krautchan survey results.pdf

Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed Bernd Lauert Specialist in Bernd matters Chairman of the Department of Statistics of My Ass April 18, 2013 Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute Department of Statistics of My Ass Jerusalem, Israel Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

Bernd LauertSpecialist in Bernd mattersChairman of the Department of Statistics of My Ass

April 18, 2013

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research InstituteDepartment of Statistics of My Ass, Israel

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed


Introduction …............................................................................................ 3

General Stats ….......................................................................................... 4

Bernds versus Bernadettes ….................................................................... 5

Overview of respondents …....................................................................... 7

Politics ….................................................................................................... 9

NEETs …...................................................................................................... 12

Virginity …..….............................................................................................. 13

Social class …....................…....................................................................... 14

Keinbernd-o-meter …................................................................................. 15

Fatness …...............................................................….................................. 16

Height and physical activity ….................................................................... 17

Drinking ….................................................................................................. 18

Love-hate …................................................................................................ 19

Country profiles …...................................................................................... 20

Curiosities ................................................................................................. 41

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed


Hello, fellow Bernd or Bernadette who's reading. I will be brief so this doesn't turn into a tiresomeand uninteresting read. The survey was conducted from 16 to 17 April 2013, spanning a total of 24hours, so that every power hour could have replied the survey in its peak.

People must know about my troubles

Shortly after the survey was made, I was told I had to write a 10-pages paperotherwise I'd fail another class at college. Days later, I travelled. Then, I had plenty offree time but procrastinated as a true Bernd, perplexed by the amount of data I haveto face. At some point I realised the survey wasn't going to analyse itself alone, so Idecided to get my hands dirty. Roughly more than 40 hours have been invested inthis, and I don't regret it.


There were over 700 replies, some of which were blatantly fake. Those Ideleted. Are there fake answers I did not delete? Without a doubt, butreading this paper you will realise a few fake answers here and theredid not manage to hurt the survey at the big picture.

At some point, most of answers became 'spordo :DD ebin' and, since 24hours had passed since its beginning, I decided to close the survey.

There were total 672 valid answers. Countries which reached at least 7answers were awarded with their own Country profile, a detailedanalysis and an intredasting overview of said country, based on posters'answers. A total of 21 countries had more than 7 respondents.

A few considerations

• In order to determine how's one body type, body mass index was used. • Those who have never kissed, fugged and had a gf/bf are calledHardcore Bernds.• After considering several alternatives, I decided to release the raw data,with a few remarks:- No sex answers (this way Bernadette's anonymity is respected)- Rare balls responses (Indonesia, Pakistan, Paraguay, for instance) hadtheir answers completely removed in order to preserve their anonymity

- Distinction between immigrants and non-immigrants were also deleted to preserve theiranonymity.

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

GENERAL STATS672 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 22.2 y Median: 21 y

Gender 643 Bernds (95.6%)29 Bernadettes (4.3%)

Sexual orientation555 Hetero (82.5%) 75 Bi (11.1%)42 Gay (6.2%)

Kissed 420 (62.5%)

Fugged 297 (44.1%)

Had bf/gf 299 (44.4%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 235 (36.4%)

Depression 596 (88.6%)

Immigrants 61 (9%)

General informationPhysical activity 293 (43.6%)

Drinking200 No (29.7%)293 Sometimes (43.6%)179 Often (26.6%)

Going abroad 570 (84.8%)

Learning a language 414 (61.6%)

Bydlo 153 (22.7%)

Like/practice sports 263 (39.1%)

Growing a beard 186 (27.6%)

Like anime 278 (41.3%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 397 (59%)

Alone 176 (26.1%)

With roommates 99 (14.7%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.8m Median: 1.8m

Weight Avg: 77kg Median: 74kg

Body mass index Avg: 23.5 Median: 22.7

Type of body

431 Normal (65%)51 Underweight (7.72%)121 Overweight (18.3%)57 Obese (8.6%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 37 (5.5%)

Anarcho-communism 26 (3.8%)

Centrism 52 (7.7%)

Christian democracy 22 (3.2%)

Economic liberalism 71 (10.5%)

Fascism 26 (3.8%)

Monarchism 31 (4.6%)

Nationalism 73 (10.8%)

Social democracy 106 (15.7%)

Social liberalism 69 (10.2%)

Socialism 37 (5.5%)

Apolitical 122 (18.1%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 452 (67.2%)

Latin America 210 (31.2%)

Western Europe 584 (86.9%)

Eastern Europe 414 (61.6%)

Russia 415 (61.7%)

Middle East 323 (48%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 110 (16.3%)

South-Southeast Asia 162 (24.1%)

East Asia 316 (47%)

Oceania 158 (23.5%)

Studies and status

Economic status183 Lower class (27.2%)493 Middle class (73.4%)50 Upper class (7.4%)


58 In high school (8.6%)31 HS dropout (4.6%)86 Finished HS (12.8%)295 In college (43.9%)79 College dropout (11.7%)123 Finished college (18.4%)


121 NEET (18%)331 Studying (49.2%)137 Employed (20.4%)83 Both (12.4%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Average age 22.35 years 20.39 years





Kissed 62.6% 58.6%

Fugged 44.4% 37.9%

Had bf/gf 44.1% 51.7%

Hardcore Bernds 34.8% 37.9%

Depression 88.6% 89.2%

Immigrants 8.7% 17.2%

General informationPhysical activity 43.3% 48.2%

NoDRINKING Sometimes




Going abroad 84.9% 82.7%

Learning a language 60.8% 79.3%

Bydlo 23% 17.2%

Like/practice sports 39% 41.3%

Growing a beard 28.7% -

Like anime 40.7% 55.1

Living conditionWith parents/family 58.7% 65.5%

Alone 26.1% 27.5%

With roommates 15% 6.8%

BodyHeight 1.81m 1.68m

Weight 77.8kg 57.9kg

Body mass index 23.6 20.5







Political ideologiesBERND BERNADETTE

Anarcho-capitalism 5.7% -

Anarcho-communism 3.88% 3.7%

Centrism 7.77% 7.4%

Christian democracy 3.4% -

Economic liberalism 10.4% 14.8%

Fascism 4% -

Monarchism 4.5% 7.4%

Nationalism 10.8% 11.1%

Social democracy 15.7% 18.5%

Social liberalism 10.4% 7.4%

Socialism 5.44% 7.4%

Apolitical 17.7% 29.6%

Regional interestsUSA & Canada 67.3% 65.5%

Latin America 31.4% 27.5%

Western Europe 86.9% 86.2%

Eastern Europe 61.5% 62%

Russia 61.4% 68.9%

Middle East 49.1% 24.1%

Sub-Saharan Africa 16.6% 10.3%

South-Southeast Asia 24.5% 13.7%

East Asia 47.1% 44.8%

Oceania 23.4% 24.1%

Studies and statusLower

CLASS MiddleUpper



In high schoolHigh school dropout

Finished HSIn college

College dropoutFinished college






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Countries with only 1 respondent:Bosnia, Colombia, Czech Republic,Dominican Republic, Egypt, ElSalvador, Indonesia, Italy, Japan,Luxembourg, Moldova, Pakistan,Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Taiwan

Countries with 2 respondents:Chile, Greece, Latvia and Uruguay.

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Age x respondents

Most liked countries

Most disliked countries

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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SECONDARY STATSPOLITICSIs socialism a poorfag ideology? Are they just jelly ofrich's people money?Is economic liberalism a richfag ideology? Are theyjust egoistic about their money and don't thinkpoorfags should be helped by them?

Observations:• No socialist hails from the upper class;• More than ⅓ of fascists and social democrats

are lower class;• Of all ideologies, economic liberalism has the

lowest appeal to the lower classes;• The richer people are, the less likely they are

to be apolitical.

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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SECONDARY STATSPOLITICSWhich ideology has the fattest adherents?

How are ideologies distributed continents-wise?Europe

Fascism is the only political ideology whoseadherents are, on average, overweight.

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Asia and Middle East

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SECONDARY STATSNEETsWhat are the political ideologies of NEETs?

NEETs are more … than the average Bernd:• Apolitical: 24% versus 18.1% (5.9%)

• Social democrat: 21% versus 15.7% (5.3%)

• Fascist: 8% versus 3.8% (4.2%)

• Social liberal: 13% versus 10.2% (2.8%)

• Anarcho-communist: 6% versus 3.8% (2.2%)

• Nationalist: 12% versus 10.8% (1.2%)

• European: 80.9% versus 73% (7.9%)

• Depressive: 96.7% versus 88.6% (8.1%)

• Virgin: 66.1% versus 55.9% (10.2%)

• Lower class: 50.4% versus 27.2% (23.2%)

NEETs are less … than the average Bernd:• Economic liberal: 3% versus 10.5% (-7.5%)• Centrist: 2% versus 7.7% (-5.7%)• Anarcho-capitalist: 2% versus 5.5% (-3.5%)• Monarchist: 2% versus 4.6% (-2.6%)• Christian democrat: 2% versus 3.2% (-1.2%)• Socialist: 5% versus 5.5% (-0.5%)• Gay: 5.7% versus 6.2% (-0.5%)• Young: 23.3 years old versus 22.2 years old• Kissed: 50.4% versus 62.5% (-12.1%)• Upper class: 1.6% versus 7.4% (-5.8%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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SECONDARY STATSNEETsHow are NEETs distributed by their age?

Countries with the highest NEET (%) in their pop:• Ukraine: 28.5%• Estonia: 28.5%• UK: 25.5%• Sweden: 23%• Poland: 22.2%• Russia: 21.9%

VIRGINITYHow are virgins distributed by their age?

Countries with the lowest NEET (%) in their pop:• Argentina: zero• Ireland: zero• Australia: 6.6%• Austria: 6.6%• Canada: 7.1%• Israel: 9%

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Countries with the highest virgin (%) in their pop:• Netherlands: 91%• Lithuania: 85.8%• Australia: 80%• Israel: 72.8%• USA: 69.6%

IMMIGRANTS vs NON-IMMIGRANTSDo girls love foreign cock? Do immigrants have higherpercentages of kissing, fugging and datingexperience? Yes, they do.

Kissed Fugged Had gf/bf

Immigrants 75.5% 50.8% 60.6%

Non-immigrants 61.2% 43.5% 42.8%

SECONDARY STATSSOCIAL CLASSHow is each country's own class distribution?

Countries with the lowest virgin (%) in their pop:• Austria: 20%• Ireland: 37.5%• Canada: 42.9%• Belarus: 44.5%• UK: 46.8%

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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KEINBERND-O-METER• Considering answers to these questions:

> Have you ever kissed?> Have you ever fugged?> Have you ever had a gf/bf?

• The Keinbernd-o-meter shows whichcountries have Bernds with higherprobabilities to be keinbernds.

0 = Not Keinbernd at all1 = Maximum Keinbernd

INTEREST IN WORLD NEWS• Similarly to the Keinbernd-o-meter, this scale

from 0 to 1 shows how much Bernds fromeach country are interested in differentregions of the world's news.

• The higher the number, the more they carebeyond their home region.

Generally, New World dwellers and EasternEuropeans are often more interested in differentregions of the world's news, while WesternEuropeans, in average, only care about what happensin their own region and neighboring regions.

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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FATNESSWhich are the fattest nations on /int/?Is America really fat?In %, by each country. Labels:Green: underweightGray: normalBlue: overweightRed: obese

For more info, see Body mass index categories.

Stacking underweight and normal into slim categoryand stacking overweight and obese into fat category:

In %, by each country:

Austria, Sweden and USA are the fattest countrieson /int.

Oh the other hand, Lithuania, Ukraine and France arethe fittest countries on Krautchan.

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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HEIGHTWhich are the tallest countries on /int/?Are Dutchmen the tallest Bernds on Krautchan?Well, they kind of are.

Average height, in meters and descending order.

In this graph, only Bernds were counted.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITYCountries where Bernds do physical acitivies, inpercent and descending order.

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DRINKINGWhich countries have the greatest drunkards on/int/? Slavs? Germans? Anglos? Latinos? You nowmay know!

Pink: Doesn't drinkLight yellow: Drinks (sometimes)Yellow: Drinks (often)

Stacking drink (sometimes) and drink (often) into thesame category, we get:

Yellow: DrinksPink: Doesn't drink

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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LOVE-HATE (or just love, or just hate between countries)

AustraliaFive Australians picked China as the country they dislike the most. New Zealand was picked asthe country they like the most only once.

AustriaSurprise, surprise. Germany was the country liked the most by Austrians. France, Israel and USAwere equally picked as the countries Austrians dislike the most. Why so Nazi?

B BelarusE Now, a surprise. Not even one Belarussian picked Russia as the country they like the most. Actually, L Russia was the most hated country by Belarussians, being disliked by half of respondents.A

BosniaThe only one Bosnian respondent picked Serbia as the country he/she dislikes. Remove kebab!

BrazilThe countries Brazilians like the most were Germany, followed by Russia, followed by Japanand Brazil coming close. USA is disliked by quite a lot Brazilians, followed not closely by China.

CanadaCanadians are somewhat pure love. Many of them didn't pick a country they dislike the most.India was the most disliked, with 2 votes only.

EstoniaNo big surprises. Finland, by far, the most liked country. Russia, also by far, the most dislikedcountry.

FinlandNo surprise neither. Who knew Finns were such narcisisstic? Finland was the country liked themost by quite a lot of them, followed closely by Estonia. Russia, USA and Sweden are the countriesdisliked the most – most of Finns picked at least one of them.

FranceFrenchmen love France. No major hatred towards Germany or the UK was seen.

GermanyLike Finns and their self-love, Germany was the country Germans like the most. Followed byNetherlands, Poland, USA and Russia. Good portion of Germans disliked the USA. Second mostdisliked country was Turkey.

IsraelGood goyim! Merchant's greatest ally was the country they like the most.

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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LithuaniaAs expected, few Lithuanians dislike Polan.

MexicoThere is nothing unanimous among Mexicans, save for how much they dislike the USA.

NetherlandsThey like Netherlands as much as they like Germany and Russia.

PolanTsundere! Country most liked by Polelings was Russia! Russia was also the country most dislikedby them. That bipolarity feel.

RussiaRussians were, by far, the ones that like the biggest spectre of countries. Their favourites areRussia, Germany, Norway, USA, Poland and Brazil. Pidorashka! Russia was the most dislikedcountry picked by Russians, followed closely by USA.

SwedenSwedes chose Sweden and Finland as the countries they like the most.

UKStay classy, Brits. The country they like the most is the UK, followed by Australia, Franceand Russia. USA is, by far, the most disliked country by the Ladchapm8s, followed notvery closely by the UK itself, innit.

UkraineOnly one remarkable thing: Russia as the most disliked country. Woop, woop, surprise, surprise.

USAUSA! USA! USA! Fuck yeah Murika! Americans selected their own country as thecountry they like the most. Russia, followed by Germany are the countries that drawmost positive attention from Burgerlads. The UK, on par with the US, are the countriesAmericans dislike the most, followed by Mexico, ese.

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

ARGENTINA7 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 22.2 y Median: 23 y

Gender 7 Bernds (100%)0 Bernadette

Sexual orientation7 Hetero (100%)0 Bi (0%)0 Gay (0%)

Kissed 4 (57%)

Fugged 3 (42%)

Had bf/gf 3 (42%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 3 (42%)

Depression 6 (85%)

Immigrants 0

General informationPhysical activity 2 (28%)

Drinking4 No (57%)1 Sometimes (14%)2 Often (28%)

Going abroad 5 (71%)

Learning a language 3 (42%)

Bydlo 3 (42%)

Like/practice sports 3 (42%)

Growing a beard 2 (28%)

Like anime 2 (28%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 7 (100%)

Alone 0 (0%)

With roommates 0 (0%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.81m Median: 1.83m

Weight Avg: 71kg Median: 75kg

Body mass index Avg: 21.5 Median: 21.5

Type of body

6 Normal (85%)0 Underweight1 Overweight (14%)0 Obese

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism


Centrism 2 (28%)

Christian democracy 1 (14%)

Economic liberalism 1 (14%)




Social democracy

Social liberalism 1 (14%)


Apolitical 2 (28%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 6 (85%)

Latin America 5 (71%)

Western Europe 7 (100%)

Eastern Europe 6 (85%)

Russia 5 (71%)

Middle East 3 (42%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 1 (14%)

South-Southeast Asia 1 (14%)

East Asia 3 (42%)

Oceania 2 (28%)

Studies and status

Economic status2 Lower class (19%)5 Middle class (71%)0 Upper class


0 In high school1 HS dropout (1%)1 Finished HS (1%)4 In college (57%)0 College dropout1 Finished college (14%)


0 NEET4 Studying (57%)5 Employed (71%)2 Both (28%)

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AUSTRALIA15 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 20.5 y Median: 20 y

Gender 13 Bernd (86.6%)2 Bernadette (13.4%)

Sexual orientation9 Hetero (60%)5 Bi (33.3%)1 Gay (6.6%)

Kissed 8 (53.3%)

Fugged 3 (20%)

Had bf/gf 3 (20%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 6 (40%)

Depression 13 (86.6%)

Immigrants 1 (6.6%)

General informationPhysical activity 11 (73.3%)

Drinking2 No (13.3%)8 Sometimes (53.3%)5 Often (33.3%)

Going abroad 13 (86.6%)

Learning a language 9 (60%)

Bydlo 2 (13.3%)

Like/practice sports 5 (33.3%)

Growing a beard 3 (20%)

Like anime 6 (40%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 10 (66.6%)

Alone 4 (26.6%)

With roommates 1 (6.6%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.8m Median: 1.8m

Weight Avg: 71kg Median: 70kg

Body mass index Avg: 22 Median: 20.5

Type of body

10 Normal (66.6%)2 Underweight (13.3%)2 Overweight (13.3%)1 Obese (6.6%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 1 (6.6%)


Centrism 1 (6.6%)

Christian democracy

Economic liberalism 1 (6.6%)


Monarchism 2 (13.3%)

Nationalism 3 (20%)

Social democracy 1 (6.6%)

Social liberalism 2 (13.3%)


Apolitical 4 (26.6%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 10 (66.6%)

Latin America 3 (20%)

Western Europe 13 (86.6%)

Eastern Europe 7 (46.6%)

Russia 7 (46.6%)

Middle East 6 (40%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 1 (6.6%)

South-Southeast Asia 4 (26.6%)

East Asia 8 (53.3%)

Oceania 14 (93.3%)

Studies and status

Economic status4 Lower class (26.6%)9 Middle class (60%)2 Upper class (13.3%)


2 In high school (13.3%)0 HS dropout 2 Finished HS (13.3%)9 In college (60%)0 College dropout 2 Finished college (13.3%)


1 NEET (6.6%)8 Studying (53.3%)2 Employed (13.3%)4 Both (26.6%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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AUSTRIA10 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 22.8 y Median: 21 y

Gender 9 Bernds (90%)1 Bernadette (10%)

Sexual orientation10 Hetero (100%)0 Bi 0 Gay

Kissed 8 (80%)

Fugged 8 (80%)

Had bf/gf 8 (80%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 2 (20%)

Depression 9 (90%)

Immigrants 1 (10%)

General informationPhysical activity 3 (30%)

Drinking1 No (10%)6 Sometimes (60%)3 Often (30%)

Going abroad 10 (100%)

Learning a language 5 (50%)

Bydlo 0

Like/practice sports 3 (30%)

Growing a beard 6 (60%)

Like anime 5 (50%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 3 (30%)

Alone 4 (40%)

With roommates 3 (30%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.76m Median: 1.76m

Weight Avg: 79kg Median: 79kg

Body mass index Avg: 25.1 Median: 24.2

Type of body

6 Normal (60%)0 Underweight 2 Overweight (20%)2 Obese (20%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism


Centrism 1 (10%)

Christian democracy 1 (10%)

Economic liberalism 1 (10%)

Fascism 1 (10%)

Monarchism 1 (10%)

Nationalism 2 (20%)

Social democracy 1 (10%)

Social liberalism


Apolitical 2 (20%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 9 (90%)

Latin America 2 (20%)

Western Europe 10 (100%)

Eastern Europe 4 (40%)

Russia 6 (60%)

Middle East 4 (40%)

Sub-Saharan Africa

South-Southeast Asia 2 (20%)

East Asia 3 (30%)


Studies and status

Economic status1 Lower class (10%)8 Middle class (80%)1 Upper class (10%)


1 In high school (10%)0 HS dropout1 Finished HS (10%)5 In college (50%)1 College dropout (10%)2 Finished college (20%)


1 NEET (10%)6 Studying (60%)2 Employed (20%)1 Both (10%)

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BELARUS9 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 21.5 y Median: 21 y

Gender 9 Bernds (100%)0 Bernadette

Sexual orientation7 Hetero (77.7%)1 Bi (11.1%)1 Gay (11.1%)

Kissed 6 (66.6%)

Fugged 5 (55.5%)

Had bf/gf 3 (33.3%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 3 (33.3%)

Depression 7 (77.7%)

Immigrants 0

General informationPhysical activity 5 (55.5%)

Drinking3 No (33.3%)6 Sometimes (66.6%)0 Often

Going abroad 8 (88.8%)

Learning a language 4 (44.4%)

Bydlo 3 (33.3%)

Like/practice sports 5 (55.5%)

Growing a beard 0

Like anime 3 (33.3%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 4 (44.4%)

Alone 2 (22.2%)

With roommates 3 (33.3%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.81m Median: 1.8m

Weight Avg: 81kg Median: 70kg

Body mass index Avg: 24.6 Median: 23.6

Type of body

6 Normal (66.6%)0 Underweight 1 Overweight (11.1%)2 Obese (22.2%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 1 (11.1%)


Centrism 1 (11.1%)

Christian democracy

Economic liberalism 2 (22.2%)



Nationalism 1 (11.1%)

Social democracy 1 (11.1%)

Social liberalism 1 (11.1%)


Apolitical 2 (22.2%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 5 (55.5%)

Latin America 3 (33.3%)

Western Europe 8 (88.8%)

Eastern Europe 5 (55.5%)

Russia 5 (55.5%)

Middle East 6 (66.6%)

Sub-Saharan Africa

South-Southeast Asia

East Asia 4 (44.4%)


Studies and status

Economic status2 Lower class (22.2%)7 Middle class (77.7%)0 Upper class


0 In high school0 HS dropout0 Finished HS5 In college (55.5%)2 College dropout (22.2%)2 Finished college (22.2%)


1 NEET (11.1%)5 Studying (55.5%)1 Employed (11.1%)2 Both (22.2%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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BRAZIL35 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 22 y Median: 21 y

Gender 35 Bernds (100%)0 Bernadette

Sexual orientation26 Hetero (74.2%)4 Bi (11.1%)5 Gay (14.2%)

Kissed 24 (68.5%)

Fugged 18 (51.4%)

Had bf/gf 15 (42.8%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 11 (31.4%)

Depression 29 (82.8%)

Immigrants 0

General informationPhysical activity 17 (48.5%)

Drinking14 No (40%)16 Sometimes (45.7%)5 Often (14.2%)

Going abroad 21 (60%)

Learning a language 25 (71.4%)

Bydlo 7 (20%)

Like/practice sports 15 (42.8%)

Growing a beard 11 (31.4%)

Like anime 19 (54.2%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 28 (80%)

Alone 4 (11.1%)

With roommates 3 (8.5%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.8m Median: 1.8m

Weight Avg: 80kg Median: 75kg

Body mass index Avg: 24.6 Median: 23.4

Type of body

23 Normal (65.7%)2 Underweight (5.7%)5 Overweight (14.2%)5 Obese (14.2%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 2 (5.7%)


Centrism 3 (8.5%)

Christian democracy 1 (2.8%)

Economic liberalism 5 (14.2%)

Fascism 1 (2.8%)

Monarchism 4 (11.1%)

Nationalism 1 (2.8%)

Social democracy 5 (14.2%)

Social liberalism 4 (11.1%)

Socialism 2 (5.7%)

Apolitical 5 (14.2%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 21 (60%)

Latin America 31 (88.5%)

Western Europe 30 (85.7%)

Eastern Europe 21 (60%)

Russia 22 (62.5%)

Middle East 19 (54.2%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 4 (11.1%)

South-Southeast Asia 9 (25.7%)

East Asia 17 (48.5%)

Oceania 5 (14.2%)

Studies and status

Economic status3 Lower class (8.5%)30 Middle class (85.7%)2 Upper class (5.7%)


0 In high school0 HS dropout 7 Finished HS (20%)23 In college (65.7%)1 College dropout (2.8%)4 Finished college (11.1%)


4 NEET (11.1%)21 Studying (60%)5 Employed (14.2%)5 Both (14.2%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

CANADA14 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 22.8 y Median: 21.5 y

Gender 13 Bernds (92.8%)1 Bernadette (7.1%)

Sexual orientation9 Hetero (64.2%)2 Bi (14.2%)3 Gay (21.4%)

Kissed 11 (78.5%)

Fugged 8 (57.1%)

Had bf/gf 7 (50%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 3 (21.4%)

Depression 11 (78.5%)

Immigrants 5 (35.7%)

General informationPhysical activity 8 (57.1%)

Drinking4 No (28.5%)8 Sometimes (57.1%)2 Often (14.2%)

Going abroad 13 (92.8%)

Learning a language 10 (71.4%)

Bydlo 1 (7.1%)

Like/practice sports 6 (42.8%)

Growing a beard 3 (21.4%)

Like anime 6 (42.8%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 6 (42.8%)

Alone 4 (28.5%)

With roommates 4 (28.5%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.82m Median: 1.83m

Weight Avg: 78kg Median: 75kg

Body mass index Avg: 23.7 Median: 22.9

Type of body

11 Normal (78.5%)0 Underweight2 Overweight (14.2%)1 Obese (7.1%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 1 (7.1%)


Centrism 3 (21.4%)

Christian democracy

Economic liberalism 2 (14.2%)

Fascism 1 (7.1%)

Monarchism 2 (14.2%)

Nationalism 5 (35.7%)

Social democracy 2 (14.2%)

Social liberalism


Apolitical Regional interests

USA & Canada 11 (78.5%)

Latin America 3 (21.4%)

Western Europe 12 (85.7%)

Eastern Europe 10 (71.4%)

Russia 9 (64.2%)

Middle East 7 (50%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 3 (21.4%)

South-Southeast Asia 3 (21.4%)

East Asia 8 (57.1%)

Oceania 3 (21.4%)

Studies and status

Economic status4 Lower class (28.5%)9 Middle class (64.2%)2 Upper class (14.2%)


2 In high school (14.2%)0 HS dropout2 Finished HS (14.2%)10 In college (71.4%)0 College dropout2 Finished college (14.2%)


1 NEET (7.1%)8 Studying (57.1%)2 Employed (14.2%)4 Both (28.5%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

ESTONIA14 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 19.8 y Median: 20 y

Gender 12 Bernds (85.7%)2 Bernadettes (14.3%)

Sexual orientation13 Hetero (92.9%)1 Bi (7.1%)0 Gay

Kissed 9 (64.3%)

Fugged 7 (50%)

Had bf/gf 6 (42.9%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 5 (35.7%)

Depression 13 (92.9%)

Immigrants 0

General informationPhysical activity 4 (28.6%)

Drinking2 No (14.3%)6 Sometimes (42.9%)6 Often (42.9%)

Going abroad 14 (100%)

Learning a language 8 (57.1%)

Bydlo 3 (21.4%)

Like/practice sports 5 (35.7%)

Growing a beard 3 (21.4%)

Like anime 5 (35.7%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 10 (71.4%)

Alone 2 (14.3%)

With roommates 2 (14.3%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.84m Median: 1.83m

Weight Avg: 86.1kg Median: 84kg

Body mass index Avg: 24.6 Median: 22.9

Type of body

7 Normal (60%)2 Underweight (14.3%)2 Overweight (14.3%)2 Obese (14.3%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 2 (14.3%)



Christian democracy

Economic liberalism 5 (35.7%)

Fascism 2 (14.3%)


Nationalism 2 (14.3%)

Social democracy

Social liberalism 1 (7.1%)


Apolitical 2 (14.3%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 9 (64.3%)

Latin America 3 (21.4%)

Western Europe 14 (100%)

Eastern Europe 12 (85.7%)

Russia 9 (64.3%)

Middle East 7 (50%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 2 (14.3%)

South-Southeast Asia 5 (35.7%)

East Asia 6 (42.9%)

Oceania 5 (35.7%)

Studies and status

Economic status4 Lower class (28.6%)9 Middle class (64.3%)1 Upper class (7.1%)


6 In high school (42.9%)1 HS dropout (7.1%)2 Finished HS (14.3%)3 In college (21.4%)1 College dropout (7.1%)1 Finished college (7.1%)


4 NEET (28.6%)9 Studying (64.3%)1 Employed (7.1%)0 Both

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

FINLAND48 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 22.3 y Median: 21 y

Gender 45 Bernds (93.8%)3 Bernadettes (6.3%)

Sexual orientation40 Hetero (83.3%)3 Bi (6.3%)5 Gay (10.4%)

Kissed 28 (58.3%)

Fugged 25 (52.1%)

Had bf/gf 21 (43.8%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 19 (39.6%)

Depression 44 (91.7%)

Immigrants 0

General informationPhysical activity 24 (50%)

Drinking11 No (22.9%)16 Sometimes (33.3%)21 Often (43.8%)

Going abroad 46 (95.8%)

Learning a language 29 (60.4%)

Bydlo 7 (14.6%)

Like/practice sports 24 (50%)

Growing a beard 12 (25%)

Like anime 20 (41.7%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 18 (37.5%)

Alone 25 (52.1%)

With roommates 5 (10.4%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.78m Median: 1.78m

Weight Avg: 76.1kg Median: 74.5kg

Body mass index Avg: 24 Median: 23.6

Type of body

32 Normal (66.7%)3 Underweight (6.3%)10 Overweight (20.8%)2 Obese (4.2%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 3 (6.3%)

Anarcho-communism 2 (4.2%)

Centrism 3 (6.3%)

Christian democracy 1 (2.1%)

Economic liberalism 4 (8.3%)

Fascism 3 (6.3%)

Monarchism 1 (2.1%)

Nationalism 5 (10.4%)

Social democracy 11 (22.9%)

Social liberalism 8 (16.7%)

Socialism 2 (4.2%)

Apolitical 5 (10.4%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 31 (64.6%)

Latin America 12 (25%)

Western Europe 40 (83.3%)

Eastern Europe 29 (60.4%)

Russia 21 (43.8%)

Middle East 26 (54.2%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 10 (20.8%)

South-Southeast Asia 14 (29.2%)

East Asia 24 (50%)

Oceania 11 (22.9%)

Studies and status

Economic status18 Lower class (37.5%)27 Middle class (56.3%)3 Upper class (6.3%)


5 In high school (10.4%)3 HS dropout (6.3%)11 Finished HS (22.9%)20 In college (41.7%)1 College dropout (2.1%)8 Finished college (16.7%)


8 NEET (16.7%)27 Studying (56.3%)8 Employed (16.7%)5 Both (10.4%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

FRANCE14 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 22.7 y Median: 21.5 y

Gender 14 Bernds (100%)0 Bernadette

Sexual orientation13 Hetero (92.9%)0 Bi1 Gay (7.1%)

Kissed 10 (71.4%)

Fugged 7 (50%)

Had bf/gf 5 (35.7%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 3 (21.4%)

Depression 13 (92.9%)

Immigrants 1 (7.1%)

General informationPhysical activity 4 (28.6%)

Drinking3 No (21.4%)6 Sometimes (42.9%)5 Often (35.7%)

Going abroad 13 (92.9%)

Learning a language 11 (78.6%)

Bydlo 4 (28.6%)

Like/practice sports 5 (35.7%)

Growing a beard 6 (42.9%)

Like anime 5 (35.7%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 6 (42.9%)

Alone 6 (42.9%)

With roommates 2 (14.3%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.81m Median: 1.81m

Weight Avg: 70kg Median: 68.5kg

Body mass index Avg: 21.3 Median: 21.3

Type of body

13 Normal (92.9%)1 Underweight (7.1%)0 Overweight 0 Obese

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism

Anarcho-communism 1 (7.1%)


Christian democracy

Economic liberalism 2 (14.3%)

Fascism 1 (7.1%)

Monarchism 1 (7.1%)

Nationalism 3 (21.4%)

Social democracy

Social liberalism 2 (14.3%)

Socialism 2 (14.3%)

Apolitical 2 (14.3%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 10 (71.4%)

Latin America 2 (14.3%)

Western Europe 14 (100%)

Eastern Europe 5 (35.7%)

Russia 8 (57.1%)

Middle East 6 (42.9%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 1 (7.1%)

South-Southeast Asia 2 (14.3%)

East Asia 7 (50%)

Oceania 2 (14.3%)

Studies and status

Economic status2 Lower class (14.3%)12 Middle class (85.7%)0 Upper class


1 In high school (7.1%)0 HS dropout0 Finished HS7 In college (50%)3 College dropout (21.7%)3 Finished college (21.7%)


3 NEET (21.4%)7 Studying (50%)2 Employed (14.3%)2 Both (14.3%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

GERMANY125 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 23.5 y Median: 22 y

Gender 121 Bernds (96.8%)4 Bernadettes (3.2%)

Sexual orientation109 Hetero (87.2%)10 Bi (8%)6 Gay (4.8%)

Kissed 79 (63.2%)

Fugged 61 (48.8%)

Had bf/gf 60 (48%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 42 (33.6%)

Depression 111 (88.8%)

Immigrants 12 (9.6%)

General informationPhysical activity 35 (28%)

Drinking27 No (21.6%)62 Sometimes (49.6%)36 Often (28.8%)

Going abroad 120 (96%)

Learning a language 77 (91.6%)

Bydlo 35 (28%)

Like/practice sports 57 (45.6%)

Growing a beard 44 (35.2%)

Like anime 58 (46.4%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 54 (43.2%)

Alone 51 (40.8%)

With roommates 20 (16%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.81m Median: 1.81m

Weight Avg: 78.2kg Median: 75kg

Body mass index Avg: 23.5 Median: 23

Type of body

76 Normal (60.8%)10 Underweight (8%)24 Overweight (19.2%)11 Obese (8.8%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 4 (3.2%)

Anarcho-communism 5 (4%)

Centrism 5 (4%)

Christian democracy 7 (5.6%)

Economic liberalism 13 (10.4%)


Monarchism 6 (4.8%)

Nationalism 11 (8.8%)

Social democracy 26 (20.8%)

Social liberalism 19 (15.2%)

Socialism 8 (6.3%)

Apolitical 21 (16.8%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 90 (72%)

Latin America 34 (27.2%)

Western Europe 114 (91.2%)

Eastern Europe 67 (53.6%)

Russia 70 (56%)

Middle East 61 (48.8%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 23 (18.4%)

South-Southeast Asia 27 (21.6%)

East Asia 56 (44.8%)

Oceania 28 (22.4%)

Studies and status

Economic status41 Lower class (32.8%)81 Middle class (64.8%)3 Upper class (2.4%)


8 In high school (6.4%)7 HS dropout (5.6%)20 Finished HS (16%)54 In college (43.2%)17 College dropout (13.6%)19 Finished college (15.2%)


21 NEET (16.8%)69 Studying (55.2%)22 Employed (17.6%)13 Both (10.4%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

IRELAND8 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 21.1 y Median: 21 y

Gender 7 Bernd (87.5%)1 Bernadette (12.5%)

Sexual orientation8 Hetero (100%)0 Bi 0 Gay

Kissed 7 (87.5%)

Fugged 5 (62.5%)

Had bf/gf 6 (75%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 1 (12.5%)

Depression 8 (100%)

Immigrants 1 (12.5%)

General informationPhysical activity 5 (62.5%)

Drinking2 No (25%)1 Sometimes (12.5%)5 Often (62.5%)

Going abroad 8 (100%)

Learning a language 4 (50%)

Bydlo 0

Like/practice sports 4 (50%)

Growing a beard 3 (37.5%)

Like anime 3 (37.5%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 3 (37.5%)

Alone 2 (25%)

With roommates 3 (37.5%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.81m Median: 1.8m

Weight Avg: 79kg Median: 78.5kg

Body mass index Avg: 24 Median: 23.6

Type of body

5 Normal (62.5%)1 Underweight (12.5%)1 Overweight (12.5%)1 Obese (12.5%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 1 (12.5%)


Centrism 2 (25%)

Christian democracy 2 (25%)

Economic liberalism

Fascism 1 (12.5%)



Social democracy 1 (12.5%)

Social liberalism


Apolitical 1 (12.5%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 6 (75%)

Latin America 1 (12.5%)

Western Europe 6 (75%)

Eastern Europe 6 (75%)

Russia 3 (37.5%)

Middle East 4 (50%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 3 (37.5%)

South-Southeast Asia

East Asia 3 (37.5%)

Oceania 1 (12.5%)

Studies and status

Economic status1 Lower class (12.5%)7 Middle class (87.5%)0 Upper class


1 In high school (12.5%)0 HS dropout0 Finished HS3 In college (37.5%)2 College dropout (25%)2 Finished college (25%)


0 NEET4 Studying (50%)4 Employed (50%)0 Both

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

ISRAEL11 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 20 y Median: 19 y

Gender 11 Bernds (100%)0 Bernadette

Sexual orientation10 Hetero (91%)0 Bi1 Gay (9%)

Kissed 7 (63.6%)

Fugged 3 (27.2%)

Had bf/gf 5 (45.4%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 4 (36.3%)

Depression 11 (100%)

Immigrants 3 (27.2%)

General informationPhysical activity 5 (45.4%)

Drinking5 No (45.4%)5 Sometimes (45.4%)1 Often (9%)

Going abroad 11 (100%)

Learning a language 5 (45.4%)

Bydlo 2 (18.1%)

Like/practice sports 3 (27.2%)

Growing a beard 1 (9%)

Like anime 6 (54.4%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 10 (91%)

Alone 1 (9%)

With roommates 0

BodyHeight Avg: 1.75 Median: 1.76

Weight Avg: 76.3 Median: 70

Body mass index Avg: 24.7 Median: 23.1

Type of body

7 Normal (63.6%)2 Underweight (18.1%)0 Overweight

1. 2 Obese (18.1%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 2 (18.1%)



Christian democracy

Economic liberalism 2 (18.1%)




Social democracy 2 (18.1%)

Social liberalism 3 (27.2%)


Apolitical 2 (18.1%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 10 (91%)

Latin America 2 (18.1%)

Western Europe 7 (63.6%)

Eastern Europe 2 (18.1%)

Russia 4 (45.4%)

Middle East 8 (72.7%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 1 (9%)

South-Southeast Asia 3 (27.2%)

East Asia 4 (36.3%)


Studies and status

Economic status3 Lower class (27.2%)8 Middle class (72.2%)0 Upper class


2 In high school (18.1%)1 HS dropout (9%)3 Finished HS (27.2%)3 In college (27.2%)0 College dropout2 Finished college (18.1%)


1 NEET (9%)3 Studying (27.2%)5 Employed (45.4%)2 Both (18.1%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

LITHUANIA7 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 18.1 y Median: 18 y

Gender 5 Bernds (71.4%)2 Bernadettes (28.5%)

Sexual orientation7 Hetero (100%)0 Bi0 Gay

Kissed 2 (28.5%)

Fugged 1 (14.2%)

Had bf/gf 2 (28.5%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 5 (71.4%)

Depression 6 (85.7%)

Immigrants 0

General informationPhysical activity 4 (57.1%)

Drinking3 No (42.8%)3 Sometimes (42.8%)1 Often (14.2%)

Going abroad 6 (85.7%)

Learning a language 5 (71.4%)

Bydlo 2 (28.5%)

Like/practice sports 3 (42.8%)

Growing a beard 2 (28.5%)

Like anime 3 (42.8%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 6 (85.7%)

Alone 0

With roommates 1 (14.2%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.73m Median: 1.78m

Weight Avg: 64 Median: 64

Body mass index Avg: 21.1 Median: 20.7

Type of body

5 Normal (71.4%)1 Underweight (14.2%)1 Overweight (14.2%)0 Obese

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism


Centrism 2 (28.5%)

Christian democracy

Economic liberalism 2 (28.5%)


Monarchism 1 (14.2%)


Social democracy

Social liberalism


Apolitical 2 (28.5%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 4 (57.1%)

Latin America 1 (14.2%)

Western Europe 5 (71.4%)

Eastern Europe 7 (100%)

Russia 6 (85.7%)

Middle East 4 (57.1%)

Sub-Saharan Africa

South-Southeast Asia

East Asia 1 (14.2%)


Studies and status

Economic status0 Lower class6 Middle class (85.7%)1 Upper class (14.2%)


4 In high school (57.1%)0 HS dropout 0 Finished HS 3 In college (42.8%)0 College dropout0 Finished college


1 NEET (14.2%)6 Studying (85.7%)0 Employed 0 Both

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

MEXICO10 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 20.9 y Median: 20.5 y

Gender 8 Bernds (80%)2 Bernadettes (20%)

Sexual orientation8 Hetero (80%)2 Bi (20%)0 Gay

Kissed 8 (80%)

Fugged 5 (50%)

Had bf/gf 4 (40%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 2 (20%)

Depression 9 (90%)

Immigrants 1 (10%)

General informationPhysical activity 3 (30%)

Drinking2 No (20%)5 Sometimes (50%)3 Often (30%)

Going abroad 7 (70%)

Learning a language 5 (50%)

Bydlo 3 (30%)

Like/practice sports 2 (20%)

Growing a beard 5 (50%)

Like anime 7 (70%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 9 (90%)

Alone 1 (10%)

With roommates 0

BodyHeight Avg: 1.8m Median: 1.8m

Weight Avg: 75kg Median: 75kg

Body mass index Avg: 23.2 Median: 22.8

Type of body

6 Normal (60%)2 Underweight (20%)1 Overweight (10%)1 Obese (10%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism

Anarcho-communism 1 (10%)

Centrism 1 (10%)

Christian democracy

Economic liberalism



Nationalism 1 (10%)

Social democracy 6 (60%)

Social liberalism


Apolitical 1 (10%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 7 (70%)

Latin America 9 (90%)

Western Europe 8 (80%)

Eastern Europe 5 (50%)

Russia 7 (70%)

Middle East 6 (60%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 4 (40%)

South-Southeast Asia 4 (40%)

East Asia 5 (50%)

Oceania 4 (40%)

Studies and status

Economic status1 Lower class (10%)8 Middle class (80%)1 Upper class (10%)


1 In high school (10%)0 HS dropout 0 Finished HS 7 In college (70%)1 College dropout (10%)1 Finished college (10%)


1 NEET (10%)6 Studying (60%)1 Employed (10%)2 Both (20%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

NETHERLANDS11 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 19.1 y Median: 19 y

Gender 9 Bernd (81.8%)2 Bernadette (18.2%)

Sexual orientation11 Hetero (100%)0 Bi0 Gay

Kissed 3 (27.2%)

Fugged 1 (9%)

Had bf/gf 4 (36.3%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 7 (63.6%)

Depression 8 (72.7%)

Immigrants 2 (18.1%)

General informationPhysical activity 6 (54.5%)

Drinking4 No (36.3%)4 Sometimes (36.3%)3 Often (27.2%)

Going abroad 11 (100%)

Learning a language 5 (45.4%)

Bydlo 3 (27.2%)

Like/practice sports 2 (18.2%)

Growing a beard 2 (18.2%)

Like anime 3 (27.2%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 9 (82%)

Alone 1 (9%)

With roommates 1 (9%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.77m Median: 1.78m

Weight Avg: 73kg Median: 72kg

Body mass index Avg: 22.8 Median: 22.8

Type of body

7 Normal (70%)1 Underweight (10%)1 Overweight (10%)1 Obese (10%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism


Centrism 2 (18.2%)

Christian democracy

Economic liberalism

Fascism 1 (9.1%)

Monarchism 1 (9.1%)

Nationalism 1 (9.1%)

Social democracy 1 (9.1%)

Social liberalism 1 (9.1%)


Apolitical 4 (36.3%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 6 (54.5%)

Latin America

Western Europe 11 (100%)

Eastern Europe 7 (63.6%)

Russia 8 (72.7%)

Middle East 4 (36.3%)

Sub-Saharan Africa

South-Southeast Asia 1 (9%)

East Asia 6 (54.5%)

Oceania 1 (9%)

Studies and status

Economic status3 Lower class (27.3%)6 Middle class (54.5%)2 Upper class (18.2%)


2 In high school (18.2%)0 HS dropout2 Finished HS (18.2%)6 In college (54.5%)0 College dropout1 Finished college (9.1%)


2 NEET (18.2%)8 Studying (72.7%)1 Employed (9.1%)0 Both

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

POLAND27 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 22.7 y Median: 22 y

Gender 26 Bernds (96.2%)1 Bernadette (3.7%)

Sexual orientation24 Hetero (88.8%)1 Bi (2.7%)2 Gay (7.4%)

Kissed 19 (70.3%)

Fugged 9 (33.3%)

Had bf/gf 12 (44.4%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 8 (29.6%)

Depression 26 (96.2%)

Immigrants 2 (7.4%)

General informationPhysical activity 9 (33.3%)

Drinking3 No (11.1%)11 Sometimes (40.7%)13 Often (48.1%)

Going abroad 25 (92.6%)

Learning a language 19 (70.3%)

Bydlo 8 (29.6%)

Like/practice sports 11 (40.7%)

Growing a beard 5 (18.5%)

Like anime 5 (18.5%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 24 (88.8%)

Alone 3 (11.1%)

With roommates 0

BodyHeight Avg: 1.8m Median: 1.8m

Weight Avg: 75.8kg Median: 73kg

Body mass index Avg: 23.3 Median: 23

Type of body

16 Normal (59.2%)2 Underweight (7.4%)8 Overweight (29.6%)1 Obese (3.7%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 1 (3.7%)



Christian democracy

Economic liberalism 8 (29.6%)

Fascism 2 (7.4%)

Monarchism 2 (7.4%)

Nationalism 3 (11.1%)

Social democracy 2 (7.4%)

Social liberalism 4 (14.8%)

Socialism 1 (3.7%)

Apolitical 4 (14.8%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 18 (66.6%)

Latin America 6 (22.2%)

Western Europe 22 (81.4%)

Eastern Europe 22 (81.4%)

Russia 17 (62.9%)

Middle East 10 (37%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 3 (11.1%)

South-Southeast Asia 7 (25.9%)

East Asia 11 (40.7%)

Oceania 3 (11.1%)

Studies and status

Economic status11 Lower class (40.7%)14 Middle class (51.8%)2 Upper class (7.4%)


3 In high school (11.1%)2 HS dropout (7.4%)4 Finished HS (14.8%)11 In college (40.7%)3 College dropout (11.1%)4 Finished college (14.8%)


6 NEET (22.2%)15 Studying (55.5%)3 Employed (11.1%)3 Both (11.1%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

RUSSIA91 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 22.5 y Median: 22 y

Gender 86 Bernds (94.5%)5 Bernadettes (5.5%)

Sexual orientation68 Hetero (74.7%)17 Bi (18.7%)6 Gay (6.6%)

Kissed 52 (57.1%)

Fugged 34 (37.4%)

Had bf/gf 38 (41.8%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 35 (38.5%)

Depression 81 (89%)

Immigrants 3 (3.3%)

General informationPhysical activity 35 (38.5%)

Drinking39 No (42.9%)38 Sometimes (41.8%)14 Often (15.4%)

Going abroad 60 (65.9%)

Learning a language 66 (72.5%)

Bydlo 24 (26.4%)

Like/practice sports 31 (34.1%)

Growing a beard 24 (26.4%)

Like anime 42 (46.2%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 59 (64.8%)

Alone 22 (24.2%)

With roommates 10 (11%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.8m Median: 1.8m

Weight Avg: 74kg Median: 70kg

Body mass index Avg: 22.7kg Median: 21.8kg

Type of body

57 Normal (62.6%)11 Underweight (12.1%)17 Overweight (18.7%)4 Obese (4.4%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 5 (5.5%)

Anarcho-communism 6 (6.6%)

Centrism 3 (3.3%)

Christian democracy 4 (4.4%)

Economic liberalism 9 (9.9%)


Monarchism 1 (1.1%)

Nationalism 12 (13.2%)

Social democracy 14 (15.4%)

Social liberalism 5 (5.5%)

Socialism 9 (9.9%)

Apolitical 23 (25.3%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 56 (61.5%)

Latin America 23 (25.3%)

Western Europe 76 (83.5%)

Eastern Europe 63 (69.2%)

Russia 73 (80.2%)

Middle East 33 (36.3%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 12 (13.2%)

South-Southeast Asia 21 (23.1%)

East Asia 34 (37.4%)

Oceania 19 (20.9%)

Studies and status

Economic status30 Lower class (33%)55 Middle class (60.4%)6 Upper class (6.6%)


5 In high school (5.5%)4 HS dropout (4.4%)9 Finished HS (9.9%)32 In college (35.2%)14 College dropout (15.4%)27 Finished college (29.7%)


20 NEET (22%)34 Studying (37.4%)6 Employed (6.6%)11 Both (12.1%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

SWEDEN13 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 22.5 y Median: 22 y

Gender 13 Bernds (100%)0 Bernadette

Sexual orientation9 Hetero (69.2%)4 Bi (30.8%)0 Gay

Kissed 8 (61.5%)

Fugged 4 (30.8%)

Had bf/gf 5 (38.5%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 5 (38.5%)

Depression 10 (76.9%)

Immigrants 2 (15.4%)

General informationPhysical activity 7 (53.8%)

Drinking6 No (46.2%)6 Sometimes (46.2%)1 Often (7.7%)

Going abroad 13 (100%)

Learning a language 7 (53.8%)

Bydlo 3 (23.1%)

Like/practice sports 4 (30.8%)

Growing a beard 1 (7.7%)

Like anime 2 (15.4%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 9 (69.2%)

Alone 3 (23.1%)

With roommates 1 (7.7%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.83m Median: 1.8m

Weight Avg: 80kg Median: 80kg

Body mass index Avg: 23.9 Median: 24.3

Type of body

7 Normal (53.8%)1 Underweight (7.7%)4 Overweight (30.8%)1 Obese (7.7%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism

Anarcho-communism 1 (7.7%)

Centrism 1 (7.7%)

Christian democracy

Economic liberalism



Nationalism 5 (38.5%)

Social democracy 1 (7.7%)

Social liberalism

Socialism 2 (15.4%)

Apolitical 3 (23.1%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 5 (38.5%)

Latin America 3 (23.1%)

Western Europe 13 (100%)

Eastern Europe 7 (53.8%)

Russia 7 (53.8%)

Middle East 6 (46.2%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 3 (23.1%)

South-Southeast Asia 3 (23.1%)

East Asia 6 (46.2%)

Oceania 3 (23.1%)

Studies and status

Economic status1 Lower class (7.7%)10 Middle class (76.9%)2 Upper class (15.4%)


2 In high school (15.4%)0 HS dropout2 Finished HS (15.4%)6 In college (46.2%)1 College dropout (7.7%)2 Finished college (15.4%)


3 NEET (23.1%)6 Studying (46.2%)3 Employed (23.1%)1 Both (7.7%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

UNITED KINGDOM47 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 21.4 y Median: 20 y

Gender 47 Bernds (100%)0 Bernadette

Sexual orientation39 Hetero (83%)6 Bi (12.8%)2 Gay (4.3%)

Kissed 34 (72.3%)

Fugged 25 (53.2%)

Had bf/gf 26 (55.3%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 12 (25.5%)

Depression 35 (74.5%)

Immigrants 6 (12.8%)

General informationPhysical activity 7 (14.9%)

Drinking12 No (25.5%)18 Sometimes (38.3%)17 Often (36.2%)

Going abroad 43 (91.5%)

Learning a language 24 (51.1%)

Bydlo 11 (23.4%)

Like/practice sports 23 (48.9%)

Growing a beard 11 (23.4%)

Like anime 14 (29.8%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 25 (53.2%)

Alone 8 (17%)

With roommates 14 (29.8%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.81m Median: 1.81m

Weight Avg: 74.8kg Median: 70kg

Body mass index Avg: 22.8 Median: 21.2

Type of body

32 Normal (68.1%)3 Underweight (6.4%)8 Overweight (17%)3 Obese (6.4%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 2 (4.3%)

Anarcho-communism 2 (4.3%)

Centrism 3 (6.4%)

Christian democracy 4 (8.5%)

Economic liberalism 6 (12.8%)

Fascism 5 (10.6%)

Monarchism 4 (8.5%)

Nationalism 5 (10.6%)

Social democracy 4 (8.5%)

Social liberalism 4 (8.5%)

Socialism 4 (8.5%)

Apolitical 5 (10.6%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 23 (48.9%)

Latin America 7 (14.9%)

Western Europe 45 (95.7%)

Eastern Europe 25 (53.2%)

Russia 25 (53.2%)

Middle East 20 (42.6%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 7 (14.9%)

South-Southeast Asia 11 (23.4%)

East Asia 18 (38.3%)

Oceania 16 (34%)

Studies and status

Economic status18 Lower class (38.3%)23 Middle class (48.9%)6 Upper class (12.8%)


4 In high school (8.5%)5 HS dropout (10.6%)3 Finished HS (6.4%)19 In college (40.4%)6 College dropout (12.8%)10 Finished college (21.3%)


12 NEET (25.5%)16 Studying (34%)11 Employed (23.4%)8 Both (17%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

UKRAINE14 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 21.5 y Median: 21.5 y

Gender 14 Bernds (100%)0 Bernadette

Sexual orientation11 Hetero (78.5%)2 Bi (14.2%)1 Gay (7.1%)

Kissed 9 (64.2%)

Fugged 5 (35.7%)

Had bf/gf 6 (42.8%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 6 (42.8%)

Depression 14 (100%)

Immigrants 1 (7.1%)

General informationPhysical activity 8 (57.1%)

Drinking9 No (64.2%)3 Sometimes (21.4%)2 Often (14.2%)

Going abroad 7 (50%)

Learning a language 6 (42.8%)

Bydlo 7 (50%)

Like/practice sports 6 (42.8%)

Growing a beard 2 (14.2%)

Like anime 4 (28.5%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 9 (64.2%)

Alone 2 (14.2%)

With roommates 3 (21.4%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.82m Median: 1.79m

Weight Avg: 71.5kg Median: 69kg

Body mass index Avg: 21.5 Median: 20.8

Type of body

11 Normal (78.5%)2 Underweight (14.2%)0 Overweight 1 Obese (7.1%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 1 (7.1%)

Anarcho-communism 4 (28.5%)


Christian democracy

Economic liberalism



Nationalism 2 (14.2%)

Social democracy 1 (7.1%)

Social liberalism 2 (14.2%)


Apolitical 4 (28.5%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 9 (64.2%)

Latin America 5 (35.7%)

Western Europe 10 (71.4%)

Eastern Europe 11 (78.5%)

Russia 9 (64.2%)

Middle East 8 (57.1%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 4 (28.5%)

South-Southeast Asia 5 (35.7%)

East Asia 7 (50%)

Oceania 6 (42.8%)

Studies and status

Economic status6 Lower class (42.8%)7 Middle class (50%)1 Upper class (7.1%)


0 In high school1 HS dropout (7.1%)1 Finished HS (7.1%)3 In college (21.4%)4 College dropout (28.5%)5 Finished college (35.7%)


4 NEET (28.5%)4 Studying (28.5%)6 Employed (42.8%)0 Both

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed

UNITED STATES69 respondents

Personal informationAge Avg: 22 y Median: 22 y

Gender 65 Bernds (94.2%)4 Bernadettes (5.8%)

Sexual orientation54 Hetero (78.3%)10 Bi (14.5%)5 Gay (7.2%)

Kissed 37 (53.6%)

Fugged 21 (30.4%)

Had bf/gf 24 (34.8%)

Hardcore Bernd(s) 31 (44.9%)

Depression 63 (91.3%)

Immigrants 12 (17.4%)

General informationPhysical activity 36 (52.2%)

Drinking28 No (40.6%)26 Sometimes (37.7%)15 Often (21.7%)

Going abroad 53 (76.8%)

Learning a language 39 (56.5%)

Bydlo 11 (15.9%)

Like/practice sports 18 (26.1%)

Growing a beard 22 (31.9%)

Like anime 34 (49.3%)

Living conditionWith parents/family 39 (56.5%)

Alone 17 (24.6%)

With roommates 13 (18.8%)

BodyHeight Avg: 1.8m Median: 1.81m

Weight Avg: 79 Median: 74

Body mass index Avg: 24.25 Median: 23.33

Type of body

38 Normal (55.1%)2 Underweight (2.9%)15 Overweight (21.7%)9 Obese (13%)

Political ideologiesAnarcho-capitalism 6 (8.7%)

Anarcho-communism 2 (2.9%)

Centrism 11 (15.9%)

Christian democracy

Economic liberalism 4 (5.8%)

Fascism 5 (7.2%)

Monarchism 4 (5.8%)

Nationalism 4 (5.8%)

Social democracy 12 (17.4%)

Social liberalism 3 (4.3%)

Socialism 3 (4.3%)

Apolitical 14 (20.3%) Regional interests

USA & Canada 57 (82.6%)

Latin America 28 (40.6%)

Western Europe 58 (84.1%)

Eastern Europe 48 (69.6%)

Russia 49 (71%)

Middle East 39 (56.5%)

Sub-Saharan Africa 13 (18.8%)

South-Southeast Asia 16 (23.2%)

East Asia 46 (66.7%)

Oceania 20 (29%)

Studies and status

Economic status16 Lower class (23.2%)46 Middle class (66.7%)7 Upper class (10.1%)


5 In high school (7.2%)1 HS dropout (1.4%)7 Finished HS (10.1%)28 In college (40.6%)14 College dropout (20.3%)14 Finished college (20.3%)


11 NEET (15.9%)32 Studying (46.4%)16 Employed (23.2%)10 Both (14.5%)

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute

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Krautchan /int/ Survey: Data Reviewed


- The idea of conducting the survey came after I enrolled in a STATA course. I hoped having a big datasetwould help me to understand statistics better. Now I'm not sure if I know more or less than I used to.

- Most of this survey analysis was done while I listened to hardbass, especially this compilation.

- No German who has replied to this survey declared him/herself as fascists.

- I watched roughly 5 hours of SPSS tutorials on Youtube to get to know better the software.

- Allegedly, 3 mods replied to this survey.

- I failed one class because of this survey.

That is all. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Contact: [email protected]

Ibrahim Goldsteinberg Research Institute