knowledge production and distribution in the disintermediation era. #oii10

Knowledge Production and Distribution in the Disintermediation Era Oxford, UK • 09/2011 Cristóbal Cobo / OII Carlos Scolari / UPF Hugo Pardo Kuklinski / UVic-UB

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Knowledge Production and Distribution in the Disintermediation Era. The iCS-OII 2011 Symposium, “A Decade in Internet Time”. Oxford Internet Institute. September 2011 • Cristobal Cobo • University of Oxford - Oxford Internet Institute Carlos Scolari • Universitat Pompeu Fabra Hugo Pardo Kuklinski • Universitat de Vic


Page 1: Knowledge Production and Distribution in the Disintermediation Era. #Oii10

Knowledge Production and Distribution in the Disintermediation Era Oxford, UK • 09/2011

Cristóbal Cobo / OIICarlos Scolari / UPFHugo Pardo Kuklinski / UVic-UB

Page 2: Knowledge Production and Distribution in the Disintermediation Era. #Oii10

New agents and technologies are diversifying the traditional mechanisms

to produce and distribute knowledge.

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Disintermediation can be defined as ‘cutting out the middleman’ in the

production / distribution of knowledge.

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Barnett & Blumner (1999). Outsourcing practices • Jarvis (2009). Aggregated

university (a new learning ecosystem).

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Theoretical references

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Boyer (1990) • Categories of scholarship : discovery, teaching, application & integration of knowledge.


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Gibbons et al. (1994) • Mode 1 > closed, objective, restricted to scientific communities and discipline-based.


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Gibbons et al. (1994) • Mode 2 > open, interconnected, context dependent, not restricted to scientific communities, networked.

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Leo Romero, por foxxyz. Flickr

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Qualitative & exploratory methodology (‘purposeful sample’ of website).

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Exploration of platforms that addressed the Boyer’s dimensions.


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Page 13: Knowledge Production and Distribution in the Disintermediation Era. #Oii10

‘Open’ or ‘closed’ platforms were identified (Gibbons). 4 combinations of O/C practices of production and distribution of knowledge.


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Page 15: Knowledge Production and Distribution in the Disintermediation Era. #Oii10


Leo Romero, por foxxyz. Flickr

Page 16: Knowledge Production and Distribution in the Disintermediation Era. #Oii10

Disintermediation is a way to conceptualize the current phase of transition that higher education institutions are facing in digital era.


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A transitions rather than a dichotomy O/C. Information flows across disciplines between experts & non-experts communities.

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Knowledge broker negotiates with an intermediary and facilitates connections between info, people and contexts. New profiles & skills.

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Design and exploit new channels and strategies for knowledge production/distribution. New visibility/accessibility knowledge.


Page 20: Knowledge Production and Distribution in the Disintermediation Era. #Oii10

1. Attention, por A*BOO 2. cestmondernierjourici, por renedepaula3. Pentax Option S5n, por artífecs4. Ahh, fun stuff in the examination room, por Tojosan5. < exit, por seb joguet

Graphic Design: Hugo Pardo Kuklinski, CC License / September 2011

Knowledge Production and Distribution in the Disintermediation Era.The iCS-OII 2011 Symposium, “A Decade in Internet Time”. Oxford Internet Institute. September 2011 •

Cristobal Cobo • University of Oxford - Oxford Internet InstituteCarlos Scolari • Universitat Pompeu FabraHugo Pardo Kuklinski • Universitat de Vic/LMI-UB

Creative Commons License • Flickr pics

Page 21: Knowledge Production and Distribution in the Disintermediation Era. #Oii10

Knowledge Production and Distribution in the Disintermediation Era Oxford, UK • 09/2011

Cristóbal Cobo / OIICarlos Scolari / UPFHugo Pardo Kuklinski / UVic