korea money brokerage corporation the - · pdf file2011 kmb corporate brochure fifteen years...

The Way You Meet the Best KOREA MONEY BROKERAGE CORP. 13F. YoungPoong Bldg. 33. Seorindong. Chongrogu. Seoul. Korea 110-752 Tel +82-2-3706-8200 Fax +82-2-3706-8280 www.kmbco.com THE WAY YOU 2011 PR BROCHURE KOREA MONEY BROKERAGE CORPORATION MEET THE BEST KOREA MONEY BROKERAGE CORP. THE WAY YOU MEET THE BEST

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The Way You Meet the Best

Korea Money BroKerage Corp.13F. YoungPoong Bldg. 33. Seorindong. Chongrogu. Seoul. Korea 110-752Tel +82-2-3706-8200 Fax +82-2-3706-8280 www.kmbco.com




The Way You Meet the Best

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2011 KMB Corporate Brochure

Fifteen years after first entering Korea’s money market,Korea Money Brokerage Corp. ventures beyond being the nation’s No.1,

going new distances overseas as a leading integrated brokerage firm.

As we unfold another 15 years,KMB strives to present clients with the ‘Best of Best’,

providing extensive experience and global competitiveness.

The way you

meeT The besT

History & Vision 09-10Financial Highlights 11-12Shareholders 13Organization 14Message from CEO 15-16KMB’s Services 17-18·Foreign Exchange 19-20·Money Market 21-22·Fixed Income 23-24·Derivatives 25-26Corporate Social Responsibility 27Global Networks 28

Table of conTenTs

The Way You Meet the Best

The Way You Meet the Best

Introducing the first chapter of Korea’s money brokerageWe integrated and stabilized the call money market. We minimized trading expensesfor clients by enhancing the fairness and transparency of money broking. We establisheda framework to widen the base of the FX market for globalizing the domestic financialmarket. These are all invaluable achievements of Korea Money Brokerage Corp., thevery first money brokerage firm in Korea.The

first way1996.07 Founded as the first money broker specializing in call money between financial institutions

1999.02 Begins foreign exchange broking services for globalizing and stabilizing the money market

2000.06 Begins services as interdealer broker for fixed income

The Way You Meet the Best

Thelargest way

becoming Korea’s largest channel of money brokerageWe provide services to around 300 financial institutions, which engage in call moneytrade ranging from 10 to 20 trillion won, equivalent to 9 to 18 billion US dollars. We offer more efficient and professional interdealer broker services that boost the fixedincome market. We enable prompt responses to a rapidly evolving financial market with more diversified FX and derivatives broking services. This is the way laid out by Korea Money Brokerage Corp, offering the widest range of services and products.

Foreign ExchangeFX Spot MARFX SwapNDFDeposit

Money MarketUnsecured call moneySecured call moneyRepoCP

Fixed IncomeKTB MSB and other bonds

DerivativesIRS CRSFRA

The Way You Meet the Best

TheGlobal way

Joining the ranks of global brokerage firmsWe now compete against foreign brokers in the international financial market withthe establishment of the Hong Kong Branch Office (October 2007). We are addressing the wave of globalization in the financial market through the founding of the Beijing Representative Office (June 2011). We seek opportunities for another leap forward, based upon even more accurate predictions of global financial market trends. This is the way global integrated broker, Korea Money Brokerage Corp., pioneers a new and larger path.

honG KonGbeIJInG

Begins broking services for interbank CP trade

Begins broking services for interbank Repo trade

Jun. 1997 |

May. 1997 |

Expands broking services to intebrank foreign exchangeFeb. 1999 |

Acquires license as interdealer broker (IDB) and begins servicesJun. 2000 |

Launches FX Electronic Trade System (KMB-Net)Aug. 2002 |

Begins broking services for secured call money market

Begins broking services for gold market

Oct. 2003 |

Jul. 2003 |

Provides money market information system for dealersFeb. 2004 |

Opens Hong Kong Branch Office and begins servicesOct. 2007 |

Launches strategic alliance with ICAP in electronic spot FX tradingApr. 2008 |

Acquires license for financial investment services pursuant to the Capital Market ActFeb. 2009 |

Opens Beijing Representative OfficeJun. 2011 |


2011 KMB Corporate Brochure


Begins broking services for interbank CD trade

Begins broking services for call money market

Acquires license as a money broker in Korea

Founded and held first general shareholder’s meeting

Dec. 1996 |

Nov. 1996 |

Oct. 1996 |

Jul. 1996 |

building on the past 15 years to design our next 15 yearsKorea Money Brokerage Corp. has marked new milestones in the domestic interbank financial market ever since its foundation. We will strive endlessly to expand the market for brokerage products and services. KMB will constantly work to provide clients with the best brokerage services to rise as the pride of Korea’s financial services industry.


History & Vision

Kmb aims to be a global firm leading the financial wholesale marketIn efforts to advance as a global integrated financial broker,Korea Money Brokerage Corp. is united under four core values.


core ValueProfessionalWe provide services based on professional knowledge about the global financial market by strengthening training according to market trends and hiring skilled brokers with widespread experience in the financial sector.

customer-orientedWe grow together with our clients by quickly recognizing the various needs ofdomestic and international clients and providing customer-oriented services.

Profit-maximizingWe endeavor not only to expand our size, but to also maximize profits andenhance corporate value by increasing operating profits, the essential goal of abusiness.

coexistenceWe seek to create a better society where not only KMB staff and clients, but more members of society can further benefit together.


Global firm leading the financial whole-

sale market


Customer -Oriented

Profit -Maximizing

KMB Mind


11 1211111111 121212121212





Financial Highlights2011 KMB Corporate Brochure

Kmb, reaping high profits compared to its sizeKMB receives solid trust from its clients largely because it is a company that createshigh profits. KMB will keep to the expectations and beliefs of its clients by continuingto attain higher-than-expected results.

financial highlights






’06’07 ’09



6,644 ’06 ’07




3,975 4,061





Operating Income

Income before Income Tax

Net Income

34,499 18,453 21,746 23,54032,758


’06 ’07 ’08’09









Operations Financial Position[Unit] million won [Unit] million won



Stockholders’ equity

Paid-in Capital

The Way You Meet the Best2011 KMB Corporate Brochure Shareholders & Organization

Seoul Head OfficeOverseas : Hong Kong Branch Office, Beijing Representative Office

Staff : 100 persons (incl. 20 persons overseas)

we work for customer satisfaction.To provide our clients with the best possible service and convenience, every single member of KMB shares the aim of satisfying clients. All synergy created by our work is for the single purpose of client satisfaction.

organizationKmb’s shareholders consist of 55 well-established financial institutionsThe unfaltering trust and strong support from shareholders have been the largest drivingforce that enabled Korea Money Brokerage Corp. to firmly establish itself in Korea’s brokerage market and continue to grow.

KMB was first founded by 120 domestic financial institutions including commercial banks, security companiesand insurance companies. After suffering the financial crisis of the late 1990s, however, several corporate restructuring and mergers occurred among financial institutions. As a result, KMB’s shareholders currently consist of 55 financial institutions.




13 14



KR&C Commercial Banks

Commercial Banks



Security Companies

Security Companies

1 18



39 %

8 %

21 %4 %

2 %

24 %

2 %

AuditorPresident & CEO

IT Dept.

Senior Managing Director

Leasing Companies

Insurance Companies

Treasury Stocks


Leasing Companies

Insurance Companies

Beijing Representative


FX Dept.Fixed IncomeDept.

Money Market Dept.


Hong KongBranch Office

Auditing Team


Management Strategy


Management Support


Management Strategy &

Support Dept.

Shares100 %


15 16

Message From the CEO2011 KMB Corporate Brochure

Kmb continues its Journey,marching forward as a Global Interdealer broker

Korea Money Brokerage Corp. strives endlessly to match the diverse demands of domestic

and international financial institutions, while also delivering fairness in broking services and

reducing trade expenses.

Established in July 1996 as a firm specializing in call money broking services between

financial institutions, KMB has continued to expand its services to additionally cover areas

including foreign exchange, fixed income and derivatives. We now draw recognition as the

leading domestic integrated brokerage firm.

KMB endeavors to provide our clients with professional broking services that swiftly respond

to the rapidly changing domestic and offshore financial markets. This is demonstrated by

the development of our financial infrastructure to provide better services,

such as our foreign exchange electronic trade system and money market information system.

We also constantly seek to extend our presence in overseas financial markets.

Having opened our Hong Kong Branch Office, we now compete with global brokerage firms,

whereas the launch of our Beijing Representative Office enables us to prepare for growth in

major international financial markets including China.

KMB promises to do its utmost to enhance the convenience of its clients with its services.

We ask for your continued interest and support.

Thank you.

Seunghee Han

President & CEOKorea Money Brokerage Corp.

The Way You Meet the Best

Kmb is Korea’s no.1 integrated brokerage firm covering money market,fixed income, foreign exchange and derivatives broking services.

Foreign ExchangeMoney MarketFixed IncomeDerivatives

The wayyou meeTThe besT

19 20

The Way You Meet the Best

executing swift and precise interbank foreign exchange trade

foreign exchange

2011 KMB Corporate Brochure Foreign Exchange

As a certified institution for publishing foreign exchange fixed rates (MAR), KMB is at the forefront of the electronic trading sector, having upgraded the functions of its FX electronic trade system (KMB-Net) and electronic spot FX trading.

KMB launched its foreign exchange broking services in 1999, after which the FX department

has constantly worked to present services that cover increasingly diverse, convenient and safe


The establishment of the efficient and advanced electronic trade system (KMB-Net) enabled

KMB to provide swifter and more precise FX broking services, which allows clients to choose

from among voice and electronic broking according to their preference. The FX department

continues to offer a growing selection of broking services to meet market demands in FX spot,

FX swap, NDF as well as G7 currency brokerage services. Also, KMB provides market information

regarding foreign exchange such as real-time rates through data vendor platforms to clients

including Reuters, Yonhap Infomax and KOSCOM, thereby keeping in line with customer

demands for FX information.

In September 2009, the Ministry of Finance and Strategy selected KMB as a certified institution

for publishing foreign exchange fixed rates. Therefore, we provide the foreign exchange market’s

daily basic trading rate for the won/dollar and thus contribute to enhancing the transparency and

accuracy of published rates.


FX Spot

MAR (Market Average Rate)

FX Swap

NDF (Non-Deliverable Forward)


21 22

The Way You Meet the Best2011 KMB Corporate Brochure Money Market


Unsecured call money

Secured call money

Repo (Repurchase Agreement)

CP (Commercial Paper)

Providing the highest level of satisfaction in interbank call money trade

money marketKMB endeavors to satisfy clients’ needs for diverse interbank call money trade based upon its longstanding traditions, know-how and top market share.

After beginning domestic call money broking services in 1996, KMB launched repo broking

services in May 1997 and expanded its business to additionally cover secured call money and

commercial paper (CP) broking services.

Our clients include all domestic financial institutions and the daily trading volume exceeds 10

trillion won. Acknowledged as the leader in this field, KMB has headed the unsecured call money

sector for the past 15 years, and has maintained around 90 percent of market share in the secured

call money sector.

23 24

The Way You Meet the Best2011 KMB Corporate Brochure Fixed Income

KTB (Korea Treasury Bond)

MSB (Monetary Stabilization Bond)

Other bonds


Vitalizing the fixed income market with efficient IDb services

fixed IncomeKMB was the first to be licensed by the government as a domestic fixed income interdealer broker (IDB) in February 2000, and since then, it has been offering highly efficient and competitive IDB services.

KMB has offered domestic interdealer broking services for fixed income since June 2000. We

are constantly striving to enhance convenience and profits for interdealer trade participants, as

to which we perform our role efficiently by receiving real-time orders, enabling clients to check

settlements and providing prompt market information.

The fixed income department, consisting of experienced and qualified brokers, carries out real-

time checks on demands for fixed income among all market participants including domestic

and foreign banks, securities companies and investment trust companies, and promptly settles

the transactions. Moreover, KMB has introduced the DVP (Delivery Versus Payment) system,

which means that assets and payments are exchanged simultaneously to ensure the safety of

settlements for clients.

25 26

The Way You Meet the Best2011 KMB Corporate Brochure Derivatives

IRS (Interest Rate Swap)

CRS (Currency Rate Swap)

FRA (Forward Rate Agreement)


expanding the horizon of derivatives broking services

DerivativesKMB leads the development of Korea’s derivatives market by regularly conducting market research and building a tight network with domestic and foreign financial institutions.

Initially, the local derivatives market was dominated by foreign brokers located abroad in Hong-

Kong or Singapore. KMB was the first among domestic brokers to launch derivatives broking

services, after which it has continued to contribute to the development of Korea’s derivatives

market by covering various derivatives brokerage including IRS, CRS and FRA.

KMB forms a weblike network with financial institutions within Korea as well as overseas.

Also, we are continuing to invest in human resources and facilities, thus hiring skilled brokers

equipped with expertise on financial products and adopting the latest broking systems.

KMB will continue to undertake the important role of strengthening swap trade to provide index

rates for derivatives in the financial market and form an efficient derivatives market.

27 28

The Way You Meet the Best

Culture and EducationScholarships for Youth from Underprivileged and Low-Income Class FamiliesSupporting dreams is the start of a brighter future for everyone. KMB provides scholarships for youth from underprivileged and low-income class families. We are doing all we can to lend a helping hand to make sure that these young people do not give up their dreams because of economic hardships.

Support for Classical Music ConcertsKMB presents more people with the opportunity to enjoy cultural activities by providingsupport for hosting classical music concerts.

Clients•Local and foreign banks in Hong Kong•Local and foreign banks in the Asian region including China, Chinese Taipei and Singapore•Currently runs around 100 private wire hotlines to more than 60 institutions

Broking Services

honG KonG | Branch Office


DEPO Money broking services for various currencies such as USD and G7 Currency

SwAP Currency Swaps such as HKD/USD



BIll & BONDS HKD dominated bonds

Main Responsibilities•Market research on money market, foreign exchange and derivatives within China including Beijing•R&D activities

beIJInG | Representative OfficeKMB established the Beijing Representative Office to persistently expand its presence in the global financial wholesale market including China, where growth is projected to continue, and it is in the process of preparing for fully beginning business in China.

Support for Social Welfare FacilitiesKMB regularly provides operational subsidies for running social welfare facilities in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. Furthermore, KMB spares no efforts in encouraging those in need, also spending time together with children at various welfare facilities.

Volunteer Work Serving the Elderly Living AloneKMB visits and provides frequent financial support for the elderly living alone who face economic difficulties and suffer from loneliness.

Donation of One-Day Commission FeesKMB steps closer toward its dream of realizing a ‘happy society where all benefit together’through annual donations of its one-day commission fees.

Support for Flood VictimsIn the occurrence of a flood, KMB takes part in the pain and difficulties experienced by flood victims by joining volunteer efforts to restore flooded areas, in addition to providing funds for restoration activities.

Blood Donation CampaignBlood donations are an easy way to perform the gift of sharing. KMB commonly carries out a campaign among its staff to give blood donation certificates to help those who need them most.


Global networks

CSR & Global Networks

hong Kong and beijing, the starting points for engaging with global financial institutions in fX and derivatives

2011 KMB Corporate Brochure


Hong Kong

even at this very moment, Korea money brokerage corp.wholeheartedly supports those in need

csR | Corporate Social Responsibility |

As much as KMB endeavors to increase its amount of profits, it also seeks to grow in its amount of sharing. It is our recognition that providing sustained help every yearto those in need is not merely a responsibility, but a truly rewarding responsibility. KMB’s Hong Kong Branch Office, which was launched to establish a firm footing

in one of Asia’s financial hubs, has become a key broker in the local market by increasing liquidity in the foreign exchange and derivatives market and enhancing convenience for clients overseas.

Euljiro 1(il)-ga StationSubway Line no. 2Seoul City Hall

BosingakJongno 3ga

Gwanghwamun Post Office




contact list

Hong Kong Branch Office · Contact Number : +852-3622-2777 · E-mail : [email protected] Beijing representative Office · Contact Number : +86-10-6563-9965 · E-mail : [email protected]

Money Market· unsecured call money +82-2-3706-8312

· Secured call money +82-2-3706-8262

· repo +82-2-3706-8263

· CP +82-2-3706-8354

· E-mail [email protected]

Derivatives· IrS +82-2-3706-8445

· CrS +82-2-3706-8427

· FrA +82-2-3706-8410

· E-mail [email protected]

Foreign Exchange· FX Spot, MAr +82-2-3706-8432

· FX Swap +82-2-3706-8440

· NDF +82-2-3706-8357

· Deposit +82-2-3706-8412

· E-mail [email protected]

Fixed Income· KtB +82-2-3706-8359

· MSB +82-2-3706-8385

· E-mail [email protected]

Hong Kong Branch OfficeSeoul Head Office Beijing representative Office

already,you meeT The besT

The Way You Meet the Best

13F. YoungPoong Bldg. 33. Seorindong. Chongrogu. Seoul. Korea 110-752Tel : +82-2-3706-8200 FAX : +82-2-3706-8280

Kyobo Book Centre

Standard CharteredFirst Bank

Unit 1804, 9 Queen’s Road Central, Hong KongTel : +852-3622-2777 FAX : +852-3622-2772

Room 2923, Block C, Central International Trade Center 6A, Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, ChinaTel : +86-10-6563-9965 FAX : +86-10-6563-9964

2011 KMB Corporate Brochure2011 KMB Corporate Brochure

At Korea Money Brokerage Corp., you already meet the best. This means that our clients enjoy the highest quality of services andexperience working with a future major global integrated broker.

(13F. YoungPoong Bldg)

Subway Line no. 5 (Gwanghwamun Station)

Subway Line no. 1 (Jonggak Station) Subway Line no. 1