kvkntng star. oihoust weetpert, - chronicling america · ied aw:*y by vain h.pes....

KVKNTNG star. WASHXSOTOy CITT: MONDAY AFTERWOO* August 90. AttttffTS FOR THE STAR. The following persons are authorised to oon- tract for the publication of advertiaemeBta in the Star: Philadelphia^ B Pukie, N. W. ooraer of Tnira mid Chestnut streets. New Tork.S. M. Pbttuqiu.* Co.. Nmmm ¦treet Bosiot.V B. PiLvii, Scollay's Building PPmiT OT THE KOKinWO PRESS The Inftlivrnrer regrsts exceedingly the aisjO:itioa of this Government to acquire Cuba with the consent of Spain, and explain* that Mr. D <dgc is already making efforts to that etd. if the iniormsiion, which its predicates its remarks on t^a subjcct is reliablo. The editor s.iys : '. So lou^r a time has elapsed since the pub* lio j of cotc, either in Spain or in the Ui.iudi States, hare ccascd to discuss the 2auctions ?ruwing out of the overweahing de- ife of portions of our pvople to gain possession of Cuba, by lawful or unlawful means, that we had really begun to hope that the whole ic: tter was at an end. The active and rigor¬ ous measures pursued by the Executive of the United Status in arresting the fillibustering ^Pfditions, and the rery decided refusal of ip «in to liston to ai y proposition lor the trans fer «f Cuba to the Lai ted States, were both so strongly evincive of a settled and unwavering p«'li-y that wc have been struck with no little rap)Lm . whiah we think will be partaken by a great majority of our readers.at seeing in the I'eri i correspondence of the New York Times scm< thing more than a mere intima- tt"E that nur new Minister at Madrid has been taking steps to bi ing the affair again under ronsideration. The manner in which the cor¬ respondent of the '-Times" mentions the fact, nnU the i otice which has been taken of it in the M diid papers, which he quotes, cannot l ave been with* ut foundation in truth. We are truly sorry to see it; but the present state ot our ininrui ition upon the subject is not such as to ju-tifj uur doing mora than ask* ing the attention of ur readers to the follow¬ ing extract from the letter referred to, bear¬ ing data the 1st of Augu t: 44 4 Things look hi it Mr. Dodge, our Minis¬ ter, liad bien m iking some propisitioos, or pailaf'S sonio indie tions, to indiscreet per- *.11- upju the C' nvecience of Spain's ceding Cuba to us p< a>:e:ib)y for a large sum ; and it appears tha susceptibility of the Spaniards hj« again tikvn the alaim, and the press i.-> fell oj i.ew protests repelling every proposi¬ tion. Tha L'^cc*. (Government paper.) the Novedades (p pu'ai paper,) and the Espana (Moderado.) ex pre-a themselves with much ?armth on this subject, and recommended the Auierioan Minisur not to allow himseli to be ied aw:*y by vain h .pes. The Government it- Be.f has thought proper to reply to all this in the efh^ai U-ieito with the following declara¬ tion : 4 4 Let the | ublio press and the newsman- ?ers r*j what tbey please, the conduct ot" the pani.-h G vemmmt relative to the sale or evasion of tha island of Cuba will be always eirietly coi.foimed to the national vote, mani¬ fested in ana ner ULCsnal'y solemn, explicit, and significant, in a memorable session of tfc-- C nitituent Conjress.' *" The U/txou discuss&j Senator Benjamin's appeal to the South to unite in a Southern partj, and the simultaneous effort of Mr. Sew¬ ard to unite the North in a Northern party, saying: 44 The letter of the Hon. J P. Berjamln, of Lcu.Si'ui, ku ^getting and urging the forma¬ tion tf »n exciu-ivt Southern party, is not a tew ' though it has been entertained by other 3- utl.ern statesmen on higher grounds than ti oae wrii;h b«*e manifestly controlled Mr B »j inr.fl. }{t.t reennuuendstion eomes at a moment when the Democratic party is B.oru ofcmpltttely united upon constitutional principles time it has b< en in many years; ei.£ m »st of tbtee who have believed in the r<ru.edy wbieh he now eo urgently Advocates du not rail to a»;e and to say that a southern aeeiioial party is only detirabie whan the N >ith b»c« mes entirely Abolnionised. There ii muoh in Mr, Bet jamin'a letter that we nj>- prova; but if rearming is ri^ht. as we think it is, ois rtmedv is wrong Mr Benjamin ad- mil* that the Whig party is gone, aod, with all his prejudices, be cannot deny that the D mocratic party sUnds firm; and yet he would break down the Demoeratio party, which is confusedly the only barrier between the South und the Ab dition fanatics! In other words, he would hasten the catastrophe of separ tion by div.ding the people by geo- grapLical licea on the subject of slavery. The portion of Hon. t. W. Pickens, of South Car¬ olina, one of the most decided advocates of Southern righta. is in happy contraatwith that of Mr. Bet j.min. "In a leiw r in repiy to an invitation to the dinnergiven UjG<i1 Oir he taken strong grounds in ttvorof a oo- >perHt>on between the people of the Sjutb »Ld tlio Domooia-y of the North. We have seen bow ably C.d Orr has defended the s proposition ; ami wo have r.ow before ns tto admirable remarks of lion Preston H. Cr'-oks, also of South Carolina, in which ho t*umos tha seme ground. We do not doubt that the so wise ounsels will prevail against a brctionai party ut tha South ; and that all honest ahiiMlike Mr. benjamin will see that the way to iu-ure peac* for the whole Union ai.d strcuiiiy to all the righta of all the States is by supporting the Demooratie party. Mr. Baijamiu will enortly realise that the very next step of tha Koow Nothings in tho South will be an attempt lo take refuge in a peculiar Southern party, no uis ter how this may oon- Sict with their yesterday'» coalition with the oitb-b uud* fan alios ot the North. This is their la«t card. '' A'id how is it in the North? Simultaneous w'tb th« defeata of sa?r«t party in tha South, Ultra reeuis to be a general break in the r.n Its ot ncw-fangted opposition in tha free Si tes, and a cry from different quarters is r-iied iu favor of "the republican party.'* Thia lest m vement is inteuded to supersede the Know Noting ordar, and to com bine all the eleuieLts of fanatioi^m, with abolition at ita head. It m » it w«il be rumcmb^red, started in Congress after the nauage of the law eractiu^ tho Torn.cries f Nebraska and Kin: js. iXst ai^ht of while the Know Noth- ing phren?y prevailed, it u rtvived now that the Kuow Nothings have seived th'-ir purpose of helping tho :«hoi.tionista 14 Mr Sjwa-d leads thocolumusof the rep>ub* Ilea;! party lu New York, and there is every pr>s.sect that his rank' will be filled with Kn< w Nothings atd Wh'gs. Mr Po^sendtn aLd Mr Woshburne have it. in band in Maine M . Giddings anl Mr. Chase have it fully or- giuised and m.der way in Ohio; and in Penn¬ sylvania Gov. Johnston has unfurled his flag." A Recest Coc_rrenoe near Constantinople Xne la.t European mail brought news of an oecurrccca near Constantinople, not long since, wh:9h will be read with much interest, as fol¬ lows : Near the villa of the Pasha of Constan¬ tinople is the hospital where the wounded and debilitated P.-eceh cSoers are healed and quartered Some of the convalescent man¬ aged to open a communication with some of the Tasha's wives, who, obtaining permission to visit for four days others of thatfunctionary's wives in a distant seraglio, took up their abode in tho hospital, snd were having a jolly time of it with some of the F;eneh officers aforesaid. The Pa'ha. however, got wind of the affair, and surrounding the hospital with his troops, demanded the women. The French refused lo gi»c them up until the troopwwere with¬ drawn, ar.d then only on a promise that thej should not be li ma1. But the Pashs, on getting then otoe more in the portals of his eeraglio, immediately had them sewed up in hags and drowned in the Boephorus. a:oording to the requirement* of Tvkiah law in stab aaaei made and pri^i led. I here are 1400 he ansa eleiod it «ClMS' b^age. latitat, owing to dallneM of l»de. WASHINGTON NEWS AND G033IP Dull Timet..We, who cator for the amuse¬ ment and edification of the "dear people" after dicner, are having jnst now a very hard timo of it, there being inch a total cessation of all interesting occurrences in public affairs her© and throughout the country, as we never knew before. Nothing striking can be done by the Government just now, beoaise thcGovcrnme: t clock is ao wound up as that it goes by it¬ self, ticking along in the eld humdrum way. Jefferson said that«« few die and none resign." Tke party in power haying taken unto them¬ selves all of tho spoils of their last presiden¬ tial victory they fancy, few or no ebnnges are being made. So the politician from abroad bavo ceased for the timo being to come to Washington to "cahoodlc" over office as ol yore. Their aspiration?, their baek-bitings their asseverations, their importunities, and. ere they all get through around the Depart¬ ments, the seedy habiliments of more or les^- of them, are no longer at hand to furnish us the groundwork for readable paragraphs. The warm weather makes shockingly against us, too, as nobody seems to havo sufficient en- ergy under its melting influence to d j any¬ thing worth recording in print. Thus our labor is doubled.news of interest we must find, and while suffering bodily and mentally under the enervating effects nf nn August sun, we must strive much inoro under such circumstances as we describe above, to cater for the Star1* columns, than wber. Washington is the scene of oscuircnoes preg¬ nant with the future of the country, with hun¬ dreds of men in it whose every movement, ii not sentiment, is of great interest to the public at large. Alas for us in humdrum-times like the present! Then it is, that wo feci tho pro¬ fession of a journalist to be irksome and life W®*T'DC» being forced to bo sprightly ar.d forcible, or at least to strive so to be, wh. n we feel that wo are stupidly duil and almost a? weak, bodily, as " Taunton water".prover bially w.tnout strength enough to run down hill, if the old New England adage may be relied on. Won't somebody pity, us in "this, our extremity ? The Republican Party..The Now Ycrl Tribune says that SeLator Ii:»mlic, of M 'ine, Las declared for this new political organization We doubt the fact, though tho Tribune, be¬ ing the chief newspaper of the movement aiight be expected to know early of occurren¬ ces likely to give it strength and importance In the fame number of the Tribune we find a constitution and by-laws purporting to be those of the association of the Republican party in Washington city, which, as a mattei of course, can all be comfortably scaled in the sanctum of our neighbor of the National Era. if that apartment is twelve feet square 41 The Republican party in Washington City-' is no¬ thing moro nor leas than the never-to-be for¬ gotten Van Buren Buffalo platform party of the Federal Metropolis, weakened by the loss of at least one-tenth of its m;znbers. in the withdrawal of the two individuals who having been conspiouous free soilers in iS4d, are now proprietors of the Organ newspaper, wnicb. to its credit be it written, has, as at present cd ited, no affinity, whatever, with abolitionism direct or indirect. The fact tha. tho Democratic party are in much better plight in Maine at thi-i timo than at any previous timo in tho last two years, having a fair change of success in tho np preaching election, ii nothing else, lead* us to place a little confidence in tho Tribune'* an¬ nouncement concsrning Senator Hamlin, who. though decidedly anti Nebra-kaish, w«s in all other respects in full communion with the Democratic party. Senator Seward, and not Senator Chose, as many fancy, is the ruli.ig spirit of the new party which has so soon swallowed Know Nothingism whole, and with little greasing We do not believo that Senator Sewarl and hi- immediate managers hope to carry the day in 185(1. Indeed, we know that during the last session of Congress, wheu they were laying their plans to begin this organisation in the summer, they freely admitto i the impossibility of brining their party under three or fouryeara up to the strength necessary to enable them to carry a national election. They will run Chatc, or scmo one elso wil¬ ling to be beaten, in 1856, reserving Mr Sew- ( ard, for whose benefit alone the organisation was oonoeived, f.r the contort of 18tf0. Long before that time arrives, however, it will be found that abolitionism cannot possibly ho in¬ stalled supreme in tho Government of tho United States, as they are now constituted, and also that the Catholic anl foreign-born voter# will not aid in that work, however earnestly nnd consistently Governor Seward may have labored.as he hxs done beyond all question.in their defence. As this new party gains strength at tho North, demonstrations against tho continuance of the Union, if abolitionism bids fair t* be installed in its government, must so increase throughout tue South as to cxcito greatly against the so called Republican party all Northern men whose profits and property may be involved in the continuance of the Union. Year by year, through the aggregation of capital, the power of that class is becoming greatly in¬ creased, notwithstanding tho increasing p >pu- laxity of extreme radicalism in the non-slavo holding States. That power has not yet been brought into play ; but serious danger to the . Union, from the increasing political strength ol abolitionism, will nut long henco compel it* exertion; when it will bo found equal to tLe emergency, or we are greatly mistaken in cm estimation of the political elements of the times Senator Rusk..This gentleman has re cently written a very emphatio anti-Know Nothing letter, which was published about the time of the appearance of the Know Nothing letter of his colleague, Senator Hous¬ ton. Up to this time they have acted togeth¬ er consistently, in politics, the former standing by the latter from the battle of San Jacinto to the appearance of the letters in question. Both are very popular in Teia<, and while there is a considerable party there, (though a minority,) bitterly opposed to General Hous¬ ton, his oolleague is literally without enemies >n his State, though he has fewer persons in the State so ardently and enthusias ioally de¬ voted to him. The contrary position taken by them upon Know Nothingi?m, if that last3 six months longer at the South as an important political element, will probably result in the r personal estrangement, which csn be brought about by nothing short of danger to the supre macy of the Democratic party in tha State . which, (we judge from experience and inti¬ mate knowledge of the character and personal and pelitieai relatione of these two gentlemen) will ekme weaken tha bends that have V a d Genteel Beak to Oenecal Houston, inducing Ma te eftee stake taepertaat personal saeri- loes and run ruki of all aorta in hie defenoe t gain at tha talented, unscrupulous. and at timea threatening Apposition arraigned against him (Gen. H.) in Texaa erer since the battle )f San Jacinto. We await with no little interest the eleetion returns from Texas, in tho belief (from our knowledge of her politics) that the reeently promulgated prununcfamento of Gen. Houses .xerted a powerful effect upon the vote of the it* to, only to bo counteracted by the letter of len. Rusk, if that was published in time to lave ootemporaneous circulation ' with the iher. Houston has exercised, since 1838, a Personal influence in Texas hardly inferior to .hat of Mr. Clay in Kentucky, and greater .han that of Mr. Webster in Massachusetts, luring the last ten years of that distinguished .nan a life. We havo no idea, however, that 'Jen. Houstou can give Know Nothingism a riumph in Texas, even temporarily.our cu- ioeity being to learn how near he can come to -he accomplishment of that purpose The act of General Rusk, in throwing him¬ self into tho breach in this case, will greatly xcrcase his national popularity. He ia very ittle known out of Texas, when one takes into :onaideration his long service in the Senate, \nd the fact that his fellow Senators, including Vir. Clay as well as Mr Webster, have long cgarded him as one of the ablest (statesmen fho have graced the National Legislature ince the annexation of Texas. Ho us natu¬ rally an indolent man, and has an abiding vjnteinpt for the small squabbling of public «ifo, which, together, have kept his name from ippearing in the newspapers as conspicuously h those of dosena of his compeers in the Senate possessed only of a tithe of his abilities tnd statesmanlike attainmenta. We are in- Jlined, however, to think that, next winter circumstances will compel him to take a much noro active part in the political transactions >f the Senate than ever before, in which case le will rapidly become a man of great distinc¬ tion. Aid for tho Aifiicted .We are glad, indeed, -> hear that the Rev. Mr. Donelan. tho pastor >f St. Matthew's (Catholic) Church in this -ity, has returned to Norfolk and Portsmouth :o attend to the afflicted there, after his recent ^hort trip back to his church in this city, to nstall a temporary successor in miniotering to his own largo congregation. Five more Sister* >f Charity left \Y ashington this morning, also lestined for Norfolk and Portsmouth, where they will bo wclcomcd with the hearifolt grat¬ itude of all remaining there of those commu¬ nities. Wo heard accidentally, to-day, that the Rev?. Ulysses Ward aad French S. Evans, of thiscity, are now actively engaged in preparing alao to go there, to minister to the spiritual ' want* of the tiek and dying, who are so doati- tute of clerical oemfort in their present terri¬ ble emergency ; four of the clergymen of the vicinage.who havo more faith in their leg* than in the Lord.having ignominiously fled ftoin their post of duty when it bccame one of danger. They (Messrs Ward and Evans) de¬ serve great credit for thus demonstrating the practical influence of religion upon their own poinds, hearts, and characters. Interesting..The General Land Office has Hsuqf instructions to the proper land offices in Miasouri concerning tho lands outside of the six mile limits on the Hannibal and St. Jo- -eph s Railroad to the following cffect: 1. That all the vaoant lands in the sections bearing odd numbers, between the six and fijtren mile lateral limits of tho grant, (that is within the nine mile strips on each aide tuereof,) were elected, or intended to be se¬ lected, by the State, and the State will be en¬ titled to said landa whether they have been selected as yet or not; therefore, ahould the Und officer* diaoover any vacant land in such jdd numbered aections, they are ordered not to restore them to entry, but to report thom to t;io General Land Office, so that they may be approved to the State; nor will any of them be subject to pre-emption, unless ooining with in the purview of the acts of 3d March. 1853, :.nd 27th March, 1854, referred to in the pub¬ lic notice. 2 That all the vacant lands subject to pri¬ vate entry at the date of withdrawal in the even numbered sections within the nine mile strips, and the sections lying outride of the !;:teenmilo limits, both even aud odd num¬ bered, will be restored to market, and are lia¬ ble to pre-emption as contemplated by the above mentioned aotions. The Case of the Barque Undine..The newspapers of both continent# having, for some time past, been discussing tLe refusal of Capt Murriman, of the American barque Undine, to delivor up hia papers for examination, and to pay the toll heretofore exited at Stado by the Hanoverian Government, on all foreign vessels passing up the E'be to Hamburg, we have to Ray that the explanation of the Han¬ overian authorities, eonocrning the occurrence, through their press, is that Capt. Merrimnn r jfu«ed to pay the toll and hubmit his papers to examination by the captain of the revenue cuttcr stationed at Stade, only after an agree¬ ment with the Hanoverian customs depart¬ ment, that on the arrival of the Undine at Ham¬ burg, his commission merchant should make the customary payment. The New United Statea Steamship Merri- mac..Wo learn that tho boilers and machin¬ ery of this ship, being oonstructed at the Cbarlestown (Mass.) navy yard, are all on b<*ard and being placed in position. The ves¬ sel will bo ready to go to sea as early ae the I itter part of October. The Ships being Constructed..It is thought at the Navy Department, that the exiatenoe of tae yellow fever at Norfolk and Portsmouth, with the attending circumstanoes, must neces- .arily delay the final completiou of all the U. S. ships being constructed there at least six months. The Postmaster General has returned to Washington from bis recent visit to his home in Pennsylvania. He discharging the du¬ ties of hia position to-day, and looks in capital health. ..- The Current Operations ef the Treasury Department..On Saturday, the 18th August, there wore of Treasury Warrants entered on the books of the Department- Far the Treasury Department.... $55 00 f or the Interior Department....» 130.695 15 For the Cuctons 27 ftfu 38 War Warrant, received and en- tered..,. ........ 36,771 39 Drawn en aoeount of the Navy... 325,700 00 Core red In from miscellaneous ^er.rnas... 3,M0 91 Ooveiwd In from Lands 117.110 90 Oovoradlnfrom Customs,.....2,090.209 Ji i. erw vjrxcta on aoeount of the HiV 1,562 53 The Yellow F«r«. There ii no abatement in the number ef new cases from the fever in Norfolk or Portsmouth, thongh the disease appear* to be ef a milder 'JP®) the mere readily jielda to proper modioal treatment. For the twenty-fomr hours ending on the 17th, j at 2 p. m., there were aeven deatha in Norfolk. The following are to be added to the list of deaths: Oliver Ailsworth, Joeephine Allen, Sarah Pngh, Wm. Slater, Wm Gregg, Wo. ( Banka, (colored,) Alfred Trader, Wm. Baton, Mr. Hedge#, George BUlups, 0. Bhea, Mr. Christian, Mrs. Curtin, Caroline Philips. Litaie Barron. Sarah Taj lor, Thomas E. Mehegan, Josiah Shipp, Mary Maser, Thomas Keeling, Wm. Hess, Mrs. Fallon, Mrs. Jakeman. Mr. Samuel R. Bo rum (heretofore reported as dead) is convalescent; William H. Brough- ton, Elias Gny, Com. Barron, and Henry Har- wood aro improving. In Portsmouth, private letters and other ac¬ counts represent no abatement in the number of cates. The Portsmouth Transcript of Friday says : '. Notwithstanding the decrease in our pop¬ ulation, probably not more than 1,500 to 2,000 j whites remaining in town, the fever continues wjtb Utile if any abatement. About an equal °umber of new cases occur daily, and tho deaths average from seven to ten, as will be ssen by the list below. Dr. Maupin, whose ! practice is extensive, informs us that the aick- ness seems to be chancing, and the fever, he I thinks, js more of an intermittent character j than it has been. Tho panic in the community had subsided to a considerable extent, and the i. few now lel't seem disposed to remain and abide the consequences ; indeed it is a matter of ne¬ cessity. There appears to be no alternative, as we arc almost wholly cut off from all com- j uunication and association with " the rest of mankind." But while the doors of our sister towns and cities aro closed against us, the hearts of many are open to our distresses Liberal contributions have been forwarded for the relief of the poor and suffering in onr midst, and our heart* are filled with gratitude to those who forgot U9 not in the time of our trials" The Transcript furnishes the following list of deaths in Portsmouth and at the hospital since the 8th instant: I August 9. George Dill, Miss Dill, Bridget Galligan, Mrs. Francis Herbert, Mrs. Baker and two at hospital.total.7. August 10..Mrs. Ileed, Mrs. Allen Mrs. Youugman, Mre. O'Brien, Dr. K. H. Parker, Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Beacham, Patrick Mct^uaide and two at hospital.total 10. August 11 -Jas. B Wilson, Mr. Kemp, Mrs. f ill, three colored persons, and three at hoe- pital. total 9. August 12.Miss Emily Wilson, Thos. Her¬ bert, James Foster, Mrs. Allmond.total 4. August IS..John B. Davis, one negro wo¬ man, and two at hospital.total 4. August 14 .Michael Lynch, Col. Jno. Har- Tcy, Matilda Woodhouso, Mrs. Donavan, Mr*, Hancock, Nathaniel Manning, and one at hos¬ pital.total 7. UgLSt ~~^rF Hannah Perks, Mrs. Dews, »N. Shepherd, Charles Snead, Martha Hoff¬ man, Caroll Herald, (hospital,) Michael Cur- ran (hospital,) Patrick Williams, Michael iliglcy, a son of S T. Burton, ?B. Church- well, a colored woman at hospital.total 12 August 10 . Miss Madelino Ghio, Joseph Whitehurst, Wm Jones, Willey Blisard, H 'jorhop, James Mayo, one colored man, and one at hospital.total 9. *Not of the fever. A correspondent writes from Portsmouth to the Petersburg Express as follows : * " Our town presents a gloomy and sombre aspect. There is not a magistrate or consta¬ ble here. The council is without a quorum wd nearly all the town officers are gone. I wo of the police officers are dead and a third is now sick. The stores and banks arc closed, and the market is deserted; the private dwell¬ ings are tenantlcss, and all the hotels «id boarding-houses are shut up. All our citi- i n.a. except those who remain from a sense of duty, who could raise meana to get off have left, lhere wcro tweive deaths yesterday (Friday) and from twenty to thirty new cases offerer. Private letters mention the death of Samuel Middleton and Maria Jane Simmons; also, of a large number of sick. Tho navy yard is still kept open, but there arc not more than three hundred men at work, out of upwards of seventeen hundred before the commencement of the fever. Dr. Stone expresses the opinion that the IVef.18 not a ^n«ral epidemic in Norfolk. He thinks that the patient should be covered with a sheet and thin blanket, and that the treat¬ ment should not be too active. Com. Armstrong, U S. Navy, writes from Richmond to Norfolk as follows : .' I have brukon the blookade at City Point and Petersburg, and have shamed them into something like humanity, as the order is re- Point 8Ka,n8t 0ur PMPle landing at City " I am authorised to state by the presiding physician that no further obstacle* will be placed m jour way, and that you will be free to oome and go. In truth the people here are ashamed of the action of the authorities: at t all those who have any bouIs, and I am as ured that the interdict (in Richmond) will soon be taken off. I trust so, as, otherwise, a lasting, draining disgrace would be fixed oh tne fair capital of Virginia." t^The New York John street Episcopal Church is the oldest Methodist Church in that city. A numerously attended meeting of ita members was recently held, when a unani¬ mous protest was entered against the proposi¬ tion to sell the property, as the truftees wish ; tho latter desiring to build a new edifice " up town." Forty-eight years ago the name of Rob¬ ert luilon, was mado great and glorious by the success of steam navigation. The casual reader may forget.history never will.the eighteenth of August. EyThe annual session of the R. W. Grand Lodge of I. 0. O. F. of the United States will be opened at Baltimore on Monday, the 17th of September. Relief..The total amount collected, thus far, in Baltimore, for the relief of the yellow fever sufferers in Virginia, is $7,130. % English Enlistments is the Unitbd States..The London Times of the 2d of Au¬ gust concludes an article on this subject as follows : "We earnestly entreat our Government to [consider well what they are doing in thus tampering with the feelings of a susceptible and high-spirited nation, and to withdraw before worse comes ef it, from a position so lraught with difficulty, which it is impossible to defend on the grounds of justioe, or support on principles of equity and fair dealing. Let them reverse the question, and ask themselves whether, if the Lnited States aent their re¬ cruiting agents into England, the British Gov¬ ernment would tolerate such a proceeding' We are sure that they would not, and that in k> doing they would he backed bv the voice of Parliament and the almost unanimous opinion of the people. We have no right to i-fliet upon our neighbor, that which, under rimi£ circumstauces, we would not endure oureelvil W. h.v. so right to m»k.U..lr i?nSuV bend to our notions of expediency, £,d we tf we\eUevD. Expedient -1.71 mi l oonairt With any oourse whieh will have the effect of raising against us h*Ule feelings in the great Ameaiean Repub¬ lic of V ^merioaas to oonsider what ?? , th#7 «fcoeee to adopt in this matter, it is for u> to respeet their decision. , J * voluntary moderation, to relieve ?k!? TS of obtaining by threats that whioh we will not eeneede tv reason and remenstraaee. From Kiiui.-In a latter raeeived by the St Louis Republican, dated Weetpert, August 10, the following is reported m a portion of ths late proceedings of the Eimm Legislature : "Day before yeeterday the bill to regulate elections passed. It provides that * any free white malo eitizens of the United States, and any free utile Indian who is made acititen by treaty or otherwise, over the age of twenty- one yean, who shall be an inhabitant of this Territory, and who shall hare paid a territo¬ rial tax. shall be a qualified elector for all elective offices.' When any vote is challenged, and he may be challenged by any other voter, he shall be required to take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, the Kansas-Nebruka net and the fugitive slave law. " Also, ' an act to punish offences against slave property,' passed the House. By this aot, raising a rebellion or insurrection among slaves is made a crime punishable with death; if any free person shall bv speaking, writing, or publishing, incite rebellion or insurrection among the slaves in Kansas Territory, or in¬ flame them against their masters, they shall suffer death. Death or imprisonment for life is the penalty for deooying slaves from their masters, and for assisting to deeov off slaves death or imprisonment at hard l»or for tan yean is the penalty. This bill paased without a dissenting vote." Mr. Fillmobb is Irblawd..The Cork Re¬ porter thus alludes to the honon paid to a dis¬ tinguished visitor at the Irish lakes : '.The ex-President of the United States, Millard Fillmore, accompanied by Mr Davia, of the New York bar. and a eourier, has been sojourning for the last few days at the Lake Hotel, Killarney. Having been fortunate in having a fine day through the ' Gap,' he ex¬ pressed himself delighted with the enchanting scenery of this most delightful spot, and the varied beauties of the lakes and the mountains surrounding As he was leaving in the morn¬ ing. the buglers connected with tne Lake Hotel placed themselves under a tree out of view, and commenced playing ' Yankee Doodle." As ho passed, the boatmen grouped in different parts of the avenue gave him three hearty cheen, as an acknowledgment of their grati¬ tude to the great republic of America. This distinguished gentleman repeatedly acknowl¬ edged the compliment, which was unexpected as it was enthusiastic." ,1. O. OF R .An adjourned meeting of Columbia District Tent No. 34,1 O. K., will b»» held in Rechablte Hall THIS (Monday) EVENING, at tf o'clock Business of import¬ ance to the Order demands the punctual attend¬ ance of every representative. J. HALL MOORE, D C R G*o C. Hexxisg, D. R. S. an 20. It® ,NOTICE .The membera of the Eagle Clnb of Georgetown beg leave to Inform their numerous friends and patrons that tbev will elve their second Annual Ball at Forreet Hall, on WEUNE8DA i . October 3, 1855. Particulars in future advertisement au 80.eo3ta ,NOTICE..The Mechanical Club re- spectfullv announce to their friends and the public generally, that they will give their frst Grand Pic N ic and Excursion at Arlinjrton Spring. on WEDNESDAY, the 5th September Particulars In future advertisement. aw 17.eo3t (Organ) ASHINGTON CORPORATION 6 per cent Stock for sale by RI6GS A CO. au 90.lw Lost, on sunday morning, a Terrier Puppy, body black, legs tan color, and white under the throat; nad on chain collar, but no name on it A liberal n-mJXuJm ward will be paid for the return of the dog to No. 310 New York avenue, between 9th and 10th sts au 20.eo3t* STRAYED OR STOLEN last night, between 9 and 10 o'clock, from the door of the ^ Kitkwood Hou3e. a Horse and a two-seat Kockawav The horse was a large bob-tail bay. Any person by leaving information at the Kirk wood House so he can be gotten will be liberally rewarded. . aul" W MRS. a. C. REDMOND'S NEW GAL- lerv of Daguerrean Art..Havlngcngaged th' services of an experienced artist. Is fully prepared to take pictures equal to any in the city, and at reasonable prices. No. 290 Pa. avenue, northwest corner 11th st., over Ford A Bro s Drug Ston. au 6. CARRIAGES, BIGGIES, Ceackaakers' an: Blacksmith's Tee la, L'mftaishetl Work, ami Material at Aaetiea..A CARD The attention of the trade, and person* wishing to purchase new Can-tape*, and the public in gene ral is respectfully invited to the sale, which will rommenceon TO-MORROW iTuesday) August 21st, at the Coach maker's establishment of Haslup and Weeden. at tne corner of 9th and C sts. The sale will commence at 10 o'clock with the Mate¬ rial, and precisely at 1 o'clock we will sell the Carriages, wblch aie of the best quality and Aaest finish For further particulars see advertise meat The sale will be continued on Wednesday. GREEN A SCOTT, au 20.2t . Atretic SECOND GRAND SO IEEE OF THE B00HE . CLUE. Will bt given at Spring Garment, (formerly oc¬ cupied by A. Favier.) os M. Hrttt, between 17tA and 18iA, o* Thursday, August 30:A, commen¬ cing at 5 o'clock, p. m. THK BOONE CLUB take great pleasure In an nounclng to the Clubs, their fri**i.d<. and the public generally, that they will give their second grand soiree at the above named place. The Club pledge themselves that no trouble or expense will be spared to make this one of the most pleasaut, gay and recherche Soirees of the leison. No improper persons admitted on the ground. Scott's celebrated Brass and String Band has been engage d for the occasion. Refreshments and Supper will be furnished by an experienced caterer. I Tickets 50 cents.admitting a gentleman and ladies. Committee of Arrangements. F T Wilson, R E Booth, B Haaly. P S..Our lady friends will please attend with¬ out Invitation, as there will be none sent, au 20.eotd* New goods. We have just received. 1 case New York mills shirting Cotton 1 do 4-4 Bartlett steam mills do 1 do 4-4 Warmasutta mills do 1 do 4-4 "Young America'' do 1 do 4-4 Prize Medhl do 1 do 4-3 Howard do * do \ Old York and Bartlett do 3 do 12 4 Hamilton cotton Sheeting 1 do It-4 do do do 50 pif-oes Merrimac Calico, fkll styles, warranted perfectly fast colore 50 pieces good style Knglish Prints, 12# cents I case Dunbar, Dickson A Co's celebrated shirt¬ ing Linen, warranted pure flax, certainly the beat Linens we have keen for a long time. Alse, on band. "Richardson's" and "Gray's" Shirting Linen. from 37 Wc to fl per yard Our stock of Sellsia table Damask, linen Sheet¬ ings, Napkins, pillow Linen, and Towellings Is very full at this tirne. Housekeepers will find it to their interest to bay their Linen Goods from us; we keep the lar¬ gest stock to be found in the District, and are willing to sell at a small advance on whole¬ sale prices 50 pieces all wool, white Flannels, from 25 to 75 cents 100 pieces Mosquito Netting A full stock of all kinds of Fine White Goods constantly on hand MOURNING GOODS; a complete stock of the best class always on ha^d at low prices Superior black Silks, from %l to $2 per ydj New supply of Ladies' Buck Gauntlets SUMMER GOODS of all kinds will be sold very cheap for cash, as we wish to make room for our fkll supplies, and will offer great bargains CLAGETT, NEWTON, MAY A CO. au 20.31 ' HAVING ABOUT TWO HUNDRED Acres of fine pasture, and eighty of which is finelv watared meadow, I will take a limited number of horses to pasture. Enquire of HENRY BIRCH, au 15.eo3t* at his Livery Stable Metropolitan Railroad Office, ) Gkokoitown, August 1,1855. I THE Second Annual Report of the President and Directors is now ready for distribution Stockholders can be supplied by calling on the Secretary or sending their address through the poet office. i. W DEEBLE, Sac. au 3.lawlw ENOL1SH CABBAGE, TUBNIP SEED, is. THE undersigned has just received direct from the growers, a well selected stock of the fol¬ lowing : Early York, Large York, Flat Dutch, Drum Mead, Heart shaped, Enfield Market. 'Vie- torla, with many other new and good CeVbagw. Flat Dutch. Purple topped, Strap Leaved, Karty Snowball, Dale's hybrid, with other leading tar- nlpe. Spinach, KaU, Lettuce, *e., all wairaated l>esh of fret quality, and offered at lowest prices JOHN SAUL, au 17.ee*a earner 7th and H OIHOUSt Witt Satin lew sal BrlUiaat S41 'PHIS Superb Troup* will exhibit I Off HAIKKT HCAU THURSDAY. FRIDAY, m4 SATURDAY A uguet 30 and 31. aad Sept I ' . EOR THREE DAYS ONLY! AFTERNOON AND BVCNlNg Doora opea at t u4 7 p. ¦. rwfanin aa hour Admission S3 cents. faADir. «. * routs. J Bali oa enter the This Company Is 4Mualih«4 tm tbe novelty, and varietyeflts WWt^ai oymnast^°a1!7VaAn%»imic, Displaying the highest order of FeMtgaaH Domestic Talent. Among tbe principal Artlsta tf thla Troupe are Madame VIRGINIA SHERWOOD. Mont NICOLO ft PUPILS, Mr UKO RACHKLDkR, Mr DAVIS RICHARDS, Mr. C. SBKRWOOD, FRANK PAfeToA Ae CLOWN, JOE PENTLANt. For particulars aee bills la prtaelpal hotels At GEORGETOWN oa TUESDAY 28th, and ALEXANDRIA en WE D.N August 29th. an " T0UB5AXEITT AKD FAFCT BALL AT TBI FAUQUIER W. I. SPRINGS. THE Tournament will take place oa THURfi. DAY, the 3 *b of Ai^«t, and Faacy tbe evening of tbe 3lst Knlzbta from a distance are inrtted to lists with tbe sons of tbe Old Domiatoa. On WEDNESDAY, tbe V9th tns ant. there wUl bo a Stag Cbase, the Venison (two saddles) U W eaten on tbe day at the tournament au IB.lw ALEX. BARER MONDAY, At GUST 20tfc. ISM. Second and last GRAND MAGIC PERFORMANCK At the Saloon of Josarn Gbkhabt, on Uaryhal avenue, No. W by P . M L L L E R . After tbe performance a Concert and Ball Admission as cents Ladies free Commencing at 8 o'clock. au 17.3to PLEASANT RESORT SPRING GARDENS, (FORMERLY FAVIKR'S GARDEN,) Oa M Street, between Ser*mt*entk t Eigkitemtk, OPENED every day In the week, and on Sun¬ day No spt'ritous liquors allowed, but Cof¬ fee, Chocolate, loe Cream. Ac., will be for aak Weber's Brass Band will perform every Mon¬ day and Thursday evening, beginning at about 3 o'clock Admittance free. au ~ A REWARD.. Estrayed from the sub Avr scriber, on Taeoday, the 14th In- £jN. Ntant, a light gray Horse, nearly white, is .bout IS years old, 13 bands high, well lias tho mark of a yoke on bis nerk. also he hoof and fetlock from wearing * pencil*; also, rest fallen I will give the a bo-re reward to any one who will return him rafe to me. THEO SHEKELLS, Grocer, 331 Seventh at., bet. I and K. au 17.3te THE BALTIMORE A OHIO RAILROAD. Transportation office, August it. Is55 .Tbe late obstructions to the use of the Road, at Kingwood Tunnel, having been re¬ moved, FREIGHT of all kinds (as well as pas- tengers) in both directions, is now forwarded as promptly upon tbe schedule time A continua¬ tion of tnls despatch la ensured by the building of a new road over the bill at Kiagwood. by which 'he use of the tunnel may be avoided, until It la eomplned JOHN H DONE, au 18.dt Maiter of Transportation RAZORS AS IS RAZORS. GEO. W osten holm A Son's doubly carbonised IXL, Frederick Fanny's Tally-ho, and Wade A Butcher's chemically perfected Razors, aad others, from 20 cents to Rtf SO Gentleman who like a comfortable shave ahould secure one at these Razors. Also. Razor Strops, Shaving Cream. Brushes, Soap, Ac.,at the Housekeeper a Furnishing Mora 490 Seventh street. G.FRANCIS. au 17. Turtles '..turtles t JUST received by BENTER A DUB ANT, at Washington Hall Restaurant, cor¬ ner of Pa. avenue and JMxth st . souths aide, another choice lot at real Green SE a TUKTLK, which will he up dally at II o'clock, in Steaks. Soup, Ac. Families supplied with tbe soup bv tbe galloa. au 17.3t THE UNION ACADEMY. THE Fifth Annual Session of the Union Acad¬ emy; and the Sixth cf the Union Female Academy, will open on the drat Monday la Sep¬ tember, and continued weeks. Terms as usual. Circulars at the Bookstore of R. F am ham. Esq, and at the R.igby House, corner 14th and K sts. Theee Institutions are so organised and con¬ ducted as to secure that mental and moral train¬ ing which will beet prepare tbe pupil for the real¬ ties of life Z RICHARDS. Prin U A. Mrs. Z. RICHARDS. Pria U. F. A. au 17.la CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE. PERSONS declining housekeeping, or havtng a surplus of household effects, will find us at all times prepared to pay them the highest cash prices for their anriai stoci. or such articles as they mav wish to dispoee of We will also ex¬ change new furniture for old at moderate Drlcos Furniture neatly repaired and varnished at tbe shortest notice, on reasonable terms BO\TZ A COOMBS. Furniture Warerooms 7th st , bet. I aad B au 17- Memoirs of Bennett and his Ti Price SI 25 Cleve Hall, by Mlas Sewell.price ft Our First Families.price fl 35 The Escaped Nun.price §1 For sale by bv E K. LUNDY, 138 Bridge street. Georgetowa, D C. aa 17.tf LETTERS TO THE PEOPLE oa Health and Happiness, by Catherine E Beecher. In pap^r 37 %, cloth 50c. H 1st on of the Council of Trent, from the F reQch by John'McCTlntock, D D., fl Harper'« Picture Book for the Nursery, by la- cob Abbott, a vols each New volume of Harper's Story Book, fl TAYLOR A MAURY'S au 13 near 9th street ICE.ICE.ICE S CtnARLES WERNER, on Pa. avenue, oppo J site Browns' Hotel, will keep, throughout tbe asesen, an ample supply of Pettioone's best ICE. which he will srtll, on call, la any quantities, at the lowest possible rates. mav 9S.dtSep » silverware. JUST finished a large assortment of elegant Sil¬ ver Ware of the latest stvles Oaa«lsilag of sol¬ id Silver Tea Sets. Silver Walters, Pitchers, Gob¬ lets. Cupe, Salt Cellars, Ac. Tbe above, with an unusually complete stock of Sliver Spoons, Forks, Ladles. Dessert Knives, Napkin Rings, Ac, of every pattern, are of our own manufacture, warranted pure, and offered at the lowest inles. Every description of Silverware made to order from original a. »iirns, however elaborate K. W OALT A BKO., 324 Pa. avenue, between 9th and 10th sts. an 15.fit JUST RECEIVED..Memolra of James Gor¬ don Benaett and his timea. The Escaped Nun; or Disclosures of Convent Life; and the Confessions of a Sister of Charltv, at JOE SHILLINGTON'S, Odeoa Building, cor. st.. and Pa. av. au 14. BOOT AND SHOE STORE REMOVED. GEORGE BREMER has removed his well- known Gentlemen's BOOT AND, SHOE Store and Factory from 11th street between Pa. avenue and E street, to Pa avenue, afew doors above W Wards' Hotel He Is prepared in his new premises to give faction to all. . G B has by dint at great care In purrbnotag his stock, employing none out A No. 1 workmen, and 3 his capacity to fit his customers so as to have i work set very easy on tbe foot, while It al] ways exhibits tbe moat fashionable style, earned a reputation in his business second to that of no otner custom-work boot and shoe maker In tbe Union He solicits tbe patronage at all and his term will be moat reasonable to all. SILVER WARE. HSEMKEN, 330 Pa. avenue, betwe* fth nod s 10th "treeU, offers his large stork of puie Silver Ware, consisting of CoflV* aad Tea Bets, complete, Sugar Bowls, Cream Goblets. Cups, Spoons and Forks, and a magnificent assort nv-M of richly chased fancy sliver ware suitable for gtfls, at reduced prices. Persona la want at any at the above artlrlea are Invited to call Being moatly of our own manufbrtore, we war lant It starting. HT Stlveiware at any design to order at abort notice Particular attention is paid in V ting up Testimonials, Premiums Ae au l.4i \f EMOIRS OP JAMES GORDON BEN. ivl nett aad his Times, by a Journalist M U- FRANCK TAYLOR

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Page 1: KVKNTNG star. OIHOUSt Weetpert, - Chronicling America · ied aw:*y by vain h.pes. TheGovernmentit-Be.f has thought proper to reply to all this in ... prova; butif rearming is ri^ht



AttttffTS FOR THE STAR.The following persons are authorised to oon-

tract for the publication of advertiaemeBta inthe Star:

Philadelphia^ B Pukie, N. W. ooraerof Tnira mid Chestnut streets.New Tork.S. M. Pbttuqiu.* Co.. Nmmm

¦treetBosiot.V B. PiLvii, Scollay's BuildingPPmiT OT THE KOKinWO PRESSThe Inftlivrnrer regrsts exceedingly the

aisjO:itioa of this Government to acquire Cubawith the consent of Spain, and explain* thatMr. D <dgc is already making efforts to thatetd. if the iniormsiion, which its predicatesits remarks on t^a subjcct is reliablo. Theeditor s.iys :

'. So lou^r a time has elapsed since the pub*lio j of cotc, either in Spain or in theUi.iudi States, hare ccascd to discuss the

2auctions ?ruwing out of the overweahing de-ife of portions of our pvople to gain possessionof Cuba, by lawful or unlawful means, that

we had really begun to hope that the wholeic: tter was at an end. The active and rigor¬ous measures pursued by the Executive of theUnited Status in arresting the fillibustering^Pfditions, and the rery decided refusal ofip «in to liston to ai y proposition lor the transfer «f Cuba to the Lai ted States, were both sostrongly evincive of a settled and unwaveringp«'li-y that wc have been struck with no littlerap)Lm . whiah we think will be partaken bya great majority of our readers.at seeing inthe I'eri i correspondence of the New YorkTimes scm< thing more than a mere intima-tt"E that nur new Minister at Madrid has beentaking steps to bi ing the affair again underronsideration. The manner in which the cor¬respondent of the '-Times" mentions the fact,nnU the i otice which has been taken of it inthe M diid papers, which he quotes, cannotl ave been with* ut foundation in truth.We are truly sorry to see it; but the presentstate ot our ininrui ition upon the subject isnot such as to ju-tifj uur doing mora than ask*ing the attention of ur readers to the follow¬ing extract from the letter referred to, bear¬ing data the 1st of Augu t:

44 4 Things look hi it Mr. Dodge, our Minis¬ter, liad bien m iking some propisitioos, orpailaf'S sonio indie tions, to indiscreet per-*.11- upju the C' nvecience of Spain's cedingCuba to us p< a>:e:ib)y for a large sum ; and itappears tha susceptibility of the Spaniardshj« again tikvn the alaim, and the press i.->fell oj i.ew protests repelling every proposi¬tion. Tha L'^cc*. (Government paper.) theNovedades (p pu'ai paper,) and the Espana(Moderado.) expre-a themselves with much?armth on this subject, and recommended theAuierioan Minisur not to allow himseli to beied aw:*y by vain h .pes. The Government it-Be.f has thought proper to reply to all this inthe efh^ai U-ieito with the following declara¬tion :

4 4 Let the | ublio press and the newsman-?ers r*j what tbey please, the conduct ot" thepani.-h G vemmmt relative to the sale or

evasion of tha island of Cuba will be alwayseirietly coi.foimed to the national vote, mani¬fested in ana ner ULCsnal'y solemn, explicit,and significant, in a memorable session oftfc-- C nitituent Conjress.' *"

The U/txou discuss&j Senator Benjamin'sappeal to the South to unite in a Southernpartj, and the simultaneous effort of Mr. Sew¬ard to unite the North in a Northern party,saying:

44 The letter of the Hon. J P. Berjamln, ofLcu.Si'ui, ku ^getting and urging the forma¬tion tf »n exciu-ivt Southern party, is not atew ' though it has been entertained byother 3- utl.ern statesmen on higher groundsthan ti oae wrii;h b«*e manifestly controlledMr B »j inr.fl. }{t.t reennuuendstion eomesat a moment when the Democratic party isB.oru ofcmpltttely united upon constitutionalprinciples time it has b< en in many years;ei.£ m »st of tbtee who have believed in ther<ru.edy wbieh he now eo urgently Advocatesdu not rail to a»;e and to say that a southernaeeiioial party is only detirabie whan theN >ith b»c« mes entirely Abolnionised. Thereii muoh in Mr, Bet jamin'a letter that we nj>-prova; but if rearming is ri^ht. as we thinkit is, ois rtmedv is wrong Mr Benjamin ad-mil* that the Whig party is gone, aod, withall his prejudices, be cannot deny that theD mocratic party sUnds firm; and yet hewould break down the Demoeratio party,which is confusedly the only barrier betweenthe South und the Ab dition fanatics! Inother words, he would hasten the catastropheof separ tion by div.ding the people by geo-grapLical licea on the subject of slavery. Theportion of Hon. t. W. Pickens, of South Car¬olina, one of the most decided advocates ofSouthern righta. is in happy contraatwith thatof Mr. Bet j.min."In a leiw r in repiy to an invitation to the

dinnergiven UjG<i1 Oir he taken strong groundsin ttvorof a oo- >perHt>on between the peopleof the Sjutb »Ld tlio Domooia-y of the North.We have seen bow ably C.d Orr has defendedthe s proposition ; ami wo have r.ow beforens tto admirable remarks of lion Preston H.Cr'-oks, also of South Carolina, in which hot*umos tha seme ground. We do not doubtthat the so wise ounsels will prevail againsta brctionai party ut tha South ; and that allhonest ahiiMlike Mr. benjamin will see thatthe way to iu-ure peac* for the whole Unionai.d strcuiiiy to all the righta of all the Statesis by supporting the Demooratie party. Mr.Baijamiu will enortly realise that the verynext step of tha Koow Nothings in tho Southwill be an attempt lo take refuge in a peculiarSouthern party, no uis ter how this may oon-Sict with their yesterday'» coalition with theoitb-b uud* fan alios ot the North. This istheir la«t card.

'' A'id how is it in the North? Simultaneousw'tb th« defeata of sa?r«t party in tha South,Ultra reeuis to be a general break in ther.n Its ot ncw-fangted opposition in tha freeSi tes, and a cry from different quarters isr-iied iu favor of "the republican party.'*Thia lest m vement is inteuded to supersedethe Know Noting ordar, and to com bine all theeleuieLts of fanatioi^m, with abolition at itahead. It m » it w«il be rumcmb^red,started in Congress after the nauage of thelaw eractiu^ tho Torn.cries f Nebraska andKin: js. iXst ai^ht of while the Know Noth-ing phren?y prevailed, it u rtvived now thatthe Kuow Nothings have seived th'-ir purposeof helping tho :«hoi.tionista

14 Mr Sjwa-d leads thocolumusof the rep>ub*Ilea;! party lu New York, and there is everypr>s.sect that his rank' will be filled withKn< w Nothings atd Wh'gs. Mr Po^sendtnaLd Mr Woshburne have it. in band in MaineM . Giddings anl Mr. Chase have it fully or-giuised and m.der way in Ohio; and in Penn¬sylvania Gov. Johnston has unfurled his flag."A Recest Coc_rrenoe near ConstantinopleXne la.t European mail brought news of an

oecurrccca near Constantinople, not long since,wh:9h will be read with much interest, as fol¬lows : Near the villa of the Pasha of Constan¬tinople is the hospital where the wounded anddebilitated P.-eceh cSoers are healed andquartered Some of the convalescent man¬

aged to open a communication with some ofthe Tasha's wives, who, obtaining permissionto visit for four days others of thatfunctionary'swives in a distant seraglio, took up their abodein tho hospital, snd were having a jolly time ofit with some of the F;eneh officers aforesaid.The Pa'ha. however, got wind of the affair,and surrounding the hospital with his troops,demanded the women. The French refusedlo gi»c them up until the troopwwere with¬drawn, ar.d then only on a promise that thejshould not be li ma1. But the Pashs, on

getting then otoe more in the portals of hiseeraglio, immediately had them sewed up inhags and drowned in the Boephorus. a:oordingto the requirement* of Tvkiah law in stabaaaei made and pri^i led.

I here are 1400 heansa eleiod it «ClMS'b^age. latitat, owing to dallneM of l»de.

WASHINGTON NEWS AND G033IPDull Timet..We, who cator for the amuse¬

ment and edification of the "dear people" afterdicner, are having jnst now a very hard timoof it, there being inch a total cessation of allinteresting occurrences in public affairs her©and throughout the country, as we never knewbefore. Nothing striking can be done by theGovernment just now, beoaise thcGovcrnme: tclock is ao wound up as that it goes by it¬self, ticking along in the eld humdrum way.Jefferson said that«« few die and none resign."Tke party in power haying taken unto them¬selves all of tho spoils of their last presiden¬tial victory they fancy, few or no ebnnges arebeing made. So the politician from abroadbavo ceased for the timo being to come toWashington to "cahoodlc" over office as olyore. Their aspiration?, their baek-bitingstheir asseverations, their importunities, and.ere they all get through around the Depart¬ments, the seedy habiliments of more or les^-of them, are no longer at hand to furnish us

the groundwork for readable paragraphs.The warm weather makes shockingly againstus, too, as nobody seems to havo sufficient en-

ergy under its melting influence to d j any¬thing worth recording in print.Thus our labor is doubled.news of interest

we must find, and while suffering bodily andmentally under the enervating effects nf nn

August sun, we must strive much inoro undersuch circumstances as we describe above, tocater for the Star1* columns, than wber.Washington is the scene of oscuircnoes preg¬nant with the future of the country, with hun¬dreds of men in it whose every movement, iinot sentiment, is of great interest to the publicat large. Alas for us in humdrum-times likethe present! Then it is, that wo feci tho pro¬fession of a journalist to be irksome and lifeW®*T'DC» being forced to bo sprightly ar.dforcible, or at least to strive so to be, wh. n

we feel that wo are stupidly duil and almost a?

weak, bodily, as " Taunton water".proverbially w.tnout strength enough to run downhill, if the old New England adage may berelied on. Won't somebody pity, us in "this,our extremity ?

The Republican Party..The Now YcrlTribune says that SeLator Ii:»mlic, of M 'ine,Las declared for this new political organizationWe doubt the fact, though tho Tribune, be¬ing the chief newspaper of the movementaiight be expected to know early of occurren¬ces likely to give it strength and importanceIn the fame number of the Tribune we finda constitution and by-laws purporting to bethose of the association of the Republicanparty in Washington city, which, as a matteiof course, can all be comfortably scaled in thesanctum of our neighbor of the National Era.if that apartment is twelve feet square 41 TheRepublican party in Washington City-' is no¬

thing moro nor leas than the never-to-be for¬gotten Van Buren Buffalo platform party ofthe Federal Metropolis, weakened by the lossof at least one-tenth of its m;znbers. in thewithdrawal of the two individuals who havingbeen conspiouous free soilers in iS4d, are now

proprietors of the Organ newspaper, wnicb.to its credit be it written, has, as at present cdited, no affinity, whatever, with abolitionismdirect or indirect.The fact tha. tho Democratic party are in

much better plight in Maine at thi-i timo thanat any previous timo in tho last two years,having a fair change of success in tho nppreaching election, ii nothing else, lead* us toplace a little confidence in tho Tribune'* an¬nouncement concsrning Senator Hamlin, who.though decidedly anti Nebra-kaish, w«s in allother respects in full communion with theDemocratic party.Senator Seward, and not Senator Chose, as

many fancy, is the ruli.ig spirit of the new

party which has so soon swallowed KnowNothingism whole, and with little greasingWe do not believo that Senator Sewarl and hi-immediate managers hope to carry the day in185(1. Indeed, we know that during the lastsession of Congress, wheu they were layingtheir plans to begin this organisation in thesummer, they freely admitto i the impossibilityof brining their party under three or fouryearaup to the strength necessary to enable them tocarry a national election.They will run Chatc, or scmo one elso wil¬

ling to be beaten, in 1856, reserving Mr Sew- (

ard, for whose benefit alone the organisationwas oonoeived, f.r the contort of 18tf0. Longbefore that time arrives, however, it will befound that abolitionism cannot possibly ho in¬stalled supreme in tho Government of thoUnited States, as they are now constituted,and also that the Catholic anl foreign-bornvoter# will not aid in that work, howeverearnestly nnd consistently Governor Sewardmay have labored.as he hxs done beyond allquestion.in their defence.As this new party gains strength at tho North,

demonstrations against tho continuance of theUnion, if abolitionism bids fair t* be installedin its government, must so increase throughouttue South as to cxcito greatly against the socalled Republican party all Northern menwhose profits and property may be involvedin the continuance of the Union. Year byyear, through the aggregation of capital, thepower of that class is becoming greatly in¬creased, notwithstanding tho increasing p >pu-laxity of extreme radicalism in the non-slavoholding States. That power has not yet beenbrought into play ; but serious danger to the .

Union, from the increasing political strength olabolitionism, will nut long henco compel it*exertion; when it will bo found equal to tLeemergency, or we are greatly mistaken in cmestimation of the political elements of the times

Senator Rusk..This gentleman has re

cently written a very emphatio anti-KnowNothing letter, which was published aboutthe time of the appearance of the KnowNothing letter of his colleague, Senator Hous¬ton. Up to this time they have acted togeth¬er consistently, in politics, the former standingby the latter from the battle of San Jacintoto the appearance of the letters in question.Both are very popular in Teia<, and whilethere is a considerable party there, (though a

minority,) bitterly opposed to General Hous¬ton, his oolleague is literally without enemies>n his State, though he has fewer persons inthe State so ardently and enthusias ioally de¬voted to him. The contrary position taken bythem upon Know Nothingi?m, if that last3 sixmonths longer at the South as an importantpolitical element, will probably result in the r

personal estrangement, which csn be broughtabout by nothing short of danger to the supremacy of the Democratic party in tha State .

which, (we judge from experience and inti¬mate knowledge of the character and personaland pelitieai relatione of these two gentlemen)will ekme weaken tha bends that have V a dGenteel Beak to Oenecal Houston, inducingMa te eftee stake taepertaat personal saeri-

loes and run ruki of all aorta in hie defenoetgainat tha talented, unscrupulous. and attimea threatening Apposition arraigned againsthim (Gen. H.) in Texaa erer since the battle)f San Jacinto.We await with no little interest the eleetion

returns from Texas, in tho belief (from our

knowledge of her politics) that the reeentlypromulgated prununcfamento of Gen. Houses.xerted a powerful effect upon the vote of theit* to, only to bo counteracted by the letter oflen. Rusk, if that was published in time tolave ootemporaneous circulation ' with theiher. Houston has exercised, since 1838, a

Personal influence in Texas hardly inferior to

.hat of Mr. Clay in Kentucky, and greater

.han that of Mr. Webster in Massachusetts,luring the last ten years of that distinguished.nan a life. We havo no idea, however, that'Jen. Houstou can give Know Nothingism a

riumph in Texas, even temporarily.our cu-

ioeity being to learn how near he can come to-he accomplishment of that purposeThe act of General Rusk, in throwing him¬

self into tho breach in this case, will greatlyxcrcase his national popularity. He ia veryittle known out of Texas, when one takes into:onaideration his long service in the Senate,\nd the fact that his fellow Senators, includingVir. Clay as well as Mr Webster, have longcgarded him as one of the ablest (statesmenfho have graced the National Legislatureince the annexation of Texas. Ho us natu¬

rally an indolent man, and has an abidingvjnteinpt for the small squabbling of public«ifo, which, together, have kept his name fromippearing in the newspapers as conspicuouslyh those of dosena of his compeers in theSenate possessed only of a tithe of his abilitiestnd statesmanlike attainmenta. We are in-Jlined, however, to think that, next wintercircumstances will compel him to take a muchnoro active part in the political transactions>f the Senate than ever before, in which casele will rapidly become a man of great distinc¬tion.

Aid for tho Aifiicted .We are glad, indeed,-> hear that the Rev. Mr. Donelan. tho pastor>f St. Matthew's (Catholic) Church in this-ity, has returned to Norfolk and Portsmouth:o attend to the afflicted there, after his recent^hort trip back to his church in this city, tonstall a temporary successor in miniotering tohis own largo congregation. Five more Sister*>f Charity left \Y ashington this morning, alsolestined for Norfolk and Portsmouth, wherethey will bo wclcomcd with the hearifolt grat¬itude of all remaining there of those commu¬nities.Wo heard accidentally, to-day, that the

Rev?. Ulysses Ward aad French S. Evans, ofthiscity, are now actively engaged in preparingalao to go there, to minister to the spiritual


want* of the tiek and dying, who are so doati-tute of clerical oemfort in their present terri¬ble emergency ; four of the clergymen of thevicinage.who havo more faith in their leg*than in the Lord.having ignominiously fledftoin their post of duty when it bccame one ofdanger. They (Messrs Ward and Evans) de¬serve great credit for thus demonstrating thepractical influence of religion upon their ownpoinds, hearts, and characters.

Interesting..The General Land Office hasHsuqfinstructions to the proper land offices inMiasouri concerning tho lands outside of thesix mile limits on the Hannibal and St. Jo--eph s Railroad to the following cffect:

1. That all the vaoant lands in the sectionsbearing odd numbers, between the six andfijtren mile lateral limits of tho grant, (thatis within the nine mile strips on each aidetuereof,) were elected, or intended to be se¬

lected, by the State, and the State will be en¬titled to said landa whether they have beenselected as yet or not; therefore, ahould theUnd officer* diaoover any vacant land in suchjdd numbered aections, they are ordered notto restore them to entry, but to report thom tot;io General Land Office, so that they may beapproved to the State; nor will any of thembe subject to pre-emption, unless ooining within the purview of the acts of 3d March. 1853,:.nd 27th March, 1854, referred to in the pub¬lic notice.2 That all the vacant lands subject to pri¬

vate entry at the date of withdrawal in theeven numbered sections within the nine milestrips, and the sections lying outride of the!;:teenmilo limits, both even aud odd num¬

bered, will be restored to market, and are lia¬ble to pre-emption as contemplated by theabove mentioned aotions.

The Case of the Barque Undine..Thenewspapers of both continent# having, for sometime past, been discussing tLe refusal of CaptMurriman, of the American barque Undine, todelivor up hia papers for examination, and topay the toll heretofore exited at Stado bythe Hanoverian Government, on all foreignvessels passing up the E'be to Hamburg, we

have to Ray that the explanation of the Han¬overian authorities, eonocrning the occurrence,through their press, is that Capt. Merrimnnrjfu«ed to pay the toll and hubmit his papersto examination by the captain of the revenue

cuttcr stationed at Stade, only after an agree¬ment with the Hanoverian customs depart¬ment, that on the arrival of the Undine at Ham¬burg, his commission merchant should makethe customary payment.

The New United Statea Steamship Merri-mac..Wo learn that tho boilers and machin¬ery of this ship, being oonstructed at theCbarlestown (Mass.) navy yard, are all on

b<*ard and being placed in position. The ves¬

sel will bo ready to go to sea as early ae theI itter part of October.

The Ships being Constructed..It is thoughtat the Navy Department, that the exiatenoe oftae yellow fever at Norfolk and Portsmouth,with the attending circumstanoes, must neces-

.arily delay the final completiou of all the U.S. ships being constructed there at least sixmonths.

The Postmaster General has returned toWashington from bis recent visit to his homein Pennsylvania. He discharging the du¬ties of hia position to-day, and looks in capitalhealth. ..-

The Current Operations ef the TreasuryDepartment..On Saturday, the 18th August,there wore of Treasury Warrants entered onthe books of the Department-Far the Treasury Department.... $55 00f or the Interior Department....» 130.695 15For the Cuctons 27 ftfu 38War Warrant, received and en-tered..,. ........ 36,771 39

Drawn en aoeount of the Navy... 325,700 00Core red In from miscellaneous^er.rnas... 3,M0 91Ooveiwd In from Lands 117.110 90Oovoradlnfrom Customs,.....,» 2,090.209 Jii. erw vjrxcta on aoeount of the

HiV 1,562 53

The Yellow F«r«.There ii no abatement in the number efnew

cases from the fever in Norfolk or Portsmouth,thongh the disease appear* to be ef a milder'JP®) the mere readily jielda to propermodioal treatment.For the twenty-fomr hoursending on the 17th,

j at 2 p. m., there were aeven deatha in Norfolk.The following are to be added to the list of

deaths: Oliver Ailsworth, Joeephine Allen,Sarah Pngh, Wm. Slater, Wm Gregg, Wo.

( Banka, (colored,) Alfred Trader, Wm. Baton,Mr. Hedge#, George BUlups, 0. Bhea, Mr.Christian, Mrs. Curtin, Caroline Philips. LitaieBarron. Sarah Tajlor, Thomas E. Mehegan,Josiah Shipp, Mary Maser, Thomas Keeling,Wm. Hess, Mrs. Fallon, Mrs. Jakeman.Mr. Samuel R. Borum (heretofore reported

as dead) is convalescent; William H. Brough-ton, Elias Gny, Com. Barron, and Henry Har-wood aro improving.In Portsmouth, private letters and other ac¬

counts represent no abatement in the numberof cates.The Portsmouth Transcript of Friday says :'. Notwithstanding the decrease in our pop¬ulation, probably not more than 1,500 to 2,000

j whites remaining in town, the fever continueswjtb Utile if any abatement. About an equal°umber of new cases occur daily, and thodeaths average from seven to ten, as will bessen by the list below. Dr. Maupin, whose

! practice is extensive, informs us that the aick-ness seems to be chancing, and the fever, he

I thinks, js more of an intermittent characterj than it has been. Tho panic in the communityhad subsided to a considerable extent, and the

i. few now lel't seem disposed to remain and abidethe consequences ; indeed it is a matter of ne¬cessity. There appears to be no alternative,as we arc almost wholly cut off from all com-

j uunication and association with " the rest ofmankind." But while the doors of our sistertowns and cities aro closed against us, thehearts of many are open to our distressesLiberal contributions have been forwarded forthe relief of the poor and suffering in onrmidst, and our heart* are filled with gratitudeto those who forgot U9 not in the time of ourtrials"The Transcript furnishes the following list

of deaths in Portsmouth and at the hospitalsince the 8th instant:

I August 9. George Dill, Miss Dill, BridgetGalligan, Mrs. Francis Herbert, Mrs. Bakerand two at hospital.total.7.August 10..Mrs. Ileed, Mrs. Allen Mrs.

Youugman, Mre. O'Brien, Dr. K. H. Parker,Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Beacham, Patrick Mct^uaideand two at hospital.total 10.August 11 -Jas. B Wilson, Mr. Kemp, Mrs.

f ill, three colored persons, and three at hoe-pital.total 9.August 12.Miss Emily Wilson, Thos. Her¬

bert, James Foster, Mrs. Allmond.total 4.August IS..John B. Davis, one negro wo¬

man, and two at hospital.total 4.August 14 .Michael Lynch, Col. Jno. Har-

Tcy, Matilda Woodhouso, Mrs. Donavan, Mr*,Hancock, Nathaniel Manning, and one at hos¬pital.total 7.

UgLSt ~~^rF Hannah Perks, Mrs. Dews,»N. Shepherd, Charles Snead, Martha Hoff¬man, Caroll Herald, (hospital,) Michael Cur-ran (hospital,) Patrick Williams, Michaeliliglcy, a son of S T. Burton, ?B. Church-well, a colored woman at hospital.total 12August 10 .Miss Madelino Ghio, Joseph

Whitehurst, Wm Jones, Willey Blisard, H'jorhop, James Mayo, one colored man, andone at hospital.total 9.*Not of the fever.A correspondent writes from Portsmouth to

the Petersburg Express as follows :*

" Our town presents a gloomy and sombreaspect. There is not a magistrate or consta¬ble here. The council is without a quorumwd nearly all the town officers are gone.I wo of the police officers are dead and a thirdis now sick. The stores and banks arc closed,and the market is deserted; the private dwell¬ings are tenantlcss, and all the hotels «idboarding-houses are shut up. All our citi-i n.a. except those who remain from a sense ofduty, who could raise meana to get off haveleft, lhere wcro tweive deaths yesterday(Friday) and from twenty to thirty new casesofferer.

Private letters mention the death of SamuelMiddleton and Maria Jane Simmons; also, of alarge number of sick.Tho navy yard is still kept open, but there

arc not more than three hundred men at work,out of upwards of seventeen hundred beforethe commencement of the fever.Dr. Stone expresses the opinion that the

IVef.18 not a ^n«ral epidemic in Norfolk. Hethinks that the patient should be covered witha sheet and thin blanket, and that the treat¬ment should not be too active.Com. Armstrong, U S. Navy, writes from

Richmond to Norfolk as follows :.' I have brukon the blookade at City Point

and Petersburg, and have shamed them intosomething like humanity, as the order is re-

Point8Ka,n8t 0ur PMPle landing at City

" I am authorised to state by the presidingphysician that no further obstacle* will beplaced m jour way, and that you will be freeto oome and go. In truth the people here areashamed of the action of the authorities: at

t all those who have any bouIs, and I amas ured that the interdict (in Richmond) willsoon be taken off. I trust so, as, otherwise, alasting, draining disgrace would be fixed ohtne fair capital of Virginia."t^The New York John street Episcopal

Church is the oldest Methodist Church in thatcity. A numerously attended meeting of itamembers was recently held, when a unani¬mous protest was entered against the proposi¬tion to sell the property, as the truftees wish ;tho latter desiring to build a new edifice " uptown."

Forty-eight years ago the name of Rob¬ert luilon, was mado great and glorious bythe success of steam navigation. The casualreader may forget.history never will.theeighteenth of August.EyThe annual session of the R. W. Grand

Lodge of I. 0. O. F. of the United States willbe opened at Baltimore on Monday, the 17thof September.Relief..The total amount collected, thus

far, in Baltimore, for the relief of the yellowfever sufferers in Virginia, is $7,130.


English Enlistments is the UnitbdStates..The London Times of the 2d of Au¬gust concludes an article on this subject asfollows :

"We earnestly entreat our Government to[consider well what they are doing in thustampering with the feelings of a susceptibleand high-spirited nation, and to withdrawbefore worse comes ef it, from a position solraught with difficulty, which it is impossibleto defend on the grounds of justioe, or supporton principles of equity and fair dealing. Letthem reverse the question, and ask themselveswhether, if the Lnited States aent their re¬cruiting agents into England, the British Gov¬ernment would tolerate such a proceeding'We are sure that they would not, and that ink> doing they would he backed bv the voice ofParliament and the almost unanimous opinionof the people. We have no right to i-flietupon our neighbor, that which, under rimi£circumstauces, we would not endure oureelvilW. h.v. so right to m»k.U..lri?nSuVbend to our notions of expediency, £,d we

tf we\eUevD. Expedient-1.71 mi loonairt With any ooursewhieh will have the effect of raising against ush*Ule feelings in the great Ameaiean Repub¬

lic of V ^merioaas to oonsider what?? , th#7 «fcoeee to adopt in this

matter, it is for u> to respeet their decision.,J * voluntary moderation, to relieve

?k!?TS ofobtaining by threatsthat whioh we will not eeneede tv reason andremenstraaee.

From Kiiui.-In a latter raeeived by theSt Louis Republican, dated Weetpert, August10, the following is reported m a portion of thslate proceedings of the Eimm Legislature :

"Day before yeeterday the bill to regulateelections passed. It provides that * any freewhite malo eitizens of the United States, andany free utile Indian who is made acititen bytreaty or otherwise, over the age of twenty-one yean, who shall be an inhabitant of thisTerritory, and who shall hare paid a territo¬rial tax. shall be a qualified elector for allelective offices.' When any vote is challenged,and he may be challenged by any other voter,he shall be required to take an oath to supportthe Constitution of the United States, theKansas-Nebruka net and the fugitive slavelaw." Also, ' an act to punish offences againstslave property,' passed the House. By this

aot, raising a rebellion or insurrection amongslaves is made a crime punishable with death;if any free person shall bv speaking, writing,or publishing, incite rebellion or insurrectionamong the slaves in Kansas Territory, or in¬flame them against their masters, they shallsuffer death. Death or imprisonment for lifeis the penalty for deooying slaves from theirmasters, and for assisting to deeov off slavesdeath or imprisonment at hard l»or for tanyean is the penalty. This bill paased withouta dissenting vote."

Mr. Fillmobb is Irblawd..The Cork Re¬porter thus alludes to the honon paid to a dis¬tinguished visitor at the Irish lakes :'.The ex-President of the United States,

Millard Fillmore, accompanied by Mr Davia,of the New York bar. and a eourier, has beensojourning for the last few days at the LakeHotel, Killarney. Having been fortunate inhaving a fine day through the ' Gap,' he ex¬pressed himself delighted with the enchantingscenery of this most delightful spot, and thevaried beauties of the lakes and the mountainssurrounding As he was leaving in the morn¬ing. the buglers connected with tne Lake Hotelplaced themselves under a tree out of view,and commenced playing ' Yankee Doodle." Asho passed, the boatmen grouped in differentparts of the avenue gave him three heartycheen, as an acknowledgment of their grati¬tude to the great republic of America. Thisdistinguished gentleman repeatedly acknowl¬edged the compliment, which was unexpectedas it was enthusiastic."

,1. O. OF R .An adjourned meeting ofColumbia District Tent No. 34,1 O. K.,will b»» held in Rechablte Hall THIS (Monday)EVENING, at tf o'clock Business of import¬

ance to the Order demands the punctual attend¬ance of every representative.

J. HALL MOORE, D C RG*o C. Hexxisg, D. R. S. an 20. It®

,NOTICE .The membera of the EagleClnb of Georgetown beg leave to Informtheir numerous friends and patrons that tbev willelve their second Annual Ball at Forreet Hall, onWEUNE8DA i . October 3, 1855.

Particulars in future advertisementau 80.eo3ta

,NOTICE..The Mechanical Club re-spectfullv announce to their friends and

the public generally, that they will give their frstGrand Pic N ic and Excursion at Arlinjrton Spring.on WEDNESDAY, the 5th SeptemberParticulars In future advertisement.aw 17.eo3t (Organ)ASHINGTON CORPORATION 6 percent Stock for sale by RI6GS A CO.

au 90.lw

Lost, on sunday morning, a TerrierPuppy, body black, legs tan color,and white under the throat; nad on chain

collar, but no name on it A liberal n-mJXuJmward will be paid for the return of the dog to No.310 New York avenue, between 9th and 10th stsau 20.eo3t*

STRAYED OR STOLEN last night, between9 and 10 o'clock, from the door of the ^Kitkwood Hou3e. a Horse and a two-seat

Kockawav The horse was a large bob-tail bay.Any person by leaving information at the Kirkwood House so he can be gotten will be liberallyrewarded. .aul"


MRS. a. C. REDMOND'S NEW GAL-lerv of Daguerrean Art..Havlngcngaged th'

services of an experienced artist. Is fully preparedto take pictures equal to any in the city, and atreasonable prices. No. 290 Pa. avenue, northwestcorner 11th st., over Ford A Bro s Drug Ston.au 6.

CARRIAGES, BIGGIES, Ceackaakers'an: Blacksmith's Tee la, L'mftaishetl

Work, ami Material at Aaetiea..A CARDThe attention of the trade, and person* wishing topurchase new Can-tape*, and the public in general is respectfully invited to the sale, which willrommenceon TO-MORROW iTuesday) August21st, at the Coachmaker's establishment of Haslupand Weeden. at tne corner of 9th and C sts. Thesale will commence at 10 o'clock with the Mate¬rial, and precisely at 1 o'clock we will sell theCarriages, wblch aie ofthe best quality and AaestfinishFor further particulars see advertisemeatThe sale will be continued on Wednesday.GREEN A SCOTT,au 20.2t . Atretic


Will bt given at Spring Garment, (formerly oc¬cupied by A. Favier.) os M. Hrttt, between 17tAand 18iA, o* Thursday, August 30:A, commen¬cing at 5 o'clock, p. m.

THK BOONE CLUB take great pleasure In announclng to the Clubs, their fri**i.d<. and the

public generally, that they will give their secondgrand soiree at the above named place.The Club pledge themselves that no trouble or

expense will be spared to make this one of themost pleasaut, gay and recherche Soirees of theleison. No improper persons admitted on theground.Scott's celebrated Brass and String Band has

been engage d for the occasion.Refreshments and Supper will be furnished by

an experienced caterer. ITickets 50 cents.admitting a gentleman and

ladies.Committee of Arrangements.

F T Wilson, R E Booth, B Haaly.P S..Our lady friends will please attend with¬

out Invitation, as there will be none sent,au 20.eotd*

New goods.We have just received.

1 case New York mills shirting Cotton1 do 4-4 Bartlett steam mills do1 do 4-4 Warmasutta mills do1 do 4-4 "Young America'' do1 do 4-4 Prize Medhl do1 do 4-3 Howard do* do \ Old York and Bartlett do3 do 12 4 Hamilton cotton Sheeting1 do It-4 do do do50 pif-oes Merrimac Calico, fkll styles, warranted

perfectly fast colore50 pieces good style Knglish Prints, 12# centsI case Dunbar, Dickson A Co's celebrated shirt¬

ing Linen, warranted pure flax, certainly thebeat Linens we have keen for a long time.

Alse, on band."Richardson's" and "Gray's" Shirting Linen.

from 37 Wc to fl per yardOur stock of Sellsia table Damask, linen Sheet¬ings, Napkins, pillow Linen, and TowellingsIs very full at this tirne.

Housekeepers will find it to their interest to baytheir Linen Goods from us; we keep the lar¬gest stock to be found in the District, and arewilling to sell at a small advance on whole¬sale prices

50 pieces all wool, white Flannels, from 25 to 75cents

100 pieces Mosquito NettingA full stock of all kinds of Fine White Goodsconstantly on hand

MOURNING GOODS; a complete stock of thebest class always on ha^d at low pricesSuperior black Silks, from %l to $2 per ydjNew supply of Ladies' Buck Gauntlets

SUMMER GOODSof all kinds will be sold very cheap for cash, aswe wish to make room for our fkll supplies, andwill offer great bargains


HAVING ABOUT TWO HUNDRED Acresof fine pasture, and eighty of which is finelv

watared meadow, I will take a limited number ofhorses to pasture. Enquire of

HENRY BIRCH,au 15.eo3t* at his Livery Stable

Metropolitan Railroad Office, )Gkokoitown, August 1,1855. I

THE Second Annual Report of the Presidentand Directors is now ready for distribution

Stockholders can be supplied by calling on theSecretary or sending their address through thepoet office. i. W DEEBLE, Sac.au 3.lawlw


THE undersigned has just received direct fromthe growers, a well selected stock of the fol¬

lowing : Early York, Large York, Flat Dutch,Drum Mead, Heart shaped, Enfield Market. 'Vie-torla, with many other new and good CeVbagw.Flat Dutch. Purple topped, Strap Leaved, KartySnowball, Dale's hybrid, with other leading tar-nlpe. Spinach, KaU, Lettuce, *e., all wairaatedl>esh of fret quality, and offered at lowest prices

JOHN SAUL,au 17.ee*a earner 7th and H

OIHOUStWitt Satin lew sal BrlUiaat S41


A uguet 30 and 31. aad Sept I ' .


Doora opea at t u4 7 p. ¦. rwfaninaa hourAdmission S3 cents.


«. *routs.J Bali oa

enter the

This Company Is 4Mualih«4 tm tbenovelty, and varietyeflts WWt^aioymnast^°a1!7VaAn%»imic,

Displaying the highest order of FeMtgaaHDomestic Talent. Among tbe principal Artlsta tfthla Troupe areMadame VIRGINIA SHERWOOD.




For particulars aee bills la prtaelpal hotelsAt GEORGETOWN oa TUESDAY

28th, and ALEXANDRIA en WED.NAugust 29th. an




THE Tournament will take place oa THURfi.DAY, the 3 *b of Ai^«t, and Faacy

tbe evening of tbe 3lstKnlzbta from a distance are inrtted to

lists with tbe sons of tbe Old Domiatoa.On WEDNESDAY, tbe V9th tns ant. there wUl

bo a Stag Cbase, the Venison (two saddles) U Weaten on tbe day at the tournamentau IB.lw ALEX. BARER

MONDAY, At GUST 20tfc. ISM.Second and last

GRAND MAGIC PERFORMANCKAt the Saloon of Josarn Gbkhabt, on Uaryhal

avenue, No. W byP . M L L L E R .

After tbe performance a Concert and BallAdmission as cents Ladies freeCommencing at 8 o'clock. au 17.3to


(FORMERLY FAVIKR'S GARDEN,)Oa M Street, between Ser*mt*entk t Eigkitemtk,OPENED every day In the week, and on Sun¬

day No spt'ritous liquors allowed, but Cof¬fee, Chocolate, loe Cream. Ac., will be for aakWeber's Brass Band will perform every Mon¬

day and Thursday evening, beginning at about 3o'clock Admittance free. au


A REWARD..Estrayed from the subAvr scriber, on Taeoday, the 14th In- £jN.

Ntant, a light gray Horse, nearly white, is.bout IS years old, 13 bands high, welllias tho mark of a yoke on bis nerk. alsohe hoof and fetlock from wearing *pencil*; also,rest fallen I will give the abo-re reward to any

one who will return him rafe to me.THEO SHEKELLS,

Grocer, 331 Seventh at., bet. I and K.au 17.3te


Transportation office, August it.Is55 .Tbe late obstructions to the use of the

Road, at Kingwood Tunnel, having been re¬moved, FREIGHT of all kinds (as well as pas-tengers) in both directions, is now forwarded as

promptly upon tbe schedule time A continua¬tion of tnls despatch la ensured by the buildingof a new road over the bill at Kiagwood. by which'he use of the tunnel may be avoided, until It laeomplned JOHN H DONE,au 18.dt Maiter of Transportation


GEO. Wostenholm A Son's doubly carbonisedIXL, Frederick Fanny's Tally-ho, and Wade

A Butcher's chemically perfected Razors, aadothers, from 20 cents to Rtf SO Gentleman wholike a comfortable shave ahould secure one at theseRazors.Also. Razor Strops, Shaving Cream. Brushes,

Soap, Ac.,at the Housekeeper a Furnishing Mora490 Seventh street. G.FRANCIS.au 17.

Turtles '..turtles t

JUST received by BENTER A DUBANT, atWashington Hall Restaurant, cor¬

ner of Pa. avenue and JMxth st . southsaide, another choice lot at real GreenSE a TUKTLK, which will heup dally at II o'clock, in Steaks. Soup, Ac.Families supplied with tbe soup bv tbe galloa.au 17.3t


THE Fifth Annual Session of the Union Acad¬emy; and the Sixth cf the Union Female

Academy, will open on the drat Monday la Sep¬tember, and continued weeks.Terms as usual.Circulars at the Bookstore of R. Famham. Esq,

and at the R.igby House, corner 14th and K sts.Theee Institutions are so organised and con¬

ducted as to secure that mental and moral train¬ing which will beet prepare tbe pupil for the real¬ties of life

Z RICHARDS. Prin U A.Mrs. Z. RICHARDS. Pria U. F. A.


PERSONS declining housekeeping, or havtnga surplus of household effects, will find us at

all times prepared to pay them the highest cashprices for their anriai stoci. or such articles as

they mav wish to dispoee of We will also ex¬

change new furniture for old at moderate DrlcosFurniture neatly repaired and varnished at tbe

shortest notice, on reasonable termsBO\TZ A COOMBS.

Furniture Warerooms 7th st , bet. I aad Bau 17-

Memoirs of Bennett and his TiPrice SI 25

Cleve Hall, by Mlas Sewell.price ftOur First Families.price fl 35The Escaped Nun.price §1For sale by bv E K. LUNDY,

138 Bridge street. Georgetowa, D C.aa 17.tf

LETTERS TO THE PEOPLE oa Healthand Happiness, by Catherine E Beecher. In

pap^r 37%, cloth 50c.H 1ston of the Council of Trent, from the F reQch

by John'McCTlntock, D D., flHarper'« Picture Book for the Nursery, by la-

cob Abbott, a vols eachNew volume of Harper's Story Book, fl

TAYLOR A MAURY'Sau 13 near 9th street


CtnARLES WERNER, on Pa. avenue, oppoJ site Browns' Hotel, will keep, throughout tbeasesen, an ample supply of Pettioone's best ICE.which he will srtll, on call, la any quantities, atthe lowest possible rates. mav 9S.dtSep »


JUST finished a large assortment of elegant Sil¬ver Ware of the latest stvles Oaa«lsilag of sol¬

id Silver Tea Sets. Silver Walters, Pitchers, Gob¬lets. Cupe, Salt Cellars, Ac.Tbe above, with an unusually complete stock

of Sliver Spoons, Forks, Ladles. Dessert Knives,Napkin Rings, Ac, of every pattern, are of ourown manufacture, warranted pure, and offered atthe lowest inles.Every description of Silverware made to order

from original a. »iirns, however elaborateK. W OALT A BKO.,

324 Pa. avenue, between 9th and 10th sts.an 15.fit

JUST RECEIVED..Memolra of James Gor¬don Benaett and his timea.The Escaped Nun; or Disclosures of Convent

Life; and the Confessions of a Sister of Charltv,at JOE SHILLINGTON'S,

Odeoa Building, cor. 4£ st.. and Pa. av.au 14.


GEORGE BREMER has removed his well-known Gentlemen's BOOT AND,

SHOE Store and Factory from 11th streetbetween Pa. avenue and E street, to Paavenue, afew doorsaboveWWards' HotelHe Is prepared in his new premises to givefaction to all. .G B has by dint at great care In purrbnotag his

stock, employing none out A No. 1 workmen, and

3 his capacity to fit his customers so as to havei work set very easy on tbe foot, while It al]

ways exhibits tbe moat fashionable style, earned areputation in his business second to that of nootner custom-work boot and shoe maker In tbeUnion He solicits tbe patronage at all and histerm will be moat reasonable to all.


HSEMKEN, 330 Pa. avenue, betwe* fth nods 10th "treeU, offers his large stork of puieSilver Ware, consisting of CoflV* aad Tea Bets,complete, Sugar Bowls, Cream Goblets. Cups,Spoons and Forks, and a magnificent assort nv-M

of richly chased fancy sliver ware suitable for gtfls,at reduced prices.Persona la want at any at the above artlrlea areInvited to callBeing moatly of our own manufbrtore, we warlant It starting.HT Stlveiware at any design to order atabort notice Particular attention is paid inVting up Testimonials, Premiums Aeau l.4i

\fEMOIRS OP JAMES GORDON BEN.ivl nett aad his Times, by a JournalistM U- FRANCK TAYLOR