l6 2014 pro and cons tnc's

5 W’s and an H

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Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: L6 2014 pro and cons tnc's

5 W’s and an H

Page 2: L6 2014 pro and cons tnc's

Positives and negatives of TNC’s

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Positives and negatives of TNC’s

• Watch these videos and write down any positive or negative effects of TNC’s– Bangladeshi factories – Shell in Nigeria – America Multi nationals in UK

LO: Positives and negatives of TNC’s

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In pairs, sort the cards into the correct boxes; COSTS BENEFITS

TNC Source county (developed world)

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

TNC Host country (developing world)

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2. 3. 4.

LO: Positives and negatives of TNC’s

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TNC Source county (developed world)

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

TNC Host country (developing world)

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2. 3. 4.

LO: Positives and negatives of TNC’s

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US bike factories and assembly plants

LO: Positives and negatives of TNC’s

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What are the global effects of TNC’s

• Turn up to p107 and continue to write out any positive or negative effects of TNC’s.

• Read and highlight the Geo-File and write out any new positives or negatives out.

LO: Positives and negatives of TNC’s

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• Why do many TNC’s source what they need from a wide range of places?(4)

• May 2012

LO: Positives and negatives of TNC’s

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Mark Scheme