kpmg's research: succeed in constant change

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Post on 21-Jan-2017




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    Succeed in Constant Change


  • 1 2015 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

    Succeed in Constant Change: Respondent Demographics

  • 2 2015 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

    Respondent Financial Performance

    Respondents range in size and performance varies, with high growth

    and profitable firms demonstrating different characteristics throughout the research. Explored in further detail.

  • 3 2015 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

    Assessment of competition in 5 years

    C-level sees more competition outside the radar,

    different than line executives and directors.

  • 4 2015 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

    Executives are facing constant change, no change in sight

    Yet, only 17% feel prepared




  • 5 2015 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

    The Top Disruptions facing Executives

    Respondents identified

    the top five disruptors in

    order of impact:

  • 6 2015 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

    Top 5 Disrupters that are Opportunities & Challenges All respondents

    A critical finding in this study

    is that the most successful

    companies are able to take

    any market change, even

    those that seem negative,

    and turn it into a competitive


  • Response to


  • 8 2015 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

    What businesses plan to do as a result of disruption

    However, while cost reduction remains a post recession priority, the study

    shows the fastest-growing companies are not cutting their way to growth.

    The most popular response was to reduce operating expenses.

  • 9 2015 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

    Additional reading:

    Operating effectively in the face of ever-present change

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Operating effectively in the face of ever-present change

    As the pace of change becomes more rapid, impacting business operations

    and employees as much as customers, it is all the most important for

    companies to respond skillfully to change.

    The research brief, Operating effectively in the face of ever-present change

    delves into how executives are utilizing new technologies, robotics, and other

    mechanisms to drive operating performance effectiveness and profitability. It

    is ideal for leaders of enterprise functions, like finance, operations, customer

    care, information technology, and human resources.

    Key questions explored on operating effectiveness include:

    What kinds of technology and talent investments are improving operations

    and profitability? How are they rethinking their operating model? How are

    current technology trends driving change? What are the pitfalls of their

    lower-performing peers?

    Ideas and action items to turn disruption into opportunities covered in

    this brief include:

    1. Consumerization

    2. Changing demographics and the democratization of technology

    3. The digitization of everything

    4. Key considerations for action

    Click here to read the full report.

  • 10 2015 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

    Additional reading: Harnessing disruption for growth

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Harnessing disruption for growth

    The fastest-growing firms find opportunities at every turn, taking market challenges

    and transforming them into competitive improvements. These companies believe that

    disruption must be embraced not merely managed to drive growth.

    How are they doing it? According to KPMGs executive research on disruption, the

    most successful companies are responding to change by investing in the right

    combination of technology and talent. Accordingly, theyre using those new assets to

    improve their knowledge, agility, and company culture a formula that leads to

    competitive advantage.

    What kinds of technology and talent investments are these growth companies

    making? How are they changing their tactics, and what outcomes do they expect?

    What are the pitfalls of their lower-performing peers?

    The growth agenda stretches from the C-suite to the HR function, to technology,

    finance, and innovationand all are impacted by dramatic change.

    Ideas and action items explored in this brief include:

    1. Improving competitive differentiation

    2. Building an effective technology portfolio and the right talent to support it

    3. Decentralizing the client experience to focus on the market of one

    4. Aligning executives and creating new roles to support decision-making

    5. A blueprint for growth

    Click here to read the full report.

  • 11 2015 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

    How KPMG helps clients respond to disruption



    Sales & Marketing

    Customer Growth

    Customer Engagement




    Digital and




    Digital & Mobile

    Enterprise Solutions

    Technology Enablement

    Planning, Budgeting,

    and Forecasting

    Information Management

    Business Intelligence

    Customer Analytics

    Information Technology

    (Cost reduction, improved

    performance & profitability)

    Supply Chain

    Global Business Services

    Automation & Robotics

  • 12 2015 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

    Julio Hernandez

    Alton Adams

    Cliff Justice

    John Cummings

    Stan LePeak

    Lee Ann Moore

    For more information, please contact:







    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 2015 KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. Member firms

    of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG

    International provides no client services.

    The KPMG name, logo and cutting through complexity are registered trademarks or trademarks of

    KPMG International.

    The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address

    the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavor to provide

    accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate

    as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should

    act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination

    of the particular situation.