knotted by hgfan1111

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  • 8/13/2019 Knotted by Hgfan1111


    Knotted by hgfan1111


    Content:Chapter 1 to 15 of 15 chapters

    Summary:hen !ndesirab"e #$%ber &ne hides in a strange cottage' the "ast thing hee(pects to find is )inny' a %ysterio$s' spirited yo$ng wo%an with %agica" abi"ities. *n

    +, twist on -ang"ed. *! +arry/)inny and other canon pairings

    *Chapter 1*: Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time That's

    How I

    Author's Note: +eres %y "atest foray into +arry ,otter fanfiction. ts based on the

    isney %oie -ang"ed' a"tho$gh on"y $st the f"aor %ore than fo""owing the story "ine

    e(act"y. had a great ti%e writing this one and hope yo$ enoy it. 3""a' $"ie Kathy

    were the betas on this and thin6 they had $st as %$ch f$n with it as did. +appyreading

    isclaimer: *"" stories in this archie are based on characters and sit$ations created and

    owned by K 8ow"ing' ario$s p$b"ishers inc"$ding b$t not "i%ited to "oo%sb$ryoo6s' cho"astic oo6s and 8aincoast oo6s' and *&; -i%e arner' and hae been

    $sed witho$t per%ission. 8ights to these characters and their i%ages is neither c"ai%ed

    nor i%p"ied. t is not endorsed by any of the afore%entioned parties.

    *"" recogni

  • 8/13/2019 Knotted by Hgfan1111


    -he baby' who% they na%ed )inera ?o""y' grew and grew' despite the odd things

    s"ipped to her by her %ischieo$s o"der twin brothers' and was a wonderf$""y char%ing

    todd"er before anyone 6new it. +er father enoyed "etting her ride on his sho$"ders andwo$"d s"ip her sweets anyti%e her ery>obserant %other wasnt watching. +er %other

    doted on the "itt"e gir" and wo$"d br$sh her red hair eery night and te"" her stories abo$t

    their wor"d. +er brothers treated her "i6e a princess' and waited on her hand and foot.

    )inera wasnt an ordinary baby' howeer@ she was %agica". *nd whi"e her abi"itieswerent $n$s$a"=her entire fa%i"y were witches and wio"d twins' and %arched into &ttery t. Catchpo"e. -he "itt"e ?$gg"e p$shchair that

    *rth$r had fi(ed $p to carry both )inera and 8ona"d wor6ed we""' a"tho$gh ?o""y sti""wished she co$"d $st "eitate it oer the r$ts in the road. ,ercy 6ept hi%se"f between the

    twins' their hands c"$tched fir%"y in his' and they fo""owed behind ?o""y.

    ?$%' can we get a treatD Fred as6ed.

    f yo$re a"" good boys' ?o""y said' then perhaps can %a6e yo$ a tart for p$ddingtonight. e"" "oo6 for so%e good app"es at the grocers. o$"d yo$ "i6e to he"p %e pic6

    so%e o$tD

    * A$ic6 g"ance oer her sho$"der and ?o""y ch$c6"ed at the disgr$nt"ed "oo6 on the

    twins faces. #o do$bt they wanted so%e of the "itt"e sweets in ars that decorated theshop windows co"orf$""y. $t there wo$"d be no s$gary treats this trip. ith i"" abo$t to

    go bac6 to +ogwarts for his second year' %oney was tight. t wo$"d be eno$gh of a

    sp"$rge to get so%e app"es' b$t the ones in the orchard werent A$ite ripe eno$gh for atart. *rth$r wo$"dnt %ind a cheaper c$t of %eat in faor of a "itt"e ind$"gence@ he was

    a"ways good that way.

    -hat wo$"d be "oe"y' ?other' ,ercy said. +e bea%ed at her and ?o""y patted his head

    of red c$r"s. +e was a"ways s$ch a good boy' a"tho$gh a bit rigid when it ca%e to so%ethings. *t ti%es ?o""y wished hed p"ay %ore "i6e the others' b$t ,ercy was often content

    by hi%se"f' reading a boo6. ?aybe that ca%e fro% being st$c6 in the %idd"e of a "arge

    fa%i"y@ ti%e a"one was a treas$re.

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  • 8/13/2019 Knotted by Hgfan1111


    ?orning' ?r. *rno"dson' she greeted with a wide s%i"e. hope yo$ hae a good

    b$nch of app"es in' this "ot hae been c"a%oring for an app"e tart.

    +ae not' Freddie gr$%b"ed. e wanted sweets

    -he %an pa"ed and ad$sted his g"asses before c"earing his throat. #ew cases $st ca%ein. -heye $st been $n"oaded. ,erhapsBperhaps yo$ng ,orter here can gie yo$ a

    handD +e %otioned toward a spotty>faced yo$th who was "eaning against the co$nter.

    #onsense' ?o""y said A$ic6"y. e"" be $st fine. )ies $s a chance to practice o$r

    co$nting s6i""s. he t$rned the p$shchair down the ais"e' chi"dren trai"ing a"ong' and o$tof his concerned ga

  • 8/13/2019 Knotted by Hgfan1111


    )eorge were sent to their roo% to p"ay A$iet"y=so%ething that rare"y happened' b$t

    ?o""y had gotten $sed to the noise@ if it was A$iet' she had a harder ti%e 6nowing what

    they were $p to.

    -he c$p of tea on"y "asted ten %in$tes before i"" and Char"ie ca%e ho%e' coered in

    %$d' ta"6ing abo$t how %$ch f$n theyd had. -he %$ddy %ess had ta6en "onger to c"ean$p than it sho$"d hae' as 8onnie had todd"ed into the 6itchen and thrown hi%se"f into

    the s"ippery' s"i%y p$dd"es with igor.

    y the ti%e fie oc"oc6 ro""ed aro$nd' ?o""y was %ore than ready for her h$sband to

    co%e ho%e. he rea"i

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    odd wo%an fro% the grocer and how fascinated she see%ed to be with )inera. $t there

    was on"y a ag$e i%pression in her %ind=an aged face' eyes of a non>descript co"or' a


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    or the stac6 of boo6s at her des6 in the corner of her roo% %ade her sA$ir% in


    t was a"ways the sa%e: the sa%e ro$tine eery %orning when she wo6e=coo6 andc"ean' get ready for the day' begin her st$dies' %a6e "$nch and do so%e chore aro$nd the

    s%a"" ho$se she shared with her %other' perhaps a bit %ore st$dying or reading a boo6'and then %a6e dinner. n the eenings' she wo$"d %a6e the de"icate "itt"e g"ass f"owers

    that her %other so"d in the %ar6et whi"e her %other br$shed her hair and sang songs.

    -here was "itt"e ariation to her sched$"e and the dr$dgery of it a"" was wearing her thin.

    *rno"d sc$ff"ed a"ong the shiny windowsi"" where )inny sat eery day d$ring her sto"en

    %o%ents' and n$dged her hand. +e hated when she got a"" %e"ancho"y and sighed


    6now' *rno"d. wish we co$"d get o$t of here' too. he whispered the words' fee"ing

    the betraya" of the state%ent deep down inside her. he was here' 6ept hidden in thisperfect "itt"e a""ey for her own safety. +ow %any ti%es had she "istened to her %other go

    on and on abo$t how $nsafe the wor"d wasD +ow scary and threatening the ogres' tro""s'and hags wereD *nd how any of the% wo$"d capt$re her and try eerything they co$"d to

    stea" her specia"ness away fro% herD

    *rno"d r$bbed against her fingers once %ore and )inny absent"y r$bbed his "ong p$rp"e

    f$r bac6 and forth' s%i"ing at the "itt"e tittering so$nds he %ade.

    &ne day it"" be safe eno$gh to go so%ewhere' she whispered. &ne day we"" be ab"e to

    e(p"ore a"" these hi""s aro$nd $s' to sp"ash in the strea%' and to see the p"ace where the

    s$n %eets the earth.

    he didnt spea6 a"o$d her fondest drea%' b$t *rno"d probab"y 6new a"ready. +edcertain"y heard her ta"6 abo$t the spar6"es in the night s6y "ong eno$gh.

    &ne day shed see those' too' and not $st as they b"ew into the s6ies and disappeared as

    the s$n rose. )inny wanted to see where they ca%e fro%' to see what they were.

    -he war% s$%%er bree

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    to dig her hair o$t of her wor6' p$""ing "ong strands fro% her coo6ing when it wo$"d get

    in the way' and constant"y getting it p$""ed when she sh$t a door too A$ic6"y.

    )inny sighed as the shadows of the trees s$rro$nding their cottage ho%e stretched acrossthe bright green fie"d. -he f"owers in the %eadow c$r"ed their peta"s c"osed and the birds

    A$ieted down in their nests for a "ong nights rest.

    3(act"y on sched$"e' )innys %other appeared' wa"6ing $p the narrow' worn path that "ed

    fro% the thic6 forest. )inny hopped $p fro% her seat and darted across the ho$se. hes6idded into the 6itchen and began banging pots and pans aro$nd. +er %other wo$"d be

    disappointed there wasnt food prepared' b$t if )inny helpedthings a"ong' it wo$"dnt

    ta6e too "ong.

    +ow was yo$r day' %otherD she greeted cheerf$""y when the stooped wo%an enteredand refastened the array of "oc6s=c"ic6ing and "atching and sec$ring' $nti" they were a""

    safe"y she"tered away.

    +er %other t$rned a weary face and A$ic6 eyes scanned the e%pty dinner tab"e.

    3(ha$sting' she said with a heay sigh.

    )inny frowned' b$t contin$ed to stir the white sa$ce in the pan before her. he stared

    hard at the chic6en and the water began to b$bb"e a "itt"e faster.

    Eo$ hae no idea what its "i6e o$t there' )inny. -he bas6et that her %other carried

    each day to se"" )innys f"owers at the %ar6et dropped to the f"oor and the wo%ans"$%ped into a chair. )inny eyed the weary "oo6' and the dar6 circ"es that %ade her "oo6

    so ery o"d. -re66ing to the i""age each day'slavingaway to be ab"e to proide for


    * spas% of g$i"t roc6eted thro$gh )inny as she finished preparing the %ea". hesho$"dnt be wasting her ti%e daydrea%ing abo$t isiting far away p"aces when her

    %other was wor6ing so hard to gie her a safe p"ace away fro% the horror of the o$tside


    ,erhaps if yo$ "et %e go one day' )inny ent$red in a A$iet oice. Eo$ co$"d ta6e abrea6' %other' and co$"d=

    -he o"d wo%an "eapt to her feet and grasped )innys sho$"ders tight"y' giing the% a

    s%a"" sha6e. Eo$ %$stnt say things "i6e that' )inny e to"d yo$ what its "i6eBhowdreadf$"Bhow terrifyingB Eo$ muststay here in this ho%e' where yo$ wi"" be protectedfro% the i"est of creat$res who on"y want to do yo$ har%.

    *"tho$gh she 6new her %other was right' )inny sti"" fe"t her hopes dashed to pieces.

    Ees. B 6now' %other' she said A$iet"y. Eo$re right.

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    &f co$rse a%. +er %other p$""ed bac6 and narrowed her eyes at )inny. -he wor"d is

    a horrib"e p"ace. &$t there they wi"" on"y $se yo$ for yo$r specia" powers' they wi"" on"y

    cr$sh yo$ "i6e the de"icate "itt"e f"ower yo$ are. swore to protect yo$ when yo$ ca%e to%e' and e a"ways 6ept that pro%ise' haent D

    )inny stared down at her hands' %ethodica""y finishing off the wor6. Ees.

    *nd in ret$rn' yo$ pro%ised to stay here' and to he"p yo$r poor o"d %other.

    Ees' )inny agreed once %ore. inner is ready.

    +er %other h$ffed and snatched the p"ate. *bo$t ti%e. Eo$ need to %a6e %ore f"owerstoday. % a"%ost so"d o$t.

    )inny ate the food' bare"y tasting a thing' as her %other reiterated a"" the i"e' horrific

    things that happened to bea$tif$" yo$ng gir"s o$t in the wor"d beyond their a""ey. -here

    were no songs as she br$shed )innys "ong hair and )inny he"d $p her hand and begantracing her fingers a"ong i%aginary "ines' sc$"pting intricate' de"icate f"owers o$t of thin

    air. -he first few creations were as d$"" as )inny fe"t inside and she winced when her

    %other t$gged especia""y fir% with the br$sh.

    -ry again' )inny.

    *fter "etting o$t a sha6y breath' )inny c"osed her eyes and i%agined the spring b$ds onthe trees that s$rro$nded their cottage. +er fingers ting"ed and she fe"t the %agic co$rse

    thro$gh her as she concentrated. hen she opened her eyes' she co$"d a"%ost see the

    f"ower she wanted to create. -he %agic f"owed fro% her fingertips as she created' tracing

    each "ine and watching as it g"owed brief"y in the air before g"ass f"owed "i6e water fro%the stro6e' b$i"ding each peta". -he g"ow %ade her happy' and it re%inded her of the

    "ights in the s6y: the "ights that wo$"d appear in on"y a few days' on the night of hertwentieth birthday.

    -his is ridic$"o$s' +arry %$ttered to hi%se"f as he "eered o$t between b$i"dings'

    watching the ebb and f"ow of the s$rprising crowd in iagon *""ey. +e shifted in the

    robes that fe"t too heay' too "arge' een tho$gh they fit his a"tered for% $st right. -he%irror in his poc6et ibrated and he co$"d practica""y hear +er%ione sco"ding hi% for

    wasting ti%e=they on"y had a s%a"" window of opport$nity. &ne ho$r.

    For a %o%ent' he was start"ed when the $g"y' sA$ashed nose' pa$nchy chee6s' and dar6

    eyes of 8o"doph$s ;estrange stared bac6 fro% the ref"ectie s$rface of the %irror' b$tthen +er%iones fa%i"iar face was staring bac6 at hi%.

    H$it hesitating she said. -his wasyourp"an' after a"".

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    +arry brist"ed' b$t then "et the irritation ro"" away. 6now' he sighed. % going. $st

    fee" ery e(posed. wishB +e trai"ed off' 6nowing there was no other way to get the

    c$p@ theyd ta"6ed circ"es aro$nd the iss$e for far too "ong "ate"y.

    Eo$re fee"ing that way=

    eca$se % !ndesirab"e #$%ber &ne' +arry said b"and"y. eca$se eery eath 3ater

    in the co$ntry is h$nting %e' and if theyre not' eery *$ror is.

    +er%iones forehead creased in concern. $t yo$re in disg$ise. Eo$"" be fine. ,o"y$ice

    on"y "asts so "ong' re%e%ber.

    % going. +e said it forcef$""y and shoed the %irror bac6 into his poc6et. -his was

    their on"y iab"e shot at retrieing the +orcr$( safe"y 6ept in )ringotts. +ow often did

    they e(pect to st$%b"e on a dr$n6 8odo"ph$s staggering down the street in +ogs%eadeD

    -here was no way they were going to get anywhere near e""atri( to snatch a bit of hair.

    +arry wo$"d neer a""ow +er%ione to go thro$gh that again. &r #ei""e.

    i%p"y p$t' it was their on"y option right now.

    $t that didnt %ean +arry was entire"y co%fortab"e brea6ing into )ringotts on his own.

    t wo$"d be better to hae one of his friends with hi%' at "east. +er%ione was o$t@ shewas sti"" recoering fro% the horrors of ?a"foy ?anor. +arry sh$ddered $st thin6ing

    abo$t what his friend had gone thro$gh. t was the st$ff of his night%ares=not that his

    drea%s had everbeen p"easant. *nd they needed #ei""e stationed in iagon *""ey as a"oo6o$t' co%p"ete with escape p"an if things went horrib"y wrong.

    -heir on"y option "ay before +arry. +e too6 a deep breath and stepped into the a""ey.

    #ow or neer' he %$ttered and tried to "oo6 fierce and i%posing so that no one wo$"d

    approach hi%. #ot that it wo$"d be an iss$e' +arry decided' ;estrange was a nasty %an

    with a habit of going days witho$t washing' it see%ed. +arry gagged at the s%e"" waftingfro% the disg$sting robes he wore.

    #ei""e was "eaning against the o$tside wa"" of the e%pty Fortesc$es' trying to "oo6

    cas$a" when +arry passed. -he sto"en *$ror robes he wore were too short and +arry

    co$"d see the sc$ffed' battered shoes beneath the he%.

    ith a s%a"" s%ir6' #ei""e inc"ined his head and +arry "et his eyes scan the area' sett"ingon the e(act thing #ei""e had been pointing o$t: a wanted poster for hadow ,hoeni(.

    -he "i6eness to +arrys tr$e "oo6s was s6etchy at best=the hair"ine was far too high' eyes

    too wide"y spaced' and the nose was a"" wrong. t "oo6ed "i6e +arry and that $g"y p$g,ansy ,ar6inson had %ated and this was their $nfort$nate offspring.

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    +arrys sto%ach heaed=both at that tho$ght and the fact that his distorted face was

    p"astered a"" oer iagon *""ey. $t it had been "i6e that for a "ong ti%e.

    +arry peered at the poster in disg$st' and read the botto% portion=a reward of oneh$ndred ga""eons was being offered for infor%ation "eading to his "ie capt$re.

    Thatwas $st ins$"ting

    +ed been a thorn in the side of both the ?inistry and Io"de%ort for "ong eno$gh that a

    %eas"y one h$ndred ga""eons was ridic$"o$s. $re"y it sho$"d hae been c"oser to a


    f brea6ing into the ?inistry of ?agic had on"y garnered a h$ndred' +arry wondered

    what todays "itt"e escapade wo$"d net. f he was s$ccessf$"' that is.

    ith one "ast g"ance at #ei""e' who s%ir6ed and to$ched his finger to his eyebrow in

    sa"$te' +arry wa"6ed $p the steps of )ringotts' pointed"y ignoring the warning to a""thiees posted right there at the doors.

    8on eas"ey was not a happy %an. +e sho$"d be' he s$pposed' considering how hard

    hed wor6ed to achiee his p"ace as an *$ror -rainee' and was fina""y wearing the robes.

    -he *cade%y hadnt been thri""ed with his "ac6 of officia" acade%ic record when hedapp"ied' b$t 8on co$"dnt he"p that his parents had been too tro$b"ed to ship hi% and his

    brothers off to +ogwarts for apropered$cation. *nd his %ar6s on the ad%ittance e(a%s

    were certain"y high eno$gh.

    ?aybe it was the fact that he was wor6ing for thisad%inistration that $nsett"ed hi%.hi"e the ?inistry wasnt in the c"$tches of Eo$>Know>ho $st yet' there were %any

    who fe"t it was on"y a %atter of ti%e. $t so far' ,i$s -hic6nesse was ho"ding strong.

    t co$"d a"so be that A$estionab"e sa$sage hed nic6ed fro% Freds p"ate that %orning' 8on

    decided has he c"$tched his r$%b"ing sto%ach.

    $t his $nrest was %ore than "i6e"y a prod$ct of the fact that it was his day on the

    rotation to patro" iagon *""ey. #or%a""y' he "oed to co%e to ;ondon to see the shops

    disp"aying bright' co"orf$" things' to s"ip into H$a"ity H$idditch $pp"y and see if

    #i%b$s had re"eased a new %ode"' or een to spend a few %in$tes chatting with Fred and

    )eorge at their shop.

    $t patro""ing was a who"e different %atter. ,atro""ing %eant wa"6ing $p and down the

    a""ey' seeing eerything b$t conte%p"ating "itt"e' and waiting for his senior partner'

    aw"ish' to correct so%e %inor f"aw s$ch as how his steps were far too "oping' or that hisrobes didnt swish a$thoritatie"y eno$gh. &f a"" the partners for hi% to draw' 8on hadto

    get aw"ish. 3en inti%idating Kings"ey hac6"ebo"t wo$"d hae been better than


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    -he a""ey was A$iet' b$t s$rprising"y b$sy. itches and i

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    3rB%aybe we dont want toB 8on c"$tched his partners robes and st$%b"ed

    bac6wards' o$t of the path of the %assie sca"ed foot that was c"o%ping down' the

    shac6"es swinging dangero$s"y behind. aw"ish er6ed away' g"ared at 8on and sentanother st$nner.

    *ss' 8on hissed and banished the swinging chain away fro% a gro$p of witchesh$dd"ed at the entrance to Knoc6t$rn *""ey. -heyd ta6en $p ref$ge against the b$i"dings

    when the dragon bro6e o$t.

    aw"ish contin$ed chasing after the dragon as it "$%bered away fro% the )ob"ins

    %a6ing a rac6et with their %eta" instr$%ents. ,ops of apparition so$nded a"" aro$nd the

    *""ey as *$rors and ?inistry wi

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    ?aybe his "$c6 was changing. %agine the acco"ades and praise hed receie if he' 8on

    eas"ey' were the one to drag hadow ,hoeni( bac6 to the ?inistry

    -he dar6ness of the shadows didnt he"p in trac6ing the two %en' b$t 8on dogged"yp$rs$ed the%' weaing in and o$t of o"d storage bins' going deeper and deeper into a part

    of the *""ey 8on neer i%agined e(isted. +e s$pposed perhaps it eent$a""y "ed o$t into?$gg"e ;ondon' b$t he wasnt e(act"y s$re how that wo$"d wor6. asnt the on"y way to

    get into iagon *""ey thro$gh the ;ea6y Ca$"dronD

    +e sho$"d hae paid %ore attention when ,ercy "ect$red abo$t things of that nat$re. -hen

    again' that wo$"d hae ta6en away fro% his dai"y 6ip. ,ercy wasnt the %ost e(citing

    instr$ctor' een if he c"ai%ed to 6now %ost eerything there was to 6now.

    8on ca$ght sight of the *$ror p$rs$ing the ,hoeni( c"ose"y=on"y an ar%s "ength away=and fo""owed. +e "ost sight of the% when they doe bac6 between two shops.

    +oweer' 8on 6new he had the adantage now as they were nearing his brothers shop=

    )eorge had once tossed a pot of orange paint o$t an $pper window and 8on co$"d see thesp"atters down the bric6 in the bac6 of a b$i"ding co%ing $p. ,erhaps if he co$"d force

    ,hoeni( into a corner' he co$"d bind hi% and actiate his ?inistry ,ort6ey. -he parades

    and firewor6s co$"d begin at s$ndown

    hen he ca%e aro$nd a corner that was s$re to be b"oc6ed by crates=Fred oftenco%p"ained abo$t the% c"$ttering $p the space ne(t to #$%ber 9J=8on was shoc6ed to

    find the *$ror had a"ready ca$ght ,hoeni(. &n"y he wasnt sec$ring the cri%ina" at a""@ he

    was grinning and "oo6ing into the "eather satche" that ,hoeni( was ho"ding o$t' a si%i"ars%i"e painted ,honei(s face.

    Eo$re $nder arrest 8on b$rst in and shot a spe"" that the ,hoeni( def"ected with a"ightening>fast shie"d.

    -hey doe to opposite sides of the corridor behind the c"$tter and both shot spe""s at 8on'

    which he bare"y def"ected. 8ons head sp$n. -he trainee wasnt an *$ror at a""' he washe"ping hadow ,hoeni( *n acco%p"ice

    hadow the %an ye""ed and died be"ow the "ee" of crates that 8on shattered with a

    st$nning spe"". Co%e on

    ,hoeni( d$c6ed a spe"" that f"ew fro% oer 8ons head. aw"ish had entered the batt"e'

    bac6ing 8on $p.

    $stB$st go ,hoeni( to"d hi% after sending an $n6nown b"$e "ight 8ons way.

    Bwi"" 6i"" %e if show $p witho$t yo$

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    )o ?andra6e ,hoeni( sho$ted once %ore and e(p"oded the side of the b$i"ding aboe

    the *$rors' showering the% with d$st and s%a"" bits of debris. "" %eet yo$ at the


    -he %an dressed "i6e a trainee=who on earth wo$"d na%e their chi"d ?andra6e'

    anyway=gae a concerned "oo6 before he screwed $p his face and *pparated away.

    Co%e on' b"o6es ,hoeni( ca""ed o$t fro% where he was pinned down behind a

    dwind"ing stac6 of wooden bo(es. #o har% done' rightD Eo$ can $stB"oo6 the otherway' yeahD

    aw"ish stood straight $p and 8on ro""ed his eyes at the %ans st$pidity. ,hoeni( %ay not

    ai% to 6i""' b$t he wasnt aboe doing a "itt"e da%age if it was necessary to escape.

    !nder the a$thority of the ?inistry of ?agic=

    -he cri%ina" pee6ed o$t' staring incred$"o$s"y and gaping at the *$rors. 8on bit bac6 his

    own a%$se%ent and tried to foc$s. +e was going to st$n ,hoeni( the %o%ent he co$"d'aw"ish be da%ned.

    ith a resigned' "o$d sigh' ,hoeni( began swir"ing his wand in a tight circ"e. -he debrisand d$st in the passageway began to swir". t was $n"i6e any spe"" or stor% 8on had eer

    seen and he stood transfi(ed as the %iniat$re tornado too6 shape and began to obsc$re his

    ision. +e shie"ded his eyes as aw"ish=sti"" standing $pright "i6e a foo"=too6 the br$nt

    of the wind.

    -he ,hoeni( "a$ghed and A$ipped a a$nty sa"$te before he stood $p f$""y' the satche"

    draped oer his sho$"der. 8on 6new he was preparing to *pparate and doe toward hi%'

    $st %anaging to get a hand aro$nd his an6"e as they disappeared together.

    *Chapter +*: Chapter +: That's %otter ou,le Oh %ott

    Author's Note:;ots of f$n and a "itt"e action in this chapter. e get to %eet so%e o"d

    friends and get a "itt"e +arry and 8on interaction before +arry %eets so%eone yo$e a""

    been waiting for hi% to %eet. % dedicating the code na%e scene to $"ie who not on"yhe"ped %e research na%es b$t a"so %ade that scene co%e to "ife and %ade %e "a$gh

    harder than hae in a ery "ong ti%e. *nd than6s to 3""a who crac6ed the whip and

    de%anded scene after scene' and Kathy who was so ery patient waiting for %e to finishbefore she pic6ed it a"" apart. Co$"dnt hae done it witho$t yo$ three. @ o...enoy


    Chapter +: That's %otter- ou,le Oh %otter To .ou/ Sir

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    #ei""e appeared in the e%pty roo% they $sed to *pparate into and bent oer' resting his

    hands on his 6nees to catch his breath. -he d$st in the roo% a"ways %ade his nose itch

    when he ret$rned to the dingy )ri%%a$"d ,"ace.

    +e swore io"ent"y' a"tho$gh A$iet"y' and tried to wipe the i%age of +arrys fierce batt"e

    face o$t of his %ind. +e hated "eaing +arry that way. t "eft hi% fee"ing ho""ow inside'"i6e he was a coward. *nd een tho$gh it was probab"y the right thing to do=+er%ione

    certain"y wo$"dnt be ab"e to brea6 bothof the% o$t of ?inistry c$stody if they gotpinched=it sti"" %ade #ei""e fee" horrib"e.

    *nd to top it a"" off' hed gone and "eft the +orcr$( with +arry' at the ery "east' #ei""e

    sho$"d hae snatched it and bro$ght it with the%.

    -he diary' the ring' the "oc6et' the c$p' #agini' so%ething of 8aenc"aws or )ryffindors.-he diary' the ring' the "oc6et' the c$p' #agini' so%ething of 8aenc"aws or )ryffindors.

    -he diary' the ringB

    t had beco%e their %antra oer the past few years. -hree +orcr$(es were now destroyed

    and +arry had one %ore in his c"$tches.

    +er%ione b$rst thro$gh the door' too6 one "oo6 at #ei""e' sti"" c"$tching his 6nees' and

    her tri$%phant s%i"e %e"ted away.

    s heBD

    ho$"d be fine' #ei""e said. ;eft hi% bac6 in iagon *""eyBfight with *$rorsBhe

    to"d %e to goB

    +er%ione set her aw and #ei""e co$"d practica""y hear her teeth grinding. -heyd both

    tried a"iant"y to dea" with +arrys saing peop"e co%p"e( that +er%ione had acc$sed

    hi% of haing years ago. t was tr$e=+arry was nothing b$t a tr$e hero' inside and o$t=

    b$t that didnt %a6e it any easier to "ie with when yo$ were the one he sacrificed for.

    % s$re hes fine' said +er%ione' a"tho$gh it didnt so$nd co%p"ete"y conincing. +es

    gotten o$t of worse scrapes before. -hey both winced' thin6ing of the things +arry had

    narrow"y escaped in the past.

    +e "eads a char%ed "ife' rightD

    -he o6e wasnt near"y as f$nny witho$t +arry saying the "ine and #ei""e on"y fe"tworse.

    Co%e on. +er%ione t$gged on the s"eee of his robes' p$""ing hi% toward the ha""way.

    Kreacher %ade s$pper. f we dont sit down and eat it' he"" start to cry again.

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    #ei""e fo""owed b"ind"y' b$t the dar6ness of the ho$se=een tho$gh it was the %idd"e

    of the afternoon=had neer fe"t so s$ffocating. ,erhaps it was the way +arry had been

    cornered when #ei""e *pparated o$t' or $st the fact that the *$rors had been bearingdown on the% fierce"y' b$t #ei""e fe"t a ba"" of fear deep in his be""y. o$"d +arry

    rea""y escape this ti%eD

    -hey sat at the tab"e after e(p"aining to Kreacher that +arry wo$"d be co%ing ho%e "ate'

    and pic6ed at the food. t tasted $st fine' #ei""e tho$ght' b$t it was i%possib"e to eatwhen he was so worried.

    f on"y they co$"d try and contact +arryB

    $t that was the n$%ber one r$"e of these %issions=do not' $nder any circ$%stances' try

    to initiate contact if yo$ didnt 6now where the other person was. f +arry had beensnatched by the ?inistry' he was probab"y doing his best to either ta"6 his way o$t of the

    sit$ation' or biding his ti%e $nti" he co$"d escape. f one of the% $sed their %irrors and it

    was a partic$"ar"y tric6y sit$ationB

    #o' it was better to wait.

    &h id he get the=

    #ei""e per6ed $p and n$dged his p"ate of bare"y eaten food away. Eeah' he did. -he

    c$p' $st "i6e we tho$ght it %ight be. o%e sort of nasty c$rse on it' tho$gh. 3ery ti%e

    he to$ched it' it wo$"d b$rn his hands. Eo$"" need to hea" the% when he gets bac6.

    +er%ione scow"ed' b$t gae a fir% nod. -e"" %e eery detai".

    +e sighed and "a$nched into the story' trying to re%e%ber eerything. +er%ione a"ways

    wanted co%p"ete"y thoro$gh reports of their %issions=eery detai" they co$"d reca""=

    $st so she co$"d fatho% what they were $p against ne(t. t was so%ething that tended to

    irritate #ei""e' and witho$t +arry here to %a6e o6es he fo$nd hi%se"f beco%ing %oreand %ore annoyed.

    +er%ione was great' dont get hi% wrong' and theyd a"" be dead witho$t her A$ic6

    thin6ing and detai"ed research' b$t #ei""e didnt thin6 he wo$"d hand"e being with her

    constant"y. +arry was the needed b$ffer in the friendship@ and +arry had confided in#ei""e that whi"e he adored +er%ione' he wo$"d s%other her in her s"eep at ti%es if

    #ei""e wasnt there to ta6e the edge off. o%ehow' the friendship wor6ed.

    % worried abo$t )ran' he %$sed dar6"y at the end of his tai". o far wee been "$c6yand no one has connected $s with +arry' rea""y. % s$re if they paid any attention to what

    went on at +ogwarts theyd hae fig$red it o$t by nowB

    &n"y if they were rea""y "oo6ing' +er%ione ass$red hi%. *nd % s$re yo$r )ran is


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    -he *$rors saw %e' said #ei""e. sho$"d hae been wearing char%s. sho$"d haeB

    done so%ething different. $st didnt thin6B +arry was a"ways the one in danger'

    brea6ing into )ringotts pretending to be so%eone e"se.

    +er%ione chewed her "ip tho$ghtf$""y b$t then sighed. +e was s$ccessf$"' so the p"an

    wor6ed' $"ti%ate"y' een if the e(ec$tion was a "itt"eB

    #ei""e s$pp"ied the %issing word. +a"f>assed.

    he "oo6ed as if she wanted to sco"d hi% for his "ang$age' b$t the words died on her "ips.

    t see%ed si""y to sco"d a twenty>one year o"d %an for swearing' especia""y consideringthey were hiding in a secret hideaway' waging a c"andestine war against an ei" dar6 "ord

    bent on %ayhe%' %$rder' and deastation.

    Eo$r )ran wi"" be fine. he patted his hand aw6ward"y and then $sed her wand to

    begin c"eaning $p dinner. Kreacher appeared i%%ediate"y and the two arg$ed A$iet"y

    oer +o$se 3"f d$ties. +er%ione "ost' as she a"ways did.

    #ei""e "eaned bac6 in his chair and "et his %ind wander oer their operation. +ed to"d

    +er%ione eerything he co$"d re%e%ber' down to the penetrating b"$e eyes of the *$rorwho had 6ept $p with hi% and +arry as they dashed aro$nd iagon *""ey.

    o%e "oo6o$t hed been. +e didnt een hae ti%e to warn +arry that the *$rors were at

    the base of the )ringotts steps before the dragon had bro6en o$t. +ed been $st as

    bewi"dered and shoc6ed as anyone in the *""ey. -he dragon was certain"y not in any of+er%iones detai"ed sche%es for a stea"thy entrance and e(it fro% the *""ey. #ei""e had

    to ad%it' tho$ghB+arry had sty"e.

    f on"y #ei""e had been ab"e to be the "oo6o$t he was s$pposed to be and gie a sho$ted

    warning. +arry %ight hae *pparated right fro% the steps' rather than waiting. *nd theneerything wo$"d be perfect.

    +arrys words sti"" echoed in his ears. Go Mandrake!

    t %ade hi% a bit sic6 to his sto%ach' especia""y at the idea that had he acted"i6e a

    ?andra6e and screa%ed his warning' +arry wo$"d hae gotten away co%p"ete"y.

    t was +er%iones idea that they a"" hae code na%es when they went on %issions. t had

    been a "ate night and one of the fondest conersations #ei""e co$"d eer re%e%ber withhis friends.

    #ot "ong after ,rofessor $%b"edore had been %$rdered by the traitoro$s eer$s nape

    =s"i%e s$c6ing sna6e=+arry had dec"ared his intention to "eae +ogwarts and finishh$nting for the downfa"" of Io">Io"de%ort. L#ei""e sti"" had iss$es with saying the

    na%e. +er%ione was going' of co$rse' and #ei""e had stood $p' chest to chest with

    +arry and dared hi% to te"" #ei""e to stay behind.

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    #ei""e ;ongbotto% wasnt 6nown for his braery' b$t he certain"y wasnt going to "et his

    best %ate traipse off thro$gh the co$ntry a"one. +e didnt care how "ong it too6 the%' or

    how %$ch they had to sacrifice' #ei""e wo$"d be there with +arry eery step of the way.

    ee6s "ater' theyd secreted the%se"es away in )ri%%a$"d ,"ace and began p"anning

    their assa$"t on ritain.

    I think we should have code names," ermione said "Its not practical at all to be

    running about, shouting each others names #ot if we want to stay hidden"

    arry perked up from where he was lounging on the sofa, head hanging over the side"$ike%superhero names&"

    #eville chuckled and took a bite of the thick sandwich 'reacher had made for him when

    theyd arrived "Do we get powers to go along with them&"

    ermione had glared at both boys, which only made them laugh harder It was well pastmidnight and they were all getting a bit silly "#o $ike something practical, that we can

    remember easily"

    arry sat up and scratched his chin thoughtfully "(ell, since )oldemort is already


    ermione threw a book at his head

    e caught it and tossed it to the sofa "(hat about%"

    *ours should be commanding," ermione rode right over the top of him "+omething%imposing, that will be solid and firm"

    nd will strike fear into the hearts of the bad guys," #eville said with a smirk

    arry scrunched his face in thought "Darth )ader is out I cant do the voice, and allthat heavy breathing%urgh!"

    #eville inhaled part of his sandwich but managed to cough it back up

    re you going to be serious, at all&" ermione demanded

    (hy&" arry asked "*oure serious enough for all of us"

    +he frowned, but #eville could see the corners of her mouth twitching upward arry

    wasnt normally this funny, his humor tended to be much darker and self-deprecating, buthe had his moments e was on a roll tonight

    I have it! (ell call you +hadow .hoeni/"

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    The boys e/changed a glance before breaking out in laughter "It sounds like a barmy

    character on one of Grans daytime wireless programs," said #eville

    #o," arry said once he could breathe again "#ot that"

    ermione glared and straightened her robes primly "Its perfect, you know *ou want tobe secretive0stay in the shadows, but youre also fighting for the light, thus the


    It was better than some of the things she could have come up with0she wasthe one who

    had come up with +.1(, after all0but #eville sincerely hoped they could talk her outof this idea completely

    nd what will we call you&" asked arry "1ncyclopedia&"

    Miss $ibrarian," #eville said with a smirk "+ince you spent so much time in there at

    ogwarts I thought Madam .ince would have to throw you out fifth year"

    +he did!" arry roared and ermiones cheeks flushed

    +he did not!"

    *es, she did," arry said "The week before 2($+, did you or did you not get asked

    to leave so she could close the doors&"

    ermiones blush darkened and #eville snorted in amusement "I lost track of time! It

    wasnt my fault!"

    (hatever," arry said, biting his lip to keep in the laughter "*oure a miscreant,

    ermione, admit it"

    Its sad, really" #eville shook his head pathetically

    shame," agreed arry "(hat would everyone at the library say& *our study group%

    bunch of rule abiding 3avenclaws&"

    ermiones face was getting redder, but she was also starting to crack "I am not a

    miscreant nd that study group was available for everyone, not 4ust 3avenclaws"

    Troublemaker," #eville chided

    arry picked up on his line "5irebrand"

    2kay, thats enough" ermione shook her head, but she was fully smiling now andlooked rather proud of their accusations +omewhere deep down inside, she was thrilled

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    when the boys dragged her along on their adventures "(ere sticking with +hadow

    .hoeni/ for you, arry"

    #o, we are not," he grumbled under his breath, but ermione continued

    #ow, we need one for #eville"

    The amusement from the situation fled as #eville stared wide-eyed at ermione Itcertainly wasnt funny now that shed set her sights on him, although arry now had a

    rather evil smile on his face

    1rm, no, we really dont *ou can call me%something not secret at all"

    erbology 6oy," arry burst out "*ou can be +hadow .hoeni/s sidekick"

    #eville glared at him

    #ot your best suggestion, arry," ermione said, "but I like the idea of using plants,

    since youre so fond of them, #eville" +he summoned a book from her stack and opened

    it right up

    Mimbulus Mimbletonia!" she crowed and arry e/ploded in laughter

    1r%too long," #eville said "I thought it had to be something wed remember&"

    I like that," said ermione with a grin "*oure the only one we know who ever had one

    They didnt even have one in the greenhouses"

    #eville stared down at his sandwich with very little appetite left "(hy cant it be

    something cool, like arrys&"

    Mine is not coo"," arry protested hotly "It makes me sound like some sort of%ruffian,

    or a gigilo, or something"

    +omething deadly," #eville said, ignoring arrys grumbling "$ike%#ightshade or

    Devils +nare&"

    arry nudged him "7actus boy"

    6ird boy," #eville 8uipped back

    They started to playfully shove each other and ermione 4ust rolled her eyes ".erhaps

    something else%"

    9ust make sure you dont spray me with stink sap, 7actus 6oy"

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    #eville hit arry in the arm "It would serve you right"

    That can be your super power"

    +taphylea," ermione read straight from her book, "more commonly known as

    bladdernut, responds well to clipping and is not only ornamental but0"

    The boys stopped wrestling and stared at her

    6ladderb$tt&" arry asked incredulously "Did she 4ust say%"

    #eville shook his head "1r"

    ermione was getting far too much pleasure out of this and sighed dramatically "5ine

    (hat about choke cherry&"

    arry slugged him in the shoulder "*ou wanted deadly, mate"

    1ach time ermione called out a name :shagbark hickory, glory vine, honeysuckle,cockscomb, spike gayfeather; arry would make some acidic comment that would leave

    him rolling on the floor :shagging& #eville&, I dont want to know why they call your

    vine Glory, mate, Take your honey somewhere else to suckle, Gayfeather& +omethingyou need to tell us&; until everything was one big dirty 4oke

    ermione raised her eyes over the top of the book, looking right at him "byssinian

    shrivel fig&"

    #o," #eville said "9ust no"

    arry, the traitor, was laughing so hard he could barely breathe

    #eville summoned the book from ermione, shut it firmly, and stuffed it under his

    backside "(ell find something, but it wont be any of those"

    -heyd neer rea""y sett"ed on a codena%e for #ei""e' %ost"y beca$se there were far too

    %any p"ant na%es that co$"d be twisted' and both he and +arry had wic6ed"y dirty %indsat ti%es. -hey st$c6 to ca""ing hi% p"ant na%es' b$t the ariety depended on his tas6 for

    the %ission.

    ?andra6e had been todays designation beca$se he was to send $p a "o$d cry if there was

    tro$b"e. hich he had fai"ed to do.

    ont thin6 too %$ch abo$t it' #ei""e' +er%ione said sy%pathetica""y. % s$re hesfine.

    #ei""e stared at the %irror sitting on the tab"e and prayed she was right.

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    -he worst part abo$t side>a"ong apparition was the draining fee"ing that it had. +arry

    co$"d %anage $st fine with hi%se"f' +er%ione and een #ei""e' b$t it was tiring@

    +er%ione co$"d ta6e a"" three of the% as we""' b$t #ei""eBhe had a"ways hatedapparition and rare"y was the one to initiate %ore than his own trae".

    *nd ta6ing so%eone $nwi""ing"y on"y %ade it a"" the worse. +arry appeared in the

    bedroo% at )ri%%a$"d ,"ace for "ess than a second' on"y eno$gh to ta6e a breath and

    "eap once %ore' ta6ing the persistent *$ror wrapped aro$nd his "eg with hi%.

    -hey "anded in a heap so%ewhere not far fro% +ogs%eade. +arry groaned and forced

    hi%se"f to stand. -he *$ror was so disoriented that he "ost his grip on +arrys an6"e and

    swayed on his 6nees.

    ti"" p"anning on arresting %eD +arry as6ed chee6i"y.

    -he *$ror shoo6 his head' not to indicate his ref$sa"' b$t to c"ear the f$

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    egetation rose $p fifteen feet high and +arry doe into it' s$re he was going to co%e o$t

    worse for wear with scratches oer eery part of his body. -he hiding p"ace wor6ed as

    the *$ror=a "an6y' redheaded b"o6e with a "ong nose=%oed right past hi%.

    +arry grinned tri$%phant"y and %enta""y patted hi%se"f on the bac6. *nother win for

    hadow ,hoeni(.

    +e was $st abo$t to p$"" his %irror to ta"6 to his friends when the *$ror do$b"ed bac6.

    +arry swore and he"d his breath whi"e wigg"ing si"ent"y bac6 into the bra%b"es. -heyscratched his e(posed s6in and p$""ed at the h$ge robes he wore. 3ent$a""y' he beca%e

    so entang"ed he had to abandon the robes co%p"ete"y. -han6f$""y' hed worn a pair of

    tattered eans and an o"d shirt of $d"eys $nderneath' so he wasnt co%p"ete"y na6ed.

    *s he p$""ed his ar% free and grasped the "eather strap of the satche"' it' too' beca%etrapped by the thorny b$shes. +e gae a %ighty t$g and fe"" bac6wards' hee"s oer head

    thro$gh the hedge and down a s%a"" e%ban6%ent.

    a%%it +arry hissed as he A$ic6"y chec6ed in with a"" his body parts to %a6e s$re

    they had co%e with hi% on the "itt"e trip. -he *$ror %$st hae heard his $ngracef$"escape' as the b$shes started ratt"ing and he hissed in pain.

    +arry gathered his wand and the satche" before hobb"ing f$rther into the trees. +is 6nee

    had twisted s"ight"y on the "anding and +arry 6new hed be easy to catch if he co$"dnt get

    away fast eno$gh. +is ar% br$shed the worn "eather of the bag and he cried o$t in pain.o%ewhere a"ong the way in his escape' the bag had beco%e torn and the si"er of the

    c$p shined thro$gh. hateer c$rse had been p"aced on it ca$sed a %ean we"t to rise

    where +arry had to$ched it. +is hands were sti"" stinging fro% haing to grab the da%ned

    thing in the a$"t raid

    hat he rea""y needed was a p"ace to stash the +orcr$( $nti" he co$"d co%e bac6 for it. f

    he co$"d "ead the *$ror away and then circ"e bac6B

    *s he conte%p"ated the best p"ace to store it L$p a tree' in a d$g>o$t e%ban6%ent' $nder aroc6 he contin$ed wa"6ing' wincing eery ti%e he needed to p"ace weight on his "eft "eg.

    +is 6nee was going to swe"" tonight if he didnt get off it. +er%ione wo$"d be ab"e to

    soothe the pain' b$t on"y if he co$"d escape.

    efore he 6new it' +arry fo$nd hi%se"f in a %$ch "ess dense part of the forest. +ed neer

    been on this side of the i""age or +ogwarts before' so he honest"y had no c"$e what toe(pect. $t the pict$resA$e "itt"e a""ey shoc6ed hi%.

    t was bri""iant"y green' with a s%a"" cree6 r$nning a"ongside a ra%shac6"e tiny cottage.

    -he who"e p"ace was bea$tif$"' b$t "oo6ed co%p"ete"y abandoned. -he garden wasoerr$n with weeds and the paint on the sh$tters was chipped and decades o"d.

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    t was the perfect p"ace to stash the +orcr$( and then "ead the *$ror far away fro%'

    +arry decided. +e co$"d easi"y *pparate bac6 "ater in the eening' or een to%orrow if

    needed' once his 6nee had hea"ed. -he c$p wo$"d be $st as safe here as anywhere e"se.

    ith an apprehensie "oo6 bac6 at the dar6er trees' +arry %ade his way across the open

    area' right $p to the door. +e tried the hand"e' b$t it was "oc6ed. &ne of the windows wasopen and +arry c"enched his teeth against the pain in his "eg and c"i%bed inside.

    -he cottage hard"y "oo6ed abandoned fro% the inside and he too6 a deep breath's$reying the s%a"" tab"e' the neat"y organi

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    )inny A$ic6"y s"a%%ed the sh$tters c"osed and "oc6ed the window. he chec6ed a"" the

    other windows and b"oc6ed the door by p$shing the tab"e in front of it. -he ogre sti""

    didnt %oe. he stared at it for a "ong ti%e' trying to decide what to do with it' b$teent$a""y her eyes sett"ed on the s%a"" c$pboard $nder the stairs. t was the perfect p"ace

    to st$ff it $nti" she co$"d fig$re o$t what to do@ she didnt thin6 she co$"d rea""y killit' not

    $n"ess it was trying to har% her. $t she a"so didnt want to "oo6 at its $g"y face when itfina""y wo6e $p.

    -he ogre was %$ch heaier than she e(pected' and odd"y wearing boots' b$t )inny

    %anaged to t$g and heae it across the f"oor. hoing it into the c$pboard was %$ch

    harder' and )inny fo$nd herse"f fr$strated when its gang"y "egs and ar%s wo$"d f"op o$theed"ess of her effort. ith a h$ff of fr$stration' she c"osed her eyes and wished it into

    the cra%ped space. he wasnt s$re how it %anaged to fit' b$t the "itt"e door fina""y c"osed

    with a satisfying c"ic6. )inny p$shed seera" pieces of f$rnit$re in front of it and stared atit' pan he"d high.

    *s she ca"%ed down' she noticed a "eather satche" $nderneath the window' a"ong with anodd bit of stic6. t certain"y wasnt hers' so it %$st be"ong to the ogre. Ca$tio$s"y' she

    pic6ed the bag $p and g"anced inside. * si"er c$p "ay in the botto%' and )inny stared atit c$rio$s"y. ith a sha6ing hand' she reached in to to$ch the side where a pict$re of a

    strange ani%a" was cared into it.

    -he instant her finger pressed to the %eta"' a shoc6 co$rsed thro$gh her ar% and she

    screa%ed' dropping the bag. +er fingertip was bright red' as if shed to$ched a f"a%e.

    ts a weapon of so%e sort' she %$ttered' warning *rno"d to stay away fro% it. *fter

    s$c6ing on the tip of her finger' )inny $sed a broo% to p$sh the satche" and the stic6 into

    a corner where she threw a b"an6et oer the%. hed dea" with it "ater.

    +er finger sti"" throbbed' so she sat and concentrated on the b$rn $nti" her fingertipsting"ed and the co"or began to fade fro% red' to pin6' to her nat$ra" co"oring. -he pain

    eased' as we"".

    *s the shadows began to shift on the f"oor' )inny rea"i

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    e(p"ained her p"an to *rno"d' he did an e(cited "itt"e dance and then sc$rried to a safe


    )inny %oed the f$rnit$re away fro% the door and prepared her pan before opening thedoor.

    -he ogres bright red' p$ffy hand f"opped o$t onto the f"oor and it groaned.

    )inny c"$tched the pan so tight"y that her fingers ached' and she inched forward before

    wishing it o$t of the cra%ped space. t spraw"ed hapha

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    % not here to do anything b$t escape fro% the ?inistry. f yo$"" get %e %y bag' "" be

    o$t of yo$r hair in no ti%e.

    )inny narrowed her eyes at hi%. +er %others words of warning had neer inc"$dedso%ething abo$t how pers$asie ogres co$"d be.

    he stepped fro% the shadows' sti"" ho"ding her pan high.

    Eo$ didnt co%e to find %eD

    -he ogres eyes=as bri""iant"y green as the s$%%er grass in the %eadow=foc$sed on

    her as she %oed c"oser. -hey widened and he stared.

    3rBno. didnt. needed a p"ace to hide and didnt thin6 anyone "ied here.

    *nd yo$re not here to drag %e bac6 to yo$r cae to be yo$r serantD

    -he ogre "a$ghed' b$t that on"y %ade )inny conf$sed. t didnt see% threatening at a""'

    b$t %aybe the danger "ay in the way it was trying to cao"e her into "istening. #o' it

    said. pro%ise. f can $st get %y bag and %y wand' "" "eae yo$ a"one' pro%ise.

    -he weapon in yo$r bagBhow do yo$ $se itD


    t b$rned %e' )inny contin$ed oer it' coninced that its powers were its words. o

    yo$Bthrow it at peop"e to s$bd$e the%D

    -he ogre pa"ed and fro

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    -he c"ang of the pan %ade her wince' b$t there was no choice. he had to hide the

    %onster before her %other finished opening the door. +$rried"y' she waed her hand oer

    the restraints and forced the ogre into the c$pboard $nder the stairs $st as the 6ey t$rnedin the "ast "oc6. -he door opened' b$t )inny hadnt re%oed the tab"e fro% in front of it.


    Co%ing' ?other she ca""ed and st$ffed the ogres escaping foot into the c$pboard and

    "oc6ed the door.

    hat on earth are yo$ doingD hats b"oc6ing the doorD

    orry' ?other' )inny said as she %oed the tab"e and tried to catch her breath.

    wasBerBsweeping the f"oor.

    +er %other gae a disgr$nt"ed "oo6 and s$reyed the dar6ened roo% before h$ffing. #o

    dinner ready yetD

    )inny groaned interna""y. hed forgotten a"" abo$t dinner what with the ogre batt"e anda""B

    er%B% sorryD she said. Bforgot. got b$sy reading and then needed to do the


    +er %other sighed heai"y and set her bas6et down on the tab"e. "" neer $nderstandhow yo$ can be so $ngratef$". *fter a"" do for yo$.

    )inny bit bac6 her g$i"t and tried not to "et her eyes stray to the c$pboard too often as sheh$rried to prepare their %ea". "" hae it ready in no ti%e. was thin6ing' ?other' do

    yo$ 6now what to%orrow isD

    -he o"d wo%an %ade a so$nd in the bac6 of her throat b$t )inny wasnt s$re what it


    ts %y birthday' )inny contin$ed. f she 6ept her tone bright and cheerf$"' perhaps her

    %other wo$"d act$a""y "isten to her reA$est. *nd was thin6ingBperhaps yo$ co$"d ta6e%e to see the "ights in the s6yD -he ones that are on"y on %y birthdayD

    +er %other started and g"ared at her. -heyre $st stars' )inny.

    )inny bit her "ip. #o' these ones are different. -hey appear at s$nset and "ast a"" night'

    twin6"ing in the s6y before fading with the dawn. $t theyre not "i6e the stars.

    ee ta"6ed abo$t this before' her %other said. Eo$ 6now what awaits yo$ in theo$tside wor"d.

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    )inny fo$ght the $rge to ro"" her eyes and she bit her tong$e to stop herse"f fro%

    infor%ing her %other that she was perfect"y capab"e of ta6ing care of herse"f. *fter a""' if

    she co$"d stand $p against a s%ooth ta"6ing' attractie ogre' what %ore co$"d bother herD

    Eo$ can see the "ights perfect"y we"" fro% the window.

    -he words were so ery fina" and spar6ed a fire deep inside )inny. he wantedto see the

    "ights. he wantedto see the o$tside wor"d. *nd %ore than anything' )inny wantedto

    proe that she co$"d ta6e care of herse"f.

    Eo$re right' she said %ee6"y.

    +er %other' who had been swe""ing $p for an arg$%ent' peered at her.

    Eo$ are' )inny said. B 6now yo$ are. o%eti%es $st getB #eer %ind abo$t the

    "ights' ?other. hat rea""y want for %y birthday isB he cast abo$t for an e(c$se to

    get her %other o$t of the ho$se. f she co$"d on"y achiee a "itt"e freedo%' shed be ab"eto find the "ights on her own.

    *rno"d n$

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    "" gather yo$r things. )inny tried not to "et the g$i"t of her "ies oerwhe"% her. t was

    better to as6 for forgieness than per%ission' shed "earned oer the years. esides' a p"an

    was for%ing in her head that %ight $st a""ow her to see the "ights and be bac6 before her%other was een aware she was gone.

    -he on"y thing he had to show for his trac6ing was a body co%p"ete"y coered in

    scratches and the shredded' disg$sting"y fi"thy c"oa6 that had been b$ried in the briars.

    -he ,hoeni( was gone' disappeared into thin air' once %ore.

    8on was f$rio$s' both at hi%se"f for "etting the da%ned croo6 get away' and at aw"ishfor not responding to the ca""s for bac6$p 8on had sent periodica""y thro$gh the p$rs$it.

    +is fist tightened down on the c"oa6 and he "oo6ed aro$nd' %a6ing %enta" note of the

    forest so that he co$"d ret$rn here and bring an entire sA$adron of *$rors with hi%.hadow ,hoeni( had see%ed to 6now right where he was *pparating to=perhaps his

    hideo$t was so%ewhere aro$nd here.

    *t the ery "east' it was a iab"e "ead for the% to chec6 o$t' rather than sitting aro$nd the

    ?inistry' doing nothing.

    *n $neasy fee"ing sett"ed in the bac6 of 8ons %ind' b$t he forced it to stay p$t'co%part%enta"i

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    brand new thread to the ta"e: apparent"y *$g$sta ;ongbotto% had been harboring a

    who"e ho$se f$"" of cri%ina"s and had gien a war>cry whoop before shed p$""ed a sword

    on aw"ish. -he *$ror was "$c6y to hae s$ried.

    8on %ade a note to te"" that partic$"ar ersion of the story to his father. #o one enoyed a

    good e%be""ished ta"e "i6e *rth$r eas"ey.

    +e t$ned bac6 into his partner' wondering if the %an co$"d t$rn any redder. Btraipsing

    aro$nd the co$ntryside with no bac6$pB 8on wantedto point o$t that aw"ish wasg$i"ty of the sa%e thing' and hedon"y gone $p against an o"d witch=for%idab"e as she

    was@ 8on had been after the s"ippery ,hoeni( and had co%e o$t with on"y so%e scratches

    and a po$nding headache fro% the forced apparition. +e he"d his tong$e instead.

    Ba wee6s s$spension o$ght to teach yo$ a thing or two abo$t fo""owing"ishs itrio" ended and he g"ared at 8on' a satisfied s%ir6 on his face. itho$t pay'

    of co$rse.

    8on seethed inside. ?ore than eer before' he wanted to "ay into this po%po$s windbag

    of a %an and te"" hi% what he rea""y tho$ght of the enior *$ror' b$t 8on on"y noddedinstead. #othing he co$"d say right now wo$"d %a6e the sit$ation any better.

    #othing to say' eas"eyD

    8on stood and straightened his r$%p"ed' dirty robes. +e c"enched his aw tight"y. #ot to

    yo$' he said before wa"6ing o$t.

    aw"ish er$pted' b$t 8on didnt ac6now"edge his tirade. f 8on was a"ready on

    s$spension' then he didnt need to be at the ?inistry a %in$te "onger. hat he rea""yneeded was to get to a p"ace where he didnt hae to ho"d bac6' where he co$"d say what

    he rea""y tho$ght and not hae to $stify any of it.

    +e wanted to go ho%e' to the $rrow.

    -he sA$ee

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    %agic and he %enta""y added the i%age of hadow ,hoeni( to the pi"es before he shot

    %ore and %ore spe""s their way.

    -ho$ght yo$ %ight be in here.

    8on was sweating by the ti%e his father appeared' ?inistry robes $ndone at the co""arand worry etched on his face.

    #o one een "istened to %e 8on roared. +e sho$"dnt be ye""ing at his father=?er"in

    he"p hi% if his motherheard hi%=b$t he had the fee"ing his father $nderstood %ore than

    anyone. 3eryone $nderesti%ated *rth$r eas"ey' the easy>going' ?$gg"e>"oingb$ffoon' and his sons hadnt had the easiest ti%e sett"ing at the ?inistry.

    $t there was no one 8on respected %ore than his father@ %ost of the "essons hed needed

    to be ta$ght were "earned in A$iet %o%ents with the %an' wor6ing side by side' ta"6ing

    A$iet"y' or si%p"y watching how *rth$r reacted to circ$%stances beyond his contro".

    +ow c"ose did yo$ get to -he ,hoeni(D

    -here was no do$bt in his A$estion' no wondering whether 8on had act$a""y done what

    hed said he did.

    8on s%i"ed and shoo6 his head. C"ose eno$gh to 6now that the posters are way off on

    what he "oo6s "i6e.

    *rth$r nodded his head s"ow"y. Eo$ 6now' so%eti%es wonderB hat if wee a""

    %is$dged the wi

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    t was a"%ost ti%e again. 8on was start"ed to rea"i

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    F"e$rs not so bad' he defended A$iet"y. %eanBshe see%s to rea""y "i6e hi%B

    Fred and )eorge pic6ed $p on his so%ewhat f"$stered state and began ta6ing the piss.

    ,ercy as6ed their father a A$estion abo$t the ?inistry' and their %other set off on herdesire to hae grandchi"dren one day.

    8on s%i"ed and shoo6 his head. +is fa%i"y wo$"d neer change.

    +e "oo6ed $p to the %ante" aboe the firep"ace' crowded with photographs of the% a""

    thro$gh the years. -here was one that was $s$a""y 6ept toward the bac6' bro$ght o$t ery

    se"do%. t was allof the% gro$ped aro$nd a bea%ing' fire>headed todd"er.

    8on wondered where his sister wo$"d hae fit into this fa%i"y if shed not been ta6en so

    %any years ago. o$"d she be "i6e Fred and )eorge' carefree and care"essD o$"d she

    be confident and coc6y "i6e i"" and Char"ieD o$"d she be "i6e ,ercy' a"" abo$t boo6s

    and 6now"edgeD &r wo$"d she be %ore "i6e 8on' $ns$re where she fit into the fa%i"y

    so%eti%es b$t 6nowing that they were a part of who she rea""y wasD

    ?ore than anything' he wished that he co$"d discoer the answer to that A$estion.

    *Chapter 2*: Chapter 2: 3ate Ni#ht Conersations


    Author's Note: hort chapter this ti%e. 6now. GsighG +ow abo$t if pro%ise another

    one ery' ery soonD i"" yo$ sti"" "oe %eD Gbats eye"ashesG

    Chapter 2: 3ate Ni#ht Conersations )rom Un$er The Stairs- A#ain-

    +arry wo6e with his 6nee pressed into his chest and his sho$"der ra%%ed $p against a

    hard piece of wood. hereer he was' it was dar6 with on"y a s%a"" so$rce of "ight > too

    s%a"" to i""$%inate anything > e%anating fro% so%ewhere c"ose to his right foot.

    +e s"ow"y too6 stoc6 and tried to piece together what had happened to hi%. &n thepositie side' his 6nee didnt throb near"y as %$ch as it had when hed twisted it ear"ier.

    -he tenderness when he probed it was nothing co%pared to the po$nding in his head. +e

    fe"t "i6e hed been hit withBwe""' a frying pan' to be honest.

    -he sit$ation ca%e bac6 to hi% in ch$n6s' f"ashes of ti%e that he tried to piece togetherwhi"e rearranging his body as %$ch as he co$"d.

    -he redhead was going to pay for this' he owed. o%ehow' hed %a6e her regret both

    the in$ries to his head and st$ffing hi% inB

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    &h' da%n. +e was in a c"oset $nder the stairs. *gain.

    +e sighed dra%atica""y to hi%se"f and then $%ped in fright when the %irror ibrated.

    #ei""e and +er%ione were $nder strict orders not to contact hi% for anything +e c$rsed

    si"ent"y and tried to wigg"e it o$t of his poc6et. -he fact that they were een tryingnowwas a testa%ent to their concern. -hat or theyd been capt$red by eath 3aters and this

    who"e operation was fa""ing apart aro$nd hi%.

    +e hadntseena dar6 %ar6 on 8eds ar%' and she didnt necessari"y act "i6e a witch'

    een. ,erhaps she was si%p"y a ?$gg"e who was start"ed by hi% craw"ing into herwindow' start"ed eno$gh to s%ash his face in with a pan.


    +er%iones incessant whispering annoyed +arry' b$t he fina""y %anaged to free the

    %irror. +e co$"dnt see her in it' b$t rep"ied in an eA$a""y "ow oice.

    % here.

    * %$ff"ed sA$ea" answered and +arry i%agined +er%ione c"apping a hand oer her

    %o$th to ho"d in her re"ief that he wasnt dead.

    (here are you&"

    +arry considered that A$estion. t wo$"d be f"ippant to answer with the tr$th' honest"y'

    and wo$"d probab"y %a6e +er%iones a"ready fra

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    esides' +arry honest"y had no idea where he was@ hed traipsed thro$gh the trees and

    hadnt been trac6ing his position we"" eno$gh to e(p"ain it to her.

    #o' no' he said fina""y. "" $stB"" fig$re it o$t.

    #ei""e grabbed the %irror and +arry heard his sigh of re"ief. -here yo$ are' %ate. Btho$ght d gotten yo$ capt$red.

    +arry forced o$t a s%a"" ch$c6"e' since they co$"dnt see hi% s%i"e. #o worries. $st a

    s%a"" setbac6. % $stBdea"ing with an iss$e and then "" be bac6.

    Fact: the ?$gg"e had the +orcr$(. hed een been b$rned by to$ching it' which %ade+arry fee" horrib"y g$i"ty' b$t there wasnt %$ch he co$"d do abo$t it fro% his cra%ped

    position in the c$pboard.

    Fact: he needed to fig$re o$t a way to conince her that he %eant her no har%' that he

    wo$"d g"ad"y be on his way if she wo$"d gie hi% the satche" and his wand bac6' and thathe respected her coo6ware brandishing s6i""s eno$gh to neer set foot in her part of the

    forest again.

    $t he had no idea how to do that.

    *"right hadowD #ei""e as6ed' concern fi""ing his oice. Eo$re awf$""y A$iet.

    +arry bit his "ip. #ecessity. % erB% sort of in a tang"e here. -heres this %ad?$gg"e' yo$ seeB +onesty was a"ways the best po"icy' he decided. &r' partia" honesty

    at "east.

    +er%ione snatched the %irror bac6=+arry heard #ei""e ye"p in protest. hy didnt

    yo$ say so%ethingD

    hes not a threat' +arry said' g"ossing oer the i%age of the pan co%ing at his face.

    $stB$st an annoyance. he ended $p with %y bagBand %y wand.

    +er%ione h$ffed and he heard her %$ttering so%ething to #ei""e' b$t he co$"dnt %a6e

    o$t the words.

    Eo$"" $st hae to get the% bac6.

    +e refrained fro% ro""ing his eyes' $st in case she rea""y co$"d see hi%. e""' yeah. *ny

    s$ggestions wo$"d be he"pf$" at this point. d prefer not to $se br$te force' b$t % not

    r$"ing it o$t co%p"ete"y.

    8ed %ight be deter%ined' b$t she was sti"" a tiny "itt"e thing. +arry had no do$bt he co$"dst$ff herin the c$pboard if she eer "et go of her weapon. -he idea had %erit' he decided

    as he tried to %assage the cra%p o$t of his thigh.

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    e""' +er%ione sighed' there are seera" approaches. Eo$ co$"d try reasoning with


    +arry' again' pict$red the pan co%ing toward hi%. +%%' not so good on the reasoningthing.

    &6ay' what abo$t tric6ing her into giing it to yo$D as6ed +er%ione. Eo$re not the

    best "iar' 6now=


    +er%ione contin$ed on' as if +arry hadnt said a thing' =b$t % s$re yo$ can %anageto thin6 of so%ething.

    +arry sighed and ginger"y to$ched the bridge of his nose' testing to see if it was bro6en

    or si%p"y da%aged. can try' he agreed.

    &rBwe""' there is another option. +er%ione so$nded hesitant' and there was a s"ight"y

    odd tone to her oice.

    Ees' ,rofessorD +arry co$"d pict$re the s%ir6 on her face when he $sed her code na%e.

    ehind her bac6' he and #ei""e often ca""ed +er%ione -he rain' b$t they wo$"d neer

    "et her 6now that. +arry was fond of a"" his parts right where they were' than6 yo$ ery

    %$ch' fo"ded as they %ay be at the %o%ent.

    Eo$ co$"d try to char% her into giing yo$ what yo$ want.

    +arry stared into the dar6ness of the c$pboard b"an6"y' his %ind whir"ing. 7harm&+ehonest"y had no idea what she was ta"6ing abo$t.


    &h' co%e now' hadow' yo$ can be ery char%ing when yo$ want to be.

    +e fe"t his face heat b$t sti"" had no c"$e how he wo$"d een go abo$t getting 8ed to giehi% his things $singBcharm.

    hat do yo$ do when yo$ want %e or #ei""e to do so%ething for yo$D +er%ione

    as6ed. he so$nded a tad bit e(asperated with hi%' b$t +arry co$"dnt he"p it. +e wasr$bbish with gir"s. ts not "i6e hed had years of e(perience dating at +ogwarts. &6ay' he

    had noneat a"". +is one 6iss $nder the %ist"etoe with Cho and the disastro$s date had sent

    hi% sc$rrying bac6 to the shadows where hed re%ained free fro% ro%antic

    entang"e%ents. ,"$s' there was a war going on. ating opport$nities were a "itt"e thin onthe gro$nd.

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    % not going to beather' +er%ione' he sighed. $stB% trying to thin6 abo$t how

    to approach it.

    s she prettyD

    +arry grew f"$stered by her A$estion and een %ore e%barrassed when he heard #ei""ech$c6"ing in the bac6gro$nd.

    hesBer%B +e tho$ght bac6 to the s"ip of a gir" with the f"a%ing hair and fiery spirit.

    Ees' he co$"d ad%it she was p"easant to "oo6 at' with her bright brown eyes' c$rio$s

    e(pression' perfect"y pin6 "ips' s%ooth s6inB

    +er%ione pro%pted hi%. EesD

    hesByeah' d say so.

    *nd yo$re a handso%e %an' +arry. +is chee6s grew war%. ont yo$ thin6 so'?andra6eD

    -he pict$re of #ei""e f"eeing as he ca""ed o$t' o notdrag %e into this' ,rofessor%ade +arry s%i"e.

    Eo$re a"ways te""ing $s to $se o$r assets' hadow. $stBwoo her a bit and ta"6 her into

    giing yo$ what yo$ want.

    o%ething abo$t her state%ent %ade +arry fee" f$nny. t didnt see% rightB $tBisnt

    that sort of $nderhandedD

    +er%ione h$ffed' b$t +arry co$"d te"" she wasnt rea""y annoyed with hi%' $st the

    sit$ation. Eo$re notseducingher' hadow +arry near"y cho6ed at the tho$ght.

    Eo$re $stB$sing yo$r assets to the best of yo$r abi"ities. #ow' get o$t there and get onwith it so yo$ can get bac6 here and eat. Eo$ haent eaten for %ore than eight ho$rs.

    -he shift in the conersation %ade +arrys head spin. &ne second she was ta"6ing abo$t

    sed$ction' the other she was %othering hi%.

    Fine' he gr$%b"ed. +e co$"d hear 8ed ta"6ing to so%eone $st on the other side of the

    door' now that he was "istening for her' b$t he co$"dnt %a6e o$t e(act"y what she was

    saying. "" ta"6 to yo$ "ater.

    +arry st$ffed the %irror bac6 in his poc6et and tried to i%agine how on earth he was

    going to get hi%se"f o$t of this sit$ation: both the being>st$ffed>in>a>c$pboard one and

    the gir">has>the>+orcr$( one. #either see%ed pro%ising at the %o%ent.

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    *Chapter 4*: Chapter 4: Charmin# .our (ay Out O&


    Author's Note: ;oo6 at how spoi"ed yo$ a"" are -oday yo$ get a two>for>one offer.

    L*nd it "i6e"y has nothing to do with the fact that %apped o$t the posting sched$"e andrea"i

  • 8/13/2019 Knotted by Hgfan1111


    -he ogre sighed and s"ow"y inched $p $nti" it was standing' "oo6ing down on her. %

    not an ogre. pro%ise.

    )inny "ifted the pan and the %onster f"inched. &gres "ie. -hats what %y %other ta$ght%e.

    % notan ogre. % not a beast' a %onster' a giantBor anything b$t aB$st a %an.

    Eo$ s%e"" horrib"e' )inny pointed o$t. &gres s%e"".

    -he %onster was "osing patience' she co$"d te""' b$t he too6 a s"ow breath in and s"id its

    feet forward $nti" it was standing right in front of her. -hats beca$se was r$nning fro%an *$ror.

    )inny scow"ed at its de"iberate %oe%ents. -he green eyes were A$ite stri6ing' and

    especia""y piercing when this c"ose. hats an *$rorD

    t sighed and r$ff"ed the f$r on its head' wincing and probing tender"y at the p"ace )inny

    had hit it. * i"e ani%a"' it said' that h$nts down %en "i6e %e and capt$res the% todrag bac6 to its ei" "air.

    )innys ar% "owered a fraction of an inch and she gaped at thisB%an. he sti"" wasnt

    s$re a"" of this wasnt a tric6' b$t hed had p"enty of ti%e to grab her' throw her oer his

    sho$"der' and carry her away to his cae. +e hadnt done so yet' so %aybe he was te""ingthe tr$th.

    t so$nds horrib"e' she whispered.

    -he %an "oo6ed at her for a %in$te before %oing a fraction of an inch c"oser. Eo$ hae

    no idea. ts barbaric. *$rors are the worst sort of %onster o$t there.

    o yo$B )inny g"anced oer at the c"osed window' wondering if the *$ror was sti""

    o$tside waiting for its prey. s it sti"" o$t thereD

    -he %an see%ed start"ed by her A$estion and then shoo6 his head. #o. "" bet its gone

    ho%e now. *$rors are %ean' b$t theyre not partic$"ar"y s%art' yo$ see. % pretty s$rewere safe now.

    +e so$nded so s$re that )inny fe"t herse"f re"a(. espite his s%e""' and the way hedbarged into her ho%e' there was so%ething abo$t this %an that )inny "i6ed.

    o yo$ 6now where the "ights in the s6y co%e fro%D

    -he A$estion start"ed hi% and he stared at her. -he starsD

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    #o. -he "ights. -hey co%e eery year on the sa%e day=to%orrow' in fact=and fi"" the

    s6y with spar6"es that hang in the heaens.

    &h -he firewor6s d co%p"ete"y forgotten abo$t those. +e ch$c6"ed and )innywondered what was so f$nny. 3rB% not s$re' e(act"y.

    )innys heart san6 and she "owered herse"f onto one of the 6itchen chairs. &h. was

    hopingB he shoo6 the tho$ght away and stared down at her feet. ?aybe she sho$"d

    $st te"" the %an to "eae. +e was probab"y safe fro% the nasty *$ror o$tside' and heobio$s"y hadnt co%e trying to stea" her away.

    hae yo$r bag. "" gie it to yo$ and yo$ can go.

    +e "oo6ed gratef$"' b$t he didnt atte%pt to "eae. hy do yo$ want to 6now abo$t the


    )inny "oo6ed $p and saw that his A$estion was gen$ine. *"" %y "ife e been waiting$nti" co$"d see the%. *nd not $st fro% %y window' b$t $p c"ose. want to "ie in the

    grass and watch the% twin6"e in the s6y aboe %e' b$t %y %other wo$"d neer "et %e. t

    probab"y so$nds st$pid' b$t tho$ght if yo$ 6new where they were' yo$ co$"d ta6e %ethere.

    ;oo6' 8ed=erBGinny' % not s$re where they co%e fro%' b$tB %ight be ab"e to

    find o$t for yo$=

    )inny $%ped o$t of her chair and threw herse"f at hi%' sA$ea"ing happi"y. -hen yo$

    can ta6e %e there

    -he %an "oo6ed start"ed and patted her bac6 rather fir%"y' stea"ing her breath. &h' erB

    % not s$re thatsB Eo$ see' hae so%ewhere need to beB 3r%Bwhen said co$"d


    e"" %a6e a dea"' )inny said as she p$""ed bac6. Eo$ ta6e %e to the "ights' and ""gie yo$ yo$r bag bac6. t was the perfect so"$tion +e certain"y wanted that odd

    b$rning c$p and stic6 eno$gh to persist in as6ing for the%. *nd )inny 6new it was easier

    to get what she wanted by withho"ding so%ething he wanted.

    #ow "isten here=

    e hidden it' yo$ 6now' she "ied. Eo$"" neer find it.

    -he %an "oo6ed irritated and rather inti%idating' b$t )inny he"d her gro$nd. +e was

    going to ta6e her to the "ights.

    Eo$ cant be serio$s.

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    wont be a bother at a""' she pro%ised. $st ta6e %e to see the "ights to%orrow night

    and "" gie yo$ the bag bac6. pro%ise.

    -he %an "oo6ed $p at the cei"ing and r$bbed his eyes harsh"y whi"e %$ttering so%ethingabo$t char%.

    hy %eD he as6ed. hy not as6 yo$r %otherD

    he wo$"d neer ta6e %e' )inny dis%issed. t"" hae to be yo$. Eo$ can protect %e

    fro% a"" the ogres' %onsters' and *$rors o$t there whi"e we search for the "ights.

    -his is insane +e sto%ped aro$nd the 6itchen' %$ttering odd things and h$ffing eachti%e he ca$ght sight of )inny' b$t she was p"eased@ the "onger he spent here' the %ore he

    was act$a""y considering accepting her dea".

    ts the perfect so"$tion' )inny said. e both get what we want.

    Eo$ dont een 6now %e' he said. co$"d beB co$"d be an ogre$st "i6e yo$

    tho$ght' on"y % a tric6y ogre.

    he too6 in a s"ow breath and considered his words. e decided to tr$st yo$.

    -hey "oo6ed at each other for a "ong %in$te before the %an sighed and his sho$"ders

    san6. #ot yo$r best decision.

    "" bring %y pan' dont worry. f yo$ get o$t of hand=

    +e scow"ed. Fine. *nd bring %y bag. e"" need it where were going.

    $t yo$ dont een 6now where the "ights are' she pointed o$t.

    +e "oo6ed %ore annoyed. can fig$re it o$t. +e p$""ed a s%a"" piece of %irror fro% his

    poc6et and p$t it in front of his %o$th. ea"ing with thesituation' ,rofessor. #eed the

    gen on where can find the firewor6s in the s6y that wi"" happen to%orrow night.

    )inny peered c"ose"y at the %irror. t was a professorD hat sort of %ischief was thisD

    &h' hadow' erBwe""' % not positie' the %irror answered in a fe%inine oice.

    f yo$ had toguessD the %an h$ffed. *pparent"y the %irror %ade hi% een tetchier.

    o$th' it answered. eon' perhaps. thin6 e heard abo$t a fa%i"y down there that


    -he %irror wasnt done ta"6ing when the %an shoed it deep into his poc6et. e""D Eo$

    heard the ,rofessor' 8ed. ;ets get going.

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    Bwhere is thisBeonD *re yo$ fa%i"iar with itD s it a town or perhaps a A$ant "itt"e

    i""age where the inhabitants ce"ebrate so%e grandB

    -he gir" hadnt sh$t $p. #ot once since they started on this "itt"e i%pro%pt$ adent$re.

    +arry co$"d fee" the energy "eeching o$t of his body as they wa"6ed. +e had to fig$re away o$t of this sit$ation. +e co$"d fee" the %irror in his poc6et ibrating=no do$bt

    +er%ione trying to gie hi% the rest of her "ect$re' or $st te"" hi% off for being r$de=

    b$t there was no way to ta6e the %irror o$t again witho$t a"erting 8ed to it. hed a"readysee%ed fascinated the first ti%e he was forced to $se it.

    f on"y he co$"d tric6 her into setting that r$ddy bag down' he co$"d snatch it' p$"" his

    wand' and *pparate away. hed be f$rio$s' b$t shed eent$a""y get oer it. +arry didnt

    owe her anything' anyway' other than %aybe a few reciproca" whac6s to the head. -heidea %ade hi% s"ight"y $nco%fortab"e' "i6e cheating' b$t he hadnt rea""y agreed to her

    dea". ,"$s' he was $nder d$ress' and that sho$"d n$""ify eerything' sho$"dnt itD

    B%y %other a"ways to"d %e how bea$tif$" %y hair wasBperhaps sho$"d 6eep it

    hiddenD hat do yo$ thin6D o yo$ hae a na%eD fee" bad for ca""ing yo$ %an in %yhead' when yo$ probab"y do hae a na%e. *"tho$gh' did te"" yo$ %y na%e was )inny

    and yo$ contin$e to ca"" %e red. H$ite r$de' if yo$ as6 %e.

    +arry straightened his croo6ed g"asses and bit his "ip to 6eep fro% e(p"oding infr$stration with the chatty gir". ts hadow' he said s"ow"y. hadow ,hoeni(.

    +is words' the first hed spo6en other than giing her directions thro$gh the forest'

    see%ed to start"e her' b$t soon she was s%i"ing.

    hadow ,hoeni(. "i6e that. s it "ong now to eon' hadow ,hoeni(D on"y as6

    beca$se %y %other wi"" be gone $nti" the day after to%orrow' and d "i6e to be bac6before she ret$rns. he wi"" not be happy when she rea"ieyes. Eo$ thin6 sho$"d go bac6' hadow ,hoeni(D

    +arry ignored the way his heart th$dded in his chest. +e neededto do this. +e had to get

    bac6 to )ri%%a$"d ,"ace with the +orcr$( before the *$rors capt$red hi%' or he wasdiscoered by eath 3aters. 8ed wo$"d si%p"y hae to "earn to "ie with the

    disappoint%ent of watching the firewor6s fro% her window.

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    can on"y say that d be worried sic6 if was yo$r %other and arried bac6 ho%e after

    trae"ing so far and the ho$se was e%pty.

    o%e of her pratt"ing %$st hae soa6ed into his brain beca$se +arry was ab"e to $sethings fro% her words to b$i"d the arg$%ent against this insane idea. -here was no way

    for the% to get fro% cot"and a"" the way to eon witho$t being seen or capt$red. *ndsince +arry co$"dnt get to his wand to *pparate away' he was st$c6 $nti" she handed

    oer the bag. -here was abso"$te"y no way he co$"d ta6e a ?$gg"e a"" the way to eonright now. #or did he want to.

    )inny "oc6ed her aw at his words and p$""ed the hood $p on her robe to coer her

    spectac$"ar"y red hair. #o. % going. -he b"a

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    )inny scow"ed and c"$tched the bag tighter to her side $nder the c"oa6. -hats not what

    we agreedB

    6now' +arry sighed. $t its i%portant. t"" get $sBinside the p"ace we need to go.

    he see%ed to thin6 abo$t that before her eyes "it $p. &h' its "i6e a 6eyD

    3(act"y' +arry said. * 6ey. -here was no way he was going to traipse into

    +ogs%eade=which was craw"ing with eath 3aters and natchers=witho$t his wand at

    the ready. ?$gg"e or no' +arry needed to protect )inny.

    Caref$"' he ca$tioned when she began to r$%%age aro$nd in the bag. -he c$pBitsB$%%%B

    wrapped it $p' )inny said practica""y and he"d his wand o$t to hi%. +eres yo$r 6ey.

    t was %$ch easier to breathe with his wand in his hand' +arry decided. +e fe"t so %$ch"ess e(posed and $"nerab"e. ;ets go. ?a6e s$re to 6eep yo$r head down=dont "oo6 at

    anyone=and dont say a word.

    +er eyes widened fearf$""y. s the i""age f$"" of tro""s and ogresD

    *nd *$rors' +arry said with a nod. +e he"d o$t his hand and tried to ignore how soft'

    yet fir% her fingers were as they s"id into his grasp. $t yo$ can tr$st %e="" protect


    +er s%i"e was da

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    do$bt one of these peop"e was an $ndercoer *$ror. +arry 6ept his head down and p$""ed

    a re"$ctant )inny thro$gh the crowd.

    Eo$ %$st be a b"oo%in idiot' *berforth hissed when he saw who was beneath the hoodof the c"oa6 +arry had snatched off a "a$ndry "ine on the edge of town.

    anct$ary' was a"" that +arry whispered and *berforth gro$nd his teeth noisi"y. +arry

    6new that if the bartender hadnt %ade specific pro%ises to his brother' +arry wo$"d be

    o$t of "$c6. *berforth had no "oe for Io"de%ort or the ?inistry' b$t he a"so didnt ta6e6ind"y to ,rofessor $%b"edores idea"s. +e a"so tho$ght +arry was a foo" for not f"eeing

    3ng"and when he had the chance' and to"d hi% that eery ti%e they %et.

    )inny d$tif$""y 6ept her face down the entire ti%e they were in the %ain part of the p$b'

    and didnt %a6e a so$nd. +arry co$"d fee" her tre%b"ing tho$gh' and pict$red her otherhand wrapped so tight"y aro$nd her pan that the hand"e defor%ed.

    hat the hellwas he doing dragging a ?$gg"e into this p"aceD

    Eo$ can stay here tonight' *berforth gr$nted and indicated a ric6ety door. Eo$ need

    to be gone before daybrea6. -hey patro" the streets starting at seen.

    e wi""' +arry pro%ised. +e ignored the way *berforth stared at )inny and p$""ed herinto the d$sty' cra%ped roo% that on"y offered a sing"e narrow bed.

    &nce the door was c"osed and a si"ent "oc6ing spe"" set' +arry a""owed a nero$s ch$c6"e.

    ?ade it safe.

    )inny was staring at hi% with wide' tear>fi""ed eyes. +er who"e body shoo6. s thatB*re they a""B

    ?ost"y %en and wo%en' +arry said' s6irting aro$nd the tr$th a bit. * few hags and


    *ny ogresD +er oice was bare"y a whisper and +arry fe"t bad. +e was e(posing her to

    s$ch a dangero$s wor"d si%p"y by being with hi%.

    &n"y the bartender' he said gr$ff"y. % teasing. +esB$st gr$%py. #o ogres. #o

    tro""s. #o %onsters of any 6ind.

    )inny watched hi% caref$""y. *$rorsD

    #one' he "ied. #one at a"". he wasnt going to be ab"e to s"eep if she was $p a"" night

    c"$tching that pan' and neither wo$"d +arry.

    he "et o$t a deep sigh and fina""y "oo6ed aro$nd the roo%.

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  • 8/13/2019 Knotted by Hgfan1111


    +arry s"$%ped f$rther into the seat and watched )inny as she s"ept. 6now. e were

    caref$". +e winced as he rea"i

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    f yo$ fee" thats the right thing to do' hadow' we"" s$pport it. ;et $s 6now if yo$ need

    anything e"se.

    i"" do.

    -he %irror went dar6 and +arry sat in the f"ic6ering "ight of the cand"e. t was going tobe a "ong co$p"e of days. ?aybe he needed to confide in )inny that he was %agica" and

    %a6e eerything so %$ch easier on both of the%.


    *Chapter 6*: Chapter 6: Cast Iron/ %lease7 Thank .ou

    Author's Note: had so%eone as6 in a reiew why a% spending %y ti%e $sing

    so%eone e"ses ideas for a story' rather than co%ing $p with %y own. co$"dnt answerthe% direct"y' b$t did want to answer that A$estion. First' writing fanfiction is %yescape fro% rea" "ife' fro% stress' fro% eerything e"se. econd' write for a%$se%ent'

    not for acco"ades' awards' or anything e"se. -hird' write when a story idea co%es into

    %y head and stic6s with %e "onger than a few passing daydrea%s. For %e' its eno$gh. do get origina" ideas' b$t tend to sae the% for %y origina" fiction rather than $sing

    the% on fanfiction. Gshr$gsG &6ay' now fee" better. hope yo$ enoy the ne(t chapter.

    *s a"ways' than6s to the wonderf$" betas' and d "oe to hear what yo$ thin6.

    Chapter 6: Cast Iron/ %lease7 Thank .ou 8ery 9uch

    iagon *""ey was a"ways A$iet ear"y in the %orning. -he rising of the s$n see%ed towa6e it inch by inch: doors wo$"d $n"oc6' sh$tters wo$"d fo"d bac6' and the dai"y

    b$siness wo$"d co%%ence.

    $t ear"y=ery ear"y=it was a"%ost as if eerything was fro

  • 8/13/2019 Knotted by Hgfan1111


    #o worries abo$t that today' he %$%b"ed to hi%se"f and set o$t toward Fred and

    )eorges shop' hoping his brothers wo$"d be $p and %oing. -here were "ights on in the

    $pstairs windows' so 8on was hopef$". +ed "earned his "esson "ast year abo$t *pparatingdirect"y into the brand new shop. Fred and )eorge %ight be f$nny' b$t they were dead"y

    serio$s abo$t sec$rity@ on"y 8ons A$ic6 instincts had saed hi% fro% bodi"y har% when

    hed tripped a few of their he(es.

    -he door wasnt $n"oc6ed' b$t he co$"d see )eorge sh$ff"ing down the ais"e in his$nifor%=and ho$se s"ippers=directing bright"y wrapped prod$cts onto the she"es. 8on

    rapped his 6n$c6"e against the window and )eorge pretended to thin6 abo$t it before

    $n"oc6ing the door.

    $st in ti%e' he said with a tired s%i"e. co$"d $se another pair of hands. Fred see%s

    to be haing a hard ti%e getting going this %orning.

    heard that' yo$ git Fred ca""ed fro% the bac6 roo%.

    )eorge s%ir6ed. %eant for yo$ to hear it' prat

    8on refrained fro% ro""ing his eyes. +e was $sed to the banter' b$t they both %$st betired as the creatie na%e ca""ing $st wasnt on yet.

    8onnie6ins ca%e to he"p )eorge said as he tossed a bo( of -ong$e>-wister -offees $p

    in the air and banished it to the top she"f with a f"o$rish of his wand.

    id not 8on ca""ed bac6. % $st dropping by before head bac6 to +ogs%eade.

    n a"" honest"y' 8on wasnt s$re why hed co%e to iagon *""ey anyway. +e s$pposed itwas %ost"y o$t of habit that he fe"t co%pe""ed to chec6 on eeryone as often as he co$"d

    =theyd a"" dee"oped the co%p$"sion oer the years. t was ingrained fro% a ery ear"y

    age' eer since )inera had been ta6en right fro% her cot. 3en tho$gh i"" was %arried'

    he sti"" chec6ed in with his parents once a day' and his brothers seera" ti%es a wee6.Char"ie was "ess worried abo$t s$ch things' b$t he wrote often. -he rest of the% fe""

    a"ong the sca"e at arying degrees of protectieness=8on and ,ercy' s$rprising"y' were

    the %ost igi"ant' Fred and )eorge' the %ost cas$a" abo$t it a"".

    -ho$ght yo$ were on s$spension' said )eorge as he %oed down the ais"e. Fredwandered o$t and handed 8on an ar%f$" of bo(es. 8on scow"ed at the%' b$t then began

    p"acing the%. ?ight as we"" be he"pf$"' he s$pposed.

    a%' b$t that doesnt %ean cant go for a walkin +ogs%eade' yo$ 6now.

    &r the forest aro$nd it' Fred said with a s%ir6.

    *nd if yo$ happen to find a stray phoeni(B

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    8on s%ir6ed and gae a fir% nod. +e was "oo6ing forward to seeing aw"ishs face when

    he' 8on eas"ey' was the one to drag hadow ,hoeni( into the ?inistry. *"" the rest of

    the %$c6ity>%$c6s at the ?inistry wo$"d be green with eny.

    Fred sat on the edge of the co$nter and yawned wide"y. Eo$ rea""y thin6 his hideo$t is

    aro$nd thereD

    +e see%ed to 6now the p"ace pretty we""' said 8on. *nd he disappeared the %o%ent

    he was o$t of %y sight=no so$nd of *pparition.

    +e %ight be $st that good' )eorge pointed o$t as he "eaned on the co$nter. -he threebrothers were A$iet for a %in$te' conte%p"ating.

    ad saysB 8on trai"ed off' scow"ing down at his shoes. +e sti"" wasnt s$re what the

    who"e conersation abo$t %otiations had been abo$t' b$t he co$"dnt stop thin6ing abo$t

    it. ad says that %aybe the ,hoeni( is a decent b"o6e $stB$st ca$ght $p in so%e sort

    of %ess.

    oth Fred and )eorge scow"ed. +es ta"ented' "" gie hi% that' Fred said.

    )eorge added' ith so%e serio$s spe"" 6now"edge' b$t hae no idea what hes abo$t.

    efinite"y a %ystery' that one.

    Eeah. 8on nodded and they went si"ent' a"" conte%p"ating. esides the officia" fi"e onhadow ,hoeni( at the ?inistry=which was painf$""y thin and s6etchy=there wasnt

    %$ch 6nown abo$t the thief' other than hed $st appeared one day o$t of the b"$e. -here

    was no indication as to who he rea""y was' where hed co%e fro%' or what he %eant by

    brea6ing into p"aces a"" oer 3ng"and and stea"ing odd things. ?ost of it was a"" r$%orand inn$endo' anyway.

    -he f$nniest thing 8on had read in the fi"e was the ada%ant state%ent fro% one bar%y

    witch in Kent who swore $p and down -he ,hoeni( had sto"en eggs fro% her chic6encoop and that he "oo6ed re%ar6ab"y "i6e +arry ,otter. -he other theories were $st as

    "oony=esDumbledore, in disguise! es really a group of people running an

    underground ring of secret thieves! e really doesnt e/ist at all!8on had heard it a"".

    oes ?$% 6now where yo$re off toD

    8on shifted $nder Freds 6nowing ga

  • 8/13/2019 Knotted by Hgfan1111


    )eorge stro6ed his chin in tho$ght. e co$"d $se a good bott"e of Firewhis6y' yo$


    &r so%eone to test the newBahe%B Eo$ 6now the one % ta"6ing abo$t. Fred and)eorge shared a "a$gh and 8on winced. +ed been an $nwi""ing test s$bect %any ti%es

    oer his growing $p years' and een offered when he needed a few ga""eons now andagain' b$t the prospects werent good when they went a"" secretie "i6e that. t didnt bode

    we"" for his hea"th or appearance.

    hae an a$tographed Ch$d"ey poster' 8on offered with a sigh. +e rea""y didnt want to

    gie that $p' b$t he was wi""ing if theyd coer for hi% with their %other for the rest of

    the wee6.

    hy wo$"d we want thatD Fred as6ed. +e scr$nched his nose $p in distaste. #ow' ifyo$ were ta"6ing abo$t the +arpiesB +e wagg"ed his eyebrows sa"acio$s"y.

    e""' dont hae that' said 8on he"p"ess"y. $stB$st do it' a"rightD

    +is brothers e(changed a "ong "oo6 with each other before nodding. Fine. $t she""

    wonder why yo$ ta6e so %any "oo brea6s when cant prod$ce yo$ at the f"oo...

    8on near"y cheered with tri$%ph. -hey were going to do it and he hadnt needed topro%ise b"ood' %oney' or his first born chi"d e""' that is' ifhe eer had a chi"dBerBor

    een dated a gir" proper"yB

    )eorge c"apped hi% on the sho$"der. Eo$ can sp"it the reward with $s.

    8on opened his %o$th to arg$e' b$t c"osed it with a snap. -hat wasnt too %$ch to as6' hedecided. *fter a""' the -wins had he"ped hi% pay for the *cade%y and gien hi% A$ite a

    bit oer the years.

    Fine. "" chec6 in with yo$ "ater.

    *n ho$r "ater' 8on was e(ha$sted' both %enta""y and physica""y. +ed traipsed a""

    thro$gh the woods s$rro$nding +ogs%eade and hadnt been ab"e to find any sort ofeidence that -he ,hoeni( was in the area. ?agica" signat$res were faint and probab"y

    resid$a" fro% the a"">i

  • 8/13/2019 Knotted by Hgfan1111


    +ogs%eade was fascinating' b$t in a %$ch different way than iagon *""ey. ,erhaps it

    was beca$se 8on hadnt eer been to the town $nti" he was an *$ror -rainee' and by that

    ti%e the %ore shadowy e"e%ents of society had ta6en ho"d' b$t it see%edB"ess'so%ehow. o%e of the storefronts were boarded $p per%anent"y' whi"e other %erchants

    dogged"y he"d onto the s%a"" tric6"e of b$siness that re%ained.

    *n *$ror patro" passed hi% as he wa"6ed' b$t 8on 6new they were nothing b$t -rainees.

    -he riff>raff that traersed these streets didnt ta6e we"" to *$rors po"icing the%@ it wasbest to hae a isib"e' yet si"ent presence.

    n one shop window' the ear"y %orning s$n ca$ght so%ething spar6"y and 8on stopped to

    "oo6 at the de"icate g"ass f"ower that sat on a she"f. t was rea""y bea$tif$"' intricate"ycrafted and so ery thin. t was probab"y %ore than he co$"d eer spend' b$t the idea of

    b$ying so%ething "i6e that for his %other for Christ%as popped into his %ind. he "oed

    bea$tif$" things "i6e that' een tho$gh his father co%p"ained that they had far too %any

    trin6ets c"$ttering eery s$rface of the "iing roo%="opsided ashtrays sc$"pted fro% c"ay

    by h$rried "itt"e fingers' pict$re fra%es %ade fro% dried nood"es and stic6ing char%s's%a"" cared dragons that Char"ie %ade in his spare ti%eBthe ho$se was f$"" of gifts

    fro% her chi"dren. $t the f"ower was different. +ed seen so%ething si%i"ar when hewas ery yo$ng and was isiting re"aties. +e co$"dnt A$ite re%e%ber the story abo$t it'

    b$t he tho$ght so%eone had to"d hi% his grand%other %ade the%.

    8on was $st abo$t to *pparate bac6 to iagon *""ey when he tho$ght abo$t ta"6ing to

    the bar6eeper at the +ogs +ead -aern. -he )oat was what the *$rors ca""ed the gr$ffo"d %an. 8on wasnt s$re the significance of the na%e' b$t eeryone 6new who they

    %eant when one