l habana, ootober ) , 191! - fdr presidential library ... · -2-~lr. van oauwel aen 1e ver-r 11uch...


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Habana, Ootober ) , 191!<>

t'e~r M.r . Fell :

1 :w taki:"{l t he llbert1 of uri t lng 10U asa1n wit n r e e;-ect t o :1y tr1eno, Dr. Fr • n• Van Caur.tel aert. He hae aecure;\ ':!.a i~JD1gr.l t1on vi sa at our Consulote Genera l ln Lisbon and pr .lceeded thereon t o !lew York where he has now cuade l egal entr;r ro r J"'E! r;nanent r t-siil.ence . 1 •..:r..:e)<a t '\Jld t!lat hle ta:A111, 11hioh lncludee llr n. Van Calluelaert antl acme o r the ch i ldr en, ar.e P.t 111 in Lisbon and t hat t hey ar e au~·oaed t o r soe: va t:te~r V!.MCl .l ·l~ly ln .:ct ober.

! ·.-a a 'to::~o ~or 'l ro ... -::eo;:s on bU1$1na sa and saw :11' . V..1::t C_,u:m'laert 1n !<e:t '!')rl:. :!e tells me that '~i n !tllla t or t~e 1 ' r(j ~sr.t a~~o r 1t hcr uncert ain unll ~: Lnt he :::.:11 !ino/1 : t n:lceaa :~.r~ to return t o Lieb-.)11 a.~d ">er t-:apa :1r ooeed t o Et!f;l.and i n l:he near tuture on Mtter:~ conneoua :~lth t he Gov.:rnment or Dalg1ua . :lr. 1/llJl Ca:!'A01aer t :-...~ s " ver:r !:1gl'l sense Jt r·s':'onsl!Jl : .itJ t .> :·119 c.:>untr:r and naturall y ·1 ahes t ) '!:c ~n l:!C:!'IIl as por.e ll>l e . Under t hese oh•cur.1 "'1.1:v~c~ , i t NY be neces sary t or Mrs. Van Cauwelaert and tl:c raall.Y t o remain in Lisbon t or some tl:'.le a.rt .. r '::~ey have aeour ed t he i r 1mtlll gra t1on -.riaaa, l:ut ! hnv·., !.mp."Btii:Je '-'. \)II hl1:1 the import ance :. : Mru . Vun Cauwclaol:"t and t~e oh1l dron securing t '"leir viGas in October whi ch, I underot 11nd ie prac­ticable, and th~t t~y have been t old that t hl e can be d:me . Should, b.:r Sil.' o! ancc, t !.e:; nv t l.le able tn ~ eove 1-l sbon r or t he United St a t es during t he 11re or the visa, which I u~eretand le t our mont ho , they could , or course, c e t renel<al ot th" visa. during t he current quota year.

The Honor able Her bert Cla ibourne Pell,

Aaeri can Mlnleter, L1ebon, Portugal.

Mr . Van Oauwela ert

- 2-

~lr. Van Oauwel aen 1e ver-r 11uch concerned with regard t o hie t am1ly aa it 11 pcae1ble t hat they may have t o l eave r ortugal when he ia not 1here and it ctllY be d1tt1cul t t or t hem t o get passage on an American ah1p. J have told h1m t hat I would write you 1n regort'l t o t h1a. I un(!eratand t hat ,.. still have some Amor i oon ahi pe oallin& at Lisbon and, ot course, they t a~e on tlrst American citi~ens and t hen, 1t there ie room, t ake on aliena.

My t hought 1n \'ll'i t l ng ;rou l o that 1 t Mr s . Van Cauwelaert should anproach you 1n th1e matter, t hat you will be good enough t o faci li t ate their eecur1ng paof&ge. llr. Von Cauwelaert hae been such a good friend ot nur country over eo many years that I r eel we should ehow hlCI and l'la tam1ly eYery possible consideration. I han told Hr. Van Cauwelaen t hat it )! r e. Van Cauwelaen needs any aea1etanoe in t he way ot pa ssage, eto., during hle absence t r oll Liebon t hat she should not hesitat e t o get 1n touch with you.

l>lbile I think Mrs. Van Oauwelaert ia provided wlth adequate tunde, I woul d want you t o know that , in case tunda are needed t or the transportation ot horeelt and raa117, l will be very glad t o retund to you personally an7 axpendi ture wbloh you may roal!.e tor t he paOBage or ltr a. Van Oauwelaen and her talli11J t o t he United St atee.

1 heaitat e t o bl.trden you with t h1e matter but 1 w1eh to b e as helptul aa I poseibl;y can t o ~lr. Van Cauwelaert tor the r eaeona vhioh l have alreadr indicated t o 7ou.

I am sending you an extra oopy ot th1a letter whioh you ma1 w1ah t o f •tmish the Coneul General tor h1a 1ntormat1on.

Bel 18Ye 11e, with Yery good v1ehes,

Oord1all y ;roura,

GSM/llso George 8. Meaeersmlth


Hie Excellency George s. weaseremitb American Embassy Havana , Cuba

Wy aear Messer smith:

Lhbon, Port1J8al J uly 24 . 1940

I have r ece h eo your letter& on tl.e subject of wr. van Oavwel aert , ana have eventually gotten in touch with hi11

throuch the Bel gi an Legation. He ie in good heal t h ana moat

~io •• eventually t o come to the United St ates t o settle

if i t is iMpossi bl e to r e turn to Bel~ium. In any case he

:rants hie partner to go to the Uni tee1 State a on a ccount of

bta photographi c supplies bus i ness .

1 ao not know whet her or not Havana ia f ull of r efu­

gees anxious to r each t he United States , but the s itua tion

here ia s~ s trained that it is almos t impossible t o i nduce

any consula t e to give visas . wr. van cavwelaert i nten6a t o

put himself on the 1moigration list , but hie partner Only

wants a te~porary visa. I have sugges t ed to hi m to ask you to

have spec ial i ns t ructions sent in t he case Of hta partner who

will probabl y a sk for a visa at s ordeaU1.

1 want t o t ake t he occasi on to thank you very hear t i ly

for having given me the opportunity to ::ee t such an inter est­

i ng man as wr. van oavwelaert. He came here the ot he r C1ay and

we t alked f or about two hours on al l aor ta of subject a. He ia

an extraor dinarily culti vated man, nne 1 sincerely hope to see

him again i n t he near future and enjoy a repttition of our

t olk. 1 am r eally in your debt . 1 have met f ew people who

have inter ested me mor e .

Le t me know if I can be of any further servic e t o you.

I ~ always at your disposal.

1 am, Yours moa t sincerely,

Herbert Pell Amer i can u{nis ter .

Ria E%cellenoy George s. Weaaeram1th Aaer1oan Embaeay Hanna, OUba

l.ly dear Arn'baasa<ior:

L1s 'bon 1 Portugal July 1 1:1 , 1940

I have reoe lved your l et ter of July l Oth and have made every effort t o ~et in touch with va n cauwel aert, but so fa.r have been unsuccessful. The Bel­~1ah Legation ~a at l as t gotten t he informati on that he hae gone to France. They expect he will be bnok he re in t he near future .

I n the meantime l am entirel y a t your dis­posal , and I s hall show hi m your l et ter . I wi l l do every­thi ~ I can , bot h in t he way of advice anu f ina ncia l as­s i stance . I am !llwa ye crl ad to help in an y way poes1blo.

I am ,


Your s .,oa t s i ncerely ,

Herbert Pell , Amer i can hl \nl s t er.


liL T



C t.: DA


FOR ~ID:Sr:RS'.!!tl! DLroiiJI U:aAno;. SA-n:: VAllCAtli'1I:LAERT LEFT

rc:.:;;;:;AL ron F.-IJ:CE 'l":Tcrll!f.XS J.OO PROBA.JL'i VICHY hiT. BELOWI

CO"Il'Al::zL"T i":ILL Kl:W' YOU !lil-'Q.ll:XD 8 . ~(1


iiorbott C. Pell

Anorl ocm - G{;tltl.o!t , Lie bon. '



w E

s T




u N




The Honomblo



Hobai1Cl , CUbe , Ju,ly 10, 19.0,

llbrbort C. Poll, American Minister,

L1abon, Portua~ol.

Doo.r l!r, Poll:

I tear that I em ao.leatins you With l etters and roquoate

at a time wbon you DJat be YOt'J greatly burdened, but in thia

instnoco I Ml under tho compollins neceaaity or wr1t1ns you

concerning one ot mr oldest and moat intimnte tr1onda . I hnvo

Just bnd lottera !1'001 J'rallz VCIII CnTtJoloort , a Bol<!iCIII subject ,

who 1a atnying at the Grande Hotel do Itol1a , IIDnto Estoril ,

Rivie.m de Portuaol, which I undarotand ia near Uabon. Mr.

van CoTtJoloort woo lfnyor ot Antwerp dur1na tho greater port

ot m:r ton ronra' atny ther e ae Consul Oonornl. ~ring t hnt

time he ohowod hilllaoU as an undo.rstCIIIding o.nd helpfUl trlen.d

ot the United States. 5a:e roars ago be IOildo a vioit to the

United Stotoa, o.n.d t bo President and l!r, lbll. wbo enw h1lll bot h

bnd tho highest rognrd tor h.UI. lib bno boon an onrom.ely

constructive elomont 1n Belgium and io a true patriot . He is

one ot thooo tow ..,n 1n Dlropo who, 1n recent yeo.ra, bnvo

deserved t o bo ca,llod ateto-..n, I tool tbnt it 1a a:r obl1gn­

t1on, poraono.lly and ott1c1nlly, to do onrythins tbnt I co.n

t o e114blo hiD to brine hlliBolt and his fMlily to n ploca ot ao.raty, He is undoubtedly one ot thos e 1110n ngo.inat whom the

Oo.-n wrotb will be moat ncti YO, and I think thnt bi s lito

and ••en porbnpa tbet of J:>e~~bora or hi a tcua1ly will bo dot1n1 toly

ill dCIIIgor 1t he or tbey tall into Go...., hands . '!'bore nro t flft

BoJ.a1.o.na o.gnlllst wb011 tbe Gol'llllllla tool more bitterly bocnuse

thoy lalow his groat understanding and the respect wbioh he

enJoys in h1a countt')'. lie ia t horotoro one ot tboao Bol<!inna

wba:a t he Go mens wou,ld anlco oYot')' effort t o get out ot the wnr.

In rtow ot tbo ototua of tho Bol<!inn qu.ota o.nd the wni ting

tima Which mny bo iJIVOlVed, nnd in YiOW Of tbo r8&1.\lotiono with

respect to visitors' v1sns , it moy seom dosi m blo tor Mr. VCIII

CnYWolaort o.nd hie tcua1l,y to procood to Cub11 . I bnvo eonaiat ontl,y

rotuaod to intonoiiAI w1 tb tbo Cuban aut hor1 Ues 1n casas ot t hia

kind, but I CCIII oaauro you tbnt 1! Mr. VCIII CoYWOloort and his

tMlily wiall to COM to CUbe thnt tbo necoeso.ry 1natruct1ona

will bo iaaued to tbo Cuban ott1c1nle in Portuaol by the

Cuban OoYor....,nt bore t o gi'fo \bom v1aoa tor Cube . Once tho

- 2 -


tc.mily is here, I will undertnke thoi r sup;x>rt. I ho.ve every

con.fi donce thnt Kr. von Co.vwelo.ert nnd his tQID.ily will evcntuall)'

be able t o proceed to the Unit od States where, beenuae ot his

great capo.c i t ies, I con aee any number ot ways in which he cnn

mnke a new eld.stence t or hiiiiBelf. You mny be BUre , ther efore,

nnd you eon assure Co.nsul Gene.r a l Youns, thnt even though Kr.

von Cavwolo.ert ho.ve no tunds , I om prepnred to mo.ke tho necessary

advances, a nd I will see t ho.t t hey will not become a public chnrgo

i n Cuba or in my country.

In spi t e ot my wide acquaintance among so mnny ot those Who

ho.ve suttered, this 1a the firs t coso i n which I om prepared to

lllllll:8 tinnneinl ndvnn.ees nnd to assume tinonciol guornntees. In

view ot my own friendshi p with Mr. vnn Cnnreleart and his tlllllily,

the high regard which I ho.ve for him, and t he services which he

hns indirect!)' rendered my country, my wife and I f eel that any­

thing we con do tor them mst be done .

I ho.vo sent you the n:;>pended telegram which i s solf- erpl.o.no­

tory. I CJII sorry to burden you with this l'lllltter , but from the

foregoing, you will rea lize how deep and well- founded i s my

inter est .

With very good wishes ,

Sincerely yours ,





Personol tor the Minis ter:

(July 10, 1940)

Will opprecioto your communicating through Belgion

Legation w1 tb Frnnz Ynn CaTtreloert importo.nt .ember Belgio.n

Government now in Portugal ond who is a very old o.nd

1nt1mote friend of mine t o effect tbst I wil1 gladly do

everything in my power t o focilitote tho admission or

himself ond mambers of his t81111ly to Cuba o.ncl eventuol l;r

t o the Unitod St otos. I am sure tbst I co.n orronge for

their odm.iss1on to Cuba while they oro ow1t1ng visos tor

the Uni ted St ates. If he 18 1n need ot tunds for trona-

portotion I sbsll be glad to moke appropriate remittance.

Lett er follows.

Please telogrnph any i ntormotion my expense .

'file IIODoal>lA h'aaa .,... o. .... ~'

o/o 'file tepUcm t>l Belcl-, Ll•"'bca• Po.-t ••1•

Tou.r Wll lA~\or~~, ot 1WMI 1.0\h anA '- 26\1\1 o.rr1ft4

b7 'he - a1na11. I ..0. 110~ \ell ycu boor Jal4h ycu IUI4 .,_, t..ur IUI4 :pOIIJ' -'17 .... beD l.a 1.lle 1111148 t>l .,

wUo t.a4 ~~~JMlto I oa DO\ solD& \o \1'7 \0 -~ l.a ezq _,. em 'he 4e'rwlo;-au t>t -~ -'118 u ycu IIDGw tlleM

eo IIMil ""-" \baa I MA mow \ba a\ \h1a 41 n.ou.. Bow

~ 'he" cWftl.opi!Mto baft atr.o\M rq wlto IUI4 •

peftltalarq u \hq at'feet 1tiU .-D7 llD4 eo -.117 t>l ou.r

t:n.,.. s.a Belcl•. 1 IIM4 DO\ wll 1<11l• 1 ou caJ.:r upn• 'he oat1-. wblob. I t .. l \!Ia\ \Ill l.a~pedaMe t.a4 tzoee4Ga

t>t 70'IJ' -~will nuWall7 11e zunal>l1aba4. '1'IIG'e u., lu ,., 41.tt1-.l' ,.... allad, .U IIDII.- \be ~n to.,..blA

os.-w.- *' .. - t-, 'he '-* wblu aoo &baa& t>l ., ~. u4 etllelra, ,. llu4. A8 \o 1.lle lll\la\o OQ"" -· I oa o.tldeat.

~ I \all 70I<l lllllr IIMil l allldro 'IfNI -- Ul4 \lot

11.ae t>1 aaU• *iu 7W llaw toll-If Toa baw--. J'OOU'­

•U w 'be o tiNe patrift u4 a Mil t>l ~ n«rl..Uic q.-11Uoa

*iu l U.,. 111.- 7W w 'be. Tou.r foal.l.ap, 'booUl wi~ ftilpln

w ,_ ~ ...s '"' poopte,• ,_ -• wi• wopen to 7W11 t..ut' l - r· Ut7 ~ - - 4ea1ft 18 1e 'be

lot).phl \o 7W ... ,_ t.lq 1a --·~· 1a _, 11Q' 1a rq pa.o~r, u4 l - auue JQil 'he' all I C1t.a clio per­_lq, * ell \II"' 1~ ,. a., ,__ '• 4o t>~t1c~. 1

...u 4o to uein 1<11l•

l oball, \baraton, 1a ~· le\\or DO\ \1'7 w 11,.. rq

\b.oo~P\1 Oil ell 'he' lid bolppou& 'llln oatl.ae .,..u w \Ill • 11a\o ,.a.t. fill \be»- = 1 af'n7 t>l ,_lt .... hllllJ. l- cla4 .. , 70I<l ....... .,... o.. .... leeft u4 .,

lean a par\ fll ~lila tollllJ an 1a U ...... l Clt.a ft011M 'lle\1

nu \llalllll ~ M7 lot l'llaUft IMOU'1\7 \lotft1 70I<l IIQ' wiu

\o llftJic u ..., t>l ,_ toll1l7 u IIQ' 'be poealbl.e w \hio o161 t>1 \Ill ...... OM .r \lot 61o1•1- *iu ycu will ban

w ..- will lie wh\bor 7W will ....U :r-U 1a auopo u4

_, 7WI' tOillq - heft - -~ 7W will alee .. ,~ w

- 2 -

~ nth th•• 'lhia ia a dao1aion in which I do not belie.,. thet I ean g1Te oounaal, but ono which you will Eko yourea~. I ollly Tellture tha op111ion thet , 111 11pi te ot your great lalQWl-oclp and J(Nr great pdr1ot1a, it i o oxtreul7 doubttul whathar you wOW.d bo able to render aJ17 raDl aorrioa i n tha CloTe~nt or Ufo of J(Nr oountrr 1t you woro to return there now. Pueiou are rwm1n& hish and you are undcubtedl7 a -.rb4 llllJI, 'l'he TerJ' ctllllll t ie a of atatoaanahip and courage 'llhich you hevo ahQWII •lea n allloet certo.in, o.nd I boU.Te certain, that aa lOD& aa tho O.l!laJl oooupat1011 of llelatua continues you '110Ul4 "'" bo 111 a poai t ion to render a117 aerrtoe t here and ...,. ba 1n real peraCIIIA.l do.JI&er, Under the cirouuto110ee you ...,. feel tho 1Jipu.loe to leave llm'ope w1 th euoh 111e11bere of J(Nr foaJ.lf 0.8 ...,. be a.ble tO OCOCIIIplllcy' you,

'l'her.. nre with you , ne I undoretand 1t, your wl.to and dn\18htar o.o.d 0 110 son, and I hopa thet tho offorto which you hen 11.0de to got your other 80118 out of l'ronco DIY hove preTed auceesstul. In case you ho.Te not been successful in un1 ting tho Wholo t8Jidly, 1 t would eeaa to .. that your BOlio who ..,,. not he.,. been able to join you would wl.ah ,. .... o.nd lllro. van Canolellrt, and tho eo or tho tllll1l7 who can laave, to do ao ,

In Tiew ot the develo~ts in mu-ope , tbore o.re, ot course, tana or thousands or persona desiring to proceed to the 11n1 ted Sto.teo a.nd other ccuntr1oa or the Wes tern Bomiapbore. So to:r aa our oountrr io ooncornad, the u.tgrat1on lawa , while thor have not been oho.ngod, Umit tho adll.iooion of poraona from abroad nrr opeo1tioally. It 18 111oreaoingly difficult to aocuro a T1aa tor n tompornrr otnr 1n tho 11n1tod Stnteo, no in order to eeoure a visa tor o t .,..porozy sto.r tho o.l1on must show that bo hao UJ1<1Uost1onnbl7 an unrel1nqu1sbod clomicilo to Which he co.o. return at the ond of hio t ... poro.zy stay. 'lhia, in tho oo.so of yourae~ and your !<>JUly, 111sht be ditti oult to ostabllsh to our o l e r officer 1n Ll.sbon and ho a1sht find it d1ttioul t to gru,t Tioa.o for o t•poro:r:v Tiai t to tho l1ni tod States.

In order to oeoure a Tiaa for a pel'ILOil8nt stay 1n tho l1nnod State a, tho ld lqa dQWII certain oond1 tiona, and tho greatoat d1ffioult7 1a that tha law apoo1tioo.Uy reatr1ata tho mmbar of perscma ot aJ17 origin WhO can ontor tho 11n1 tod Stntee 1n a 1Ml'• '1'he dae.J~da on tha BeJ&ian quota, 11h1ch up to reoontl7 were Upt, are now n rr haaT7. Pereona met register w1 th t ho AMr10o.Jl Conaul for an u.ia;rat1on Tiaa and tbon lllet a.wni t their turna em tho wa1t111& Uat of tha quota until their applloo.Uon can bo exaa1nad finally for a Tiaa. I would tboretore •-ot that whatever your plall.l ...,. be thet you u..Matol7 register tha -• of J(Nroe~ a.nd the Mabora of your foal.l7 at the AMr1c811 Oonlluloto O.norol in Ll.obon for t.al.gro.tion Tiaaa.



rue will plaM ,..,.. 011 • Un ot 111oeo &11111t1DC 'lieu llll4a' ~ Bel.c1an CillO'- tor ~ VJdt..t t>htee,

All 1\ ..,. be 41tt1oult to ..- 1m1cre.U<:m 'l'tau, o:r neUon• '1'1 .... , tar yooanelt and '1fJ'JZ tGIIIiq tar t ba 17nU..t S"-We at tllie U• wi'baut " 1~ dela1, l"CCl D>¥ wlah to -48&' o..UC \e Olalla, or to a01111 ~ber oountey ooatlll'oua to • VJdW s-.wa. I .. _.. tbd tllia ocn be ll1'l't.JIP4 o.D4 \bat )'IIQ oaJl .u t ~ t1lllll lame ot \be n..... tor ~ V1l1 ted 8\atea 1Jl e -'17 oatiti&OU to tll.a V111W 8"-\ea, It, t• 'D'IPla, 7"'1 aboul4 wiah \a - to CUba, ftich WOIIl.4 lie a 11004 plaM \a e_, I • -'ldea \bat \be Ollban QlltbllrlUea e01ll4 lie ~W to c1W ~ _....,. 1natN4Uall8 to ~ Cll'bU ott1o1ela 1n Po:a I 4> 1 to p w yw tbe DOOe,.....,. 'l'iaa to pl'G on& to Ciulla, All \!len en ~ pe,._. eo deelre to •tu Ollila, • Oil- altidalAI elmlad ll&at llll~ till4 U 41tt101llt to lftll' 'fi .. , I ,_.,, ot _.., rotftdn traa GIU'OlelDC 11117 Wlu- 01'111Derll7 to aid allena 1n llllterlDC a.be, but I BGU1der tllat ~ .... <It 7'1QZ'80lt o.D4 your tllll1ly la u ezrUnq uoepU-1 aee, o.D4 l"CCl r.>;~ be _.. that I -..14 11M .u rq 11004 ott1•• wi til tba Cuba!> Oft_, bare 1n arder tbet 1\e otnolala 1Jl Ponqlll -.y be lnetl'WIW to (II'Gllt 7'1Q ~ n .. r .. a..~~a.

h oeoun to • that U will be preter nbla tor l"CCl to aeek to •- to th1T -'IT • tbat 1a Cllbn - l'lltbor tban tba V111te4 s te.tea, llll4 -lt bare your t~tm Wldal' tbe lelclnn qUO\e tor 'lieu. !hia, ~, dooa DOt ~ t bat l"CCl llboul4 110\ repater the .-Ioera ot 7'IQr tllll1ly, llll4 )'OIInolt1 with the "-'iou 0~ Geurnl 1n Liaball tor 1Jia1srnUon 'lieu tor tba 1J'IIUe4 9\ntee,

l(r 01111 pen CDal .....,.,, '"' you~. nre Ullltad nn4 I .. DO\ Cl rich II!Ulo (Ill tba otbo:r bnn40 rJ!1 aeznS..ntT Ot tr1endell1p with you tU"' eo deep thnt llfi wito nn4 1 want YOI.I to laiOW tba\ 1111 will ba glnd to bo ot tJ»:f nao1stnnco to yw in OllZ' ~u tinaDolaJ.lT u ,.ll u ~rwt... It, tboretore, :rou llboul4 DM4 8J17 twl48 1n arder to......,..,..._ ror Ollila, w tor the VJdW Ste.toa, :rou ou 1-" • laiOW nD4 I will - that tbe •--.ry twl48 ano -Dltte4 to :rou ~ oar lapUoa 1n L1ab01l,

I • wrttlnc to _,- 111nlner in Lt~Oil, Ill-. Pall, to tbe att•n tbat I aOUAt :rou u - ot rq oldaat o.D4 c~Mreet trlende u4 tllat I wiah to do •'fUJ'th1DC to aaelet TOll• I -.14 .._ .. \bet TOll 111 end - !k. Pell, whO I r .. l ..u-e will be ftl7 sla4 to - 7"'1• I • sn u"' tb1a letter to TOll tbrGQCia 111ao 'Jibe a..J. O..ftl. in Uallea, Jllr, TCIQD&, 1a o.lao a .,..,. 11004 tr1en4 flit 111M, u4 I -u ••n \bet wile 11M 111 to \boo Ooll801.lo\a Oeuftl. )'IIQ .. to - ll1ao


-·-I • -''"1 a ~ \o4q to 0111' Jlln1ater 1A Unca,

ot llhilll I-~ a toW• I allalla.J.' w-ua .noaa 7GU

ldl4 U \118ft 1a ~ t!la\ I - 111 71* a7 be eun \!Ia' 1\ 1• IQ' - dilalft to be belptl&l.

Aa to iM na.n, IIIGQ11 71* ldl4 70111' f1111U~ - to

CV.ba, • to t!la 1b11W4 ~wa, I • are \be\ .. wUl. 1A­

"-7 be allla to unJIIII t• JOQ u ftNV.liUIIl 70111' mn.­ldl4 to 11a4 a f1al4 fill uatuW••• ~ 1e a •tter whilll ..

ou co ilato later ldl4 1\ 1• 110\ ot iM 110ft '-41aw ~.

I llaft 1a Wa letter \riel cml.T to -J' \118 I U.w prolll.a

ot 70111' ~11AI to CUbe., • to \be lbliW« S\aW.o

JCr wife JoiDa 1a n&rT soo« wllll to )'Oil ldl4 liN. <ru o. ... l.aan aD4 u.. r.ra flit 7tMr t.-11)'. ..u 1IOJ'4a u. 1Da4aq~aw to ~

our t .. liDp, I will 110\ ..,_'t'OJ' to 1o ao, I oan onl)' .abaonbe

IQ'MU u,

Tour tnom4,


JIM lOtlllft o




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TO:t:r£· v ~ry s ' :"'C:.>Tel y ,

Her bert fell , 1 wer1c,.n ' 1n1 Gt er.


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AMEMB~SY, Havana July 10, 1940.

July ll , 1940 , e a.m.

Personal fo r t he Mi nister.

il l appreci ate your communicating through nelgian

Lepation %i t h Franz von cauwelaert important member

llelt: ion Government now in Po rtugal, and who i s u very

end inti!!Uite friend or mine to e f "ect that I will pladly

do anyt hing i n wy power to foc1l1t~&te tha dm1s s1on of

himself e nd members or his f ami ly to Cubu und eventual ly

to the United States . T a:n sure thnt I 0 1 n arrange ror

their admission to Cuba ~hi le they are uwu lting vleaee

ror the Uni te~ f, t a tes. I f he is in need of funds for

t runsportb t ion I shall be glad to make appropriate

rernl ttance . Le t t ar f ollows .

Please t olegr aph any inf onnuti on my e xpense.

Decoded: KOS

1 cc