli MitsvnKirHnlilinn

KIIIH rIllIl1-11ItKXRI4111 olTerlnis till turvlrvs ortiIIt Iretier and hniulloruf fancy nnddlit horn

ci for tI yetrs nOd oJlIrllIce taught IIIIto know n nil nppncliiti II hlali clna OilIttirv All lii tilt result of ciirvflil mlii < tnlcIIIK hr Hilln iiiul COIIIP Its nittuml result ofiiiiitliiit tIe very licit iunr s with tho Ionmost mnlllom tilL Mtnt tint nlTortlml InrryltiK about SO Ir rent of KliiR WllllAiitiilixxl 11 uriMitr iHrwiit thnn nny atnlllouIn vrvlr In the Htiitc Kins Wllllnin lwlnngitriktt na pri iiiliniit fur fiinry Niiildlennd IIl1rllll hone tiara All 1111 liy thfnow romliiK fninonx IHmilty lin ho Intoni hlIIIIrOIl folltiwItiR u long Hitof sire evtry one u great how boric outof innrra hint were <Mimllr CI fntnou 01show innrtM nntl hi iall KiinnU Mo tinItrrntent show mart W ewV ownwl linvlniirofimil Itttl for her tIe think entItle himto tii careful conlclrrntlon of nil Iroolltc-live iittdtta W < think him She urnnUi tshow hon Bow him lx furo iKMiklng yourinnros

0 0 A H K rAIUKNTKllrtione In rolilellctlIlulonlIltI lxtIiaiie

DignityDareorhOROII hint It oint > whit oiilyIKhImid till I lwttk with IonioriiniytiipItiijiiiilouiitdI

Mm u modvl under halter ulwnya wearliluo units In intxtil rlnsa ricrpt twlro

when shown iiKiilnit hla own Rtt wonderfulstyle In hllrlllu Ihow horse sure Wtitliono year old wore nil lionora In his clamwhirwvir aliown also tile tiluu tie In W H >

stake harm tarlnK < nt iItno oat When n8yearold ho was JbOWfl II tlniii and won13 blue strings hna nnvrr lieu detailed infancy harness ring tine nlwnya Uon thevIctor In sinhilon IU rllllC II n hmlrwhen ihown with three or morn of hla mtfor al <e atyli niul gencrnl conformntionnnd fornll purixiiMt n aiuldlo hornwith Hvn distinct unlit toil line wctlminiokfr Eood In two walks Hiid It nil loinrvery iiottlvo In lila trot under toddle nnd Inharness great nil around action nt U required for an < 1nt mn of utah tirlcetlwile horses for tnddle or Imriifti lie la naun enough Imrnraa borne graceful ttylltlinnd fast cnn aliow Ilchtha In 11 oj necondtn 294 gait with hut little hnllllllllili tilt Ihlllast fail onC year 1110 i tuNnelIn the Irlnlt II pouetted of wonderfulnerve nnd IIMMHI enough to get n trotter furtrack Use or nentleinena rondntrra largehnndnonio styllit strong vnoutihtogetcnrntageIionewith a kindly dllllOItlon tot nil Puroosci of a faintly horse liela the horse to sire parker alylUh gracehit iitiMtnncv nnd docility It hai Iwngiven up hy horwmen that hx li one of theinott uniform lirwdera In Kentucky lietyiHa liii coltS after hlmavlf hal never airedII orniI colt Tit noI Iro tin bl hone forthe farmer nnd amnll breeder to produce Istilt hone Which serves the wldeat ninili ofpurpowt well lilt coltanrv show colts oftho very hlahent type blue itrliiK wlnnerafrom the olitoot to the yoiiniieat at of hiscolts have been oftentl for and aold for nilnv rnueof tllMiul llie nrernga age of themIs 7 years unit ID montlnI-

KtilniiKH Hlrwlhy Chenter Dare 10 NH II U hn tiy Illnrk Kijulrrel M lie byIllaclcKtiRleTI he by Kltm William 67 litbv WnthtiiKton ivnniarknl bx by ClalnoIHMininrkrtlbe In rate hone Denmark KH hn Imp lledueford lilirnltyii lustdam Iltleinont tiy WilchmmU No TK7 AT II H ho liy William Welch 811 he byItyndlcka llnmbliloiilan ID Dignity second dam It liy Abdullah Mttateiiger damlirilU Vermont 4th ilnm Tlioroutlilirvd

Velcliinonf lint dam rnulliie by AlmoiitKoroat 4-

1TiIItxaIIgnity Dare will make the sen-


or IWff lit utty statue In lluttonrllle Kyat t1110 Insure H llvlniz colt when fonlwlW to prow mnre in foul

Marei traded or removil forfeit liutirnnf1nnd money beoomen du > nnd mutt IM utldlit lulls or aiicb tninanctloii 31NrS Itrutttnt S2r llr month nnd huh to be wIld UfOil removal of mare Unlill sit dMlrenlnt reasonable nitea Mores ntrlisted to mowill rtielvo my iwnoiml IitteOtiiIi but Iwill not lie responsIble noeldonta or e a-

IoiIM4 lhone in RI utmlllK y 11 fo4 tlIlHNTHIt

Col Bird 40566hors fonloIIIM1IJ nr1 by Ot O P

Cecil IjllIlVllle KyHired by Uetllhin Ohlef J7i No StlfiliH

alreofOJyearoldi with rerordi of 2U1P orLxtter by Villlun Jiltt1 sIre of 11111111It dam Itlrdle Kenney I full sister to low

nil and Uninnio lu alre of 4

nnd 10thilk4 1 11 Hy UamlMtta WllkeaW4 alre of U with recordaof i lit or livtterhid dam Kith Imvla ilnm of lord Humrall10MJownnl8H sire of fliimmorlui sir

4 odle Wllklt I inut FI1I lklle t SI t6Hllrlnunltma Hhaw 32I 4 Hy lied Wllkea K No 1719tlru of iTS and sirs or lie dutitil of liT

ard dam Ktlle Davln l11l hull of otis proIticInK son nnd grand dam lord Hiiinmlllay 2 ISVi Hell Ot W and Zoo

din ilk t itt Hy Alexander AUInllnhI No 16 sire ofUoltisunitli Maid 211 nnd

other4th dunn by Crocketts HxlUoundu-rNoTKOeclllnnOhtefSl74 Hired Cecil

lUll S lOVi Ijidy Norrettii 2 1SH tdiiniaf Hilly ilzzarn 2 nnd Ccollltia ChiefU7 P urutI S lI ilire of Couuitei IeI-0 Iltiwltig Title SonlIl O 5Vlici WOtlllTltnllllnlllllollto hull of I idy Norvette1-3M itnd ItOl1 norln 2 S7H nnd full shier to-

taflnUii iMi hit dnnioHmIy YnteaJillWinnd-liruill 1 31 nnd Nwctorliu tliedaiu of Sttstor-KUotrlr iti nnd Olga KUctrlo SKij nndtzmll lllIlI of Ocilinu 1hllft 7t 11111

Izurro lI1 1 hy Uiuflbettii WlIkt llli-e greatest llvliiB sireSrd dam Nectar dntiinr nnllMln II S MVf

Hid Druile 1 1 t nnd Kriinil diini of frfidy Noritln S llti Iho tlititi of Vellliin Chief ttii

ind Hilly rtiznra iliMt lndy Yate tSVctor Klectrlc S 22 Olitn Klectrlc 2 bH IIIIllloinlorln227Hbv NulwmMl 2is i alre of

ITI ttuI lie Min of iIrol uliarea IiitlIn IlnllCrulst tying or dead alre of ntHiid-

4thural horss

dnin Uiilaton t had lint I fouls nil feualr 0 nit nil bred grand dam of MbertyII 11321 lri of Tommy 2Od3u Ire

dam of IreeUIon 2 in and Kriuul damI-IIMO of liiilllettn 43 t IlIltdllm of Lady

IIII5 1 I1I1nd lininle Nectarinelam of two Oonjrto dnm of two Hy

Duroc No I1G ulrn ISI antI hUIaimhlertiliavproducodovir tlCth dam Mecca 218

ind one other nnd raml iliitii of hurrylroft Mtisciivltu 2 lf Kliolld n ItUMhi

tfli niid others Hy Volunteer Mwlru of 31

IInll1h dnURht r hove proilnceil 78

nth dam of Ivxtur 2 17U AlnmItMi stint one other and Aldut bOll oflire of Jay Kvo co-

tOO4l1l1cftioiolhnrll and lIMO Lady Doxtorclnlll li American Mar11 sire of four and tlnniR of 13

Ttbdiim McKltitry mnro dnm of Hhnrlc

T4 and grand dnnis of Dextvr Alma uiulOl

llIn duet TV Is n very young horse4 he Iia II or his gel wIth trottlll record1butni p H OAHlKNTKH Hustonvlllc Ky

± x

ICentral Kentucky

Real Estate Exchange


No 13SlOanrefsrrn milt of Crab IrchnnlKjr llrlck dwelling 1 ruowi two scant housesIitland good fencing intuit SIC PIIC iioeo an acnwelllmrroyd

T4 t6iacitioflanJon Jamcitown rosS south ofDunnvlll too acres In cultivation about tj arias Intimber ant rest In gran A lila new lila dwell-Ing alto an oU dwelling on plics A new earn anJwo olof ones It II will watered anof the fencing II

gtxid On public roil 1tkelioooNo 154A K0 mrs Satin 1larou Dill rlrr near

Crab Orchard About TO anti4SacmlQ pitture rest In rood timber About7i beating fruit tree on the liars a story 6 roomitsalling IIntlary liable and crib slid S myrood tenant house Tb buildIngs art In veryloud shipe but till frncei art not Tbt plic uwatered uy 6 never falllnciprlDji Thliliajoodalork farm anti ti offered at a banal a 1rlc onlyfJSOO W

No lt3lTO tre farm near lluitontlll looddwelllnz anti barn a rood portion of this pIaulOulolloe Mid for town 101 It li well watered lidIhe fencing sot tullJluji are In good tUfltIIOUThis li one oUbe best tlrlU In hi county TItslOll It rich and wilt product betel etc hit

111lo story tram IIwlllne 7 room ballanti reranJa JOlt ttrdo feoclnf and bout tofood repair For ale or rent Irlct reaaonabl-

No MlIou lxii hoc of land In MeKtnney Nercoary outbuilding Keating goodanti well watered Will sell Ibl put on eaijterms

No 7J J acrea of rood bad ilx rooms twostory dwellloj well watered rood lenclnc It Itthe 0 tb city 01 Stanford close to Iratlal-chooi anti churches TkIs Is a lInlnl bow

rrlee reuonablNo 170 rnora frame cottag inS on aere o

land In ICtugiTllle Ky lang barn awoke house

ffJ1lrlrIcelOONo ieI41 i anus ol land cottage of 4 roomsgood hall and t 001 barn anti otherDecenary outbuilding Fencing and building Inrood repair list well watered a spitoditi 1lat house etc Land U all lieu and produce willYoung apple inS peach orchard Ibis farm laabout 6 miles from low n hit USUi-

No IIUA 320 acre farm In the Wajnebuigercllon about 2U mIles from 2 rail road ttallonaLaystetweinsplendidlainli watered with neerfalling springs and a runLug branch through the pars II till good foeIng ant outbuilding 1it II too Termiruy

rto JoJ log acre farm sItuated on tb Wanrburg and SIt Vernon roa l alxut a utile eastof t ayneburg liii a aroom IOUre etc Tblplate belong to a gentleman Jn Calltornlf and hiwill sell It cheap asS on nay Urtaa-

NO IlSA nice large store room and dwellingatoyi roniUUng oi erral nicely furnished nuiaaoulbultIlegsThissirwel InSlanlord right In Ibibuilnea lloa oftown this Irelnywill is told of a 1la sodli a tplradld opportunity to aiu one dralrlng togo In biulnct Kor the stir and dvelllnif I4lncombined will be a great suing in rent etc

No IK WX ecru of land nest Crab Unbarcheap

No 219One Tarant lot In Junction City at111ISouth on Locus strset II bent hire f 100 rashNo S3lltou > oaud loton Ixigan Street In rltae i

fuN loot rirdra etc KtrrylMng lo good rePlr Inca lltuo

0 9 Twoturr frame dwelling of lU roomtwo hills veranda te well at door and all otnernecessary outbulldlnri Alw large Uackuulthbop 60130 and ihMt lull length of tbep and ho

feet wide this property will be aold at k verylow price

No IIJA farm of SJ4 acres sItuated abouttT I

mllea front tlilafod and s milt from CrabUrcha d-

on the waUnoftMirlViek Tn placed cut Inilwal 12 OoMi and can be iubdt lded Aliout DOacres la In culllratlon timber lUOcUnt to kseptilac ne anti onehill story frame dwelling upIiminii hills porcheaelc Two good Ire lIoubarns gran > ry corn crib etc Plate Ii wen witerel two good cisterns at tb door running lUMmthrough firm All buildings In good Ibll eiceptone barn Itnclng Mt Irlcsltllwracta Termseur

> o mtUc4 room collage and tier of landlocated stout I mile Irom Kbelb City Tb houMaloe cost IWO W will sell this plac lot It OU17Sswryincudlogfeoc1ogacrlion iced orchard of peachea rlumiapplti eleIIIonn

First NationalBankCapital



Thu institution was originally Mtablliheflat the Depoilt flank of Stanford In usathen reorranlied at the National hush of-Btuford In lItS and again reorlanhed Ithe First National Ilaik of Stanford la1112 having bad practically an uninter ¬

rupted existence for 13 years It It bettersupplied now with for transact

promptly and well than everbefore In Us long and honorable career

Accounts of Indlylduals Fiduciaries and Cor ¬

porations Solicited

No SU2M acre of land 2 dwellings of I roomeach Untt tobacco harn Itl lest long next to IhJylest barn In Uocoln county 1 small ckThIS property lays Iwtwrtn 1 good county roodand 2 leading turn lkea All tht tulMlngt anJfenflnK areln good repair 1lact It well wattrr1liy gxi creeks ito Splendid toUrro lintant will raise lit barrels ofrou to Hit acrr ibisl-Iaramakraibownerfnum 26 to ro per etnl DChis ltivestiiietut on If not the rprapntpiccusoflsnti In Lincoln county If you areIng for a bargain tblili ourebau cheap

No nil 1HO acre flflll aloOut a rot1fiouti towntnjm iplenilMIr j mostlY ni ciiltlTntlon will waterutI sit callage of lmriuouni Inrg uttnIroi erly well fenced etc Pile ISO Ir urn

No 4JBeTenrooui dwelling pod cellar anti 11aCre hand 1r IIIIIDIt wuil sod sprIng Etncnganti outbulidigs la fair rendition igrip p1cc-

ckm to wwa Will nit a swill lazilyNoll7 > acre Satin lii I uilltol 1bll I1 story

a loom dwelling itore house amok bouM wellhoutt crib tic All the iiullllriti and fcnfrg artIn fair eundlllon lood apple orchard about Tlkerr In eultlrallon rust In < tluilr Wateredby a utter falling wlllodwaln 01 South ForkMet 12700

No 91 A fnnu ol about 104 uteruS on ont of tbtbeat In Ibt county A linndMmt twostory frnln oIwlllnlf iuail on of the larijeti undlest borne In the raunly This plnrt U wellwatered anti everything It ImluJnt teneInr It In ti ltndld reiilr In II good runmiunltycliMtU > llionlROlllloOut 2tJ nilnulet tint I wigSlanfbrd Ibis a very detlmblt bolts MtitltMl

No 71 ijoo y acres or Cottqn lsnti In Mlsslsstpf I

Thr11 no sectIon of country which oflff ao manyfor rrotillbll InIIIIInlu the u

Orrortunlun lilch U now lilly JtxrltvJat Irojp rlly Valley The timber It tecoailnt mortvaluable all tht llmt for the reason tbat lumbtrfrom till North shill the tupplyof Umbtrlifatti4lnlnlthlnc are contUnlly Increasing their p-gchuaoltimtrIaniIiC tht houth Whsnthetlm-tsr It rtrovtJ Hit land II unNusleti for crt < uituril purports U will product a bits of cotton to thtacrt or will crow allyother klnJ of crop ralt 4 intht ttmptiait lent toll nsJ > no Ierttllsrs antirlrts a yKU whlchcannotN ttctlled lazes art lowiiis tilts Is pellet anti tb man who buys Otlu tansanj Wafer Unit at present prices It making an In IIvtttntnt that ht will ne i rtjret This land it 41

tided Into tract ranglne from 40 sties to tht tract totfoooacmtotht Irart cal tkfl rum 31 pra rtto S6 ptr cue accordIng to location tic Wtart authortitJ ty tht company who owns thtM lanJito ititt thai at other partltt Ire ufluutisillig th-

vurctius of ihtM lands that wt ollr thttt tracts sib-IcttorrlorulwtthJrawl Item maiktl or chaflftn prlct wlthont llmtttr whtn nctintJ

thsy will hold any tract out of ntrktl long tnoujhfortbtpurchawr to mtkt an Invtitlcttlon bollli otacr ollhl JanJ llaa betn lOLl toy tht Cowpany slOt wt Itiitlvtd thlt option lor furthtrparIculars call at our oMct

Also a 50 barrel mill In Mercer countyICy on Salt River Steam rawer new uptodate to every particular inS good dwellof with ImproTemenU SO acrea of lineand Clues to Soutliarn railroad 1llce 19

000NolaVOottaM In Larrtiltr 77 feet front atil-

Vufwi4drp All ntnMtry oulbulldli urtptbarn u D W In good shape ColUp contaIns 4 rooms ball ttrauda porrband basement UUM It school ciiisrtbri ticlrlre t154sl 00

ho 70Tn acre of land two Story front tot-tags seven room ntllt tic llouaa la new a rood< trdtn and tpltnJld pnbtrd ol I > ate fencingruoJ twO liable buggy bout tuiutt boutt tieA pool witil Ott plt thus Ia also a ooj Mill oatbt plan a god rrutktr la nil It It run byflitoral powtr which It a rrat economy sod tbt data-ii In rtptlr Will toll Ihi prpiwny at a lo-wIIlIreotl11

NoM Kramtbotclltrttrooiat donblt Termdat hallway Lie A lantt 2 story ilortruoufronting turt3ll < l horn boul up stilt tuliabltfordwt Inf 3 eke cottages nletly furnishedpapered and painted 4 rooms ami venal ratub Alar on taut lot Qa a livery alibi Ooo4rntea Vicafil lot aJoIntng 36 fl front by 250set drip All of this rNIfl Is Iti Ltolloloo Ky

anti Iii flntcbanrt for omt tnt to mat utntytoprllor his tvfuwd to rent propttly fur tM permonth tn arcounl of 111 bttlth f hIs wlit talyreason JJr ITDprUlor dealitt to tickaoitfar farm la Lincoln mainly

lie 76A twill farm of >J acres of nod Undlocated nines to love hit 1260

Mo 3DO trrtt of land entrant from SoiotractKjrul In rican Suds Korty actt In cultivation 40 atret la wstur balancw In limber Dwelltie oontatns liven 700105 ticI airy outbuliduliga Ktortt anTbulldiftClID spIre >

Id Well watered Itift StO-ONo8ltlJlttoeof land I o Ford

ill rnllM from railroad ant < 4 mUta from Albntrlrtr tftrtaty anirsefisad It rlttr botloin Ulistclam land and In grass This lint Is tot talitreicktnca

35J acm In Allen cnnnty Ky on rail ¬

road and pUts about So acre cultivatedabout Ui In timber and trau aol aboutISO In graat Timber on place Is cut to IIInCh but will make barrel timber thinglet ties and cord wood enough to pay fortba place twice over A large part Itfld am four dwelllnut of 4 roomseach and one store of twostorlet with roomsbora lau wells and Iprlaltl of water It InI mile of county teat and rrowt tobaccocorn wheat gras etc for 13790 One haltcub

ot Ky

Officers1 B HOOKER PunBT lUHiili V PruJ J UoKOnEHTS ObrW II WRAUENAtst Ctri


r Rid UanTllltI T Harm StanfordJ B Backer StanfordK L Tanner McKlnnayM U Elmore StanfordB II Ilauebman StanfordT P 11111 StanfordJat RobInson HubbleJ H lUURhman StanfordJ M 1ettui Stanford0 R Tale BlanfordI


Cfte Lincoln eounty national Bank

or Stanford Kentuckyc


Capital 5OOOOOOSurplus Undivided Profits 2500000Individual Deposits 24000000Available for use of its Patrons 31500000


Right Goods and RightPrices at


Geo D Hoppers Stanford Kyy

Dealer in Hardware Stoves Tinware Gro¬

ceries Field Seeds Etc Com ¬

plete Stock