know thy medicine:medical astrology handbook

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Medical Astrology is the part of astrology that deals with the functioning of the human body. A competent medical astrologer can analyze a person's birth chart and determine bodily strengths and weaknesses and proneness to various disease states. Know Thy Medicine: Medical Astrology Handbook provides information on medical astrology in a very simple way that the average man with no knowledge of astrology will be able to comprehend easily.Albert Einstein said: “Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it.”


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Medical Astrology Handbook

Magus Medicus (Jason Bowen)

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Medical Astrology Handbook Magus Medicus(Jason Bowen)

Edited By Isha Levy


Readers of this e-book on Medical Astrology are advised that the information contained herein are study materials from Astrological Books and astrologers , and are intended to serve those who are engaged in learning Medicine from an Astrological point of view. Personal advice on Medical Astrology can only be given on an individual consultation basis. Information or knowledge on Medical Astrology, or relating to alternative or complementary remedies, as discussed in this e-book, is not meant to replace medical treatments or prescriptions, and you should always consult your own personal medical advisor.

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Astrology Testimonials……………………………………………………………………….6

General Astrological Profile………………………………………………………………….8

Anatomy ,Physiology & Pathology Link to The Zodiac signs……………………………21

Astrological Tips for the Physician…………………………………………………………..26

Astro-Health Tips………………………………………………………………………………28

Summary and Conclusion……………………………………………………………………..35

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AcknowledgementI would like to express my love and gratitude to the following people:Isha Levy for lovingly nurturing this book from conception to completion.Angella Scott for being a source of fuel and inspiration for Know Thy MedicineI also want express my sincerest gratitude to the universal energies for the intelligence that is infinite, eternal and purposeful. This Infinite Intelligence is the source of all creative expression and the essential Power in the Universe

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Albert Einstein said: “Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it.”

Medical Astrology is the part of astrology that deals with the functioning of the human body. A competent medical astrologer can analyze a person's birth chart and determine bodily strengths and weaknesses and proneness to various disease states. In the event of illness or disease, a medical astrologer will use predictive methods to try to determine the severity and duration of the disease.

Medical astrology is also helpful in elective surgery. The medical astrologer can pick the best date(s) and time(s) for an elective procedure. Needless to say, one should not try to use elective astrology in a medical emergency.

Medical astrology should not be used to diagnose illness. The only person who can diagnose illness is a medical doctor. However, once a medical doctor has diagnoses a particular illness, the medical astrologer may be able to ascertain from the birth chart the severity or duration of the illness.

Know Thy Medicine: Medical Astrology Handbook provides information on medical astrology in a very simple way that the average man with no knowledge of astrology will be able to comprehend easily.

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Astrology TestimonialsThere is a substantial body of published evidence supporting medical astrology and providing testimony to its efficacy.

Paracelsus -

(Founded the discipline of Toxicology) said:

“Medicine rests upon four pillars - philosophy, astronomy, alchemy, and ethics.”

Hippocrates -

(The Father of Medicine) said:

“A physician without the knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.

Louis Pasteur -

(Renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination and pasteurization):

“The controls of life are structured as forms and nuclear arrangements, in relation with the motions of the universe.”

JP Morgan-

(America’s first billionaire) said:

“Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.”

Plato -

(The Philosopher) said:

“Perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself.”

Psalm 19:1

“The heavens keep telling the wonders of God, and the skies declare what he has done”

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Benjamin Franklin-

(One of the Founding Fathers of the United States ) said:

"Courteous Reader, Astrology is one of the most ancient Sciences, held in high esteem of old, by the Wise and the Great. Formerly, no Prince would make War or Peace, nor any General fight in Battle, in short, no important affair was undertaken without first consulting an Astrologer." ~

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Carl Jung - (Founder analytical psychology ) Said:

"We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more"

Aries - (Mar. 21 - April 19)The very first Sign of the Zodiac. Aries are known for their fiery zeal and exuberance. Most

impressive are their leadership qualities and optimism. Most Aries have a burning desire to start things off, and make things happen. Individuals born under the Sign Aries are also known to be pioneers of the Zodiac, and many a times it’s their brave journey into the untrodden path that helps them emerge victorious. Aries individuals also exhibit energy and dynamism, and with their innate charisma, they are often able to convince and lead people effortlessly. The Zodiac Sign Aries is found to be compatible with the Signs Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius and Gemini (Leo is the best suited among others, as a partner for Aries). In relationships, it is often found that the Aries mate is a loving and loyal one. When the Aries falls in love, he/she will not wait, and would rather straight away go and express his/ her feelings, without even giving this a considerable thought. Affectionate Aries individuals are known to pamper their love ones and beloved to the degree of being excessive.

Aries Astro-ProfilePlanet- Mars (God of War)

Element- Fire

Metal- Iron

Colors- Red, Crimson

Motto- “I am, therefore I am”

Challenged sign- Capricorn & Cancer

Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) - Libra

Opportunity Sign- Gemini & Aquarius

Harmony (Love) Sign- Leo & Sagittarius

Traits- Ambition, Action, Brave, Leaders and Energy

Career- Law enforcement, military, Physiotherapist, Speech therapist & Creative Possessions

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Taurus – (April 20 – May 20)Taurus, the 2nd Sign of the Zodiac, is an Earth Sign. It is hard working, rock solid, stable and practical. Ruled by Venus, Taurus, however, is also given tremendously to sensual pleasures. So, be it the physical pleasures or material comforts, the Taurus-born love to indulge in excesses. And, they will not hesitate in going an extra mile to find these pleasures. Most Taurus-born are connoisseurs of good food and good life. Paradoxically, though, Taurus natives are fixed in their approach; they disregard change. They are loyal and attached to their loved ones, jobs, employers, project, friends and almost everyone and everything. Many believe Taurus to be the most dependable Sign in the whole Zodiac, simply because Taurus hates the idea of ‘change’. They are happy, willing, patient and sincere in their overall approach. Unlike Aries, Taurus are also gifted with an ability to see a project to completion. However, when applied to their personal realm, this obstinate streak makes Taurus quite a tough nut to crack. You will see them creating a hue and cry, whenever pushed to alter their schedules and priorities. Note that it is extremely difficult to convince Taurus to change their minds. Also, many Taurus individuals are slow and lazy, which may irritate their partners. Nonetheless, the possessive Taurus individuals make excellent lovers, as they tend to value their loved ones, over everyone and everything. Their own personal lives and security net are precious to Bulls, and they do not hesitate to shower their beloved with amazing gifts.

Taurus Astro-ProfilePlanet- Venus (Planet of Love)

Element- Earth

Metal- Copper

Colors- Gold, Color of coins

Motto- “I have, therefore I am”

Challenged sign- Leo & Aquarius

Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) - Scorpio

Opportunity Sign- Pisces & Cancer

Harmony (Love) Sign- Virgo & Capricorn

Traits- Perseverance, Composure, Humor, care & Magnetism

Career- Financial Institutions, Actor, Musicians, architecture &artists of all kind

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Gemini – (May 21 – June 21)Gemini is the 3rd Sign of the Zodiac. Lovers of talking, Gemini individuals love to interact with others, and are found to be very sociable people. Also, being intellectually inclined, Gemini-born love to gather as much information as they possibly can, and they will also, without hesitation, share this information with their loved ones, as this gives them much fun. Most Gemini-born are versatile, lively, quick-witted and enthusiastic people, whose company is rarely boring. Gemini are also skillful and talented, when it comes to work involving their hands and gross motor skills, but they don’t usually prefer repetitive tasks. Thus, the careers, which demand new ideas, plenty of communication and fresh, new approach are ideal for Gemini. However, this very need for the new and fresh may make the Gemini-born a tad unreliable and shifty. Geminis are known to have dual personalities or double-minds, which frequently makes them wavering in their desires and choices. Gemini are also discredited for being low on concentration and listening skills. Nonetheless, in their closest relationships, Gemini-born are seen to be loyal and faithful. When in love, Gemini are versatile, entertaining, inquisitive and stimulating. They also take a good care of the needs of their family. At all levels in a marriage, Gemini-born stand for equality, so female Geminis may pursue their careers, even after having children. Geminis also have many friends, and they are alert and watchful to the needs of their friendships.

Gemini Astro-ProfilePlanet- Mercury (Planet of Love)

Element- Air

Metal- Mercury

Colors- Variety of Colours

Motto- “I think, therefore I am”

Challenged sign- Pisces &Virgo

Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) - Sagittarius

Opportunity Sign- Aries & Leo

Harmony (Love) Sign- Aquarius & Libra

Traits- Intelligence, expressiveness, temperance, resourcefulness & generosity

Career- Communication (all means), inventors, sales, writers & travel agents

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Cancer – (June 22 – July 22)Cancer is a Water Sign and stands 4th in the Zodiac. Lovers of home and family, the Cancers or Crabs are sensitive, emotional, harmonious, dedicated yet fixed. To most Cancer-born, the noblest goal lies in sheltering and providing every comfort to their loved ones. Soothing and caring Cancers are also quick in offering help to others. On their part, they try and avoid/ duck conflicts, as much as possible. This very trait makes them quiet and controlled about their own feelings. Nonetheless, persistent determination is one of the greatest strengths of the strong Cancer-born. They may not appear to have great ambitions, on surface, yet their desires and goals are deep and profound. At work, the Cancerians make for good managers and organizers, and are often seen taking good care of their co-workers and maintaining friendly, family like relations with them. Most Cancers, however, do not like to be guided or bossed around. Few know that Cancers can actually be quite dominating – quietly so – in their work ways. In relationships, naturally, Cancer-born is loyal and dedicated to their mates, bestowing love and affection with verbal appreciation and material gifts, whenever possible. Most noteworthy is the fact that Cancer-born makes excellent parents, and they love their children to the core. Often, the Crabs are proud of their children, and instruct and teach their children moral manners, expecting them to be as well-mannered in private as they are in public.

Cancer Astro-ProfilePlanet- Moon (Represent femininity)

Element- Water

Metal- Silver

Colors- Blue-Green, Turquoise

Motto- “I feel, therefore I am”

Challenged sign- Aries & Libra

Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) - Capricorn

Opportunity Sign- Taurus & Virgo

Harmony (Love) Sign- Pisces & Scorpio

Traits- Intuitive, nurturing, economic, patriotic &domestic

Career- Health Care, Food service, designing, real estate & History

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Leo – (July 23 – Aug 22)Leos are the royal leaders of Zodiac. The 5th in the line of Zodiac, Leos, much like their name,

are strong, fierce, bold, courageous and regal in their lifestyles, ways and expression. Amazingly creative in almost all spheres of their lives, Leo individuals are independent and dominant. Known to be the most authoritative amongst all the Signs of Zodiac, Leos or Lions are often brave-hearts, and their confidence, ambition and positive thinking are exemplary and unparalleled. The word ‘doubt’ or, for that matter, ‘self doubt’ is not a part of a Leo’s dictionary. Driven and determined, often to the degree of excess, most Leo individuals precisely know what they want from a situation, in particular, and the life, in general. Or, as a learned man once said, “At least, they feel and believe they (Leos) know it all!”. In all the realms of life, Lions tend to be strong-willed, enthusiastic and energetic. Their ruler Sun bestows them with sparkle and zest – and also with glowing warmth and generosity. Coupled with their self-confidence, this kindness makes most Leos the joy and life of parties, gatherings and group activities. Most Leo-born natives are also outspoken and brazen – a quality that sometimes goes against them –much like their domineering streak. That said, in relationships and matters of love and sex –Lions are loving, amorous, chivalrous and a joy to behold – until to cross their path (against their wishes). Nonetheless, the never say die attitude of Leos helps them take their failures and setbacks in a positive stride. The exuberance and vitality of Leo is what makes their partners relish all the things the Leo personifies

Leo Astro-ProfilePlanet- Sun (Represent masculinity)

Element- Fire

Metal- Gold

Colors- Gold, yellow

Motto- “I will, therefore I am”

Challenged sign- Taurus & Scorpio

Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) - Aquarius

Opportunity Sign- Gemini & Libra

Harmony (Love) Sign- Sagittarius & Aries

Traits- Loyal, Outspokenness, arrogance, inspirational &generosity

Career- Actors, Leaders, Entertainment, Sports & Brokers

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Virgo – (Aug 23 – Sep 22)Virgo the 6th Sign of the Zodiac, Virgo is a meticulous perfectionist. Most Virgo-born natives

are sincere and caring to the fault – towards their families, friends and loved ones. However, they also tend to be worriers and naggers to some degree. Critical and exacting of most ideas, things and situations, Virgins or Virgos can be equally a joy as they can be a pain. This attribute of the Virgo make them slightly irritable and somewhat negative in their approach. Nonetheless, Virgo is an Earth Sign, and all the mother-earth like qualities and abilities are a part of these individuals’ persona. This makes them gentle, caring, loving, responsible nurturers – but these nurturers will expect you to follow their strict sets of rules. Yes, that is another very important aspect of the Virgo personality – most of these perfectionist people are great organizers and that is why, they have a certain set of rules, they follow – and expect others too to adhere to them. Virgos are great list-makers; you will find them with a list for almost everything. But then, they also carefully stick to their lists. You will rarely find a Virgo’s desk scattered or bed unmade. Methodical and efficient, Virgos also are open to helping others, especially the ones who are close to others. Expert communicators, they also are often good at giving advice, and thus, you may find them being the ‘proverbial agony aunt’ of their circle. They also make good parents, and are pretty protective of their mate, family and loved ones. Last, but not the least, Virgo is said to be the most fitness conscious Sign of the Zodiac – so dedicated is their pursuit for fitness, health and well being of their own selves as well as others’.

Virgo Astro-ProfilePlanet- Mercury (Messenger of the Gods)

Element- Earth

Metal- Mercury

Colors- Violet, Indigo

Motto- “I analyze, therefore I am”

Challenged sign- Sagittarius & Gemini

Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) - Pisces

Opportunity Sign- Cancer & Scorpio

Harmony (Love) Sign- Taurus & Capricorn

Traits- Perfectionist, Sensitive, thrift, cautious & Intelligent

Career- Doctors, Mathematician, Military Service, Teaching &Editors

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Libra – (Sep23 – Oct 23)Libra, the 7th Sign of the Zodiac, is represented by the symbol of the Balancing Scales. Unsurprisingly, most Libra individuals are balancers – of varying degrees. Also, since a pair of Scales always has two aspects, two sides – Libra-born too has two sides to his/ her personality and thinking. They value fairness and justice above most things, and are natural soothers and harmonizers. On their own, most Libras will steer clear of conflict or arguments, and would also not prefer to create or cause conflicts and disagreements. Owing to this trait, they make for good team players. Friendly, amiable and attractive, Libra individuals are also quite popular among their friends, more so because they tend to play able, trustworthy and balanced team strategists for their groups. However, many Libra are found to be too manipulative or stubborn for their own good. They can be critical of others’ ways, fixed in their own or may be too manipulative; and, they can be quite difficult to manage, once they get into any of these modes. Good thing is that most Libra-born are able to effectively reign in this side of their personality, rather using the gift of tact and diplomacy to get positive results. In relationships, the Scales or Libra are very loving and careful. They make for beautiful, elegant partners, always well turned out, and are a treat to be taken along on dates, parties and social dos.

Libra Astro-ProfilePlanet- Venus (Planet of Love)

Element- Air

Metal- Copper

Colors- Red, Crimson

Motto- “I balance, therefore I am”

Challenged sign- Capricorn & Cancer

Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) - Aries

Opportunity Sign- Leo & Sagittarius

Harmony (Love) Sign- Aquarius & Gemini

Traits- Thoughtful, Impartial, Persuasive, Cheerful &Foresight

Career- Actors, Lawyers, Musician, Politics & Jobs involving Fashion

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Scorpio – (Oct 24 – Nov 21)The Scorpio the 8th Sign of the Zodiac, the Scorpio loves a good fight and can give ‘intensity’ a run for its money (worth). Well, to put it simply, the Scorpions are strong, commanding, intense, passionate and zealous. Driven, dedicated and loyal, they also are ambitious and security-loving. Inquisitive and ready to learn, Scorpio individuals are intelligent, motivated people, who can contribute amply to any project. However, it is noteworthy that if the strength of the Scorpio-born lies in these qualities, his/ her deepest weaknesses too are rooted in them. Yes, these charming individuals don’t like to quit, and their impassioned efforts are to die for. Yet, this same ‘never say no’ attitude becomes painful, when the Scorpio takes and treats every ‘no’ as an insult. And, when an otherwise beautifully ardent passion gets misdirected and becomes fanaticism, the Scorpio-born is, as always, sadly unstoppable. This, though, is not to say that Scorpios are fearsome or negative. On the contrary, Scorpions are lovely, dependable friends and awesome lovers. Soft at core as they are, they happily bow down to the wishes of their beloved and kids, and are open to bend backwards for their (family’s) happiness. Ifsomeone truly gets in Scorpios’ way, they lose their temper, and get revengeful. In short, they need a plenty of own space. All said and done, Scorpios are fearless beings and keep moving on, as they are determined to succeed. Their aura of mystery and secretiveness makes them akin to a magnet – someone to whom others will, invariably, be drawn.

Scorpio Astro-ProfilePlanet- Pluto (God of Underworld or Wealth)

Element- Water

Metal- Iron

Colors- Brown, Bright red

Motto- “I Create/desire, therefore I am”

Challenged sign- Leo & Aquarius

Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) – Taurus

Opportunity Sign- Capricorn & Virgo

Harmony (Love) Sign- Pisces & Cancer

Traits- Energy, Action, positive, ambitious & Patience

Career- Medicine, Spirituality, Musician, Mortician & Insurance

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Sagittarius – (Nov 22 – Dec 21)Sagittarius is the 9th Sign of the Zodiac. Truth seekers, adventurers, lovers of travel (and their own selves), Sagittarius individuals are fun loving and a good company. Many of them are philosophic in bent, and their spirit of inquiry is practically relentless and endless. Given their quest for truth and ultimate wisdom, most Sagittarius do not take things at their face value. They take their own sweet time to form their opinions, and would not hesitate in asking embarrassing questions. Archers also exhibit a certain duality. Although, such keen investigators themselves, willing to go an extra mile to find, read, communicate, they themselves may resent the complex education system and formal training. Subjects like philosophy, education, religion, mysticism, occult, medicine engross and attract Archers. Self confident, sometimes to the degree of being arrogant, high spirited, they also make good advisers, teachers and social bees. Many Archers also opt to work in the fields related to media and arts, as these areas allow the free birds to work in their ways. Sagittarius adores their freedom, and restrictions of any sort may irritate and frustrate them. And thus, in relationships, they require (and even demand) their own space. In love, they are cheerful and giving. In fact, the Sagittarius are their happiest in a new relationship. However, as the relationship progresses, the restless Archers may start resenting the sense of confinement and responsibility. Yet, they know and appreciate the importance of such bonds, and shall rarely attempt to break it.

Sagittarius Astro-ProfilePlanet- Jupiter (King of the Gods)

Element- Fire

Metal- Tin

Colors- Green & White

Motto- “I perceive/seek, therefore I am”

Challenged sign- Pisces & Virgo

Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) – Gemini

Opportunity Sign- Aquarius & Libra

Harmony (Love) Sign- Leo & Aries

Traits- Honesty, Prophecy, jovial, charitable & logical

Career- Education, Spirituality, Law, Military Service & Writers

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Capricorn – (Dec22 – Jan 19)Capricorn represents the 10th Sign of the Zodiac. Committed to responsibilities, Capricorn is a Sign representing the work side of life. Often calm, to the degree of appearing slightly cold, meticulous and dogged in their persistence for quality and productivity, Capricorn individuals are often a notch above their counterparts. Prodigious and confident, Goats are hard working, sincere, soft hearted yet sticklers for quality. Most of them are blessed with a deep wisdom, understanding and stability of thought and action from an early age. However, this does not make them boring or staid – even though a bit slow to truly flower. In fact, born with the wisdom of mature adults, the Goats, as they grow older tend to hark back to childhood in all its glory. Blame it on their ruler, the slow moving, discipline-loving, blossoming when the struggle is the hardest – Saturn! So, you may find a young Cappy somewhat dull, even lazy and tedious, thinner, shorter or weaker than his/ her peers (or fatter, for that matter) – in short, a misfit –working most nights, unwilling to go out, guarded and closed. However, as this Capricorn gets to the other side of 30, you may see him/ her changing his/ her streaks altogether. This is when you will see the sparkly, lively side of the Capricorn-borns. They may act selfishly, if they don’t get what they want. However, love for them is special. It is a lot about stability and commitment, so from an early age, marriage is on the Goats’ minds.

Capricorn Astro-ProfilePlanet- Saturn (The Great Teacher)

Element- Earth

Metal- Lead

Colors- Black & dark colours

Motto- “I use/build, therefore I am”

Challenged sign- Aries & Libra

Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) – Cancer

Opportunity Sign- Pisces & Scorpio

Harmony (Love) Sign- Taurus & Virgo

Traits- Practical, ambitious, organization, Dignity & Materialistic

Career- Politician, economists, sculptors, contactors & Government official

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Aquarius – (Jan 20 – Feb 18)Aquarius is the 11th Sign of the Zodiac. A symbol of all that’s humane and humanity, this Sign

is modern, independent and freedom loving. While everything new and new-age enthralls the Aquarius natives, rebelliousness of any sort liberates them. Aquarius is known as the Sign of discoverers, inventors, adventurers and visionaries. Amiable and cheery by disposition, Aquarius-born tend to have a plenty of social charm. Yet, they lack the depth required to strike and cultivate truly profound relationships. That is why, the Aquarius natives may have a lot of acquaintances, but may have a very few close friends. Their social charm, nonetheless, in non-negotiable, and they are also, very often, perceived as pretty attractive by the opposite sex. Most of them may have a mission or a larger cause on their mind. Even if some Aquarius may seem to lead an entirely mundane life, on some digging, you would find that they have attached, somehow, themselves to a charitable cause. Generous and compassionate, the Aquarius, however, are very different from Pisces or Cancer – the other two Signs, perceived as very kind. Aquarius are more practical, and have a keen eye, which is easily able to see through deception and betrayal.

Aquarius Astro-ProfilePlanet- Uranus (Generational Planet)

Element- Air

Metal- Crystal

Colors- violet

Motto- “I know, therefore I am”

Challenged sign- Taurus & Scorpio

Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) – Leo

Opportunity Sign- Aries & Sagittarius

Harmony (Love) Sign- Gemini & Libra

Traits- Friendly, self-expressive, original, caring & inventive

Career- Psychology, research, spirituality, humanitarian &Political Movements

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Pisces – (Feb 19 – Mar 20)The Pisces zodiac signs and meanings deal with acquiring vast amounts of knowledge, but you would never know it. Pisces is the 12th and the last Sign of the Zodiac. The dreamy and romantic Sign is known for its charming creative side, which, to some, is like free flowing poetry. Many find generous and compassionate Pisces to be selfless, while others may feel that they (Pisces-born) are a tad rigid or fixed. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces are seen to live in a world of their own; they tend to be detached, spiritual and quite focused on their inner journeys aimed at finding peace and harmony. Known to effortlessly ride the waves, without causing agitation, the Pisces natives hate confrontations. Modest and calm, they love to have and foster a feeling of security and cosines around them. Caring, loving and loyal, Pisces are often a treat in love, unless they take to a negative manifestation (of their personality). For Fish, love is more about giving than receiving. Tolerant, respectful and forgiving, however, the Pisces, however, can be too timid in their ways, and this may make them subject to ill-treatment or taken for granted or betrayal. The Pisces also find it hard to change their set ways, and are found to be pretty lazy and passive. In their extreme negative behavior, Pisces may be given to complete inaction, hedonism, vindictiveness and/ or multiple relationships. In the end, however, the Pisces is often the victor of ill circumstance because of his/her intense determination. They become passionately devoted to a cause - particularly if they are championing for friends or family.

Pisces Astro-ProfilePlanet- Neptune (Generational Planet or God of Sea)

Element- Water

Metal- Tin

Colors- violet, Red & Green

Motto- “I believe, therefore I am”

Challenged sign- Sagittarius & Gemini

Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) – Virgo

Opportunity Sign- Capricorn & Taurus

Harmony (Love) Sign- Cancer & Scorpio

Traits- Inspirational, Intuitive, idealism, hospitality & Order

Career- Spirituality, Hospitals, Writers, Professions connected with water, animation & Music

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Physiology &

Pathology linkto the Zodiac


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Anatomy ,Physiology & Pathology Link to The

Zodiac signs

Aries – (Mar. 21 - April 19)Anatomy & Physiology- (Rules the Head)

Brain, cerebral hemisphere Eyes, face Internal carotid arteries.

Pathology- Neuralgia insomnia, cerebral congestion, brain fever, baldness, headache, dizziness, eye affections, toothache, Male reproductive organ, suicidal tendencies, muscle problems

Taurus – (April 20 – May 20)Anatomy & Physiology- (Rules the Neck)

Neck, throat, palate, larynx, tonsils, lower jaw, ears, occipital region, cerebellum, atlas, axis, external carotid arteries, jugular veins, pharynx, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae

Pathology- Goiter, diphtheria, laryngitis, tonsillitis, croup, polypi, quinsy, glandular swelling of throat, apoplexy

Gemini - (May 21 – June 21)Anatomy & Physiology-(Rules the Arms & Shoulders)

Shoulders, arms, hands, upper ribs, lungs, trachea, bronchi, Capillaries, oxygenation of blood.

Pathology- Bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, Consumption, pleurisy, Corrupted blood, nervous trouble, anemia.

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Cancer–(June 22 – July 22)Anatomy & Physiology-(Rule the Breast)

Stomach, esophagus, diaphragm, the mammary glands, lacteals, Upper lobes of liver, thoracic duct, pancreas, Serum of blood, peristalsis of the stomach,

Pathology- Indigestion, dipsomania, gastric catarrh, Dropsy, sclerosis, mania Kidneys, uterus related problems, breast related problems

Leo – (July 23 – Aug 22)Anatomy & Physiology-

(Rules the Sides & Shoulder blades) Heart, dorsal region of spine, spinal cord, aorta, Superior and inferior vena cava.

Pathology- Heart disease, angina pectoris, locomotor ataxia, hyperaemia, spinal disease, spinal meningitis, fevers

• Virgo - (Aug 23 – Sep 22)Anatomy & Physiology-(Rules the Stomach & Intestine)

Abdominal region, large and small intestines, lower lobe of liver, spleen, duodenum, Peristalsis of the bowels.

Pathology- Peritonitis, malnutrition, dysentery, colic, Constipation, diarrhea, Cholera, typhoid, appendicitis, tapeworm. Speech related problems

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Libra – (Sep23 – Oct 23)Anatomy & Physiology-(Rules the Hips & Buttocks)

Kidneys, adrenals, lumbar region, skin, ureters, vasomotor system.

Pathology- lumbago, suppression of urine, Nephritis, diabetes, renal calculi, uraemia. Skin, reproductive organs

Scorpio – (Oct 24 – Nov 21)Anatomy & Physiology- (Rules the Genitals)

Bladder, urethra, genitals, descending colon, prostate gland, sigmoid flexure, nasal bone, pubic bone,

Pathology- Syphilis, rupture, gravel, scurvy, fistula, piles, diseases of the womb or uterus, urethral stricture, prostatic stricture,

nasal catarrh, Disease of nasal mucous membrane and nasal cartilage.

Sagittarius –(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Anatomy & Physiology-(Rules the Thighs) Hips, thighs, femur, ilium, coccygeal vertebrae, sacral region, sciatic nerves, ischium

Pathology- Locomotor ataxia, sciatica, lumbago, rheumatism, hip disease, accidents to thighs liver, prone to obesity

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Capricorn – (Dec 22 – Jan 19)Anatomy & Physiology- (Rules the Knees)

Skin, hair. knees, joints,

Pathology- Eczema, leprosy, Dislocation of bones, weak bones

Aquarius – (Jan 20 – Feb 18)Anatomy & Physiology- (Rules the Ankles)

Lower limbs, ankles.

Pathology- Varicose veins, swollen ankles, leg ache, nervous diseases, sensitive skin

Pisces - (Feb 19 – Mar 20)Anatomy & Physiology- (Rules the Feet)

Feet, toes, Fibrin of the blood.

Pathology- gout, deformed feet and toes, tumors, dropsy food poisoning ,psychic disease, infectious disease

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Tips for the


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7 Astrological Tips for the Physician

1. NEVER use astrological information to predict death .The smart physician will keep his knowledge for his own use in healing.

2. Try not to ask "How do you feel?" This has a tendency to throw his/her thoughts back to his/her physical body. Let your first words be any greeting that will bring comfort, and help the patient to forget his/her pain.

3. The human body expresses both the positive and the negative energies. When a man is ill, he expressed the negative side of his nature, and therefore the healer should expressthe positive energies. When this is done, the patient will respond quickly, and the healing will be successful. Therefore it is very necessary that the healer express positivity and cheerfulness in the sickroom.

4. If the healer's thoughts are not pure, if his life is not clean, then his influence on the patient is not good. Therefore it is most necessary that the healer LIVE THE LIFE of purity, otherwise he can do more harm than good.

5. Do not perform an operation when the moon is in the sign which rules the part of thebody to be operated upon. Ptolemy says, "Pierce not with iron that part of the body which may be governed by the sign actually occupied by the moon."

6. Do not operate when the sun is in the sign which rules the part of the body to be cut.

7. Disease related to the moon is of an acute nature and may change within twenty-eight days, but when the disease is related to the sun, it is of a more chronic nature and likelyto be of longer duration and more stubborn in resisting treatment.

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Astro-Health Tips“It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.”-Hippocrates (Father of Medicine)

Aries (Mar 21 -April 19)

Health- Your health is usually good thanks to your great energy and stamina. Diet- Aries-born love fast and spicy food. They do not have time for long meals, because

they are constantly busy and on the move. Besides that, they do not want to lose time in vain, so they have a bad habit to eat too fast. Since you use up a great deal of energy, your food must be rich and energy-giving: proteins, meat, rice, pasta, dried fruits, etc.

Tip: Eat food slowly Exercise- A short-term, intense regimen that grips your least until you get

sick of it. Or try a weight loss competition with a friend. You can't fathom coming in second.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Health- Your health is usually good. You are very robust Diet- Taureans are true gastronomes. They have a huge appetite and know how to enjoy

in the food. Regardless of what are they eat, they want their food in large quantities and don't save money when it comes to quality. Dieting is a torture for them, while cooking -a real pleasure. You can learn a lot of new recipes from people born under this sign. Their biggest challenge is to stop eating sweets and chocolates. People born under this sign do not want to be interrupted while eating, because they want to feel relaxed andcomfortable.

Tip: Avoid eating large quantities of sweets and try to replace them with fresh fruit.

Exercise- Regular physical activity and constant dietary vigilance. You'll cheerfully and steadfastly stick to a fitness routine if it's predictable, slightly boring, and shows results

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Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Health- Your health is usually frail, but there is no serious concern. Diet- Geminis are among those people who never suffer from excess weight. For them

the good conversation during the lunch is more important, then the food. They hate eating alone and love to have company on the table. Perhaps eating is not among their favorite activities, but they like cooking. Even the greatest traditionalists cannot resist the food prepared by the Gemini. A varied diet is mandatory on their menu. It is thought that Geminis are least likely to suffer from diseases caused by the consumption of unhealthy food.

Tip: Avoid the intake of large amounts of alcohol Exercise- usually, your everyday lifestyle helps keep you fit. You need to avoid boredom

and routine—you are unlikely to stick with anything that isn’t mentally stimulating. Incorporating music and social activity into your workout also keeps you motivated. Avoid shallow breathing and don’t overdo it as your lungs are quite sensitive. Group exercises/sports and gymnastics are good choices.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Health- Your health is usually good, but the lack of physical exercise may prove harmful.

Diet- Cancerians are famous for their culinary skills. They love homemade food, prepared by their grandmother's recipe books. They always buy expensive, but quality food and no one can resist their specialties. People born under this sign tend to eat quickly and hate sharing their food. They do not care about their own health and often will overeat, especially when they are nervous. Due to their sensitive stomach, Cancerians often need to control their enormous appetite. On the other hand, they make a great company at the table. They always inspire with stories about their specialties, recipes and the origin of food.

Tip: Learn to control your appetite when you are nervous. Exercise- The commitment type, Cancerians are able to find one sport/exercise and

commit to it for the long haul, while pushing yourself to the limit. Water sports and being part of a team also appeal to you. Walking the dog is good; focusing on your abs is also a good idea since Cancerians tend to gain weight around the midsection.

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Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Health- Your health is good thanks to your robustness which is above average, but your energy is such that you need to watch out several areas.

Diet- Leos are fond of expensive food, made only from the finest ingredients. They use every opportunity for a meal at luxury restaurant, which will contribute to feel like royalty. They are very disciplined when it comes to nutrition and they have built good eating habits. They often eat too fast, but never alone. They love when the table is filled with familiar faces and beloved ones, since then they feel most pleasant. Leos do not want to cook, but when they do, they are happy to see that their specialties brought smiles on the faces of their loved ones.

Tip: Consume more fruit and vegetables and reduce meals that include meat. Exercise- Leo governs sports and recreation, so sports and fitness come naturally to you.

Regular exercise is good for your circulation, but avoid overdoing it, especially in your upper back. Exercising in public appeals greatly to you; just avoid watching yourself in front of the mirror too much. Since you are a born leader, taking a class will probably bore you since someone else is in charge; you often excel at being your own personal trainer. Leos (especially men) are prone to heart attacks, so walking or jogging in the fresh air strengthens your circulatory system, though you may get out of breath quickly. Activities that work are Pilates, couples dancing, and any activity where you can show off.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Health- Your health is good, particularly owing to your constant concern to improve yourself and think before you leap and... eat! You always have in mind the balance of your diet.

Diet- Virgos have too sensitive stomach, so they should be more careful what they eat. Virgo is the only sign that can be on a diet, without ever succumbing to the temptation to cheat. Slow metabolism is another problem for the Virgos, so they need to consume foods that are easily digested. People born under this sign make magic in the kitchen. They do not experiment with new products and spices, but no one can resist their delicious dishes. Virgos are very thrifty, but not when it comes to food. The irresistible taste is more important to them than the price. They hate to throw away food, even when it comes to leftovers, so the mission to prepare something from nothing is always successful.

Tip: Eat light and healthy food to avoid stomach discomfort. Exercise- In general, Virgos like to stay fit; however, your interest probably comes more

from a desire to be clean and healthy than vanity. With seemingly endless energy, you respond well to full body participation, so sports like cycling, football, and hockey hold

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your interest. You love to be outside, so keep that in mind; a smelly gym is not a good idea. Set realistic goals to avoid disappointment, which will interfere with your workout. You are usually very strong, so endurance sports also work well for you.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 23)

Health- Your health is good owing in particular to your constant concern to remain beautiful, young, and attractive.

Diet- Libras are real food lovers. Every meal is a feast for them and they do not miss a opportunity to try everything they have available - salad, appetizer, main course and dessert. People born under this sign are dependent on chocolate and sweets, so they would give up the main course rather than the sweet pleasure that comes at the end of the meal.The aesthetic appearance of the food and table is especially important to the Libra. They have excellent design skills and can make wonderful decorations. They love good wine, especially red. If you want to surprise them, do not try with ordinary foods such as pizza or omelet. Carefully select a fancy, gourmet restaurant that will satisfy their refined taste.Tip: Avoid eating too much chocolate if you want to maintain a good figure.

Exercise- Librans should focus on organized and gentle fitness options—posh health clubs appeal to you. Ice-skating and golf are options, but low-impact cardio and stretching will quiet down your brain. Avoid heavy lifting or anything that could cause stress to your lower back. You can be prone to fatigue or tiredness, so try to stay motivated. Finding a gym buddy is a good idea, but don’t get so carried away with socializing that you forget the workout.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 21)

Health- Your health is very strong. However, owing to your tormented nature your propensity to take risks, you are prone to numerous more or less severe accidents.

Diet- Scorpios love high calorie food and they often get hungry, even at night. An empty refrigerator and the absence of spices can literally make them furious. They love spicy food and are excellent cooks, because of their ability to skillfully combine them. Scorpios cannot pretend when the food is not cooked according to their taste. They usually havelean and slim body, just because they follow the principle of all or nothing. This means that when they feel that they went too far, they will immediately start with dietary restrictions.

Tip: Replace the alcohol with larger amounts of water and teas. Exercise- Scorpios are intense, so involve yourself in strenuous, competitive, and serious

fitness activities with intense movement. Activities with spurts of extreme peaks and heart-pounding cardio appeal to you, but try to avoid being too hard on yourself, as you

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are prone to torn ligaments and other stress-induced injuries. Good activities are boxing, martial arts, triathlons, and distance running; skip the yoga. Since you need a lot of alone time, you will probably peddle or run faster when left alone. Have a focused cool down period since you need to soothe your nerves after being challenged.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Health- Your health is very strong. During the first part of your life, your level of energy is very high.

Diet- They love exotic, non-standard and spicy foods, cookies, cakes... Sagittarians are curious, they love to experiment regularly and want to try everything. Their diet can often go from one extreme to another. At one point they may behave like they are very hungry and will greedily empty their plates, while at times they can starve for days. Because of the propensity to over-eat and over-drink, people born under this sign often suffer from digestive problems.

Tip: Regardless of what you eat, do not overdo the quantity Exercise- The healthiest of all the signs, Sagittarians need plenty of exercise, preferably

outdoor activities. With your strong legs and thighs, skiing and biking are good options. Focus on stretches that build flexibility in your hamstrings to avoid straining your back. You can be accident-prone, so be careful when doing more extreme sports like skiing. You should also make sure you breathe deeply during exercise. It helps if there is a point to your workout; training for competitions is an excellent choice. Gyms are a good idea and having a workout buddy will increase your motivation.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Health- Your health is more resistant than good, but it is enough to keep illnesses at bay and to enable you to live to a ripe old age safe and sound.

Diet- Capricorns are tireless workers, but they always find time for a good meal. For them, quality is always more important than quantity. The atmosphere while eating is especially important to them - it needs to be relaxed and calm. They love attending family dinners, and hate when someone tells them what to do. Capricorns are traditional people, so they love homemade food. Therefore, when they choose to search for their life companion, they do not forget to put cooking on the list of priority criteria. Although they don't like spices, sometimes tend to exaggerate with salt.

Tip: Be careful when adding salt to the food. Salt is your worst enemy. Exercise- Capricorns do not expect immediate satisfaction, so endurance is the name of

the game here. Since your sign governs the bones and joints, you need to move regularly to avoid feeling stiff. Hiking and rock climbing appeal to the mountain goat in you and also fill your need to challenge yourself. Jogging, walking, and cycling are good options

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as well, especially in long duration. Just be careful of your knees and don’t do anything too high impact.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Health- Your health is very good because you are rather slim and mobile and not too interested in food, which constitutes the very frequent cause of many problems.

Diet- Aquarians are not selfish when it comes to sharing food and often prefer low-calorie meals. They know how to enjoy in everything that is new, strange and unusual. People born under this sign are often vegetarians, due to their humanitarian nature. An additional reason for their fondness for vegetarianism is that they love vegetables and fruits, and would gladly replace the meat with a serving of fruit salad. While cooking, which happens rarely, they hate to blindly follow the recipes and always make changes, letting their creativity and imagination flow. The downside is that Aquarians can sometimes exaggerate coffee and late-night eating.Tip: Skip the meal in the late evening hours, and opt for a hearty and healthy breakfast.

Exercise- Aquarians don’t like to feel restricted, so the more quirky the exercise, the more likely it will appeal to you. Skydiving and extreme sports are a good fit, but dancing also works well because of the freedom of movement. Training for long distance running and triathlons is a good idea since you are out there on your own. Do your best to avoid routine—you will get bored. Improving your circulation is key, so try activities like running and swimming.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20)

Health- Your health is quite frail because you are sheer sentimentality and your nature is not too physical.

Diet- Pisceans are lovers of traditional food and they don't want to experiment. Pisceans pay more attention to the look than the taste of food. People born under this sign will appreciate more the good company on the table, than the meal in their plate. Food for them is just a need, not a pleasure. Their downside is that they can often exaggerate alcohol, which has negative effects on their health.Tip: Drink plenty of water and learn to eat more slowly and to enjoy food.

Exercise- Your sign is not very sporty, so avoid strenuous activities. Options like yoga, running and dance use fitness for finding balance and peace. Pisceans are prone to all kinds of foot problems—bunions, breaks, even Athletes’ Foot. Water sports, especially swimming and surfing, are ideal for you, as water is pretty much your natural habitat. A true music lover, dancing and aerobics are a good activity, especially if there is a promise of a hot sauna afterward

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Summary and Conclusion“God said, let there be Lights in the firmament of the Heavens, to divide the Day from the Night; and let them be for Signs, and for Seasons, and for Days, and Years.” Genesis I: 14-15

The goal of Know Thy Medicine is to spark person’s interests in the study of astrology not only for health benefits but to helps us to better understand ourselves and the world at large. We believe that by helping others understand their personality traits, emotions, relationships and attractions, it will help them make better choices in their lives. We were given certain innate skills, talents, emotions and personality traits to face the world and when we understand our life mission and our soul’s purpose we can better serve others. When we understand our inner soul and personality better, we develop more control over ourselves and are better equipped to meet the challenges we face. The astrological chart is the map of the soul and when we interpret this map and it help us in areas such as marriage, parenting, relationships, career, health, family issues, friendship and spiritual mission.

“We owe thy self, to know thy self, to grow thy self”

―Magus Medicus