kzn newsletter 4

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4 Ceramics, Southern Africa 1 Dear Members, This is our last newsletter of 2014 and what a great year it has been. Our members have been very active in making ceramics. Congratulations to our very own KZN Winner of the Nationals- Carol Hayward Fell, Congratulations to our National Exhibition entrants ,to Phumlani Nyawo who had his National exhibition piece bought by Corobrik for the prestiges Corobrik Collection..... congratulations to Louis Jennings (group exhibition), Jetteke De Vries ,Sbonelo Luthuli and Siobhan O’Reagain who had solo exhibitions of quality and to all our members who made our Regional such a success. We rock in KZN! We are also busy investigating workshops for 2015 and have some interesting ideas in the pipeline. Watch this space Thanks are also due to people who have helped us along the way- to Ingrid Lotter of Artisan Gallery for her support of emerging as well as established ceramic artists- to my committee who have made a great job of tackling all the tasks big and small that go to make exhibitions and workshops successful . Thanks to Sheila Nicol for hosting us at her lovely studio for workshops as well as to Durban Girls High School and Kamel Kilns for hosting. Our AGM will be held at a new venue this year- Jo- Anne Kuter’s studio in Durban North. This will take place on Saturday January 30 th . We invite all members who visited Cape Town during the National Exhibition to bring an item of ceramics they bought(anywhere in Cape Town or the surrounding areas) and discuss why they bought it and ask members to comment on the piece as well. We will call this the Cape Town Experience. Please support this part of the program. It can help us all grow our aesthetic sensibilities I will show a DVD of the National Exhibition 2014 and open the floor to members comments on the work . Corrie Hook will show part of a DVD on 101 Mugs- inspiration again for us for our Regional in 2015. We will again be having a special section for mugs made by our members. This proved so popular at our 2014 Regional that 90% of the mugs sold. Membership fees for 2015 have increased to R370 per member but there is a discount of R20 for members who pay by 30 th January 2015. Keep Crea(ng and the Commi1ee wishes you all a Blessed Christmas and prosperous New Year. Lynette KZN region newsletter Number4, 2014 4 Issue No4 National Winner P.2 Magdelene’s workshop Page 5 We rock! P.3 TIPS Page 4 Members only Page 6

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CSA Newsletter KZN November 2014


Page 1: Kzn newsletter 4

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4

Ceramics, Southern Africa 1

Dear Members,This is our last newsletter of 2014 and what a great year it has been. Our members have been very active in making ceramics.

Congratulations to our very own KZN Winner of the Nationals- Carol Hayward Fell, Congratulations to our National Exhibition entrants ,to Phumlani Nyawo who had his National exhibition piece bought by Corobrik for the prestiges Corobrik Collection..... congratulations to Louis Jennings (group exhibition), Jetteke De Vries ,Sbonelo Luthuli and Siobhan O’Reagain who had solo exhibitions of quality and to all our members who made our Regional such a success. We rock in KZN!

We are also busy investigating workshops for 2015 and have some interesting ideas in the pipeline. Watch this space

Thanks are also due to people who have helped us along the way- to Ingrid Lotter of Artisan Gallery for her support of emerging as well as established ceramic artists- to my committee who have made a great job of tackling all the tasks big and small that go to make exhibitions and workshops successful . Thanks to Sheila Nicol for hosting us at her lovely studio for

workshops as well as to Durban Girls High School and Kamel Kilns for hosting.Our AGM will be held at a new venue this year- Jo-Anne Kuter’s studio in Durban North. This will take place on Saturday January 30th.

We invite all members who visited Cape Town during the National Exhibition to bring an item of ceramics they bought(anywhere in Cape Town or the surrounding areas) and discuss why they bought it and ask members to comment on the piece as well. We will call this the Cape Town Experience. Please support this part of the program. It can help us all grow our aesthetic sensibilities

I will show a DVD of the National Exhibition 2014 and open the floor to members comments on the work . Corrie Hook will show part of a DVD on 101 Mugs-inspiration again for us for our Regional in 2015.We will again be having a special section for mugs made by our members. This proved so popular at our 2014 Regional that 90% of the mugs sold.

Membership fees for 2015 have increased to R370 per member but there is a discount of R20 for members who pay by 30th January 2015.

Keep  Crea(ng  and  the  Commi1ee  wishes  you  all  a  Blessed  Christmas  and  prosperous  New  Year.


KZN region newsletter Number4, 20144 Issue No4

2 0 1 1

Front page! 1

Dear members,! I attended the Clay Festival in Johannesburg recently and enjoyed this event which takes place every two years. It was successful on many levels. The presenters were informative and professional. The trade hall buzzed with demonstrations by the likes of Merentia Kooiman and the shopping for ceramic supplies was awesome. Our own Lindsay Scott gave a workshop on throwing with paper porcelain and explained how he uses Leach’s concept of ‘accidental’ effects . (Paper clay being forgiving enough to allow lots to happen to it.) If you have a chance - plan to attend the next one in 2013.

I also attend the National Ceramic Council Meeting on behalf of our KZN Region and it is good to know that we have dedicated people handling the extraordinary amount of work that it takes to host clay Festivals, Nationals and our website.

Our National Exhibition is in Pretoria next year (Oct 2012) and there will also be a catalogue .- all sponsored by Corobrik, It will costs over R60,000 to host this exhibitionOur invited international judge for this event is Daphne Corregan (born in the USA, currently resident in France), who has a very impressive CV. She has agreed to accept appointment as the Award Judge for the National Exhibition. Daphne teaches at the University in Monaco and has to slot her visit in to complete everything within a four week period. She will also be giving us a workshop here in KZN. We host her for over a week and if any member would like to contribute to her stay it would be most welcome i. e she is keen to see game parks and the Berg. If one has contacts re accommodation for the above please let us know.

Finally a decision has been made about when does one become a Senior Citizen. In the interest of a non discriminatory society all of us become Senior Citizens when we turn 65 !

Members who turn 65 can claim a reduced membership.

We are in discussions with website designers to upgrade our website. Existing profiles will be upgraded to your advantage. This will incur costs to members who would like a profile. We willreport back once a decision is made about the new look and workings of the site artSPACE is in the process of paying everyone (for work sold on the Regional). Contact me if you have not received monies yet.REMINDER : We continue to ask our members to do internet transfers when booking a workshop. With all the cash handed to us for our last workshop we could have been charged over R200 by the Bank. (God rest their souls)

Keep Potting


Forth coming workshopsand Ardmore successPage 6

Cathy BrennonGets all fired up running her workshopPage 2

Karen MurrayGets us working up close and personalPage 4

Jane JarvisTalks us through her walk from college to colonial tea parties Page 5

Hennie StroebelWowing us with creativity- he takes us on a walk aboutPage8

Newsletter " issue No 4 Winter 2011

Southern Africa KZN

Buying an electric kilnWhat to look for and what to avoidPage 7


National Winner


Magdelene’s workshopPage 5

We rock!

P.3TIPSPage 4 Members

only Page 6

Page 2: Kzn newsletter 4

W E R O C K I N K Z N !

2 Ceramics Southern Africa

Congratulations to our very own KZN Winner of the Nationals - Carol Hayward Fell

Congratulations to our National Exhibition entrants, to Phumlani Nyawo who had his

National exhibition piece bought by Corobrik for the prestiges Corobrik Collection.....

Phumlani Nyawo

Frank Nthungya

National Exhibition Venue

Page 3: Kzn newsletter 4


Ceramics, Southern Africa 3

Jo-Anne Kuter

Maggie Matthews

Lynette Morris-Hale

Kyle Pierpoint

Louis Jennings

We rock in KZN!

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4 Ceramics, Southern Africa

TIPS FOR POTTERSHow to make Brush on Glaze

Here is a tip for making the dipping glazes intobrush on glazes….. one cup of mixed wallpaper glue or CMC which is made into acreamy consistency to one cup of the glazepowder. One might need to add a little water tothe mixture if the consistency is not workable.The mixture one can brush on and the wallpaper glue/ CMC burns away during firing.


To reduce warping and cracking, take steps to drymore slowly and more evenly from all sides.Don’t dry a flat object on a wet or cool surface likea Formica or plastic top or damp newspaper, thepiece can dry on one side. Instead, dry objects onsomething porous like wood or plaster or set themso air can circulate around them. If necessary,turn pieces over during drying for more evenresults. Slow the drying of thick walled pieces andhand built ware. Support areas during drying thatmight cause stresses to build up.“Understanding the drying process simplified:drying is the removal of water from body byevaporation, as the ware is dried, the film of water

separating the clay particles gets thinner andthinner, the solid particles get closer together andthe piece shrinks. Shrinkage stops when theparticles finally contact each other.” Taken fromOrton firing tips brochure.

Refiring old glazed ware can be problematic.

Lorraine  Wilson  shares  her  recent  kiln  firing  experience,

“Whatever you do, do not refire in a glaze firing anything that has been used in the interim as a vase or that has had water in it for any length of time. At 500 degrees it will explode and every glazed thing in your kiln will have bits of broken pot stuck to it. Even if you try and dry the pot out in any way over a week or more before putting it in its second glazed firing, it is unlikely to help as the moisture gets under the glaze.”

AGM 31ST JANUARY 9 FOR 9.30AM- 12.30 approx

Place: 22 Windsor Drive Durban North 

Cost: Free to paid up members Non members R50

1) AGM

2) Members forum- the Cape Town Experience (please support)

3) DVD on National Exhibition

4) Inspiration for mugs

Directions:You can either come along the road that runs behind the HYPERMARKET BY THE SEA - Prospect Hall Road.  You will pass The Japanese Gardens on your right and the next road to the Left is Windsor Drive. OR

 Come along Northway (now Kenneth Kaunda).

After Riverside Hotel you will go through 1set of light (Chicken Licken on your left)  2nd set of lights (Ellis Park Drive) and then you will pass Oxford Drive on your right and then Windsor is the next road on your right. 

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Ceramics, Southern Africa 5

Magdelene showed us how to build a hand vessel in an hour at the workshop on the 28th November

And a thank you from a member........ (always appreciated)

Dear Lynette and Committee,Thank you for a wonderful year. I have learnt more this year than

during the almost 28 years of trial and error. Thank you for organizing  excellent workshops that give us the opportunity to learn a new

perspective and new techniques every time we participate.Well done and congratulations on being the chairperson and committee of

the most successful region as far as ceramics are concerned! It’s like winning the Curry Cup!

Thank you.Maryna Wagenaar


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6 Ceramics, Southern Africa


Discount  for  early  payment  of  membership  

JRenew  your  membership  subscrip1on  by  

deposi1ng  money  into  our  account.      Don’t  forget  to  put  your  name  as  reference

Couple R570. Early bird discount R550 Individual R370 Early Bird discount R350 Pensioner R300 (65 and over) Student R200

Group/Club/organization R620 Early bird discount R600.      

Bank Account:Ceramics Southern Africa

First National BankBranch: 223726 Hillcrest

Acc No 53730022000

Page 7: Kzn newsletter 4

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4

Ceramics, Southern Africa 7

ChairpersonLynette Morris-Hale [email protected]  031 266 0543

Vice ChairpersonMary Slack  [email protected]              " 031 572 6108

TreasurerLucille Schiess  [email protected]               031-765 1992

SecretaryCorrie Hoek " [email protected] " 031 564 3718

Committee Members:Carol Tullidge [email protected] " 031 765 1247 Lorraine Wilson " [email protected] " 031 702 5648 Francoise Cheyne " [email protected] " 031 767 0091 Jo-­‐anne  Kuter                            [email protected]                                                          031 563 5414Layout Editor " " [email protected] " " 072 189 7155 Bank Account:Ceramics Southern AfricaFirst National BankBranch: 223726 HillcrestAcc No 53730022000
