l2 writing report 2008

Skills for Life Writing Level 2 Examination Report 2008 – Test 077

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Skills for Life

Writing Level 2 Examination Report 2008 – Test 077


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Skills for Life Writing Examination Report: Level 2

This report is based on candidate performance on one version of the Skills for Life Writing Level 2 tests in 2007. The report is intended as an aid to teachers and colleges in preparing candidates for future Cambridge ESOL Skills for Life Writing tests. It includes a number of sample candidate answers accompanied by examiner comments. Level 2 (Test 077)

The four tasks in this test were a complaint form about a utilities bill, a letter to the local newspaper about a traffic ban, an article about the positive and negative aspects of mobile phones and a report about life expectancy in the UK. There were 36 marks available on the paper. The breakdown of marks available for each assessment focus (Text, Sentence and Word) is shown below:

Text Sentence Word Total Task 1 3 3 3 9

Task 2 6 3 3 12

Task 3 6 6 3 15

Total 15 12 9 36 Overall most candidates performed reasonably well on the paper. Candidates scored most highly in the Text focus on all the questions but the strongest performance was seen in Task 1. Most candidates managed to organise their answer well in a logical manner and appropriate tone. They also did well in Task 2 and on Task 3a and b. Candidates generally also performed well on Word focus using a range of appropriate vocabulary, including impressive collocations. Candidates performed well on all questions but best on Task 1. Weaker candidates tended to make errors in collocations. Candidates performed least well on Sentence focus. Most managed to produce both complex and compound sentences with a good measure of control and appropriate verb forms and tenses. However, in Task 3 especially, some candidates made errors in word order and modal forms and this was where the weakest performance was found overall. Task 1 Complaint about a Utilities Bill All three content points were generally adequately covered although some candidates provided insufficient detail on the background to the complaint. A number of candidates provided an introductory paragraph which was not requested in the rubric or used letter format which was again inappropriate for this purpose. Action expected was generally appropriately detailed and referred to compensation in most cases or intervention by the organisation. A few candidates got confused and wrote directly to the utilities company. The tone adopted was generally sufficiently polite. The language of explanationtion was generally well managed with appropriate noun phrasing. The language of narration / explanation used for the second bullet point frequently incorporated reported speech or sequencing of past tense forms. Action expected often made effective use of first conditionals, modal verbs or ‘would like’ + pronoun + ‘to’ + infinitive. Cohesion within and between sentences was generally well managed. An appropriate range of vocabulary was used relating to the complaint with frequent evidence of appropriate collocation, e.g. ‘legal action’, ‘in error’, ‘kept the promise’. ‘Some compensation’ or ‘compensation’ occasionally appeared as ‘a compensation.’


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Task 2 Letter about Traffic Ban The organisation and sequencing of ideas for this task was generally satisfactory with appropriate use made of opening and closing paragraphs. Most candidates were able to give a balanced view of the traffic ban, making appropriate reference to the input text and the two opposing views expressed. Overall, there was very little misinterpretation of what was required in Task 2 and clear and coherent expression of views guaranteed a pass in this focus. Most candidates were able to use a persuasive tone successfully. Most candidates were able to demonstrate some proficiency in the language of explanation, opinion and suggestion, producing compound and complex sentences with an adequate measure of control for this level. Sentences beginning with: ‘I don’t agree that…’, ‘I think the main problem is…’, I think the Council should…’ were frequent. Cohesion within and between sentences was generally satisfactory and linkers such as: ‘first of all’, secondly’, ‘in conclusion’ were frequent. The task generally elicited an adequate, and sometimes good, range of vocabulary relevant to this topic with appropriate collocations such as: ‘pedestrian zone’, traffic congestion’, and ‘strict measures’. 3a Mobile Phones Candidates generally experienced no difficulty in identifying the pros and cons of mobile phones and this was therefore the more popular of the two option questions. Many candidates wrote in excess of the suggested number of words and, if overambitious, sometimes with loss of coherence. The article was usually well balanced, but a minority of candidates wrote too extensively about one aspect and did not deal with the other. Paragraphing was usually well managed with separate paragraphs for each difference identified and appropriate use was sometimes made of article format with good use of headings, appropriate register and tone. Generally good use was made of the language of opinion, explanation and justification with frequent reference to simple present, zero or general conditionals, modals and complex sentences. Cohesion within and between sentences was generally satisfactory with appropriate use of linkers such as: ‘in the first place’, ‘the next thing to remember’, ‘all in all’. The task elicited a good range of vocabulary relating to the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones and a good range of collocations, such as: ‘ways of communicating’ and ‘parental control’. 3b Life Expectancy Fewer candidates chose this Task 3 option and the most successful attempts were made by those who were clearly used to drawing conclusions from data sets. The majority of candidates presented a balanced report as required by the rubric, but a number discussed their own family which was not required or gave very little by way of saying how the changes affect the way people live. A minority made no mention of this point. Paragraphing was generally well managed and an appropriately objective tone was adopted. Candidates were generally able to demonstrate some proficiency in the language of description, explanation and summarising, producing compound and complex sentences with an adequate measure of control. Present tense forms were used appropriately when describing current trends, past tense and present perfect forms when referring to reasons for the changes. The language of academic hypothesis was generally well managed and sentences starting with ‘It seems..’, ‘It may be that …’, etc. The topic elicited an appropriate range of vocabulary associated with health and lifestyle. Collocational apppropriacy was particularly evident in many responses to this question, featuring expressions such as: ‘rapidly increased’, being active’ and a good range of vocabulary, such as: ‘infrastructures’.


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Recommendations for Candidate Preparation

All Cambridge ESOL Skills for Life tests are based closely on the Adult ESOL Core Curriculum and cover all the Basic Skills Standards in each mode at each level. Therefore, by following the Adult ESOL Core Curriculum, teachers will be preparing their students for the tests. Candidates can benefit from following the Dos and Don’ts from the Skills for Life Teaching Resource website: http://www.cambridgeesol.org/teach/SfL/Levels_1_and_2_Writing/About%20the%20paper/dos_donts.htm Sample Scripts

Sample scripts are provided for each task in the question paper. Please note that it is not possible to reproduce the original candidate answers, and so any references in the commentaries to quality of handwriting will not be reflected in the samples provided.


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Level 2 (Test V077) Sample Scripts and Commentaries Level 2 Script A Task 1 (About 15 minutes) Six months ago you changed to a new gas and electricity supply company, Energy Plus, after you were promised that it would save you money. However, the bills you have received from Energy Plus are higher than you paid before. When you complained to the company, they were very unhelpful. You decide to apply for help to Consumer Direct, a government organisation which helps individuals who have complaints about companies. Complete the form. Write about 120 words.

Consumer Direct Please describe the nature of your complaint including any useful background information and say how you would like the matter to be dealt with. 

I would like to complain against British Gas for the service it has provided to me since I switch over them

three months ago.

I did join them after receiving a great deal through post publicity. In this deal this company offered me

cheaper electricity and gas bill than my company at the time. I discussed with my partner about it and we

decided to switch over companies.

I must say we were very happy with the previous company however we had to save money as my partner

was unemployed. Now I regret our decision because the bills we have received for the last three months

are not cheaper. Furthermore with the same consume, British Gas has charged us one third more of what

we used to pay and because of this, at the present we have an overdrawn in our bank account. I would

like to cancel the contract with British Gas but they do not even answer the phone and I am writing to you

for help.


(Total: 9 marks)


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Level 2 Script A Task 1

Commentary Band Mark

Text focus Content points covered, though gives minimal treatment. 2 2

Sentence focus

Tenses generally well controlled but there are a few problems with this and word order. 2 2

Word focus Some appropriate use of vocabulary with one or two inappropriate uses e.g. "post publicity", "the same consume". 2 2


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Level 2 Script B Task 1 (About 15 minutes) Six months ago you changed to a new gas and electricity supply company, Energy Plus, after you were promised that it would save you money. However, the bills you have received from Energy Plus are higher than you paid before. When you complained to the company, they were very unhelpful. You decide to apply for help to Consumer Direct, a government organisation which helps individuals who have complaints about companies. Complete the form. Write about 120 words.

Consumer Direct Please describe the nature of your complaint including any useful background information and say how you would like the matter to be dealt with.  Mr Tom Harisson, Manager Consumer Direct

I have changed the company, that provided electricity and gas to my house exactly six months ago,

because I couldn’t afford paying the bills. The new company promised to lower the costs, but after the

change I made I pay even more than before. I decided to make a complainment to the company, because

instead of saving, I was spending more and more money on the bills. I went straight to the company

manager, told him, that I am really unhappy about the agreement, but he was very unhelpful and said, that

there is nothing he can do about the high of my bills. I also written a formal complain, but there was no

answer for it.

If there is anything else I could do with your help, please let me know I really think that there are more

people, who’d been treated by this company just like I. I hope there is some way you can help me.

Thank you for any interest in this case.


(Total: 9 marks)


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Level 2 Script B Task 1

Commentary Band Mark

Text focus No action suggested so task fail. 1 1

Sentence focus

Although reasonably accurate in terms of tenses, inappropriate punctuation detracts from the overall effect. 2 2

Word focus Appropriate range of vocabulary which is accurately spelt. 3 3


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Level 2 Script C Task 2 (About 30 minutes) You read this article in your local newspaper.

Controversy over traffic ban in city centre The council has announced plans to make the city centre a ‘car-free’ area. This would mean that no cars would be allowed in the city centre, except for taxis. Opinion is divided among local people. Some are happy about the idea of a complete ban and welcome the strict measures. However, others are angry about the plans and feel it’s unfair for those people who work or live in the city centre. We’d like to hear what you think. Please send all letters to the Editor, Fran Gardner.

Write a letter to the editor to express your views. Write about 200 words. You do not need to write the address or the date.

Dear Mr Gardner,

I have just heard about the new measures that the council intend to apply to make the city centre a ‘car-

free’ area.

I was glad to know that the council had finally given attention to the imminent challenges of the pollution

which reaches the top at the city centre. Effectively, the swelling number of cars on the road needs strict

measures and brave steps to bring this plan to reality. Moreover, the degrading environment affects each

personne in this planet and requires much more care than the relevant ban. I suppose that this latter will

encourage more people to behave in favour of our future. In addition, I suggest to make taxis “kind to the environment” which means that the electricity might be used

instead of the fuel. In such way, we can reduce the level of the pollution.

On the other hand, we must not forget people who live or work in the city as those are the only personnes

who will pay for such strict measures. This is the reason why I suggest to give them a financial help like an

exemption or a benefit to encourage them to accept these measures practically.


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To sum up, the new rules are a good omen for caring about our environment.

Yours sincerly

Harrow times reader

(Total: 12 marks)


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Level 2 Script C Task 2

Commentary Band Mark

Text focus Overambitious attempt has produced a muddled response, leaving target reader unclear as to candidate's views. 2 2

Sentence focus Generally accurate but some inappropriate use of articles. 1 2

Word focus

Inappropriate use of an overly ambitious range of vocabulary leads to confusion. 1 1


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Level 2 Script D Task 2 (About 30 minutes) You read this article in your local newspaper.

Controversy over traffic ban in city centre The council has announced plans to make the city centre a ‘car-free’ area. This would mean that no cars would be allowed in the city centre, except for taxis. Opinion is divided among local people. Some are happy about the idea of a complete ban and welcome the strict measures. However, others are angry about the plans and feel it’s unfair for those people who work or live in the city centre. We’d like to hear what you think. Please send all letters to the Editor, Fran Gardner.

Write a letter to the editor to express your views. Write about 200 words. You do not need to write the address or the date.

Dear Mr Fran Gardner,

I am writing to describe my opinion about the article in your local newspaper.

I am a housewife who have two children. I have been Seoul for twenty years and have been used to go the

city centre with my family to shop or to look around. Whenever we go there, we have problem that so

many cars used to block out our path and many people who are carrying too big shopping bags used to

crash each other.

That happenings are caused by the policy that the customers can be permitted to park two sides of road.

So many customers was easy to get the city centre by their cars that made a lot of chaos.

I had to take my children’s hand tightly and pay attention my children. Sometimes it was a stressful job for


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me not pleasant shopping.

I spport that no car should be allowed in the city centre. If the customers go shopping easily and

comfortably, the workers and runners could get a benefit.

Yours faithfully,

(Total: 12 marks)


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Level 2 Script D Task 2

Commentary Band Mark

Text focus Although final paragraph expression opinion, lack of cohesion and progression in rest of writing impedes overall understanding. 1 2

Sentence focus Overall lack of control. 1 1

Word focus Number of spelling errors and incorrect word choices, e.g. "shopping bags used to crash each other". 1 1


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Level 2 Script E Task 3a (About 45 minutes) The local newspaper in your area is planning to publish a series of articles called Technology that has changed our lives. Each article is about a different piece of technology that has had an impact on the world. You decide to write an article for the newspaper about the mobile phone. In your article, discuss both the positive and negative aspects of mobile phones. Write about 250 words.

Technology that has changed our lives.

Nowadays technology has developed very quickly in the world. Mobile phones are a result of

developing of modern technology. There are some advantages and disadvantages about mobile phone.

The advantages are: mobile phone is easier to carry. It just can be put in bag or in porcket, you do

not have to go to the phone box or get home or office to make or to receive a phone call. Also mobile phone is very convenient to use. It can be used on a bus, on a train, on a road, in a shop, etc. The another

good thing is you can get the information very quickly. It will not be waise time to get important information,

whatever, such as private matter, or business matter or some news from over the world.

The disadvantages are: mobile phone are sold a lots. Many people have them. They are

everywhere, in a office, in a class, in a lift, in a shop whereever. Thus they make a lot of terrible noise. It

interrupt a meeting, a lesson, and so on. Furthermore, some people carry it in a car without sweach off.

When the phone rings, the driver anstwers it, sometimes a traffic accidence causes of anstwering a phone


To sum up, mobile phone has brought a lot of benefits to humans. We should continue developing

the technology of mobile phone, but we should control our behavious in public and make our life better and


(Total: 15 marks)


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Level 2 Script E Task 3a

Commentary Band Mark

Text focus Candidate has discussed positive and negative aspects, though in a somewhat pedestrian fashion. Intended audience would be informed of candidate’s view.

2 4

Sentence focus

Sentence grammar sufficiently controlled for meaning to remain clear. Candidate has control over a range of verb forms. 1 2

Word focus Candidates uses vocabulary appropriate to task. The majority of words relevant to the task are spelt correctly, though there are significant errors.

1 1


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Level 2 Script F Task 3a (About 45 minutes) The local newspaper in your area is planning to publish a series of articles called Technology that has changed our lives. Each article is about a different piece of technology that has had an impact on the world. You decide to write an article for the newspaper about the mobile phone. In your article, discuss both the positive and negative aspects of mobile phones. Write about 250 words.

In this modern era mobile phone has become an important necessity for everyone. If you are in work or

college or in bus you can hear the different ring tones. Even the children wants it too. Kids are more

aware than adults which is the latest model is in high street. It’s a good invention of this a century but

some will not agree with it.

First we will look at its advantages. Mobile is very easy to carry and you can get contact with the person

easily. You can take it with you. Most of all it can keep your children safe. You can speak to them on

mobile and you know what they are up to. You can do business if you are on bus or train because it doesn’t

stop you wherever you are you can continue your work. This saves your time and it’s very convenient for

you. Nowadays you can also listen to music, play games, internet, and buy things and all these things for

your entertainment which can also make your journey more enjoyable.

Now some disadvantages. This is a good way to keep in touch but it can also cause you a trouble. For

example if you said to your boss that you are ill – and when he rang you on your mobile you have to

answer the phone – and you are outside because of its good network he will know that you are not home.

Now you are in trouble because he can hear the background noise. You can’t also use mobile in hospitals

because it can cause problem for the hospital equipments.

On the other hand it’s also not good for children because you don’t know who they are talking to.

The research also shows that if you spend too much time talking on mobile it can cause hearing problems.

Every good invention has its advantages and disadvantages but we need to think carefully will it be helpful

in the long run or we are just looking for excuses. (Total: 15 marks)


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Level 2 Script F Task 3a

Commentary Band Mark

Text focus Good realisation of task but ending unclear and paragraphs slightly unbalanced. 3 5

Sentence focus Some overlong sentences and word order problems. 2 4

Word focus Some evidence of range counterbalanced by spelling mistakes. 2 2


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Level 2 Script G Task 3b (About 45 minutes) Your class has been collecting information about the population of the UK. Your tutor has given you this graph showing changes in life expectancy at birth for men and women over a period of 120 years.


1901 1930 1950 1970 2005 2020


Write a report for your tutor summarising the trends shown, suggesting reasons for any changes and saying how you think these changes affect the way people live. Write about 250 words.


This report is about the results from a graph that shows the life expectancy for men and women in the UK

between 1901 and 2020. The graph shows that both men and women lived for a short period of time in the

year 1901, about 50 years for women and over 45 years for men, compared to 2020. In 2020, it is

estimated that people will live longer ,showing that women will live above the age of 80, while men will live

for 79 years. The difference is really huge, the age having rapidly increased from about 50 years for

women to above 80and from over 45 years to 79 years for men. The reason being that, people now have a

healthy food. Unlike the olden days, lots of healthy and vegetarian foods have been introduced. Examples

like low-fat spreads, salad with richer ingredients and more. In addition, it is now strictly recommended for

producers to show the ingredients of any product on its pack to give the buyer an idea the content of the food. Moreover, the Government and other Research Organisations had warned to reduce the consumption

Life expectancy for men and women in the UK 1901 to 2020 projections



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of salt/sugar we take everyday. For example, 6g of salt per day is advisable for a healthy person.

Secondly, exercises has also done a lot in people’s lives. Going to the gym or having a self exercise at

home has helped people to keep fit in the recent years. Exercise is very important because it makes you

lose excess salt and also reduces dehydration in your body.

Living Longer

This really depends on how healthy the person is. For example, there are situations, where a 100 year old

woman is healthier than a 40 year old man.

(Total: 15 marks)


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Level 2 Script G Task 3b

Commentary Band Mark

Text focus Final content point (implications) not covered. 1 2

Sentence focus

Largely accurate but not very much evidence of complexity in sentence structure. 2 4

Word focus Clear evidence of range appropriate to task. 3 3


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Level 2 Script H Task 3b (About 45 minutes) Your class has been collecting information about the population of the UK. Your tutor has given you this graph showing changes in life expectancy at birth for men and women over a period of 120 years.


1901 1930 1950 1970 2005 2020


Write a report for your tutor summarising the trends shown, suggesting reasons for any changes and saying how you think these changes affect the way people live. Write about 250 words.

The life expectancy graph for men and women in the UK 1901 to 2020 shows the changes over a period of

120 years.

As you can see from the graph, the life expectancy has grown through all the years and gains up to over 80

years for women and men.

In the beginning of the century people lived shorter, untill they were about 50. One of the reasons why

might be the fact, that the medicine achievements weren’t on that high level, as they are before. A lot of

illnesses couldn’t be cured, because doctors didn’t know all the answers. Through the years, as the

medicine knowledge grew and new ways of curing were found, people started to live longer. When in year

1901 men lived aproimately 45 yrs, and women 49, in year 1930 men lived 59 and women over 60. The

way people started to live also has an influence of the lenght of their life.

Now, they know how to deal with some life situations differently, than in the past, they can prevent a lot of

Life expectancy for men and women in the UK 1901 to 2020 projections



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accidents and cataclisms or at least try to make them less dangerous. Also what’s important, people in the

past didn’t have as big families, as they have now. When than, one out of 20 families had children, now it’s

one out of five families, that decides to have them.

Living longer could affect people lifes in many ways. The youth only thinks about having fun, not about

the responsibilities they should have. They start to have a family in their late 20’ or 30’, sometimes even

later, sometimes never. People first think about gaining enough money, having a good position at work,

and if they achieve all that, then they decide to have a family and children.

When people live longer, their menthality changes over the years. Sometimes they have to be headed in

the right direction.

It is shown on the graph, that the life expectancy in the UK for men and women in 2020 will gain up to over

80 years and this might be caused by the healthier lifestyle, that is getting more and more popular, and of

also because the medicine achievements, which by that time could even be able to help cure all the

illnesses that are known right now.

(Total: 15 marks)


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Level 2 Script H Task 3b

Commentary Band Mark

Text focus Although all the points are covered, some of the information is confusingly presented. 2 3

Sentence focus

There is some evidence of control, but this is not consistently maintained. 2 3

Word focus Attempt at range but some inappropriacies e.g. 'medicine achievements'. 2 2