kqorti a & -4...

K«.rd tbe Howell Cobb, from which Lieut. Kapor .ft enthufjiMm by ^ 1 l^^rthat altsMpt. to sscape U Jtat by ieut Caleff of the IbM ¦Ti. 1 D Tompkini of th. United ' K CESE-AL BCBNSIDE. J Gen Burniide i. BMig-fd to special aemce gXbT£cu*y -*. hi« P!ace in C°n'm,ind °f toe regi-snti not brigaaed. Mn. Frernont itarted honieward tbia morning. ttt Ua Aatoclated Pi«« mggmaaaUtk FrHay. 8*Pt- ft 1861. GEN. FREMONT. A report i. circnlating haM IbM Maj -Gen. Frernont 1, io be .upereeded by Gen. Meiga, but there m tbe CgbaM authority for aayinK tikat it is BBMBB. fMB- fteip'a viait to the Wsst is iu conncction with busine-fl «f tbe Qaartein.astsr'. Department. SLRENAIIE TO MR. **!**. tbe Hon. Cbarlcs Henry Foster at North Carolina Wbo.it is fl-iMBMBi.rMana in adavor two tr. Ibat itats to riA.ici1,'itoactiv,lyi.iU'«vi»rtortl,8Lniou Tu lo-niKht 35taaBMiw_bbbbmmbm,towbtsb bf appropriatcly rcsj>ondcd. Olti.lR TO tdMMlS.-AKIES OP Sll.SISTF.NCE. (ic-.i McClellcn ha. issued tbo following order: Firat Tbe aitention of biigade aud reKimental ef'flinn.i^-.iicsof Sub.ietence ar.d of officera acting as SL^Tdirs-.led to pa-*tfr*ph8-0,ai,auda*-Sub,.Bt. "TIWulaiions. or paragrapha 1,07'd, 1.074, and 1,0. o B/t',.- Aitiiv Kfj,'<ilat.oii* of 1857. Rabsiatsnca oflieens Boe* iiiiike'issuvs tothe hospital, a»dkeci> the assooata of h ..-.|ii.l funda i'i Btriet contonaitji wiih tbo ic-i|'iin> ¦Mntsof th.- reznlationa.i'ed. S.eond .- AUS-BBgaasi'tbastBtio* of rae.iit*Hl ol- ireislube pronij tly reported to ths Msdkal IHrSStM Bt tbsM htini'j.iiirterfl, M.d the autbority glfflB BJ atl-ich tl.e rh.BgS vviia mi»de. Vkardi Leave* of ubeeuee to int-di*al oflicer. are t bibitsd, anless grasted ut tbeaa liaaanflMlara. Fri'rtl: PaUsata will not bs s-t.t from the regi- Mtal lo tbe f-cneial hoaj irulr. vvitbout tbe authority *. Mfldkal 1 Ursetor. Appli- atioi.. for tbia aatboritj rt le iii.-'lt- in WTitiog. witb t . aaMBB nnd iissaaM ¦¦ients, and bs band.-d in *.o tbe otfioe oftba dkiil Director lietween the ht uis of 9 and 10 a. nt. F-f'i. .- Wben a ioliier is aml to the general hOM i- Iai 1 i' onijiii-.iy 4-o.tuiMador ei.tll esritfi und ^-ntl witii hin. bii deaeiiptivs list, and Bcounal M pay and cl.-th- hga S>..- " II.Is n.-.rsoi a:id cooks for the General II" - jaul. Hieto be dttiiilod froi.i the prlvaUfl ol tl.e Army, ragularnud voluptcjer. Tba alloamss will ba oaa ? to Hk pittlsuts, au_ c::f cook to thirtt. 'Wien are employed, the numosr oi meu to be called will not f.xtecd a nuiuber sntlicit-iit to make an wLolefo.ro to tbu aDssr*.Sfl abovo a.ithf,riz*d. red nurseai.l cooks will ne fortuwuh di.chnrged. iBj Mt n reporteti at ibe GsaSB*l Ho-pituli fi. d-.uv will be s4-nt by tbe amtgaamA in char^e to the t.fl.. a af Iba MaJaal Dbastsr, a> i.)a. m., for the ULtm aaOMMrj ttr Iflflllh *-. to r.-joiu tbeir rcjjri- BHlitS. JEigl ti M'-Ji «1 offlcsrs ioiiii::*' lb*fl .rmy for duty, .Will. SC wi'lor.t troops, will rep.-rt pn.n.ptly ts tbe Mi-ili-al Dinator in BBflflaa, If vviib troojis, tbey will yepoit tbe niii iber ol men, ard tbe etate U tbtir eup- mtt.e aai ai'.ib'.lance taaMMSfltttbak Nia'k: Au B-ACM will in-t be used for any otber v antN fi ii-.-i-iirpoflfl for w i.i ibsy BB* da*ia*n.S, *ti/: I.t t a --,uVi.ii ofthe .ik uml wounded, e.*:cei-t by ibe writtenantboriit i I bBrigadaCssbmmi tUe M('ic:il lliie.t-.rof the Araii, am! t' c- (.Jii-rU-i- -Bib.'ci it. cbar.;e of tbem at tbe l ity of Wasbintiton. T.ie l*it>*< st MiirshiliBdire.-tid ,o wse tbat the pn>- -risi-ii. Ol ihisord.r ars SMliai ont, u- d will arreat BTtn offlcer u.d osaflns every prisaM or uon-cc)amii- Boncl otliccr who is found violaiii.g lt. AU Governmenl umbulauces i.ow in ponfieBsion of yagimsiitflor MparaM con.s will be tu ned it. lo U.e cbief V'i rtt nmatur, witb tbe exception of oue two- -/betled ambulan.s to e«cb re>ii.i,eiit. One two- Wbet-lct! tr-osport can will I-e allowed toeacli generul bosj 1'ul ior the conveyaBte of markoting and hospital fltore-. T- ad The practice of brinwng communit ations in peti-.n to the offi'-es at tbeae bawiqii'trter., with a view to ol'tiiiti itiinietiiaf* atteutiou to th* m-IK-r iuvolved, Brove. fl seiious liindi_oce to the prompi tranflaclion Of ba-PSflfl. Boi muet be dbesaliassd, unles. uuder BXtrHrvrdii arv circi-ostanee.. All communicatlon. for the General Comm-inding are to be traiiamitted to his bead- autsn by ibe ordjii>-ry niodee, and the [*r*on* aaacsraei willawcit replieeto bs lurtiished tbem in ?bt. ait^e m ui.er. /_',.,./'-; IVwdi having oflb i. busiiieas at these b- n'l'i.'aileis will tisuaact the rame between tbe hour. o:' 9 a. in. and 3 p. ni. 7 ,'ftk .- The anna of the troojis must be thorongh- ly in.jAt.A by tbe coBBBMiy o_weaa at leust once u J-afiiBi- The reveille will not be lieateu until after *-_*-*,and hot cofree will he i.«ued to ihe tn>0]« Immc i:,tt ly alter the re\ eilla roll-c^ll is a prevenlive ->f Ibe eBb. ts ot malaria. ; rtm atk Tr-joj s on the murch or changintf poei- tkms w iil move without Utdc, DfflflM are uot to be beaten, nor triiinpet Bouuded except for tbe iluted ex- ariiisc ini'i i i.8. Fifieenili: All reipiisitions for ordnance and ordn- Blicc Blors* *i«d .upjdies for the trtKtpt aerving in tbb arniy, v. iil bc ti-u-ii.itt.-d through the appropriaie coui- .aaiiUei-, to tiie Cbiei of Oidnance at the head- qtiiir' 8-Btasatbi (.iiticei-s bclonging to the army. are .li- TBcted to wear their uniforui* at ull time. at their sU- ¦bbb. Seventet-nth: The'snuill f..rt near Fort Corcoran, ?brown up iv the Fourth IteL'in.ent of Mirhi^an Vol- BDtecrs, will be known as F.it Woodbury. Bvcciiiiiiiai.d',1 MMit fiflWll MiCLEI-LrVK. B. Wn.iitM-, At.iitant Adjiitaiit-tieneral. Oftni.L Richaki) b. Iuwin, Aide de-Camp. fl I.r.nRATION OK THE 17TII INST. Ca.a-4i.ie M. Clay'a Washington Guard, wbo rendered &h tfticiciit servics in the defeuse of the Capital in edark days iu April, held u u.eeiing to-.ijjbt, at ei. in Iqnartsra, aai unanimourly resolved to cele- _tc tl.e 17th of September, tle unniversary of the ioa ii, tt of the C'onstitutiou of the Unitod .St-it«H aai c dalivert of Wasbiucton'a 1'arewell Addreas. Prof. Aniasa McCoy, tha Secre'iiry of tbe Clay Uhiaids. wus invited to delivtr Ibfl orutioii. Prof. ViCov ti- - epted ihe invltation imd announeed tVat the himt- t.f A k-ititre would bo -'Mr. Kuwk-II and The Londj-i 'I'.met on fi e Rebellion and tli't Wj.t against 'be Niti'iial OaaaUb.laa." The I'rcsid.aB of the United Stiiti-s, Gen. McClellan, Mr. Holt, tbe Rei re- ry of State, and two or three hundred of the most . aioguiabedcivQand military chaiaeters now at tle bHtioTj.il C'upiUil, are to be specially invilcd to attend. -«- WTKKI-SIIXO AND IMPOKTAXT LKGISLA- TIOM IX VIBOIN1A. ^i OBBBTBATIOB AT THI MH'tll. l4.44, Ihe Richmond l.niuirer i>J Sept. 7. acrs am, bssolotiobi or tbb ibcompsxbbiobOf II. I I.'iUMONAL LoX.Ki.--S Oi 1li>. Ci.M'KIil.R- ATB BTATBa. .No. asaj AB Af .' for tbe Boqiieitr.tioii ut the K.tate., Property, tr.J Efaetl of .Mi-ii Knen.iet, .-id f ,r lideaiiiltvof Cili- r-. I c! tiie Ooofaflarata Sl.tea aud I'er.4,1,, AlJi.jij tl.a 8 u,. it. the Kxittitig War aitklba Uuitad -.-iti-n. B**4-r-.ji, I!,e l.overnuiri.t and iVo.. ol tlvi u,-d Staiei bave il' '. ii-.. i* .¦: i.-.l waifa-a ia e**_Hat* -.. ai d tr.'i'.'ii -1!,. [ir-peitj of tl.- |i»c.fjli- of tiie (<,i.« ler- . 3tatL. tl aU i.iJili, ttliiikec unci f- i uiiUtaij purpoaa. or . ir,J Vherene. Our oidy prot»ctlori ariintt tui-.b uroi.gi <i to ha l^cd ii, t-jtl, toeunirot of retallation at wiil aitioiaU.iy ii.deiii- Blij 0": tan ei.b*-i f-.r lbai.lna.ea *a4raauralatbiaaraaaaa Batlw. ot* .ur e, eml. t. ili. r Sl I.r 14,, , ' -'.. ., ¦« ; I r I ..Irdrrutr t'.ut i.i baedi'inie, ti r,0'«l* ai.d chatta.t nfiitt tiid cr*Sltt 6. .'tle SiaTe... i .) ilieiain \j ji 'orautli- tl.tditc M v, ii-' l hiiiidii-danUi aat.; -. ii |. id lata the 'lr«..,.rv A tn o..' of tl"- i*%B 8a.lageoft_.il luw, 'bn, and Ilieaa.-)).. arabereby aeijiii-.tii ,1 ,J ti,, I ... !e erste Hta'.et of Am rlca a'.d .ba.i .. ;.eid !',i the raii il.. i. i_| ,u. ti'iea-id loyal eiti/*o orre.iu.iit f ili*-. Cae'e. ¦. -¦» d ti.i... taid Bia" . iu the prosacutltD 11 Ih. jiieieiit ttar bettte.-i uid <'..n- hittntl foi Mlii.-b f*- ' Inr tho a,-t ol ttie Unltefl *8i. -.'^ » !, thi. Krr n ratalittonr, t r ui, te; aii) other act of "Uijitt- .-»t. ..,.,,»,, Hi,t.-- u-eol .t-i/i-itv 'daii.i»t, ,,i |.,,- '- t.f ilie l oBfeiieratBHlctti, ...' Otbel pertoii aidn.g »ri rfe .S.atc-j. t"i tn* ibi, «eh.il I* .i-li^d md ditp. ted ol ai iadforln thi. td: Irovijed. b^-tiver, t*iie_. tim rilala, arlj. oi rltLtl lu o* «t]e t- d ty ti.i. t-t vt ero, or are. witliin ^mJtrfTA^ '.'" CaattietAnjWaleii Int becoioe .ucb daea g*"** *** af M.t, tfcae thi. aa .li.ii .. . ae u.'ii, ai.d a. to "? ,"**'. F">i*'ty or ri,..-- uil all -i i .t.i aiuilng tl ^ml.U'\ ' b Baa.aa Baaaaa* aioBBii^roi rUit.^tli'JJ4."'* « {u": I'tliiai. foriber. Tlial the 4 2* *»* ^'-J. ** »4j-U ..< t e..e.Mi lo th* .leck. cr a.uer put- M.!. ,1*, ,. , C'-d'drn-.. ... ,- D.ueol orol euvol Iba 17. " ". ^Y-tiattey, held or o + ued bvatiy tU- I *" **'> a ¦ g*****!*! 0*jmy tt tbo Ktalea . ..en.) Ai d ¦".t***. Tl,i| t>4 provitloii cl thl. a-t ib.ll not ,-ti.l'rt, r ;'"'*"/''r':''"4*1 or leticieuU t,| ei bc. ol tl.e bUt.t ..! ^wara, aUttbU, kAoimAh w _-*c-i, ttt ol tU UUtrttt Qorti k of Columbla, or tl.* Terrlloriea of N*w-M*«leo. Arlmna. or the Indian Toirltory aou'h of Kai.mi. exrept auch of aaid citi/ena or re.ider.ti a. ahall cornmit actual hoatilitiei agaln.t the ( onfed- *r*(*S(a.ei, or aid ai.d ahet the l nlted Siatea iuth* exl.ting war ecatnat th* Confederate Statea. . , , ., Skc. 9. And bi il further macle.l. That it U, and ahaH be. the duty of Bflfl ai.d every cltUen of thna* Coiifedetet* HlMei ap*idily to eive informallon te tha offirera cbarged with the eiecii'ionof.hlilaw of any aod every land*. toMDiflau ao* hereditamenta, r. od» and rhattela, rijhti ai,d credlta withini tbia Confedoiacy, aod of every right ai.d lntere*» thorrln be.d owned, potteiied ot eo):.yed by or for *uy »''en euemy ai afurt-iaid. . , , IM. 3. B. it further eraettd, That lt ahall b* th* duty of every attorn.v. agent. forrner partner, trmtee or o'.her perion holdtag or coutrotlhK uit auch laoda. tenementa or heiedlt,.- ireuta, cooda or chattela, ii|h(* cr credlta, orany intereat thernn, ot or f>r any itn-ta ali, r. enrmy. aperdlly to infor.-j the r*- onlver herrinafter proyid»d to h* appoiuted, ofthe aarua, and to render an account thereof, and, *o far a* prac.lrable.to nlice the aaii.e ln the handi of auch r***lv*r; wbereupon lufiti pflion ahall bafully icquitted of all reipoDiibiilty for pmporty ai.d etfocti aorepoited aid tirned over. And any auch pe'ion w| fully ftlling to give i'."li Infoimatlon and reiidor itich aromint abail l.e guilty ofa I.I|h mladt uieanor, and upon Indlctmeiit and convirtion, ihal! he flned lu a eiirr. uot exreedlog 4.A,UW, and in.piiaoned not longer than iti tnontba, aal J line and imprlaon- m nt to be diterouined hy (he t'ou-( trjli.g th« raie. and ahall fnrther be liable to be iiied by iaid Coutedf rat* Sta'.-a. and aub- jected to pay djuble th* valu* ofthe eatate property *r tt-c'i eld br him or lubjectto hia ttetrtL 8*C 4. It ahall"!* th* duty cf tl.- aereral Judgea of tlili Con. federacy t" give thia Af( itecially ln eharie to th* Oraud Ji.riea of tl.e.e (oiiled.ral* Statea, and it ai.all be their d ,( y *'. each ai'llng well ard trnly to mqclre and rep-vt all landi tenementi a d hereditamtoti, goodi and rhattela, righta ai.d crediti et,.l every intereat therein, within the jurladii'tion of aaid Oraud .'i-ri.beid by or for any allen enemy, and it ahall h* th* <l-.lv of tn* aeveral ReceWera, appointed under tbia A't.to tale a copy of every itrh report, and to proierd ln obtatnt g (he pa*- -e-iion and control of all aurh BIBfMlJ a'.d effc-ti reported, aml t>. imtitiite ptoceedlnga for lh* *eqii*atratloti thereof ln lh* manner hereina'er proMdrd. etr.C. S. llt it Jurthrr tna'ttd, That *|rb Judge of thia Cnn- fvderary aball, ni earlv ai pr*. ti. abl*. Sffslal a fl.l al IBI f<>r each leoli .ii ,.f IheMSt* for whlr-.l, be hmd* a ('ourt. and ihai! r.qnire him, before afleitflfl upon Ihe dn'lea of bli olhce, to give » oond iu aiuh peualtj a- lua) bfl j.reicnbe.l bj tbe Judg.'. wi'h good and intlir ient lert.riiy, to he approved hy Ihe Juifg*. ron- .ntionedthat ho *ill diHgeUU aud latthfully dii. Iniuo the lott** lu-poaed npon bim by law. Anl iaid ortic.-r ai.all hul I hii »fljee al ih* rleaaure of the Judgenf thr diatrict or lertlon foi wbi. li he ia *p(.ouitrd. and ihall he ratoovefl for liicompeteney, or tn- ? flidnicy, or Infidclity in tiie diirbarg* nfhi* truit. Ai-d.l. the dutle* of auy auch Keciver. at anj time, BflflMI I* >be Judge lu be grea.r ihau can ?.» .'I'licntit (.tTfuruicd l>y him. (h-n it ihal! h* t'e il.itu of tlie .ltnig« t'. divide the aection into ou« or niore oth.r Itiictiv.-ra' dutiii ia. ai-cidipg to the i.ec.-niliea ot the -ii-, am'. to aipoint a ltee*iver f.r ear.h of aaid flwly- creod di-t^ila. And every aeeb l:«-.iver ahall «N". befur* i:l :np i.p-. lh* li.i f lii-" olli.-e make oa'h la WrHI*| bnt)r*th* '. .- rihf Jiatrie: ,-r lectinti fnr whiflhh. h *P d.h aU1.. i. iii ai.d trulj toexerutetbe dutle* *f hia tt- I: .' .' f,. /',. ' furf.*, rru. 'ri Tha' il ihall he th* d'llT ta tb* era al n-oiltu X-rke, (be pone.aiou, Ci nt ,1. »id ,,..,i tl 1..I bt rl|t iii. liti. gO'.di .eiit- of t-acli anl evt-ry alien enrmy ir ihe >t lioa tot wbiefe i.f « t. A. d !o il.,- >.. J ba '.;. p, red m V reqnired, wheoevai nere.aary tirai-om l;. i.rrxa. TA thia Mt, t* a..* t^r ai.J recofer the a*ue .i. I iu.. i ef aai rCoafbdtrat* Statei, allowiaa In tl.e xtttittr el sr. a ti, a. li, Sii-.tea; A. ,:ib.-fo. f I'-f. rjurrirr rrm *t i '*! K". A rr* af i, -ni i. - no i-i f f all la. d>. t » a 'eiif'Uhti au.l ce .t'el-jiainiav ha.e baaa, tt ¦¦»hfl WflWtbflt* Ctl.e rollecil a i'. dei... tborrfe dnnn* ta* w*r. .-io. , M.d m.de ol *etlo« v*li-:ii»r tlie tl t ll. rdirtiai 1*» or » uiiy. ihall be hy peittl-n lo ta* ( «« V. Inifoit! 'ubealbToan^tb. *.(.(« Pttpetty, tim "t Itdaf ¦, f ad. witb tba mxxm*dtk*jtt*tn h*l«*«.«*; f .. ,i oret, Io poiienluti of orr..i,tr..l.ing tne a. II.1 i«M B*y b*. *»d |>.aj>'' . ae.ue tiatii;:. I"^"'" .!,. ' ere.po,, It i...-l bj the c'.ctk t.f thr ( ..ut ». witb a eopy o' tbepnui.. aa* *. 4 <¦<¦ .er.rdl¦'. (lie.Maiabaior depnty. a...l.-itur. eU COS ,t flliaruil-a..aa|.IOCel» in Uw Clil'V wb**lflM iiei e J.>ck '.dand itand for tiiallui.* ', .at in BPTene when tlie Confederate Judge il.a.l i.i.tai.i ".. Ith tht- aafe kerpii t ot Xb- rr"l r"1 ",' l*«Te the ain.e ln tl.e han li ¦.! .n.der the ro tr.l r perion I* » hoae hat di t!.» rral e.ti'e aud .Uvea ki, .!*< b Xkntti ' ,.rd.'(l.*aan,e to reinain ln tbr bamlaand m.d r alrn aail d'b! cr peraon li wboi* iia.idi tl.e n-il . eT ,d a. iweriei-e,l rr.j i li g iu erery mrh raae tii.'b IV I mttt-k-i-yv t tt lha fMflfly *..d rr.dita*ibe .<' rm t -nt f.r ihe p.r,-..r a'..ir.!il,l ai ,1 ( a'i,le h> r. ,. rth. ,1 trra a.lh. Court may makr iu ihe pt*u.l ei. II i( r .. | .11 iit-t appl. ... ba'li or rtl *: c<>rp..ia'i n at ck ie: .1 iwvkai Bfl b* dur tl.rrron. fll' lenlaon llall ,-i. ' And no dehlui or other peraon ahall l,e n, ¦ tltel. l f>'. .' (hia |.t.i.Uo ui.le.. b* b*l Bnt paid lol* lie-.h.r alflatemaU 01 ne( p.-oh'.a whi b ma. rn- i'tie I'.I Ma> Iflfl] anC, I,. all caaea coui.ng l-..p< bound to piy .¦..*¦. '. :ia .. a-, .: ». t.» ga r a, ta* p*t**a ix »hi" bflfl anv t.theij.- 'J ih'.r l. i^dtn *. I'l.t r a',1 pay o»rr ar.nua ly Heei'rr It.e nrt inro.-i.ei *. profcla of l^id propeity, i MJ II of i,,h d»hlo. *S other ^orten (o pa oleim, nei Inrun.e. or p-'.Iit.. *. (he *am* fa I- d- ». th* . BMI.d ai.d Irio-rr ti,e(iebt i.r pioj*ft) A.d rfl.*l [rlfcl lfl diyi' i.,.'.l *.o ai.y debto. o, penon »n li. -t iccu. ,, Ihe-'ourt th- itli- awiitie. uf IBM tleutor er p-.-'.n air i ¦.¦ ta lo l.ai.d, .awiij »rail'ranj le i.fi. i.fau aj.p.i.-xU iv.tti ". app«ar to thn i.-.tia'acti" n of .:. Ab" awiitiei of leah tleutor er p-i-on aie r»- ..| -. tbel irt may.on lhe fai.ur* ..f Ihe party (o gi»* autli- ,ty, r. ..rr indgmeht naimt all pa" tr t-..jud for '.ereeovery of (he del t .-p rt. /'- vj thr, Thutiai Cewtmxt,whee»verI ts ji tb. Jak* therejf (h*p ...'ie aslfaeeiaa rnay r. |.,ir* il order lb. n.oney dur aa t(ot*.«id to 'w drmanded by tn* Recriv.r. ai.d lf uoon d.-n. ind of t flefllv.fi n»*l« iC*nl ru.Ity loade-ietal ,r .!.. tt (he Court equnii.g .a.d Ke.elter lo giB**l ani ih-' 'a lor tba pj.n.rMof whi, h aecnil'T may ha.e h*en iivei, undtr ih.- pm . < t thii act. the den'tor or bia a*c<>r((y aball fail (o pa. lhe tttm theii npon t.n du a' l.cttce to aaid d-le a givro bv asld ReoelT*r."cf a n.otioa tohemad* In aail C.ur. lor jndgm*at for th* au.ouut ao aecartd, aaid (ourt, ai than. . lliereet may pioceed to rei.d'r j.dginei flflfli aal* | aodaecnriiy, -r aealn.t lle party aerved witb auch u.tl. r, for th* inm ao eecuted. with ii.te.-eat tbereon. ln tbe naiua of .. U Itr-eiver, at ¦! I* iai .e ..a-r..i. I Iberaf**. ..^r, 7. Any p*r»on la th* p«»iea»ton and centrti of thr iih- f.-rol an) 10(1 Wt any laBBIMl tlr:,(a may. bv r.ider of tliecoiui, l.e adu U'*d aa a d< f i.dni' and Ba allJwed n def*nd ' j the eitral of tb.- in(er*it l.ropmu ded by liim bul n.. peraoi. ihal'. br oarJ lu laDfl** i. I br a) a'l liiu a p! ¦*, ler.Sed by a'l Jiul a-id . fttfi by bim, aat'ing fort!. ti,«' k n I ai a'.y ijtrreit ln tl.e ti/hl whlr.'i a».ert.. . f r wbleb h* litltatei, rilher dlnetly or in.li'eeily. I>t trnat, opea ,.r utrr,, nnd tbal l.e it jatt- aolrl) fo; biaMatf or r,.r itn.,- rl llfl o! th* ( 0 'ei. t.oe Stat. iw)...oi . '.tg.il) rrpir.ent., led .«!,. n tbe defi-na* la c/.ndiirt.-d l.,r ..r on Bflflflfll of aLOther, |t. wb il. o-;art, thr p'eaa. all »<.t f.nh the nair* ai.d iraul-nr«- tfiuti other peraou. ai.d Ibe reUthn that the defer.dant bflt* I* bl". ln thelltigatioi.. If tii- ca'.ae lnvol»ea mclu which ih >.id ul*d by a jury *eeordlnflo Ui* eoura* of (b» oonnnon law tbr defan deu: ahall b<-ei.tii:*d to a jun tr.al. I: i' i-nolrra maitera of emdty juiirdletlnii, lh* couit aball vncoi a--ordliig lo ita n.ual modrof pr> e.lure iu auib c«»ea, and tbe aeveral cu I. afl a Corded.rac) na) liom time to time, **t*hliib lulo* M prore- dnr* under ihia aet, nol li.rouil.teut with lfl* act Bt otber lawa ol the.* Conftd'Ote Siatea Sac. S. lle it further enaflfl T! .( th* ,l<- k tt tb* ,i ri lha.l, at tb* reqtieit of th* Rt-e^lier, f oni time lu tiu.e, i.. wn.a of gari.i.hn.. i.t Hiaaul to fla Uml.. p»-.oi.., o, ¦ai.ding tbeui t" app.ar al lh* the-i ilt'lni. or at anv future teirn ol ihr ro..r'. ai.d to auiwer undni oath whal MapHly at *flft.*of aay allen e-.,.-i.,v bi had at tb* aerrlr* of tb* pr... .. Or iluc* hai nad undrr hii poia-.ai.n Baatrol lougi'ig to or held foi an allea rnemy, oi In wlat aum, lf any, la or waa at tb* tini* cf »rr»l-e of tbe gan.l-hrnr. t or glflM haa bflflfl ln- dent.-d to ar y allen enemy, and tb* Conit ahall bave pea .r |a CMideinn Il.e pi. i*rty or ellecia. or d^bti, according to thr ar- awer, aud to make atu-h rulei and orderi furth* orlnijln» ln :' tl .. tbl d peraon* lata bag at diirloird by tht aniwer to have an Inttreit ln the litliatio- aa to lt »!.vl **eu. pr( per; hul la no c*'* ihall any oi.r ne b«ard in re.prct thereio ur.til fla aball. by aworn p!*a. iei forth inbetinlltlly ihs u.r.tiari betue rrquiie-l M partiri pleading. And lhe decr*e or iiidgment of tlu* Court, rra< dered in con'oimitr I" tli« *ct, abali firaver piot*r( th* gar- nl.he* io re.pect to (he ui.'tii iivol»*d. Ai.d n, aO aaaaa al garn.abuient ui.lt.i tbia ae. tbe Ite-aiver ioay t*at lha tn,t tt tbr garuialiee'i ai.iwi r hy blltg * lUIen.en:, under oath Ihal hr be lerea tb* aniwer to la unlru*. iliecif)ing tl.e partieulau in which he behevea lh>- i"' IdMfl bai, by on.ii-ioa .jrcommii.lon not aniwered truly wu- rrup. n the Couit aball nim au iaaue to h* made between th* Bfleltf md gami-bite, aud judgmeut rei d^rad a. up..ii lb.-irial of ..tl.Mr i.iei And I- al' BBSaaaf lUigaiion * c.;.y »f wl.irh il.nl. MTV*d rn tl.e oppoiii* par.y ur ni. otton.ej, and whith aba'l ba ia*« arad flalei oelb * imi'. tl Irty 1*7* nf iurl. teivire, and upon (ailei* *o t>, aui* r.. tl.* ( eert *b*ll ni*k« aaeb diapo.iiioi. al iheeaa** *a .hail to ita. nu ii...i> proiuotive of j..»ti. e, or al.ould It denn amw* a lo ('. i, trrrcgatoriea i,er«a.ar. io ordt-r to aecui* a rilatnaery, Hia ( o rl .hall i.i pr..ou tne la.ty iu Jr.'a. 1. aafll luu BMwafllbaU ne made. flae-fl It ahall be the duty cf (be DlihlrtA(torr.*y ofthe C. nirdeiate S'atti, di 1-ei.iiy lepraMCat* all cau.ri inaiituled aadai ti iaact, nud l.e aball rflalv* m a r,.i.,M aaatioa tb r pef ien*. i.p'ii ai.d fr¦.u. lha trui ¦ ol all litiiation liolliu'r u.d, r ,M.a t: f'.t urd l nal n matler .hall he call- d UllgeUlea- r..|t »def*udai.l b* ajmittod b) tho court and a proper plaa Ikfl Bafl. 19 flflfl ftrthtr enarted: Tbat **ch Rec*lver app.lnled iu d»r Iliii art ahall. at Iraat eerrr »n n outln, i,nd M matk ofierirr tr h" may be ie luiod, l.» lha i-..uit, reuler a trne aud t a (o,i,i of all mattaig lablabasda or under btswetiol i.rii, r ihe .aw and ahall make ai.d <tatrji.it and perlect acro .nta aud a*ttlrminl< undri oath of hi< Coll*eUnai of BlOMyi buraemantl of all tnalt*r» »ap*nrt*ly, la ihe miir way *. if he w.-ie adii.i, iatnt .r ot irvrni astatas tt 4tnett*4 fttta f;para!eap|.oiiiIuiriil.. Aud tliea. '.t.ernenla and uerreo. .1 all h* lor eatbr .-, or i.¦!«'* .rp.i'al. iy o th.t the Irmafltlfl ln ra- j.. rt to ,a .. ae n.-.'i. > p >.'rr.y inay be k«pl r. c,id- d aml p.-...«rvodaeparately. Ko nttttamtnt a. a',ore waildal ahall, I. wHtr br ii.¦¦ S* i.n il jalfieaM or J.cree ol aeqiKiiia i. n av. M--rd,but thaeoail nmjat any tlni*paailagHtl| (| . ,,,, .,r,i ua ..'.!. In liti aiten aud bithapo*. ,, ...,: and i.ay ii ake amh '.tdcra tonciiing tl . aanieaa.l. prolect tha ltu«re» of lb* p*rtl*( onr* d. HaC 11. V. ti ol ain KeceUar »b^!l h* l.lrl re-pattliigan mstlflrarbiebbup*M*d tetjamtml n Ibawert pointa day lor <ettleme..t a,d UOtlc* tbeiaaf ahall b* '.'... U-for four wn-ki iii «o-i,cr.e« .j., |.. lb* c.i.ri.aud 'ho cle'k oftba flm ti a'l arnda (Opy oi ...ru D*tr*p*ptf I* lb* Dl t' I At'oirey oftb* Ceuf.dera't-Slaua. for ll courX where tbe u.atlri UtOM I.-...1. BBdltdwilb. thr d.ty nf «aid IHatrlct-Attoiney UaiUudth* t h- .. .-, I thi ' ¦. I :".l lo Sfl 'I ai a (ull, tr'.-- aaljofl ar.'n. jit-i.t '. ii al- Tb* aev.-ral .e llem, nta i ¦.- .br a:,. r ihall Ir ¦.. b sj b* la ed at tiefai.al foi fraud ; ,] I rop.-ily, o:l .-rllii.il aiain, . ... :t t |l li r.- ,¦¦ »,,!.. ... lb ., ..: ai wi. ',.-, >i ) -i I 1. lll. All i* tVncnla <if ncro'in'i of trrt-,1 pro| arty I ac-.py .... i. .1 ,11 be erate ^titi a, wnl.iii t, n d»< ¦ afl. i ., , i < igainatthf lt. .hall i. . aot to lh* oi.l. il uie hlat, h n .... la*o* tberefoie, and b* hall be UabUlo atli i kl.d 10 >., .ball b* I tb -i I bm ie than Bv* yi ara, la Ib* di*er* loa ol lb* Couit, ai.d bn- a l. |4, B* Itf ir'licr ,i, Yt- l.lll,' O.' I' Ibd MOt Ol .! manent t.ovni.,,.ei,t appolnl Ibrei ¦',- ¦. ,' tLe aent .,( aaeacbyrar, upon notle* gi»en, » I.. u, >: a ll ¦) .l(r Wfa -r .' ,l uien aa tbe n ,y adopt, to hear and a ¦_.,.¦ . ....< S j'.-., , o| lb* , i . ... tbtlthU a '. n pM i.l a y Male lbere.|, . .,, cvadcui^sti^n, ». c^ubacaiivB of tba property nf mv rltiien nr re.ident of th. Confederate Statet, or o-I.it i«rton tid!',. ttid Cot fed.rate Hl.tet iu the pre.^t t ttur ag.in.t tbe United S:i'-«, and tbe finding of mch C*a*adta\amart iu favir ot aat eucb elalia .hall bi- prima faert evidejr.fi nf tho ctTrVt-tneit of thaieiiitiid, and whenever CoB^rnK thtll p*»t tl.e ctaiui. th.-taroe ahall be pud baa nny money in tho T-ea- lart derivi-d f'Otn .aqneitrt'I n ni.der tbi-aet: Proiior.t. 'Ihit i.id U.urd of Ct-uit-iit.li>n»ri tht.l i.ut rontinue bevond Ihe or- CBtitnaOon of the C-jtirt of (ltinn provided for br tbe CiuiU tutioD, to wbich Cmirt ol Claim . the dii.ie. berela provided to B* ti, O'ltti -d by Ciinii Ii.ti.neri thall h. long U|40it the onttnl/a- li. .tid Court. Ibeiilt.lacof ialdri.niu.iMionar. tb.tl he «t tbe rate r,f two tbou.uid Bto bundred dullaji par aununi. »nd ahall be p,,ii froin the Tieii.iiry of Ihe Confedera-y Aud it aball hethedutvof the A'i.,rney-Oeueral, or hl« aalitant to iepr,-,ent Ibeiiite'eBtt t-f ll,l« (ioveriment iti t'i .*¦** .rlilog niiiler 'hit art before .aid ll.,.rd of Cotnmittloneri. Bac l.\ Ut itfueihti tnaetti, Ih.t all eipenie. in-urrtd ln roc-e-dipB. itDder |hi« tc' ill-U b* p.id fr.-ui ihe tB^u-.leTed liii.tl, I-I Iba JiiJgei, in ttttlliug a.*et nnti with Hrc-i*-ei',, ahall mtile to them proper allowaiicet of r mpatiittioii. taiii.lt *J P"r ,t,,i"ii ree.iipti, md tl.a "tiue tmo.iut ou expciniituu*, a. a lea-ontl le ei|.euditnre in ail Atttt The feet of tiie cffirt-ri oi the Court thall ba tich ta vt allowed by law for tiuiiltr iervre. in other riM-t, to he paid. however only frcrn tlia aeqae-tereti lund: I'roWditd, That all mni. rettited by tny Herelvt r ln one year f..r hl. »ert I,-«, eto e-iing BB.SM, thall he pald Iuto lha Cciii.eder«teTrea»iiry, for the a*. ot the Confederiey. 8X0 Ui. Iit it further rna'tt, Thit the Att..rney-0-oeral .h.ll pre»rrll.e tnrh unlfoim riilt-i of prt,cvedir|. u-ider MS »**. not hereIno:h*rwiie provided for, thtll nieet Ihe ueceultiet ,.- il, «-.. ABO. lt llrtt fv.thrrenncttd, Thal ar-peali nity lle from any fli.il deil.l.n ,-f Ih« Court nder thi. I.vr, i.. the ia.1 e niai.uer a id wi-hin thrtauititiniB ti 1. now, or heroafter may 0* by la* ii:...rr\bed f->rapp«ali iu o'lier rivil rattt ,,. Sbc: 18. II* ii I'nthrr en.uted. lhat tha word " p'raon m thiilat-iLtludo. a.l (,iivite corporttionij and ln tll Attt*_*.**¦* Caiutl.llatll b. .-"ine ptrtie. aud thi. law req'iltai an oatb to oe ..,.,,I' t,» lotne oihierof nir-h c r.iortlloa. .. Bb4-.1I. Ii.ir fuitltertnaettd Tbat the c-nrtaare ve-lau »iib Jtiriidiitlon, ai.d ,er.lr.-,l hv thi- act, to aeUle Bllpart.'.riMpl haraUfc*. eii.tiuj; betwe.-,. a el'izen Bud4.ua wl., i. at. alien fi.eu.y tt. ter.irr.te the ii,te.e.t of Ibe ailen eiieaiy. tu. lo »e- ...,, A. .1 .h. il, aii >. -»ver all JoiaiiifbU wkea an a, -¦' t-1 -uij it rciic.n ed, tud ifjin-.tit'e tle iuter.e.1 of tucli a.li n *a**a_r. , , . i ,.. S.,.?0. t'.e it further enncted, Thit, In raiei r,f adiiiinl.trv .1.1 tny lutlt-1 or thing. ni.der tbi. net. tte court hani.it Jiijlt- dii'tion mtj a-kei aeb ordt ¦ t na....Ing the l'"r**,rV""'"'A.? pio.-.fitv or efler'.i under 'he dlreell- n or rt a'rol cf tiie l.-eeiver ot ii.iiuii.iatit »i ii tl... ferafl 4afl praviBaa*. n to lif'*'{', '' Bfl MT, Aud tbe K.cviver MV. ataoy tln.e, a.h aml B8V* .- InitnielluLi t.i Ibe coiitt, or J idge, re.|«Tting int t-i U'-c tn u e dit|>->M.ion ar iuaii.g-ii.ftit ei* ¦¦} pr,'i,i-rly or etle,.t. uuae, oi. COl.trol .ar.IL lt ¦' tmrtatTtaartai. Tliat the Trea.ury nt.t.i -f *hl. ¦ ,;,, :...., a lllist- or r, .|,i-u; ol tny f ¦'.iiti.v. S lllorj »i h tU I. tlu. C l.* ' J ." hMaid- -,|, .id abiah ,'..-..",. i. r-iii. Brtnal i.,..i..iiy .'. Aat ba i.-,i rtt. Ai.d aay lien or d-bt cl.i...'d afaiaal aal I .." within the .' l.-liailbi- ptaaontati tni ileilir, ili« .. mrt. it. wm. ii lb* yc il 11 *.fli of aaaaaatratlaaiai-*. hiSwit-Tn t-f'.- -onlb. I.",..'-.- in-iituii'-ii "t ...-I. l-r' 1-r. _. .-.«, ...i.n;,.H thr i" ,-it .li ol''Ji'"- »'. givau, .:. -I..-1 l"-*r .,lu ed.ur .ui. ..> waa A.,da.lel..ii..i.." ai.dbitl.t-' . " *' " "."'.''"». tf.re.-1'l ."¦ ... t -. ji aaaiatl laaaatal* flr*>Ttj,l SflaSMaBajBaaBB** ^r tl.e pi.i-..,- ¦-. Aayatatai dagamu, IML gRCBBTAST WBLUM DICLOT-I A FUIILK' D-NNKJL The frlnridi and neijhlK>r. flf Kccreta.7 WcHe-, I - (.iiit.KtotcS'if/Veir rer|*ct for him |lMMBBlly, «"d theii (¦ciiih.icn.e ifl I ie iniuinKi :'¦«.tl, ki BBB Di¦parlui.-nt Bf wliii b h*bltl .. li.I, inv.;. tl bim Ifl a pnhlic -BMM ul Hiirti.nl, ('..nn. Hia BBfag. in. r.t. compi'l him to tlttlino the invithiion, a* will be BBSBB7 tbo follow iflg letter: . ||tl:tr,'l:ii, _Sepf. II, 1861. 0SBT.SBSB1 Tour corlial iuviittio.i to a B*bbfl [,, U (.-ivi-n 11,e dnrbm mj preaeflta lournta Ilititf.ird, I ref. ivi*.l la-t eveii ¦/¦ IbMaiBBBBBB M lour kind tOgtkfd ie, Iflflfl-MB, MBBl w.-l. ome. It ia * graiiBcatioa M -n<>-v lhal a~ paUb asaaaB m uu .vciitliil Bti Ujktg ii-1 MM i.i-l tlieappriivul ol th. m abo ! ata EnoaB a lo*a aad baat Tbaa n sal nlllas-B,fl_i Ihe Adafebtrat.a b** 1 titi K"-*1 iesp -i.ei1 iliD' ¦ M w.-ll h- urtliicue iluli' BtS di charge, .1 _44-etinrf and *apprt ilag t. mrott bstr*« onlii.Kiv ,'.i-| ii.it v t'nl ,..1 11 1-t l ll.:i' i' vvill I... i»t-r lu c- 1 bass asvsr ior a ii.-ni-'it dasbtsd, h d ii I...- _-'v. b bm 1 la aad alaaMMsi aimsM vtub w: nt iMiiit. :> .1'v.-i.i.n y,"i pnuiadfortb J tug -Bfl and livinR tisaaursi lo snsl.in Ibs Oossma*nt a*i tba 1 na 17. Ia tbii wbkl t'-t- Iba bility and atrergth ol tbs Uoretri.bbb*,Ih* '- BBCsaarilj perfi*-*- bo nnlmiwfiBM pait, BBM Nei frt.niib* ns'oi* af ihinuB it *ifl, wbs* siSBpaasi Vtitt, l.rner w.i. Ol B ..' ieri-.,t ...tmi.er, le l-t. damnBitratiTi thut. uay i-jrhapi I-i- . iptu-d. Ibo intnrga iti ii-.-r aa MM-Mtta la sarb h s*r taa ss ao lii.vy ROM v. hIfl lanrela BBB bf MS*. 0 .r BMBBBN 1 n.p'i' tymt i, iba 1 Bitsa aai ibas-BMaiMj sf bm I*gaario*r pons,a isran aoaMa -j- iaaMBBBMibbb I'ke li.e 1 !.¦ c- alil O.i Bt Mi.ttr.ua IBM^Mtoba e, re.|iiire t . ¦¦ . ntllou of tr.e i.rmv. Ii i.-.r lailota cipt'ir- I '. rit-., tbaSfl n.uet he BflB.Bn lo ixurri»oii IbaM Almc-st all cir aaaal apaialBBM M IhiB mbMbI m'.-t ln- aantla. rt BB8B albara, Tbt Ut M v il.h.y or failme Harj i- bsld .-, -Mo. lf a Vessal eflfSi'. fe vi^ifiuite lhal ts irt.-r di"l to be ce ,-i '.-..,, eu BBl* full. on Iba Ntvy, i.nd tkt d.-|-ann.4-nt .Lat rt-tfiil;.t. . i'e BBTSfl '¦'... It doe* noi litttomt- BMM k .v vv! .1 i.e '«¦!. 't'1" nr '* 'I Iflf l" flBbafa u.i'l i*t vi^orate ll I tu\) bjtbM daBBrtaaaM U haa BSB 1 ur- rluefd ull t'« vew»ela tbat -Bf*bBBB MBSaaMi, tu h undaut re.ai.ia, ai.d ymt B h. » bBBB b.Bfli BM ibe aa_.M-fl It bflfl -iare,l BS el'-.rt t.. .cfire i»'u h v---. ae wt.iill 1-a iervi.*ahle, and >H t1-. not en-ije ccu- .t rv f'.r 8811*1-8. BM M Mfcb hf. <x, 1,,-ive eye t-, pnh- li.-inteii-s; and welfare. Tht movements ol t.ur Bi|uud- .onbass int ktaa tttiti.iiiit'e.l i.y t-l.K'-iphi.ia aaaaaa. eatiofl thr. 11a.I1 Iba preas, antl tba c-i4[im-.|uerifehiD. baflfl that m-4iiy who kaaw BBl.IB* iba! wa." iafau <le, lare.J the ispflitMsal wm« iloiiiir Botbin*. 1 rorstsila bM of tl,._e bnt 1 BM |t*i. lad thst yoi, my Bflkb- b i.iu:d Itll.fv A A-. ., abo l-A'i.'iv n:e. iiud.r. au d and ai.pia. IM* tl e trofl eonditk n of Bl T- e ontiil-i.' c re; ^.. l I-y y..n in tlu- |ialrl -'i'- efl'ort. aftbsPrsaidsBl loqaelllna laaanaslMfl und bmMn iho ...i.iiiry io it. ft-iii. r i--litntioa, iasraU isaMTBi, lu.pir.d by vi^or Irom yuir-i-'vi. acl all wlm are i|.-,i.rd M tbs MfliBtsuiance i»f Ibe I ui >n iu 1'. iuti:;-- ii v, tboaa iiitni-e.i aitbtba adaInbBiatlea of laa Qoramu aal arill. ba -1 ai, e.xt rt Umm k.-s lo ]*t'ia'e the liiBMilflnrs I- qaaatbsi M l-y Ibe BMB of the I.t-voliitluii. If anTthlntean rompenaats for tbs BBMMBM 'fl.M BOMfld ted hytls MrMBB-J coiiepiru- lot* ii i. tba amiira ui.-i i lt] with wbkl pstiiota ml- Jied ia ilefenee of the Ilag afier tLe i.aaiaull uj^jii it BM tbe aaiibMn at smi.t..-. Iftb-r.- aia BBMBB ni any in ivrrpnthy with thoss whose hand. BM l*llllll u.niutt ibr Uoveriiment mni tbo l.!ni'iii, 01 wl... wonld uiiikii BBBBB BJ abnutlBflJflB eitber, ihey ute -Brksd Sl **| tioM 10 onr peopls iirH de. v:*,lly wr.h'.ut laflasoos. Csaea win. iiatimial dieho.ior iJitl 1. 'I'liiii'i n iii.r iti.tenii coiui'i v, wonbl b* ..«> bhe.iuK When it r.-nirue, Bfl returu it will, Int il ba in ull it" ...': la-itj t" « .n.ii*-.! tttiuitry, euibntciuM ibe .-i nn; rapabl iu oi.o riau-mrili'y. It wotiB giTB a** plasaam to bbb aad taka bbba aaa Sf my fellow-.iti/en. hv Iba BBSd. but th.- 0* .-'¦ B willuol ailu.il of il. Myrt'iui: I* UO-BSCtlsnt * ci,ii.i.,u*iito 01 prsasrng bmb-M a&ira of a private ebavactsrtbM .btsbsa* wbolljoe la lad forthehu-t ma lutiiiili-, aiid wli.h tt.ii.u.iil inv nii.i.vi itiiuttin- tit 11 while here. It U noi mv pur: M lo rtt.i.iiin c ue rn.iir alter the obi- etfl wbldI aulsd MBbOTMM* B* 0:11- pli.b-d. I um ti.i i-.'i.ir.) hMipaUsdtobsg faBtoas. 1,1-1: .14- for 'i.t liniou tbe iuviiaiioii ..> utovalj aa- Ifladsd, aii'i t'. i-irivc UM u -ui..;,BM « my ptflMWi ttj.nA. I BM, : tii-1 m'-.i. vi-ry rr |.Ui.ily, 16 ... I...,t.eivu..t, I'll'i.l N VV.Ll.rS. T" Mnin. VV« '.. lii i-KiM.n.ta. Tnu. B. Wnita., Jam.i Duob, iv si. IrV.X.-floara, aaa* Mbaa 8Tati:mi:xt.s OV a LATI caitaix n TBI BOUTHEBS -JUfT. TttDttratt Tiili'i-.c .-:.ys tbtt Kr. Siiiiiiml Oold- in&nn, who htlt-ly Miaaaj*si" I.i* 011.111 mJ in thu loatbMB nriny, ;i* kiu-lly furuA Mi M wiih tho toV loivintj ikatebaa, wbleb will aatra to Ihaaw bmm ligbt ou li..- ] eiti- -i l I'. !,'- -. Ml TBB 11' 'li.e iu ..iit arol paoyln Ni v. Orbana ia by aai bj Ibu ',i" MiTkaB t.i a ft-w '. rasraiting oUtt.rB,' :i 4¦! Of men COrapOMi Of bulliee, lou'.-: ciatj. Ti e t..i.ii M lf- lad f<ji opara> ti ,h Ig ... nigbt. <;¦ in* along ¦-.- uu .ii to k. .- -I Inb. \ r;.i, ,1 ,. --..-!. be foll .1 i.y a k_ocb.swa, v. ii,.. tbsvicti .¦! d t.i 1 sot ¦"!-, bm ii -v-. "'I'. rs. Tbey an , |. I. ... f | I e, ll d*CB .- 11 j, .,- tboa " re- ,;.l ..' i. al I i. ri iiirnj l I iiu\' e- i.l.i 1 vi Itb 1 aii d ia ll ) ior otbera. \\ aa 01 v h i-i.-v lo t-o-iit: .-tirtr-s; ln.-y uro ..-¦¦ '1 irul'i .' pn-ei-ut lh< ir bill. i" 'li n I -' and 11. iw; ibeir paj a la td. It ua .i,i oor tbroa we. ki 10 fill i| i. I ,;., ition .in-,li-iitl in ;. .1 li. ud.nl lire Inll-blov .-. I, .- *. lowsraat J ir. and Um .s ,,ih, aiid 11 BJi.ip in I. ;i.-.. ia. 'i. in wh:A' UM i.i.ii I -s" B Orlaa.a. U nh-. -. !'. h '.¦. "¦¦"¦'||: b ( '.i 1 i i'"h a. but wi.oat Ibeiimcot which ars BBBB. wm out ol officc, wa* told by Mr. Franco, proprletor of a jevvelrjr rtoie on l'oydra* atreet, to rni»e a company, Mr.*. prorniiiiig to euoiu them, piovided they were culled the " Franco GnaW." Mr. Palton oxtntudei, and through his acquafntanee witb the diffcient diat|-ic-tH.m. tbenty thegnies of tho workbouse and the parish plkOfl were tl.rown open to him, and the comiiany made up fromrriininala. Capt. Daltou then attached hi n <ell and his beautiful eompany to the lst Regiment ofthe l'olieh Brigade, coiutuaiidcd by (Jen. Tochinann. About a uionib ugo tliis brignde (to whieh my com| any lelongedjrectived orders to go to Virginia. At flrand .lui.tioii, on tbe Menipliifl *nd Cfiileston Ko-id, \\ bflM Ibfl troops change cir* for Virginia, a row broke oni in (he li>t Kei<iuient, on account of there ntiug uo lood provided for tbem. The " l<'r*nco Ounrde' cbarged bayouets npon the officcrs aud drove them ucro*B the tielda into tlio woods. They next assaulted the h'.tel, tlio l'eny llotiee, aud lon it down, aud weie un tbfl point of eetlir.g tire to tbe rutus, when the Colonel, tbo ouly ofticer wbo bad auy eourage, ap- pearal on the seeue of action and shot abont sixteen of tl.e ri.ier*. The " Franco Guard" then dikbauded, runuiug in BTMJ direction. The reftimont Cnally a, um aet out, lniiiu* one conipuny. Their noxt *top- ping place should have been Chattanooga, but the citi- zuii* ol ibe place would not even allow tbem to stop to ooofa iii. k iMIaaa. Tois i* only on* of a baaflrad »im- ihir liois, wbkb are altuoet of "daily NflBIMM iu lhe Soutb. CAMP CORINTH, IflflflflMfl*- Ahotil cix weeks ago, I was sent, with another flflflM of my regiment, with ikpMflblll to (len. C wrk, coiniiiaiioiig the IkaMfl troop*. then about 4,0W m number. Aa camp k about hul a milo from tlie vil- hitre flf Coritith, at tbe iiiten>ection of tiie Meiupln* fluflCbflriflMflfl with tbe Mobile and Ohio Kailroad. l'ioiiap;roaciiio{! tbe camp I diswve.ed the aentry ak| Iflfl Cflrdfl with an officer upen an cuipty flour arrel, hix MMMM reversod, wiili bayonet stiokiug in th.-groui.d. 1 told him I hnd dhtptcliee i'or Qflfl. t lui ki 11 o iei lied, as he conlinucd playing. " l> ¦ yoa aad OflB. Clark, too; have you any wtiiky about roaP 1 told Iim I had none, aud jteseed ln. I ("ulivercd my di-j fltflflflfl to Qflfl. Clark, aud iifierward look a stroll tbroiigh lhe can.p. I uever btfire m my liie witneered sucli a pitiuMo iflflMfllfl. Tfl o-tliird» of Ibfl meu were BBflfltrflM with lhe ineunle*, suiieiiug temblv, BOOM Utflflfl or tvvciity ot them dying every ...d to be thcty ot phtafcaaaa, but no' medi. ke. Thflifl were flardlj eaougii u.. n left to do Knti> dnljr. Hflkfllbaflrtfl t;ia ilgati 1 to k thv reily to my hi iiu bfl und kf) t w ci.;i.|.. 1 eaiv oue ei/-, oundur iu th. ir CflflSf, and *ever;.l bimdr. .1 et i.Heied United Btatfl tiiui-iock muaket*.1 a n i: l'lii-MvN ami r.M.i.iMi COKflVLI Al UU*. OflUUKfl. Mr. Pflflar,ab>Qoaaalrapwa.UagPWkfl k HflM* .. ,ka waaltbj brokflr Iflflifl, bfll bfl aa* aoi M i tttgh i, tt taa iim iieie<i iu b.iiilt ni hk eooakjaBM ihiflfl wbehara ba«a tanad kiaflaraka, uIiLouk*. Im vciy h.11 kni.WMii ths yrtu.ii of MMfliag which is goiBg "ii BBd r bk very uoee. h urt! eini'ie, .Mr. I.kii. r Wflfl fllflftoM tl.u lii'rt man to Bubaerihe to the i .ii.ikI. u.i.- kaa, und baa given sm.ll aiiioum* of t,i...v toflliwwtarerycoaaaajaaaifrflMtbfl ny \e \ irginia. Wbal do fl Mr. f.iuier iu Ciiroiuh let eireit ll.ink I Uu tlie |*|flflflkll (JuveiLuieiit sent their r. ]- ie.i.ta.iva io >>w (irleans toaid a MBfllttflfl agaitmt th.- Qovflnuaeflt ot lha Uuit'.d BMflM i Ikaeaitfy bopflUk rr.irsiun (iovt-mnifut will kvastlgfltfl th- ., ami bav. him proMptly removed, a* imndreiii ..I Praakaa nbjfl. t< hraad flflfl the Herviceettkt C»n- Irnt.- Bt tee, Hiid who are now iu Vngiiii.i, will .wm th .t t.eii | elitkafl Tt ktflrfflfflflflfl we:e utterly hi.-,, ba not araa tbkl kflM woni, whii- lo ri ..'I Ibflfl. iTflflf time "ill ye: o>ii|e, Mr. fllniei, i.i.d your a. flOflal 1 ¦ lml.»n- fld "tl- A aknkr fltata of tbkp cxisted, and MaUflflM to aaifll, vmIii t:ifl Uriliflh Coi.huI. (iri.M'i.N (.1- IU. VIIflflSAflfl ON THE 11ATTI.K Of MAMAflflflfl. Af'er tl.e l.utlle at Mflaaflflfl, i>i. Henure^ard. in teflflow l.ie'h (.;h i.ieiu Mefl-Ofkflflfl,flflflfl il opinion Ihfll if (ien. ,\|. t l.llan ha.l beeu iu g ud, thfl vicor) woald bava baeaoa Ibfl o.l.ei .iie. lle Male* tla. Bfltil .-' !'. m everytl.inji wufl ..u..iiiKt bim,bfl iflflpiisll tim'Jiili-iat. :i wa*retie. tinjr, irban ud M .'.<.. ibfl flflflkflflflflflibfl Uflflra traapfl ceiiiuieii.ci. lle fl'.: i'. ite, ibfl i.ki.U to sotufl UlU- uianugemeal of M< Uow. I aad t'.^fie. a. rbarawaflfraal njakkc at Hem-Otaeam among tl,e tir.-e.it. r* al flflfl Iflflflfl fll the bflfll e. OflaflBM .,,,!. tbfl 1*11* :.m«; BStfflflftflM the flfll M M Tn, Deltm oki Patatanm appeaied evciy hall hour, fltviaa H.ldi'tou.l datafli flfll . u11.>ii; » an ti Ibaiiki Kiviog waa appoioted l.y Qor.Moora.aafl afflaidflfl n-jfi ii.g jr. v..il-d BflBOflfl tbfl jN.pulali'.ii, exi.pt ti:e foreign and Uniuo-torkg rilkeoa, who «too.l tXeat, -i katbearl at lb« reaul ol thetatile. .">»- iu rngn were hois'ed ia all tbe tlioro'itfhfure. of lhe city, aud lha adiea wave<l tbeir bflflidkflrchkft .¦Id K«:iif r*' bflflflfl for Iteamegard, ^.e bflflfl ol tlie dh». I trutt iu dod thal tlie fmur* will levenl to tbem Ibflkown fooliabaeflfl, .. d U al th* timo of reck- Ofllflfkfll baad. 804tb.rn chivalry will be belo.v par -.h.-ii! 1IIK $lJO0,O()0 I.OA!» IS Sr.W-om.HAN?. About »ix iv.-e^n ai.o (itn. Tv||flflflfltBrflflafl4tlM opinioa i!.ut it vm* l.i.li ii.ne lo eiaci for.i'ic .ii..u» (<i ,i. 'et.,1 [bfl rhy. rbfl ir mn* vv.-re ull in Vir^i.iia, the i .,u*( MM ¦ itho'it batteii. ». and uo money f<>r lhe pur- '<-,* olcroiting il.em. Tba Aid, nt,en, la their vvis- ,.., krtbirilb rMolrad la . im I fuitllafllM. flad j.r.i- bfltterka. Aflfl unue deliheraiioa thay aaoflr> tatafld IbM lfl Mflfllfl vvhi.i |bfl| Mardently dci'ired ro.|iiiie a roui.d i-uu. of mouey, auu they ut- J., pawed .*:. .1 iii.Jii* to bon-o.v ¦ ooe], ..u.i au- lboii/"l lha Mayar Mr. Monro*, to .lo m.. Theaaal tirf, a lla-iiing pnclMMflka cmi.nu!o<l fiom the ofli kl iitinl oi ibfl , it/iuliii.g Ibfl iiiii.-ii* that ii.cii araraat] .o.un in (huix,-r, IbM tbe " N'oillieni bflfdflfl"vsould s.K.n b* on their be-ls; tb.it he was iu a bad lix, inomonej to proeara futtiflcatkaflfor tba city, und iirkiiig a loan ol f.ti ',000, payablc ^ ith inteieri. Aflflk ut.'i .-K-ii-i Mi* " hi* baaflr m-ide appeal, but it wm* not re*p .r.'le<l to Why dfla'l y< fl i4t. b lti, Mr. .¦! II iio.v i!>' monev flad tak* bosidfl, payaMe vs ull iiiiereal or v^ hv **. >n i y ou cootlacati BOflfl Oni >u propaity, ia tkt mm way yoa ba .. BvadaMf ^>"i \s.nid n.'t Sad ai.y oppoaiiioo, patriot tbat yaaaraI (ii l.u.e \..'i ul.. ...ly p|...|.!.-i.-.l aml BObbad uu:il l T,.... .- ' (i to yiar lirli bauknanil p.iiut i.. i, t.i Northani bank* MflflaMpka, kaflkfl ibfl Bflf* eiiiinei.t ull il wa: !r. BM OMflfwdk )ourt'iii- yciir I'.piluliits aro no fool-, tney kt ovv flflty Wflfl tbat vo'i, ffl ir kaa, voiir l^jnds, yom Coiiledeiacy are all abuiui/ig, wl,i.ii uie uot, aud.au uever be, ol any BCfloflBl whatever. 0 *vsi Lad Cajtlaio In the bofua (.*. S. Armj. ?- fBOM thi: sorni. We reeeive.l a vi.-it AflTkMflflflJ froui a OflVMMI g^n- ticmun, Mflfl hfll BflfliOlk.JflM one Mflflh ago. II. r, j.. r's a terrible iiagtiuti.n in luieinee* m thut < ity, Uil j ,|;r i| .i .-it . flottrfl Ibfltb. Theie Wflfl flflflOttflfl in |bfl !'"''. AM an> f.. a.:.i .1 lor it. A pla.1 i* «"> i,Aii tm hreiikinu the l.l'.kiiil .. Kight Kt. .im. maro l-iad-d, and ready k eriil for K'uro] -, H .i knbdflbk n.:ii, vvbiih they ha.c bmlt, CM M ,! ,w\\ limi Mflfl -II'll t Mfllbldkfl force. Tho flflfl iawtid M he MflflMflllfld MMMjUflfl bhl aturtle, il* lr.m shell being MMflflVkflfl to .iUUoii shot. Thi* ia .d to iiiiidowu to tl., ucutliof tl.e Mi^issippi ar.d flflflM* uiir MflflMfl^ liuten on to tbflfc fltfflfl, ai.d, by iiieiam ol femetEml uiachinciy in tho hovv<\ [.. re ho't-s in their flflM und sink them.il' ibey only le' it. Tttm th* deHcriptit'Ii, il is pflflbflbk tbat our MflfllflflflOflMnfl over an,!.in!i il wi'lucit difliculty. I 11 .ii i.. to run the steamcri to se.i while tha fmlle i.i tu. kl'.iigoiu- bull-.l.i^s, und it is supp.'r..l tliat the ¦flflflflk Wt flifk C'tit'clerate VflflMk Mflflflkg an Kliflidb pod v. oldl ' bgkfld tod, N I"'' t,iir blockiuJe kflflflfl. Fort* jBckson and Phillips at tbe j-aeeess Wt ibe Mis- »i-i>i|-.pi are pnkflflflfld Ly l.-'°<1 MMI ul tlie ouUido, ai.d ibm u.e .' 1,980poaaflfl flf pflwdM k Ihfl m. |.,rls. ao Ihfll our iiiforuaiiit tiiiiikii it WflflU not flfl ti very h.icu.l M fflfll tt pflUfl 0 ,; |1,00D, 00 worlh ei eoauahflfld fflfldi bal ihipffld Bodlh ir i.» LoflkrUk wkbk Ihi pi ti'... Ii:..nlli., i. :' 0 4 MflflM klfl in fl lf arMflflkflfrofli tbarkj aad fccwaidkg tbeaeebjf !M I. PWM Pflp I ... .!'. Wfl tll'.lk.l tlio klkwk .\'iii.'ir: ... yittuanx im iitrtnii rflOM mkmmi.akmv opeaa- XI0 .1 lll-Till. MUfllflfllPI'l »" OCtf A'.i D HV COXPCUEflATe HAi-i'l Km.-. UI'.-IX- 1 <T» I'OR l'i. i OW'fl IflMT, l P0. w | r> -i bai an ii'. '¦. '.',; ktterfrom Iug. 3J, ita au ropy, a* ¦. lb **j i H i,!e, i.. lay bekrfl ll ¦ ii ortant lufon ation 1 .:'- ;"'" '. , , t, i.-ii.-,. M ra amii*aexi osi'iras Beatae, lla., '.- ."ilflfl hoBi .\. w MuHiui, .till h«. it r.. t:l'..r..-inei.ie. U«U. .1 1 i..iu| -on. wub ... nt more men, k between Heuion ...¦.¦' i " bvteri , coi llie Ui *.. *.* * flirar alw \o let'd ies Llneolngnn. boala m.o nfef auartew, aud atkelflaDy flflflpflfldfld pedllioflfl. a mi i/.«,w. «"11 *__***___ 8,uo01araik)wlf MtaaiflfttlMi u fthmwm wuu Pillow and Thompaon. The whereabo.it 1 and nttmawt* of (lov. Jaekeou and Gen. l'riee is not puflilively known, but it i* understooti tbey are rapidiy guining etreoKtb und may «oon be expeet. d to "trike n bl«»w where the Hflfflkafl leaet exi*ct tbem. 1Le '"'.'J,0 Confederate foree now in Miesouri is about DU.O -.J, and ia rapidlv rednfortiug. They nre all very well Brned and eqripped and, if I nm anv jadgfl of fighung men, from the eaaiple I have seen, the Fail term ot the Heseian races will soon he eommeuced. The report ed fight at Cape Girardeau is contradicted by couriers Irom Geu. Pillow. The only fightiug bas la-en eoulined tfl ncouts, which Iibb genernlly result. <j in favor of the Coajkkffltefl. New Ma.in! t* vv.Il foi filied. um! c..n.mnnds the river nn well ii" the. Und. (iat rssfiflSBSit is slfllkflfld Iflufl. Tbe lflflfll battery in the West has put bet-n eietted ou tbe ktmmWmm No. 10, twelve milee above Now-Medrid. In low water boat* nre compclled to paa* within 2W yords of the guns, and in high water not over 800 yards from them. Tbirty-two and sim-four pounders aro MMUflflfl thara. The garrison is compoeed of pieked men, an.l I anaure vou, if Dr. U *tart* bi* tleet down the river, tbis fort will leave very little, if any, untiniohea buriuers for tl.e foftifleflUoflfl below. Tbo river ls now ri»iug at tbe tatfl of one foot in tweuty-foiir hour*, and troops nre cou.ingin and beintf dinpatched by hundred*. The atenniei 11. Ba W. ll ll cuiricd up last nignt C00 infantry BBd900cavalry, wi b all tlieir horres and eonipmeflts, hound Wl Fillow's army. The MMMM Cheney bflfl bflflO bflflj i-inc her ciipture, and i* tbflflaflfl -ip ,r tbe tleet. She is i|uile the ikflflflfl boat, and take -1 mi both way*. The Confederategutiboat Jacksou kfl ll ir <i'v yeetir- day, bouud up. A large BflMbflt of beavj flua* havo arrived here Irom Iliclutoiid, and bien diniribtited MBflBfltba fflftUflfltkflfl flbflra. 8"nse '200 men. bflJTflj und tiirls, are daily flflgflflfld lfl the numufactureof lartridgea aud tixed aintn'iiiition lor ull dflfli ij.iiou* of tirearuinaiidiaiiiinii. Six hundred tl ou.-aitd cailHJgflfl for rille, iiiiinkct, and iMitie muflket, ana put up and aliipped up the river during last week, and still the wcrk goc* on. LOUI.stANA BflflflADfl AT MlfllflBlfl HTW OR(i*X- 1/VIKlX Iflfl BflW ( (IMMAMI1.K. Speclal Corre.!K>ii.lenca of The I'lrajuua. LlaABsii'\HTHiii or Tiia Auu\ «.r tiif roronao, ) .VK>Aa.<«., Aug. .'I IMI. 5 Brig.-Oni. Wm. II. Wa'ker, wbo unived he e yes- teid.iy, wrJ ...¦,!.., li|,| .'ii I.'i t'» ihfl iiiu.ai d ot ihfl i-i iii.-i liii-.i'.e, recently organked, and compriwoa lhelollovviiii- reginwuMi i.i'j Utuiiueut Loukkua Vol- ontoflrs, Col. Seyiiioitr; 7th Keglmeut Loui*knfl Y»l> u.it"r C.d. ll'air; -lh l.'(-,.iiiiei I.oui-i Ufl Yol'in- <eoie, Col. K. llv.'.'tli ItegimeDl Louiflkna V'olunieen, Col. Tiylor; 9fl S|.- i I Bflttflliflfl LflllfltfllM Voltit.- teers, lol. Jc'i.ilLT coajuuiudii.g iu Coi. W ln at I ab- wuce. Tha whole brigade will number thout 4,300 flflfl, aad will eonstitntfl one of 0k hfla'l """f* bodksof inlatitiy in tho whole army. lf k probublc tlat then will be attaclud io it one'or more loflspaakfl of ibe Wuahingtou Atiillcrv. Cen. \Nulker m ,t ruduHteof tba Wm 1'oii Mi'litarv Anul-iiiy, flfld MM ofthe nofltffllkataad bflfltriad oflemoftbfl old nmy. Ar a lield olhcer, inrteed, he haa not probably u su- <ri..r in the vvoild. Iii-* diwhing and i tflj Id coodncl id Floridu and Mcxiio, wbere hewuM perfoctly liddled uiili bulleti, fillfl twoot the brigliteri and tUtt ri- uiiuitic MflM tt Ameii.au military hi.t.ry. lle ie jtiio the mati to lead our brave aud galiant LmUmmUM ou to glorv aud to v icioiy. Cen. W'dker ha* bten'at I'ensacola second in (mt nininl to <;-n. Braaw th" kifl Ihrra Months, ai d it wae thero tb« tek rrapnic dispfltcb fron th ;- Befl ire^-.nd Mflflbfld fliflfl. If I may \e-iinre au Opii ke, tbocou- paratiraly kantln l.i'c bfl waa tbere i.». i g, «rtik Otbflffl WMfl hflffl wiuniiig lilery m tbu flflld, did BOl altogettwr aail bim-wa-, k la.'t, Irhsoaie lo bim. At il c. Aatfl, h- rcipoadbd to the dkaateh wllh ull thfl pmniplneaa whi- h beeflflfl i ln 11. Hi r m bh ihrtiuc- tion, and bfl ir now flfl tbe epot Mflkflkj oigini/ing bi" very foilunai" c..mu a: d. (len. WiUer ia abont tbe a<e of Gen. Ileauie^ur.l, tboflgb I lxrli-\ ¦- le i-nel iiitci atWVrt Pebt 'Woor thlflfl Tflfllfl le'ote bim.Wflflk kfllflM I IflM B*fl "! liie ine'tiui tor*. I.ike (len. BflflfllflgBffl. flkfl, bewflfl BflMfl Bflperifllflflflflfli tt u.e Ain.len j. tfhtte, ** flflflr. bfl perloru.ed Us dulit-.- wilb dililigMfbcil li.lellty afld iibiiity. I.ike hu ptflflflBt comie inder, a .... Qefl. NS nlkcr bflfl beeu hdvau.eil to I ie I ii/h mflfl k tie at- my always for the uiitat ri [flfll m-rvi.e^, he bavin| flflfl r.Veral tim * brevettel buh iu PkflMfl ai.d Mfllkflh ll.al lt IKt bfllB. li (iced.I'.ir the ii flfld made for h .line ii(.i,n bk bflflhh by hk flnftriflflfl Bad woa»flfl k kfll thflflflwai*|h kiaorathafl probabk th:.t bfl wa«M now bflM a *iill blcbfl giadd Iflflfllflflfl lon- W.ilicr i^.very rligbt, but f.-w yer- ¦oaaIflVflrbm! bfltaaflon oaahing .. ...I i.r-l.ke ai.j.earimce. Though rtill carryitifl flflTflrfl] hnlktfl i'i bim, and UtbMWkfl giving evidence 0#thflaiilClfllflfJk ing» tie hu* undergou.-, he stand a MrflfljM a* au atr.-w, ride* witha gr:.ce BflMMfl BltflflMd l tbfl bm rt . \|.eit horreiian, fli d flkomthflr, on ti.e Ifll', bflfl tbe apaaar- an.-eof tie brilli.nt ut.d aa*bkgfloMtm his roaarades mi tho pliius ol Mexicoiave alway.. raprflented him t.i I e Tbe brigade, n.w fully Mfflflflflfll ami with a co-i.- ¦Mndw flfedflfly aaat for by tieo. B OMrlf, will, I iiuderstaiid, be jnieliitl l-rw .rd ai Oflflfl tO th" .xtrenwfroat,wheratMJT will have a-nple op|>or'u- niiy to win new lnuri'lsfitr IbeiiiHtlve- and lhe State tl ey eo nobly repu-«ei.le«l iu the m.-inoru11« kfllkfl of loa I8tb asd aaa Ufl tt -lAy. praraot tbey are all, Whb tl.e tXi.p.i'U ¦! Ihfl Hb, enrflMped near t |Bihil fll C.tlfltllk TheNh iisiill k chirgoof t worka h. n* I lea. ii from t'ept. Wilkinaon tbnt tl.e l.i.h I/niei- aiia, foimerly part of tbe l'olieh ilrigade, le etill at Ki.-iiii'.oiid, but wUl bo bera la¦ fowaaya. Thkwtt make at lei.Bt 9,000 Loflkkafl troopfl here on the pl.iins of Manursae aud beyond. Among the flWffl Ifleflfll iriivaln heie i-» Ucut. Beaii- regard, son of lhe Genetal, eflflMflflflflkg Ihfl lfl Oorpfl. ta join tba army iu wbkb bh kihir bw Wflfl flflgnal laaowila He for Ihfl PMflflHl occupie* tbe p..*ition of Dtial aid ou tbe Geaflrfll's itan. I rre was a en.all lUnnkb near Full- Chniflfa rflfl- tsnlav. Wbkb MflflHfld i Ibfl eapture -f eeven ].rir,.n- er*. "It betkrad ako IbM a naaibfl el IheaaeotT v, ie kiil. .11 ud wounded. Another eimilar ekiiini-b U ii porled thi( iiioining. IliflflflflkmflkbM ure now, in kflLflflflflflg IfBMta 1. pi'd.illv .. a"in Bflfl b^- flrOW 'be batfl ei . Xgt B Tb*tiie.'y .". i.if.itly t. (1 Bflflaay ii IhaaaaMn p,,rts'.i aaraflfflflflt oa Wflabhajtflat aad ara floflflaBtly throwiiiK ont acoutfl to asc'-rlaiu wh> ie we aro, uml in what directi-'iifl wfl pri pode k rnov e. fla r. T(» THT. I'lllllC. The iiiu'.ersitfnod, S »nth( rn o'eam'-ott men. perina- nent (Hi7.eiie ot tbe South, nnd memben* ol BB ureo. ia- Uofl to aid in tbo lermaiienl eetal.liabiiieiit <f tioM l.» rn Indopflfldfliiffl afld jofltira to oarownpeofk, dflflMtt ur dutv to 1 iv tl.it p«per k fow tbfl pol li<: .¦.: krtfl ul our patriot soldkfi aad BtatfliBMfl will piov. insutlii ent to pntflM tbo ifflhM aad irivil.-g. e of our trne ktkflflfl, if we. who uie at h.-ii.c flOflflged in bflsifli M iir-uite, lail tO Iei d our u,.i'..l aflflflt tO lha alorMO* > flfl*, -xnl baalsft 'ron' ">ir iflhki ihfl time- .eriii:.' bypocritcfl, wbo whb Borid k^adeara tt. <k m this (uv even BOW, to till plflflfl of trust nnd [ refit, to Ihfl flielflfliofl ol true ai.d WOlth} Mflfl. lfl ao run ii oi buflforaa k Um mtII eraflpbgapflfl m m, Machaflk Ibfl BflTlgatlon of tbe Miflfkappi liiv. r. Meu froa vario.i' Wflfltflfll BtMM ate daiiy ani'. ing in tbk tkj, Mflfl et tbeM bringing l.-ti. n to ibeir Irtradfl abea iy I.n, und ali flf Ibem I.aping into | Im.« tt Rl at ic- -|,.-i.ii ilny, to tha aaelaaka wt atni*traawflkn men. |a ..r.'.-r tbfll Ibfl Goveinmet.t and people of Lon- i.-iana m..« nol be inil.iced lo bt ttfltfl that we are artit- * ¦! bv any oih.T tbaa paw Mfltiraa, aadapatriutlc flflflira to piflflflrra our caMMMkl] liee from tbe p«r* li i,, i (¦'.. Beqweacflflfll l'o'U.ii.'.' in oai ¦ Wflfl.U uot oflUiTi iy ipkfl and itattocB.at l.-.i-t ¦eowoo bm af Sortlicrn binli nnd ronfltanl Nflhkoee, baviag tbflif own tiiiiiili*n i" Ibe North, iii. ii fltfeeliona Ibera, and their deep-dyid N.iitiiern principle* und Beatiatenti ti.robbi ,g k tbeir boaoaw, whik un l- r tl e proteetloa of Si.u.l.erii kWfl Ibey Becumul'l'.e S juii.,i(i neney. \s ,. aaaa .' eera ury't.. pfluMnt ta kalaacfl or two k noiut. And iii niiulyiag thefl instanees, tbfl willat flBflfl |.u..i.'e tt. re aie thoflfl bfltfl who flflll .naehrra triifl 8oathflffl flMO. who by tlieir tt an .-|u.iiy ('...eoivihg of pablio Btt-ntiou. And wa now tell tbaM il la om lUfld d ilerml aiiou to piy iuto tbe title ot BBeb meflo gaatbwB patrooagfl im tate*, 'J'iic lii.-t flQbjecl 'or iii-.. ii.-r.ion i.t i.i.i Capt, WflBVfl? n a ia at kaM part oaraar and flaptala of iba itaaaier D, fl. .j.i.tiuiy. Tbk bflfll wm racentlj ehartrradto i'i,(.li. t... rflmnent, aaa tran port andl eiiil i.i tm.. h.u.oi. '.le '¦!'¦[ '.v flfll baringa eaptak Ibr ibs raaion. Thi* Moflflflir Capt, VVeavei baa trareled tbfOttgb U.e Korth.I as vi ited li.itreea M..uroe.bal nobbed with tbe kaikn m lhe flnamj baea free la pen.- IBlfl tlu ir must M-cret Kiri.iigbolde; BBd BOW, k rt di\-o; Aflftwt, becflMfl. t.. >:-v-t. b-am.,and thnuisbinuMlf k tbe moklngtt BoMhflra stcamboui- u.eii, Inld a tew iliiva *itico. U ho is tbk Capt. Weitvor, a-td where iabishomeT U hn ¦ Bouthflra Maa, true aad I. neai to tl a M <|. s.Mi.h/ Urwbfltr llorM ipj l Ork ho oniv a daring man, wbo nu-ie.-. wtfli uud uide tbe Uuoola nng il.eii- Oflpiiality, aad tban im; u Ibrmta bioadf in onr u,i.is', k dettaaflfl "i oar iiut rl l t.i ml ,ui-el lfl flf flfl«h bflflfl HMMflfTfllfll ll.i- ilj ^., trailor, frow tb* ini| le k t t .um t our peopk; but vm- r,-_ li.y coudndfl that Capt. Weuvor will lind fl aatremelj diffleolt tockar bimflell ttom ibt tba <- ti balnganall Banemy. Tbfl ..r. | i,t imtir. Capt. Weuver has takea tbeottthto mipi^.n ib*Confodflratfl Statfl.afb bil bflfl riflti dbytbfl atharitlra, aader tiieproeaura ol tbo aboveeharge. WhatinfloeaeeWa .ureeimay havo bad ln his abjuring of tho Lincoln (i ti.ii*> flkoo v, iii rov c. Should be prara ttm aod '."'<^ lullli Iik piireuily a-eiitmd ). 0A, __?" heneibbi wiUH-edenU will ne comugned ,0"L'^'""- . Uu lhe sleamboat Ueu. liuiuaau there Mfl ih«« mou artiiiKrespectiielv Ckkti Y.ngwetr, MflMflflaJ.> pent.-r. Wm. I-cbardson, the eng.neer, and ..t-o-«* l.obinsoti, the t.mfe, dai... ts bflSa* lo St. UM* Tbey bave been bscs but a few we* ks, and bave lefl tbeir fannlie. in St. Louifl. Noa>8t. Lo«JfJ>«"£ martiul-law by a Liiicolii tynint Uansfal, and alUh* ouiletH ara ri«i«JIv piardcd by bis minmns. llow. then. tloe. it b:.pi*n thal men wh" . luim fo be a. loyal totbeJSoi.th, lanleitve St. Ijoiim at will, to i;nd em- i.lovmeut in thi. eity 1 Measra. I'lchardsou and hov- it.-or. uiiiat explaiti their recent udveut in the < rc-cent Citv. under such pocitliar circntrsfonces. H-etiiir* man apokeu of is ihe carpenter ol the Quitmau, a .i_j- zt-ii of IndianH, ttrid l.ns a family iberenoW. He wUl fully SHtiefv the denmnd. of uivet.ii.ral ion or d.part. Tbe (.'upiain t-f th.- Qnitnan merits so:;.e 1.011. e bere. Ho was uppeu ed to rot t,> etnploy anv offlk-eri on ba boat but well known Soiithero men. T'.is ci'y M foli of them, Hbar. bonset, it.tclli^ent and competent men, wbo wculd oflssr bis bo:it wiibom wagsa ratA r tban isa atnngsra of doabtf-l poHtical atatw placed luoi- fit-es of tru-t ai d profil In-re. The next rl'iiraant of pnblic notiee 1. Capt. A«*er*i Uraunon, Captain and ovvuer ol tbe MsMBBOM K«iy Weat. Capt. HraiiLOi. 44 fau.ily U in St. Loui-1. bnd b* himeelf is ju.t fn.rn that ciiv. II. c mo freignted wit- letter. from St. Ixiuie to people l.ere. How mneb Af eo injiiry. if BM tre.tt.oi..tr. tle So i.'h BMJBBV*BBBB brou«ht hitherarid d.4.e_.ii>ated by tbi* piivate pt*at- iiun lioiii one of Uaoola's st.o' ghoid*, oisy never be known. ('mt. BranBOfl lloojd have U*-u anceied, bis lt-tlcrsti.lt. n Irom Hm by ibs anlborllles. snd BM 1 MB held biit.ject to a rijid'txainination of bis coa- Cui t. - The nndci>iirned are dligentlv engaged uml raVU deteriniiod to j ...ire ibe Kltitu.b.>..t tnnh* of tba UaflBe aippl ltiver ot »ll men of doubtfol p< li i.a! . harSrtsr. Tbe cause ot ihe Niuth, a> <1 jin-ti.e to o it- li e. ai.d laniilies, derniind it. In the iigi-1 Mrsoil of ibj. e*> ptsaasd int, i tion, we look to ihe haally i-uiiatUuMi uiiilnniiii s o! Ijo'.ieiui.a to uid ;.ud eustalu us. .^''''U'_-J tbo bapoabio.i coarpbuoad of snd beitin sxpssea h* psnnitted lo ytat nnheedi-d bv tl.o t- uuih" i :?-- w* loldit tole our iudividihl ii'iul i-iilieua'-b-lijrbt to i.ti,-pt rucli piou.pt i.nd viLorou. action aa ju-ii.e and the ii.ittiie of the i-.i44e werni- io dt.-ui:.i.ci. , Ai.d toperfi-ct IbMorgantzatioa at-I -sndsr it* ob- jet-t* permduent ad bintiintr apon IM mmtahtra, ws htreby detlare tb.tt thi. i.-aiuieeio t>« fij/imi I v all tim ne iiil.eih pit r.-ul t it.-. a.it'ptioti. BMI li -t' ii alMtll t* arqui. mn A iu by all abaaal mn. bt rs and »il t al j.uiy |..iu i.eitri.tiir. And it ia rsct n.rx;i r..'..) tl.t 11 Co.i- ii.ittii-appointed MtbslsM BMsting larapnnsB tbfl e.\,e.li..ui-y ot'.ti:tj.lii,^iiii. iii..i.iii;-.i. do oilcr iu..:_- tiiii.elv Miitable rssslaUi>8a for tba im mmmu \\ in L.mptaa, l.tni-l M-.'-i R. l-,t *.i, lec.uu, li", Ai.-an. lii ili .-iniltli, . ij.-r. K. (1. IVat.ou. L. Jeiui. (.. B.A *....). H. T. C*UAtuck, Dav. ,1 u.r, N II Coaiatvck, H. Uai.-ic-k.. I.t. *.ia*-r-, J. J.Si..i,h. J" |.'. VV^t.on. Ko!.i-rt I' liray, U u.. Ki, uu. 11.-. r, li lit.ron, Joh.. l)«--r J. .1. Wb.-I.r, irlna. '1 H.NvoiacWi D M. .**t_itn. AL I. li-nt.ei, A. ¦' Si'.'ii n«, Wbi '. c ;..ld, A. I l o,»e. J. M. Anile.Min, Ii.'.v d l*t -. .. Ja*. W. Bpean, Jol.t i.-.uld, Jth li.t uutu.-aa, IV. 11. Suiunrta, Wtu Cute, Ab* -niuii, 'i,-. W Wo.re, I'. W liiuel, Maofl -llltr,.-, Ji,.-. II. Uaflat* ilei rv I'--. -e.', Ki--.ard Itauner, /.T.Bbib, Tbo-.aaB.lotd, v...,.-' .:¦-, la- llbd*o.d, S Sbclioii. IV. H.Bi-.n, Jobafilaa, H-.t.l Otle, Aicbaba! M.-l.c-aa. J'.i.'U Ureen, john Vrl ,r'a ,d. Rtibart M.-ih l.ewl'J. Johnton. \\ iu. U. 1)w v, lliii.ird M."Xlmoa, D.uiil Mt-i liuti-k, Jtniei Itudy. Baiuutl Mayaa, J. Im H Mhrbai. Joi.u K. .*>, .tt, /oha AMiiek. Daitial liralrtru, Oaota. Htekaa, Jo,,u A,aha,i,b, Jon-j.lt M. Ii.ibey, IVui Keru. I ii-. I. MViver, John C.rt.r, .1 iba I. .- ii. ,., Wro. Orn. Clni.'-; t II., tlt.jar, loi.n i i-.'.-r.M, 1' W". Murphy. I! ', US. I*. M.-e.lero., Waa Ruppeiabarg h\, Kc-iaa, uah, llj-ni^ tl. ir J M Wui. il .. i.l ¦¦¦ ¦¦ *r, Jaaie.. M 01 --r, J.iji.i hei.ia, .,«, !<. l.dii". - ..:_ (Ii.\^ ii./.. tl/i. '. i.Ji'Cutij Xstchc... Vkkaborg, ui.d MsMpnlJ y \' .*, |lf«*s noiico. Ti'i: citi/iv BOLME-B «»i M.«-"iiu:v\'--'. It (.ivce aa KisM aalWbrtbm'to bs ahl.- toanBO-Mfl thut ibe re-|ui i:> Bwaanm for i.ial-i'K eth'-ie: . ibe largaasaaber uf Citiwni noJ 'ier*, wbo, iu i,tinu*ru*i8ai.* a ll-i.p|K,.t.it-tl and vfll.lrill tl compairia ar.- -11 r. ¦¦',, io de'ciid onr citv abaoSTSf BMBlbMl hy tl.a tieu.v, bave it-en |_B*got*tsd, aad flf* ln prueiss ti ;1 iion, bv (ic li-.i.,-. 0-B ol tbsBB i> tU* i 'tnation oi a hrlgads. t" eoa bi of ihe ibflssaaaa- paui.it of tbe Coufederate Uo-tni*, the Livaitdua tJ'i..rJe, ui.d c)i,e otber: tba brluade. aa ars infunasa. .ul) aadertba roo.aai otUau. Wtyttmnto. Wiai la BflBlfli now is periifiion in li.tt.-.lion d i'i, t«n lha parl .tf ;,ll -,ir ct-rj.s, eo thut iu B M mt iee', *.h -y .an ba iu"Vtti to ad-raataB*, Would not ¦ ragnl .r *e*kv iu--, ection, r. v.. w, and drl 1 oi aU oni rftj iroops, teud to tbo att. iiiii.ent .-1 tbi. desir-il ernl DI-I'u.-niON OT »'i li PBUOBBBB. .' A riii.te. oi St. Mary. in view ot Ibs Im-ta tliat tba*MM**a**B*f Briasaaw now held lii IttaflMBMi .. Biive to the GovstB-BSBl, and are ".a ing np t! - .il ei-t. iife rn leat-ary i.r o-ir ovt-u tv.l-ii. i-e, suit- Ke-ce tbat thirv ba p-it loas_* Basfbl sflfljAsi asot, a_d N ba made \o pi) ttt tA-ir kt.ii.ig. llo peop. _a that ihey bs set ro worku. labsrcra ou that aufiuatiai i rtjoti of tbs lIpeh-tiei.H, li BBl Wee'.in B*i Texas Kailroad lylag bMwsao Bertrkk Iiii* antl Ibsgabl-B Ibs idsB ¦ luBsalosii, esitalaly. .Ni.nii Curoiii.a has alrssdy raia i SS rsfimsi tsand 4 bMtatiss, aakiogis all **,570 aei. Aooui lo.iKH) ..-, i is said, ure in Vllgtaifl THI rAXK-SB BEUKVI lltK>il>KXT DAVIS UY.Kl). him tn.i i, Sept. 4..l.'i'ii ihi* rsgorts, *.*¦**¦ iagtba dt-atii of Pntaldsnl DBfia,orgl-alsd by Tba Art -1 .fi. ti rnld't W Habiuuton cornap-jutlc-ii', bava CH.t.4».l intanst-e_iitti.ieiit withiulhe pd*t tottg mtatiti htiurr". Ihe tlnpalcl.e. rii'.itf.i by Oe Adaun ..- prcaa Companv lullv eootradiii tbs at-t.mB*t. TktPmamia(Mla. WarrsparM bassyaad bbbBb> ¦BM r.,i.> in that tagua, uud li.iuks tiie cotuu crop much injureJ by tbeiu. IflBBBIBI IflWilBlflflfOB TMfcflfl tiie best eiri- dei.ee that the gluoni whiih !.«ul ac.t-ct iipoti Wubkay ton i. uo-v removtd ie i'uiiih.i.i'.i in tbi following frora " Oocaa.inal," the correej ondeut of 7'..c PAaiadtlptia V 4- t | " I'ri-'ident Ussola I... n.a-le very few speethe-, wl.icb i- u w .ii-J.:-. t. i.-i lering U M bs aaa laa* u. on the luietiBgfl iu ln.-. o-.iri Matf. H* raf i r **rai.1 BBB t.'ii ,1 tiiej..... ili- fartt teautMb* IbM bt aakaty qiuint hnmor. Pm luatanes. tba sthsr d*y, absa Mr. MsMiobasI and the PbiladelpUadeleaation werei-a- ¦entsd lo iln- PraakB nl by Sserstarj Ca srea. bbb <d iLe I'hiladeli.t ins saprtani a hope thut flfa Limobi would aoon send bi. BBMffl below Bfl-hi.ioiid; that tL..-e wiio had aiibsiribed tbe m.-tiey, &:.*., had * light to look for f-otne suib demoeatratl a. ' K.iher /Vbra- ham' h'cktd at him ',;iielK for m ae.ui.d, und UhB said, 'WUI yo* tell u* tba roats lo lakstoKfc-b-Mcdf We tiied itat Manussa., und fouud it like .lorduu;* ttu be did BOl add, a. ho tni^ht have added, ' a iome- vtha' iaid ro..d M truvel. Il was S* tbe <.*_. ,., ..-i,,n he colloqula_y add, ttal, la this ri ii, ws oil.! t all to bear und fof'ear, tn tr.i.t in each otherj to believe lhat our aabUfl MlSBBM .M bt-iuet uutil li* i. eisproTcd. Ii wo could not e.ii h'V oui c:- l better to tiie rit-uie it bygtriog SBipfoyaMnl lo ba uneuiplov.d; to SBSOBligs Iba tr.Kjpi et.,y they 1, Bv* lur ihe wais; t" impire eiilistmenlaj and, abov* all, to iriMtt that ti.e BaMBBBBBH alioiibl ce.N* com- ..iuii.i...', ln order thut tba boBMfl puhlie is*tbacBM inay be coe*0-da!*d around ibe cmtt_*_cd BBtborl-S. .Allewwieks ago, wl.cj utll -d u, o to c: .1 reir- ul.rtroop* IfltO Kentucky, tigaiant vv l.i-li >oi will t inanv Union man protsstcd, allsgingtbst tlay could dslsnd tbs acUof Kentucky I J..¦ the 8 iiiluuiilB, Iba riaaMiail iBflMikid '1 am ex- alyanziousto protsel lha Uaio* aa*. aad baaa tak.-u aiiBt-oaarBaaaaarsslo do so, u* arsa ia Keu- uiiky M ia XsBM*Mp, bat I bm tba bad of a I nation, and m.'.t be governed by < >,H_i \ \ti,,. lor-rl oug!:*. as far ua pt-rsible. I will ill'U- Inieini iv ,ii .ii l.'. ihefiibleoi the f.irm.r ab* re- tornad Mmm aai foi il wi.il.- h-s two litilo chil- drt-n wtieu 1 ep,anumberofanaksabad ti-k.>ii ,art MaaaaBion t.i ibs bod. lle could not Miikstba uakM without t".idaiit;erii'K bi. oUbpring, nnd iberet..r.- bs l, Iho clloct ot the compuiijoo wmB-saawsrabk. . , ,. .* Iba ei.ei.iar- t>t rreei.1. nt l.u.toln aie tu tbo I-bit of chargini.' hie diaposiiion to enligbtt n th* gr**r»T_| hia high dnttsaafu r tbia f__ion. t, nnd-ie UvltysibM 1 put il lu v,.l vvh ihf.'Bl rk, ell'llSfl thia. b aot laBartbBBB**iyluBB0BBMb1 " A .'..nd deal of unxiev ooutlnnefl to exrire in* public ii.ii.d us 10 'bO* Mn. son'e Hillistobe taken.1 Wlai i. to le dona wil it r 'Why wer,- * .il.iv.-d tooccflw _«' 'lt _»,22fS ' " '":'''1,,jr "Vi I'" u.M.or.fl thsL'nitsdSl te. < BMbsis J^VffS ... u¥ru Ion. jroo bsai on J1 ijaas. S?»JSt3 ,,.. tfuawoflll-lbaTS bMB |III*bim| t, ,. u p,-ri-.i^>f FIRl'.S. WtbM m ^^.^^ u unkuowu. , a_&_-4_sss«8*-r^

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Page 1: kQorti a & -4 sss«8*-r^chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1861-09-15/ed-1/seq-7.pdfFri'rtl: PaUsata will not bs s-t.t from the regi-Mtal lo tbe f-cneial hoajirulr. vvitbout

K«.rd tbe Howell Cobb, from which

Lieut. Kapor .ft enthufjiMm by1̂ l^^rthat altsMpt. to sscape

U Jtat by ieut Caleff of the IbM¦Ti. 1 D Tompkini of th. United


Gen Burniide i. BMig-fd to special aemce

gXbT£cu*y -*. hi« P!ace in C°n'm,ind °f

toe regi-snti not brigaaed.

Mn. Frernont itarted honieward tbia morning.

ttt Ua Aatoclated Pi«« mggmaaaUtk FrHay. 8*Pt- ft 1861.GEN. FREMONT.

A report i. circnlating haM IbM Maj -Gen. Frernont

1, io be .upereeded by Gen. Meiga, but there m tbe

CgbaM authority for aayinK tikat it is BBMBB. fMB-fteip'a viait to the Wsst is iu conncction with busine-fl

«f tbe Qaartein.astsr'. Department.SLRENAIIE TO MR. **!**.

tbe Hon. Cbarlcs Henry Foster at North Carolina

Wbo.it is fl-iMBMBi.rMana in adavor two tr. Ibat

itats to riA.ici1,'itoactiv,lyi.iU'«vi»rtortl,8LniouTu lo-niKht 35taaBMiw_bbbbmmbm,towbtsbbf appropriatcly rcsj>ondcd.


(ic-.i McClellcn ha. issued tbo following order:Firat Tbe aitention of biigade aud reKimental

ef'flinn.i^-.iicsof Sub.ietence ar.d of officera acting as

SL^Tdirs-.led to pa-*tfr*ph8-0,ai,auda*-Sub,.Bt."TIWulaiions. or paragrapha 1,07'd, 1.074, and 1,0. oB/t',.- Aitiiv Kfj,'<ilat.oii* of 1857. Rabsiatsnca oflieensBoe* iiiiike'issuvs tothe hospital, a»dkeci> the assooataof h ..-.|ii.l funda i'i Btriet contonaitji wiih tbo ic-i|'iin>¦Mntsof th.- reznlationa.i'ed.

S.eond .- AUS-BBgaasi'tbastBtio* of rae.iit*Hl ol-ireislube pronij tly reported to ths Msdkal IHrSStMBt tbsM htini'j.iiirterfl, M.d the autbority glfflB BJatl-ich tl.e rh.BgS vviia mi»de.

Vkardi Leave* of ubeeuee to int-di*al oflicer. aret bibitsd, anless grasted ut tbeaa liaaanflMlara.

Fri'rtl: PaUsata will not bs s-t.t from the regi-Mtal lo tbe f-cneial hoaj irulr. vvitbout tbe authority*. Mfldkal 1 Ursetor. Appli- atioi.. for tbia aatboritjrt le iii.-'lt- in WTitiog. witb t . aaMBB nnd iissaaM

¦¦ients, and bs band.-d in *.o tbe otfioe oftbadkiil Director lietween the ht uis of 9 and 10 a. nt.

F-f'i. .- Wben a ioliier is aml to the general hOM i-Iai 1 i' onijiii-.iy 4-o.tuiMador ei.tll esritfi und ^-ntl witiihin. bii deaeiiptivs list, and Bcounal M pay and cl.-th-hga

S>..- " II.Is n.-.rsoi a:id cooks for the General II" -

jaul. Hieto be dttiiilod froi.i the prlvaUfl ol tl.e Army,ragularnud voluptcjer. Tba alloamss will ba oaa

? to Hk pittlsuts, au_ c::f cook to thirtt.'Wien are employed, the numosr oi meu to be called

will not f.xtecd a nuiuber sntlicit-iit to make anwLolefo.ro to tbu aDssr*.Sfl abovo a.ithf,riz*d.red nurseai.l cooks will ne fortuwuh di.chnrged.

iBj Mt n reporteti at ibe GsaSB*l Ho-pitulifi. d-.uv will be s4-nt by tbe amtgaamA in char^e to thet.fl.. a af Iba MaJaal Dbastsr, a> i.)a. m., for theULtm aaOMMrj ttr Iflflllh *-. to r.-joiu tbeir rcjjri-BHlitS.

JEigl ti M'-Ji «1 offlcsrs ioiiii::*' lb*fl .rmy for duty,.Will. SC wi'lor.t troops, will rep.-rt pn.n.ptly ts tbeMi-ili-al Dinator in BBflflaa, If vviib troojis, tbey willyepoit tbe niii iber ol men, ard tbe etate U tbtir eup-mtt.e aai ai'.ib'.lance taaMMSfltttbak

Nia'k: Au B-ACM will in-t be used for any otberv antN fi ii-.-i-iirpoflfl for w i.i ibsy BB* da*ia*n.S,*ti/: I.t t a --,uVi.ii ofthe .ik uml wounded, e.*:cei-tby ibe writtenantboriit i I bBrigadaCssbmmitUe M('ic:il lliie.t-.rof the Araii, am! t' c- (.Jii-rU-i--Bib.'ci it. cbar.;e of tbem at tbe l ity of Wasbintiton.

T.ie l*it>*< st MiirshiliBdire.-tid ,o wse tbat the pn>--risi-ii. Ol ihisord.r ars SMliai ont, u- d will arreatBTtn offlcer u.d osaflns every prisaM or uon-cc)amii-Boncl otliccr who is found violaiii.g lt.

AU Governmenl umbulauces i.ow in ponfieBsion ofyagimsiitflor MparaM con.s will be tu ned it. lo U.ecbief V'i rtt nmatur, witb tbe exception of oue two-

-/betled ambulan.s to e«cb re>ii.i,eiit. One two-Wbet-lct! tr-osport can will I-e allowed toeacli generulbosj 1'ul ior the conveyaBte of markoting and hospitalfltore-.

T- ad The practice of brinwng communit ations inpeti-.n to the offi'-es at tbeae bawiqii'trter., with a viewto ol'tiiiti itiinietiiaf* atteutiou to th* m-IK-r iuvolved,Brove. fl seiious liindi_oce to the prompi tranflaclionOf ba-PSflfl. Boi muet be dbesaliassd, unles. uuderBXtrHrvrdii arv circi-ostanee.. All communicatlon. forthe General Comm-inding are to be traiiamitted to hisbead- autsn by ibe ordjii>-ry niodee, and the [*r*on*aaacsraei willawcit replieeto bs lurtiished tbem in?bt. ait^e m ui.er.

/_',.,./'-; IVwdi having oflb i. busiiieas at theseb- n'l'i.'aileis will tisuaact the rame between tbe hour.o:' 9 a. in. and 3 p. ni.

7 ,'ftk .- The anna of the troojis must be thorongh-ly in.jAt.A by tbe coBBBMiy o_weaa at leust once u

J-afiiBi- The reveille will not be lieateu untilafter *-_*-*,and hot cofree will he i.«ued to ihe tn>0]«Immc i:,tt ly alter the re\ eilla roll-c^ll is a prevenlive->f Ibe eBb. ts ot malaria.

; rtm atk Tr-joj s on the murch or changintf poei-tkms w iil move without Utdc, DfflflM are uot to bebeaten, nor triiinpet Bouuded except for tbe iluted ex-

ariiisc ini'i i i.8.Fifieenili: All reipiisitions for ordnance and ordn-

Blicc Blors* *i«d .upjdies for the trtKtpt aerving in tbbarniy, v. iil bc ti-u-ii.itt.-d through the appropriaie coui-

.aaiiUei-, to tiie Cbiei of Oidnance at the head-qtiiir'8-Btasatbi (.iiticei-s bclonging to the army. are .li-TBcted to wear their uniforui* at ull time. at their sU-¦bbb.

Seventet-nth: The'snuill f..rt near Fort Corcoran,?brown up iv the Fourth IteL'in.ent of Mirhi^an Vol-BDtecrs, will be known as F.it Woodbury.

Bvcciiiiiiiai.d',1MMit fiflWll MiCLEI-LrVK.

B. Wn.iitM-, At.iitant Adjiitaiit-tieneral.Oftni.L Richaki) b. Iuwin, Aide de-Camp.

fl I.r.nRATION OK THE 17TII INST.Ca.a-4i.ie M. Clay'a Washington Guard, wbo rendered&h tfticiciit servics in the defeuse of the Capital inedark days iu April, held u u.eeiing to-.ijjbt, atei. in Iqnartsra, aai unanimourly resolved to cele-_tc tl.e 17th of September, tle unniversary of the

ioa ii, tt of the C'onstitutiou of the Unitod .St-it«H aaic dalivert of Wasbiucton'a 1'arewell Addreas.Prof. Aniasa McCoy, tha Secre'iiry of tbe Clay

Uhiaids. wus invited to delivtr Ibfl orutioii. Prof.ViCov ti- - epted ihe invltation imd announeed tVat thehimt- t.f A k-ititre would bo -'Mr. Kuwk-II and TheLondj-i 'I'.met on fi e Rebellion and tli't Wj.t against'be Niti'iial OaaaUb.laa." The I'rcsid.aB of theUnited Stiiti-s, Gen. McClellan, Mr. Holt, tbe Rei re-

ry of State, and two or three hundred of the most. aioguiabedcivQand military chaiaeters now at tlebHtioTj.il C'upiUil, are to be specially invilcd to attend.



^i OBBBTBATIOB AT THI MH'tll.l4.44, Ihe Richmond l.niuirer i>J Sept. 7.

acrs am, bssolotiobi or tbb ibcompsxbbiobOfII. I I.'iUMONAL LoX.Ki.--S Oi 1li>. Ci.M'KIil.R-ATB BTATBa.

.No. asajAB Af .' for tbe Boqiieitr.tioii ut the K.tate., Property, tr.JEfaetl of .Mi-ii Knen.iet, .-id f ,r f« lideaiiiltvof Cili-r-. I c! tiie Ooofaflarata Sl.tea aud I'er.4,1,, AlJi.jij tl.a8 u,. it. the Kxittitig War aitklba Uuitad -.-iti-n.

B**4-r-.ji, I!,e l.overnuiri.t and iVo.. ol tlvi u,-d Staieibave il' '. ii-.. i* .¦: i.-.l waifa-a ia e**_Hat*-.. ai d tr.'i'.'ii -1!,. [ir-peitj of tl.- |i»c.fjli- of tiie (<,i.« ler-. 3tatL. tl aU i.iJili, ttliiikec unci f- i uiiUtaij purpoaa. or

. ir,JVherene. Our oidy prot»ctlori ariintt tui-.b uroi.gi <i to ha

l^cd ii, t-jtl, toeunirot of retallation at wiil aitioiaU.iy ii.deiii-Blij 0": tan ei.b*-i f-.r lbai.lna.ea *a4raauralatbiaaraaaaaBatlw. ot* .ur e, eml. t. ili. r

Sl I.r 14,, ,' y¦ -'.. ., ¦« ; I r I ..Irdrrutr

t'.ut i.ibaedi'inie, ti r,0'«l* ai.d chatta.t nfiitt tiid cr*Sltt

6. .'tle SiaTe...i .) ilieiain\j ji 'orautli-

tl.tditc M v, ii-' l hiiiidii-danUiaat.; -. ii |. idlata the 'lr«..,.rv A tn o..' of tl"-

i*%B 8a.lageoft_.il luw, 'bn, and Ilieaa.-)).. arabereby aeijiii-.tii ,1,J ti,, I ... !e erste Hta'.et of Am rlca a'.d .ba.i .. ;.eid !',i the

raii il.. i. i_| ,u. ti'iea-id loyal eiti/*o orre.iu.iit f ili*-.Cae'e. ¦. -¦» d ti.i... taidBia" . iu the prosacutltD 11 Ih. jiieieiit ttar bettte.-i uid <'..n-

hittntl foi Mlii.-bf*- ' Inr tho a,-t ol ttie Unltefl

*8i. -.'^ » !, thi. Krr n ratalittonr, t r ui, te; aii) other act of"Uijitt- .-»t. ..,.,,»,, Hi,t.-- u-eol .t-i/i-itv'daii.i»t, ,,i |.,,-'- t.f ilie l oBfeiieratBHlctti, ...' Otbel pertoii aidn.g »ri

rfe .S.atc-j. t"i tn* ibi, «eh.il I* .i-li^d md ditp. ted ol aiiadforln thi. td: Irovijed. b^-tiver, t*iie_. tim rilala,arlj. oi rltLtl lu o* «t]e t- d ty ti.i. t-t vt ero, or are. witliin

^mJtrfTA^ '.'" CaattietAnjWaleii Int becoioe .ucb daeag*"** *** af M.t, tfcae thi. aa .li.ii .. . ae u.'ii, ai.d a. to"? ,"**'. F">i*'ty or ri,..-- uil all -i i .t.i aiuilng tl

^ml.U'\ ' b Baa.aa Baaaaa* aioBBii^roirUit.^tli'JJ4."'* « {u": I'tliiai. foriber. Tlial the4 2* *»* ^'-J. ** »4j-U ..< t e..e.Mi lo th* .leck. cr a.uer put-M.!. ,1*, ,. ,

C'-d'drn-.. ... ,- D.ueol orol euvol Iba17. " ". ^Y-tiattey, held or o + ued bvatiy tU-I *" **'> '¦ a ¦

g*****!*! 0*jmy tt tbo Ktalea . ..en.) Ai d¦".t***. Tl,i| t>4 provitloii cl thl. a-t ib.ll not ,-ti.l'rt, r

;'"'*"/''r':''"4*1 or leticieuU t,| ei bc. ol tl.e bUt.t ..!^wara, aUttbU, kAoimAh w _-*c-i, ttt ol tU UUtrttt


of Columbla, or tl.* Terrlloriea of N*w-M*«leo. Arlmna. or theIndian Toirltory aou'h of Kai.mi. exrept auch of aaid citi/ena or

re.ider.ti a. ahall cornmit actual hoatilitiei agaln.t the ( onfed-*r*(*S(a.ei, or aid ai.d ahet the l nlted Siatea iuth* exl.ting warecatnat th* Confederate Statea.

. , , .,Skc. 9. And bi il further macle.l. That it U, and ahaH be. the

duty of Bflfl ai.d every cltUen of thna* Coiifedetet* HlMei

ap*idily to eive informallon te tha offirera cbarged with the

eiecii'ionof.hlilaw of any aod every land*. toMDiflau ao*

hereditamenta, r. od» and rhattela, rijhti ai,d credlta withini tbia

Confedoiacy, aod of every right ai.d lntere*» thorrln be.downed, potteiied ot eo):.yed by or for *uy »''en euemy ai

afurt-iaid. . , ,

IM. 3. B. itfurther eraettd, That lt ahall b* th* duty ofevery attorn.v. agent. forrner partner, trmtee or o'.her perionholdtag or coutrotlhK uit auch laoda. tenementa or heiedlt,.-ireuta, cooda or chattela, ii|h(* cr credlta, orany intereat thernn,ot or f>r any itn-ta ali, r. enrmy. aperdlly to infor.-j the r*-

onlver herrinafter proyid»d to h* appoiuted, ofthe aarua, and torender an account thereof, and, *o far a* prac.lrable.to nlicethe aaii.e ln the handi of auch r***lv*r; wbereupon lufiti pflionahall bafully icquitted of all reipoDiibiilty for pmporty ai.detfocti aorepoited aid tirned over. And any auch pe'ion w|fully ftlling to give i'."li Infoimatlon and reiidor itich aromintabail l.e guilty ofa I.I|h mladt uieanor, and upon Indlctmeiit andconvirtion, ihal! he flned lu a eiirr. uot exreedlog 4.A,UW, andin.piiaoned not longer than iti tnontba, aal J line and imprlaon-m nt to be diterouined hy (he t'ou-( trjli.g th« raie. and ahallfnrther be liable to be iiied by iaid Coutedf rat* Sta'.-a. and aub-jected to pay djuble th* valu* ofthe eatate property *r tt-c'i

eld br him or lubjectto hia ttetrtL8*C 4. It ahall"!* th* duty cf tl.- aereral Judgea of tlili Con.

federacy t" give thia Af( itecially ln eharie to th* Oraud Ji.rieaof tl.e.e (oiiled.ral* Statea, and it ai.all be their d ,( y *'. eachai'llng well ard trnly to mqclre and rep-vt all landi tenementia d hereditamtoti, goodi and rhattela, righta ai.d crediti et,.levery intereat therein, within the jurladii'tion of aaid Oraud.'i-ri.beid by or for any allen enemy, and it ahall h* th* <l-.lvof tn* aeveral ReceWera, appointed under tbia A't.to tale a

copy of every itrh report, and to proierd ln obtatnt g (he pa*--e-iion and control of all aurh BIBfMlJ a'.d effc-ti reported, amlt>. imtitiite ptoceedlnga for lh* *eqii*atratloti thereof ln lh*manner hereina'er proMdrd.

etr.C. S. llt it Jurthrr tna'ttd, That *|rb Judge of thia Cnn-fvderary aball, ni earlv ai pr*. ti. abl*. Sffslal a fl.l al IBI f<>reach leoli .ii ,.f IheMSt* for whlr-.l, be hmd* a ('ourt. and ihai!r.qnire him, before afleitflfl upon Ihe dn'lea of bli olhce, to give» oond iu aiuh peualtj a- lua) bfl j.reicnbe.l bj tbe Judg.'. wi'hgood and intlir ient lert.riiy, to he approved hy Ihe Juifg*. ron-

.ntionedthat ho *ill diHgeUU aud latthfully dii. Iniuo the lott**lu-poaed npon bim by law. Anl iaid ortic.-r ai.all hul I hii »fljeeal ih* rleaaure of the Judgenf thr diatrict or lertlon foi wbi. lihe ia *p(.ouitrd. and ihall he ratoovefl for liicompeteney, or tn-? flidnicy, or Infidclity in tiie diirbarg* nfhi* truit. Ai-d.l.the dutle* of auy auch Keciver. at anj time, BflflMI I* >be Judgelu be grea.r ihau can ?.» .'I'licntit (.tTfuruicd l>y him. (h-n itihal! h* t'e il.itu of tlie .ltnig« t'. divide the aection into ou« or

niore oth.r Itiictiv.-ra' dutiii ia. ai-cidipg to the i.ec.-niliea otthe -ii-, am'. to aipoint a ltee*iver f.r ear.h of aaid flwly-creod di-t^ila. And every aeeb l:«-.iver ahall «N". befur*i:l :np i.p-. lh* li.i f lii-" olli.-e make oa'h la WrHI*|bnt)r*th* '. .- rihf Jiatrie: ,-r lectinti fnr whiflhh. h *P

d.h aU1.. i. iii ai.d trulj toexerutetbe dutle* *f hia tt-I: .'

.' f,. /',. ' furf.*, rru. 'ri Tha' il ihall he th* d'llT ta tb*era al n-oiltu X-rke, (be pone.aiou, Ci nt ,1. »id

(¦ ,,..,i tl 1..I bt rl|t iii. liti. gO'.di.eiit- of t-acli anl evt-ry alien enrmy

ir ihe >t lioa tot wbiefe i.f « t. A. d !o il.,- >.. J ba '.;.

p, red m V reqnired, wheoevai nere.aary tirai-oml;. i.rrxa. TA thia Mt, t* a..* t^r ai.J recofer the a*ue .i. Iiu.. i ef aai rCoafbdtrat* Statei, allowiaa In tl.e xtttittr elsr. a ti, a.li, Sii-.tea;A. ,:ib.-fo. f

I'-f. rjurrirr rrm*t i '*! K". A rr* af i, -nii. - no i-i f f all la. d>. t» a 'eiif'Uhti au.l ce

.t'el-jiainiav ha.e baaa, tt ¦¦»hfl WflWtbflt*Ctl.e rollecil a i'. dei... tborrfe dnnn* ta* w*r.

.-io. , M.d m.de ol *etlo« v*li-:ii»r tlie tl t ll.rdirtiai 1*» or » uiiy. ihall be hy peittl-n lo ta* ( ««

V. Inifoit! 'ubealbToan^tb. *.(.(« Pttpetty, tim "t Itdaf¦,

f ad. witb tba mxxm*dtk*jtt*tn h*l«*«.«*;f .. ,i oret, Io poiienluti of orr..i,tr..l.ing tne

a. II.1 i«M B*y b*. *»d |>.aj>'' . ae.ue tiatii;:. I"^"'"

.!,. ' ere.po,, It i...-l bj the c'.ctk t.f thr ( ..ut ».

witb a eopy o' tbepnui.. aa**. 4 <¦<¦ .er.rdl¦'. (lie.Maiabaior depnty. a...l.-itur. eU

COS ,t flliaruil-a..aa|.IOCel» in Uw Clil'V wb**lflMiiei e J.>ck '.dand itand for tiiallui.*

', .at in BPTene when tlie Confederate Judge il.a.li.i.tai.i ".. Ith tht- aafe kerpii t ot Xb- rr"l r"1 ",'l*«Te the ain.e ln tl.e han li ¦.! .n.der the ro tr.lr perion I* » hoae hat di t!.» rral e.ti'e aud .Uvea

ki, .!*< b Xkntti ]¦ '

,.rd.'(l.*aan,e to reinain ln tbr bamlaand m.d r

alrn aail d'b! cr peraon li wboi* iia.idi tl.e n-il. eT ,d a. iweriei-e,l rr.j i li g iu erery mrh raae tii.'b

IV I mttt-k-i-yv t tt lha fMflfly *..d rr.dita*ibe.<' rm t -nt f.r ihe p.r,-..r a'..ir.!il,l ai ,1 ( a'i,le h>

r. ,.

rth. ,1 trra a.lh. Court may makr iu ihe pt*u.l ei. II i(r .. | .11 iit-t appl. ... ba'li or rtl *: c<>rp..ia'i n at ckie: .1 iwvkai Bfl b* dur tl.rrron. fll' lenlaon

llall ,-i. ' And no dehlui or other peraon ahall l,e n,¦ tltel. l f>'. .' (hia |.t.i.Uo ui.le.. b* b*l Bnt paid lol*

lie-.h.r alflatemaU 01 ne( p.-oh'.a whi b ma.

rn- i'tie I'.I Ma> Iflfl] anC, I,. all caaea coui.ngl-..p< b» bound to piy .¦..*¦.

'. :ia .. a-, .: .¦ ». t.» ga r

a, ta* p*t**a ix »hi" bflfl anv t.theij.-'J ih'.r l. i^dtn *. I'l.t r a',1 pay o»rr ar.nua ly

Heei'rr It.e nrt inro.-i.ei *. profcla of l^id propeity,i MJ II of i,,h d»hlo. *S other ^orten (o paoleim, nei Inrun.e. or p-'.Iit.. *. (he *am* fa I- d- ». th*. BMI.d ai.d Irio-rr ti,e(iebt i.r pioj*ft) A.drfl.*l [rlfcl lfl diyi' i.,.'.l *.o ai.y debto. o, penon

»nli. -t iccu. ,,

Ihe-'ourt th- itli- awiitie. uf IBM tleutor er p-.-'.n air i ¦.¦



l.ai.d, .awiij »rail'ranj le i.fi. i.fau aj.p.i.-xUiv.tti ". app«ar to thn i.-.tia'acti" n of

.:. Ab" awiitiei of leah tleutor er p-i-on aie r»-

..| -. tbel irt may.on lhe fai.ur* ..f Ihe party (o gi»* autli-,ty, r. ..rr indgmeht naimt all pa"

tr t-..jud for '.ereeovery of (he del t .-p j» rt. /'- vjthr, Thutiai Cewtmxt,whee»verI ts ji tb. Jak*therejf (h*p ...'ie aslfaeeiaa rnay r. |.,ir* il order lb. n.oneydur aa t(ot*.«id to 'w drmanded by tn* Recriv.r. ai.d lf uoon

d.-n. ind of t i» flefllv.fi n»*l« iC*nl ru.Ity loade-ietal ,r .!..tt (he Court equnii.g .a.d Ke.elter lo giB**l ani ih-' 'a lor tbapj.n.rMof whi, h aecnil'T may ha.e h*en iivei, undtr ih.- pm

. < t thii act. the den'tor or bia a*c<>r((y aball fail (o pa. lhetttm theii npon t.n du a' l.cttce to aaid d-le a

givro bv asld ReoelT*r."cf a n.otioa tohemad* In aail C.ur. lorjndgm*at for th* au.ouut ao aecartd, aaid (ourt, ai than. .

lliereet may pioceed to rei.d'r j.dginei flflfli aal* |aodaecnriiy, -r aealn.t lle party aerved witb auch u.tl. r, forth* inm ao eecuted. with ii.te.-eat tbereon. ln tbe naiua of .. UItr-eiver, at ¦! I* iai .e ..a-r..i. I Iberaf**.

..^r, 7. Any p*r»on la th* p«»iea»ton and centrti of thr iih-f.-rol an) 10(1 Wt any laBBIMl tlr:,(a

may. bv r.ider of tliecoiui, l.e adu U'*d aa a d< f i.dni' and BaallJwed n def*nd ' j the eitral of tb.- in(er*it l.ropmu ded byliim bul n.. peraoi. ihal'. br oarJ lu laDfl** i. I br a) a'l liiu a

p! ¦*, ler.Sed by a'l Jiul a-id . fttfi by bim, aat'ing fort!. ti,«'k n I ai a'.y ijtrreit ln tl.e ti/hl whlr.'i h» a».ert.. . f r

wbleb h* litltatei, rilher dlnetly or in.li'eeily. I>t trnat, opea ,.r

utrr,, nnd tbal l.e it jatt- aolrl) fo; biaMatf or r,.r itn.,- rl llflo! th* ( 0 'ei. t.oe Stat. iw)...oi . '.tg.il) rrpir.ent., led .«!,. n

tbe defi-na* la c/.ndiirt.-d l.,r ..r on Bflflflfll of aLOther, |t. wb il.o-;art, thr p'eaa. all »<.t f.nh the nair* ai.d iraul-nr«- tfiutiother peraou. ai.d Ibe reUthn that the defer.dant bflt* I* bl". lnthelltigatioi.. If tii- ca'.ae lnvol»ea mclu which ih >.id b« ul*dby a jury *eeordlnflo Ui* eoura* of (b» oonnnon law tbr defandeu: ahall b<-ei.tii:*d to a jun tr.al. I: i' i-nolrra maitera ofemdty juiirdletlnii, lh* couit aball vncoi a--ordliig lo ita n.ualmodrof pr> e.lure iu auib c«»ea, and tbe aeveral cu I. afl a

Corded.rac) na) liom time to time, **t*hliib lulo* M prore-dnr* under ihia aet, nol li.rouil.teut with lfl* act Bt otber lawaol the.* Conftd'Ote SiateaSac. S. lle it further enaflfl T! .( th* ,l<- k tt tb* ,i ri

lha.l, at tb* reqtieit of th* Rt-e^lier, f oni time lu tiu.e, i..wn.a of gari.i.hn.. i.t Hiaaul to fla S« Uml.. p»-.oi.., o,

¦ai.ding tbeui t" app.ar al lh* the-i ilt'lni. or at anv futureteirn ol ihr ro..r'. ai.d to auiwer undni oath whal MapHly at*flft.*of aay allen e-.,.-i.,v bi had at tb* aerrlr* of tb* pr... ..

Or iluc* hai nad undrr hii poia-.ai.n Baatrol >» lougi'ig to or

held foi an allea rnemy, oi In wlat aum, lf any, h» la or waa attb* tini* cf »rr»l-e of tbe gan.l-hrnr. t or glflM haa bflflfl ln-dent.-d to ar y allen enemy, and tb* Conit ahall bave pea .r |aCMideinn Il.e pi. i*rty or ellecia. or d^bti, according to thr ar-

awer, aud to make atu-h rulei and orderi furth* orlnijln» ln :'tl .. tbl d peraon* lata bag at diirloird by tht aniwer to have an

Inttreit ln the litliatio- aa to lt »!.vl **eu. pr( per; hul la no

c*'* ihall any oi.r ne b«ard in re.prct thereio ur.til fla aball. byaworn p!*a. iei forth inbetinlltlly ihs u.r.tiari betue rrquiie-l Mpartiri pleading. And lhe decr*e or iiidgment of tlu* Court, rra<dered in con'oimitr I" tli« *ct, abali firaver piot*r( th* gar-nl.he* io re.pect to (he ui.'tii iivol»*d. Ai.d n, aO aaaaa algarn.abuient ui.lt.i tbia ae. tbe Ite-aiver ioay t*at lha tn,t tttbr garuialiee'i ai.iwi r hy blltg * lUIen.en:, under oath Ihal hrbe lerea tb* aniwer to la unlru*. iliecif)ing tl.e partieulau inwhich he behevea lh>- i"' IdMfl bai, by on.ii-ioa .jrcommii.lonnot aniwered truly wu- rrup. n the Couit aball nim au iaaue toh* made between th* Bfleltf md gami-bite, aud judgmeutrei d^rad a. up..ii lb.-irial of ..tl.Mr i.iei And I- al' BBSaaaflUigaiion * c.;.y »f wl.irh il.nl. b« MTV*d rn tl.e oppoiii* par.yur ni. otton.ej, and whith aba'l ba ia*« arad flalei oelb * imi'.tl Irty 1*7* nf iurl. teivire, and upon (ailei* *o t>, aui* r.. tl.*( eert *b*ll ni*k« aaeb diapo.iiioi. al iheeaa** *a .hail to ita. nuii...i> proiuotive of j..»ti. e, or al.ould It denn amw* a lo ('. i,

trrrcgatoriea i,er«a.ar. io ordt-r to aecui* a rilatnaery, Hia( o rl .hall i.i pr..ou tne la.ty iu Jr.'a. 1. aafll luu BMwafllbaUne made.

flae-fl It ahall be the duty cf (be DlihlrtA(torr.*y oftheC. nirdeiate S'atti, di 1-ei.iiy lepraMCat* all cau.ri inaiituledaadai ti iaact, nud l.e aball rflalv* m a r,.i.,M aaatioa tb r

pef ien*. i.p'ii ai.d fr¦.u. lha trui ¦ ol all litiiation liolliu'r u.d, r

,M.a t: f'.t urd l nal n matler .hall he call- d UllgeUlea-r..|t »def*udai.l b* ajmittod b) tho court and a proper plaaIkfl

Bafl. 19 flflfl ftrthtr enarted: Tbat **ch Rec*lver app.lnlediu d»r Iliii art ahall. at Iraat eerrr »n n outln, i,nd M matkofierirr tr h" may be ie luiod, l.» lha i-..uit, reuler a trne aud

t a (o,i,i of all mattaig lablabasda or under btswetioli.rii, r ihe .aw and ahall make ai.d <tatrji.it and perlect acro .ntaaud a*ttlrminl< undri oath of hi< Coll*eUnai of BlOMyiburaemantl of all tnalt*r» »ap*nrt*ly, la ihe miir way *. if hew.-ie adii.i, iatnt .r ot irvrni astatas tt 4tnett*4 ftttaf;para!eap|.oiiiIuiriil.. Aud tliea. '.t.ernenla and uerreo. .1 all h*

lor eatbr .-, or i.¦!«'* .rp.i'al. iy o th.t the Irmafltlfl ln ra-

j.. rt to ,a .. ae n.-.'i. > p >.'rr.y inay be k«pl r. c,id- d amlp.-...«rvodaeparately. Ko nttttamtnt a. a',ore waildal ahall,I. wHtr br ii.¦¦ S* i.n il jalfieaM or J.cree ol aeqiKiiia i. n

av. M--rd,but thaeoail nmjat any tlni*paailagHtl|(| . ,,,, .,r,i ua ..'.!. In liti aiten aud bithapo*.,, ...,: and i.ay ii ake amh '.tdcra tonciiing tl .

aanieaa.l. prolect tha ltu«re» of lb* p*rtl*( onr* d.HaC 11. V. ti ol ain KeceUar »b^!l h* l.lrl

re-pattliigan mstlflrarbiebbup*M*d tetjamtml n Ibawertpointa day lor <ettleme..t a,d UOtlc* tbeiaaf ahall b*

'.'... U-for four wn-ki iii «o-i,cr.e« .j., |..lb* c.i.ri.aud 'ho cle'k oftba flmti a'l

arnda (Opy oi ...ru D*tr*p*ptf I* lb* Dl t' .¦ I At'oirey oftb*Ceuf.dera't-Slaua. for ll :¦ courX where tbe u.atlri UtOM I.-...1.BBdltdwilb. thr d.ty nf «aid IHatrlct-Attoiney UaiUudth*

t h- .. .-, I thi ' ¦. I :".l lo Sfl 'I ai a (ull,tr'.-- aaljofl ar.'n. jit-i.t '. ii al- Tb* aev.-ral .e llem, nta i ¦.-

.br a:,. r ihall Ir ¦.. b sj b* laed at tiefai.al *¦

foi fraud;

,] I rop.-ily, o:l .-rllii.il aiain,. ... :t t |l li r.- ,¦¦

»,,!.. ... lb ., ..: ai wi. ',.-, >i ) -i I1.

lll. All i* tVncnla <if ncro'in'i of .¦

trrt-,1 pro| arty I ac-.py .... i. .1 ,11 be

erate ^titi a, wnl.iii t, n d»< ¦ afl. i ., , i

< igainatthf lt..hall i. . aot to lh*

oi.l. il uie hlat, h n....

la*o* tberefoie, and b* hall be UabUlo atli ikl.d 10


.ball b* I tb -i Ibm ie than Bv* yi ara, la Ib* di*er* loa ol lb* Couit, ai.d bn- a l.

|4, B* Itf ir'licr ,i, Yt- l.lll,' O.' I'Ibd MOt Ol


manent t.ovni.,,.ei,t appolnl Ibrei ¦',- ¦.

,' tLe aent .,(aaeacbyrar, upon notle* gi»en, »

I.. u, >: a ll ¦) .l(r Wfa -r .' ,luien aa tbe n ,y adopt, to hear and a

¦_.,.¦ . ....<S j'.-.,

, o| lb*, i . ... tbtlthU a '. n pM

i.l a y Male lbere.|,. .,, cvadcui^sti^n, ». c^ubacaiivB of tba

property nf mv rltiien nr re.ident of th. Confederate Statet, oro-I.it i«rton tid!',. ttid Cot fed.rate Hl.tet iu the pre.^t t ttur

ag.in.t tbe United S:i'-«, and tbe finding of mch C*a*adta\amartiu favir ot aat eucb elalia .hall bi- prima faert evidejr.fi nf thoctTrVt-tneit of thaieiiitiid, and whenever CoB^rnK thtll p*»ttl.e ctaiui. th.-taroe ahall be pud baa nny money in tho T-ea-lart derivi-d f'Otn .aqneitrt'I n ni.der tbi-aet: Proiior.t. 'Ihiti.id U.urd of Ct-uit-iit.li>n»ri tht.l i.ut rontinue bevond Ihe or-

CBtitnaOon of the C-jtirt of (ltinn provided for br tbe CiuiUtutioD, to wbich Cmirt ol Claim . the dii.ie. berela provided toB* ti, O'ltti -d by Ciinii Ii.ti.neri thall h. long U|40it the onttnl/a-li. .tid Court. Ibeiilt.lacof ialdri.niu.iMionar. tb.tl he«t tbe rate r,f two tbou.uid Bto bundred dullaji par aununi. »ndahall be p,,ii froin the Tieii.iiry of Ihe Confedera-y Aud itaball hethedutvof the A'i.,rney-Oeueral, or hl« aalitant toiepr,-,ent Ibeiiite'eBtt t-f ll,l« (ioveriment iti t'i .*¦** .rlilogniiiler 'hit art before .aid ll.,.rd of Cotnmittloneri.Bac l.\ Ut itfueihti tnaetti, Ih.t all eipenie. in-urrtd lnroc-e-dipB. itDder |hi« tc' ill-U b* p.id fr.-ui ihe tB^u-.leTed

liii.tl, I-I Iba JiiJgei, in ttttlliug a.*et nnti with Hrc-i*-ei',, ahallmtile to them proper allowaiicet of r mpatiittioii. taiii.lt *J P"r,t,,i"ii ree.iipti, md tl.a "tiue tmo.iut ou expciniituu*, a. a

lea-ontl le ei|.euditnre in ail Atttt The feet of tiie cffirt-ri oi

the Court thall ba tich ta vt allowed by law for tiuiiltr iervre.in other riM-t, to he paid. however only frcrn tlia aeqae-teretilund: I'roWditd, That all mni. rettited by tny Herelvt r ln one

year f..r hl. »ert I,-«, eto e-iing BB.SM, thall he pald Iuto lha

Cciii.eder«teTrea»iiry, for the a*. ot the Confederiey.8X0 Ui. Iit it further rna'tt, Thit the Att..rney-0-oeral

.h.ll pre»rrll.e tnrh unlfoim riilt-i of prt,cvedir|. u-ider MS »**.

not hereIno:h*rwiie provided for, .» thtll nieet Ihe ueceultiet,.- il, «-..

ABO. lt llrtt fv.thrrenncttd, Thal ar-peali nity lle from anyfli.il deil.l.n ,-f Ih« Court nder thi. I.vr, i.. the ia.1 e niai.uera id wi-hin thrtauititiniB ti 1. now, or heroafter may 0* by la*

ii:...rr\bed f->rapp«ali iu o'lier rivil rattt ,,.Sbc: 18. II* ii I'nthrr en.uted. lhat tha word " p'raon m

thiilat-iLtludo. a.l (,iivite corporttionij and ln tll Attt*_*.**¦*Caiutl.llatll b. .-"ine ptrtie. aud thi. law req'iltai an oatb to oe

..,.,,I' t,» lotne oihierof nir-h c r.iortlloa. ..

Bb4-.1I. Ii.ir fuitltertnaettd Tbat the c-nrtaare ve-lau »iib

Jtiriidiitlon, ai.d ,er.lr.-,l hv thi- act, to aeUle Bllpart.'.riMplharaUfc*. eii.tiuj; betwe.-,. a el'izen Bud4.ua wl., i. at. alien

fi.eu.y tt. ter.irr.te the ii,te.e.t of Ibe ailen eiieaiy. tu. lo »e-

...,, A. .1 .h. il, aii >. -»ver all JoiaiiifbU wkea an a, -¦'

t-1 -uij it rciic.n ed, tud ifjin-.tit'e tle iuter.e.1 of tucli a.li n

*a**a_r. , , . i ,..S.,.?0. t'.e it further enncted, Thit, In raiei r,f adiiiinl.trv

.1.1 tny lutlt-1 or thing. ni.der tbi. net. tte court hani.it Jiijlt-dii'tion mtj a-kei aeb ordt ¦ t na....Ing the l'"r**,rV""'"'A.?pio.-.fitv or efler'.i under 'he dlreell- n or rt a'rol cf tiie l.-eeiverot ii.iiuii.iatit »i ii tl... ferafl 4afl praviBaa*. n to lif'*'{', ''

Bfl MT, Aud tbe K.cviver MV. ataoy tln.e, a.h aml B8V* .-

InitnielluLi t.i Ibe coiitt, or J idge, re.|«Tting int t-i U'-c tn u e

dit|>->M.ion ar iuaii.g-ii.ftit ei* ¦¦} pr,'i,i-rly or etle,.t. uuae, oi.

COl.trol.ar.IL lt ¦' tmrtatTtaartai. Tliat the Trea.ury nt.t.i -f *hl.

¦ ,;,, :...., a lllist- or r, .|,i-u; ol tny f ¦'.iiti.v.S lllorj »i h tU I. tlu. C l.* ' J ." hMaid--,|, .id abiah ,'..-..",. i. r-iii. Brtnal i.,..i..iiy .'. Aat ba

i.-,i rtt. Ai.d aay lien or d-bt cl.i...'d afaiaal aal I .."

within the .' l.-liailbi- ptaaontati tniileilir, ili« .. mrt. it. wm. ii lb* yc il 11*.fli of aaaaaatratlaaiai-*.hiSwit-Tn t-f'.- -onlb. I.",..'-.- in-iituii'-ii "t ...-I. l-r'

1-r. _. .-.«, ...i.n;,.H thr i" ,-it .li ol''Ji'"- »'.

givau, .:. -I..-1 l"-*r

.,lu ed.ur .ui. ..> waa A.,da.lel..ii..i.."ai.dbitl.t-' . '¦ " *' " "."'.''"». tf.re.-1'l ."¦

... t -. ji aaaiatl laaaatal* flr*>Ttj,l SflaSMaBajBaaBB**^r tl.e pi.i-..,- ¦-.

Aayatatai dagamu, IML


The frlnridi and neijhlK>r. flf Kccreta.7 WcHe-, I -

(.iiit.KtotcS'if/Veir rer|*ct for him |lMMBBlly, «"d

theii (¦ciiih.icn.e ifl I ie iniuinKi :'¦«.tl, ki BBB Di¦parlui.-ntBf wliii b h*bltl .. li.I, inv.;. tl bim Ifl a pnhlic -BMMul Hiirti.nl, ('..nn. Hia BBfag. in. r.t. compi'l him to

tlttlino the invithiion, a* will be BBSBB7 tbo follow iflgletter: .

||tl:tr,'l:ii, _Sepf. II, 1861.0SBT.SBSB1 Tour corlial iuviittio.i to a B*bbfl

[,, U (.-ivi-n 11,e dnrbm mj preaeflta lourntaIlititf.ird, I ref. ivi*.l la-t eveii ¦/¦ IbMaiBBBBBB Mlour kind tOgtkfd ie, Iflflfl-MB, MBBl w.-l. ome. It ia *

graiiBcatioa M -n<>-v lhal a~ paUb asaaaB m uu

.vciitliil Bti Ujktg ii-1 MM i.i-l tlieappriivul olth. m abo ! ata EnoaB a -¦ lo*a aad baatTbaa n sal nlllas-B,fl_i Ihe Adafebtrat.a b**

1 titi K"-*1 iesp -i.ei1 iliD' ¦ M w.-ll h- urtliicue iluli' BtSdi charge, .1 _44-etinrf and *apprt ilag t. mrott bstr*«onlii.Kiv ,'.i-| ii.it v t'nl ,..1 11 1-t l ll.:i' i'vvill I... i»t-r lu c- 1 bass asvsr ior a ii.-ni-'it dasbtsd,h d ii I...- _-'v. b bm 1 la aad alaaMMsi aimsM vtubw: nt iMiiit. :> .1'v.-i.i.n y,"i pnuiadfortb J tug -Bfland livinR tisaaursi lo snsl.in Ibs Oossma*nt a*itba 1 na 17. Ia tbii '¦ wbkl t'-t- Iba

bility and atrergth ol tbs Uoretri.bbb*,Ih* '-

BBCsaarilj perfi*-*- bo nnlmiwfiBM pait, BBMNei frt.niib* ns'oi* af ihinuB it *ifl, wbs* siSBpaasiVtitt, l.rner w.i. Ol B ..' ieri-.,t ...tmi.er, le l-t.damnBitratiTi thut. uay i-jrhapi I-i- . iptu-d. Ibointnrga iti ii-.-r aa MM-Mtta la sarb h s*r taa ss ao

lii.vy ROM v. hIfl lanrela BBB bf MS*. 0 .r BMBBBN1 n.p'i' tymt i, iba 1 Bitsa aai ibas-BMaiMj sf bmI*gaario*r pons,a isran aoaMa -j- iaaMBBBMibbbI'ke li.e 1 !.¦ c- alil O.i Bt Mi.ttr.ua IBM^Mtoba

e, re.|iiire t . ¦¦ . ntllou of tr.ei.rmv. Ii i.-.r lailota cipt'ir- I '. rit-., tbaSfl n.uethe BflB.Bn lo ixurri»oii IbaM Almc-st all cir

aaaal apaialBBM M IhiB mbMbI m'.-t ln- aantla.

rt BB8B albara, Tbt Ut M v il.h.y or failmeHarj i- bsld .-, -Mo. lf a Vessal eflfSi'.

fe vi^ifiuite lhal ts irt.-r di"l to be ce ,-i '.-..,, euBBl* full. on Iba Ntvy, i.nd tkt d.-|-ann.4-nt .Latrt-tfiil;.t. . i'e BBTSfl '¦'... It doe* noi litttomt- BMMk .v vv! .1 i.e '«¦!. 't'1" nr '* 'I Iflf l" flBbafa u.i'l i*tvi^orate ll I tu\) bjtbM daBBrtaaaM U haa BSB 1 ur-

rluefd ull t'« vew»ela tbat -Bf*bBBB MBSaaMi, tuh undaut re.ai.ia, ai.d ymt B h. » bBBB b.Bfli BM ibeaa_.M-fl It bflfl -iare,l BS el'-.rt t.. .cfire i»'u h v---.

ae wt.iill 1-a iervi.*ahle, and >H t1-. not en-ije ccu-

.t rv f'.r 8811*1-8. BM M Mfcb hf. <x, 1,,-ive eye t-, pnh-li.-inteii-s; and welfare. Tht movements ol t.ur Bi|uud-.onbass int ktaa tttiti.iiiit'e.l i.y t-l.K'-iphi.ia aaaaaa.eatiofl thr. 11a.I1 Iba preas, antl tba c-i4[im-.|uerifehiD. baflflthat m-4iiy who kaaw BBl.IB* iba! wa." iafau <le, lare.Jthe ispflitMsal wm« iloiiiir Botbin*. 1 rorstsila bM oftl,._e bnt 1 BM |t*i. lad thst yoi, my Bflkb-b i.iu:d Itll.fv A A-. ., abo l-A'i.'iv n:e. iiud.r.au d and ai.pia. IM* tl e trofl eonditk n of BlT- e ontiil-i.' c re; ^.. l I-y y..n in tlu- |ialrl -'i'- efl'ort.

aftbsPrsaidsBl loqaelllna laaanaslMfl und bmMniho ...i.iiiry io it. ft-iii. r i--litntioa, iasraU isaMTBi,lu.pir.d by vi^or Irom yuir-i-'vi. acl all wlm arei|.-,i.rd M tbs MfliBtsuiance i»f Ibe I ui >n iu 1'. iuti:;--ii v, tboaa iiitni-e.i aitbtba adaInbBiatlea of laaQoramu aal arill. ba -1 ai, e.xt rt Umm k.-s lo]*t'ia'e the liiBMilflnrs I- qaaatbsi M l-y Ibe BMB ofthe I.t-voliitluii. If anTthlntean rompenaats for tbsBBMMBM 'fl.M BOMfld ted hytls MrMBB-J coiiepiru-lot* ii i. tba amiira ui.-i i lt] with wbkl pstiiota ml-Jied ia ilefenee of the Ilag afier tLe i.aaiaull uj^jii it BMtbe aaiibMn at smi.t..-.

Iftb-r.- aia BBMBB ni any in ivrrpnthy with thosswhose hand. BM l*llllll u.niutt ibr Uoveriiment mnitbo l.!ni'iii, 01 wl... wonld uiiikii BBBBB BJ abnutlBflJflBeitber, ihey ute -Brksd Sl **| tioM 10 onr peopls iirHde. v:*,lly wr.h'.ut laflasoos. Csaea win. iiatimialdieho.ior iJitl 1. 'I'liiii'i n iii.r iti.tenii coiui'i v,wonbl b* ..«> bhe.iuK When it r.-nirue, Bfl returu itwill, Int il ba in ull it" ...': la-itj t" « .n.ii*-.! tttiuitry,euibntciuM ibe .-i nn; rapabl iu oi.o riau-mrili'y.

It wotiB giTB a** plasaam to bbb aad taka bbba aaaSf my fellow-.iti/en. hv Iba BBSd. but th.- 0* .-'¦ Bwilluol ailu.il of il. Myrt'iui: I* UO-BSCtlsnt *

ci,ii.i.,u*iito 01 prsasrng bmb-M a&ira of a privateebavactsrtbM .btsbsa* wbolljoe la lad forthehu-tma lutiiiili-, aiid wli.h tt.ii.u.iil inv nii.i.vi itiiuttin-tit 11 while here. It U noi mv pur: M lo rtt.i.iiin c ue

rn.iir alter the obi- etfl wbldI aulsd MBbOTMM* B* 0:11-

pli.b-d. I um ti.i i-.'i.ir.) hMipaUsdtobsg faBtoas.1,1-1: .14- for 'i.t liniou tbe iuviiaiioii ..> *¦ utovalj aa-

Ifladsd, aii'i t'. i-irivc UM u -ui..;,BM « my ptflMWittj.nA. I BM, : tii-1 m'-.i. vi-ry rr |.Ui.ily,16

... I...,t.eivu..t, I'll'i.l N VV.Ll.rS.T" Mnin. VV« '.. lii i-KiM.n.ta. Tnu. B. Wnita., Jam.iDuob, iv si. IrV.X.-floara, aaa* Mbaa

8Tati:mi:xt.s OV a LATI caitaix n TBIBOUTHEBS -JUfT.

TttDttratt Tiili'i-.c .-:.ys tbtt Kr. Siiiiiiml Oold-in&nn, who htlt-ly Miaaaj*si" I.i* 011.111mJ in thuloatbMB nriny, ;i* kiu-lly furuA Mi M wiih tho toVloivintj ikatebaa, wbleb will aatra to Ihaaw bmm ligbtou li..- ] eiti- -i l I'. !,'- -. Ml

TBB 11'

'li.e iu ..iit arol paoyln Ni v. Orbanaia by aai bj Ibu ',i" MiTkaB t.i a ft-w '. rasraitingoUtt.rB,' :i 4¦! Of men COrapOMi Of bulliee, lou'.-:

ciatj. Ti e t..i.ii M lf- lad f<ji opara>ti ,hIg ... nigbt. <;¦ in* along

¦-.- uu .ii to k. .- -I Inb.\ r;.i, ,1 ,. --..-!. be foll .1 i.y a k_ocb.swa,v. ii,.. tbsvicti .¦! d t.i 1 sot ¦"!-,bm ii -v-. "'I'. rs. Tbey an ,

|. I. ... f | I e, ll d*CB.- 11 j, .,- tboa " re-

,;.l ..' i. al I i.

ri iiirnj l Iiiu\' e- i.l.i 1 vi Itb 1 aii d ia ll )

ior otbera. \\ aa 01v h i-i.-v lo t-o-iit: .-tirtr-s; ln.-y uro

..-¦¦ '1 irul'i .'

pn-ei-ut lh< ir bill. i" 'li n I -' and11. iw; ibeir paj a la td. Itua .i,i oor tbroa we. ki 10 fill i| i.

I ,;., ition .in-,li-iitlin ;. .1 li. ud.nl lire Inll-blov .-. I, .- *.

lowsraatJ ir. and Um .s ,,ih,

aiid 11BJi.ip in I. ;i.-.. ia.

'i. in wh:A' UMi.i.ii I -s" B

Orlaa.a. U nh-. -. !'. h '.¦. "¦¦"¦'||: b ( '.i 1 i i'"h a.but wi.oat Ibeiimcot which ars BBBB. wm out ol

officc, wa* told by Mr. Franco, proprletor of a jevvelrjrrtoie on l'oydra* atreet, to rni»e a company, Mr.*.prorniiiiig to euoiu them, piovided they were culledthe " Franco GnaW." Mr. Palton oxtntudei, andthrough his acquafntanee witb the diffcient diat|-ic-tH.m.tbenty thegnies of tho workbouse and the parishplkOfl were tl.rown open to him, and the comiianymade up fromrriininala. Capt. Daltou then attachedhi n <ell and his beautiful eompany to the lst Regimentofthe l'olieh Brigade, coiutuaiidcd by (Jen. Tochinann.About a uionib ugo tliis brignde (to whieh my com| anylelongedjrectived orders to go to Virginia. At flrand.lui.tioii, on tbe Menipliifl *nd Cfiileston Ko-id,\\ bflM Ibfl troops change cir* for Virginia, a row brokeoni in (he li>t Kei<iuient, on account of there ntiug uolood provided for tbem. The " l<'r*nco Ounrde'cbarged bayouets npon the officcrs aud drove themucro*B the tielda into tlio woods. They next assaultedthe h'.tel, tlio l'eny llotiee, aud lon it down, audweie un tbfl point of eetlir.g tire to tbe rutus, when theColonel, tbo ouly ofticer wbo bad auy eourage, ap-pearal on the seeue of action and shot abont sixteen oftl.e ri.ier*. The " Franco Guard" then dikbauded,runuiug in BTMJ direction. The reftimont Cnallya, um aet out, lniiiu* one conipuny. Their noxt *top-ping place should have been Chattanooga, but the citi-zuii* ol ibe place would not even allow tbem to stop toooofa iii. k iMIaaa. Tois i* only on* of a baaflrad »im-

ihir liois, wbkb are altuoet of "daily NflBIMM iu lheSoutb.

CAMP CORINTH, IflflflflMfl*-Ahotil cix weeks ago, I was sent, with another

flflflM of my regiment, with ikpMflblll to (len. C wrk,coiniiiaiioiig the IkaMfl troop*. then about 4,0W mnumber. Aa camp k about hul a milo from tlie vil-hitre flf Coritith, at tbe iiiten>ection of tiie Meiupln*fluflCbflriflMflfl with tbe Mobile and Ohio Kailroad.l'ioiiap;roaciiio{! tbe camp I diswve.ed the aentryak| Iflfl Cflrdfl with an officer upen an cuipty flourarrel, hix MMMM reversod, wiili bayonet stiokiug in

th.-groui.d. 1 told him I hnd dhtptcliee i'or Qflfl.t lui ki 11 o iei lied, as he conlinucd playing. " l> ¦

yoa aad OflB. Clark, too; have you any wtiiky aboutroaP 1 told Iim I had none, aud jteseed ln. I("ulivercd my di-j fltflflflfl to Qflfl. Clark, aud iifierwardlook a stroll tbroiigh lhe can.p. I uever btfire m myliie witneered sucli a pitiuMo iflflMfllfl. Tfl o-tliird» ofIbfl meu were BBflfltrflM with lhe ineunle*, suiieiiugtemblv, BOOM Utflflfl or tvvciity ot them dying every

...d to be thcty ot phtafcaaaa, butno' medi. ke. Thflifl were flardlj eaougii u.. n left todo Knti> dnljr. Hflkfllbaflrtfl t;ia ilgati 1 to k thv

reily to my hi iiu bfl und kf) t w ci.;i.|..1 eaiv oue ei/-, oundur iu th. ir CflflSf, and *ever;.l

bimdr. .1 et i.Heied United Btatfl tiiui-iock muaket*.1a n i: l'lii-MvN ami r.M.i.iMi COKflVLI Al UU*.

OflUUKfl.Mr. Pflflar,ab>Qoaaalrapwa.UagPWkfl k HflM*

.. ,ka waaltbj brokflr Iflflifl, bfll bfl aa* aoi M i

tttgh i, tt taa iim iieie<i iu b.iiilt ni hk eooakjaBMihiflfl wbehara ba«a tanad kiaflaraka, uIiLouk*. Imvciy h.11 kni.WMii ths yrtu.ii of MMfliag which isgoiBg "ii BBd r bk very uoee. h urt! eini'ie, .Mr.I.kii. r Wflfl fllflftoM tl.u lii'rt man to Bubaerihe to thei .ii.ikI. u.i.- kaa, und baa given sm.ll aiiioum* oft,i...v toflliwwtarerycoaaaajaaaifrflMtbfl ny \e\ irginia. Wbal do fl Mr. f.iuier iu Ciiroiuh let eireitll.ink I Uu tlie |*|flflflkll (JuveiLuieiit sent their r. ]-ie.i.ta.iva io >>w (irleans toaid a MBfllttflfl agaitmtth.- Qovflnuaeflt ot lha Uuit'.d BMflM i IkaeaitfybopflUk rr.irsiun (iovt-mnifut will kvastlgfltfl th-

., ami bav. him proMptly removed, a* imndreiii..I Praakaa nbjfl. t< hraad flflfl the Herviceettkt C»n-

Irnt.- Bt tee, Hiid who are now iu Vngiiii.i, will.wm th .t t.eii | elitkafl Tt ktflrfflfflflflfl we:e utterly

hi.-,, ba not araa tbkl kflM woni, whii-lo ri ..'I Ibflfl. iTflflf time "ill ye: o>ii|e, Mr. fllniei,i.i.d your a. flOflal 1 ¦ lml.»n- fld "tl-A aknkr fltata of tbkp cxisted, and MaUflflM to

aaifll, vmIii t:ifl Uriliflh Coi.huI.(iri.M'i.N (.1- IU. VIIflflSAflfl ON THE 11ATTI.K Of

MAMAflflflfl.Af'er tl.e l.utlle at Mflaaflflfl, i>i. Henure^ard. in

teflflow l.ie'h (.;h i.ieiu Mefl-Ofkflflfl,flflflfl ilopinion Ihfll if (ien. ,\|. t l.llan ha.l beeu iu

g ud, thfl vicor) woald bava baeaoa Ibfl o.l.ei.iie. lle Male* tla. Bfltil .-' !'. m everytl.inji wufl

..u..iiiKt bim,bfl iflflpiisll tim'Jiili-iat. :i wa*retie. tinjr,irban ud M .'.<.. ibfl flflflkflflflflflibfl Uflflra traapflceiiiuieii.ci. lle fl'.: i'. ite, ibfl i.ki.U to sotufl UlU-

uianugemeal of M< Uow. I aad t'.^fie. a.

rbarawaflfraal njakkc at Hem-Otaeam amongtl,e tir.-e.it. r* al flflfl Iflflflfl fll the bflfll e. OflaflBM

.,,,!. tbfl 1*11* :.m«; BStfflflftflM the flfll M MTn, Deltm oki Patatanm appeaied evciy hall hour,fltviaa H.ldi'tou.l datafli flfll . u11.>ii; » an ti IbaiikiKiviog waa appoioted l.y Qor.Moora.aafl afflaidflfln-jfi ii.g jr. v..il-d BflBOflfl tbfl jN.pulali'.ii, exi.pt ti:e

foreign and Uniuo-torkg rilkeoa, who «too.l tXeat,-i katbearl at lb« reaul ol thetatile. .">»-

iu rngn were hois'ed ia all tbe tlioro'itfhfure. oflhe city, aud lha adiea wave<l tbeir bflflidkflrchkft.¦Id K«:iif r*' bflflflfl for Iteamegard, ^.e bflflfl ol tliedh». I trutt iu dod thal tlie fmur* will levenl to

tbem Ibflkown fooliabaeflfl, .. d U al th* timo of reck-Ofllflfkfll baad. 804tb.rn chivalry will be belo.vpar -.h.-ii!

1IIK $lJO0,O()0 I.OA!» IS Sr.W-om.HAN?.About »ix iv.-e^n ai.o (itn. Tv||flflflfltBrflflafl4tlM

opinioa i!.ut it vm* l.i.li ii.ne lo eiaci for.i'ic .ii..u» (<i

,i. 'et.,1 [bfl rhy. rbfl ir mn* vv.-re ull in Vir^i.iia, thei .,u*( MM ¦ itho'it batteii. ». and uo money f<>r lhe pur-'<-,* olcroiting il.em. Tba Aid, nt,en, la their vvis-,.., krtbirilb rMolrad la . im I fuitllafllM. flad j.r.i-

bfltterka. Aflfl unue deliheraiioa thay aaoflr>tatafld IbM lfl Mflfllfl vvhi.i |bfl| Mardently dci'ired

ro.|iiiie a roui.d i-uu. of mouey, auu they ut-

J., pawed .*:. .1 iii.Jii* to bon-o.v ¦ ooe], ..u.i au-

lboii/"l lha Mayar Mr. Monro*, to .lo m.. Theaaaltirf, a lla-iiing pnclMMflka cmi.nu!o<l fiom the ofli kliitinl oi ibfl , it/iuliii.g Ibfl iiiii.-ii* that ii.cii araraat].o.un in (huix,-r, IbM tbe " N'oillieni bflfdflfl"vsoulds.K.n b* on their be-ls; tb.it he was iu a bad lix,

inomonej to proeara futtiflcatkaflfor tba city,und iirkiiig a loan ol f.ti ',000, payablc ^ ith inteieri.Aflflk ut.'i .-K-ii-i Mi* " hi* baaflr m-ide appeal, but itwm* not re*p .r.'le<l to Why dfla'l y< fl i4t. b lti, Mr.

.¦! II iio.v i!>' monev flad tak* bosidfl, payaMevs ull iiiiereal '¦ or v^ hv **. >n i y ou cootlacati BOflfl Oni >u

propaity, ia tkt mm way yoa ba .. BvadaMf ^>"i\s.nid n.'t Sad ai.y oppoaiiioo, patriot tbat yaaaraI(ii l.u.e \..'i ul.. ...ly p|...|.!.-i.-.l aml BObbad uu:il lT,.... .- ' (i to yiar lirli bauknanil p.iiuti.. i, t.i Northani bank* MflflaMpka, kaflkfl ibfl Bflf*eiiiinei.t ull il wa: !r. BM OMflfwdk )ourt'iii-yciir I'.piluliits aro no fool-, tney kt ovv flflty Wflfl tbatvo'i, ffl ir kaa, voiir l^jnds, yom Coiiledeiacy are allabuiui/ig, wl,i.ii uie uot, aud.au uever be, ol anyBCfloflBl whatever. 0 *vsi

Lad Cajtlaio In the bofua (.*. S. Armj.?-

fBOM thi: sorni.We reeeive.l a vi.-it AflTkMflflflJ froui a OflVMMI g^n-

ticmun, Mflfl hfll BflfliOlk.JflM one Mflflh ago. II.r, j.. r's a terrible iiagtiuti.n in luieinee* m thut < ity,Uil j ,|;r i| .i .-it . flottrfl Ibfltb. Theie Wflfl flflflOttflflin |bfl !'"''. AM an> f.. a.:.i .1 lor it.A pla.1 i* «"> i,Aii tm hreiikinu the l.l'.kiiil .. Kight

Kt. .im. maro l-iad-d, and ready k eriil for K'uro] -,

H .i knbdflbk n.:ii, vvbiih they ha.c bmlt, CMM ,! ,w\\ limi Mflfl -II'll t Mfllbldkfl force. Tho flflfl

iawtid M he MflflMflllfld MMMjUflfl bhl aturtle, il*

lr.m shell being MMflflVkflfl to .iUUoii shot. Thi* ia.d to iiiiidowu to tl., ucutliof tl.e Mi^issippi

ar.d flflflM* uiir MflflMfl^ liuten on to tbflfc fltfflfl,ai.d, by iiieiam ol femetEml uiachinciy in tho hovv<\[.. re ho't-s in their flflM und sink them.il' ibey onlyle' it. Tttm th* deHcriptit'Ii, il is pflflbflbk tbat our

MflfllflflflOflMnfl over an,!.in!i il wi'lucit difliculty.I 11 .ii i.. to run the steamcri to se.i while tha fmllei.i tu. kl'.iigoiu- bull-.l.i^s, und it is supp.'r..l tliat the¦flflflflk Wt flifk C'tit'clerate VflflMk Mflflflkg an

Kliflidb pod v. oldl' bgkfld tod, N I"''t,iir blockiuJe kflflflfl.

Fort* jBckson and Phillips at tbe j-aeeess Wt ibe Mis-

»i-i>i|-.pi are pnkflflflfld Ly l.-'°<1 MMI ul tlie ouUido,ai.d ibm u.e .' 1,980poaaflfl flf pflwdM k Ihflm. |.,rls. ao Ihfll our iiiforuaiiit tiiiiikii it WflflU not flfl

ti very h.icu.l M fflfll tt pflUfl0 ,; |1,00D, 00 worlh ei eoauahflfld fflfldi bal

ihipffld Bodlh ir i.» LoflkrUk wkbk Ihi piti'... Ii:..nlli., i. :' 0 4 MflflM klfl in fl

lf arMflflkflfrofli tbarkj aad fccwaidkg tbeaeebjf!M I. PWMPflp I... .!'. Wfl tll'.lk.ltlio klkwk .\'iii.'ir:

... yittuanxim iitrtnii rflOM mkmmi.akmv opeaa-

XI0 .1 lll-Till. MUfllflfllPI'l »" OCtfA'.i D HV COXPCUEflATe HAi-i'l Km.-.UI'.-IX-

1 <T» I'OR l'i. i OW'fl IflMT, l P0.w | r> -i bai an ii'. '¦. '.',; ktterfrom

Iug. 3J, itaau ropy, a* ¦. lb **j

i H i,!e, i.. lay bekrfl ll ¦ii ortant lufon ation 1 .:'- ;"'" '.

, ,

t, i.-ii.-,. M ra amii*aexiosi'iras Beatae, lla., '.- ."ilflfl hoBi .\. w MuHiui,

.till h«. it r.. t:l'..r..-inei.ie. U«U. .1

1 i..iu| -on. wub ... nt more men, k between Heuion...¦.¦' i "

bvteri , coi llie Ui *.. *.* * flirar alw \o

let'd ies Llneolngnn.boala m.o nfef auartew, aud atkelflaDy flflflpflfldfld

pedllioflfl. a mii/.«,w. «"11 *__***___8,uo01araik)wlf MtaaiflfttlMi u fthmwm wuu

Pillow and Thompaon. The whereabo.it 1 and nttmawt*of (lov. Jaekeou and Gen. l'riee is not puflilivelyknown, but it i* understooti tbey are rapidiy guiningetreoKtb und may «oon be expeet. d to "trike n bl«»w

where the Hflfflkafl leaet exi*ct tbem. 1Le '"'.'J,0Confederate foree now in Miesouri is about DU.O -.J,and ia rapidlv rednfortiug. They nre all very well

Brned and eqripped and, if I nm anv jadgfl of fighungmen, from the eaaiple I have seen, the Fail term ot theHeseian races will soon he eommeuced.The report ed fight at Cape Girardeau is contradicted

by couriers Irom Geu. Pillow. The only fightiug bas

la-en eoulined tfl ncouts, which Iibb genernlly result. <jin favor of the Coajkkffltefl. New Ma.in! t* vv.Il

foi filied. um! c..n.mnnds the river nn well ii" the. Und.(iat rssfiflSBSit is slfllkflfld Iflufl. Tbe lflflfll battery in

the West has put bet-n eietted ou tbe ktmmWmmNo. 10, twelve milee above Now-Medrid. In lowwater boat* nre compclled to paa* within 2W yords ofthe guns, and in high water not over 800 yards fromthem. Tbirty-two and sim-four pounders aro

MMUflflfl thara. The garrison is compoeed of piekedmen, an.l I anaure vou, if Dr. U *tart* bi* tleet downthe river, tbis fort will leave very little, if any,untiniohea buriuers for tl.e foftifleflUoflfl below.Tbo river ls now ri»iug at tbe tatfl of one foot in

tweuty-foiir hour*, and troops nre cou.ingin and beintfdinpatched by hundred*. The atenniei 11. Ba W. ll llcuiricd up last nignt C00 infantry BBd900cavalry,wi b all tlieir horres and eonipmeflts, hound WlFillow's army. The MMMM Cheney bflfl bflflO bflflji-inc her ciipture, and i* tbflflaflfl -ip ,r tbe tleet. Sheis i|uile the ikflflflfl boat, and take -1 mi both way*.The Confederategutiboat Jacksou kfl ll ir <i'v yeetir-day, bouud up. A large BflMbflt of beavj flua* havoarrived here Irom Iliclutoiid, and bien diniribtitedMBflBfltba fflftUflfltkflfl flbflra. 8"nse '200 men. bflJTfljund tiirls, are daily flflgflflfld lfl the numufactureoflartridgea aud tixed aintn'iiiition lor ull dflfli ij.iiou* oftirearuinaiidiaiiiinii. Six hundred tl ou.-aitd cailHJgflflfor rille, iiiiinkct, and iMitie muflket, ana put up andaliipped up the river during last week, and still thewcrk goc* on.

LOUI.stANA BflflflADfl AT MlfllflBlfl HTW OR(i*X-1/VIKlX Iflfl BflW ( (IMMAMI1.K.

Speclal Corre.!K>ii.lenca of The I'lrajuua.LlaABsii'\HTHiii or Tiia Auu\ «.r tiif roronao, )

.VK>Aa.<«., Aug. .'I IMI. 5Brig.-Oni. Wm. II. Wa'ker, wbo unived he e yes-

teid.iy, wrJ ...¦,!.., li|,| .'ii I.'i t'» ihfl iiiu.ai d ot ihfli-i iii.-i liii-.i'.e, recently organked, and compriwoa

lhelollovviiii- reginwuMi i.i'j Utuiiueut Loukkua Vol-ontoflrs, Col. Seyiiioitr; 7th Keglmeut Loui*knfl Y»l>u.it"r C.d. ll'air; -lh l.'(-,.iiiiei I.oui-i Ufl Yol'in-<eoie, Col. K. llv.'.'tli ItegimeDl Louiflkna V'olunieen,Col. Tiylor; 9fl S|.- i I Bflttflliflfl LflllfltfllM Voltit.-teers, lol. Jc'i.ilLT coajuuiudii.g iu Coi. W ln at I ab-wuce.Tha whole brigade will number thout 4,300 flflfl,

aad will eonstitntfl one of 0k hfla'l """f* bodksofinlatitiy in tho whole army. lf k probublc tlat thenwill be attaclud io it one'or more loflspaakfl of ibeWuahingtou Atiillcrv. Cen. \Nulker m ,t ruduHteoftba Wm 1'oii Mi'litarv Anul-iiiy, flfld MM ofthenofltffllkataad bflfltriad oflemoftbfl old nmy.Ar a lield olhcer, inrteed, he haa not probably u su-

<ri..r in the vvoild. Iii-* diwhing and i tflj Id coodnclid Floridu and Mcxiio, wbere hewuM perfoctly liddleduiili bulleti, fillfl twoot the brigliteri and tUtt ri-

uiiuitic MflM tt Ameii.au military hi.t.ry. lle iejtiio the mati to lead our brave aud galiant LmUmmUMou to glorv aud to v icioiy.Cen. W'dker ha* bten'at I'ensacola second in (mt

nininl to <;-n. Braaw th" kifl Ihrra Months, ai d it waethero tb« tek rrapnic dispfltcb fron th ;- Befl ire^-.ndMflflbfld fliflfl. If I may \e-iinre au Opii ke, tbocou-paratiraly kantln l.i'c bfl waa tbere i.». i g, «rtikOtbflffl WMfl hflffl wiuniiig lilery m tbu flflld, did BOlaltogettwr aail bim-wa-, k la.'t, Irhsoaie lo bim. At

il c. Aatfl, h- rcipoadbd to the dkaateh wllh ull thflpmniplneaa whi- h beeflflfl i ln 11. Hi r m bh ihrtiuc-tion, and bfl ir now flfl tbe epot Mflkflkj oigini/ing bi"very foilunai" c..mu a: d.

(len. WiUer ia abont tbe a<e of Gen. Ileauie^ur.l,tboflgb I lxrli-\ ¦- le i-nel iiitci atWVrt Pebt 'Woor

thlflfl Tflfllfl le'ote bim.Wflflk kfllflM I IflM B*fl "!liie ine'tiui tor*. I.ike (len. BflflfllflgBffl. flkfl, bewflflBflMfl Bflperifllflflflflfli tt u.e Ain.len j. tfhtte, ** flflflr.bfl perloru.ed Us dulit-.- wilb dililigMfbcil li.lellty afldiibiiity. I.ike hu ptflflflBt comie inder, a .... Qefl.NS nlkcr bflfl beeu hdvau.eil to I ie I ii/h mflfl k tie at-

my always for the uiitat ri [flfll m-rvi.e^, he bavin| flflflr.Veral tim * brevettel buh iu PkflMfl ai.d Mfllkflhll.al lt IKt bfllB. li (iced.I'.ir the ii flfld made for h .line

ii(.i,n bk bflflhh by hk flnftriflflfl Bad woa»flfl k kfllthflflflwai*|h kiaorathafl probabk th:.t bfl wa«Mnow bflM a *iill blcbfl giadd

Iflflfllflflfl lon- W.ilicr i^.very rligbt, but f.-w yer-¦oaaIflVflrbm! bfltaaflon oaahing .. ...I i.r-l.keai.j.earimce. Though rtill carryitifl flflTflrfl] hnlktfl i'i

bim, and UtbMWkfl giving evidence 0#thflaiilClfllflfJking» tie hu* undergou.-, he stand a MrflfljM a* au atr.-w,ride* witha gr:.ce BflMMfl BltflflMd l tbfl bm rt . \|.eithorreiian, fli d flkomthflr, on ti.e Ifll', bflfl tbe apaaar-an.-eof tie brilli.nt ut.d aa*bkgfloMtm his roaaradesmi tho pliius ol Mexicoiave alway.. raprflented himt.i I eTbe brigade, n.w fully Mfflflflflfll ami with a co-i.-

¦Mndw flfedflfly aaat for by tieo. B OMrlf,will, I iiuderstaiid, be jnieliitl l-rw .rd ai Oflflfl tO th".xtrenwfroat,wheratMJT will have a-nple op|>or'u-niiy to win new lnuri'lsfitr IbeiiiHtlve- and lhe Statetl ey eo nobly repu-«ei.le«l iu the m.-inoru11« kfllkfl ofloa I8tb asdaaa Ufl tt -lAy. A» praraot tbey are

all, Whb tl.e tXi.p.i'U ¦! Ihfl Hb, enrflMped near

t |Bihil fll C.tlfltllk TheNh iisiill k chirgooft worka h. n*

I lea. ii from t'ept. Wilkinaon tbnt tl.e l.i.h I/niei-aiia, foimerly part of tbe l'olieh ilrigade, le etill at

Ki.-iiii'.oiid, but wUl bo bera la¦ fowaaya. Thkwttmake at lei.Bt 9,000 Loflkkafl troopfl here on the pl.iinsof Manursae aud beyond.Among the flWffl Ifleflfll iriivaln heie i-» Ucut. Beaii-

regard, son of lhe Genetal, eflflMflflflflkg Ihfl lfl Oorpfl.ta join tba army iu wbkb bh kihir bw Wflfl flflgnallaaowila He for Ihfl PMflflHl occupie* tbe p..*ition of

Dtial aid ou tbe Geaflrfll's itan.I rre was a en.all lUnnkb near Full- Chniflfa rflfl-

tsnlav. Wbkb MflflHfld i Ibfl eapture -f eeven ].rir,.n-er*. "It i« betkrad ako IbM a naaibfl el IheaaeotTv, ie kiil. .11 ud wounded. Another eimilar ekiiini-b Uii porled thi( iiioining.

IliflflflflkmflkbM ure now, in kflLflflflflflg IfBMta1. pi'd.illv .. a"in Bflfl b^- flrOW 'be batfl ei . Xgt B

Tb*tiie.'y .". i.if.itly t. (1 Bflflaay ii IhaaaaMnp,,rts'.i aaraflfflflfltoa Wflabhajtflataadara floflflaBtlythrowiiiK ont acoutfl to asc'-rlaiu wh> ie we aro, uml inwhat directi-'iifl wfl pri pode k rnov e. fla r.

T(» THT. I'lllllC.The iiiu'.ersitfnod, S »nth( rn o'eam'-ott men. perina-

nent (Hi7.eiie ot tbe South, nnd memben* ol BB ureo. ia-Uofl to aid in tbo lermaiienl eetal.liabiiieiit <f tioM l.» rnIndopflfldfliiffl afld jofltira to oarownpeofk, dflflMttur dutv to 1 iv tl.it p«per k fow tbfl pol li<:

.¦.: krtfl ul our patriot soldkfi aad BtatfliBMfl willpiov. insutlii ent to pntflM tbo ifflhM aad irivil.-g. e

of our trne ktkflflfl, if we. who uie at h.-ii.c flOflflgedin bflsifli M iir-uite, lail tO Iei d our u,.i'..l aflflflt tOlha alorMO* > flfl*, -xnl baalsft 'ron' ">ir iflhki ihfl time-.eriii:.' bypocritcfl, wbo whb Borid k^adeara tt. <k mthis (uv even BOW, to till plflflfl of trust nnd [ refit, to

Ihfl flielflfliofl ol true ai.d WOlth} Mflfl. lfl ao run ii

oi buflforaa k Um mtII eraflpbgapflfl m m, MachaflkIbfl BflTlgatlon of tbe Miflfkappi liiv. r. Meu froavario.i' Wflfltflfll BtMM ate daiiy ani'. ing in tbk tkj,Mflfl et tbeM bringing l.-ti. n to ibeir Irtradfl abea iyI.n, und ali flf Ibem I.aping into | Im.« tt Rl at ic-

-|,.-i.ii ilny, to tha aaelaaka wt atni*traawflknmen.

|a ..r.'.-r tbfll Ibfl Goveinmet.t and people of Lon-i.-iana m..« nol be inil.iced lo bt ttfltfl that we are artit-* ¦! bv any oih.T tbaa paw Mfltiraa, aadapatriutlcflflflira to piflflflrra our caMMMkl] liee from tbe p«r*

li i,, i (¦'.. Beqweacflflfll l'o'U.ii.'.' in oai ¦ Wflfl.U uotoflUiTi iy ipkfl and itattocB.at l.-.i-t ¦eowoo bm af

Sortlicrn binli nnd ronfltanl Nflhkoee, baviag tbflifown tiiiiiili*n i" Ibe North, iii. ii fltfeeliona Ibera, andtheir deep-dyid N.iitiiern principle* und Beatiatentiti.robbi ,g k tbeir boaoaw, whik un l- r tl e proteetloaof Si.u.l.erii kWfl Ibey Becumul'l'.e S juii.,i(i neney.\s ,. aaaa .' eera ury't.. pfluMnt ta kalaacfl or two knoiut. And iii niiulyiag thefl instanees, tbflwillat flBflfl |.u..i.'e tt. re aie thoflfl bfltfl who flflll.naehrra triifl 8oathflffl flMO. who by tlieir ttan .-|u.iiy ('...eoivihg of pablio Btt-ntiou. And wanow tell tbaM il la om lUfld d ilerml aiiou to piy iutotbe title ot BBeb meflo gaatbwB patrooagfl im tate*,

'J'iic lii.-t flQbjecl 'or iii-.. ii.-r.ion i.t i.i.i Capt, WflBVfl?n a ia at kaM part oaraar and flaptala of iba itaaaierD, fl. .j.i.tiuiy. Tbk bflfllwm racentlj ehartrradto

i'i,(.li. t... rflmnent, aaa tran port andl eiiil i.itm.. h.u.oi. '.le '¦!'¦[ '.v flfll baringa eaptak Ibr ibs

raaion. Thi* Moflflflir Capt, VVeavei baa trareledtbfOttgb U.e Korth.I as vi ited li.itreea M..uroe.balnobbed with tbe kaikn m lhe flnamj baea free lapen.- IBlfl tlu ir must M-cret Kiri.iigbolde; BBd BOW, k

rt di\-o; Aflftwt, becflMfl. t.. >:-v-t. b-am.,andthnuisbinuMlf k tbe moklngtt BoMhflra stcamboui-u.eii, Inld a tew iliiva *itico.U ho is tbk Capt. Weitvor, a-td where iabishomeT

U hn ¦ Bouthflra Maa, true aad I. neai to tl a M<|. s.Mi.h/ Urwbfltr llorM ipj l Ork ho oniv a

daring man, wbo nu-ie.-. wtfli uud uide tbe Uuoolanng il.eii- Oflpiiality, aad tban im; u

Ibrmta bioadf in onr u,i.is', k dettaaflfl "i oar iiutrl l t.i ml ,ui-el lfl flf flfl«h bflflfl HMMflfTfllfll ll.i-

ilj ^., trailor, frow tb* ini| le k t t

.um t our peopk; but vm- r,-_ li.y coudndfl that Capt.Weuvor will lind fl aatremelj diffleolt tockar bimflellttom ibt tba <- ti balnganall Banemy. Tbfl..r. | i,t imtir. Capt. Weuver has takea

tbeottthto mipi^.n ib*Confodflratfl Statfl.afbbil bflfl riflti dbytbfl atharitlra, aader tiieproeauraol tbo aboveeharge. WhatinfloeaeeWa .ureeimayhavo bad ln his abjuring of tho Lincoln (iti.ii*> flkoo v, iii rov c. Should be prara ttm aod '."'<^lullli Iik piireuily a-eiitmd ). 0A, __?"heneibbi wiUH-edenU will ne comugned ,0"L'^'""- .

Uu lhe sleamboat Ueu. liuiuaau there Mfl ih«« mou

artiiiKrespectiielv a« Ckkti Y.ngwetr, MflMflflaJ.>pent.-r. Wm. I-cbardson, the eng.neer, and ..t-o-«*

l.obinsoti, the t.mfe, dai... ts bflSa* lo St. UM*Tbey bave been bscs but a few we* ks, and bave lefltbeir fannlie. in St. Louifl. Noa>8t. Lo«JfJ>«"£martiul-law by a Liiicolii tynint Uansfal, and alUh*ouiletH ara ri«i«JIv piardcd by bis minmns. llow.

then. tloe. it b:.pi*n thal men wh" . luim fo be a. loyaltotbeJSoi.th, lanleitve St. Ijoiim at will, to i;nd em-

i.lovmeut in thi. eity 1 Measra. I'lchardsou and hov-it.-or. uiiiat explaiti their recent udveut in the < rc-cent

Citv. under such pocitliar circntrsfonces. H-etiiir*man apokeu of is ihe carpenter ol the Quitmau, a .i_j-zt-ii of IndianH, ttrid l.ns a family iberenoW. He wUl

fully SHtiefv the denmnd. of uivet.ii.ral ion or d.part.Tbe (.'upiain t-f th.- Qnitnan merits so:;.e 1.011. e bere.

Ho was uppeu ed to rot t,> etnploy anv offlk-eri on baboat but well known Soiithero men. T'.is ci'y M foliof them, Hbar. bonset, it.tclli^ent and competent men,wbo wculd oflssr bis bo:it wiibom wagsa ratA r tban

isa atnngsra of doabtf-l poHtical atatw placed luoi-fit-es of tru-t ai d profil In-re.The next rl'iiraant of pnblic notiee 1. Capt. A«*er*i

Uraunon, Captain and ovvuer ol tbe MsMBBOM K«iyWeat. Capt. HraiiLOi. 44 fau.ily U in St. Loui-1. bnd b*himeelf is ju.t fn.rn that ciiv. II. c mo freignted wit-

letter. from St. Ixiuie to people l.ere. How mneb Af eo

injiiry. if BM tre.tt.oi..tr. tle So i.'h BMJBBV*BBBBbrou«ht hitherarid d.4.e_.ii>ated by tbi* piivate pt*at-iiun lioiii one of Uaoola's st.o' ghoid*, oisy never beknown. ('mt. BranBOfl lloojd have U*-u anceied,bis lt-tlcrsti.lt. n Irom Hm by ibs anlborllles. snd BM1 MB held biit.ject to a rijid'txainination of bis coa-

Cui t. -

The nndci>iirned are dligentlv engaged uml raVUdeteriniiod to j ...ire ibe Kltitu.b.>..t tnnh* of tba UaflBeaippl ltiver ot »ll men of doubtfol p< li i.a! . harSrtsr.Tbe cause ot ihe Niuth, a> <1 jin-ti.e to o it- li e. ai.dlaniilies, derniind it. In the iigi-1 Mrsoil of ibj. e*>

ptsaasd int, i tion, we look to ihe haally i-uiiatUuMiuiiilnniiii s o! Ijo'.ieiui.a to uid ;.ud eustalu us. .^''''U'_-Jtbo bapoabio.i coarpbuoad of snd beitin sxpssea h*

psnnitted lo ytat nnheedi-d bv tl.o t- uuih" i :?-- w*loldit tole our iudividihl ii'iul i-iilieua'-b-lijrbt to

i.ti,-pt rucli piou.pt i.nd viLorou. action aa ju-ii.e andthe ii.ittiie of the i-.i44e werni- io dt.-ui:.i.ci.


Ai.d toperfi-ct IbMorgantzatioa at-I -sndsr it* ob-jet-t* permduent ad bintiintr apon IM mmtahtra, ws

htreby detlare tb.tt thi. i.-aiuieeio t>« fij/imi I v all timne iiil.eih pit r.-ul t it.-. a.it'ptioti. BMI li -t' ii alMtll t*

arqui. mn A iu by all abaaal mn. bt rs and »il t al j.uiy|..iu i.eitri.tiir. And it ia rsct n.rx;i r..'..) tl.t 11 Co.i-ii.ittii-appointed MtbslsM BMsting larapnnsB tbfle.\,e.li..ui-y ot'.ti:tj.lii,^iiii. iii..i.iii;-.i. do oilcr iu..:_-tiiii.elv Miitable rssslaUi>8a for tba im mmmu\\ in L.mptaa, l.tni-l M-.'-i R. l-,t *.i, lec.uu,li", Ai.-an. lii ili .-iniltli, . ij.-r.K. (1. IVat.ou. L. Jeiui. (.. B.A *....).H. T. C*UAtuck, Dav. ,1 u.r, N II Coaiatvck,H. Uai.-ic-k.. I.t. *.ia*-r-, J. J.Si..i,h.J" |.'. VV^t.on. Ko!.i-rt I' liray, U u.. Ki, uu.11.-. r, li lit.ron, Joh.. l)«--r J. .1. Wb.-I.r,

irlna. '1 H.NvoiacWi D M. .**t_itn.AL I. li-nt.ei, A. ¦' Si'.'ii n«, Wbi '. c ;..ld,A. I l o,»e. J. M. Anile.Min, Ii.'.v d l*t -. ..

Ja*. W. Bpean, Jol.t i.-.uld, Jth li.t uutu.-aa,IV. 11. Suiunrta, Wtu Cute, Ab* -niuii,'i,-. W Wo.re, I'. W liiuel, Maofl -llltr,.-,Ji,.-. II. Uaflat* ilei rv I'--. -e.', Ki--.ard Itauner,/.T.Bbib, Tbo-.aaB.lotd, v...,.-' .:¦-,la- llbd*o.d, S Sbclioii. IV. H.Bi-.n,Jobafilaa, H-.t.l Otle, Aicbaba! M.-l.c-aa.J'.i.'U Ureen, john Vrl ,r'a ,d. Rtibart M.-ihl.ewl'J. Johnton. \\ iu. U. 1)w v, lliii.ird M."Xlmoa,D.uiil Mt-i liuti-k, Jtniei Itudy. Baiuutl Mayaa,J. Im H Mhrbai. Joi.u K. .*>, .tt, /oha AMiiek.Daitial liralrtru, Oaota. Htekaa, Jo,,u A,aha,i,b,Jon-j.lt M. Ii.ibey, IVui Keru. Iii-. I. MViver, John C.rt.r,.1 iba I. .- ii. ,., Wro. Orn. Clni.'-; t II., tlt.jar,loi.n i i-.'.-r.M, 1' W". Murphy. I! ', US.I*. M.-e.lero., Waa Ruppeiabarg h\, Kc-iaa,

uah, llj-ni^ tl. ir J MWui. il .. i.l ¦¦¦ ¦¦ *r, Jaaie.. M 01 --r,J.iji.i hei.ia, .,«, !<. l.dii". - ..:_

(Ii.\^ ii./.. tl/i. '. i.Ji'CutijXstchc... Vkkaborg, ui.d MsMpnlJ y \' .*, |lf«*s

noiico.Ti'i: citi/iv BOLME-B «»i M.«-"iiu:v\'--'.

It (.ivce aa KisM aalWbrtbm'to bs ahl.- toanBO-Mflthut ibe re-|ui i:> Bwaanm for i.ial-i'K eth'-ie: . ibelargaasaaber uf Citiwni noJ 'ier*, wbo, iu i,tinu*ru*i8ai.*a ll-i.p|K,.t.it-tl and vfll.lrill tl compairia ar.- -11r. ¦¦',, io de'ciid onr citv abaoSTSf BMBlbMl hy tl.atieu.v, bave it-en |_B*got*tsd, aad flf* ln prueiss ti

;1 iion, bv (ic li-.i.,-. 0-B ol tbsBB i> tU*i 'tnation oi a hrlgads. t" eoa bi of ihe ibflssaaaa-paui.it of tbe Coufederate Uo-tni*, the LivaitduatJ'i..rJe, ui.d c)i,e otber: tba brluade. aa ars infunasa..ul) aadertba roo.aai otUau. Wtyttmnto. Wiaila BflBlfli now is periifiion in li.tt.-.lion d i'i, t«n lhaparl .tf ;,ll -,ir ct-rj.s, eo thut iu B M mt iee', *.h -y .an

ba iu"Vtti to ad-raataB*, Would not ¦ ragnl .r *e*kviu--, ection, r. v.. w, and drl 1 oi aU oni rftj iroops, teudto tbo att. iiiii.ent .-1 tbi. desir-il ernl

DI-I'u.-niON OT »'i li PBUOBBBB..' A riii.te. oi St. Mary. in view ot Ibs Im-ta tliat

tba*MM**a**B*f Briasaaw now held lii IttaflMBMi.. Biive to the GovstB-BSBl, and are ".a ing np

t! - .il ei-t. iife rn leat-ary i.r o-ir ovt-u tv.l-ii. i-e, suit-Ke-ce tbat thirv ba p-it loas_* Basfbl sflfljAsi asot, a_dN ba made \o pi) ttt tA-ir kt.ii.ig. llo peop. _athat ihey bs set ro worku. labsrcra ou that aufiuatiaii rtjoti of tbs lIpeh-tiei.H, li BBl Wee'.in B*i TexasKailroad lylag bMwsao Bertrkk Iiii* antl Ibsgabl-BIbs idsB ¦ luBsalosii, esitalaly.

.Ni.nii Curoiii.a has alrssdy raia i SS rsfimsi tsand4 bMtatiss, aakiogis all **,570 aei. Aooui lo.iKH)

..-, i is said, ure in VllgtaiflTHI rAXK-SB BEUKVI lltK>il>KXT DAVIS UY.Kl).him tn.i i, Sept. 4..l.'i'ii ihi* rsgorts, *.*¦**¦

iagtba dt-atii of Pntaldsnl DBfia,orgl-alsd by TbaArt -1 .fi. ti rnld't W Habiuuton cornap-jutlc-ii', bavaCH.t.4».l intanst-e_iitti.ieiit withiulhe pd*t tottg mtatitihtiurr". Ihe tlnpalcl.e. rii'.itf.i by Oe Adaun ..-

prcaa Companv lullv eootradiii tbs at-t.mB*t.TktPmamia(Mla. WarrsparM bassyaad bbbBb>

¦BM r.,i.> in that tagua, uud li.iuks tiie cotuu cropmuch injureJ by tbeiu.

IflBBBIBI IflWilBlflflfOB TMfcflfl tiie best eiri-dei.ee that the gluoni whiih !.«ul ac.t-ct iipoti Wubkayton i. uo-v removtd ie i'uiiih.i.i'.i in tbi following frora" Oocaa.inal," the correej ondeut of 7'..c PAaiadtlptiaV 4- t |

" I'ri-'ident Ussola I... n.a-le very few speethe-,wl.icb i- u w .ii-J.:-. t. i.-i lering U M bs aaa laa* u. on

the luietiBgfl iu ln.-. o-.iri Matf. H* raf i r **rai.1 BBBt.'ii ,1 tiiej..... ili- fartt teautMb* IbM bt aakatyqiuint hnmor. Pm luatanes. tba sthsr d*y, absa Mr.MsMiobasI and the PbiladelpUadeleaation werei-a-¦entsd lo iln- PraakB nl by Sserstarj Ca srea. bbb <diLe I'hiladeli.t ins saprtani a hope thut flfa Limobiwould aoon send bi. BBMffl below Bfl-hi.ioiid; thattL..-e wiio had aiibsiribed tbe m.-tiey, &:.*., had * lightto look for f-otne suib demoeatratl a. ' K.iher /Vbra-ham' h'cktd at him ',;iielK for m ae.ui.d, und UhBsaid, 'WUI yo* tell u* tba roats lo lakstoKfc-b-McdfWe tiied itat Manussa., und fouud it like .lorduu;*ttu be did BOl add, a. ho tni^ht have added, ' a iome-

vtha' iaid ro..d M truvel. Il was S* tbe <.*_.,., ..-i,,n he colloqula_y add, ttal, la this ri ii, wsoil.! t all to bear und fof'ear, tn tr.i.t in each otherjto believe lhat our aabUfl MlSBBM .M bt-iuet uutil li*

i. eisproTcd. Ii wo could not e.ii h'V oui c:- lbetter to tiie rit-uie it bygtriog SBipfoyaMnl lo bauneuiplov.d; to SBSOBligs Iba tr.Kjpi et.,y they1, Bv* lur ihe wais; t" impire eiilistmenlaj and, abov*all, to iriMtt that ti.e BaMBBBBBH alioiibl ce.N* com-

..iuii.i...', ln order thut tba boBMfl puhlie is*tbacBMinay be coe*0-da!*d around ibe cmtt_*_cd BBtborl-S..Allewwieks ago, wl.cj utll -d u, o to c: .1 reir-

ul.rtroop* IfltO Kentucky, tigaiant vv l.i-li >oi willt inanv Union man protsstcd, allsgingtbst tlay

could dslsnd tbs acUof Kentucky I J..¦the 8 iiiluuiilB, Iba riaaMiail iBflMikid '1 am ex-

alyanziousto protsel lha Uaio* aa*. aad baaatak.-u aiiBt-oaarBaaaaarsslo do so, u* arsa ia Keu-uiiky M ia XsBM*Mp, bat I bm tba bad of a Ination, and m.'.t be governed by < >,H_i

\ \ti,,. lor-rl oug!:*. as far ua pt-rsible. I will ill'U-Inieini iv ,ii .ii l.'. ihefiibleoi the f.irm.r ab* re-

tornad Mmm aai foi il wi.il.- h-s two litilo chil-drt-n wtieu 1 ep,anumberofanaksabad ti-k.>ii ,artMaaaaBion t.i ibs bod. lle could not Miikstba uakMwithout t".idaiit;erii'K bi. oUbpring, nnd iberet..r.- bs

l, Iho clloct ot the compuiijoowmB-saawsrabk. . , ,.

.* Iba ei.ei.iar- t>t rreei.1. nt l.u.toln aie tu tbo I-bitof chargini.' hie diaposiiion to enligbtt n th* gr**r»T_|hia high dnttsaafu r tbia f__ion. t, nnd-ie UvltysibM1 put il lu v,.l vvh ihf.'Bl rk, ell'llSfl

thia. b aot laBartbBBB**iyluBB0BBMb1" A .'..nd deal of unxiev ooutlnnefl to exrire in*

public ii.ii.d us 10 'bO* Mn. son'e Hillistobe taken.1Wlai i. to le dona wil it r 'Why wer,- *

.il.iv.-d tooccflw _«' 'lt _»,22fS'

" '":'''1,,jr "Vi I'" u.M.or.flthsL'nitsdSl te. < BMbsis J^VffS... u¥ru Ion. jroo bsai on J1 ijaas. S?»JSt3,,.. tfuawoflll-lbaTS bMB |III*bim|t, ,. u p,-ri-.i^>f


WtbM m^^.^^

u unkuowu. ,
