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 Keller Williams University The Six Personal Perspectives FOUNDATIONAL PERSPECTIVES TO PROPEL YOU TO THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT Shannon Musgrove

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  • K e l l e r W i l l i ams Un i ve r s i t y

    The Six Personal




    Shannon Musgrove

  • Acknowledgments

    The author would first like to thank Gary Keller, Mo Anderson, Mark Willis, and Mary Tennant. These leaders truly embody the Six Personal Perspectives on a daily basis.

    The majority of the course content came from Gary Keller, who began teaching these concepts not long after founding Keller Williams Realty, Inc. Thank you, Gary!

    In addition, many others offered their valuable insights. Beverly Steiner, Bruce Hardie, David Osborn, Dick Dillingham, Holly Perry, Kay Evans, Lee Stern, Linda McKissack, Nikki Ubaldini, Shaun Rawls, Sherry Lewis, Steve Chader, and Todd Butzerthank you for all of your support, enthusiastic participation, expertise, and recommendations!

    Thank you to the KWU course writer team for the enlightening and energetic brainstorming sessions.

    Thanks to Jeff Ryder for his editorial expertise.

    Thanks to Katie Nelms and the Win-Win team for helping capture our high achievers on video.

    A big thank-you to Michelle Busby, Caroline George, and the Cedar Park/Leander Market Center in Cedar Park, Texas, for hosting The Six Personal Perspectives pilot. Your feedback and insights proved invaluable to the completion of this course!

    And last, but certainly not least, my heartfelt gratitude to Stacia Thompson for her unwavering support, extensive knowledge, and phenomenal leadership.

  • Notices

    While Keller Williams Realty, Inc. (KWRI) has taken due care in the preparation of all course materials, we do not guarantee its accuracy now or in the future. KWRI makes no warranties either expressed or implied with regard to the information and programs presented in the course, or in this manual, and reserves the right to make changes from time to time.

    This manual and any course its used as a part of may contain hypothetical exercises that are designed to help you understand how Keller Williams calculates profit sharing contributions and distributions under the MORE System, how Keller Williams determines agents compensation under the Keller Williams Compensation System, and how other aspects of a Keller Williams Market Centers financial results are determined and evaluated. Any exercises are entirely hypothetical. They are not intended to enable you to determine how much money you are likely to make as a Keller Williams Licensee or to predict the amount or range of sales or profits your Market Center is likely to achieve. Keller Williams therefore cautions you not to assume that the results of the exercises bear any relation to the financial performance you can expect as a Keller Williams Licensee and not to consider or rely on the results of the exercises in deciding whether to invest in a Keller Williams Market Center. If any part of this notice is unclear, please contact Keller Williams legal department.

    Materials based on the Recruit-Select-Train-Manage-Motivate (RSTMM) system and the Winning Through Selection course have been licensed to Keller Williams Realty, Inc. by Corporate Consulting. KWRI has the exclusive right within the residential real estate industry to market and present material from RSTMM, Winning Through Selection, and any derivatives owned by or created in cooperation with Corporate Consulting.

    Material excerpted from The Millionaire Real Estate Agent appears courtesy of The McGraw-Hill Companies. The Millionaire Real Estate Agent is copyright 20032004 Rellek Publishing Partners LTD. All rights reserved.

    Copyright Notice

    All other materials are copyright 2010 Keller Williams Realty, Inc. All rights reserved. v3.2

    No part of this publication and its associated materials may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Keller Williams Realty, Inc.

  • Table of Contents

    DEFINING THE SIX PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES .............................................................. 7

    STEP 1: COMMIT TO SELF-MASTERY ....................................................................... 19

    STEP 2: COMMIT TO THE 80/20 PRINCIPLE ............................................................. 31

    STEP 3: MOVE FROM E TO P ........................................................................... 55


    ACTION PLAN ....................................................................................................... 63

    STEP 5: REMOVE YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS ............................................................ 83

    STEP 6: BE ACCOUNTABLE ..................................................................................... 91

  • Notes

  • Defining the Six

    Personal Perspectives

    The Six Personal Perspectives are foundational to Keller Williams Realty. They are a part of our basic vocabulary and philosophy of leadership and achievement.

    These perspectives came into existence when Gary Keller asked the question, What is it that differentiates those who achieve at the highest level from those who dont seem to accomplish as much? After thoroughly researching this question, Gary discovered what all high achievers have in common is a mindset, a set of attitudes, a way they approach or attack their life or any venture they are involved in.

    Mindset Is Key

    Gary Keller, Chairman of the Board, elaborates on his findings from talking to top achievers in the real estate business.

    When you interview the very top people and ask them what their biggest challenge is, invariably they will tell you it is mindsetkeeping it strong, focused, and positive amidst the many challenges they encounter every day on their way to the top and staying there. The vast majority say this is their top issuenot leads, but mindset.

    Gary continues, Life is an inside to the outside experience. When you get this at a deep level, you realize that who you are inside determines and drives what you are outside. The very best achievers know this and therefore truly work on and protect their mindset.

  • Defining the Six Personal Perspectives 8


    Human beings, by changing the inner

    attitudes of their mind, can change the outer

    aspects of their lives. WILLIAM JAMES



  • Defining the Six Personal Perspectives



    We all have our own perspective. Everyone mentally views many things differentlynot right or wrong, just differently.

    When you hear or read the word vacation, what image comes to mind?

    Is everyone thinking the same thing? Probably not. Why is that, do you think?

    Just like each of you has a different perspective when you hear the word vacation, everyone can also have a different perspective about what he/she feels they are capable of achieving. What do your personal perspectives of achievement say about you? Do you think youve reached the highest level of success you are capable of? Are you where you want to be in your career, your business, and your life?

    There are many personal perspectives for many things, and thats to be expected. But an

    important detail to remember is that high achievers have a similar mindset when it comes to success and achievementthe key points encompassed in the Six Personal Perspectives.

    These perspectives are not intuitive; youre not born with them. But by learning about, adopting, and mastering them, you too can become a high achiever.

    Taking the time to look inward and assess your mastery level of these six perspectives can be a painful process. Most will naturally want to shy away from this type of self-examination. But in order to grow, its a very necessary step in your journey to success.

  • Defining the Six Personal Perspectives 10


  • Defining the Six Personal Perspectives 11

    An individuals mindset holds the key to what they can accomplish. Attitudes and beliefsyour personal perspectivesdetermine this mindset.

    You can reach the highest level of achievement in business and in life by adopting the Six Personal Perspectives.

    As we move through these perspectives, notice how they build and rely on each other. This is why its so important to learn about, adopt, and master them all if you truly want to achieve at the highest level.

    The Six Personal Perspectives

  • Defining the Six Personal Perspectives 12


    Each of the Six Personal Perspectives is a

    system associates can apply to their

    business. LEE STERN


  • Defining the Six Personal Perspectives 13

    Powerful Perspectives

    Read, underline, and share . . .

    Nikki Ubaldini; Regional OP, OP of multiple Market Centers, and KWU Master Faculty; says the first time she heard the Six Personal Perspectives, she was overwhelmed by them. The perspectives helped me change my mindset and open my eyes to look at my business differently. It was very, very powerful. It made me take a look internally.

    Todd Butzer, Regional Director and KWU Master Faculty, says the first time he heard the Six Personal Perspectives, they made a big impact. I remember being impressed by Gary Keller and the way he thought. I was excited about being part of a company that focused on things that seemed so logical. I had heard many of the concepts before, but not in the same way. Todd continues, You start to feel like youre plugging in holes where you were lacking. The great thing about these perspectives is that they clearly display the gap between where you are and where you want to be, and guide you on how to close that gap.

    Lee Stern; Regional Director, Team Leader, and KWU Master Faculty; says, in her effort to help her agents internalize these perspectives by using their language on a regular basis, their impact has expanded outside the Market Center. Lee explains, I get a lot of thank-you notes from other agents who comment on how wonderful it is to do transactions with my agents. Whats interesting is that when they write these notes, they use some of the KW language. And I think its great how when we model and talk about these perspectives daily, they rub off on others.

    Beverly Steiner, multiple Market Center OP and KWU Master Faculty, says the perspectives reenergize her and her business. Hearing the Six Personal Perspectives always gets me thinking at a deeper level. It invigorates me and connects me more deeply to the things Im pursuing.

  • Defining the Six Personal Perspectives 14


    Imagine for a moment your own version of

    a perfect future. Now take the memory of

    that future and bring it here into the present.

    Let it influence how you will behave from

    this moment on. DEEPAK CHOPRA


  • Defining the Six Personal Perspectives 15

    Individual Exercise: What will you achieve with the Six

    Personal Perspectives?

    1. What is the Keller Williams Mission Statement?


    2. Imagine what a career worth having looks like. What is one goal you need to achieve on your path to building that kind of career?

    One goal I need to achieve to build a career worth having is:


    3. Imagine what a business worth owning looks like. What is one goal you need to achieve on your path to building that kind of business?

    One goal I need to achieve to build a business worth owning is:


    4. Imagine what the ultimate life worth living looks like. What is one goal you need to achieve on your path to living that kind of life?

    One goal I need to achieve to have a life worth living is:


    5. Youve just read about how the Six Personal Perspectives positively impacted the careers, businesses, and lives of some of Keller Williams Realtys top achievers.

    Close your eyes. Now, dig deep and visualize what your world will look like once you have mastered the mindset of a high achiever encompassed in The Six Personal Perspectives, and you are living the Keller Williams mission statement.





    Time: 15 minutes

  • Defining the Six Personal Perspectives 16


  • Defining the Six Personal Perspectives 17

    Write Your Ahas

    1. What did you learn? What are your ahas?

    2. Be prepared to share some of them with your instructor and class.






  • Notes

  • Step 1: Commit to


    Self-mastery is

    the possession of great knowledge, skills, and habits that make YOU the master of YOU.

    Before an individual can pursue mastery of a subject or skill, they must commit to pursuing self-mastery.

    When you commit to achieving self-mastery, you

    1. Know your goals,

    2. Know your strengths and weaknesses, and

    3. Know how to work with both your strengths and weaknesses to seek and master the necessary knowledge, skills, and habits to reach your goals.

    High achievers

    make a commitment to self-mastery.

    High achievers understand that any endeavor they choose to undertake is going to require them to master a certain number of things, including themselves. Once they have attained self-mastery, they can look to mastery of other things outside of themselves.

    In other words, when you have achieved self-mastery, you can then develop and achieve mastery of a topic or task of your choosing, because you know where you can best utilize your strengths and where you need to bolster your weaker areas.

  • Step 1: Commit to Self-Mastery 20


  • Step 1: Commit to Self-Mastery 21

    Be first the master of yourself, and only then a master of anything else. Baltasar Gracin, Spanish Author

    Read, underline, and share

    Lets say you want to master prospecting, yet you dont feel comfortable cold calling (weakness) but are good at scripts (strength). Once youre aware of both these things, you are then able to make a plan to master prospecting. That plan may be that you start out calling friends and acquaintances

    first, utilizing the scripts you know well until you feel more comfortable with the activity. By knowing your goal (mastering prospecting), knowing your strengths and weaknesses (good at scripts, reluctance to cold call), and by making a plan to work with both, you are well on your way to self-mastery and mastering prospecting!

    Watch Beverly Steiner, multiple Market Center OP, talk about her first big aha about committing to self-mastery.

  • Step 1: Commit to Self-Mastery 22


  • Step 1: Commit to Self-Mastery 23

    Mastery is

    the possession of great knowledge, skills, and habits that make one a master of a subject.

    When a person masters something, they begin to perceive, plan, and operate at a very high level when performing that something. Others will be drawn to this master because they seek to learn what the master appears to know so effortlessly. As an individuals mastery develops, so does their circle of influence.

    Only when you have attained both self-mastery and mastery can you accomplish the goals you set for yourself.


    Someone has achieved self-mastery, and now he or she has decided to master lead generation.

    First, that person would need to have a goallets say the goal is setting more appointments.

    What are some strengths that would help a person achieve mastery of lead generation?

    What are some weaknesses that could hinder someone from mastering lead generation?

  • Step 1: Commit to Self-Mastery 24


    Mastery starts with a decision. You can

    never master anything by accident. HOLLY PERRY


  • Step 1: Commit to Self-Mastery 25

    Partner Exercise: Achieve Goals Through Self-Mastery

    1. On p. 15, you wrote down three goals you need to achieve to build a career worth having, a business worth owning, and a life worth living.

    For each goal you wrote, list one obstacle you think might hinder your success in achievement of this goal.

    Consult and discuss with your partner so you are sure to dig deepits not always the most obvious choice!

    Goal 1: _______________________________________________________

    Obstacle: _______________________________________________________


    Goal 2: _______________________________________________________

    Obstacle: _______________________________________________________


    Goal 3: _______________________________________________________

    Obstacle: _______________________________________________________


  • Step 1: Commit to Self-Mastery 26


  • Step 1: Commit to Self-Mastery 27

    Partner Exercise: Achieve Goals Through Self-Mastery (cont.)

    2. Share with your partner what strengths you feel you have that will help you overcome the obstacles, and be sure to write them in the space below.



    3. What weaknesses might hinder you from overcoming the obstacles? How can you conquer these weaknesses? Again, you and your partner should work together to brainstorm ideas.



    4. Are the obstacles movable? Utilizing your strengths and being aware of your weaknesses, what do you need to do to get around or over theses road blocks?

    Is there something you can master that will help? Discuss with your partner.

    Write your action steps below. Be sure to hang on to them, as you will be utilizing them in a later chapter.





    Time: 15 minutes

  • Step 1: Commit to Self-Mastery 28


    Mans mind, once stretched by a new idea,

    never regains its original dimensions. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES


  • Step 1: Commit to Self-Mastery 29

    Write Your Ahas

    1. What did you learn? What are your ahas?

    2. Be prepared to share some of them with your instructor and class.






  • Notes

  • Step 2: Commit to the

    80/20 Principle

    When youre committed to self-mastery and have set your goals for the tasks and topics you want to master, the 80/20 Principle will help you focus your efforts on whats necessary to attain those goals.


    There is a pattern of predictable imbalance in life. It is called the 80/20 Principle.

    More results, fewer activities . . . (excerpt from The Millionaire Real Estate Investor)

    In the 1940s, quality control manager Dr. Joseph M. Juran documented a life-changing universal principle that he called the vital few and trivial many. The idea was that a relatively small percentage of your efforts lead to the vast majority of your results. He attributed some of his findings to the statistical work of the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who had observed that 80 percent of the wealth in his country was owned by 20 percent of the population. As fate would have it, that broadly embraced principle came to be known not as Jurans Law, but as Paretos Principle. These days, we simply call it the 80/20 Principle.

    The idea that 20 percent of your actions lead to 80 percent of your results may be one of the most powerful principles you can apply to your life. Its about getting the most from your time and effort. Its about maximizing your results. Its about having focus.

    Focus is the key to great success, more than effort, experience, or even natural ability. Look at the highest achievers in any field and youll discover that they have powerful focus; just as important, youll learn that they focus on the right things: the handful of truly important issues that make the biggest difference.

  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 32


  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 33

    As the figure above illustrates, when we are focused on the 20 percent, we tend to get 80 percent of the results we want.

    This principle isnt intuitive; we feel like the more we do, the greater the results we should see. There is a difference, though, in being busy and being productive.

    Focus on what matters

    In The 4-Hour Workweek, author Timothy Ferriss writes about how discovering the 80/20 Principle changed his life forever. He says, When I came across Paretos work one late evening, I had been slaving away with 15-hour days, seven days per week, feeling completely overwhelmed and generally helpless. Ferriss continues, Faced with certain burnout or giving Paretos ideas a trial run, I opted for the latter.

    For an entire day, he scrutinized everything while keeping the 80/20 Principle in mind, with the goal of finding inefficiencies in order to eliminate them and finding strengths in order to multiply them. The result? Ferriss says, I made several simple but emotionally difficult decisions that literally changed my life forever and enabled the lifestyle I now enjoy.

    Ferriss advises, Slow down and remember this: most things make no difference. Being selectivedoing lessis the path of the productive. Focus on the important few and ignore the rest.

  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 34


  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 35

    High achievers

    always have a focus, and they use the 80/20 Principle as their method of focus.

    Whether you realize it or not, this principle applies to all aspects of your life. Understanding the 80/20 Principle gives you the power to have greater focus on accomplishing the things that are important in your world, and helps ensure the results you desire.

    Watch David Osborn, Regional OP and multiple Market Center OP, talk about how focusing on the 20 percent helped him avoid burnout and turn his business around.

    Todd Butzer, Regional Director, has internalized this principle so well that its the first thing he thinks about each morning. I literally wake up every day and I think about the 20 percent. I think about the key things that have to be done, and I make sure I dont get mired in the stuff.

    Shaun Rawls, Regional Director, remembers one of his first breakthroughs in mastering this principle. When I was a Team Leader, I used to take numerous calls every day that I truly did not need to be answering. One day I was talking about this with another Team Leader, and she suggested I figure out how much time of my week was spent doing this, and if it truly was a necessary activity. Shaun continues, What I figured out was that I was spending about two hours a week on these calls. I soon discovered the do not disturb button on my phone, and let all calls go to voice mail. I then only returned the calls I truly needed to handle, and gained back two hours of productivity a week.

  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 36


  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 37

    The Big Rocks and the Jar Read, underline, and share

    After talking to his students about scheduling all their activities, a high school science teacher takes a large-mouth jar and places several large rocks in it. He then asks the class, Is it full?

    Unanimously, the class replies, Yes!

    The teacher then takes a bucket of gravel and pours it into the jar. The small rocks settle into the spaces between the big rocks.

    He then asks the class, Is the jar full now?

    Most of the students reply, Yes. Some were reluctant to agree a second time.

    The teacher then produces a large can of sand and proceeds to pour it into the jar. The sand fills up the spaces between the gravel and the big rocks. For the third time, the teacher asks, Is the jar full?

    Convinced nothing else could go into the jar, many of the students answer, Yes.

    Then the teacher brings out a pitcher of water and pours it into the jar. The water saturates the sand and encases the gravel and rocks. At this point the teacher asks the class, What is the point of this demonstration?

    One bright young student raises his hand and responds, No matter how full our schedule is, we can always squeeze in more things to do.

    You might think that, replies the teacher, but the point is that unless you first place the big rocks into the jar, you are never going to get them in. The big rocks are the important things in your life your family, your friends, and your personal growth. If you fill your life with small things, as demonstrated with the gravel, sand, and water, you will never have the time for your important things.

  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 38


  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 39

    Individual Exercise: Work in Your 20 Percent

    1. What are some tasks you perform on a typical day (either professional or personal)?

    List the tasks you do every day.

    ___________________________ ______________________________

    ___________________________ ______________________________

    ___________________________ ______________________________

    ___________________________ ______________________________

    ___________________________ ______________________________

    2. Now list one of your goals from p. 15.

    List one of your goals.


    3. Of the numerous tasks you listed, go back and circle those that are going to help you accomplish the goal you just listed.

    4. Are you working in your 20 percent? If not, what are the 20 percent activities you need to be doing?

    What 20 percent activities will you do?



  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 40


  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 41

    Focus with the 4-1-1

    The 4-1-1 Action Goal Worksheet is a tool you can use to keep track of and stay focused on your goals.

    The 4-1-1 is a reflection of top prioritiesthe Big Rocks (the 20 percent). It is a list of goals broken down into annual, monthly, and weekly categories. It is designed to help set both long-range goals (results) and the short-range goals (activities), which bring those results to fruition. It is not a to-do list; its a have-to-do list.

    Set SMART Goals

    All goals on your 4-1-1 should be SMART:

    S Specific Be tangible and precise in stating goals. General goals are not compelling.

    M Measurable Set goals that are quantifiable so you know if a goal is accomplished.

    A Action Oriented The best goals drive a person to do something concrete.

    R Realistic Make goals realistic but not pessimistic. The most empowering goals require a stretch to achieve them.

    T Time Bound There must be a clear deadline.

    Create a Powerful Productivity Tool

    In addition to setting SMART goals, consider utilizing these tips to create a powerful and effective 4-1-1:

    1. Set weekly goals that correspond to larger monthly goals.

    2. Set monthly goals that correspond to larger annual goals.

    3. Make sure weekly goals are have-to-do goals, not a to-do list.

    4. Plan weekly goals/activities no more than one week in advance, to allow for a change in direction if needed.

    5. Set annual goals that can realistically be accomplished in a twelve-month time period.

    6. Avoid revising goals set in prior weeks or monthsto reflect new goals or missed goals, for example.

  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 42


  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 43

    Sample Mega Agent 4-1-1


    Name: Mike the Mega Agent

    MY ANNUAL GOALS YEAR OF __________

    Job Business Personal Financial Personal

    1) 24 Listings Sold

    2) 18 Buyer Sales

    3) 60 Quality Listings

    4) 150 Listing Appointments

    1) 76 Buyer Sales (18 + 58 from BSs)

    2) 24 Listings Sold

    3) 2 New Projects/Month

    4) $750,000 GCI

    5) $200,000 Net Profit

    1) Monitor investments

    2) Repay loan

    1) Read 1-2 books/month

    2) Lose 15 pounds

    3) Complete a course in conversational Spanish


    Job Business Personal Financial Personal

    1) 5 Listings

    2) 2 Listings Sold

    3) 2 Buyers in Escrow

    4) 3 Buyer Contracts Closed

    5) 15 Listing Appointments

    6) Lead generate 3 hours/day

    1) Refine lead follow up system with admin asst.

    2) 4 Buyer Specialist Closings

    3) Hire new Buyer Specialist

    4) 60,000 GCI

    5) Develop investor farm strategy

    6) Teach CAMP 4:4:3 class

    1) Purchase investment property

    2) Make loan payment

    1) Read SHIFT

    2) Attend jazzercise twice a week

    3) Research local colleges and training centers for Spanish courses; submit application(s)


    WEEK: __________ WEEK: __________ WEEK: __________ WEEK: __________


    1) Attend 5 listing appointments

    2) Close 1 Buyer Contract

    3) Lead generate 3 hours/day


    1) Interview two candidates for Buyer Specialist position.

    2) Teach CAMP 4:4:3

    3) Lead ALC Committee meeting.

    4) Work on materials for investor farm

    Personal Financial

    1) Preview potential investment properties.

    2) Make loan payment.


    1) Read first 50 pages of SHIFT.

    2) Attend jazzercise M-W

    3) Call local community college regarding upcoming Spanish course.



    Personal Financial




    Personal Financial




    Personal Financial


  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 44


  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 45

    Individual Exercise: Build Your 4-1-1



    MY ANNUAL GOALS YEAR OF __________

    Job Business Personal Financial Personal


    Job Business Personal Financial Personal


    WEEK: __________ WEEK: __________ WEEK: __________ WEEK: __________



    Personal Financial




    Personal Financial




    Personal Financial




    Personal Financial


    NOTE: For additional information on the 4-1-1, and to build and customize a 4-1-1 online, go to, click on the Resources tab, then click on Online 411.

  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 46


    We must use time as a tool, not as

    a crutch. JOHN F. KENNEDY


  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 47

    Time Blocking: Manage Your 80/20

    Time blocking is dedicating specific periods of time to specific purposes, and it can transform you from a goal setter to a dynamic goal achiever. Its making an appointment with yourself and not breaking it. If you had an appointment with Gary Keller, you wouldnt allow anyone to interrupt or take that time would you? Isnt an appointment with yourself just as important?

    Time blocking is a powerful time-management tool. Dont confuse it with the practice of indiscriminately filling up your calendar with events. With time blocking, you dedicate specific periods of time to specific purposes. These specific purposes should be the 20 percentyour Big Rocks!

    High achievers

    know what mattersthe 20 percentand they block the time to do that first!

    Five Keys to Successful Time Blocking

    1. Be consistent enough to set the habit.

    2. Be thoughtful and purposeful about the items you list on your calendar.

    3. Be diligent by not allowing anything to steal time you have dedicated to the activities on your calendar.

    4. Always time block for the Big Rocks (your 20 percent) that ensure your success and the success of your business.

    5. If you erase, you must replace!

  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 48


  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 49

    Individual Exercise: Time Block Your 20 Percent

    1. Earlier you identified some 20 percent activities. Now you are going to time block for them.

    2. What should your appointment book look like when you are time blocking for these 20 percent activities?

    2:00 p.m.

    2:30 p.m.

    3:00 p.m.

    3:30 p.m.

    Today and Every Day

    8:30 a.m.

    8:00 a.m.

    9:30 a.m.

    9:00 a.m.

    10:00 a.m.

    11:00 a.m.

    10:30 a.m.

    11:30 a.m.

    12:00 p.m.

    12:30 p.m.

    1:00 p.m.

    1:30 p.m.

    4:00 p.m.

    4:30 p.m.

    5:00 p.m.

  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 50


    Protect your time. Dont let others dictate

    your day. BEVERLY STEINER


  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 51

    Group Discussion: Time Block Your 20 Percent

    3. What do you do if someone interrupts you during an appointment you have set with yourself to work on your 20 percent? Discuss ideas with your instructor and the rest of the class. Jot down and share any scripts you could use.







    Time: 20-25 minutes

  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 52


  • Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle 53

    Write Your Ahas

    1. What did you learn? What are your ahas?

    2. Be prepared to share some of them with your instructor and class.






  • Notes

  • Step 3: Move from

    E to P

    By committing to self-mastery, you know what your strengths and weaknesses are, as well as how to work with them to master a task or topic to achieve your goals. With the 80/20 Principle, you have your most important activities time blocked. Now you need to get purposefulmove from E to Pto excel at those activities. Moving from E to P means that for you to maximize your productivity and reach your goals, you need to move from the Entrepreneurial Style of operation to a Purposeful Style of operation.

    With the Purposeful Style, you generate clearly defined goals and consistently use effective systems. These strategies help you break through the ceiling of achievement to higher and higher levels of success.

  • Step 3: Move from E to P 56


    Moving from E to P means monitoring

    your business and your life, making

    improvements in each rather than just

    coasting. SHAUN RAWLS


  • Step 3: Move from E to P 57

    You can attain a certain level of success utilizing your natural abilities, but expect to hit a ceiling at some point. Wouldnt you like to achieve even greater success and break through that ceiling? How about living larger? Move from an Entrepreneurial Style to a Purposeful Style and thats what will happen!

    High achievers

    are always looking for the purposeful way. By doing this, they break through the ceiling of their natural behavior.

    Watch Linda McKissack, Regional OP, talk about how getting purposeful and breaking through a ceiling of achievement is necessary to attain your goals.

    Break Through the Ceiling!

    Five Steps to Getting Purposeful

    Step 1. Focus Write your goals.

    Focus on the 20 percent.

    Step 2. Find Strategic Options Ask, How can this be done?

    Ask, Are there different, better ways to do it?

    Step 3. Look for Models to Follow

    Attend training that teaches you how to get where you want to go.

    Identify mentors/people who have done it.

    Step 4. Install Systems

    Time block.

    Practice scripts.

    Create checklists.

    Make sure the systems you install work consistently and efficiently.

    Step 5. Bring in Accountability

    Measure what you do.

    Keep track with the 4-1-1 Action Goal Worksheet.

    Have an accountability partner.

  • Step 3: Move from E to P 58


    People who are naturally gifted in an area

    tend to ride their gift zone instead of getting

    purposeful about getting better. Do you want

    to be purposeful, or just wing it? TODD BUTZER


  • Step 3: Move from E to P 59

    Individual Exercise: Break Through Your Ceiling

    1. Focus Write one of your goals from p. 15.


    What are the 20 percent activities you need to do to accomplish these goals?




    2. Find Strategic Options How are you going to do this? Are there different or better ways to do it? What are they?




    3. Look for Models to Follow Is there training you can attend that shows you how to get to where you need to go? Do you have a mentor or know someone who has done it before?




    4. Install Systems Are there systems you can install to more efficiently accomplish these activities? What are they?




    5. Bring in Accountability How will you measure and track what youre doing? Who will hold you accountable?




  • Step 3: Move from E to P 60


  • Step 3: Move from E to P 61

    Write Your Ahas

    1. What did you learn? What are your ahas?

    2. Be prepared to share some of them with your instructor and class.






  • Notes

    Learning is not attained by chance. It must

    be sought for with ardor and attended to

    with diligence. ABIGAIL ADAMS


  • Step 4: Make Being

    Learning Based the

    Foundation of Your

    Action Plan

    As we learned in Step 3: Move from E to P, training and education are a big part of moving forward to attain your goals and succeed at a high level.

    A learning-based individual is an individual who has made the decision to use effective learning as

    the foundational piece for their action plan to develop their life

    Know for Doings Sake

  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 64


  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 65

    Four Levels of Competency

    Learning-based individuals commit to the process of acquiring skill-based habits. There are four levels of competency in this process.

    1. You start this process at level one: Unconscious Incompetence. At this level, you dont know what you dont know. For example, if youve never driven a car, you have no idea how complicated it can be.

    2. If you acquire some knowledge, you move to level two: Conscious Incompetence. At level two, you know what you dont know. For example, once you start to drive, you might figure out that parallel parking can be a challenge!

    3. If you apply wisdom to your knowledge, you will move to level three: Conscious Competence. In our example, this is when you become proficient at parallel parking, though you may have to focus on each step.

    4. Over time, with additional practice, your competence becomes a habit and you move to level four: Unconscious Competence. At this level, you could readily parallel park while youre singing along to the radio.

    Seek to attain Unconscious Competence in tasks that are in your 20 percent, and you will unlimit your success.

  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 66


  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 67

    High achievers

    make training, education, and self-development the foundational pieces of their action plan to achieve their goals.

    Watch Bruce Hardie, Area Director, share his first aha about being learning based and how important it is to know for the sake of doing.

    Holly Perry, Team Leader, understands being learning based keeps you improving at the highest level. Holly says, The world doesnt stop for us, and we have to continue learning if we want to keep up. Highly successful people understand theyve got to always be paying attention and learning about things that will improve their business and their life.

    The Keller Williams Curriculum:

    Stay learning based and learn to earn!

    Knowledge for the sake of doing is essential to reaching your goals. Staying learning based is about achieving mastery, not just cursory understanding.

    Keller Williams Realty has many resources you can utilize to stay learning based about your role and your business. For the Operating Principal, Team Leader, Market Center Administrator, and Agent curriculums, as well as additional learning resources, visit

  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 68


  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 69

    Agent Curriculum: Launch (Annual Unit Production: 016 Units)

    CAMP 4:4:3 (4 Listings and 4 Sales in 3 Months)

    CAMP 4:4:3 is a mastery-of-the-basics course. Its designed for both new and experienced agents wanting to kick-start their careers. It teaches basic sales and customer service skills and activities, with models and systems to take associates from surviving to thriving in 90 days. You will learn how to get leads, service customers, and close deals.

    Time Management with the 4-1-1

    To create the work-life balance we all strive to achieve, look to Time Management with the 4-1-1. This course prioritizes the tools and systems you need to accomplish more in the time you work, rather than spending more time working.

    Success Series

    The Success Series provides real-life tips and tools you need to transform your prospecting and marketing efforts into revenue-generating results. The program focuses on practical, proven approaches for growing your business quickly and sustaining that growth over time.

  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 70


  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 71

    Agent Curriculum: Growth (Annual Unit Production: 1636 Units)

    Lead Generation 36:12:3 (Close 36 Transactions in 12 Months with 3 Hours Per Workday of Lead Generation)

    Lead Generation 36:12:3 is designed for anybody who is serious about succeeding in real estate. It arms associates with practical lead generation skillsincluding strategies, scripts, and systemsto generate a consistent pipeline of leads.

    Internet Lead Generation

    Learn how to maximize your online impact by using the Internet to generate quality leads. Internet Lead Generation provides practical, proven, and detailed information on growing your business through the Internet.

    Buyer Mastery

    Buyer Mastery brings you nine self-study guides plus a workbook that together provide the basis for a one-day interactive class on working with buyers. The course takes you through the Buyer Service Cycle, emphasizing the models, systems, and techniques proven by top agents in their own businesses.

    Seller Mastery

    Seller Mastery brings you nine self-study guides plus a workbook that together provide the basis for a one-day interactive class on listing and getting listings sold. The course takes you through the Seller Service Cycle, emphasizing the models, systems, and techniques proven by top agents in their own businesses.

  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 72


  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 73

    Agent Curriculum: Achievement (Annual Unit Production: 36+ Units)

    MREA Curriculum

    The MREA (Millionaire Real Estate Agent) Curriculum, which includes Business Planning and The 24 Topics, focuses on the crucial MREA models and systems you need to master to build and maintain a successful real estate business.

    RSTLM: Recruit-Select

    Recruit-Select will enable you to implement proven hiring systems that ensure the best and the brightestthe candidates most likely to succeedjoin your team. This hiring system is the only one to follow when you are in the market for talent.

    RSTLM: Action Training

    Action Training propels your great talent into performance and productivity quickly. In this course, you will learn a five-step system for developing an action training plan tailored to the needs of your new team member, the specific job role, and your Market Center. The end result is a self-managed team member and the foundation for an ongoing relationship of accountability and trust.

    RSTLM: Leadership and Motivation

    Today, leadership requires flexibility to calibrate your response to a particular person or situation. This one-day course, the final course in the RSTLM series, gives you that flexibility.

  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 74


  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 75

    Agent Curriculum: All Levels

    Grow Your Profit Share Tree

    At Keller Williams Realty, we believe our associates should be treated like stakeholders, because we truly believe that together everyone achieves more. Out of this culture, the Profit Share System was developed. You can opt in to this phenomenal, unlimited opportunity, and in the process, opt in to a program that could change your life!

    Wealth-Building Workshop: Profit Share

    This workshop can be thought of as an achievement journey. Each workshop is a dynamic and flexible experience. In each session, youll experience a fresh knowledge piece and work through a new skills-based exercise. Then, youll strategize your next steps and engage in group accountability. Its a journey to mastery which, in this case, means a journey to wealth.

    Quantum Leap

    Developed by Gary Keller, cofounder and chairman of the board of Keller Williams Realty, Quantum Leap digs into the personal power principles that can help everyone achieve a more abundant life. Useable models, road maps that address your life as a whole, and keys to living with purpose and direction are all part of this profound course.

  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 76


  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 77

    Supplement the Curriculum

    As illustrated in the previous pages, the agent training curriculum available to you has something for agents at all levels of production, and offers an easy way for you to stay learning based. In addition to Keller Williams University courses, there are many other resources with which you can supplement your learningno matter your level of production.

    The Millionaire Real Estate Series The Millionaire Real Estate books and products truly set Keller Williams Realty apart. These business books inspire you to take action and give solid, step-by-step instructions that will lead you to success in your real estate business.



  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 78


  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 79

    Supplement the Curriculum (cont.)

    Online Learning Tools KWConnect brings online and anytime, anywhere learning tools directly to you. From basic skills to technology and culture, KWConnect covers a broad range of current topics, such as using the KWLS and Social Media 101, in ready-to-use formats that can be accessed quickly and conveniently, twenty-four hours a day.

    MAPS Coaching The MAPS Coaching program is designed to promote personal growth and career development and is based on the idea that "Everyone needs to be accountable to someone; no one succeeds alone." To support this core Keller Williams belief, MAPS offers a large variety of coaching programs to meet the needs of all KW associates.


    At Keller Williams eventssuch as Family Reunion, Mega Camp, and Mastermindyou have a chance to participate in world-class training, mastermind with other successful KW associates, and interact with top people in our company and the industry.

  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 80


  • Step 4: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan 81

    Write Your Ahas

    1. What did you learn? What are your ahas?

    2. Be prepared to share some of them with your instructor and class.






  • Notes

    If you think you can do a thing or think you

    cant do a thing, you are right. HENRY FORD


  • Step 5: Remove Your

    Limiting Beliefs

    Youre learning how to master your mindset and achieve high levels of success. Now, lets talk about another way to unlimit your success by unlimiting your thinking.

    You will need to clear your mind of limiting beliefs before you can successfully develop at a higher level. Are any of these thoughts in your head?

    I dont have enough time for training.

    I cant be successful in this market.

    I cant devote 3 hours each day to lead generation.

    High achievers

    remove beliefs from their thinking that hold them back.

    Redirect these negative thoughts into positive onesinto unlimiting beliefsthat will fuel your success.

    If I put the time in for training now, I will reap long-term benefits in my business.

    A shifted market is the very best opportunity for gaining market share.

    I cant afford to miss 3 hours of lead generationits my future!

    Watch Kay Evans, Southeast Regional Investor, share how she had to work to remove her limiting beliefs when the opportunity presented itself to expand the Southeast Region.

  • Step 5: Remove Your Limiting Beliefs 84


    When you are into unlimited thinking, you

    are in a curiosity-based state of mind. DICK DILLINGHAM


  • Step 5: Remove Your Limiting Beliefs


    Redirect and remove . . .

    Lee Stern, Regional Director and Team Leader, found a simple but effective way to remove her limiting beliefs. She says, I used to have some negative conversations with myself, and I found myself having them most often in my car when I was driving. I could be singing to the radio, and the negative conversation could still be going on in my head.

    Lees solution? I went out and bought a bottle of bubbles and put them in my car. Every time I caught myself having a negative conversation or limiting belief in my head, I pulled out the bubbles and started blowing them out the window. You cant blow bubbles without smiling. I kept them in my car for a couple of years, and that became my way to remove those limiting beliefs in my head.

  • Step 5: Remove Your Limiting Beliefs 86



    We all struggle with limiting beliefs, and we

    have to continually work to remove them. SHERRY LEWIS


  • Step 5: Remove Your Limiting Beliefs



    Think of a time in your life when you had a limiting belief you needed to remove.

    How did you do it?

    What new successes came your way once you removed the limiting belief?

    Partner Exercise: Remove Your Limiting Beliefs

    1. Pair up with a new partner. Ask them for one limiting belief they have that they think is holding them back.

    2. Take a minute to think about what steps you feel they could take to overcome that limiting belief and how this would help them accomplish what they wish to accomplish. Discuss with your partner.

    3. Now switch roles and share a limiting belief you feel is holding you back from accomplishing what you want to accomplish.

    4. What action steps does your partner think you need to take to overcome this limiting belief? Write these steps down. Be sure to incorporate them into your 4-1-1 if you think they are applicable to accomplishing the goals you have written down.




    Time: 10-15 minutes

  • Step 5: Remove Your Limiting Beliefs 88


  • Step 5: Remove Your Limiting Beliefs 89

    Write Your Ahas

    1. What did you learn? What are your ahas?

    2. Be prepared to share some of them with your instructor and class.






  • Notes

    Accountability is the relationship of choice

    for champions. GARY KELLER


  • Step 6: Be Accountable

  • Step 6: Be Accountable 92


  • Step 6: Be Accountable 93

    Accountability is first and foremost an attitude and an approach to your entire life. An accountable person says, Everything in my life is a result of my choices and actions. I own my life. Accountability is also a tool for continually changing the results in your life in those areas that matter most (your 20 percent). A person who is accountable in their 20 percent says, I own my life, and in certain areas, I want to continually improve my results. I will be purposeful, and I will be learning based to continue improving. For accountability to continually change your life, you must acknowledge that it must become a dynamic cycle and not stay just a static concept.

    Watch Lee Stern; Regional Director, Team Leader, and Master Faculty member; share how she has created a culture of accountability in her Market Center.

    High achievers

    are diligent about being accountable.

    Everyone has moments of victim mentality, and its very easy to slip into that mindset. No one is immune it. But change only happens when we make a conscious decision to stop being a victim and start being accountable, accepting and owning our reality and taking action steps to deal with it. Being accountable is something you must be diligent about if you want to be a high achiever.

  • Step 6: Be Accountable 94


    Without accountability, there is no change. BRUCE HARDIE


  • Step 6: Be Accountable


    Classroom Exercise: Accountable vs. Victim

    1. Think of an issue or problem you are struggling with right now.

    2. Now walk around the room sharing this issue with other students. You have two minutes to complain (be in victim mode) about this problem.

    3. Once the two minutes are up, its time to accept and own the reality of your issue and take action to resolve it. Utilizing the Be Accountable steps, focus on what you do have control over, and work through and write down the necessary approach and actions you can take to resolve this issue or problem. Be sure to write any applicable action steps on your 4-1-1.

    Be Accountable

    Step 1: Seek realityWhat is the issue? How does awareness of the issue lead to

    its resolution?

    Step 2: Acknowledge realityHow does having clarity about the issue lead to

    its resolution?

    Step 3: Own itOwning the issue empowers you. How will you use energy and focus to

    resolve the issue?

    Step 4: Find solutionsWhat are the possible solutions for the issue?

    Step 5: Get on with itWhat are the action steps you can take to achieve the solutions and

    solve the issue?






    Accountability leads to change!

    Time: 10 minutes

  • Step 6: Be Accountable 96


  • Step 6: Be Accountable 97

    High achievers

    have someone holding them accountable on a regular basis.

    Having someone hold you accountable compels you to adopt an accountable attitude. Accountability is a crucial aspect of success, and you should have an accountability partner for every area of your life in which you would like to succeed. We call these people the people in the box.

    Keller Williams Realty is deeply committed to accountability on all levels, whether you are a new agent or vice chairman of the board. Mo Anderson exemplifies accountability at the highest level. She has someone holding her accountable in the financial, spiritual, physical, and business areas of her life.

    AccountabilityThe People in Mos Box



    Financial Spiritual Physical Business

    Phil DeMuth

    Paul Woolsey

    Dr. Joel Baker

    Dr. Ravi Zacharias Nina Rowan Gary Keller

    Ed Livermore

  • Step 6: Be Accountable 98


    TellTellTellTell: Keep in mind you dont necessarily have to have different people for each aspect

    of accountability. For example, your business consultant and financial consultant

    could be the same person if your business success is tied to your financial success.

  • Step 6: Be Accountable 99

    When a person takes the time to report to someone else how and what they did in moving toward their goals, it lends even more focus and motivation to their activities. So who are you going to get to hold you accountable in each of these areas? Do you already have someone holding you accountable? Where are the accountability holes, and who is going to fill them?

    Be sure the goals you are being held accountable to include self-mastery, focusing on your 80/20, getting purposeful about achieving more, staying learning based, and unlimiting your beliefs. Have more than one accountability partner if you really want to grow!

    Individual Exercise: Who are the people in your box?

    1. Do you have a financial, spiritual, physical, and business consultant, or are you just winging it? Take a minute to fill in the boxes below.

    2. Are there some areas where you are missing someone to hold you accountable? If so, its time to take action and fill those holes! Who are you going to add?

    3. By what date are you going to add them?

    Time: 10 minutes


    Financial Spiritual Physical Business

    Add by Add by Add by Add by

  • Step 6: Be Accountable 100


  • Step 6: Be Accountable 101

    Accountability Sessions

    Those who are holding you accountable should be a resource to help you self-discover what you need to do to continue to reach, or even exceed, your goals.

    Your accountability sessions should be short and focused (no longer than half an hour), and you and your consultant(s) should be using your 4-1-1 Action Goal Worksheet, with the consultant asking great questions that clarify actions

    Accountability Session Model for Consulting

    Is there anything

    that might keep

    you from doing


    If you needed

    training or support

    to do this, what

    might it be?

    What was your goal?

    How did you do?

    How do you feel about that?

    Based on how you did, what is your goal and

    what do you need to do now?

  • Step 6: Be Accountable 102


  • Step 6: Be Accountable 103

    Write Your Ahas

    1. What did you learn? What are your ahas?

    2. Be prepared to share some of them with your instructor and class.






  • Step 6: Be Accountable 104


  • Step 6: Be Accountable 105

    Remember, you can reach the highest level of achievement in business and in life by adopting the Six Personal Perspectives. Now that youve learned more about these perspectives and have committed to adopting and mastering them, you are well on your way to achieving a career worth having, a business worth owning, and a life worth living!

    The Six Personal Perspectives

    I am going to nail it! I am going to master this!

    Its mineI own it!

    I unlimit my thinking and my success!

    I am willing to be taught. I always pursue learning.

    I am going to focus on my Big Rocks!

    I am purposeful about breaking through my

    ceiling of achievement!