krishantha speaks his heart out on national politics and media

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  • 8/9/2019 Krishantha Speaks His Heart Out on National Politics and Media


    Krishantha speaks his heart out on national

    politics and media

    Says presidential poll 2015 was David-Goliath fght-January 21, 2015The Daily FT spoe with !"# $oring %o&&ittee 'e&(er, 'edia Dire)torand #oliti)al Strategist *or the +pposition, rishantha %ooray a(out what ledto the *all o* a see&ingly-invin)i(le #resident 'ahinda a.apasa and whatthe new politi)al regi&e in the )ountry under #resident 'aithripala Sirisenaand #ri&e 'inister anil $i)re&esinghe )ould herald *or Sri /anas(eleaguered and suppressed &edia *raternity Following are e)erpts3

    !"# $oring %o&&ittee 'e&(er, 'edia Dire)tor and #oliti)al Strategist *or the +pposition,

    rishantha %ooray
  • 8/9/2019 Krishantha Speaks His Heart Out on National Politics and Media


    4 $hy did 'ahinda a.apasa lose the ele)tion

    63 $hen 7 used to tell people that 'ahinda a.apasa would never serve a

    third ter& in o8)e, they would laugh in &y *a)e 9ut this ele)tion proved

    &e right The signs were all there that the in)u&(ent was outplaying his

    hand and the *or)es o* opposition against hi& were (e)o&ing unstoppa(le

    and they were only waiting *or their )han)e

    7n 2005 'ahinda a.apasa (e)a&e

    #resident o* this )ountry (y violating the

    rights o* the northern and eastern people

    to vote :e i)-started his presiden)y (y

    violating peoples rights 7n 2010, people

    voted *or hi& in gratitude *or winning the

    war 7n 2015, with two years le*t in his

    se)ond ter&, he wanted a &andate *or

    eight &ore years 7n *a)t he went two

    years earlier than he had to (e)ause he

    was a*raid that his popularity was on the

    wane :e la)ed the sill to tae

    advantage o* Sri /anas de*eat o*


    :e &ay have (een an e;e)tive

    %o&&ander-in-%hie* in war ti&e, (ut he

    was no unifer o* the )ountry< in

    pea)eti&e, he was a terri(le leader :e

    was so drun on power, he (elieved he

    was invin)i(le 6nyone who )rossed his

    path, anyone who had a di;erent opinion

    *ro& his regi&e, was )ornered and &ade

    to su;er

    Dissent was dying in Sri /anaSarathFonsea )ontested hi& and he

    ended up in .ail Shirani9andaranayae

    issued a .udg&ent that was not to his

    satis*a)tion and she was sa)ed illegally

    So this &an, who portrayed hi&sel* as

    (eing a populist and a &an o* the people, ended his nine years in o8)e
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    )onvin)ed that it was (etter to (e *eared than respe)ted 6 &an who

    )lai&ed he was only a )ustodian and not the owner o* this )ountry when he

    (e)a&e presidentled a totally )ontradi)tory li*e as a leader 7t see&ed that

    in *a)t #resident a.apasa and his *a&ily honestly (elieved that they were

    the sole proprietors and owners o* this )ountry

    :e )alled *or ele)tions and he thought that his popularity, his unli&ited

    spending power, his unli&ited politi)alpower and his )allous disregard *or

    the laws o* this )ountry would help hi& to prevail :e and his advisors

    thought that the $inston %hur)hill situation would never (e possi(le in Sri

    /ana = wherea war-winning president )ould (e de*eated

    :e underesti&ated the Sri /anan voter :e thought that &oney and power

    and the pro.e)tion o* vi)tory would sway the voter :e played Santa %laus

    and gave out every handout that he )ould :e (ought over every possi(le

    private &edia outft and a(used the State &edia in an unpre)edented way

    Throughout this )a&paign, he thought = andperhaps >uite rightly = thatin

    addition to his own )onsidera(le resour)es, the (usiness )o&&unity

    (a)ing would also help hi& to swing this ele)tion :e prevented the

    (usiness )o&&unity *ro& assisting the +pposition in anyway 7n so&e

    )ases, high profle (usiness&en openly endorsed 'ahinda a.apasas

    )andida)y in )o&panies that had huge wor*or)es

    7n so &any ways, this presidential ele)tion was a real David and Goliath sort

    o* fght

    'ahinda a.apasa underesti&ated the +pposition :e underesti&ated the

    fght le*t in the !"# voter :e didnt realise that it was his own a)tions over

    the past nine years, o* sidelining, &arginalising and terrorising people, had

    )reated a huge )o&&on ene&y that he )ould not over)o&e This )o&&on

    ene&y was &ade up o* politi)al parties and also )o&pletely non-politi)al


    The *or)es rallying against the 'ahinda a.apasa presiden)y had (een

    (uilding >uietly (ut solidly *or several years 9y de)laring this ele)tion,#resident a.apasa allowed these *or)es to galvanise and fnally )o&e

    together So the &essage on ?January was very loud and )lear

    43 $hat was that &essage

    63The people o* this )ountry gave a &essage not only to 'ahinda

    a.apasa The &essage given has relevan)e to all politi)ians 7t was *or

    today and *or the *uture The &essage *ro& voters on ? January was @dont

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    tae things *or granted The people )annot (e hoodwined *orever The

    &essage was also a re.e)tion o* )o&&unal politi)s o* the type that 'ahinda

    a.apasa in the fnal leg o* his )a&paign and throughout his tenure tried to

    propagate 7n *a)t, un*ortunately, even

    a*ter his de*eat, he )ontinues to try to

    Aog this dead horse, that it is the

    &inorities who de*eated hi&

    This was a #resident who a*ter nine

    years never realised that the &inorities

    are also e>ual )itiBens o* this )ountry

    That they are not &ere guests, (ut

    staeholders in the destiny o* this

    nation 6nd statisti)ally, it is very )lear

    that 'ahinda a.apasa lost not

    (e)ause the &inorities voted against

    hi&, as they have done at every ele)tion = (ut(e)ause a signif)ant portion

    o* the Sinhalese &a.ority also re.e)ted hi&

    7n the 2010 ele)tion 'ahinda a.apasa o(tained C5 o* the Sinhalese vote

    and )arried the ele)tion 7n 2015, his &a.ority a&ong the Sinhala

    )onstituen)ies redu)ed to 55 So even a&ong the Sinhalese, 'ahindas

    )o&&unal rhetori) held less power 7n &y view it was his a(use o* power,

    )orruption and &is&anage&ent o* the e)ono&y that &oved the Sinhalese

    people also to say enough is enough

    'ahinda a.apasas (ig &istae was that a*ter the war he thought that

    in*rastru)ture alone would solve all the histori)al pro(le&s in the north and

    east :e gave the Ta&il people roads (ut he too away their sel*-respe)t

    and dignity The 'usli&s did not vote *or 'ahinda a.apasa (e)ause o* his

    attitude towards religious *reedo& and atta)s against the 'usli&

    )o&&unity over the past 1? &onths

    There is also a &essage here *or the +pposition 6lthough they *o)usedentirely on good governan)e and anti-)orruption drives, they also &ust

    thin &ore a(out re)on)iliation and national unity This presiden)y truly

    (elongs to all people o* this )ountry

    43 Fro& a strategi) point o* view, what was the *or&ula that fnally wored

    to de*eat the a.apasa politi)al .uggernaut

    63 #eople *ro& di;erent wals o* li*e and di;erent politi)al ideologies)a&e
  • 8/9/2019 Krishantha Speaks His Heart Out on National Politics and Media


    together and looed at this ele)tion in a very &ature way This ele)tion

    really was a )ontest (etween de&o)rati) and anti-de&o)rati) *or)es

    #oliti)al parties .oining the )o&&on

    allian)e )a&e to the realisation that i*

    'ahinda a.apasa )ontinued in o8)e

    *or another eight years, there would (e

    no de&o)rati) spa)e, no )ountry le*t in

    whi)h to do politi)s 6nd that realisation

    helped the& to rea)h )onsensus on the

    i&&ediate priorities = de&o)ra)y, rule

    o* law, good governan)e Everything

    else too a (a)seat

    This ele)tion, the )o&&onality o* the

    +pposition, proved how Sri /anans )an

    )o&e together in ti&es o* national

    )risis, how they )an put aside all their

    di;eren)es and *o)us on a single

    )o&&on goal and the greater good 7n

    &any ways, 7 thin it was a sort o*

    )o&ing o* age *or Sri /anan politi)al

    parties and groups, starting with the

    histori) rivals, the S/F# and the !"#

    43 The a.apasa Govern&ent always

    portrayed the )o&&on allian)e as a

    )ase o* too &any )oos $asnt it

    di8)ult to &anage so &any di;erent

    egos, personalities and ideologies

    during a si-wee )a&paign

    63 7 thin that was really wish*ul

    thining (y the de*eated regi&e The*a)t is that the )o&&on allian)e

    ulti&ately was a per*e)t stor& o*

    personalities and )ir)u&stan)es

    7t was So(ithaThero started this

    )a&paign *or a(olishing the ee)utive

    presiden)y and (it (y (it, he negotiated
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    and taled people into it over two years

    aru Jayasuriya, the !"# /eadership %oun)il %hair&an, really was one o*

    the frst to e&(ra)e this idea o* de-politi)isation and good governan)e and

    he also played a &a.or role towards (uilding )onsensus a(out a )o&&on


    +(viously the !"# as the &ain +pposition &ade the (iggest sa)rif)e and

    (iggest )ontri(ution anil $i)re&esinghe sa)rif)ed his )andidature so

    that every(ody )ould agree on a )o&&on )andidate That was a (ig

    de)ision :ere is a &an who was de*eated in 2005 only (e)ause 'ahinda

    a.apasa (ri(ed the /TTE to prevent the north and east *ro& voting

    7n 1, the /TTE atta)ed his opponent in the presidential ra)e and

    ensured he lost the ele)tion +n (oth o))asions had it not (een *or these

    unepe)ted things, anil would have

    (een ele)ted president 7n 2010, he

    (owed to the re>uest o* other politi)al

    leaders and gave SarathFonsea the

    ti)et 6nd here again, he &ade the

    supre&e sa)rif)e, and a sa)rif)e

    #resident 'aithripala Sirisena has

    reiterated right throughout the


    %handria u&aratunga had a huge role

    to play, in galvanising the S/F# to fnally

    a)t against years o* in.usti)e (y the

    ruling *a&ily that had usurped the

    partySarathFonsea and the J:!

    ensured that 'ahinda a.apasas

    traitor and Tiger )ards would not sti)

    on the +pposition )andidate They were

    a(le to )o&e and tell the )ountry whothe real traitors wereDespite all this,

    there was a great *ear a&ong the

    ele)torate that 'ahinda a.apasa

    would win this ele)tion (y hoo or (y


    6nd to dispel this idea, the J# played a
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    huge role Essentially they got on their plat*or&s and told the people to go

    and vote against di)tatorship and gave the people an assuran)e that *ro&

    the &o&ent they )asttheir vote till the fnal results were released, the J#

    )adres would &aintain a prote)tive presen)e to se)ure the integrity o* the

    (allot This )reated pu(li) )onfden)e that 'ahinda a.apasa would not (e

    allowed to play ga&es with the )ount and steal the ele)tion

    6nura u&ara Dissanayae, the J# /eader,reallyhas to (e given a great

    deal o* )redit *or taing the a.apasa regi&e on head-on 7t was

    Dissanayaewho (roe this pho(ia people had a(out speaing out honestly

    a(out the a(use o* power and )orruption (y the a.apasa regi&e This

    gave people )onfden)e to )o&e out and vote against a very power*ul

    in)u&(en)y Suddenly, the a.apasas were not sa)red )ows 9reaing that

    *ear psy)hosis was the frst step towards vi)tory on January

    The T"6, whi)h has (een fghting to restore the dignity o* its people, gave

    its people the )onfden)e to vote despite the threat o* inti&idation and the

    heavy &ilitary presen)e

    $e )ant also *orget the #urawesi9alaya, a group &ade up o* artistes and

    a)tivists who played a huge role to (ring a(out )hange This group was *ull

    o* true artistes who genuinely love this )ountry, not the (oot-li)ers who

    surrounded the *or&er Govern&ent in order to have their produ)tions

    pro&oted and *unded

    7n a &edia )ulture that was repressed and inti&idated, so)ial &edia played

    a huge role in this )hange 7t was so)ial &edia that really got the +pposition

    &essage out to the grassroots $e *orget how )onne)ted Sri /ana is now,

    even down to the s&allest village, (e)ause o* the entry o* &o(ile phones

    The +pposition )a&paign had &eagre resour)es and we )ould not &at)h

    the a.apasa )a&paigns propaganda (litB in any way 9ut on so)ial &edia,

    (e)ause that was .ust people spreading the word, errati)ally and with no

    )oordination, the +pposition )a&paign was streets ahead o* the !#F6 one

    Then o* )ourse the &ilitary and the #oli)e played their role soindependently in the end to ensure that the peopleswill triu&phed

    Despite all this, it would not have (een possi(le i* the Ele)tions

    %o&&issioner did not play his role 'ahinda Deshapriya, despite all the

    pressure and &any o(sta)les, ulti&ately stood his ground

    7t was ulti&ately the per*e)t *or&ula 7* anyone o* these lins in the )hain

    had proved wea, things )ould have *allen apart

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  • 8/9/2019 Krishantha Speaks His Heart Out on National Politics and Media


    43 :ow do you assess the world rea)tion to this +pposition vi)tory

    63 6ll this ti&e, the world had sy&pathy towards Sri /ana 9ut a*ter the

    way the ele)torate responded to an all-power*ul leader, un(eata(le and

    unwilling to release his grip on power, the worlds sy&pathy and disdain

    really turned into ad&iration, *or the &aturity o* our de&o)ra)y and the

    politi)al astuteness o* our )itiBens

    This is really a great )ountry The world never thought #ra(haaran )ould

    (e (eaten 6nd our &ilitary *or)es de*eated #ra(haaran

    $e got a (ad na&e internationally not (e)ause o* the &ilitary and the

    #oli)e, (ut (e)ause o* politi)ians who *ailed to deliver on re)on)iliation and

    )o&pletely &is&anaged our *oreign poli)y They lied to the international

    )o&&unity over and over again and the )redi(ility o* our national

    leadership was at an all-ti&e low 7 thin that this new Govern&ent has

    (rought new hope a(out the dire)tion in whi)h Sri /ana is headed 7 thin it

    has restored the worlds *aith in our a(ility to solve our own pro(le&s and

    ensure our leaders live up to )ertain de&o)rati) standards

    43 Hou were a person involved totally with the &edia $hat &ade you get

    so involved in politi)s

    637 got involved in the &edia (e)ause a pu(li) >uoted )o&pany started a

    &edia outft that was to (e *ully independent $e really tried to (uild

    so&ething at that pu(lishing house $e &anaged to hire the )ountrys top

    .ournalists and &edia pro*essionals #eople wored with passion and there

    was a sense o* *reedo& 7 thin that we *ostered and en)ouraged in a way

    that no other &edia outft had in the past

    9ut o(viously, it was the height o* the war and our reporting was not to the

    #residents satis*a)tion :e used his power and proies to try to get people

    to (uy the newspaper at frst $hen those atte&pts *ailed, terri(le things

    (egan to happen

    They a(du)ted and (rutally assaulted our Deputy Editor eith "oyahr 7twas with the greatest o* di8)ulty and intense lo((ying (y all inds o*

    people and agen)ies that he was returned to us a *ew hours later 7 (elieve

    that i* not *or the pressure, we would have lost eith that night 7 dont thin

    they ever &eant *or hi& to survive

    Then ivira Editor !paliTennaoon was atta)ed in (road daylight in his )ar

    "ation Editor /alith 6llahaoon was *or)ed and inti&idated into resigning

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    a*ter a #residential loyalist pur)hased the newspaper :e was sent to

    #aistan against his will and then (rought (a) in fve days 7t was a

    patheti) and lowdown thing to do to so&eone /aliths )hildren did not even

    have a s)hool when they returned to %olo&(o

    7 thin perhaps (e)ause o* the role we all played to get eith "oyahr

    released, they started to hound &e They a))used &e o* (eing (ehind the

    atta) on the Sirasa studios So&e politi)ians used #arlia&entary privilege

    to laun)h lowdown atta)s on &y reputation Then the Govern&ent also

    (egan to suspe)t that 7 had a role in aru Jayasuriyas re-entry into the !"#

    as Deputy /eader

    $hen things got really (ad, &y dear *riend /asantha $i)re&atunge

    virtually *or)ed &e to leave the )ountry i* 7 wanted to stay alive The day

    a*ter &y departure he was illed The threats against &e were so severe

    that 7 )ould not even return *or his *uneral 7 still live with the regret o* that

    +ver the past nine years, perhaps no other pro*ession has su;ered the way

    the &edia has The surveillan)e, the atta)s, the a(use )aused a &a.or *ear

    psy)hosis 'y )olleagues were a*raid to spea on phones, they had to

    pra)ti)e sel*-)ensorship So &any .ournalists we new and respe)ted had to

    tae re*uge a(road

    %ertain &edia organisationsrather than taing on the Govern&ent helped

    the regi&e to )arry out )ontra)ts (y spreading *alse allegations a(out us in

    the private &edia 7 &ysel* was a))used o* (eing the %hannel I agent in Sri

    /ana (y a private newspaper = thatwas a )lear atte&pt to put &y se)urity

    at ris The Govern&ent (ought over &ost o* the &edia in this )ountry and

    then used the& to target individuals that they dislied

    #eoples )areers were wre)ed #eople lie us who were seen as (eing

    hunted (y the a.apasa regi&e, even e&ployers in the private se)tor

    would not tou)h us 9usiness people and *riends were s)ared even to (e

    seen with us = theyturned away

    For all these reasons there was no point in re&aining in the &ediaSo *or the last seven years we have (een playing a role to )hange our

    )ondition There was no roo& in the &edia to epose any o* these things

    So politi)s was the only availa(le avenue 7 was personally willing to leave

    no stone unturned to ensure that )hange taes pla)e

    43 So you were isolated

    63 7 thin that was the way the regi&e hoped to hurt us and (rea our spirit

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    9ut, as always, unepe)ted >uarters )a&e *orward and stood (y us So&e

    o* those people had no personal issues with the previous regi&e They

    )ould have even (enefted *ro& the Govern&ent 9ut having seen what had

    happened to us, turned against the a.apasas They defed the regi&es

    unspoen *atwas against us and )ontinued to (e*riend people lie &e $hile

    others would shrin away, so&e people (oldly stood with us and were not

    a*raid to (e seen with us 7 thin they appre)iated the role we were trying to

    play to (ring )hange

    $hen 7 thin (a), 7 now that those people &ade a di;eren)e to our

    survival The 'ahara.a Group, *or instan)e, e&ployed people lie &e even

    though we were untou)ha(les (e)ause the a.apasa regi&e hated us

    6lthough 7 resigned *ro& the 'ahara.a Group, 7 appre)iate the opportunity

    given to &e at that ti&e

    43 "ow that )hange has )o&e, what role do you thin the &edia has to play

    in the post-a.apasa era Do you envision (eing part o* the &edia in this


    63 %learly in so&e instan)es, due to *ear and inti&idation, the &edia *ailed

    to play the role o* wat)hdog over the past *ew years #erhaps it is

    understanda(le $hen you wat)h )olleagues die, or (e (rutally assaulted or

    disappeared, when you wat)h .ournalist a*ter .ournalist Aeeing a(road

    (e)ause o* *ear *or their lives, it alters a pro*ession 7t )hanges the way you


    9ut now 7 thin the &edias &o&ent is here again

    "ow we have over)o&e the (iggest o(sta)le to )hange Journalists &ust

    rise again to epose not only all that was wrong with the past, (ut also

    ensure it plays the role o* wat)hdog *or what is to tae pla)e in the net

    100 days 7t is up to the &edia, whi)h has (een *reed now *ro& their

    sha)les, to de&and that the &ove&ent *or )hange rea)hes *ruition The

    &edia &ust (e vigilant and hold this new regi&e to a))ount They &ust

    regain their lost glory and tae their pla)e as the Fourth Estate43 This new Govern&ent is telling .ournalists to report *reely and li*ting

    restri)tions pla)ed on the &edia 7t is inviting *oreign .ournalists (a) into

    the )ountry $hat ind o* re*or& though is the new regi&e hoping to


    63 $ell, to (egin with, the 100-day plan has a pledge to ena)t right to

    in*or&ation laws Sri /ana is the only )ountry in South 6sia without a ight

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    to 7n*or&ation 6)t That ind o* legislation will e&power not only .ournalists

    (ut also )itiBens and *or the frst ti&e, people will have a right to de&and

    answers and in*or&ation *ro& their rulers

    7 also thin that we have witnessed during the last nine years and

    espe)ially in this past ele)tion season, a type o* a(use (y State &edia that

    is unpre)edented The State &edia is *unded (y the Sri /anan tapayer,

    not (y the ruling party o* the day Het it (ehaves lie the &outhpie)e o* the

    governing party This )ulture o* sy)ophan)y &ust )hange 7 thin the very

    phrase @State &edia is Aawed

    'edia institutions &aintained (y Sri /anan tapayers &ust (e)o&e pu(li)

    (road)asters and pu(lishers, retaining independen)e and )redi(ility,

    tele)asting things in the pu(li) interest, that perhaps )o&&er)ial

    (road)asters wont do 7 thin that is the (est type o* &edia re*or& we )an

    (ring To re&ove State &edia *ro& within the grasp o* politi)al parties in

    power Just lie every other institution, the &edia also needs to (e de-

    politi)ised so that it )an never (e)o&e the instru&ent o* su)h a(use again

    43 Going *orward, what ind o* role do you hope to play

    63 6t the &o&ent we are still en.oying the sudden *reedo& we have

    o(tained 7ts ni)e to now we are not (eing *ollowed and that our phones

    are not (eing tapped 6 huge weight upon us has li*ted +ur *a&ilies were

    worried when we step out o* the house 7ts not easy (eing wat)hed Hou

    *eel that this new *ound *reedo& is al&ost a privilege

    $e did whatever we had to in this )a&paign, never epe)ting positions or

    privileges $hat we *ought *or was *reedo& and .usti)e $e wanted to have

    options in li*e $e dont have to run *ro& )ountry to )ountry $e dont have

    to worry a(out whi)h phone we are using and who we are taling to or

    taling a(out "ow 7 )an (e happy that &y daughter will not (e living under

    a di)tatorship

    7 a& glad to have played &y part lie all other voters in this )ountry to vote

    *or )hange 'y greatest .oy is (eing a staeholder in this histori) )hange