kurud minister in chhattisgarh


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Post on 16-Feb-2017



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Page 1: Kurud minister in chhattisgarh


Page 2: Kurud minister in chhattisgarh

National Quality Monitors (NQMs) will be visiting various districts of Chhattisgarh to inspect the quality of ongoing road construction works, under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY).

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Under the inspection programme of National Rural Development Agency, New Delhi, these NQMs from different states have been given instructions to visit districts of Chhattisgarh and check the quality of roads under construction.

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Vikaskhand village of Raipur district has gained 85% education rate. For this achievement, the village got award by the Indian Government. This gram panchayat with the cooperation of Kurud minister in Chhattisgarh has been a good initiative.

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The gram panchayat literate country in conformity with the basic concept of the program under the basic literacy has achieved 85 percent literacy rate. The higher literacy rate can prove too much beneficial to any of the state.

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A public education center has been set up. Financial literacy in the village has also increased. Around 33 women self-help groups are formed.

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Women's Resource Centre has also been established in the village. The residents of Kurud Vidhan Sabha has achieved the rare distinction of cent per cent registration of women under the Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi's Insurance Schemes.

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This gift of cent per cent insurance to women in the Kurud Assembly constituency will inspire others also in the entire State and the country.

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It may be mentioned here that the Kurud Vidhan Sabha constituency has achieved the rare privilege of cent per cent insurance for women in the entire country.

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