kohl, middleton*«; pc newdimemuseum! · richest ever shown in st. paui. etch window and door in...

i LOCAL 11l "ATIO^. Handsome Vases. New desigp, beautifully decorated; low prices. "North Star Seed store, 21 West Third street, De Con & Co. Potatoes Of different' varieties; smooth and of -rood quality. North Star Seed store. be Cou & Co., 21 West Third street. See Lawton Brothers' Add. On page, offering special induce- ments at White Bear Lake. Beautiful and Artistic. The drapery department of the St. Paul Carpet company is the most com- plete, attractive and artistic depart- ment of the kind in the Northwest. In this stock can be seen an endless variety of the latest novelties in draperies, cur- tains and window shades, from the low- priced goods to the very finest and richest ever shown in St. Paui. Etch window and door in this department is draped in a different style and way, showing just how the drapery. looks. on windows and doors. Good taste, good judgment in combining colors and per- fect harmony of colors prevail through- out this department. Every lady in this city that enjoys looking at beauti- ful goods arranged in an artistic man- ner will be well repaid for time spent in looking through the department of the St. Paul Carpet company, and will be astonished at the low prices quoted. The Cheapest Bates Ever Offered to the South and "West. On April 3 and 24, May 8 and 22, and June 5 and 19 the Royal Route— St. P., M. & 0. railway— sell excursion tickets at the following rates: From St. Paul and Minneapolis to— Norfolk, Neb., and return, $10.45. Lincoln, Neb., and return, 112.65. Topeka, Kan., and return, $10.81. Fort Scott, Kan., and return, $18.30, with corresponding rates to other points in Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas and New Mexico. Also note following low rates: : i To Eureka Springs, Ark., and return, only $22.50. To Hot Springs, Ark., and return, only $28.00, and tickets good for return passage sixty days. And on April 8 and 22 special ex- cursion tickets will be sold to all principal points in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee and North and South Carolina. For tickets and full information about stop-over privileges, call at No. 159 East Third street, St. Paul; 13 Nicollet house block, Minneapolis; or address T. W. Teasdale, general passenger agent. St. Paul. New Proof Etchings. Blakemore & Angell have just re- ceived from New York a number of very fine specimens of the etcher's art. They will be on public exhibition for a few days at their art rooms, 25 East Seventh street. Watches on Monthly Payments at Stone, the Jeweler's, 244 East Seventh street. Wabasha Street to the Front. The improvements on this street are very marked from season to season, and it is fast. becoming the favorite shop- ping street for ladies. The business houses on this thoroughfare all indicate a prosperous business. While strolling along the reporter's eye was attracted by a handsome show window between Seventh and Eighth streets, it being the store of Geo. H. Lains, one of the largest houses on the street, but was scarcely recognized as the old place, for Mr. Lams has also been making very extensive improvements. Upon enter- ing he was courteously invited to make a thorough inspection of the different de- partments, so started at the basement, where is kept a large line of stoves and ranges and a full line of the renowned Jewel Gasoline stoves, cooking utensils, etc. The first floor is entirely devoted to samples of furniture, where may be found most anything in the line you de- sire from the best factories of the United States. The gallery on this floor is devoted to the crockery trade. Here again you can find any grade you desire, from the common white granite to handsomely decorated dinner and tea sets, toilet ware, etc. But on taking the elevator for the carpet department our Sleasantest surprise awaited us. For _r. Lains has converted what was formerly known as Pfeifer's hall into a very pleasant carpet hall. The light is good and the stock contains all the latest novelties in drapery, rugs and carpets. This department must be seen to be appreciated. Mr. Lains will be very much pleased to show you through, and gave the scribe a very cordial invite to call again, with a polite request to let the ladies know that they are always welcome, whether they wish to buy or not. At the old stand, No. 448 Wabasha street. "Watches Cleaned and Warranted For $1 by Stone, the Jeweler, 244 East Seventh street. The Grocery Trade Of J. II. Brown, formerly at 304 Robert street, will be continued at the com- modious quarters, Twelfth and Robert streets, after April 4. Open Saturday, March 31, at 266 East Seventh Street, Can be found as complete a sample room in every respect as there is in the city. Everything about the place is new, neat and fine. Fine wines, liquors and cigars a specialty. Have also iu connection a fine pool and billiard room. Give them a call and they will be sure to please you. Hodge &Conlin, propri- etors. St. Paul Wire Works St. Paul Wire Works Removed to 21 West Third street. De Cou & Co. Stone, the Jeweler, Sells watches cheaper than any jeweler in the city. 244 East Seventh street. New Shoes for Easter. Thirty eases of men's and ladies' fine spring shoes just received from the East at the J. &F. Shoe Store, 252 East Seventh. Another Cause for Easter Re- joicing If you have bought your shoes at the J. & F. Shoe Store, 252 East Seventh street, where you get a comfortable shoe, elegant fit and the best shoe for the money in the city. New Lot of Birds Just imported; beautiful singers; sell- ing fast. North Star Seed store. De Cou & Co., 21 West Third street. *-{ Flower Seeds, Vegetable and grass seed; good quality; lowest prices. North Star Seed store. De Cou & Co., 21 West Third street. Delicious Strawberries At Michaud Bros.' Grocery. For Strictly Fresh Eggs For Easter leave orders at Union Milk company, 238 West Third street. You Can Live in Comfort During the coming' summer providing you secure a Jewel Gas or Gasoline Stove of Robert Seeger, 200 East Sev- enth street. . "Mamma's Pet," \u25a0 One of the finest productions by litho- graphic art, size 12x28 inches, mounted for hanging, and a companion piece to -'The First Step." will be given free to all purchasers of teas, coffees or baking powders for one week more, by the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., 418 Wabasha street. For Cash You Can Buy $10.00 Worth of teas, coffees, spices and fancy groceries for $7.00. It will pay you to call and see. Boston Club Tea Store, 83. East Seventh street. To Housekeepers. We shall sell on Monday at 10 a. m. and 2:30 p.m. at No. 507 Washington avenue south, Minneapolis, over 8,000 yards of the very best grades of velvet, Brussels, tapestry and ingrain carpets, received from Philadelphia, and to be sold absolutely without regard to cost. Patten __ Lamoreaux, Auctioneers. For Fifteen Years J. H. Brown has been in : the grocery business at 304 Robert street. The ex- tension of business" has been so great that more commodious quarters at Twelfth and Robert have been secured and will be opened under the firm name of J. II. Brown Grocery company, on April 4. Half-Fare Excursions V.' . To prominent points in Dakota, Ne- braska, Kansas, the South -and South- west. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will sell tickets at one fare on April 3, 8, 22 and 24, May 8 and 22, June 5 and 19. Tickets good for thirty and sixty days, according to date and points of sale. For particulars apply to the company's agents in St. Paul and Minneapolis, or to W. H. Dixon, Assistant General Pas- senger Agent, St. Paul, Minn. l{.if.> Wanted, Mechanics. .". One hundred each day to visit the St. Paul Hardware company, 78 and 80 East Seventh street, and learn that it is the best place in the Northwest to buy all kinds of tools; lowest prices and largest stock to select from. : J. H. Brown Grocery Company, Comer of Twelfth and Robert streets, will open April 4. A cordial invitation is extended to all to call and inspect the most complete grocery house in St. Paul. __ ___ J>IEI>. mm. VANDERWAKI-EIJ— In St. Paul, "Minn.. March 30, 1888, Isabel Helen, infant daughter of S.W. and Helen Vanderwarker. Funeral from No. 520 Marshall avenue, to- day at 3 o'clock p. m. DUI'IE— In St. Paul, March 27, Baby Durie, beloved son of J. 1). and Sarah Durie, ot 502 St. Peter street. FOR FUNERALS— Carriages for $2 and hearse $3. E. W. Shirk's livery stable, 284 East Ninth street, corner Rosabel street. A"*-"%*OlTS?EMl-*ST*-- J _______ J. SHKKHY, WHO LEFT home July 26, 1883, will learn of some- thing to his advantage by communicating at once with his brother Ed, Oil East Third street, this.it>. 111. ANNUAL. .HKKTlNti OF THE stockholders of the St. Paul Gas Light company for the election of directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meet- ing (adjourned from Feb. 20 last), will be held at the office of the company, Globe building, St. Paul, at 10 o'clock a. m. on Monday, the 10th day of April, 18£8. Mor- gan brooks, secretary. St. Paul, Minn., March 31. 1888. -*• " --•" :\u25a0:-\u25a0; -pili' ANNUAL MEETING OF THE X stockholders of the St. Paul Foundry company for the election of a board of di- rectors for the ensuing year will be held at the office of the company on Monday, the . th day of Aprilnext, at 4 o'clock p. m. CM. Power, Secretary. NOTICE— MUTUAL CONSENT the partnership of M. Moehrle andli. E. Iluelster is dissolved, and M. Moehrle to collect and pay all accounts of said firm. E. E. Iluelster, March 31, 1888. A XL, _"__J_ 1>_.(1UCUA11U tlll__>S of the Ninth ward are invited to be present at Stall's hall, on Rice St., at 8 o'clock, Tuesday evening, April 3. By Order of Committee. * K_ ROYAL powotjt a """""I >?S£§_______^5---*9 |p3j Absolutely Pure. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness, More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans, Royal Baking Powder Co.. 106 Wall street. New York. HATS! Largest Stcck in the city, at reasonable prices. See our Hats at iflllllli; We are Sole Agents for "Christy" English HATS. Bring your FURS in for repairs and storage as soon as you are ready to lay them aside. This is the best time to attend to repairs. *;'"',"-' RANSOM & HORTON, 99 and 101 East Third St., St. Paul. ASK YOUR GROCER -OR DRUGGIST FOB LemonSour (Nerve Fcod). (Nerve Fcod). An elegant, delicious flavor; a non- alcoholic, Temperance Beverage. Full line of Carbonated Beverages, Mineral Waters, Ale, Beer, Porter, Etc THE ST. PAUL. BOTTLING WORKS! 128 Dakota Avenue, West St. Paul. - - Minn. The World Type Writer. PJBIC_3§..00. FJ__IC__$S.OO. ~" Rapid and durable, can be operated after . 10 minutes' practice. Will do the work of one costing ten limes as much. Price, with black walnut case, $10.00. "Nickel-Plated Writer in plush-lined B. W. case, $15.00. For descriptive circular, wiife. _anjples_o_: i work, address G. W. Duffus & Co., 93 Dear- born street, Chicago, v A*n*U8I_*_-*E-¥TS. \u25a0 \u25a0 - - . ,| GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ONE I MONDAY, J MATINEE WEEK, f April 20. 1 SATURDAY ! KING FUN ! Will reign here nil week. America's Favor- ite Comedians, : EVANS : Present- : T>\i-ir>i> ; : & : ing : PARLOR : : HO.E : KeV : MATCH ! : Ornamented with NEW MUSIC - - NEW SONGS NEW DANCES ---- NEW FUN Secure seats early ! Avoid the rush .' FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE Newsboys' Home! AT TURNER HALL, Tuesday Evening, April 3d, - CASTE. Wednesday Ev'g, April4. LOVE & HONOR Will be given by carefully selected casts. The entire proceeds will be devoted toward the establishment of a Home for the many homeless little waifs who sell our daily pa- pers. ; ~. Admission $1. Tickets are on*"sale at the business places of Field. Mahler & Co., L, Mussetter, J. P. Allen, Henry Wedelstaedt. Butt & Farnham. and others. TURNERHALL Last Concert Ninth Season, BY by SEIBERT'S ORCHESTRA. Sunday, April 1, 1888. C_f* Three Soloists, and an aug- mented Orchestra for this, our last concert. ADMISSION ONLY 25 CTS. G. A. R. CONCERT AND— ENTERTAINMENT, ENTERTAINMENT, AtTurner Hall, Friday Evening. April G. Benelit of ACKER POST, No. 21. Music by Fort Snelling Band \u25a0 and Orchestra. Admission 50 cents. Reserved seats, 75 cents; now on sale at drug store of L. and W. A. Mussetter, corner Third and Wabasha streets. OLYMPIC THEATER. Seventh Street, Near Jackson. Pat Conley, Prop Edwin P. Hilton, Man. April 2, and nightly all the week. Re-engagement, at the demand of our pa- trons, for one week more only, of Grieves' Burlesquers! Consisting of an entirely new company of specialty artists in a splendid olio, and producing that "funny fake" from "The Mikado" and called % "THE MICAGO." Corrupted by John S. Grieves. Phices - " -- 10c, 25c, &>_, 50c and SI. TH-EQ GETTYSBURG GETTYSBURG WAR PANORAMA I Cor. Sixth and St. Peter Sts., St.Paul. INMAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Between NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL via Queenstown. These Steamers Carry No Live Stock of Any Kind. Tickets to and from the Principal English, Scotch, Irish, French. German, Italian and Scandinavian ports. The attention of persons wishing to send to the Old Country for their friends is called to the great facilities offered by this celebrated line, which has been in successful operation since 1851, and numbers in its fleet some of the largest as well as the fastest Steamers afloat. For tickets or information apply to D. O'HALLLOEAN, 389 Wabasha Street, St. Paul. HATS! HATS! Spring Style Hats! Spring Style Hats! Hats, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4, Sole agent for the celebrated Schindler &- Co.'s hats. The best $5 silk hat in the city. Shirts Made to Order. Shirts Made to Order. Full Line of Furnishing Goods, M. J.lTBRIEN, 424 Jackson St., Corner Seventh St. UNION MILK CO. 238 West Third, 281 AVest Seventh. PRICE LIST. Pure Milk and Cream at Regular Rates. Choice Creamery Butter 32e \u25a0iiio Dairy Butter. .20c, 23c, 25c Strictly Fresh Eggs ............. Full Cream Cheese 156 Pure Strained Honey 15c Cranberries ....10c a qt Apples .30c a pit "Lemons.. 30c a doz Oranges 20e, 25c, 30c, 35c •'.*;««' Preserves of all kinds.. lie a lb Jelly of all kinds .8c " Apple Butter lie " Navy Beans ....llcaqt Special Rates to Hotels and Boarding Houses. E. I*. HILG-EDICK, Prop- Telephone 117-3. FLORAL DESIGNS. CUT FLOWERS E. V. BEALES, FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN, Cor. 2d and Cedar Sts,, St.Paul, Minn SEEDS AND BULBS. FLORAL DECORATIONS. The most delightful and effective Cough Bal- . sam made. Elegant forchildren. "Willburst up an old and deep-seated Cough quicker than any other remedy, Afine thing in Con- sumption and . all ais.-" _i >»*v *'.- v eases of the Throat and^i WjJ fii. Lungs. All genuine jJL*fr*/yJi/// ; bears this signature \J\&&jfiMiyy\ St. Paul, Ml-tn.^7prugg_it4C_ea__it St. Paul, >linU'£_rDrusg'st * Chemist •__• AMUSEMENTS. ' * KOHL, MIDDLETON *«; NEWDIMEMUSEUM! CHANGE OF OWNERS, CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT. CHANGE OF OWNERS, CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT. An Entire Change of Entertainments Each Week! •' ' WEEK OF MOM) APRIL 2. The Big-Footed Woman, MISS FANNY MILLS. NO, SO SHOE. NO, SO SHOE. [ Her Husband is With Her! 1 He Married Fanny, Her Farm and $5,000! I Two Theaters on Two Stages and One Curio Hall ! Theater No. 1, Riley & Hamilton's Comedy Company. J Theater No, 2, Sweeney &Kearney's Vaudeville Congress ,. 10 Cents.. 0] Admission to All Only .•>>/; 10 Cents.. 1 Doors Open, 1 to 5:30/ 7 to 10 P. M., Daily. | **'^>^_^_a^^*mS|^^__J*L|*S*^M^^^^K BXE _______ «c^__n_*— _£___ .• *".,''Jf'-' 'jVin'i '** S_i_i*^ ' J jF^^__|__^y_-*r \u25a0 •* . i-P"^ I ARPF '_f*£-3S_&_l____fe_. I ATPQT ASSORTMERT ! FASHIONS ! ASSORTMERT I JV^^a^ FASHIONS ! -»->•—— !\u25a0\u25a0 ii __\u25a0\u25a0____-_______\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0__\u25a0—m e ___nrTni*i;rrTTtffiWtr*^^ ST. PAUL. ST.PAUL. _____________________ ________________________»___»»_______—---—-— _-_---^ —*.^^-**» ..%\u25a0.•- \u25a0 - ST-^TIO-STE-R., ST_A.TIO_Sl*__-*E=L, Engraves Wedding Invitations, Announcements, Visiting .Cards, Monograms Crests, Seals, Dies, etc. Stationery Stamped and Illuminated. Call and see th. \u25a0ovelties in Staple and Fancy Stationery. Seaside Libraries. .... .. r UJ EAST -THIRD STREET ST. PAUL' MINN. HAMPTON HOUSE, WM. KEEFE, - - PROP. (Formerly of Hudson, Wis.) OPEN ALL NIGHT 151 -EAST THIRD STREET* Four doors above Jackson. STORAGE Household Goods. - STORAGE Buggies, Carriages and Sleigbs. STORAGE Car Lots a specialty. Track into build- . - ing. - 0. B. THURSTON, 201,203, 205 Eagle Street, _ Telephone Call 644-3. : ST. FACT.. : Mn;p Columns of "Want" ads. i_tJ_e Globe MntP Columns of "Want'' ads. iuihe Globe ."•";.f tuan in any other paper. . - -y This celebrated brand of Collar and Cuff, 4-ply Linen "Your Choice/' COLLARS - - - - - Wc each, or $1.00 per dozen Cuffs - - - - - 15° per pair, or $1.50 per dozen Economical management, Square Dealing, Reliable Goods at Bottom Prices all the year round, constitute the "Business Methods" of the ... '1 Pi . J} One- pi ii ' PA ' \u25a0 M ni'nr vmfin if.TnBr.fT 1 f. 0 "United States" £ Clothing Co/s, CORNER SEVENTH AND JACKSON STREETS, (CORNER SEVENTH AND JACKSON STREETS, UNDER INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. ____pc_ IT MUST BE IT MUST BE CONTINUED ! _____________________________________BjHi The active business we have been doing MUST continue iu The active business we have been doing MUST continue iu spite of all competition, by simply adhering to our old method of doing business and allowing no house to UNDERSELL U. S. RIGHT buying and RIGHT selling seems easy; yet in that lie,5? RIGHT buying and RIGHT selling seems easy; yet in that lies all the law and profits of acommercial business, and the RIGHT goods at the RIGIJT prices has been the secret of our success. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0I \u25a0 OUR PRICES a . STILL WE LEAD. WE ARE THE LOWEST. '-Cheaper than ever" is saying a good deal, but the following will convince you: Spring Overcoats An Elegant Business Overcoat at $6, $7 and $8. Meltons, Kerseys, Diagonals, Corkscrews and fine English Cas- simeres, Silk facings, fine Serge Body Lining and Select Trim- mings, at $10, $12 and $15; such as other dealers ask $20 to $25. CONFIRMATION SUITS A SPECIALTY! Examine our prices and con- vince yourselves that our prices on these goods are the lowest in the city. Given with every Confirma- tion Suit, Gloves, Tie and Sus- penders. MEN'S SUITS ! Our Stock of Men's Suits for Spring and Summer is complete. There is no style of garment, fabric or color known to the trade that we cannot show you. Strong, serviceable Working Suits as low as $4- and $5. Good All Wool Suits, in Cas- simere and Cheviots, $5, $6 and $7, such as other dealers ask $10 for. Elegant Tailor-Made Suits, of English, French and Scotch Fab- rics, with best quality of Trim- mings and superior workman** ship, at $10, $12 and $15, Sold elsewhere for $18 and $20 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS ! 8 THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: SUNDAY MOENING, APRIL 1, TWENTY PAGES.

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Page 1: KOHL, MIDDLETON*«; pc NEWDIMEMUSEUM! · richest ever shown in St. Paui. Etch window and door in this department is draped in a different style and way, showing just how the drapery



Handsome Vases.New desigp, beautifully decorated;low prices. "North Star Seed store, 21West Third street, De Con & Co.

PotatoesOf different' varieties; smooth and of-rood quality. North Star Seed store.be Cou & Co., 21 West Third street.

See Lawton Brothers' Add.On page, offering special induce-ments at White Bear Lake.

Beautiful and Artistic.The drapery department of the St.

Paul Carpet company is the most com-plete, attractive and artistic depart-ment of the kind in the Northwest. Inthis stock can be seen an endless varietyofthe latest novelties in draperies, cur-tains and window shades, from the low-priced goods to the very finest andrichest ever shown in St. Paui. Etchwindow and door in this department isdraped in a different style and way,showing just how the drapery. looks. onwindows and doors. Good taste, goodjudgment in combining colors and per-fect harmony of colors prevail through-out this department. Every lady inthis city that enjoys looking at beauti-ful goods arranged in an artistic man-ner will be well repaid for time spentin looking through the department ofthe St. Paul Carpet company, and willbe astonished at the low prices quoted.

The Cheapest Bates Ever Offeredto the South and "West.

On April3 and 24, May 8 and 22, andJune 5 and 19 the Royal Route— St.P., M. & 0. railway— sell excursiontickets at the following rates: FromSt. Paul and Minneapolis to—

Norfolk, Neb., and return, $10.45.Lincoln, Neb., and return, 112.65.Topeka, Kan., and return, $10.81.Fort Scott, Kan., and return, $18.30,

with corresponding rates to other pointsin Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, Texasand New Mexico.

Also note following low rates: : iTo Eureka Springs, Ark., and return,

only $22.50.To Hot Springs, Ark., and return,

only $28.00, and tickets good for returnpassage sixty days.

And on April 8 and 22 special ex-cursion tickets will be sold to allprincipal points in Alabama, Florida,Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee andNorth and South Carolina. For ticketsand full information about stop-overprivileges, call at No. 159 East Thirdstreet, St. Paul; 13 Nicollet house block,Minneapolis; or address T. W. Teasdale,general passenger agent. St. Paul.

New Proof Etchings.Blakemore & Angell have just re-

ceived from New York a number ofveryfine specimens of the etcher's art.They will be on public exhibition for afew days at their art rooms, 25 EastSeventh street.

Watches on MonthlyPayments at Stone, the Jeweler's, 244East Seventh street.

Wabasha Street to the Front.The improvements on this street are

very marked from season to season, andit is fast. becoming the favorite shop-ping street for ladies. The businesshouses on this thoroughfare all indicatea prosperous business. While strollingalong the reporter's eye was attractedby a handsome show window betweenSeventh and Eighth streets, it being thestore of Geo. H. Lains, one of thelargest houses on the street, but wasscarcely recognized as the old place, forMr. Lams has also been making veryextensive improvements. Upon enter-ing he was courteously invited to make athorough inspection of the different de-partments, so started at the basement,where is kept a large line of stoves andranges and a full line of the renownedJewel Gasoline stoves, cooking utensils,etc. The first floor is entirely devotedto samples of furniture, where may befound most anything in the line you de-sire from the best factories of theUnited States. The gallery on this flooris devoted to the crockery trade. Hereagain you can find any grade you desire,from the common white granite tohandsomely decorated dinner and teasets, toilet ware, etc. But on taking theelevator for the carpet department our

Sleasantest surprise awaited us. For_r. Lains has converted what was

formerly known as Pfeifer's hall into avery pleasant carpet hall. The light isgood and the stock contains all thelatest novelties in drapery, rugs andcarpets. This department must beseen tobe appreciated. Mr. Lains willbe very much pleased to show youthrough, and gave the scribe a verycordial invite to call again, with a politerequest to let the ladies know that theyare always welcome, whether they wishto buy or not. At the old stand, No.448 Wabasha street."Watches Cleaned and WarrantedFor $1 by Stone, the Jeweler, 244 EastSeventh street.

The Grocery TradeOf J. II.Brown, formerly at 304 Robertstreet, will be continued at the com-modious quarters, Twelfth and Robertstreets, after April4.

Open Saturday, March 31, at 266East Seventh Street,

Can be found as complete a sampleroom in every respect as there is in thecity. Everything about the place isnew, neat and fine. Fine wines, liquorsand cigars a specialty. Have also iuconnection a fine pool and billiard room.Give them a call and they will be sureto please you. Hodge &Conlin, propri-etors.

St. Paul Wire WorksSt. Paul Wire WorksRemoved to 21 West Third street. DeCou & Co.

Stone, the Jeweler,Sells watches cheaper than any jewelerin the city. 244 East Seventh street.

New Shoes for Easter.Thirty eases ofmen's and ladies' fine

spring shoes just received from theEast at the J. &F. Shoe Store, 252 EastSeventh.Another Cause for Easter Re-

joicingIf you have bought your shoes at theJ. &F. Shoe Store, 252 East Seventhstreet, where you get a comfortableshoe, elegant fit and the best shoe forthe money in the city.

New Lot of BirdsJust imported; beautiful singers; sell-ing fast. North Star Seed store. DeCou & Co., 21 West Third street. *-{

Flower Seeds,Vegetable and grass seed; good quality;lowest prices. North Star Seed store.De Cou & Co., 21 West Third street.

Delicious StrawberriesAt Michaud Bros.' Grocery.

For Strictly Fresh EggsFor Easter leave orders at Union Milkcompany, 238 West Third street.

You Can Live in ComfortDuring the coming' summer providingyou secure a Jewel Gas or GasolineStove of Robert Seeger, 200 East Sev-enth street. .

"Mamma's Pet," \u25a0

One of the finest productions by litho-graphic art, size 12x28 inches, mountedfor hanging, and a companion piece to-'The First Step." will be given free toall purchasers of teas, coffees or bakingpowders for one week more, by theGreat Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., 418Wabasha street.

For Cash You Can Buy $10.00Worth of teas, coffees, spices and fancygroceries for $7.00. It will pay you tocall and see. Boston Club Tea Store,83. East Seventh street.

To Housekeepers.We shall sell on Monday at 10 a. m.

and 2:30 p.m. at No. 507 Washington

avenue south, Minneapolis, over 8,000

yards of the verybest grades of velvet,Brussels, tapestry and ingrain carpets,received from Philadelphia, and to besold absolutely without regard to cost.Patten __ Lamoreaux, Auctioneers.

For Fifteen YearsJ. H. Brown has been in : the grocerybusiness at 304 Robert street. The ex-tension of business" has been so greatthat more commodious quarters atTwelfth and Robert have been securedand will be opened under the firm nameof J. II. Brown Grocery company, onApril4.

Half-Fare Excursions V.' .To prominent points in Dakota, Ne-braska, Kansas, the South -and South-west. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul railway will sell tickets at one fareon April 3, 8, 22 and 24, May 8 and 22,June 5 and 19.

Tickets good for thirty and sixty days,according to date and points of sale.

For particulars apply to the company'sagents in St. Paul and Minneapolis, orto W. H. Dixon, Assistant General Pas-senger Agent, St. Paul, Minn. l{.if.>

Wanted, Mechanics. • .".One hundred each day to visit the St.

Paul Hardware company, 78 and 80 EastSeventh street, and learn that it is thebest place in the Northwest tobuy allkinds of tools; lowest prices and largeststock to select from. :

J. H. Brown Grocery Company,Comer of Twelfth and Robert streets,will open April 4. A cordial invitationis extended to all to call and inspect themost complete grocery house in St.Paul. __ ___

J>IEI>.mm.VANDERWAKI-EIJ—In St. Paul, "Minn..

March 30, 1888, Isabel Helen, infantdaughter of S.W. and Helen Vanderwarker.Funeral from No. 520 Marshall avenue, to-day at 3 o'clock p. m.

DUI'IE—In St. Paul, March 27, Baby Durie,beloved son of J. 1). and Sarah Durie, ot502 St. Peter street.

FOR FUNERALS— Carriages for $2 andhearse $3. E. W. Shirk's livery stable, 284East Ninth street, corner Rosabel street.



home July 26, 1883, will learn of some-thing to his advantage by communicating atonce with his brother Ed, Oil East Thirdstreet, this.it>.

111. ANNUAL. .HKKTlNti OF THEstockholders ofthe St. Paul Gas Light

company for the election ofdirectors for theensuing year, and for the transaction of suchother business as may come before the meet-ing (adjourned from Feb. 20 last), will beheld at the office of the company, Globebuilding, St. Paul, at 10 o'clock a. m. onMonday, the 10th day of April, 18£8. Mor-gan brooks, secretary. St. Paul, Minn.,March 31. 1888. -*•"--•" :\u25a0:-\u25a0;

-pili' ANNUAL MEETING OF THEX stockholders of the St. Paul Foundry

company for the election of a board of di-rectors for the ensuing year will be held at

the office of the company on Monday, the . thday of Aprilnext, at 4 o'clock p. m. CM.Power, Secretary.

NOTICE— MUTUAL CONSENTthe partnership of M. Moehrle andli.

E. Iluelster is dissolved, and M. Moehrle tocollect and pay all accounts of said firm. E.E. Iluelster, March 31, 1888.

A XL, _"__J_ 1>_.(1UCUA11U tlll__>S

of the Ninth ward are invited to bepresent at Stall's hall, on Rice St., at 8o'clock, Tuesday evening, April3. By OrderofCommittee.

* K_ ROYALpowotjt a """""I>?S£§_______^5---*9


Absolutely Pure.Absolutely Pure.This powder never varies. A marvel

of purity, strength and wholesomeness,More economical than the ordinarykinds, and cannot be sold in competitionwith the multitude of low test, shortweight alum or phosphate powders.Sold only in cans, Royal BakingPowder Co.. 106 Wall street. New York.

HATS!Largest Stcck in the city, at reasonable

prices. See our Hats at

iflllllli;We are Sole Agents for

"Christy" EnglishHATS.

Bring your FURS in for repairsand storage as soon as you are readyto lay them aside. This is the besttime to attend to repairs. *;'"',"-'

RANSOM & HORTON,99 and 101 East Third St., St. Paul.ASK YOUR GROCER -OR DRUGGIST


LemonSour(Nerve Fcod).(Nerve Fcod).

Anelegant, deliciousflavor; a non-alcoholic, Temperance Beverage.Full line of Carbonated Beverages,Mineral Waters, Ale, Beer, Porter,Etc


BOTTLING WORKS!128 Dakota Avenue,

West St. Paul. - - Minn.

The World Type Writer.


Rapid and durable, can be operated after .10 minutes' practice. Will do the work ofone costing ten limes as much. Price, withblack walnut case, $10.00. "Nickel-PlatedWriter in plush-lined B. W. case, $15.00.For descriptive circular, wiife. _anjples_o_:

i work, address G. W. Duffus & Co., 93 Dear-born street, Chicago, v

A*n*U8I_*_-*E-¥TS. \u25a0 \u25a0 - - . ,|GRAND OPERA HOUSE.


KING FUN !Will reign here nil week. America's Favor-

ite Comedians,

: EVANS : Present- : T>\i-ir>i> ;: & : ing : PARLOR :

: HO.E : KeV : MATCH ! :

Ornamented withNEW MUSIC - - NEW SONGSNEW DANCES - - - - NEW FUN

Secure seats early ! Avoid the rush .'


Newsboys' Home!AT TURNER HALL,

Tuesday Evening, April 3d, - CASTE.Wednesday Ev'g, April4. LOVE & HONORWill be given by carefully selected casts.The entire proceeds will be devoted towardthe establishment of a Home for the manyhomeless little waifs who sell our dailypa-pers. ; ~.

Admission $1. Tickets are on*"sale at thebusiness places of Field. Mahler & Co., L,Mussetter, J. P. Allen, Henry Wedelstaedt.Butt &Farnham. and others.

TURNERHALLLast Concert Ninth Season,


Sunday, April 1, 1888.C_f* Three Soloists, and an aug-

mented Orchestra for this,our last concert.



ENTERTAINMENT,ENTERTAINMENT,AtTurner Hall, Friday Evening. April G.

Benelit of ACKER POST, No. 21.Music by Fort Snelling Band \u25a0 and

Orchestra.Admission 50 cents. Reserved seats,

75 cents; now on sale at drug store ofL.and W. A. Mussetter, corner Third andWabasha streets.

OLYMPIC THEATER.Seventh Street, Near Jackson.

Pat Conley, Prop Edwin P. Hilton, Man.April2, and nightly all the week.

Re-engagement, at the demand of our pa-trons, for one week more only, of

Grieves' Burlesquers!Consisting of an entirely new company of

specialty artists in a splendid olio, andproducing that "funnyfake" from

"The Mikado" and called %

"THE MICAGO."Corrupted by John S. Grieves.

Phices - " - - 10c, 25c, &>_, 50c and SI.TH-EQ


Cor. Sixth and St. Peter Sts., St.Paul.




These Steamers Carry No Live Stock ofAny Kind.

Tickets to and from the Principal English,Scotch, Irish, French. German, Italian andScandinavian ports.

The attention of persons wishing tosend tothe Old Country for their friends is called tothe great facilities offered by this celebratedline, which has been in successful operationsince 1851, and numbers in its fleetsome ofthe largest as well as the fastest Steamersafloat.For tickets orinformation apply to

D. O'HALLLOEAN,389 Wabasha Street, St. Paul.

HATS! HATS!Spring Style Hats!Spring Style Hats!Hats, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4,

Sole agent for the celebratedSchindler &- Co.'s hats. Thebest $5 silk hat in the city.Shirts Made to Order.Shirts Made to Order.

Full Line of Furnishing Goods,

M. J.lTBRIEN,424 Jackson St., Corner Seventh St.

UNION MILK CO.238 West Third,

281 AVest Seventh.


Pure Milk and Cream at Regular Rates.Choice Creamery Butter 32e\u25a0iiio Dairy Butter. .20c, 23c, 25cStrictly Fresh Eggs .............Full Cream Cheese 156Pure Strained Honey 15cCranberries ....10c a qtApples .30c a pit"Lemons.. 30c a dozOranges 20e, 25c, 30c, 35c •'.*;««'Preserves of all kinds.. lie a lbJelly ofall kinds .8c "Apple Butter lie "Navy Beans ....llcaqt

Special Rates to Hotels and BoardingHouses.

E. I*. HILG-EDICK, Prop-



FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN,Cor. 2d and Cedar Sts,, St.Paul, MinnSEEDS AND BULBS.


The most delightful and effective Cough Bal- .sam made. Elegant forchildren. "Willburstup an old and deep-seated Cough quickerthan any other remedy, Afine thingin Con-sumption and . all ais.-" _i >»*v *'.-veases of the Throat and^i WjJfii.Lungs. All genuine jJL*fr*/yJi///

; bears this signature \J\&&jfiMiyy\St. Paul, Ml-tn.^7prugg_it4C_ea__itSt. Paul, >linU'£_rDrusg'st *Chemist

•__• AMUSEMENTS. ' *



An Entire Change of Entertainments Each Week!


The Big-Footed Woman,MISS FANNY MILLS.


Her Husband is With Her! 1He Married Fanny,

Her Farm and $5,000!

ITwo Theaters on Two Stages and One Curio Hall !

Theater No. 1, Riley & Hamilton's Comedy Company. JTheater No, 2, Sweeney &Kearney's Vaudeville Congress

,. 10 Cents.. 0] Admission to AllOnly .•>>/; 10 Cents.. 1Doors Open, 1 to 5:30/ 7 to 10 P. M., Daily. |

**'^>^_^_a^^*mS|^^__J*L|*S*^M^^^^K BXE_______ «c^__n_*— _£___

.• *".,''Jf'-' 'jVin'i '** S_i_i*^' J jF^^__|__^y_-*r \u25a0 •* •. • i-P"^

I ARPF '_f*£-3S_&_l____fe_. I ATPQT


-»->•—— !\u25a0\u25a0 ii __\u25a0\u25a0____-_______\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0__\u25a0—m


ST. PAUL.ST.PAUL._____________________________________________»___»»_______—---—-— _-_---^—*.^^-**»

..%\u25a0.•- \u25a0 -

ST-^TIO-STE-R.,ST_A.TIO_Sl*__-*E=L,Engraves Wedding Invitations, Announcements, Visiting.Cards, MonogramsCrests, Seals, Dies, etc. Stationery Stamped and Illuminated. Call and see th.\u25a0ovelties in Staple and Fancy Stationery. Seaside Libraries. .... .. r



WM. KEEFE, - - PROP.(Formerly of Hudson, Wis.)


151 -EAST THIRD STREET*Four doors above Jackson.

STORAGEHousehold Goods. -

STORAGEBuggies, Carriages and Sleigbs.

STORAGECar Lots a specialty. Track into build-

. - ing. -

0. B. THURSTON,201,203, 205 Eagle Street,

_Telephone Call 644-3. : ST. FACT.. :

Mn;p Columns of"Want" ads. i_tJ_e GlobeMntP Columns of"Want'' ads. iuihe Globe."•";.ftuan in any other paper. . - -y

This celebrated brand of Collar and Cuff, 4-ply Linen "Your Choice/'

COLLARS - - - - - Wc each, or $1.00 per dozen

Cuffs - - - - - 15° per pair, or $1.50 per dozen

Economical management, Square Dealing, Reliable Goods at

Bottom Prices all the year round, constitute the "Business Methods"of the

... '1 Pi . J} One- pi ii ' PA '\u25a0 M ni'nr vmfin if.TnBr.fT 1 f. 0"United States" £ Clothing Co/s,CORNER SEVENTH AND JACKSON STREETS,(CORNER SEVENTH AND JACKSON STREETS,



CONTINUED !_____________________________________BjHi

The active business we have been doing MUST continue iuThe active business we have been doing MUST continue iuspite of all competition, by simply adhering to our old method ofdoing business and allowing no house to

UNDERSELL U. S.RIGHT buying and RIGHT selling seems easy; yet in that lie,5?RIGHT buying and RIGHT selling seems easy; yet in that lies

all the law and profits of acommercial business, and the RIGHTgoods at the RIGIJT prices has been the secret of our success.



ever" is saying a good deal, but the following willconvince you:

Spring OvercoatsAn Elegant Business Overcoat

at $6, $7 and $8.

Meltons, Kerseys, Diagonals,Corkscrews and fine English Cas-simeres, Silk facings, fine SergeBody Lining and Select Trim-mings, at $10, $12 and $15; suchas other dealers ask $20 to $25.



Examine our prices and con-vince yourselves that our priceson these goods are the lowest inthe city.

Given with every Confirma-tion Suit, Gloves, Tie and Sus-penders.

MEN'S SUITS !Our Stock of Men's Suits for

Spring and Summer is complete.There is no style of garment,fabric or color known to the tradethat we cannot show you.

Strong, serviceable WorkingSuits as low as $4- and $5.

Good AllWool Suits, in Cas-simere and Cheviots, $5, $6 and$7, such as other dealers ask$10 for.

Elegant Tailor-Made Suits, ofEnglish, French and Scotch Fab-rics, with best quality of Trim-mings and superior workman**ship, at

$10, $12 and $15,Sold elsewhere for $18 and $20