l02 - introduction to algorithms - جامعة نزوى 151 –introduction to algorithms 1...

COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 1 Introduction to Algorithms Dr. Saleh Al-Hatali COMP 151 Introduction to Algorithms COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 1 What is an Algorithm? A typical programming task can be divided into two phases: Problem solving phase Produces an ordered sequence of steps that describes the solution of problem This sequence of steps is called an algorithm Implementation phase This phase implements the program in some programming language COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 2

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Page 1: L02 - Introduction To Algorithms - جامعة نزوى 151 –Introduction to Algorithms 1 Introduction to Algorithms Dr. Saleh Al-Hatali COMP 151 Introduction to Algorithms COMP 151

COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 1

Introduction to Algorithms

Dr. Saleh Al-Hatali

COMP 151

Introduction to Algorithms

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 1

What is an Algorithm?

• A typical programming task can be divided into two phases:

• Problem solving phase

– Produces an ordered sequence of steps that describes the solution of problem

– This sequence of steps is called an algorithm

• Implementation phase

– This phase implements the program in some programming language

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 2

What is an Algorithm?

• Algorithm

–A sequence of unambiguous instructions to solve a problem

–A well-defined procedure that takes some value(s) as input, process it and produces some value(s), as output

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 3

What is an Algorithm?




Input Output

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 3

What is an Algorithm?

• Hence algorithm has three parts:


–Processing or transformation


COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 5

Properties of an Algorithm• Finiteness

– Terminates in finite number of steps

• Definiteness– Each step must be clearly and carefully


• Input– Valid inputs clearly specified

• Output– Can be proved to produce the correct output

given a valid input

• Effectiveness– Steps must be simple and atomic

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 4

Steps in Problem Solving

• First produce a general algorithm (one can use pseudocode)

• Refine the algorithm successively to get step by step detailed algorithm that is very close to a computer language.

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 7

What is Pseudocode?

• Pseudocode

– Artificial, informal language used to develop algorithms

– Similar to everyday English

– Understood by programmers

• Not executed on computers

– Used to think out a program before coding

• Easy to convert into C++ program

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 5

• Assignment

name = expression

set name = expression

name ���� expression

• Example

RemainingFunds = CheckingBalance +


Pseudocode Primitives

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 9

• Conditional selection

if (condition) then


• Example

if (sales have decreased) then

lower the price by 5%

Pseudocode Primitives (continued)

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 6

• Conditional selection

if (condition) then




end if

• Example

if (year is leap year) then

daily total = total / 366


daily total = total / 365

end if

Pseudocode Primitives (continued)

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 11

• Repeated execution

while (condition)


• Examplewhile (tickets remain to be sold)

sell a ticket

Pseudocode Primitives (continued)

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 7

• Indentation shows nested conditions

if (not raining) then

if (temperature == hot) then

go swimming


play golf


watch television

Pseudocode Primitives (continued)

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 13

Pseudocode Example

�Write an algorithm to read the

final mark of a certain course

and determine if the student

passes or fails the course.

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 8

Pseudocode Example


Input the final mark

if mark is below 60

Print “FAIL”


Print “PASS”

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 15

Pseudocode Example

Detailed Algorithm:

Step 1: Input MARK

Step 2: if (MARK < 60) then

Print “FAIL”


Print “PASS”


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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 9

What is a Flowchart?

• A graphical representation of the sequence of operations in an information system or program

• A graphical way to express an algorithm

–“A picture is worth a thousand words”

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 17

Flowchart Example



Step 1: Input MARK

Step 2: if (MARK < 60) then

Print “FAIL”


Print “PASS”











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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 10

Flow Chart Symbols

� There are no “one” definition for flowcharting symbols

� There are some guidelines for commonly used symbols

� Just be sure that when using these symbols you are consistent with their meaning

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 19

Basic Flowchart Shapes and Definitions

Start / End

The start or end of a workflow


Process or action


Used to connect one part

of a flowchart to another


Decision point in a process or


Input / Output

Data: Inputs to, and outputs

from, a process

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 11

Flow Chart Symbols

The Start/Stop Symbol is used at the

beginning and end of a flowchart


COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 21


Flow Chart Symbols

The Process Symbol represents any

process, function, or action and is the

most frequently used symbol in


C � A + B

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 12

Flow Chart Symbols

The Input/Output Symbol represents data

that is available for input or resulting from

processing (i.e. customer database


Display SUM

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 23

Flow Chart Symbols

The Decision Symbol is a junction where a

decision must be made. A single entry

may have any number of alternative

solutions, but only one can be chosen

A > B?

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 24


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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 13

Flow Chart Symbols

The Connector Symbol represents the exit

to, or entry from, another part of the same

flow chart. It is usually used to break a

flow line that will be continued elsewhere.

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 25

General Rules for Flowcharts

• All boxes of the flowchart are connected with Arrows (Not lines).

• Flowchart symbols have an entry point on the top of the symbol with no other entry points. The exit point for all flowchart symbols is on the bottom except for the Decision symbol.

• The Decision symbol has two exit points; these can be on the sides or the bottom and one side.

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 14

Various Structures of Algorithm

• Sequence (also known as Order or Process)

• Decision (also known as Selection)

• Repetition (also known Iteration or Looping)

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 27

The Sequence Structure

• This is the default structure of programs. Flow will transfer from start to end in sequence unless encountered by selection or repetitionstructures.

• Is also known as Process.

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 15

The Sequence Structure

• Example: Write an algorithm to add two numbers and display their sum


Step 1: Read num1

Step 2: Read num2

Step 3: sum ���� num1 + num2

Step 4: Display sum


COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 29

The Sequence Structure

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 30



Inputnum1, num2

sum ←←←← num1 + num2


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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 16

The Sequence Structure




Sum���� Num1 + Num2






Another Way:

1. begin

2. get num1

3. get num2

4. set sum � num1 + num2

5. display sum

6. end

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 31


Write the pseudocode and draw the

flowchart to find and display the


1.The difference of two numbers.

2.Both the sum and difference of two


3.To read the first and last names and display

a greeting, such as “Hello Ahmed Al-


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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 17

The Selection Structure

• Decision (Selection)

Instructions are written based on some conditions. If the particular condition or conditions are satisfied then the program flow is in one route. Otherwise, it follows another route. ie, based on conditions the selection of program flow is jumped into some ways.

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 33

The Selection Structure

• This structure is also known as if-else structure

• Example:If A > B then

print A


print B


COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 34

isA > B

Print BPrint A

Yes No

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 18

Relational Operators

Relational Operators

Operator Description> Greater than

< Less than

= Equal to

≥≥≥≥ Greater than or equal to

≤≤≤≤ Less than or equal to

≠≠≠≠ Not equal to

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 35

The Selection Structure

Example 1:

A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4

if A < B then

C = 5

Example 2:

if A > B then

D = 4

1 A







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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 19

The Selection Structure

Example 3:

if C < D then

B = B + 1


B = B - 1

1 A







COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 37

The Selection Structure

• Example: Write an algorithm to compare two numbers and print the smallest numberStart

Step 1: Input VALUE1, VALUE2

Step 2: if (VALUE1 > VALUE2) then





Step 3: Print “The largest value is”, MAX


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The Selection Structure

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 39


Print“The largest value is”, MAX


Yes No






The Selection Structure

num1 <








num1 as min



num2 as min



Another Way:

1. begin

2. get num1

3. get num2

4. if num1 < num2 then

5. display num1 as smaller

6. else

7. display num2 as smaller

8. end if

9. end

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 21


Write the pseudocode and draw the

flowchart to find and display the


1.The largest of two numbers.

2.The largest of three numbers.

3.The median of three numbers.

4.The average of three numbers.

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 41


Write the pseudocode and draw the

flowchart that reads a number and

determines the following:

1.If the number is negative or positive.

2.If the number is odd or even.

3.If the number is divisible by 5.

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 22

The Repetition Structure

• Repetition (Looping)

In some programs, the same steps are repeated for a number of times. In that case, the looping structure helps us to do the work.

Basically, we will study while loops, do...while loops and for loops structure. Based on some condition or conditions, the iteration is worked out.

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The Repetition Structure

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The Repetition Structure

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 45

The Repetition Structure

• Example: Write the algorithm and draw the flowchart for a program that reads the name of 30 students in the class and displays them on the screen

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 24

The Repetition Structure

• Pseudocode:Start

Step 1: Set the number of students=1

Step 2: Repeat until number of students > 30

Step 3: Read the Name of the student

Step 4: Display the Name of the student

Step 5: Increase the number of students by 1

Step 6: End Repeat


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The Repetition Structure

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COMP 151 – Introduction to Algorithms 25

count = 5?





sum as total




count���� 0

sum���� 0

count���� count + 1

sum���� sum + Num

Write the pseudocode and draw the

flowchart to sum five numbers input

by the user:

1. begin

2. set count�0

3. set sum�0

4. repeat until count=5

5. get num

6. set count�count+1

7. set sum�sum+num

8. end repeat

9. display sum as the total


COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 49

The Repetition Structure


Write the pseudocode and draw the

flowchart to find and display the


1.The sum of N numbers.

2.The average of N numbers.

3.Entering and summing numbers untill

‘-1’ is entered.

4.The average of the first 20 numbers.

COMP 151 - Introduction to Algorithms 50